Archive of feed items published on the 18th of January 2010
New biomarkers for predicting the spread of colon cancer from Science Daily
Self-control, and lack of self-control, is contagious from Science Daily
New genetic map will speed up plant breeding of the world's most important medicinal crop from Science Daily
Psoriasis drugs put to the test from Science Daily
Making microscopic worms into a more deadly insecticide from Science Daily
Migraine and depression may share genetic component from Science Daily
Punishment important in plant-pollinator relationship from Science Daily
Protein complex possibly crucial for triggering embryo development identified from Science Daily
Drug that modifies gene activity could help some older leukemia patients from Science Daily
Burst of neural activity marks transition between not seeing and seeing from Science Daily
Novel growth pattern classification predictive of outcome in non-small cell lung cancer from Science Daily
MechanoBiology: New protein function discovered from Science Daily
Table saw-related injuries have remained consistently high, study finds from Science Daily
Scent of a woman: Men's testosterone responses to olfactory ovulation cues from Science Daily
More evidence on benefits of high blood pressure drugs in diabetic eye disease from Science Daily
Lung cancer: Drug with unique disruption of tumor blood flow shows promise from Science Daily
New iPhone app to measure carbon intensity of UK electricity grid from Science Daily
New method to measure childhood stress from Science Daily
Task force: Screen kids, obesity treatment works from AP Health
Prucha scores twice in Coyotes' win from AP Health
Obamas' celebrate first lady's birthday from AP Health
Concussions not taken seriously enough, researcher finds from Science Daily
Fleet of high-tech robot 'gliders' to explore oceans from Science Daily
Scientists hope to end sleeping sickness by making parasite that causes it to self-destruct from Science Daily
Therapists Report Increase in Green Disputes from NY Times Science
Therapists Report Increase in Green Disputes from NY Times Health
News Analysis: In Recall, a Role Model Stumbles from NY Times Health
Hoping It Won’t Be Needed, Democrats Ponder a Backup Plan on Health Care Bill from NY Times Health
Rock layers trap Exxon Valdez oil, study finds from LA Times - Science
Families sue over discontinued autism therapy from LA Times - Science
Ionic foot baths have Achilles' heel from LA Times - Health
Chronic sleep loss can be risky from LA Times - Health
Tooling up ExoMars from European Space Agency
Artificial muscles restore ability to blink, save eyesight from Science Blog
Why Patients Are Safer In The Nude
First wild bear birth filmed live from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rewards weaken green houses from Science Alert
New clues on human hand evolution from BBC News: Science & Nature
Task force: Screen kids, obesity treatment works from Physorg
Artificial muscles restore ability to blink, save eyesight from Physorg
Story of Newton's encounter with apple goes online from Physorg
Surprise finding may help heart from Science Alert
Magnetic iron nanocatalysts from Chemistry World
Zwitterionic metal salt extractants from Chemistry World
Sugars synthesised with help of promiscuous enzyme from Chemistry World
N.S. health workers walk out from CBC: Health
Stingrays Are Cute, And Pretty Smart Too! (w/ Video) from Physorg
Concussions not taken seriously enough, researcher says from Physorg
Crab fabric reduces smells from Science Alert
Japan Airlines bankruptcy filing expected Tuesday from AP Health
Odds Slim for Resurrecting Defunct Mars Lander from
Teams selected for ‘Fly Your Thesis!’ 2010 microgravity programme from European Space Agency
S.Korean scientists develop walking robot maid from Physorg
Japan Airlines bankruptcy filing expected Tuesday from Physorg
Space cannon to shoot payloads into orbit (w/ Video) from Physorg
Stem cell transplant hopes lifted from BBC News: Science & Nature
Clean-up for Welsh waterways from BBC News: Science & Nature
Flying high from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gravel beaches trap oil from 1989 Exxon spill from CBC: Technology & Science
