Archive of feed items published on the 10th of January 2012
Blood-thinning drug linked to heart attack risk from LA Times - Science
Gulf currents aided breakdown of oil after BP spill, study says from LA Times - Science
Statins raise risk of Type 2 diabetes in older women, study finds from LA Times - Science
Nicotine patches don't work in the real world, study finds from LA Times - Science
A fresh heir in Muir country from LA Times - Science
Groundwater supply running out from Science Alert
Concern over seed dispersal risks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Inteference worries may scuttle cell plan from UPI
Mining company settles water impact case from UPI
Key life length indicator 'found' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Samsung unveils 'future-proof' TV from BBC News: Science & Nature
AT&T to bring out Nokia phone with Windows from Physorg
New way to stop the bleeding from MIT Research
How research goes viral from MIT Research
Would you stop eating out to lose weight? from Physorg
Sony Vita will debut in US with film-music services from Physorg
Google to help South Korea start-ups from Physorg
Apple CEO Tim Cook could top pay list in 2011 from Physorg
University of Utah, Google seek answers for autism from Physorg
Sorafenib effective in patients with non-small cell lung cancer, but low survival rates reported from Physorg
Internet name 'revolution' hits doubts from Physorg
Man dies from bird flu in Indonesia: officials from Physorg
Russia hints at foul play in its space failures from Physorg
Malaysia eye-poked over bad Google translations from Physorg
New oil leak as wreck's stern sinks off N.Zealand from Physorg
Microsoft CEO hits familiar chord in CES swan song from Physorg
Modified mosquitoes set to quash dengue fever from News @ Nature
Nanoscale biological coating is a new way to stop the bleeding from Physorg
Protein changes identified in early-onset Alzheimer's from Physorg
Samsung bringing super-size smartphone to US from Physorg
Stem cell therapy reverses diabetes from Physorg
'Off the scale' smog grounds flights in Beijing from Physorg
Microsoft to bring Kinect to Windows PCs from Physorg
Restored Roman helmet is unveiled from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Impressive' find of rare beetles from BBC News: Science & Nature
Multiple sclerosis research links brain activity to sharper cognitive decline from Physorg
Ford sets the stage for Fusion 2013 in Detroit from Physorg
Metal oxide simulations could help green technology from Physorg
Concurrent treatment for type 2 diabetes and depression significantly improves both conditions from Physorg
How research goes viral from Physorg
Naturally produced protein could boost brain repair from Physorg
Fortunately for men, size doesn't matter (much) from Physorg
Quakes unearth Australia's underground past from Physorg
Nutrition policy favours food industry - not public health from Physorg
Who`s wealthy? Beyond net worth, asset and debt levels change our perceptions from Physorg
Telomere length in young zebra finches predicts lifespan from Physorg
Belle discovers new heavy 'exotic hadrons' from Physorg
New study showing pelvic girdles arose before the origin of movable jaws from Physorg
Telomeres And Lifespan
Review questions link between methamphetamine and cognitive impairment from Physorg
Sherlock: The case of Moriarty's maths from Physorg
New viper snake species found from BBC News: Science & Nature
Green Blog: Biomass and Electricity, Part 2 from NY Times Science
Hidden Alien Planets Revealed in Old Hubble Telescope Data from
NASA Rover En Route to Mars to Make Big Move Wednesday from
Shooting for the Stars Pays Off for Space App Entrepreneur from
A new twist on surface tension from Physorg
Scientists look to microbes to unlock Earth's deep secrets from Physorg
NEC demonstrates first terabit/s superchannel transmission over 10,000km from Physorg
What happens to the young and educated without a job? from Physorg
Lower risk of breast cancer occurrence but higher mortality amongst low-educated and immigrant women from Physorg
12 new flavonoids discovered in Kew tree from Physorg
NASA radar to study Hawaii's most active volcano from Physorg
Breakthrough in early cancer detection from Physorg
