Archive of feed items published on the 13th of January 2010
Report Links Vehicle Exhaust to Health Problems from NY Times Science
In Reversal, Jaguar Habitat Will Be Protected from NY Times Science
California Panel Considers Money From Climate Rules from NY Times Science
2010 Summed Up So Far In Squid
Gene testing identifies lung cancer patients who benefit from ALK-inhibitor drug from Physorg
'Missing link' between heart failure and environment discovered from Science Daily
Mosquito hunters invent better, cheaper, DIY disease weapon from Science Daily
Obesity linked to common form of kidney cancer and each extra BMI point increases risk from Science Daily
Scientists create super-strong collagen from Science Daily
'Weekend effect' makes people happier regardless of their job, study says from Science Daily
Plastic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) linked to cardiovascular disease in adults, analysis confirms from Science Daily
Green tea could modify the effect of cigarette smoking on lung cancer risk from Science Daily
Melanoma stem cells' evasive talents from Science Daily
Across the multiverse: Physicist considers the big picture from Science Daily
Online poker study: The more hands you win, the more money you lose from Science Daily
Loss of smell function may predict early onset of Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Tilapia feed on Fiji's native fish from Science Daily
Women with breast cancer may benefit from autologous stem cell transplantation from Science Daily
People's racial biases can skew perceptions of how much help victims need from Science Daily
Dementia linked to high blood pressure years earlier from Science Daily
Scientists find amazing new pondlife on nature reserve from Science Daily
Having a family member under 50 diagnosed with pancreatic cancer increases risk from Science Daily
When work interferes with life from Science Daily
New hope for therapy in heartburn-related cancer from Science Daily
NASA to Check for Unlikely Winter Survival of Mars Lander from Science Daily
Newer treatment for Achilles tendon disorder does not appear to be effective from Science Daily
College Admissions: Study quantifies minority enrollment losses if affirmative action is eliminated from Science Daily
China will be new science powerhouse from SciDev
Drug with unique disruption of tumor blood flow shows promise from Physorg
Gladstone scientists identify role of key protein in ALS and frontotemporal dementia from Science Blog
Solar scientists use 'magnetic mirror effect' to reproduce IBEX observation from Science Blog
More accurate diagnosis for leading cancer killer in children may be possible from Science Blog
Across the multiverse: FSU physicist considers the big picture from Science Blog
Drug that modifies gene activity could help some older leukemia patients from Science Blog
UI research: PCBs found in soon-to-be-dredged Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal from Science Blog
Mosquito hunters invent better, cheaper, DIY disease weapon from Science Blog
Study sees little dust risk for subway workers from Science Blog
Muslim kiwis integrate easily from Science Alert
Wii becomes third console to stream Netflix from Physorg
EGFR gene signature predicts non-small cell lung cancer prognosis from Physorg
Asian carmakers scope deeper inroads in US market from Physorg
Chromosomes make a rapid retreat from nuclear territories from Physorg
UK inmates comfortable with diversity from Physorg
Scientists find 'missing link' between heart failure and environment from Physorg
Scientists crack brain's codes for noun meanings from Physorg
Yahoo selling e-mail service Zimbra to VMware from Physorg
Haiti quake from BBC News: Science & Nature
Human immune cells — in mice from MIT Research
Reporter's Notebook: Even in the cold, Clover is hot from MIT Research
Analysis of new data confirms bisphenol A link to disease in adults from Physorg
Angiotensin receptor blockers associated with lower risk of Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Second round of gefitinib may be promising lung cancer therapy from Physorg
Cold flap from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stingray's 'tool use' revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Podcasts can inform poor farmers from SciDev
Having a family member under 50 diagnosed with pancreatic cancer increases risk from Physorg
