Archive of feed items published on the 11th of October 2012
Massive data breach hits Florida college from UPI
Rover designed to drill for moon ice from UPI
Apple iPad Mini said to be WiFi only from UPI
'Splitting' passwords said security help from UPI
Glaxo Opens Door to Data on Its Research from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Spring Rolls With Shrimp, Red Rice and Herbs — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Life, Interrupted: A Battle With Myself from NY Times Health
Work just beginning as drugmakers put Nobel discoveries to test from Reuters:Science
Next generation of spaceflight taking shape in Mojave from LA Times - Science
Shuttle's journey across L.A. is a vast challenge in logistics from LA Times - Science
California's renewable-energy plans may hinge on presidential race from LA Times - Science
Banana fibre can fix marine oil spills, says study from SciDev
A new cave-dwelling reef coral discovered in the Indo-Pacific from Physorg
Turtle 'passes waste' through mouth from BBC News: Science & Nature
ICAD 2012: Top Ten Cephalopod Stories From The Last Year
Free message apps 'to cost telecoms $23 bln this year' from Physorg
Austrian daredevil eyes new space jump at weekend from Physorg
Costa Rica tightens ban on shark fins from Physorg
Nigerian farmers sue Shell in Dutch case with global reach from Physorg
'Musical' mice learn new songs from BBC News: Science & Nature
US affirms steep tariffs on China solar panels from Physorg
Indicted Megaupload founder plans site reboot from Physorg
Badgers: Splitting public opinion for more than 200 years from BBC News: Science & Nature
Drawing gas sensors with a nanotube pencil from Chemistry World
Mando's chainless e-bike is headed for Europe in 2013 (w/ Video) from Physorg
Suit: Firm provided tainted meds in 2002, man died from AP Health
Employers alone can't fix workplace depression from CBC: Health
China rejects US solar tariffs as protectionism from Physorg
Did Body Hair Evolve To Warm Or Cool Animals?
CMS Vs ATLAS On Dijet Resonances: Who Wins ?
Home for sale: U.S. house prices continue to climb from Physorg
Study finds high school media lacking in diversity, online presence from Physorg
Sea sponges offer hope for new medicines from Physorg
Yet another health care decision: Consumers want more education with their cosmeceutical ads from Physorg
Social and economic well-being of Mediterranean under threat by demand on environment, says new report from Physorg
First video footage of unstudied West African seahorse released from Physorg
Measuring the impact of customer word-of-mouth from Physorg
Researchers find new way to mimic the color and texture of butterfly wings from Physorg
Food contamination from Chemistry World
Perovskite posits answer to xenon riddle from Chemistry World
Underlying genetic architecture of photoperiodism makes mosquitos more resistant to climate change, study finds from Physorg
Study proposes 'swimways' to help save migratory fish from Physorg
Researcher explores the potential of graphene from Physorg
Latino electorate largest ever; expect influence from those not voting, expert claims from Physorg
Software that recognizes behavior patterns developed to improve computer tracking of human activity from Physorg
Discovering the keys to improved biofuel catalysts from Physorg
Arctic summer wind shift could affect sea ice loss and U.S./European weather, study says from Physorg
Black holes provide us with knowledge of the Earth from Physorg
New iPad application helps students understand how conditions affect blackbody radiation from Physorg
Curiosity Mars rover resumes work with first scooped sample from Physorg
Women use emoticons more than men in text messaging :-) from Physorg
Cold wind makes Norwegian Sea warmer from Physorg
Deep ocean sediment gives ancient temperature record from Physorg
'Self-assembly' technique for making cheap, high-density data storage from Physorg
Space Funding Startup Uwingu to Unveil 1st Product from
New Rules for Meteorite Hunters Unveiled from
Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet from Physorg
Working toward a universal vaccine for all influenza A and B viruses from Physorg
Fingerprints for financing: Removing some risk from lending in Africa from Physorg
Research addresses complex multiscale and multiphase cloud physics problems from Physorg
Scientist who helped clone sheep Dolly dies from Physorg
Big baby walrus coming to NYC aquarium from Physorg
UN says world has 6 billion cell phone subscribers from Physorg
Advancing scientific insights into quantum systems from Physorg
Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant programs identify key ocean, coastal research needs from Physorg