Inteference worries may scuttle cell plan from UPI
Do hand sanitizers really work? And if so, how? from Physorg
Clearing a potential road block to bisabolane: Key enzyme structure identified from Physorg
How many moons does Earth have? from Physorg
Law professor investigates rise of corporate social responsibility in China from Physorg
Study shows HIV-exposed children at high risk of language delay from Physorg
UK legal aid reforms to save less than predicted from Physorg
Killing fat cells: Death by freezing or liposuction? from Physorg
Keeping the supply chain moving smoothly from Physorg
Entomologists devise new test for insecticide resistance from Physorg
New Toys Let You Spy on Neighbors from Live Science
First images of newly discovered primate from Physorg
Researchers discover novel anti-viral immune pathway in the mosquito from Physorg
Soil microbiologists discover Aberdeen microbe of global agricultural significance from Physorg
Microsoft's CES swan song falls flat from CBSNews - Science
Newest tick of the "Doomsday Clock" awaited from CBSNews - Science
Voice control, Windows upgrade get raves at gadget show from CBC: Technology & Science
Statins linked with small diabetes risk from CBC: Health
Ottawa cancer rates highest in Ontario from CBC: Health
Indian science needs to raise its game from Chemistry World
Lose Weight While Dining Out: Study Reveals 6 Tips from Live Science
OPINION: Explainer: do we need to follow medication use-by dates? from Science Alert
FEATURE: ‘State of the World’: farming key to less poverty, stable climate from Science Alert
Y-chromosome shrinking: study from Science Alert
Midwife shortage limits Winnipeg birth centre deliveries from CBC: Health
Legionnaires’ outbreak tied to hospital decorative fountain from Science Blog
Brain activity linked to delusion-like experience in study from Science Blog
Federal Amendments Aided Gun Sales to Criminals from Science Blog
Would you stop eating out to lose weight? from Science Blog
Green Blog: Songbirds as a Casualty of Warming from NY Times Science
Music scholar, John Milton Ward, 94 from Harvard Science
Forbes honors student innovator from Harvard Science
Milky Way Galaxy's Past Revealed Through New Star Census from
Image Gallery: Ancient Bread Stamp Discovered from Live Science
Increased risk of developing asthma by age of 3 after cesarean section from Physorg
No pain, no gain? Studies of the ideal way of making jump shots in handball from Physorg
Research teams develop rolling microcapsules to repair micro-sized defects in surfaces from Physorg
Comprehensive picture of the fate of oil from Deepwater Horizon spill from Science Daily
Amino acid residues give away bloodstain’s age from Chemistry World
UK Recommends Weekly 'Alcohol Holidays' for Good Health from Live Science
Ancient Menorah Stamp Marked Kosher Bread from Live Science
Anonymous targets Finland over anti-piracy efforts from Physorg
Fusion plasma research helps neurologists to hear above the noise from Physorg
Finite element code released from Physorg
Research examines virus infection's differing effects on plants, insects from Physorg
Eat fish, build up brainpower from Physorg
Light now in sight: Control of a 'blind' neuroreceptor with an optical switch from Physorg
Treatment of psoriasis gets new hope from Physorg
Swallow a pill and let your doc tour your insides from Physorg
Dutch ban khat from Physorg
Google gets more personal with search results from Physorg
WebMD CEO Gattinella resigns from Physorg
Study links brain activity to delusion-like experience from Physorg
70 percent of Europeans suffer from low vitamin D levels from Physorg
New smart e-book system more convenient than paper-based books from Physorg
CMU will tap advanced computer methods to help doctors make sense of their patients' DNA from Physorg
Nobel history illustrates gap in grants to young scientists from Physorg
Forbes honors student innovators from Harvard Science
Acting Director Thomas Insel Explains New NIH Translational Center's Aims and Structure from Science NOW
Stolen New Mexico meteorite worth $20K-$40K found from AP Science
Biggest Map Yet of Universe's Invisible Dark Matter Unveiled from Scientific American
Smartphone Makers Gave India Spy Tools, 'Leaked' Memos Say from Scientific American
