Archive of feed items published on the 9th of February 2011
Sustainable flooring benefits hospitals in a variety of ways from Physorg
Palm oil deal aims to save carbon from BBC News: Science & Nature
First Lady Taking Health Work Global from NY Times Health
Malpractice Bill Raises Issues About a Lawsuit from NY Times Health
Hot or Not? A Model Turned Guru on What to Eat from NY Times Health
Well: Phys Ed: Does Loneliness Reduce the Benefits of Exercise? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Lime Cumin Vinaigrette from NY Times Health
Breast cancer patients may not need lymph nodes removed, study finds from LA Times - Science
FDA expedites review of robotic arm from LA Times - Science
City Is Looking at Sewage Treatment as a Source of Energy from NY Times Science
Popular students -- but not the most popular -- more likely to torment peers , study finds from Science Daily
Brain's 'radio stations' have much to tell scientists from Science Daily
As many as three in four hospital tests not followed up after discharge, international study finds from Science Daily
The hitch in the drug? The itch in the drug: Scientists discover clue to ending chronic itching side effect of certain drugs from Science Daily
Successful operation of carbon nanotube-based integrated circuits manufactured on plastic substrates from Science Daily
Method to identify fleetingly ordered protein structures identified from Science Daily
Jatropha: Green biodiesel from African tree from Science Daily
Why HIV-uninfected babies born to mothers with HIV might be more vulnerable to infections from Science Daily
Stardust celebrates 12 years with rocket burn from Science Daily
Charismatic leadership can be measured, learned, study finds from Science Daily
Anatomy of an (Increasingly Angry) Volcano from CBSNews - Science
Sign of the Times: Smart Phones Now Outsell PCs from CBSNews - Science
Can Huffington Reinvent AOL as She Did Herself? from CBSNews - Science
When Minicomputers Were King from CBSNews - Science
Expert Witness: Sweden's Assange Case Dubious from CBSNews - Science
Sprint To Sell Dual-screen 'Echo' Smartphone from CBSNews - Science
Kyocera Echo: Hands-On from CBSNews - Science
Video: Weight-Loss in the Digital Age from CBSNews - Science
VIDEO: William Ramsay to be honoured from BBC News: Science & Nature
Car-size asteroid nears Earth Wednesday from UPI
Australia blames mining for greenhouse gas rise from Physorg
Researchers predict nearly 1.3 million cancer deaths in Europe in 2011 from Physorg
Endangered decision delayed on walrus from Physorg
UK government 'lazy' on organics from BBC News: Science & Nature
Quantum Perspective On The Non-Existence Of Light
Teen obesity could shrink Australian lifespans from Physorg
Digging deep to uncover altars` secrets from Physorg
US regulators asked to probe game bills from Physorg
Going head to head from MIT Research
Rainbow Warrior's farewell tour from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fire and brimstone from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pfizer slashes R&D from News @ Nature
Pharmaceutical industry must take its medicine from News @ Nature
University seeks to emerge from shooting's shadow from News @ Nature
Press release reveals journalists believe everything they see on the Internet from Physorg
Making use of cellular 'noise' from Physorg
Bright spark from BBC News: Science & Nature
Loud nestlings pay the price from Science Alert
Oil trumps justice with Megrahi, U.S. says from UPI
Nabucco wants contracts over pledges from UPI
Prostate cancer 'gene test' hope from BBC News: Science & Nature
Robots to get their own internet from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rare gorilla twins born in wild from BBC News: Science & Nature
World shark attacks 'up in 2010' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Coral reveals weather change from Science Alert
ESA's sharp eyes on coastal waters from European Space Agency
Qatar blames regional unrest for oil price from UPI
TNK-BP troubled with field auction from UPI
BG Group strikes sour note on gas from UPI
Older smokers lose grey matter from Science Alert
Report identifies risks to UK infrastructure from Physorg
Noisy youngsters pay the ultimate price from Physorg
Solar cells can be made thinner and lighter with the help of aluminum particles from Physorg
