Archive of feed items published on the 27th of January 2010
Russia working on new booster rocket from UPI
The Radiation Boom: While Technology Surges, Radiation Safeguards Lag from NY Times Health
Studies Link Rare Ailment to Pain Pumps from NY Times Health
Offer to Take Over Ailing Hospital Stirs Outcry from NY Times Health
Los Angeles Marijuana Sellers Limited from NY Times Health
The Radiation Boom: While Technology Surges, Radiation Safeguards Lag from NY Times Science
Immobile and Aging, Rover to Study Mars From One Spot from NY Times Science
White House won't fund NASA moon program from LA Times - Science
New potential to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from Science Blog
Report: Oracle To Hire 2,000 from CBSNews - Science
Lawrence Garfinkel, Dies at 88; Fought Smoking from NY Times Health
California Squid Are Doing Just Dandy--This Year
Innovation's development opportunities from SciDev
Giant sculptured Mayan head found from Physorg
Panasonic Intros Super Compact Digital Camera Featuring AVCHD Lite HD Video Recording from Physorg
Iron-plated snail could inspire new armor from MIT Research
‘All or nothing’ from MIT Research
Himalayan flows from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Supersized' butterflies fly far from BBC News: Science & Nature
Atrial fibrillation treatment with catheter shows better results than drug therapy
Children with suspected development problems may not get needed referrals
Antioxidants aren't always good for you and can impair muscle function
Last Neanderthals died out 37,000 years ago from Physorg
Babies' brains tuned to sharing attention with others from Physorg
Pollen Tube Growth on Camera Illuminates Fertilization from Newswise - Scinews
Special weather needs model from Science Alert
Cell Phones, Brain Cancer, Evidence
A Venus flytrap for nuclear waste
New potential to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Childhood obesity alone may increase risk of later cardiovascular disease
His or hers jealousy? Study offers new explanation for sex differences in jealousy
New software provides 3-D views of arteries in catheterisation lab
Mother's milk: What determines breastfeeding rates in the UK?
Bypass procedure used during infant heart surgery does not impair later neurological outcomes
Diamond is one tough cookie
How to shoot the messenger
Managing ecosystems in a changing climate
Study documents reaction rates for three chemicals with high global warming potential
Aging mums may compromise from Science Alert
Innovative technique can spot errors in key technological systems from Science Blog
UF researchers continue 'extraordinary measures' to tackle Pompe disease
Antibiotics might team up to fight deadly staph infections
Recognition of facial expressions is not universal
Why humans outlive apes
New formula helps gauge the winds of change
Top-rated hospitals don't always have superior outcomes
Landmark heart treatment study
Mars rover Spirit starts a new chapter
Marine lab hunts subtle clues to environmental threats to blue crabs
Proper vaccine refrigeration vital to putting disease on ice
New measurement technique will help in fight against cancer
Thick ice caps climate history from Science Alert
"Big Bang" Cosmologist Found Dead at 52 from CBSNews - Science
Emotional signals cross cultures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Quad/Graphics to buy Canadian printing rival from AP Health
Cage's former Vegas home sells for nearly $5M from AP Health
After 150, Facebook friends are meaningless from Physorg
The long-awaited Oceans movie premieres in France from European Space Agency
UCF professor's vaccine could be lethal weapon against malaria, cholera
Green plant transport mystery solved
Safety in numbers - a cloud-based immune system for computers
Groundbreaking research shows platelets can reproduce in circulation
Transplant tourism poses ethical dilemma for US doctors
Babies' brains tuned to sharing attention with others
Sniffing out lung cancer at early stages
Last Neanderthals died out 37,000 years ago
Study links reduced fertility to flame retardant exposure
Full Moon Names for 2010 from
Star-Mass Black Hole Is Farthest Known Yet from
Trapped Mars Rover Turning New Corner, Scientists Say from
Almost half of injured Haitians are likely to be children, pediatric emergency study indicates from Science Blog
To restore vision, implant preps and seeds a damaged eye
Treating depression by stimulating the pleasure centre
Technology-testing Proba-2 opens new eye on the Sun
Study prompts calls for Europe-wide salt legislation
Rejuvenating the old immune system
Intensive insulin therapy for septic shock patients does not show survival benefit
Human growth hormone: Not a life extender after all?