'Jekyll and Hyde' cell may hold key to muscular dystrophy, fibrosis treatment: UBC research from Science Blog
Screen children for obesity, MDs advised from CBC: Health
Q&A: Will Lidia Brito put the science back into UNESCO? from SciDev
Concussion term confuses parents: study from CBC: Health
Artificial muscles restore ability to blink, save eyesight from Science Daily
Heat-resistant adhesive used in construction instead of bolts from Science Daily
New biological models of homeopathy from Science Daily
In Death Throes, Fish Help Offspring Escape from Live Science
Going Beyond Moore's Law by Using the Third Dimension from Physorg
Receive Between the Lines: FCC Mulls Signal "White Space" as Part of National Broadband Plan from Scientific American
Happiness: A Theory -- Jaak Panksepp and the Seeking System. from Science Blog
Public health implications for Port Au Prince earthquake disaster from Science Blog
Earthquakes in south-east Asia and south Pacific from Science Blog
Florida Airport is Newest U.S. Spaceport from
Rare bird's breeding ground found in Afghanistan from Physorg
Ion exchange may be most important driver of gill development in fish from Physorg
The Science Behind the Cell Phone Cancer Scare from Live Science
Why Placebos Didn't Kill Alexa Ray Joel from Live Science
Rare bird's breeding ground found in Afghanistan from AP Science
Chinese Rocket Launches New Navigation Satellite from
FORUM: Could Our Gas Giants Combine Into a 2nd Star? from
World leaders make new call for clean energy from Physorg
Novel zoom objective with deformable mirrors from Physorg
'Jekyll and Hyde' cell may hold key to muscular dystrophy, fibrosis treatment from Physorg
Why Some Female Bovids Have Horns from Live Science
First written reference of Isaac Newton's apple story goes online from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cornell Earthquake Expert: Tom O'Rourke from Newswise - Scinews
Militants bomb Pakistani gas pipeline from UPI
Moscow eyes 2010 start for South Stream from UPI
Gazprom starts Nord Stream launch point from UPI
Saving Eyesight With Artificial Muscles
Bending the rules for arynes from Chemistry World
Mysterious Ribbon at Edge of Solar System Explained from
Libya eyeing Uganda oil, executives say from UPI
Gas scarce following Ingushetia blast from UPI
EBRD offers loan for Bulgarian wind farm from UPI
Shell, Petronas sign Iraqi oil contract from UPI
Exotic symmetry seen in ultracold electrons from Physorg
Tooling up ExoMars from Physorg
Teams selected for 'Fly Your Thesis!' 2010 microgravity programme from Physorg
NASA's ASTER Instrument Observes Haiti Quake Aftermath from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Science Behind the Cell Phone Cancer Scare from Live Science
What's in a cigarette? FDA to study ingredients from AP Health
Loss of epigenetic regulators causes mental retardation from Science Daily
Genetic analysis disputes increase in Antarctic minke whales from Science Daily
Discovery points toward anti-inflammation treatment for blinding disease from Science Daily
Why mice develop 'knots' while exploring a new environment from Science Daily
Australia's LNG plants could face delays from UPI
Pakistan growing impatient with IPI from UPI
Envoy: South Stream, Nabucco not enough from UPI
Britons start green energy challenge from UPI
Snowflake-Shaped Galaxy From Hubble Helps Ring in the New Year from Physorg
Genetic Analysis Gives Hope That Extinct Tortoise Species May Live Again from Physorg
Two-Layer Beaches Hinder Exxon Valdez Biodegradation
Scientists push "Doomsday Clock" back a minute from Reuters:Science
U.N. panel re-examines Himalayan glacier thaw report from Reuters:Science
Consumer electronics 2011: the future is wireless from CBC: Technology & Science
New E-mail Hacks Reported in China from CBSNews - Science
Spaceman from BBC News: Science & Nature
Corpse danger from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fresh Start For Pharma from C&EN
New Way To 'Fix' CO2 from C&EN
Questioned Deals In Europe from C&EN
Finding Green In Gold from C&EN
Swine flu science update: 18 January 2010 from SciDev
Diabetes on rise in young aboriginal women from CBC: Health
Is There A Lowest Common Denominator In Human Behaviour? from Science Blog
Attacking 14α-Demethylase May Help Treat Sleeping Sickness