Does the New Hampshire Primary Always Predict a Winner? from Live Science
Deepest Hydrothermal Vents Teem With Strange Shrimp from Live Science
Gallery: Creatures of the Deepest Deep-Sea Vents from Live Science
Future NASA Telescope Could 'Sniff' Air of Alien Planets from Live Science
LG presents large-screen cinema 3D Smart TV line-up from Physorg
Molecular motor struts like drunken sailor from Physorg
Samsung unveils 55-inch 'Super OLED TV' from Physorg
Comics are serious teaching tools for USC linguist from Physorg
Height loss increases risk for fractures and death in older women from Physorg
Germany to limit antibiotic use in farming amid food scare from Physorg
Google adds more personal touch to search from CBSNews - Science
Protein changes identified in early-onset Alzheimer's from Science Daily
Brain activity linked to delusion-like experience from Science Daily
Predicting which lung cancer drugs are most likely to work from Science Daily
Cancer cells feed on sugar-free diet from Science Daily
3-D modeling software benefits kids with autism from Science Daily
Stem cell therapy reverses diabetes: Stem cells from cord blood used to re-educate diabetic's own T cells from Science Daily
European mountain vegetation shows effects of warmer climate from Science Daily
Climate change is altering mountain vegetation at large scale from Science Daily
Maldivian Leaders Might Move the Entire Nation to Australia If Sea Keeps Rising from PopSci
Dot Earth Blog: Other Voices: The Night it Snowed Grebes in Utah from NY Times Science
ScienceShot: New Telescope Captures Supermassive Black Hole from Science NOW
Video: World's Deepest Hydrothermal Vents from Science NOW
AAS Dispatch: Proposed Space Mission Would Probe Alien Atmospheres from
Airport Screeners to be Monitored for Radiation, TSA Says from Scientific American
What If There Were No Gravity? from Scientific American
Hubble Pinpoints Farthest Protocluster of Galaxies Ever Seen from Newswise - Scinews
Deep Sea Expedition Probes Tectonic Plates from Live Science
Social Media Contributes to Ethical Lapses at Work from Live Science
Stolen New Mexico meteorite worth $20K-$40K found from Physorg
Vancouver telecom will end roaming fees in U.S. from CBC: Technology & Science
New scale posts weight on Twitter, Facebook from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Is life expectancy in our genes? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Back Trouble? Blame Evolution from Science Blog
Treatment of psoriasis gets new hope from Science Blog
Harvard tops Dartmouth, 63-47 from Harvard Science
Struttin’ its stuff from Harvard Science
Disaster toll tallied from News @ Nature
Radio array starts work from News @ Nature
India on track to be declared polio-free next month from News @ Nature
Far Out! New Deep Space Mission Ideas Draw NASA's Eye from
When galaxy clusters collide from Physorg
Early-stage breast cancer patients lack knowledge; may not receive treatment they prefer from Physorg
Behavioral management to reduce substance abuse, crime and re-arrest for drug-involved parolees from Physorg
Unexpected discovery opens up new opportunities for targeting cancer from Physorg
Dramatic links found between climate change, elk, plants, and birds from Physorg
The path less traveled: Research is driving solutions to improve unpaved roads from Physorg
Tapping the body's own defenses, researchers look to cutting-edge gene therapy for bladder cancer from Physorg
New findings about the way cells work could lead to a test and therapy for kidney failure caused by E. coli from Physorg
An apple a day isn't enough from Physorg
Chandra finds largest galaxy cluster in early universe from Physorg
'Tiger mothers' should tame parenting approach from Physorg
Hubble pinpoints furthest protocluster of galaxies ever seen from Physorg
Kodak restructures amid bankruptcy battle from Physorg
Terrorist groups recruiting through social media from CBC: Technology & Science
Ontario could lose its maple trees, watchdog warns from CBC: Technology & Science
Tortoise species thought to be extinct still lives, genetic analysis reveals from Science Daily
Diet, nutrient levels linked to cognitive ability, brain shrinkage from Science Blog
Disruption of body clock causes neuro-degeneration, early death from Science Blog