Environmental change impacts Oklahoma rivers
A gimmick-free weight-loss pill in the works
The sea level has been rising and falling over the last 2500 years
Did McGraw-Hill CEO spill Apple's tablet secret? from Physorg
13 countries meet in bid to save wild tigers from Physorg
India plans manned space mission in 2016 from Physorg
Innovative technique can spot errors in key technological systems from Physorg
Lost Roman law code discovered in London from Physorg
Land use for biofuel can be small: expert from CBC: Technology & Science
Sweden expects big wind power expansion from UPI
Canada recalls some Selection-brand donuts from UPI
Almost half of injured Haitians are likely to be children, pediatric emergency study indicates from Physorg
Dying news media looks to Apple tablet for hope from Physorg
Mother's milk: What determines breastfeeding rates in the UK? from Physorg
Engineered metamaterials enable remarkably small antennas
NIST releases final report on Cowboys facility collapse
Stacking the deck: Single photons observed at seemingly faster-than-light speeds
Scientists return to Haiti to assess possibility of another major quake
Parents' perceptions of their child's competence linked to physical activity
Common antidepressant drugs linked to lactation difficulties in moms
Blood protein offers help against anaemia
Beyond sunglasses and baseball caps
Is the Hobbit's brain unfeasibly small?
Overcoming taxane resistance in cancer
Safety in numbers -- a cloud-based immune system for computers from Science Blog
Aliens "Right Under our Noses"? from CBSNews - Science
Quebec MDs ask for pay to volunteer in Haiti from CBC: Health
New Theory of Primate Origins Sparks Controversy from Live Science
China says no limits on use of Google's Android from Physorg
Sniffing out lung cancer at early stages from Physorg
NASA radar to study Haiti earthquake faults from Physorg
Google Chrome 4.0 stable version released for Windows from Physorg
Engineering Researcher Part of National Team Investigating Haiti Earthquake from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Apple Tablet Rumors Swirl from CBSNews - Science
"Shock and Awe" Needed from Apple Device from CBSNews - Science
Scientists create small ozone sensor from UPI
New formula helps gauge the winds of change from Physorg
Using degrees of freedom to get hyperentanglement from Physorg
Apple tablet could stir up video game business from Physorg
Major Galileo contracts signed from European Space Agency
NASA sends radar jet to study Haiti quake from CBC: Technology & Science
Music in speech equals empathy in heart? from Science Blog
American opinion cools on global warming from Science Blog
A forensic analysis of Hurricane Katrina's impact: methods and findings from Science Blog
Losing sleep, losing brain? from Science Blog
Roger Wakimoto named NCAR director from UPI
U.S. and Israeli space agencies sign pact from UPI
Losing sleep, losing brain? from Physorg
New way to grow embryonic stem cells holds promise of dramatic reduction in animal use from Physorg
Researchers develop new tool for gene delivery from Physorg
Helpful Yeast Battles Food-Contaminating Aflatoxin from Newswise - Scinews
Ascent Scientific Licenses Novel Columbia University Technology for High-Resolution Optical Imaging of Synaptic Activity in the Brain from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Develop New Tool for Gene Delivery from Newswise - Scinews
Pomegranate extract stimulates uterine contractions from Science Blog
Signing contracts on the telephone from Science Blog
Researchers develop new tool for gene delivery from Science Blog
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with high mortality rates from Science Blog
Fruity route to control asymmetric syntheses from Chemistry World
Interview: Finding answers in blood from Chemistry World
Music in speech equals empathy in heart? from Physorg
Signing contracts on the telephone from Physorg