Iraq aims to improve border relations from UPI
Children Don’t Have Strokes? Just Ask Jared from NY Times Health
Narrowing an Eating Disorder from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Regimens: Questioning Benefit of Diabetes Test Strips from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: If You Have a Seafood Allergy, Avoid CT Scans. from NY Times Health
Q & A: Burbles and Gurgles from NY Times Health
Essay: A Film’s Fantasy World With Science at Its Core from NY Times Science
Remarkable Creatures: When Built-In Antifreeze Beats a Winter Coat from NY Times Science
Scientists Find a Shared Gene in Dogs With Compulsive Behavior from NY Times Science
Ancient Egypt’s Toxic Makeup Fought Infection, Researchers Say from NY Times Science
Genome Study Provides a Census of Early Humans from NY Times Science
Children Don’t Have Strokes? Just Ask Jared from NY Times Science
Narrowing an Eating Disorder from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Regimens: Questioning Benefit of Diabetes Test Strips from NY Times Science
Observatory: The Platypus Is Cute but Far From Harmless from NY Times Science
Observatory: Why Alaska Isn’t Free of Exxon Valdez Crude from NY Times Science
Q & A: Burbles and Gurgles from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: If You Have a Seafood Allergy, Avoid CT Scans. from NY Times Science
Kenya at carbon crossroads, says report from SciDev
Diabetes epidemic in First Nations adults, especially women in prime reproductive years from Physorg
Oceans of Liquid Diamond May Exist On Neptune and Uranus from Physorg
Diabetes epidemic in First Nations adults, especially women in prime reproductive years from Science Blog
Woman, age 59, seeks fertility treatment from UPI
New study sheds light on quake peril for Istanbul from Physorg
Purdue researchers studied Haitian fault; warned of potential for a large earthquake (w/ Video) from Physorg
Google pledges cooperation with German competition probe from Physorg
Changing Climate's Impact On Biodiversity May Vary
Easy-build wireless networks from Physorg
Following the Glow: Researchers Use 'Fluorescent Fish' to Study Gene Function from Physorg
Mixed water portfolio helps thirsty cities from Physorg
Motorola Introduces MOTOROI, Korea's First Android 2.0 Smart Phone from Physorg
Cases: Healing Physically, Yet Still Not Whole from NY Times Health
Scientists Find a Shared Gene in Dogs With Compulsive Behavior from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Living With a Formerly Fatal Blood Cancer from NY Times Health
Cases: Healing Physically, Yet Still Not Whole from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Living With a Formerly Fatal Blood Cancer from NY Times Science
New nanoparticles target cardiovascular disease from Physorg
Unusual snail shell could be a model for better armor from Physorg
UN climate report: Scientist warned glacier forecast was wrong from Physorg
Invertebrate Collections Help Solve Agricultural Problems from Physorg
Jiminy cricket, pollinator caught in the act from
Managing Disasters With Small Steps from NY Times Health
Managing Disasters With Small Steps from NY Times Science
Snail's iron armour eyed by military from CBC: Technology & Science
Jawbone makes talk pretty and smart from Physorg
Tough Snail Shell Could Inspire Better Body Armor from Live Science
Exxon Valdez oil trapped beneath sand from UPI
Oregon moose monitored for deadly parasite from UPI
Double Sunsets May be Common, But Twin-Star Setups Still Mysterious from
Number of free, noncredit courses on Web increasing from Physorg
Ozone detection from Physorg
FDA debates tougher cancer warning on tanning beds from AP Health
Letters: Planning for Life’s End (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Critiquing a Critique (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Observatory: Desert Spider Discovery on Jordan-Israel Border from NY Times Science
Letters: Deciphering the Chatter (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Planning for Life’s End (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: A Cure for Bed-Wetting? (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Critiquing a Critique (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Researchers Expand Cord Blood Progenitor Cells For Leukemia Treatment