Surprise discovery opens new opportunities to target cancer from Science Blog
Green Blog: On Our Radar: A New Snake from NY Times Science
Life Tech steers ahead of rivals in race for faster DNA device from Reuters:Science
Award encourages female scientists in developing world from SciDev
Latest models 'could give Asia ten-day flood warnings' from SciDev
CDC: Young adults down 9 drinks when they binge from AP Health
17% of US Adults Engage in Binge Drinking from Live Science
Fear of Being Fired Kills the American Vacation from Live Science
'Fish Meat' Documentary Screens at Festival on Jan. 14 from Newswise - Scinews
The Path Less Traveled: Research Is Driving Solutions to Improve Unpaved Roads from Newswise - Scinews
World's most extreme deep-sea vents revealed from Physorg
Over-65s are frequent binge drinkers: US study from Physorg
Disruption of biological clocks causes neurodegeneration, early death from Physorg
Backing out of the nanotunnel: New method for nucleic acid analysis from Physorg
Diabetes study shines spotlight on lifestyle interventions from Physorg
Reuse of municipal wastewater has potential to augment future drinking water supplies from Physorg
Quick-cooking nanomaterials in microwave to make tomorrow's air conditioners from Physorg
Astounding discoveries at deep sea vent from MSNBC: Science
Study: Nicotine patches, gum don’t work from Science Blog
Protein changes identified in early-onset Alzheimer’s from Science Blog
‘Tiger mothers’ should tame parenting approach from Science Blog
Reuse of municipal wastewater has potential to augment future drinking water supplies from Science Blog
Dot Earth Blog: What Can U.S. Universities Do About a Student Stampede in Johannesburg? from NY Times Science
Rules tighten on use of antibiotics on farms from News @ Nature
Scientists paint new picture of dance between protein and binding partners from Physorg
Researchers identify molecular 'culprit' in rise of planetary oxygen from Physorg
Diseases and sex: The cocktail maintaining immune gene variation from Physorg
Microsoft's last bow at electronics gala? from UPI
Ancient menorah bread stamp unearthed from MSNBC: Science
Child health report says kids at risk from CBC: Health
Novel anti-viral immune pathway discovered in mosquito from Science Daily
Farthest developing galaxy cluster ever found from Science Daily
Scientists Confirm Tobacco Use by Ancient Mayans from Science Blog
Scientists Build a Data Storage Device Out of Salmon DNA from PopSci
West African research programme to investigate Buruli ulcer from SciDev
US translational-science centre gets under way from News @ Nature
Twitter data accurately tracked Haiti cholera outbreak from News @ Nature
Primordial Galaxy Cluster is Farthest Ever Seen from
Quick-Cooking Nanomaterials in a $40 Microwave Oven To Make Tomorrow's Solid-State Air Conditioners and Refrigerators from Newswise - Scinews
Depression Linked Again to Vitamin D from Live Science
First Tornado of 2012 Confirmed in Texas from Live Science
Imminent Destruction? Doomsday Clock Moved 1 Minute Closer to Midnight from Live Science
NASA Rover En Route to Mars to Make Big Move Wednesday from Live Science
Austin lab team rolls out Kinect-controlled skateboard from Physorg
Affordable gene mapping on the horizon? from UPI
Mental health service backlog in Mackenzie Delta from CBC: Health
Nursing homes offer more than hospitals, residents say from CBC: Health
Affordable solar power for the poor is within reach from SciDev
Primordial Galaxy Cluster is Farthest Ever Seen from Live Science
Milky Way Galaxy's Past Revealed Through New Star Census from Live Science
Hidden Alien Planets Revealed in Old Hubble Telescope Data from Live Science
Algae for your fuel tank: New process for producing biodiesel from microalgae oil from Physorg
Satellite imagery detects thermal 'uplift' signal of underground nuclear tests from Physorg
Cosmetic chemical hinders brain development in tadpoles from Physorg
War bound to bowl bound from Physorg
VLBA, RXTE team up to pinpoint black hole's outburst from Physorg
Google helps predict flu case surge for hospitals from CBC: Technology & Science
York rated greenest university in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight from CBC: Technology & Science