Researchers racing to develop world's most accurate thermometer from Physorg
Relearchers apply dynamics system theory to predator-prey interactions from Physorg
Accumulating stellar 'stuff' to form galaxies from Physorg
Workers worry N.S. tech outsourcing may spread from CBC: Technology & Science
Crowd-sourced dangerous intersection map attracts a crowd from CBC: Technology & Science
Poison Nil: Snake and Scorpion Antivenoms Set for First Update in 60 Years from Scientific American
Hyped GM maize study faces growing scrutiny from News @ Nature
UNESCO chief says U.S. funding cuts "crippling" organization from Reuters:Science
Astronomers discover unimaginably large diamond in space from Reuters:Science
Cotton thread to monitor athletes’ dehydration from Chemistry World
'Superstructured' solar cells achieve record efficiency of 10.9% from Physorg
High-speed imagery captures new sea spray formation mechanism from Physorg
The murky allure of the Loch Ness monster from BBC News: Science & Nature
Method to study the atomic structure of complex surfaces developed from Science Daily
Potty Mouth! Turtle Dips Head in Puddles to Pee from Live Science
ScienceShot: Revenge of the Mites from Science NOW
Linking typhoon tracks with rainfall patterns and flood timing from Physorg
Model suggests Earth is undergoing true polar wander from Physorg
Why cities want parks in the sky from BBC News: Science & Nature
6 billion cellphone users nearly equals world population from CBC: Technology & Science
The Marshmallow Study Revisited from Science Blog
Soft-shelled turtles urinate through mouth from Science Blog
Salmonella warning issued for peanut butter products from CBC: Health
Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet from Science Daily
Bouncing on Titan from European Space Agency
Watch online: 'Downtown Dubai' on the Earth from Space programme from European Space Agency
Birth of Cool: Photographers Catch Brilliant Fetus Nebula from
Novel observations of currents and drag generated by a tsunami from Physorg
Relaxing immigration could generate billions for global economy from Science Blog
Angry? Sad? Ashamed? Depressed people can’t tell difference from Science Blog
Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet from Science Blog
Prospective Alzheimer’s drug builds new brain cell connections from Science Blog
The marshmallow study revisited: Delaying gratification depends as much on nurture as on nature from Science Daily
Prospective Alzheimer's drug builds new brain cell connections, improves cognitive function of rats from Science Daily
How food marketers can help consumers eat better while improving their bottom line from Science Daily
New cave-dwelling reef coral discovered in the Indo-Pacific from Science Daily
Gene implicated in schizophrenia risk is also associated with risk for cannabis dependence from Science Daily
DNA confirms genetically distinct lion population for Ethiopia from Science Daily
Wild monkeys watch fights to exploit losers for grooming from Science Daily
New observations give a glimpse of the future of the Sun from Science Daily
Cold wind makes Norwegian Sea warmer from Science Daily
The impact and implications of early voting: What the experts have to say from Science Daily
Graphene: A patterned template for molecular packing from Science Daily
Close call: Bad weather drives up phone calls to our nearest and dearest from Science Daily
Hospital readmission rates misleading, study finds from Science Daily
Bad Weather Leads to Chats with Family, Close Friends from Live Science
Filming Bacterial Life in Multicolor as a New Diagnostic and Antibiotic Discovery Tool from Newswise - Scinews
More water stored along major rivers during El Nino years from Physorg
Can science help improve food security? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why pilot fatigue is dangerous from BBC News: Science & Nature
Poor UK summers may arise from global warming and Arctic ice loss from Science Blog
Slump in confidence hits EU chemical industry from Chemistry World
Turbo-charged Diels-Alder reaction from Chemistry World
Potty Mouth! Turtle dips head in puddles to pee from MSNBC: Science
Women use emoticons more than men in text messaging :-) from Science Daily
Filming bacterial life in multicolor as a new diagnostic and antibiotic discovery tool from Science Daily
Bad weather leads to chats with family, friends from CBSNews - Science
Google rolls out "biggest update ever" for Street View from CBSNews - Science
Singing mice can learn new tunes from CBSNews - Science
National Zoo Panda Cub Died of Lung and Liver Damage from Live Science