Green energy management: How plants cope with variable light conditions from Physorg
A forensic analysis of Hurricane Katrina's impact: methods and findings from Physorg
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with high mortality rates from Physorg
Pomegranate extract stimulates uterine contractions from Physorg
Black Hole Hunters Set New Distance Record from Physorg
California Energy storage project heralded from UPI
Virtual Disaster Viewer aids Haiti relief effort from Physorg
Safety in numbers -- a cloud-based immune system for computers from Physorg
Helpful yeast battles food-contaminating aflatoxin from Physorg
NIST releases final report on Cowboys facility collapse from Physorg
American opinion cools on global warming from Physorg
Is the Hobbit's brain unfeasibly small? from Physorg
Teens who drink with parents may still develop alcohol problems from Physorg
New potential to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from Physorg
'Good' bacteria keep immune system primed to fight future infections from Physorg
Cesium-Snatching "Venus Flytrap" Material Takes the Bad Stuff Out of Nuclear Waste from PopSci
Early Cometary Bombardment May Explain the Divergent Paths of Jupiter's Biggest Moons from Scientific American
American opinion cools on global warming from Science Blog
Teens who drink with parents may still develop alcohol problems from Science Blog
'Good' bacteria keep immune system primed to fight future infections from Science Blog
The Sur, Baleares and Segura basins are the driest in Spain from Science Blog
Debt crisis threatens UK science from News @ Nature
Icy hunt for old air from News @ Nature
What will the next solar cycle bring? from News @ Nature
Insectlike 'microids' might walk, run, work in colonies from Physorg
Study confirms accuracy of transient elastography in NAFLD from Physorg
Atrial fibrillation treatment with catheter shows better results than drug therapy from Physorg
Obama's budget slashes moon mission, new rockets from Physorg
Weights flex seniors' cognitive muscles from CBC: Health
Doctor investigated for experimental cancer treatment from CBC: Health
Officials: Suicidal Teen was Cyber-bullied from CBSNews - Science
Sonangol grabs two Iraqi oil fields from UPI
Scientists monitor peatlands from space from UPI
Uruguay seeks to defuse pulp mill row with Argentina from UPI
Reports: Russia's Superjet to be certified in July from AP Science
UK: Gap between rich and poor wider than 40 years ago from Physorg
The Sur, Baleares and Segura basins are the driest in Spain from Physorg
FORUM: What's in Store for Our Space Shuttles? from
'Good' bacteria keep immune system primed to fight future infections from Science Daily
Vitamin D supplements could fight Crohn's disease from Science Daily
How certain hormones control aspects of root branching in plants from Science Daily
Helpful yeast battles food-contaminating aflatoxin from Science Daily
American opinion cools on global warming from Science Daily
Anti-spasticity medications need further research from Science Blog
Mismatched alloys are a good match for thermoelectrics from Science Blog
The roots of food security from Science Blog
Row erupts over Alaska's oil pipeline from UPI
Michigan looks to wind energy from UPI
Grazinglands Reduce Greenhouse Gases from Newswise - Scinews
The birth of the biological clock from Physorg
Study pinpoints role of social networks in happiness from Physorg
Capturing Fast Pollen Tube Growth on Camera, Researchers Pin Down Plant Fertilization Process from Physorg
Make sure your sweetie isn't a financial heartbreaker from Physorg
Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes from Physorg
Poor swiftly tire of bednets, study finds from SciDev
UFO sighting puzzles N.L. residents from CBC: Technology & Science
Chevron hits gas at Gorgon project from UPI
ESPO pipeline to deliver first cargo from UPI
Global Warming May Be Real, But Americans Aren't Concerned
What Is The Average Global Temperature?