Affordable gene mapping on the horizon? from UPI
Microsoft's last bow at electronics gala? from UPI
Cayman vents are world's hottest from BBC News: Science & Nature
Respiratory bugs but not the flu from CBC: Health
The Lovely Sunset On Exoplanet HD 209458 b from PopSci
Recipes for Health: Sweet and Pungent Apple and Cabbage Slaw — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Of orbits and ice ages from Harvard Science
Imminent Destruction? Doomsday Clock Moved 1 Minute Closer to Midnight from
Russian Space Failures May Be Result of Foul Play, Official Says from
Largest Galaxy Cluster, Named 'El Gordo,' Packs Mass of 2 Quadrillion Suns from
Doomsday clock moves 1 minute closer to midnight from CBSNews - Science
Which GOP Candidate Blinked the Most? (Infographic) from Live Science
Santorum Beats Romney in the Blink of an Eye from Live Science
New study helps predict which lung cancer drugs are most likely to work from Physorg
'Doomsday' ticks closer on nuclear, climate fears from Physorg
Internet address expansion set despite ".worries." from Physorg
Gut microbe networks differ from norm in obese people, systems biology approach reveals from Physorg
Lower risk of death linked with access to key attributes of primary care from Physorg
New fibrosis classification improves accuracy of diagnosis in hepatitis C from Physorg
High rates of disability and health care use for older Americans with cirrhosis from Physorg
Study offers hope for hemlock attack from Physorg
Google helps predict flu case surge for hospitals from CBC: Health
Introducing the 'nano-ear' from Physics World
Recipes for Health: Applesauce Bread — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Doomsday clock 1 minute closer to midnight from CBSNews - Science
Internet-Connected Scale Lets Parents Share Baby's Milestones from Live Science
Inexpensive sensor gives advance warning of catastrophic failure in lithium-ion batteries from Physorg
Quick-cooking nanomaterials in microwave to make tomorrow's air conditioners from Science Daily
El Gordo: A 'fat' distant galaxy cluster from Science Daily
Dramatic links found between climate change, elk, plants, and birds from Science Daily
Early-stage breast cancer patients lack knowledge; may not receive treatment they prefer from Science Daily
Diabetes study shines spotlight on lifestyle interventions from Science Daily
Renewable fuel: Clearing a potential road block to bisabolane from Science Daily
Disruption of biological clocks causes neurodegeneration, early death, study suggests from Science Daily
Backing out of the nanotunnel from Science Daily
'Tiger mothers' should tame parenting approach, expert says from Science Daily
Swallow a pill and let your doctor tour your insides from Science Daily
Helping chemistry become more environmentally-friendly from Science Daily
Smaller and more powerful electronics requires the understanding of 'quantum jamming' physics from Science Daily
The $1,000 Human Genome: Are We There Yet? from Scientific American
Researchers seek high-pressure materials without high-pressure processes from Physorg
Home video spending in US falls 2 percent in 2011 from Physorg
Before they were stars: New image shows space nursery from Physorg
Inflammation may link obesity and adverse pregnancy outcomes from Physorg
Send in the supplies: RoboCopters in Marines' future from Physorg
Cancer cells feed on sugar-free diet from Physorg
MIT's Nano-Bio-Bandage Can Stop Your Bleeding Almost Immediately from PopSci
God Of The Grant Gaps
Company announces low-cost DNA decoding machine from AP Health
Company announces low-cost DNA decoding machine from AP Science
Possibly the strangest shrimp ever discovered from CBSNews - Science
Earth's Newest Island, Burped from a Volcano, Is a Keeper from Live Science
Found: First Solid Evidence of Ancient Mayans' Tobacco Use from Live Science
Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to Lungs from Live Science
English or Greek, toddlers watch the tone from Physorg
US probes alleged India hacking of commission from Physorg
Televisions getting Siri-style personal assistants from Physorg
High-tech gadget show opens doors in Vegas from Physorg
Smoking marijuana may not harm lungs from CBC: Health