Suit: Firm provided tainted meds in 2002, man died from AP Health
Space History Photo: Noordung's Three-Unit Space Station Concept from
Super-Earth Planet Likely Made of Diamond from
India's public school students on par with private students from Physorg
Everything You Need To Know About The Deadly Meningitis Outbreak from PopSci
Who was TV’s first anchorman? from Science Blog
Space funding startup Uwingu to unveil first product from CBSNews - Science
Stress: The roots of resilience from News @ Nature
Japan Earthquake Caused Long-Lasting Stress in Dogs from Live Science
Left, Right? Science Shouldn't Be Worried Either Way
New World Bank Head Wants to Address Climate Change from Science NOW
House-Size Asteroid Comes Closer to Earth Than the Moon Friday: Watch Live from
Geochemist duo offer new explanation for dearth of xenon in Earth's atmosphere from Physorg
Follow the Galileo IOV launch live from European Space Agency
Thyroid in a dish from
Karaoke Anxiety - An Exploration
ScienceShot: Fukushima Dogs Were Stressed Out from Science NOW
Researchers create 'nanoflowers' for energy storage, solar cells from Physorg
Plasma screens enhanced as disorder strikes from Physorg
Eco-friendly optics: Spider silk's talents harnessed for use in biosensors, lasers, microchips from Physorg
DNA confirms genetically distinct lion population for Ethiopia from Physorg
Target for Obesity Drugs Comes Into Focus from Newswise - Scinews
Fisheries Benefit From 400-Year-Old Tradition from Newswise - Scinews
NASA to provide update on Curiosity rover Mars mission from CBC: Technology & Science
Strange cave-dwelling coral discovered in tropical reefs from MSNBC: Science
National Zoo panda cub died of lung, liver damage from CBSNews - Science
Bounce, Skid, Wobble: How Huygens Landed on Titan from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Work Resumes with First Scooped Sample from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Twist on 'Marshmallow Test' Shows Environment Affects Self-Control from Live Science
The New Old Age Blog: Reaching 90 With Only Three Prescriptions from NY Times Health
Scientists use new method to help reduce piglet mortality from Physorg
Organic solar cells with high electric potential for portable electronics from Physorg
XL Foods plant to resume limited meat processing from CBC: Health
Why are some Hamilton resident doctors working 24 hour hospital shifts? from CBC: Health
Focus on space debris: Envisat from European Space Agency
Soft-shelled turtles urinate through mouth from Science Daily
Choreography of submerged whale lunges revealed from Science Daily
Biodiversity data gaps 'need bridging' to meet global targets from SciDev
Report calls for using ecosystems in disaster prevention from SciDev
Tomato compound might prevent some strokes from
How to See Shuttle Endeavour Roll Through L.A. This Week from
Google Lunar X Prize Robot Built to Find Lunar Water from
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232 from
Despite slow start, ebooks gain ground in Europe from Physorg
Third of world's population has Internet: UN from Physorg
US appeals court lifts ban on Samsung-Google phone from Physorg
Americans move to 'dual screens' to watch debates from Physorg
Shutterstock shares pop after $76.5 million IPO from Physorg
Softbank said to be in talks to buy Sprint Nextel from Physorg
Bouncing on Titan from Physorg
Fisheries benefit from 400-year-old tradition from Physorg
Queen's develops new environmentally friendly MOF production method from Physorg
Research findings in solar cells will have an impact on solar panel industry from Physorg
Choose and Prepare Rice Carefully to Ease Arsenic Concerns from Newswise - Scinews
Income linked to kids' health, school performance from CBC: Health
England World Cup wins and losses linked to 30 percent rise in domestic violence, study finds from Science Daily
Arctic and Southern Oceans appear to determine the composition of microbial populations from Science Daily
How nerve signals are sent around the body at varying speeds as electrical impulses from Science Daily
India's public school students on par with private students, study finds from Science Daily
Airborne superbugs elude hospital cleaning regimes from Science Daily
Eco-friendly optics: Spider silk's talents harnessed for use in biosensors, lasers, microchips from Science Daily
Plasma screens enhanced as disorder strikes: Study looks at ways to improve the quality of matter akin to that found in plasma screens from Science Daily
Netflix pledges to caption all content by 2014 from CBSNews - Science
Spot Where Julius Caesar Was Stabbed Discovered from Live Science
What Is Natural Anyway?