How chimps, monkeys and humans compare on a level playing field from Physorg
Great Gadget Gifts for Guys for Valentine's Day from CBSNews - Science
Polygamy produces fit mice from Science Alert
Statoil makes find at controversial field from UPI
Scientist at Work: Tracking Urban Fishers Through Forest and Culvert from NY Times Science
Green: E.P.A. Chief Faces House Grilling from NY Times Science
No Facebook friends for Obama girls from AP Health
Mrs. Obama: Super Bowl food indulgence OK from AP Health
Feature: Parasitic plants more Dryad than Dracula from Science Alert
Hinode looks into a hole on the Sun from Physorg
Challenges for biofuels -- new life cycle assessment report from Physorg
EPA examines shale gas safety from UPI
Sask. Ombudsman probes breast cancer wait times from CBC: Health
Pessimists' brains may be wired that way from CBC: Technology & Science
Smartphones seen driving travel bookings: Abacus from Physorg
Climate puts infrastructure in peril from UPI
Facebook CEO dealing with stalker from CBC: Technology & Science
England's flood funding cut by 8% from BBC News: Science & Nature
The Universe's First Stars Weren't Loners After All from
Medication education key to successful adherence in patients with diabetes from Physorg
U.S. can win EV race, agency says from UPI
Parkinson’s disease undermines language processing from Science Daily
Powerful microscope reveals chemical structure of fossils from Science Daily
Skip node surgery for some breast cancers: study from CBC: Health
Critical Issues in Global Soil Health from Newswise - Scinews
Salk Professor Terrence Sejnowski Elected to National Academy of Engineering from Newswise - Scinews
Computer Simulations Reveal the Structure and Dynamics of a Chemical Signal That Triggers Metastatic Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Pioneering surgery for moon bear from BBC News: Science & Nature
Growing population of adult survivors of congenital heart disease requires specialized care from Science Blog
Medication education key to successful adherence in patients with diabetes from Science Blog
A paperweight for platinum from Science Blog
Understanding patterns of seafloor biomass from Science Blog
Cross-border conservation vital to protect birds in a climate-change world from Science Blog
Virtual laboratory predicts train vibrations from Science Blog
Experts call for greater awareness of the links between diabetes and kidney disease from Science Blog
Extra testosterone reduces your empathy from Science Blog
Drug-eluting stents are preferred therapy for revascularization of chronic total occlusions from Science Blog
Green: Teaming Tenants and Landlords for Energy Savings from NY Times Science
Dot Earth: A Role for Gaming in Learning from NY Times Science
New Science Subcommittee Chair Plans Hearings to Challenge Climate Change Advocates from Science NOW
Horsewhipping Study Whips Up Controversy from Live Science
Pharmaceutical industry must take its medicine from News @ Nature
Pfizer slashes R&D from News @ Nature
ESA's sharp eyes on coastal waters from Physorg
Virtual laboratory predicts train vibrations from Physorg
Ancient teeth raise new questions about the origins of modern man from Physorg
Neuroimaging shows how the brain learns mental skills from Science Daily
Genotype of disorders causing cardiac sudden death syndrome identified from Science Daily
Coated stents superior to bare metal stents in reducing restenosis, study finds from Science Daily
Invasive comb jellyfish pose no direct threat to Baltic cod eggs and larvae, Danish study finds from Science Daily
New Stem Cell Lab Designed to Inspire from Science NOW
Researchers Develop Safer Way to Make Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Newswise - Scinews
US jury convicts Dow scientist of selling trade secrets to China from Chemistry World
House Spending Panel Would Cut Billions From Research Agency Requests from Science NOW
Medication education key to successful adherence in patients with diabetes
Single-cell marine predator's unique survival mechanisms revealed: UBC research
Polar bear births could plummet with climate change
New techniques for stapling peptides could spur development of drugs for cancer
Why leatherback turtles linger in South Pacific Gyre, and why it matters
Care clinic opens to divert cases from ERs from CBC: Health
Saskatoon man hit by train, walks away from CBC: Health