African fish choose safety over sex from CBC: Technology & Science
Artificial Muscles May Help Save Eyesight from CBSNews - Science
Software catches missed cancer cases from UPI
Pig carcasses could hold key to death puzzle from Physorg
If a Tree Falls in the Forest... from Physorg
Synthetic, dissolving plates ease repairs of nasal septum defects from Physorg
Staring, sleepiness, other mental lapses more likely in patients with Alzheimer's from Physorg
Appendicitis may be related to viral infections from Physorg
Costs of psoriasis treatments outpace inflation from Physorg
Model estimates risks and benefits of bariatric surgery for severely obese from Physorg
Cochlear implants associated with improved voice control over time in children who are deaf from Physorg
After Medicare rule change, fewer facilities performed bariatric surgeries but outcomes improved from Physorg
Complications common, often linked to trauma in children receiving cochlear implants from Physorg
3-D goggles offer hope to stroke victims from Physorg
Apple event set for Jan. 27: Will tablet be announced? from Physorg
Study Suggests Theory for Insect Colonies As 'Superorganisms' from Newswise - Scinews
Ankles Gain as Candidates for Joint Replacement from NY Times Health
Ankles Gain as Candidates for Joint Replacement from NY Times Science
FDA debates tougher cancer warning on tanning beds from Physorg
A variant of the gene GFI1 predisposes to a subtype of blood cancer from Physorg
New light shed on old dispute between Einstein and Bohr from Physorg
Molecular Genealogy in the Arctic Sediment from Physorg
New nanoparticles target cardiovascular disease from Science Blog
MIT: Unusual snail shell could be a model for better armor from Science Blog
Europe's gas storage set to expand from UPI
Insulin Pumps Might Have Slight Advantage Over Shots in Type 1 Diabetes from Physorg
Science 2020: Motherhood, Clean & Sustainable
Diabetes epidemic in First Nations adults, especially women in prime reproductive years from Science Daily
Unusual snail shell could be a model for better armor from Science Daily
New nanoparticles target cardiovascular disease from Science Daily
Open access drug discovery database launches with half a million compounds from Science Daily
Offshore wind power and wave energy devices create artificial reefs from Science Daily
Social TV viewing is disappearing from Science Daily
People born in the 1940s not the spenders we thought they were from Science Daily
Artemisia genome to aid malaria treatments from UPI
Wasp genome could aid pest control from UPI
Higher opioid dose linked to overdose risk in chronic pain patients (w/ Video) from Physorg
Alligators breathe like birds, scientists find from CBC: Technology & Science
Famed Astronaut Hangout Shuttered Before Planned Closure from
After Haiti, Worries About Other Big Quakes from Physorg
Physicists develop 3D metamaterial nanolens that achieves super-resolution imaging from Physorg
NASA's ASTER Instrument Observes Haiti Quake Aftermath from Physorg
Let children take their pick of vegetables from Physorg
Particle Physics In 2020
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
In vitro pregnancy rates improve with new device that mimics motions in the body from Physorg
Malignant malaria found in apes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cochlear implants associated with improved voice control over time in children who are deaf from Science Blog
Complications common, often linked to trauma in children receiving cochlear implants from Science Blog
Costs of psoriasis treatments outpace inflation from Science Blog
Staring, sleepiness, other mental lapses more likely in patients with Alzheimer's from Science Blog
Appendicitis may be related to viral infections from Science Blog
Scaly-Foot Snails Help Build Better Body Armor
Commissioner takes data collection probe to public from CBC: Technology & Science
Appendicitis may be related to viral infections from Science Daily
Atomic structure of a major cancer drug target cracked from Science Daily
Higher opioid dose linked to overdose risk in chronic pain patients from Science Daily
Drowsiness, staring and other mental lapses may signal Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Regenerative medicine and transplantations: How the immune system produces T cells from Science Daily