Puffins' winter odyssey revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Northern forests do not benefit from lengthening growing season
Dementia linked to high blood pressure years earlier
UW-Madison scientists create super-strong collagen
Obesity linked to common form of kidney cancer and each extra BMI point increases risk
Drug that modifies gene activity could help some older leukaemia patients
Sudden death in cocaine abusers: Study reveals the role played by the illegal drug from Physorg
Having a family member under 50 diagnosed with pancreatic cancer increases risk
Monitoring of high-risk medications unchanged despite FDA warnings
Stable climate and plant domestication linked
Analysis of new data confirms bisphenol A link to disease in adults
New stroke therapy successful in rats
Scientists find 'missing link' between heart failure and environment
Tuesday's Sports Scoreboard from AP Health
Blood test may aid in lung cancer diagnosis and reduce unnecessary invasive procedures from Physorg
Burke's breakthrough has Americans excited from AP Science
Tuesday's College Basketball from AP Science
Melanoma stem cells' evasive talents
How galaxies came to be: Astronomers explain Hubble sequence
Carnegie Mellon scientists crack brain's codes for noun meanings
Across the multiverse: FSU physicist considers the big picture
Gene variation associated with lower risk of dementia, Alzheimer disease
Rate of funding for biomedical research slowing, decreasing in recent years
Significant urban-rural disparities in injury mortality seen in China
'Greenroads' Rates Sustainable Road Projects from Newswise - Scinews
Wild boar forage in Forest bins from BBC News: Science & Nature
A paracrine pathway regulates pancreatic cancer cell invasion from Physorg
New compound improves cognitive decline, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in rodents
Drug with unique disruption of tumour blood flow shows promise
EGFR gene signature predicts non-small cell lung cancer prognosis
Gene testing identifies lung cancer patients who benefit from ALK-inhibitor drug
Novel growth pattern classification predictive of outcome in non-small cell lung cancer
'Longevity gene' helps prevent memory decline and dementia
Chromosomes make a rapid retreat from nuclear territories
Google may end China operations from CBC: Technology & Science
Bell Aliant reacted too slowly: Innu from CBC: Technology & Science
Light from Faraway Planet Directly Detected from
Solar Eclipse to Grace Africa and Asia Friday from
Study casts doubt on caffeine link to tinnitus
More accurate diagnosis for leading cancer killer in children may be possible
As in humans, sleep solidifies a bird's memories
Tilapia feed on Fiji's native fish
Study sees little dust risk for subway workers
Researchers identify protein needed to develop auditory neurones
New research findings can improve avian flu surveillance programs
RCA's Airenergy charger converts WiFi energy to electricity from Physorg
Solar scientists use 'magnetic mirror effect' to reproduce IBEX observation
Gladstone scientists identify role of key protein in ALS and frontotemporal dementia
Newer treatment for Achilles tendon disorder does not appear to be effective
A paracrine pathway regulates pancreatic cancer cell invasion
Scientists find amazing new pondlife on nature reserve
UI research: PCBs found in soon-to-be-dredged Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal
Google threat a rare show of defiance in China from CBC: Technology & Science
Mozart Effect Helps Premature Babies Get Stronger from Live Science
'Greenroads' rates sustainable road projects (w/ Video) from Physorg
Novel growth pattern classification predictive of outcome in non-small cell lung cancer from Physorg
Facebook teams with McAfee to tighten security from Physorg
Research may help states address unfunded retiree liabilities from Physorg
Key piece of puzzle sheds light on function of ribosomes from Physorg
Canadians' fitness levels plummet from CBC: Health
'Yukon Gem' improves on well-known potato from CBC: Technology & Science
MicroRNA profiling identifies chemoresistance in small cell lung cancer
Second round of gefitinib may be promising lung cancer therapy
Hypertension linked to dementia in older women
Angiotensin receptor blockers associated with lower risk of Alzheimer's disease
Carnegie Mellon's Philip LeDuc discovers new protein function
Mosquito hunters invent better, cheaper, DIY disease weapon
Independent public health evaluations could save lives