Charles attacks climate sceptics from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stem cells: The crusader from News @ Nature
Ancient teeth raise new questions about the origins of modern man from Science Blog
Pictures: Nine Surprisingly Gassy Cities from National Geographic
Former NASA Chief of Staff Begins 41-month Jail Term from
Drug may improve outcomes in mild stroke patients, save $200 million annually from Physorg
New works by UofL professors provide latest oncology reference guides from Physorg
Understanding patterns of seafloor biomass from Physorg
Extra testosterone reduces your empathy from Physorg
Experts call for greater awareness of the links between diabetes and kidney disease from Physorg
A paperweight for platinum: Bracing catalyst in material makes fuel cell component work better, last longer from Physorg
Virtual laboratory predicts train vibrations from Science Daily
Rensselaer Data Scientists Collaborate on $2 Million Grant to Study Oceans from Newswise - Scinews
If the Sun Were Made of Bananas from Newswise - Scinews
Patented Data Mining Technology Created at NDSU Licensed to Treeminer, Inc. from Newswise - Scinews
Space serenade: Astronaut has 4 flutes in orbit from AP Science
UK's Prince Charles blasts climate-change skeptics from AP Science
Schools often react poorly to student suicides, experts say from Science Blog
New research suggests tart cherries could speed muscle recovery from Science Blog
Motorcycle helmets reduce spine injuries after collisions from Science Blog
The ‘new’ kilogram is approaching from Science Blog
Biogeochemistry at the core of global environmental solutions from Science Blog
U.S. Isn't Pushing Private Space Effort Hard Enough, Group Says from
New oil pipeline starts deliveries to U.S. from UPI
Motorcycle helmets reduce spine injuries after collisions from Physorg
Cross-border conservation vital to protect birds in a climate-change world from Physorg
Ischemic stroke hospitalizations decline in middle-aged, elderly, increases in young from Physorg
Space serenade: Astronaut has 4 flutes in orbit from Physorg
Biogeochemistry at the core of global environmental solutions from Physorg
The 'new' kilogram is approaching: Avogadro constant determined with enriched silicon-28 from Physorg
Drug-eluting stents are preferred therapy for revascularization of chronic total occlusions from Physorg
New research suggests tart cherries could speed muscle recovery from Physorg
Toyota trying to move beyond safety concerns from Physorg
Advanced macular degeneration is associated with an increased risk from Physorg
State Department begins Tweeting in Arabic from Physorg
Schools often react poorly to student suicides, experts say from Physorg
Solar Decathlon Moved from C&EN
Islam Analysis: S&T ministerial body needs a revival from SciDev
The international digital divide
Study suggests why HIV-uninfected babies of mothers with HIV might be more prone to infections
Huge decline in HIV rates in Zimbabwe driven by fear of infection, says study
The success of male bustards is measured by their 'beards'
Fingerprint makes chips counterfeit-proof
CeBIT 2011: Electronic fitness trainer
Tool makes search for Martian life easier
A paperweight for platinum
Electronic cigarettes hold promise as aid to quitting
Lower mental health co-pays do not help seniors seek care
Turning bacteria against themselves
Gene protects lung from damage due to pneumonia, sepsis, trauma, transplants
Drug-eluting stents are preferred therapy for revascularisation of chronic total occlusions
Dutasteride not a cost-effective way to prevent prostate cancer in some men
The great tonsil dilemma
Extra testosterone reduces your empathy
The hitch in the drug? The itch in the drug
Bell admits internet-usage tracking problem from CBC: Technology & Science
Arc90's Readability service shows how reading online is changing from CBC: Technology & Science
Beverage calorie labels to be front and centre from CBC: Health
Mars mission arrives in 'orbit' from News @ Nature
Seven days: 4–10 February 2011 from News @ Nature
Stem cells: The crusader from News @ Nature
Tribes protest against Brazil dam from BBC News: Science & Nature
Egypt Antiquities Restoration Under Way from National Geographic
Firm investigates Herley, Kratos merger from UPI
Beyond Alzheimer's: Research explores hippocampal sclerosis from Physorg