Stars Pop Onto the Scene in New WISE Image from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Before They Were Stars: New Image Shows Space Nursery from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Herschel and Spitzer See Nearby Galaxies' Stardust from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Healing the iPhone's wounds from Science Daily
New hope to save hemlock trees from attack from Science Daily
Cosmetic chemical hinders brain development in tadpoles from Science Daily
Satellite imagery detects thermal 'uplift' signal of underground nuclear tests from Science Daily
Pinpointing a black hole's outburst from Science Daily
Who's wealthy? Beyond net worth, asset and debt levels change our perceptions from Science Daily
Reuse of municipal wastewater has potential to augment future drinking water supplies from Science Daily
An apple a day isn't enough: Many people not eating enough fruits and vegetables from Science Daily
Scientists paint new picture of dance between protein and binding partners from Science Daily
Molecular 'culprit' in rise of planetary oxygen from Science Daily
Fusion plasma research helps neurologists to hear above the noise from Science Daily
Green Blog: Obama Drops by the E.P.A. from NY Times Science
The First Oxygen Users? from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Cradles in a Stellar Nursery from Science NOW
Galaxy-wide race ends in a tie from News @ Nature
Doomsday Clock Moved 1 Minute Closer to Midnight from Scientific American
Space Photos & Images from the 219th American Astronomical Society Meeting from
Petrochemical Output From Biomass Boosted by 40 Percent from Newswise - Scinews
$10 Million X Prize Aims to Realize 'Star Trek' Medical Tricorder from Live Science
'Doomsday clock' moves closer to midnight from UPI
Illegal Olympic tickets show up on Google from UPI
Ancient kosher 'bread stamp' found from UPI
Study examines accuracy of prognostic tools used to predict mortality among older adults from Physorg
Russia's space chief says failures may be sabotage from Physorg
Fermi telescope explores new energy extremes from Physorg
Marijuana smoke not as damaging to lungs as cigarette smoke from Physorg
Persons with dementia have higher rate of hospitalizations from Physorg
Asian-Americans getting better heart attack care from Physorg
Massive galaxy cluster found from CBC: Technology & Science
El Gordo - One Fat Galaxy
Using Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: How Long Until the End? from NY Times Health
Using Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death from NY Times Science
$10 Million X Prize Aims to Realize 'Star Trek' Medical Tricorder from
AAS Dispatch: How to NOT Get Funded in the Astronomy World from
China Launches Earth-Mapping Satellite in 2012's 1st Space Mission from
Trial Begins for Witchcraft Torture Killing from Live Science
'Rusty bucket'? Rare Roman helmet found from MSNBC: Science
Apple's TV presence is strong at CES, though it's not there from Physorg
Life Tech, Illumina unveil one-day genomes from Physorg
Young women often fail to spot their weight gain from Physorg
Study evaluates blood potassium levels after heart attack and risk of in-hospital mortality from Physorg
Nintendo gives 2nd glimpse of Wii U game machine from Physorg
Internet name expansion on track despite concerns from CBC: Technology & Science
New hope for better treatment of psoriasis from Science Daily
Doomsday Clock Ticks Closer to Midnight from Science NOW
Marijuana doesn't harm lung function, study found from AP Health
Pilot Study Establishes the Importance of Tracking Diseases Associated with Illegal Wildlife Trade at U.S. Ports from Newswise - Scinews
Lake Erie Algae and Ice Make a Nice Mix in Winter from Newswise - Scinews
Mercedes channels Che Guevara for car tech from CBSNews - Science
Ancient Mayan flask still holds traces of nicotine from MSNBC: Science
Stars pop onto the scene in new WISE image from Physorg
Herschel and Spitzer see nearby galaxies' stardust from Physorg
New star cluster W3A images captured by SOFIA observatory from Physorg
How can pediatric HIV be eliminated in Zimbabwe? from Physorg
Study shows early primate had a transitional lemur-like grooming claw from Physorg
Study establishes importance of tracking diseases associated with illegal wildlife trade from Physorg