Scientists discover how certain hormones control aspects of root branching in plants from Physorg
The secret life of smoke in fostering rebirth and renewal of burned landscape from Physorg
Disarming Specialized Stem Cells Might Combat Deadly Ovarian Cancer from Physorg
Supercomputing time awarded to design transformational lithium air battery from Physorg
Walkerton Tragedy: 10 years of research leads to breakthrough from Physorg
UGA researchers find e-readers fall short as news delivery tool from Physorg
New primate origins theory sparks controversy from MSNBC: Science
Systems Biology Has Become Meaningless
The Sur, Baleares and Segura basins are the driest in Spain from Science Daily
Australia Topples U.S. Wind Record from CBSNews - Science
Clean and green: Supermarket shelves awash in eco-friendly laundry detergents from Science Blog
NASA to inspect Haitian quake fault lines from UPI
New Delhi eyes Nigerian natural resources from UPI
New anti-HIV infection compound created from UPI
U.S. general urges world war on space debris from Reuters:Science
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 14–27 January 2010 from SciDev
Vitamin D supplements could fight Crohn's disease from Physorg
The fungus among us: An eco-friendly way of decomposing BPA-containing plastic from Physorg
Should Parents Drink With Their Teenagers?
Video: Apple's Tablet: What to Expect from CBSNews - Science
Live Blog from Apple Announcement from CBSNews - Science
Condom or no condom? It's not what you say, it's how you say it from Science Blog
Effects of forest fire on carbon emissions, climate impacts often overestimated from Science Blog
New synthetic material traps nuclear waste from UPI
Europe gets more Russian gas in 2010 from UPI
Comcast CEO says law protects rivals in NBC deal from Physorg
AT&T settles class action over termination fees from Physorg
Magnesium supplement helps boost brainpower from Physorg
Effects of forest fire on carbon emissions, climate impacts often overestimated from Physorg
Farmers 'jury' voices agricultural research concerns from SciDev
Dinosaur had orange tail feathers: scientists from CBC: Technology & Science
Drivers feel new police siren before they see it from CBC: Technology & Science
Antidepressants linked to breastfeeding delay from CBC: Health
Early menopause can result in earlier onset dementia from Science Blog
Integrating private insurance with public health would improve US health care -- study from Science Blog
Discovery of mechanism in brain cell injury in Huntington's offers new treatment approaches from Science Blog
Sea turtles face surgery due to cold spell from UPI
West Africa's oil triggers disputes from UPI
Last Neanderthals Met Their Demise 37,000 Years Ago
Dinosaur had ginger feathers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dino tail feathers were carrot colored, study says from AP Science
Runners, baring your soles makes you well-heeled from AP Science
Supercomputing Time Awarded to Design Transformational Lithium Air Battery from Newswise - Scinews
Running Shoes Changed How Humans Run from Live Science
Dinosaur Sported Colorful Feathers from Live Science
Ginkgo herbal medicines may increase seizures in people with epilepsy from Physorg
Fat tissue may be a source of valuable blood stem cells, study says from Physorg
Astronomers find rare beast by new means from Physorg
Researchers directly turn mouse skin cells into neurons, skipping IPS stage from Physorg
The color of dinosaur feathers identified from Physorg
Barefoot runners ease into low-impact landings from Physorg
Climate change experts argue for international geoengineering effort from Physorg
Oddball Cosmic Explosion Holds Clues to Universe's Biggest Bangs from
DND, RCMP mum on UFO mystery from CBC: Technology & Science
Design vs. Dyslexia: Innovation promises new hope for children with dyslexia from Science Daily
Lack of cellular enzyme triggers switch in glucose processing from Science Daily