A green way to cap an old landfill from Physorg
Crocodile tears don't fool us all from Physorg
Toward a fast, simple test for detecting cholera rampaging in 40 countries from Physorg
Behavioral problems linked to cortisol levels from Physorg
Diet soda may raise odds of vascular events; salt linked to stroke risk from Physorg
One factor can make mortgage modifications up to one-third more likely, study finds from Physorg
L.A. Seeks to Mandate Condom Use on Sex-Film Sets from NY Times Health
Seawater greenhouse plan for Jordan from SciDev
South-East Asia launches disaster management centre from SciDev
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 27 January–9 February 2011 from SciDev
Understanding patterns of seafloor biomass
Experimental approach may improve healing of diabetic wounds and bed sores
Male cancer survivor offspring slightly higher risk of congenital birth abnormalities
Limited lymph node removal for certain breast cancer does not appear to result in poorer survival
Infants exposed to HIV at birth but not infected may have lower antibody levels
Elevated levels of cardiac biomarkers following CABG surgery associated with increased risk of death
Heavy drinking in older teenagers has long- and short-term consequences
Not just for raincoats
Beware Ordering Flowers Online from CBSNews - Science
Cocaine Production Increases Destruction of Colombia's Rainforests from Newswise - Scinews
ORNL's Jaguar Helps BMI Win Award, Nation Save Fuel from Newswise - Scinews
Funding Renewed for Chicago Biomedical Consortium from Newswise - Scinews
Personal well-being is linked to national satisfaction, especially when times are tough from Science Blog
Cocaine production increases destruction of Colombia’s rainforests from Science Blog
Greener process for key ingredient for everything from paint to diapers from Science Blog
Toward a fast, simple test for detecting cholera rampaging in 40 countries from Science Blog
Challenges for biofuels: New life cycle assessment report from Energy Biosciences Institute from Science Blog
AGU journal highlights — Feb. 9, 2011 from Science Blog
Firefly protein lights pathway to improved detection of blood clots from Science Blog
Night games in sports stadiums and street lighting can cause spike in daytime ozone air pollution from Science Blog
Young people now take longer to join adult life from Science Blog
House Group Proposes Shifting NASA Science Funds to Spaceflight from
Fish kill reported in Florida state park from UPI
Russia, Norway sign Barents agreement from UPI
First French 'designer baby' born from UPI
Snowy U.S. panorama caught by satellite from Physorg
Hearing set in US request for Twitter accounts from Physorg
Communication breakdown: Early defects in sensory synapses in motor neuron disease from Physorg
Air Force and ULA to launch second X-37B from Physorg
Mass illegal immigration violations reveals flaws in the law from Physorg
Greener process for key ingredient for everything from paint to diapers from Physorg
'Niceness' partly genetic, say scientists from Physorg
'Astonishing' Chinese patent growth marks world recovery from Physorg
Tool drops at pad, NASA checks for shuttle damage from Physorg
Neural mechanisms linked with vulnerability to anxiety from Physorg
Night games in sports stadiums and street lighting can cause spike in daytime ozone air pollution from Physorg
Personal well-being is linked to national satisfaction, especially when times are tough from Physorg
New study presents surprising view of brain formation from Physorg
Young people now take longer to join adult life from Physorg
Researchers warn Arctic fishing under-reported from Reuters:Science
New mosquito type seen making malaria fight harder from Reuters:Science
The ‘core pathway’ of aging from Harvard Science
Genes tied to prostate cancer uncovered from Harvard Science
Deforestation Means Larger Carbon Footprint For Brazilian Beef from C&EN
The World's First Programmable Nanoprocessor Takes Complex Circuitry to the Nanoscale from PopSci
CDC: More strokes hitting young, middle-aged folks from AP Health
Corrections from News @ Nature
Evolution: A can of worms from News @ Nature
Criss-crossed nanowires can compute from News @ Nature
Eruption surprises Japanese volcanologists from News @ Nature
Mars mission arrives in 'orbit' from News @ Nature
Vatican bans confession by iPhone from Physorg