The Worst Natural Disasters Ever from Live Science
Being straight with your boss cuts stress: study from Physorg
NY senator calls for cadmium ban in kids' jewelry from Physorg
Experts Discuss the Impact of Alzheimer's on the Aging Population from Newswise - Scinews
Assessing Google's Showdown with China from CBSNews - Science
Key piece of puzzle sheds light on function of ribosomes from Science Blog
Research may help states address unfunded retiree liabilities from Science Blog
Nursing students twice as likely to smoke as the general population from Science Blog
No-sweat pressure sensors from Science Blog
Sniffing out terrorists from Science Blog
The Story Behind Earth's Coldest Temperature Ever from Live Science
Dog genetic studies reveal why Shar-Peis are wrinkled from Physorg
Erlotinib dosing in lung cancer depends on smoking status
Blood test may aid in lung cancer diagnosis and reduce unnecessary invasive procedures
Green tea could modify the effect of cigarette smoking on lung cancer risk
In early heart development, genes work in tandem
Nearly half of Chinese born by C-section from CBC: Health
Haiti Earthquake News Updates from Live Science
Half of Americans Bring Work Home from Live Science
Nursing students twice as likely to smoke as the general population from Physorg
Might not be a tomorrow: Youth anticipate early death from Physorg
Pregnancy fears can lead to extreme reactions in some women from Physorg
Ancient Volcanic Eruptions Still Taking Lives from Physorg
Sepsis campaign improving treatment of major killer from Physorg
Big, social, Island-dwelling birds live longest from Physorg
UCLA Startup to begin clinical trials for wireless body-monitoring system from Physorg
Faster, easier way to access audiovisual assets from Physorg
Human immune cells -- in mice from Physorg
Search for ice sheet 'tipping point' from Physorg
Click chemistry reveals sugar synthesis in live animals from Chemistry World
Tackling rogue tumour cells from Chemistry World
Symmetry springs a surprise from Chemistry World
Enhancing catalytic activity from Chemistry World
CSHL scientists use next-gen sequencing to rapidly discover genetic cause of devastating disorder from Science Blog
Might not be a tomorrow: Youth anticipate early death from Science Blog
Report offers policymakers multiple ways to stabilize national debt from Science Blog
HERMES, new computer vision system for the analysis of human behavior from Science Blog
Wild boars on the rise in North Carolina from UPI
Study documents sudden death from cocaine from UPI
US obesity rates still high, but not growing from AP Health
VLT captures first direct spectrum of an exoplanet from Physorg
Study finds first-generation immigrants struggling in education system from Physorg
Sniffing out terrorists from Physorg
Scientists use next-gen sequencing to rapidly discover genetic cause of devastating disorder from Physorg
Exoplanet's atmosphere is laid bare from Physics World
Calorie Postings No Match for Holiday Gluttony from NY Times Health
Nonprofit, company team up for "artificial pancreas" from Reuters:Science
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 31 December 2009–13 January 2010 from SciDev
Astronomers capture first direct spectrum of an exoplanet from Science Daily
Low growth hormone levels linked to memory defects later in life can be prevented with early growth hormone treatment from Science Daily
Shipworm threatens archaeological treasures from Science Daily
Might not be a tomorrow: Youth anticipate early death from Science Daily
Key piece of puzzle sheds light on function of ribosomes from Science Daily
'Greenroads' rates sustainable road projects from Science Daily
Bamboo shows promise for waste sites from UPI
The Devastating Haiti Earthquake: Questions and Answers from Live Science
Google threat a rare show of defiance in China from Physorg
Grant aims to reduce cost and expand use of wind turbines for generating electricity from Physorg
Thyme oil can inhibit COX2 and suppress inflammation from Physorg
Young men consuming an alarming amount of salt from Physorg
US adult obesity still high, but recent data suggest rates may have stabilized from Physorg
Prevalence of high body mass index among children and teens remains steady from Physorg
LG projects 2010 mobile phone sales at 140 million from Physorg
Moscow eyes role in India's solar plans from UPI
Malagasy labs to receive upgrade from SciDev
Should Federally Funded Research Be Available To The Public?