Human growth hormone: Not a life extender after all? from Science Daily
Rejuvenating the old immune system from Science Daily
Blood protein offers help against anemia from Science Daily
Monarch butterflies reveal a novel way in which animals sense Earth's magnetic field from Science Daily
Early menopause can result in earlier onset dementia from Science Daily
New vaccine could be lethal weapon against malaria, cholera from Science Daily
Babies' brains tuned to sharing attention with others from Science Daily
Oil tax stirs Alaskan debate from UPI
Study: X-rays can form crystals from UPI
Eni, PDVSA move on Orinoco belt from UPI
Study Offers Insight Into the Color of Dinosaurs from NY Times Science
Barefoot running easier on feet than running shoes from Harvard Science
Blood tells old cells to act young from Harvard Science
Dinosaurs sported red feathers, scientists say from MSNBC: Science
Discovery of mechanism in brain cell injury in Huntington's offers new treatment approaches from Physorg
Ohio high court narrowly interprets anti-porn law from Physorg
A mind at rest strengthens memories, researchers find from Physorg
Norwegian firm seeks to charge into US electric car market from Physorg
Oracle completes acquisition of Sun Microsystems from Physorg
Parents find expert to assess baby on life-support from CBC: Health
Defibrillators called for in all arenas from CBC: Health
Study: Meat-Eating Dino Was Carrot Colored from CBSNews - Science
Brain scientists extend map of fear memory formation from Science Blog
Surgery helps chronic sinusitis sufferers get relief from Science Blog
German-Chinese wind power row from UPI
Tullow's Uganda efforts 'well advanced' from UPI
Skin cells transformed into nerve in new study from MSNBC: Science
Biochemical profile may help diagnose, determine aggressiveness of prostate cancer from Physorg
Condom or no condom? It's not what you say, it's how you say it from Physorg
Reports: Russia's Superjet to be certified in July from Physorg
The Shocking Truth About Running Shoes from Science NOW
Skin cells transformed directly to nerve in study from Reuters:Science
"iPad" is Apple's Latest Creation from CBSNews - Science
Scripps research scientists find potential new way to enhance vaccines from Science Blog
New treatment for kidney disease possible from UPI
Indonesia to set up $1 billion green fund from UPI
Fighting Crohn's Disease With Vitamin D
Time For Geoengineering Is Now, Climate Scientists Argue
Study: Big Northwest waves getting bigger from MSNBC: Science
Brain scientists extend map of fear memory formation from Physorg
Relationship recall: Attachment style may affect memories of relationship events from Physorg
Early menopause can result in earlier onset dementia from Physorg
Apple unveils iPad tablet computer from CBC: Technology & Science
Running barefoot eases impacts: researcher from CBC: Technology & Science
Microbes produce fuels directly from biomass from Science Blog
Perfluorinated Polymers Targeted from C&EN
Route 66: Cassini's Next Look at Titan from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Prayer increases forgiveness from Physorg
Functional connection between hippocampus and cortex modulates anxiety from Physorg
Supernatural Or Not, Prayer May Increase Forgiveness, Mend Relationships
iPad Price: Starts at $499 from CBSNews - Science
Twitter Swamped by iPad Announcement from CBSNews - Science
Trees retaliate when their fig wasps don't service them from Science Blog
Carnegie Mellon releases data on Haitian Creole to hasten development of translation tools from Science Blog
Shoes may have changed how we run from BBC News: Science & Nature
Runaway CO2 rise 'could be lower' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Integrating private insurance with public health would improve US health care -- study from Physorg
Toyota's acceleration issue 'not a simple problem' from CBC: Technology & Science
Bacteria Transformed into Biofuel Refineries from Scientific American