Memory problems may be sign of stroke risk from Physorg
Searching for the soul of the genome (w/ Video) from Physorg
MSU spacecraft activity now available online for teachers from Physorg
Cocaine production increases destruction of Colombia's rainforests from Physorg
Tiny IT titan Estonia to switch to e-billing from Physorg
NHGRI charts course for the next phase of genomics research from Physorg
Skin cells help to develop possible heart defect treatment in first-of-its-kind study from Physorg
Researchers produce world's first programmable nanoprocessor from Physorg
Human and mouse studies sharpen focus on cause of celiac disease from Physorg
Scientists discover gene regulation mechanism unique to primates from Physorg
Simple marine worms distantly related to humans from Physorg
Facebook opens Hong Kong office in Asia push from Physorg
Third-century Roman sculptures discovered from Physorg
Sweeping view of prostate cancer genome yields deep insights from Physorg
Tolerant species more upwardly mobile from Physorg
The power of purple from Physorg
Keeping snack time a healthy time for children from Physorg
Gene test could solve prostate cancer riddle and spare thousands from surgery from Physorg
What makes fructose fattening? Researchers find some answers in the brain from Physorg
Bats like to hang out with their friends, too from MSNBC: Science
Well: Saving Lives From Anal Cancer from NY Times Health
The New Old Age: Changes to Medicare from NY Times Health
"Big Bang" scientists map cautious plan for 2011 from Reuters:Science
NASA Spacecraft Closes in on Comet Tempel 1 from Science @ NASA
Researchers Uncover Multiple Ground States in Ferroelectric Material from Newswise - Scinews
Night Games in Sports Stadiums and Street Lighting Can Cause Spike in Daytime Ozone Air Pollution from Newswise - Scinews
Firefly Protein Lights Pathway to Improved Detection of Blood Clots from Newswise - Scinews
Toward a Fast, Simple Test for Detecting Cholera Rampaging in 40 Countries from Newswise - Scinews
IFT Webcast to Address Implications of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Consumers and the Food Industry from Newswise - Scinews
Greener Process for Key Ingredient for Everything from Paint to Diapers from Newswise - Scinews
Lowly Worms Get Their Place in the Tree of Life from Live Science
Sweeping view of prostate cancer genome yields deep insights from Science Blog
What makes fructose fattening? OHSU researchers find some answers in the brain from Science Blog
Stardust NExT set to meet its second comet from Science Blog
Delving into manganite conductivity from Science Blog
Attraction by design: U of A researchers pique girls’ interest in computing science from Science Blog
Astronaut Plays Flute on ISS from
Some of Universe's First Stars May Still Be Visible from
UK police aim to adapt to Twitter-led protests from Physorg
Affetto: a realistic robot baby is looking at you (w/ Video) from Physorg
Nokia 'on a burning platform,' boss warns from Physorg
Did droughts doom cultures of ancient Mexico? from MSNBC: Science
Prostate Cancer Genome Reveals Wandering Genes from Science NOW
Four countries sign the Nagoya Protocol from SciDev
Sex and violence linked in the brain from News @ Nature
Corrections from News @ Nature
Drought threatens China's wheat crop from UPI
Sweeping view of prostate cancer genome yields deep insights from Science Daily
Memory problems may be sign of stroke risk from Science Daily
Stardust NExT set to meet its second comet from Science Daily
What makes fructose fattening? Some answers found in the brain from Science Daily
Simple marine worms distantly related to humans from Science Daily
Palm unveils first tablet computer, the TouchPad from Physorg
Omega 3's -- more evidence for their benefit from Physorg
Attraction by design: Researchers pique girls' interest in computing science from Physorg
Delving into manganite conductivity from Physorg
Researchers: Elderly patients 4 times more likely to die from treatment complications from Physorg
E-3POD electric vehicle concept wins the Double Challenge Project from Physorg
Huge volcano under Yellowstone Park rising from MSNBC: Science
Europe Asks Researchers for Funding Ideas from Science NOW
Rogue 'Steppenwolf Planets' That Have Escaped From Their Suns Could Harbor Alien Life, Astrophysicists Say from PopSci
Political favor could tarnish Schwarzenegger's rep from AP Health