Stem Cell Opponents Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court from Science NOW
Curious Spiral Spotted by ALMA Around Red Giant Star R Sculptoris from
Private Asteroid-Hunting Space Telescope to Launch in 2017 from
Flare-Snapping Sunspot Rotating To Face Earth | Video from
Researchers ID unique geological 'sombrero' uplift in South America from Physorg
Fly eye mystery: Research provides insight into why flies have fastest vision in animal kingdom from Physorg
New web-based model for sharing research datasets could have huge benefits from Physorg
Half-century-long quest to observe chemical reactions in quantum realm achieved from Physorg
Unusual genetic structure confers major disease resistance trait in soybean from Physorg
Developmental biologist proposes new theory of early animal evolution, challenges basic assumptions from Physorg
Scientists focus on quorum sensing to better understand bacteria from Physorg
Moroccan desert meteorite delivers Martian secrets from Physorg
Focus on space debris: Envisat from Physorg
Friends vie for bragging rights online at TopThat from Physorg
How Blue Light and Caffeine Will Help Humans Move to Mars from PopSci
CRTC seeks public input for telecom firm code of conduct from CBC: Technology & Science
Fungal meningitis firm allegedly made tainted shots before from CBC: Health
Bioethics panel urges more gene privacy protection from MSNBC: Science
Eat more chocolate, win more Nobels? from MSNBC: Science
The Mysterious Case of the Missing Noble Gas from Scientific American
Natural playgrounds more beneficial to children, inspire more play, study finds from Science Daily
Clues to cancer metastasis: Discovery points to potential therapies for bone metastasis from Science Daily
Researchers create 'nanoflowers' for energy storage, solar cells from Science Daily
Astronomers spot "diamond planet" from CBSNews - Science
Google's Eric Schmidt: "Patent wars are death" from CBSNews - Science
Chinese Writer Mo Yan Awarded Nobel Literature Prize from Live Science
ScienceShot: Martian Meteorite Full of Bits of Black Glass from Science NOW
Sports head injuries need definitions from Harvard Science
Black Glass in New Martian Meteorite (Photos) from
Meteorite's Black Glass May Reveal Secrets of Mars from
Shiny Asteroid Vesta Once Had Magnetic Personality from
Researchers ID Unique Geological 'Sombrero' Uplift in South America from Newswise - Scinews
Weizmann Scientists Observe Quantum Effects in Cold Chemistry from Newswise - Scinews
Unusual Genetic Structure Confers Major Disease Resistance Trait in Soybean from Newswise - Scinews
High levels of CO2 make ice caps more likely to crack from CBC: Technology & Science
Strange structure seen around distant star from UPI
Firefox browser pulled for vulnerability from UPI
Alzheimer's sufferers may function better with less visual clutter from Science Daily
Stopping the itch: New clues into how to treat eczema from Science Daily
Diverse intestinal viruses may play a role in AIDS progression from Science Daily
Bouncing on Saturn's moon Titan from Science Daily
Brain scans predict children's reading ability from Science Daily
Studying stars on Earth: Physicists simulate gigantic magnetic fields that occur on neutron stars from Science Daily
New environmentally friendly MOF production method developed from Science Daily
Generation of functional thyroid tissue from stem cells from Science Daily
All healthcare professionals need training to deal with the sexual needs of patients, study finds from Science Daily
Global biodiversity priced at $76 billion from News @ Nature
Rejection improves eventual impact of manuscripts from News @ Nature
Oysters' Future Imperiled as Oceans Acidify from Live Science
Brain's Unconscious Bias Sways Decisions from Live Science
Time-Lapse Video of Northern Lights, Fall Colors in Michigan | Video from
Roots of Post-Trauma Resilience Sought in Genetics and Brain Changes from Scientific American
Hormone-Producing Thyroid Grown from Embryonic Stem Cells from Scientific American
Strange structure seen around distant star from UPI
Firefox browser pulled for vulnerability from UPI
Hubble sees a planetary nebula in the making from Science Daily
Bounce, skid, wobble: How Huygens landed on Titan from Science Daily
Terrorism risk greatest for subway/rail commuters from Science Daily
Developmental biologist proposes new theory of early animal evolution that challenges basic assumption of evolution from Science Daily
Surprising solution to fly eye mystery from Science Daily
Meteorite delivers Martian secrets from Science Daily
Researchers ID unique geological 'sombrero' uplift in South America from Science Daily
Private asteroid-hunting satellite to launch in 2017 from CBSNews - Science
Meningitis Outbreak Grows to 170 Cases, 14 Deaths from Live Science
Researchers work across fields to uncover information about hadrosaur teeth from Physorg
Earth sunblock only needed if planet warms easily from Physorg
Science Forum Releases Report on Asthma Research from Newswise - Scinews
Earth Sunblock Only Needed if Planet Warms Easily from Newswise - Scinews