What caused the devestating Haiti earthquake? from MSNBC: Science
Study casts doubt on popular sports injury therapy from AP Health
Astronomers spot second smallest exoplanet from Physorg
1 in 4 patients have lost bone around their implants from Physorg
No-sweat pressure sensors from Physorg
Words used to describe substance-use patients can alter attitudes, contribute to stigma from Physorg
Iqaluit shelter worker quits over TB infections from CBC: Health
Why Google Decided to Rethink China from CBSNews - Science
Is Taser Guilty of Over-Parenting? from CBSNews - Science
Queen's University study finds first-generation immigrants struggling in education system from Science Blog
Young men consuming an alarming amount of salt from Science Blog
Words used to describe substance-use patients can alter attitudes, contribute to stigma from Science Blog
Asteroid To Fly By Earth Wednesday Is a Natural from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA's New Museum Grant Allies will make the Universe Accessible from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cassini Returns to Southern Hemisphere of Titan from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA to Check for Unlikely Winter Survival of Mars Lander from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Martian Landform Observations Fill Special Journal Issue from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
As The Crust Turns: Cassini Data Show Enceladus in Motion from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Northern forests do not benefit from lengthening growing season, study finds from Science Daily
Small-cell lung cancer breakthrough: MicroRNAs key to identifying patients resistant to 'first-line' chemotherapy from Science Daily
How one form of natural vitamin E protects brain after stroke from Science Daily
Few breast cancer surgeons follow quality of care standards, study finds from Science Daily
Sweet corn study provides large-scale picture of better fields from Science Daily
Environmentally-friendly policies: You say offset, I say tax? Labels and political affiliation may affect preferences from Science Daily
Why do people 'play the longshot' but buy insurance? It's in our genes from Science Daily
For this microbe, cousins not particularly welcome from Science Daily
Sudden death in cocaine abusers: Study reveals role played by illegal drug from Science Daily
More accurate diagnosis for leading cancer killer in children may be possible from Science Daily
WHO spearheads health response to earthquake in Haiti from Science Daily
Earthquakes Cause over 1700 Deaths in 2009 from Science Daily
Syria, Iran eye expanded gas relations from UPI
Apache ambitious after Egyptian finds from UPI
Oil workers kidnapped in Nigeria from UPI
TB patient flew despite ban from UPI
Exxon wins Alaska gas case from UPI
Loss Of Smell Function May Predict Onset Of Alzheimer's
Haiti Quake Could Have Been Worse from Science NOW
A Q and A With Harold Varmus from Science NOW
Chinese scientists dismissed after 70 suspect papers from SciDev
Ban cadmium from children's jewelry: U.S. senator from CBC: Health
Light shed on fish gill mystery from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tilapia threatening Fiji fish species from UPI
Haiti Earthquake Science: What Caused the Disaster from Live Science
Surplus of serotonin receptors may explain failure of antidepressants in some patients from Physorg
'Noisiest' neurons persist in the adult brain from Physorg
Haier Exhibits A Wireless HDTV Video System at the 2010 CES (w/ Video) from Physorg
Dual role for immune cells in the brain from Physorg
Pulsar watchers race for gravity waves from News @ Nature
Disease epidemic killing only US bats from News @ Nature
News briefing: 14 January 2010 from News @ Nature
Two new journals copy the old from News @ Nature
Streamlined chemical tests rebuffed from News @ Nature
Bisphenol A link to heart disease confirmed from News @ Nature
Parasitic larva ditches doomed host from News @ Nature
Publish or perish in China from News @ Nature
Trace that metal from News @ Nature
Monkeys go out on a limb to show gratitude from News @ Nature
Driveways could spread toxins into the home from News @ Nature
Is Antarctica Melting? from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Group Thinker: Researcher Gets $2.9 Million to Further Develop Swarm Intelligence from Scientific American
Dagestan gas cut after pipeline explosion from UPI
Denali pipeline open season in April from UPI
Exxon grabs Black Sea oil deal from UPI
Kremlin seeks energy partner with Ankara from UPI
Obesity Rate Slowing In The U.S.