Stardust NExT Set to Meet Its Second Comet from Newswise - Scinews
Shields Up on Stardust's Valetine's Date w/ Comet from
Mobile sales up 32 percent last year: Gartner from Physorg
Research: Pregnant teens want to go to college, need support from Physorg
Thousands to be contacted in UK hacking case from Physorg
SLU findings: Don't pitch stockpiled avian flu vaccine from Physorg
Soil science: Healing our planet's ills from the ground up from Physorg
Fiber-optic communications cable arrives in Cuba from Physorg
If you see this monkey gesture, do not disturb from MSNBC: Science
Small part of brain itching for a fight from
Green: For New Yorkers, a Leak Alert from NY Times Science
Alarming rise in strokes among younger people from CBC: Health
World's first programmable nanoprocessor: Nanowire tiles can perform arithmetic and logical functions from Science Daily
Ancient teeth raise new questions about origins of modern humans from Science Daily
Scientists discover gene regulation mechanism unique to primates from Science Daily
Human and mouse studies sharpen focus on cause of celiac disease from Science Daily
Does your diet need an overhaul? Tell us why and win a nutritional makeover from LA Times - Health
Novel device sheds light on the beauty of science from Physorg
What should America do in Egypt? Try nothing, says Stanford expert from Physorg
Value of iPS cells proved in two studies from Physorg
A new type of composite material with peapod structures can help improve performance of lithium-ion batteries from Physorg
Early substance misuse continues into middle age from Physorg
Pulmonary hypertension a silent killer from Physorg
Developing a library of cancer proteins from Physorg
Photodynamic therapy against cancer from Physorg
Researchers develop a new tool to assess the performance of air cargo supply chain operations from Physorg
Making peanuts more tolerable for children with allergy treatment from Physorg
Disputed Antarctic drilling plan is put on ice from MSNBC: Science
Past Antarctic cooling may help study warming from MSNBC: Science
What ultra-tiny nanocircuits can do from Harvard Science
House Republicans push energy, science cuts from Reuters:Science
Fiber-Optic Communications Cable Arrives in Cuba from CBSNews - Science
Confession App Helps Regretful Catholics Repent from CBSNews - Science
Manitoba faces diabetes epidemic, says CDA from CBC: Health
Giffords speaks for 1st time since shooting from CBC: Health
South Asians have heart attacks early in life from CBC: Health
Europa serves as guide star for Keck adaptive optics view of Jupiter from Science Blog
Researchers: Elderly patients 4 times more likely to die from treatment complications from Science Blog
Research: Pregnant teens want to go to college, need support from Science Blog
Physicians lead MomDocFamily support group from Science Blog
Saint Louis University findings: Don’t pitch stockpiled avian flu vaccine from Science Blog
Soil science: Healing our planet’s ills from the ground up from Science Blog
Microsponges from seaweed may save lives from Science Blog
Microsponges from seaweed may save lives (w/ Video) from Physorg
High-output, high-color-rendering LED lighting devices to be introduced by Sharp from Physorg
Access to IT helps female researchers more than males from Physorg
Literature review made easy with new software from Physorg
Laying a fairytale to rest with human hair from Physorg
Stardust celebrates twelve years with rocket burn from Physorg
A More Accurate Kilogram Thanks To A More Accurate Avogadro Constant
Green: Take a Number, Mr. Walrus from NY Times Science
Sudden victory from Harvard Science
Blood Wars: Museum Exhibit Pits Immune Systems Against Each Other in Biological Battles from PopSci
Best Time to Observe February's Moon Is Now from
Microsponges from seaweed may save lives from Science Daily
Photodynamic therapy against cancer from Science Daily
How omega 3s help to prevent several forms of blindness from Science Daily
'Gene desert' on chromosome 9 is hotspot for coronary artery disease risk from Science Daily
Skin cells used to develop possible heart defect treatment in first-of-its-kind study from Science Daily
Personal well-being is linked to national satisfaction, especially when times are tough from Science Daily
Sharp rise in street drug usage among stroke patients, study shows from Science Daily