Scientist at Work Blog: Two Quail Species in the Brush from NY Times Science
No Snow, No Cold: Where Is Winter? from Live Science
Gallery: Monkey Mug Shots from Live Science
Kodak fires patent suits at Apple, HTC from CBSNews - Science
PhotoBlog: Mount Rushmore's famous faces go virtual from MSNBC: Science
Astronomers pinpoint launch of 'bullets' in a black hole's jet from Science Daily
Before they were stars: New image shows space nursery from Science Daily
Gut microbe networks differ from norm in obese people, systems biology approach reveals from Science Daily
The path less traveled: Research is driving solutions to improve unpaved roads from Science Daily
Unexpected discovery opens up new opportunities for targeting cancer from Science Daily
LanzaTech Buys Range Fuels Facility from C&EN
When Galaxies Crash from Science NOW
Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to Lungs from Scientific American
Finds Fish Offspring Grow Best at Same Temperature as Parents from Newswise - Scinews
The Neuroscience of Looking on the Bright Side from Live Science
Toronto's first baby of 2012 dies from CBC: Health
Iran cell phone firms deny blocking text messages from Physorg
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 provide the safest care from Physorg
Gut hormone leads to weight loss in overweight or obese patients from Physorg
Could Climate Change Alter Lizard Learning? from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Why So Many Monkey Faces? from Science NOW
Black Hole Caught Pulling Trigger on Gas "Bullets" from National Geographic
Worm-Eating Plant Found—Kills via Underground Leaves from National Geographic
Lizard Smarts Take a Leap as Planet Warms from Live Science
Funny Facial Features Tell Monkeys Who's Who from Live Science
Bad Medicine from Live Science
Study: No lung danger from casual pot smoking from CBSNews - Science
Can you say that on TV? The Supreme Court debates from Physorg
Climate change leaves some Hudson Bay polar bears starving from CBC: Technology & Science
Website offers shot at balancing B.C. budget from CBC: Technology & Science
Jet-based observatory flies high from BBC News: Science & Nature
Doomsday Clock a minute closer to midnight from Reuters:Science
Galaxy cluster is named 'fat one' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists look to microbes to unlock Earth's deep secrets from Science Daily
Fish offspring grow best at same temperature as parents from Science Daily
Marijuana smoke not as damaging to lungs as cigarette smoke, study suggests from Science Daily
Monkeys 'follow friends first' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Lake Erie algae and ice make a nice mix in winter from Science Daily
Increased risk of developing asthma by age of three after Cesarean from Science Daily
Metal oxide simulations could help green technology from Science Daily
Bacteria in the gut of autistic children different from non-autistic children from Science Daily
Plans set for $10 million 'Tricorder' contest from MSNBC: Science
Rare white penguin spotted in Antarctica from MSNBC: Science
Scientists: Policies threaten U.K. science from UPI
Sensor can warn of battery failure from UPI
Quake-damaged particle accelerator fixed from UPI
Deepest undersea vents also the hottest from UPI
Ancient helmet a clue to British history from UPI
Plant traps then eats worms underground from UPI
Hubble finds most distant galaxy cluster from UPI
Wildlife trade bringing viruses to U.S. from UPI
'Doomsday clock' moves closer to midnight from UPI
Illegal Olympic tickets show up on Google from UPI
Ancient kosher 'bread stamp' found from UPI
New strategy in fight against infectious diseases from Science Daily
Help Available for Drivers Who Have Wartime Trauma from NY Times Health
Malnutrition in India Is Widespread, Report Finds from NY Times Health
Scientists: Policies threaten U.K. science from UPI
Sensor can warn of battery failure from UPI
Quake-damaged particle accelerator fixed from UPI
Deepest undersea vents also the hottest from UPI
Ancient helmet a clue to British history from UPI
Plant traps then eats worms underground from UPI
Hubble finds most distant galaxy cluster from UPI
Wildlife trade bringing viruses to U.S. from UPI