China online earnings reach 11 billion dollars in 2009 from Physorg
Newly identified genes influence insulin and glucose regulation from Biology News Net
MIT: Unusual snail shell could be a model for better armor from Biology News Net
'Jekyll and Hyde' cell may hold key to muscular dystrophy, fibrosis treatment: UBC research from Biology News Net
New nanoparticles target cardiovascular disease from Biology News Net
HPV testing prevents more invasive cervical cancers than cytology from Physorg
Exxon Valdez oil 'still persists' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Drowsiness, Staring Telltale Signs Of Alzheimer's
Fish oil not snake oil from Physorg
Childhood harms can lead to lung cancer from Physorg
Prescription Opioid Use Linked To Drug Overdoses
Wave of outbreaks feared in Haiti from CBC: Health
Public Mobile wants capital rules eased from CBC: Technology & Science
More proof that withholding HIV treatments led to thousands of deaths in South Africa from Science Daily
Is too much sitting as bad as too little exercise? from Physorg
Conjoined Arizona twins readying for separation from AP Health
Fear grips Iranian academics from Physics World
Childhood Trauma Leads To Lung Cancer, Researchers Claim
Promising candidates for malaria vaccine revealed from Physorg
Kids' clinic for organ disorders offers hope from CBC: Health
'Green jobs' are key to U.S., Canadian recovery from CBC: Technology & Science
Text donations for Haiti a big success from CBC: Technology & Science
Childhood harms can lead to lung cancer from Science Daily
Fish oil given intravenously to patients in intensive care has many benefits, study finds from Science Daily
Promising candidates for malaria vaccine revealed from Science Daily
Synthetic, dissolving plates ease repairs of nasal septum defects from Science Daily
Costs of psoriasis treatments outpace inflation from Science Daily
Complications common, often linked to trauma in children receiving cochlear implants from Science Daily
Cochlear implants associated with improved voice control over time in children who are deaf from Science Daily
After Medicare rule change, fewer facilities performed bariatric surgeries but outcomes improved from Science Daily
Promising candidates for malaria vaccine revealed from Science Blog
Parents to fight son's removal from life support from CBC: Health
Bacteria are more capable of complex decision-making than thought from Science Daily
Miniaturized mobile ozone detector works in air, water and near explosive gases from Science Daily
Mice and humans with same anxiety-related gene abnormality behave similarly from Science Daily
Harnessing the divas of the nanoworld from Science Daily
Heightened earthquake risk in Indonesia from Science Daily
Earthquake risk: Seismic gap south of Istanbul poses extreme danger from Science Daily
Nocturnal vision of insects inspires automakers to develop improved night cameras from Science Daily
Zambian study finds longer breastfeeding best for HIV-infected mothers from Science Daily
Deadly scorpion provides safe pesticide from Science Daily
Gene mutations in patients with Becker muscular dystrophy identified from Science Daily
NASA's Rosetta 'Alice' spectrometer reveals Earth's ultraviolet fingerprint in Earth flyby from Science Daily
Dog genome researchers track paw prints of selective breeding from Science Daily
Researchers tackle ductal carcinoma in situ and its many unanswered questions from Science Daily
Smart embedded sensor systems for offshore wind turbines from Science Daily
Cognitively impaired elderly women get unneeded screening mammography, study finds from Science Daily
Democrats May Seek to Push Health Bill Through House from NY Times Health
Genome Study Provides a Census of Early Humans from NY Times Health
Researchers Find Study of Medical Marijuana Discouraged from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Washington: Meat Packer Recalls Ground Beef from NY Times Health
Letters: A Cure for Bed-Wetting? (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Deciphering the Chatter (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
U.N. Panel’s Glacier Warning Is Criticized as Exaggerated from NY Times Science