Toward a fast, simple test for detecting cholera rampaging in 40 countries from Science Daily
Greener process for key ingredient for everything from paint to diapers from Science Daily
Scientists discover a tangle of neurons that control aggression from Physorg
How high can heels go? Physicists and movement experts take a close look from Physorg
Sharp rise in street drug usage among stroke patients, study shows from Physorg
Wild salmon sea lice linked to B.C. fish farms from CBC: Technology & Science
Snapshots of a World in Change from CBSNews - Science
Study suggests higher stroke risk with diet soda from AP Health
Nanonets give rust a boost as agent in water splitting's hydrogen harvest from Physorg
Key role proposed for pediatricians in curbing tobacco use from Physorg
Revisited human-worm relationships shed light on brain evolution from Physorg
Surgery in Utero Helps Ease Effects of Spina Bifida from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Swordtail Pee is the Aphrodisiac of the Sea from Science NOW
Prescriptions: Regulating Student Health Plans from NY Times Health
Medical Device Makers Shun United States from NY Times Health
Prenatal surgery may be preferable for spina bifida from
News in Brief: Life from
HP TouchPad, Pre 3, Veer (photos) from CBSNews - Science
Fetal surgery better for kids with spine defect from AP Health
Pictures: "Remarkable" Ice Age Fossil Cache Found from National Geographic
Birds in Chernobyl Area Have Smaller Brains from Newswise - Scinews
Salk Institute Celebrates Grand Opening of the Waitt Advanced Biophotonics Center from Newswise - Scinews
A race against time to find Apollo 14′s lost voyagers from Science Blog
Giffords Making 'Lightning Speed' Recovery, Says Astronaut Husband from
Stockpiled avian flu vaccine could protect against potential pandemic from Science Daily
Soil science: Healing our planet's ills from the ground up from Science Daily
Physicians lead MomDocFamily support group from Science Daily
Pregnant teens want to go to college, need support, study suggests from Science Daily
Treatment for vulvar cancer in elderly women often more lethal than the disease itself from Science Daily
Researchers find public sector research responsible for many new drug discoveries from Physorg
Fetal surgery is more effective than operating after birth: study from Physorg
Key to better health care may be a walk in the park from Physorg
Astronomer sees room for God in sciences from MSNBC: Science
Photodynamic Therapy For Cancer?
Can the U.S. Farm Fish Offshore Safely? from Science NOW
NIH Budget: Post-Stimulus Cliff Still Looming, But Not Until Next Year from Science NOW
Green: E.P.A. and Carbon Dioxide: The Prequel from NY Times Science
With 30 Meters Left to Drill, Scientists Leave Subterranean Lake Vostok For The Winter, Amid Controversy from PopSci
Photos: Time Capsule Mansion Opened After 100 Years from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Everolimus improves progression-free survival for patients with rare pancreatic cancer from Science Blog
Key role proposed for pediatricians in curbing tobacco use from Science Blog
Nanonets give rust a boost as agent in water splitting’s hydrogen harvest from Science Blog
Key to better health care may be a walk in the park from Science Blog
Rice University technology in human trials to spot cardiac disease, cancer, drug abuse from Science Blog
Putting trees on farms fundamental to future agricultural development from Science Blog
Revisited human-worm relationships shed light on brain evolution from Science Blog
Everolimus improves progression-free survival for patients with rare pancreatic cancer from Physorg
A race against time to find Apollo 14's lost voyagers from Physorg
Whoa, Nelly: Whipping won't speed up horses? from MSNBC: Science
Light Turns On Caged Enzyme from C&EN
Scaled-Down Success: Programmable Logic Tiles Could Form Basis of Nanoprocessors from Scientific American
NASA Needs Commercial Space Partnerships to Survive, Chief Says from
Cosmic Valentine's Day Photo Reveals Black Hole Ring from
NASA Checks Shuttle Discovery for Damage From Dropped Tool from
Language, number concepts seen as linked from UPI
Study: Brief breaks improve performance from UPI
'Green' caps for old landfills tested from UPI
Everolimus improves progression-free survival for patients with rare pancreatic cancer, study finds from Science Daily