New research resolves conflict in theory of how galaxies form (w/ Video) from Physorg
Scientists sequence soybean genome, reveal pathways for improving biodiesel from Physorg
Paradigm changing mechanism is revealed for the control of gene expression in bacteria from Physorg
The viruses within -- and what keeps them there (w/ Video) from Physorg
Giant magnetic loop sweeps through space between stellar pair from Physorg
Heat and moisture from Himalayas could be a key cause of the South Asian monsoon from Physorg
Chimp and human Y chromosomes evolving faster than expected from Physorg
A new method to measure childhood stress from Physorg
Stress triggers tumor formation, researchers find from Physorg
Wyclef Jean's Haiti Tweets Galvanizing Web from CBSNews - Science
Do Clues Point to Global Hack Conspiracy? from CBSNews - Science
Canadians unable to text donations to Haiti from CBC: Technology & Science
A new method to measure childhood stress from Science Blog
Puzzling Dwarf Galaxies Finally Make Sense from
Stars Spin Huge Magnetic Loop from
Washington hails Iraqi oil reforms from UPI
S. Asian monsoon driven by Indian heat from UPI
Economists Lay Out Path To Fiscally Stability For U.S.
Killer quake struck just below the surface from Physorg
Duke scientists map brain pathway for vocal learning from Physorg
Proof of Life in Three Martian Rocks May Come This Year from PopSci
Wyclef Jean's Haiti Tweets Galvanizing Web from CBSNews - Science
Canada's Arctic researchers call for polar policy from CBC: Technology & Science
Men more evolved? Y chromosome study suggests yes! from AP Science
Wildlife Conservation Society Finds "World's Least Known Bird" Breeding in Afghanistan from Newswise - Scinews
NIST Scientists Quantify Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions from Newswise - Scinews
Men's Testosterone Responses to Olfactory Ovulation Cues from Newswise - Scinews
USDA Scientists, Cooperators Sequence Soy Genome from Newswise - Scinews
Chimp and Human Y Chromosomes Evolving Faster than Expected from Newswise - Scinews
Paradigm Changing Mechanism Is Revealed for the Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria from Newswise - Scinews
Yale team finds neural thermostat keeps brain running efficiently from Physorg
Africa-Asia eclipse set to kick off astronomers' year from Physorg
Chronic sleep loss degrades nighttime performance from Harvard Science
Nursing Students Smoke More Than The General Public
Wildlife Conservation Society finds 'world's least known bird' breeding in Afghanistan from Science Blog
Autism Speaks again calls upon the federal government from Science Blog
Saving gorillas, elephants starts with understanding their human neighbors from Science Blog
Strange Mars Photo Includes Tantalizing 'Tree' Illusion from
Sunflowers could provide food and fuel from UPI
Lost Sleep Can't Be Made Up, Study Suggests from Live Science
Theorists Close In on Improved Atomic Property Predictions from Newswise - Scinews
What Were They Drinking? Researchers Investigate Radioactive Crock Pots from Newswise - Scinews
New Research Resolves Conflict in Theory of How Galaxies Form from Newswise - Scinews
Exploding stars explain small galaxies: astronomers from CBC: Technology & Science
Don't bank on weekend to make up for sleep loss from AP Health
Obesity Rates Hit Plateau in U.S., Data Suggest from NY Times Health
Parkinson's patients shed light on role of reward bias in compulsive behaviors from Physorg
Scent of a woman: Men's testosterone responses to olfactory ovulation cues from Physorg
South Asian Monsoon Caused By Himalayan Heat And Moisture
Arctic scientists lack funding from UPI
Supernova Searcher Has Hands-on Universe from Live Science
Illinois Tries United Front Against Fish and Lawsuit from NY Times Science
India launches National Solar Mission from UPI
Undersea Faults Make Caribbean Quakes Hard to Study from Newswise - Scinews
Earthquake, Structural Engineering Expert Available to Discuss Haiti Earthquake from Newswise - Scinews
Want To Save Gorillas And Elephants? Understand Their Human Neighbors First
New national survey of children's health shows insurance gaps, more obesity, more children at risk from Science Blog
France cuts, Germany debates solar support from UPI
Male Chromosome Evolves Fastest of All, Study Finds from NY Times Health
Study Finds Male Chromosome Evolves the Fastest from NY Times Science
Bifocals may help children with myopia from CBC: Health
GPS replaces headstones in Calgary cemeteries from CBC: Technology & Science
Seeing the forest through the trees and seeing the trees through the leaves from Physorg
NASA satellite sees Tropical Storm Edzani becoming extra-tropical from Physorg
Salazar to decide on planned Cape Cod wind farm from AP Science
Supernova winds blow galaxies into shape from
Solomon Woz Here?