Dinosaurs, in living color from
Brain arousal heightens sexual activity in male mice from The Rockefeller University
Genes for left-right orientation found from UPI
Atrial fibrillation outcomes studied from UPI
Olga restrengthens into a tropical storm from Science Blog
NASA satellite sees Tropical Depression 10P Strengthening in south Pacific from Science Blog
Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes from Science Blog
Brain responses during anesthesia mimic those during natural deep sleep from Science Blog
Researchers find leukemia cells metabolize fat to avoid cell death from Science Blog
Mid-life Crisis: An Outdated Myth? from Live Science
Serving Society by Studying Shifting Soil from Live Science
Brain Responses During Anesthesia Mimic Those During Natural Deep Sleep from Newswise - Scinews
Deadly Fish Virus Now Found in All Great Lakes from Newswise - Scinews
Trees Retaliate When Their Fig Wasps Don't Service Them from Newswise - Scinews
Bill Gates's Hidden Dreams of Geoengineering Revealed from PopSci
NASA Budget Request Expected to Realign U.S. Spaceflight Goals from
Intense blood sugar treatment risky from CBC: Health
Running barefoot blunts foot’s force from
Cassini returns to Saturn's largest moon from UPI
Potential anemia therapy is proposed from UPI
Last space shuttle night launch scheduled from UPI
Disarming specialized stem cells might combat deadly ovarian cancer from Science Blog
Energy-harvesting rubber sheets could power pacemakers, mobile phones from Science Blog
Discovery points way for new treatment for aneurysms: UBC-Providence Research from Science Blog
GOES-P proceeds toward launch from Science Blog
Astronomers spy a distant black hole with giant companion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Apple's Jobs unveils 'intimate' $499 iPad tablet from Physorg
In vitro meat's evolution from LA Times - Science
NASA Aims to Launch Space Shuttle on Feb. 7 from
Government hasn't acted on listeriosis: groups from CBC: Health
Patagonia mountains are growing from MSNBC: Science
GOES-P proceeds toward launch from Physorg
Olga restrengthens into a tropical storm from Physorg
Young science superstars from
Skin Deep: Forget Jenny Craig. Hit the Drive-Thru. from NY Times Health
Energy-harvesting rubber sheets could power pacemakers, mobile phones from Physorg
Microbes produce fuels directly from biomass from Physorg
Hygienic Lab at U. Iowa first to confirm salmonella in nationwide outbreak from Physorg
Carbon-cycle feedback smaller, but still positive from Physics World
Helium sell-off risks future supply from Physics World
Increased patient cost-sharing may hurt elderly from AP Health
Altered microbe makes biofuel from News @ Nature
A softer ride for barefoot runners from News @ Nature
Fossil feathers reveal dinosaurs' true colours from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
News briefing: 28 January 2010 from News @ Nature
Translational research: Talking up translation from News @ Nature
Planetary science: A whiff of mystery on Mars from News @ Nature
Literature mining: Speed reading from News @ Nature
Debt crisis threatens UK science from News @ Nature
NASA satellite sees Tropical Depression 10P Strengthening in south Pacific from Physorg
Researchers find leukemia cells metabolize fat to avoid cell death from Physorg
Netflix adds 1.1M customers, 4Q profit up 36 pct from Physorg
Discovery points way for new treatment for aneurysms from Physorg
Scientists find potential new way to enhance vaccines from Physorg
Brain responses during anesthesia mimic those during natural deep sleep from Physorg
US Parkinson's rates highest in whites, Hispanics, and Midwest, Northeast from Science Blog
Video: Steve Jobs Unveils iPad from CBSNews - Science
Post-iPad Reax: A Letdown from CBSNews - Science
Video: Jobs Debuts the iPad from CBSNews - Science
EPA to Visit Calif. Town Near Toxic Dump from CBSNews - Science
Scoop! Newsflash! No Science At IPCC!
