Archive of feed items published on the 31st of January 2010
Space scan finds cancer from Science Alert
Overweight seniors live longer from Science Alert
Geoffrey Burbidge dies at 84; astrophysicist co-discovered how elements are synthesized in stars from LA Times - Science
UN climate panel based claims on student essay: report from Physorg
Fears Australian piracy case could shut off net from Physorg
Ancient and modern: First science academy is 350 years old from Physorg
Obama pushes nuclear energy to boost climate bill from AP Science
Obama pushes nuclear energy to boost climate bill from Physorg
Change in space for NASA: Renting the Right Stuff from AP Science
When Is One More Gadget Just Too Many? from CBSNews - Science
Climate Change: See For Yourself.
States renew carbon emissions vow from BBC News: Science & Nature
Novel studies of decomposition shed new light on our earliest fossil ancestry (w/ Video) from Physorg
Gene function discovery: Guilt by association from Physorg
HIV researchers solve key puzzle after 20 years of trying (w/ Video) from Physorg
Rotting Fish Spoil Ideas about Early Life-Forms' Simplicity from Scientific American
Miliband defends climate science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Something rotten in the state of palaeontology from News @ Nature
Mars rover Spirit (2003–10) from News @ Nature
Gene function discovery: Guilt by association from Science Blog
HIV researchers solve key puzzle after 20 years of trying from Science Blog
Rotting fish yield fossil clues from BBC News: Science & Nature
Change in space for NASA: Renting the Right Stuff from Physorg
Iranians celebrate ancient Persian fire fest from MSNBC: Science
Exotic Hadrons: There Is The Rub!
Stratospheric Water Vapor is a Global Warming Wild Card from Science Daily
Gene function discovery: New computation model predicts gene function from Science Daily
Rotting fish heads: Novel studies of decomposition shed new light on our earliest fossil ancestry from Science Daily
Targeting cancer stem cells in the lab from Science Daily
HIV researchers solve key puzzle after 20 years of trying from Science Daily
Obama to revise US space vision from BBC News: Science & Nature
Emissions of Potent Greenhouse Gas Increase Despite Reduction Efforts from Science Daily
Apple's own approach to iPad e-books could confuse from Physorg
Feature: $42 million bionic eye from Science Alert
Rewriting European privacy law for digital age from Physorg
Fake Viagra Sales Are Rising from Live Science
Patient access schemes for high-cost cancer medicines: Good in theory, difficult in practice from Physorg
No difference in survival between leukaemia patients 10 years after undergoing stem-cell or marrow transplant from Physorg
'Manage flights' to cut emissions from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: High-Speed Rail, the Future? from CBSNews - Science
Mining destruction for data to help others from LA Times - Science
First evidence that the brain’s native dendritic cells can muster an immune response from Science Daily
Researchers track evolution and spread of drug-resistant bacteria across hospitals and continents from Science Daily
Brain arousal heightens sexual activity in male mice from Science Daily
Barefoot running: How humans ran comfortably and safely before the invention of shoes from Science Daily
How blood flow force protects blood vessels from Science Daily
'Squeaker' catfish communicate across generations from Science Daily
Biochemical profile may help diagnose, determine aggressiveness of prostate cancer from Science Daily
Beyond sunglasses and baseball caps from Science Daily
Prayer increases forgiveness, study shows from Science Daily
Fat tissue may be a source of valuable blood stem cells, study says from Science Daily
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with high mortality rates from Science Daily
Converting waste heat into electricity? Mismatched alloys are a good match for thermoelectrics from Science Daily
Who is most likely to take precautions during a pandemic? from Science Daily
Brain responses during anesthesia mimic those during natural deep sleep from Science Daily
Lopsided fish show that symmetry is only skin deep from Science Daily
Effects of forest fire on carbon emissions, climate impacts often overestimated from Science Daily
Sexual minority youth bullied more than heterosexual youth from Science Daily
Hidden cost of schizophrenia from Science Daily
Discovery of mechanism in brain cell injury in Huntington's offers new treatment approaches from Science Daily
The secret life of smoke in fostering rebirth and renewal of burned landscape from Science Daily
Gene family found to play key role in early stages of development from Science Daily
Data on Haitian Creole released hasten development of translation tools from Science Daily
Fatality Rates Among Young Drug Users A Cause For Concern from Science Daily
Sea level in Israel has been rising and falling over the last 2,500 years from Science Daily
Vaccine design: Three is better than two when boosting vaccine effectiveness from Science Daily
New knowledge about the deformation of nanocrystals offers new tools for nanotechnology from Science Daily
No role for mental health professionals in the practice of torture from Science Daily
Discovery points way for new treatment for aneurysms from Science Daily
Virtual colonoscopy an effective colorectal cancer screening exam in Medicare age patients from Science Daily
Theoretical model clarifies the low-temperature phase behavior of liquid water from Science Daily
New guidance on data sharing will minimize risks to patient privacy from Science Daily
- to Drop Macmillian Boycott from CBSNews - Science