'Biochar': Ancient Technology That Could Slow Climate Change
Roswell Park Receives Grant to Study Genetic Markers in Breast Cancer Development from Newswise - Scinews
Y Chromosome On Evolutionary Fast-Track from CBSNews - Science
Watchdogs on Alert for Haiti Charity Fraud from CBSNews - Science
Is Taser Guilty of Over-Parenting? from CBSNews - Science
Investigators identify gene mutations in patients with Becker muscular dystrophy from Physorg
Calls for Haiti donations spread thru social Web from Physorg
Unlocking the mystery of the duck-billed platypus' venom from Physorg
Justice Dept. settles Kindle-on-campus cases from Physorg
From the ancient Amazonian Indians: A modern weapon against global warming from Physorg
Scientists find 'world's least known bird' breeding in Afghanistan from Physorg
New national survey of children's health shows insurance gaps, more obesity, more children at risk from Physorg
Don't bank on weekend to make up for sleep loss from AP Health
China stakes claim as global center for scientific research from Science Blog
UCSF study finds African-Americans bear disproportionate burden of smoking costs in California from Science Blog
Gender-biased heart damage from Science Blog
New study raises the possibility that some antiviral drugs could make diseases worse from Science Blog
Scientists move a step closer to understanding why leopards can't change their spots from Science Blog
Dog genome researchers track paw prints of selective breeding from Science Blog
Haiti Earthquake Disaster Little Surprise To Some Seismologists from Scientific American
Soybean genome turns out be soysoybeanbean from
New Rare B Decays Nailed By CDF: The Door To New Physics ?
Male chromosome evolving faster than expected from CBC: Technology & Science
National study finds table saw-related injuries have remained consistently high from Physorg
Scientists move a step closer to understanding why leopards can't change their spots from Physorg
Saving gorillas, elephants starts with understanding their human neighbors from Physorg
Activision Blizzard: 'Call of Duty' has made $1B from Physorg
Key piece of puzzle sheds light on function of ribosomes from Biology News Net
Soybean genome analysis reveals pathways for improving biodiesel from Biology News Net
Young men consuming an alarming amount of salt from Biology News Net
Chimp and human Y chromosomes evolving faster than expected from Biology News Net
The viruses within -- and what keeps them there from Biology News Net
Saving gorillas, elephants starts with understanding their human neighbors from Biology News Net
Study in mice shows why antidepressants often fail from Reuters:Science
You can't bank sleep: researchers from CBC: Health
Avoiding Cyber Charity Scams from CBSNews - Science
Migraine and depression may share genetic component from Physorg
Study finds African-Americans bear disproportionate burden of smoking costs in California from Physorg
Toward a less expensive version of the anti-flu drug Tamiflu from Physorg
Salazar to decide on planned Cape Cod wind farm from Physorg
Global PC shipments jumped 15 percent in 4Q from Physorg
Don't bank on weekend to make up for sleep loss from Physorg
New study raises the possibility that some antiviral drugs could make diseases worse from Physorg
Study: Fast morphine treatment may prevent PTSD from AP Health
Wind eyes February launch for Ottawa, Edmonton from CBC: Technology & Science
Asteroid To Fly By Earth Wednesday Is a Natural from Physorg
Clean-Cut: Study Finds Circumcision Helps Prevent HIV and Other Infections from Scientific American
Cultural Cognition Project Study Sheds Light on Reactions to HPV Vaccine from Physorg