Study examines sexual orientation and bullying among adolescents from Physorg
Social factors can both predict and sustain alcohol misuse among older drinkers from Physorg
New Battlefield Drug May Save Soldiers Dying from Blood Loss from PopSci
Severe complications of diabetes higher in depressed patients from Science Blog
Researchers develop new tool for gene delivery from Biology News Net
Losing sleep, losing brain? from Biology News Net
Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes from Biology News Net
Microbes produce fuels directly from biomass from Biology News Net
Researchers find leukemia cells metabolize fat to avoid cell death from Biology News Net
NASA Gives 'Go' for Final Space Shuttle Night Launch from Physorg
'Nanofactories': Stopping Bacterial Infections Without Antibiotics from Physorg
Neural processing differences in ADHD in individuals with and without prenatal alcohol exposure from Physorg
Trees retaliate when their fig wasps don't service them from Physorg
Surgery helps chronic sinusitis sufferers get relief from Physorg
Arctic 'Melt Season' Is Growing Longer, New Research Demonstrates from Physorg
The iPad? Also available with wings? from Physorg
Canada privacy office launches new Facebook probe from Physorg
Carnegie Mellon releases data on Haitian Creole to hasten development of translation tools from Physorg
Arctic marine health focus of circumpolar meeting from CBC: Technology & Science
Long-Awaited Barefoot Running Study Finds Sneakers Are Harmful from PopSci
The Lost World, Now in Color from Science NOW
A Master Blueprint for Making Stars from Science NOW
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Even mild kidney disease harms a child's quality of life from Science Blog
Study examines sexual orientation and bullying among adolescents from Science Blog
University of Colorado student-built satellite selected for flight by NASA from Science Blog
Apple's New iPad: Why We Should Care from CBSNews - Science
Alcohol Increases Women`s Risk of Intimate Partner Violence from Physorg
Decorated with Electric Current, Nanoribbons Align with Expectations from Physorg
Newborn Black Holes May Add Power to Many Exploding Stars from Physorg
US Parkinson's rates highest in whites, Hispanics, and Midwest, Northeast from Physorg
Childhood survivors of CNS cancers and leukemia have lowered educational attainment from Physorg
Privacy commission probing Facebook again from CBC: Technology & Science
Colorizing Dinosaurs: Feather Pigments Reveal Appearance of Extinct Animals from Scientific American
Running barefoot blunts foot's force from
6.1 magnitude quake hits Philippines region: USGS from Physorg
Yelp gets $25M thumbs up from Elevation Partners from Physorg
Student-built satellite selected for flight by NASA from Physorg
Alcohol use and cognitive decline among the elderly from Physorg
Mars Rover to Roam No More -- It's Official from National Geographic
Dinosaur True Colors Revealed for First Time from National Geographic
Mars Rover to Roam No More -- It's Official from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Fish "Engineers" Dig Up Homes for Marine Life from National Geographic
Surgical procedure urged for atrial fibrillation from LA Times - Health
New exercise targets might scare Canadians from CBC: Health
No budget freeze for Ontario hospitals: premier from CBC: Health
Severe complications of diabetes higher in depressed patients from Physorg
NY AG calls Internet discount clubs 'deceptive' from Physorg
Blood tells old cells to act young from Physorg
Qualcomm stock tumbles on cautious forecast from Physorg
Wireless optical transmission key to secure, safe and rapid indoor communications from Physorg
Even mild kidney disease harms a child's quality of life from Physorg
Route 66: Cassini's Next Look at Titan from Physorg
Glaciers discovered in 'cursed' mountains of Albania from Physorg
New data on rotavirus vaccine from Mexico and Africa show lifesaving impact in the developing world from Physorg
NASA sets shuttle launch with future in doubt from Reuters:Science
N.W.T. premier chastised over caribou ban controversy from CBC: Technology & Science
Cosmic Log: Bacteria rebuilt to make oil from MSNBC: Science
Opinion: Why palm oil does not deserve its bad press from Science Alert
Increased patient cost-sharing may hurt elderly from Physorg
Brain arousal heightens sexual activity in male mice from Physorg
Ottawa paramedics learning to treat police dogs from CBC: Health
Video: High Hopes for Apple's iPad from CBSNews - Science
Significant Science "Discoveries" In The Coming Decade
Even mild kidney disease harms a child's quality of life from Science Blog
Study examines sexual orientation and bullying among adolescents from Science Blog
University of Colorado student-built satellite selected for flight by NASA from Science Blog
Severe complications of diabetes higher in depressed patients from Science Blog
US Parkinson's rates highest in whites, Hispanics, and Midwest, Northeast from Science Blog
Disarming specialized stem cells might combat deadly ovarian cancer from Science Blog
Energy-harvesting rubber sheets could power pacemakers, mobile phones from Science Blog
Discovery points way for new treatment for aneurysms: UBC-Providence Research from Science Blog
E-mail row unit 'broke data law' from BBC News: Science & Nature