Fetal surgery takes a huge step forward in treating children with spina bifida from Science Daily
Race against time to find Apollo 14's lost voyagers: 'Moon trees' from Science Daily
Key to better health care may be a walk in the park from Science Daily
Key role proposed for pediatricians in curbing tobacco use from Science Daily
Fetal Surgery Improves Spina Bifida Outcomes, Study Says from NY Times Science
Study tracks turtles in marine 'desert' from UPI
Study: Girls can design videogames, too from UPI
'Lowly' marine worms? We're almost related from MSNBC: Science
Iconic 'Guitar Hero' video game gets the ax from Physorg
Poorer patients have more severe ischemic strokes, study indicates from Physorg
Time to reopen PFI contracts from Physorg
Bile acids link high-fat diet to colon cancer from Physorg
What's with the delay? from Physorg
Soap bubbles offer key to maximizing efficiency from Physorg
Fetal Surgery Helps Spina Bifida, Study Says from NY Times Health
Ultracold atoms race around laser circuit from Physics World
International conservation efforts urged from UPI
Western Australia's incredible underground orchid from Science Daily
A green way to cap an old landfill from Science Daily
Girls' interest in computing science piqued by making video games from Science Daily
Motorcycle helmets reduce spine injuries after collisions; Helmet weight as risk to neck called a 'myth' from Science Daily
Communication breakdown: Early defects in sensory synapses in motor neuron disease from Science Daily
Stroke in Mexican-Americans expected to rise 350 percent in next 40 years from Physorg
Breakfast is an important meal, especially for teen moms and their kids from Physorg
Giant ring of black holes from Physorg
Heading Into the Bonus Round -- in Space from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Announces Candidates for Cubesat Space Missions from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dropped tool halts shuttle repair from UPI
Prince Charles slams climate skeptics from UPI
Twin gorilla babies born in Rwanda from UPI
EPA chief criticizes GOP assault on greenhouse gas regulation from LA Times - Science
The birds and the bees from BBC News: Science & Nature
NOAA releases aquaculture draft policy from UPI
Researchers identify the genotype of disorders causing cardiac sudden death syndrome from Biology News Net
Sweeping view of prostate cancer genome yields deep insights from Biology News Net
Microsponges from seaweed may save lives from Biology News Net
Disability tax credit claims probed from CBC: Health
Extra testosterone reduces your empathy, researchers find from Science Daily
Paperweight for platinum: Bracing catalyst in material makes fuel cell component work better and last longer from Science Daily
Crocodile tears don't fool us all: Study gives behavioral clues to spot fabricated versus genuine displays of remorse from Science Daily
Nanonets give rust a boost as agent in water splitting's hydrogen harvest from Science Daily
New method takes snapshots of proteins as they fold from Science Daily
Behavioral problems linked to cortisol levels: Study finds intervention needed as soon as behavioral problems appear from Science Daily
Understanding patterns of seafloor biomass from Science Daily
Advanced macular degeneration is associated with an increased risk of bleeding stroke, study finds from Science Daily
Taurus XL ready to launch Glory spacecraft from Science Daily
New technology in human trials to spot cardiac disease, cancer, drug abuse: Diagnostic chip may help hearts, cut costs from Science Daily
The 'new' kilogram is approaching from Science Daily
Stroke in Mexican-Americans expected to rise 350 percent in next 40 years from Science Daily
Poorer patients have more severe ischemic strokes, study indicates from Science Daily
Stardust-NExT: Heading into the bonus round -- in space from Science Daily
Public sector research responsible for many new drug discoveries, researchers find from Science Daily
Implications of Study on Breast Cancer from NY Times Health
Prenatal surgery improves conditions for children with spina bifida, study finds from LA Times - Science
Cosmic Log: Hidden universes revealed from MSNBC: Science
Physicist introduces you to 'The Hidden Reality' from MSNBC: Science
Consults: Breast Cancer and Lymph Nodes: Q. and A. from NY Times Science