Self-control is contagious, study finds from Physorg
Happy or unhappy, the customer is always right from Physorg
FORUM: Weirdo Asteroid's Close Earth Flyby from
Self-control is contagious, study finds from Science Blog
Looming high court ruling could taint justice, legal expert says from Science Blog
Who's afraid of the HPV vaccine? from Science Blog
Mapping and sequencing of soybean genome paves the way for improved soybean crops from Science Blog
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Cosmic Log: The science of a seismic storm from MSNBC: Science
The Medical Minute: Don't be SAD over winter blues from Physorg
New biomarkers for predicting the spread of colon cancer from Physorg
Scientists link brain development to chances of recovering vision after blindness from Physorg
Broke a tooth? Grow another! from Physorg
Gender-biased heart damage from Physorg
Ont. nurse killed in Haiti arrived just before quake from CBC: Health
McCain launches additive-free frozen foods from CBC: Health
Google's Gmail adds security after China hacking from Physorg
Reasons explored for making child repeat first grade from Physorg
Scientists Quantify Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions from Physorg
Theorists Close In on Improved Atomic Property Predictions from Physorg
Nanoparticle Cocktail Targets and Kills Tumors from Physorg
Silver Crucial For WWII Bomb from Physorg
Study: Fast morphine treatment may prevent PTSD from Physorg
Why Haiti keeps getting hammered by disasters from AP Science
Blood pressure drugs may cut Alzheimer's risk from CBC: Health
What Were They Drinking? Researchers Investigate Radioactive Crock Pots from Physorg
Looming high court ruling could taint justice, legal expert says from Physorg
Scientists put psoriasis drugs to the test from Physorg
UI astronomers capture first-of-kind image at distant star from Science Blog
Bears studied for antibiotic resistance from UPI
Modified Mobile Phone Runs on Coca-Cola from Physorg
UI astronomers capture first-of-kind image at distant star from Science Blog
Self-control is contagious, study finds from Science Blog
Looming high court ruling could taint justice, legal expert says from Science Blog
Who's afraid of the HPV vaccine? from Science Blog
Mapping and sequencing of soybean genome paves the way for improved soybean crops from Science Blog
China stakes claim as global center for scientific research from Science Blog
UCSF study finds African-Americans bear disproportionate burden of smoking costs in California from Science Blog
Gender-biased heart damage from Science Blog
Polar bear poo helps in superbug hunt from Reuters:Science
New test for lung cancer described from UPI
Why Haiti keeps getting hammered by disasters from Physorg
Researchers tackle ductal carcinoma in situ and its many unanswered questions from Physorg
Obesity rates hold steady from UPI
Chemical in Many Consumer Plastics Linked to Heart Disease from Scientific American
Men more evolved? Their Y chromosome is from MSNBC: Science
Sharp Rebound for PC Sales in Q4 from CBSNews - Science
RealNetworks CEO Quits After 16 Years from CBSNews - Science
UGA professor studies link between stress, drug use vulnerability in African Americans from Physorg
Hydro scheme awarded major prize from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK physicists warn of brain drain over funding freeze from Physics World
Supernovae put dark matter in the right place from Physics World
U.S. obesity rates reaching a resting point, studies show from LA Times - Science
Sir William Herschel (1738-1822)
Economists Lay Out Path To Fiscal Stability For U.S.
Decision Promised Soon on Cape Cod Wind Farm from NY Times Science