Breast cancer surgery rate differences 'raise questions' from CBC: Health
Dogs suffer PTSD-like stress after Japan disaster from MSNBC: Science
How bacteria communicate using quorum sensing: Could bacteria be manipulated to control infections? from Science Daily
Focus on space debris: Envisat from Science Daily
Organic solar cells with high electric potential for portable electronics from Science Daily
Mug handles could help hot plasma give lower-cost, controllable fusion energy from Physorg
Terrorism risk greatest for subway/rail commuters, says MIT paper at INFORMS conference from Physorg
Researchers make Sudoku puzzles less puzzling from Physorg
Pictures: Blue Honey Surprises Beekeepers from National Geographic
Women use emoticons more when texting from UPI
Distant planet may be mostly diamond from UPI
Court sides with Samsung in dispute with Apple from CBSNews - Science
Meteorite's black glass may reveal secrets of Mars from CBSNews - Science
Fusion energy: Mug handles could help hot plasma give lower-cost, controllable fusion energy from Science Daily
Making Sudoku puzzles less puzzling from Science Daily
Using cell phone data to curb the spread of malaria from Science Daily
Climate Solution: Pay True Cost of Fossil Fuels, NASA Scientist Says from Live Science
Carbon dioxide 'corrodes' ice, say scientists from Physics World
Arab and South American countries to cooperate on S&T from SciDev
Quantum Effects Get Hot When Chemistry Gets Cold
L.A.'s California Science Center: Final Home of Shuttle Endeavour (Photos) from
New studies reveal connections between animals' microbial communities and behavior from Physorg
Massive diamond planet discovered by astronomers from CBC: Technology & Science
Daily Infographic: A Mesmerizing Map of Water Currents on the Great Lakes from PopSci
Three endangered panthers killed in Fla. from UPI
Softbank in talks to buy Sprint-Nextel from UPI
Women use emoticons more when texting from UPI
Distant planet may be mostly diamond from UPI
Mars Rock Touched by NASA Curiosity has Surprises from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Uncovering information about hadrosaur teeth from Science Daily
Engineered flies spill secret of seizures from Science Daily
Perspiration is Inspiration for New Cooling Rooftop from Live Science
Big Manes Make Rasta Lions Special from Live Science
Strange Cave-Dwelling Coral Discovered in Tropical Reefs from Live Science
Curiosity Rover's Pet Mars Rock 'Jake' Unlike Any Seen on Red Planet from
Space Shuttle Endeavour's Historic L.A. Move Documented for Film from
Schwarzenegger hands out green award in Denmark from Physorg
US zoo cites liver disease in baby panda's death from Physorg
NASA sees Typhoon Prapiroon doing a 'Sit and Spin' in the Philippine Sea from Physorg
Satellite sees 16th Atlantic tropical depression born near Bahamas from Physorg
EU commissioner seeks to reassure VW on CO2 emissions from Physorg
Shuttle crossing provides a unique teaching moment from Physorg
Experts puzzled by lone dolphin in Cayman Islands from Physorg
Las Cumbres Observatory achieves first light with NRES spectrograph from Physorg
Samsung wins reversal of Nexus U.S. sales ban from CBC: Technology & Science
Transplanted Purcell Mountain caribou fail to survive from CBC: Technology & Science
Brain scan can predict reading skills from UPI
LA prepares for space shuttle 'commute' from UPI
Three endangered panthers killed in Fla. from UPI
Softbank in talks to buy Sprint-Nextel from UPI
Safety results of intra-arterial stem cell clinical trial for stroke presented from Science Daily
New studies could result in better treatments for epilepsy, behavioral disorders from Science Daily
Enzyme triggers cell death in heart attack from Science Daily
Animals' microbial communities linked to their behavior from Science Daily
Anti-cancer drug fights immune reaction in some infants with Pompe disease from Science Daily
More than just 'zoning out': Exploring the cognitive processes behind mind wandering from Science Daily
Antibiotic resistance a growing concern with urinary tract infection from Science Daily
Earth sunblock only needed if planet warms easily from Science Daily
Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches Record High Levels from Live Science
A Volcanic Mind: A Q&A with 'Genius' Grant Winner from Live Science
Mysterious Elk-Shaped Structure Discovered in Russia from Live Science
Unique Lions of Ethiopia from Live Science
Fresh Batch of Cold Air Set to Invade Midwest, Northeast from Live Science
Image Gallery: The Nazca Lines of Russia from Live Science
Fla. man accused of returning used enemas from AP Health
Scientists probe fresh Martian meteorite from
Why Crowdsourcing Cannot Be Fixed
Green Blog: Panda Cub Died of Lung and Liver Damage from NY Times Science
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Death of an Oil Spill Survivor from NY Times Science
Mug handles could help hot plasma give lower-cost, controllable fusion energy from Science Blog
Venus: Runaway Greenhouse On The Second Planet From The Sun | Video from
Mars rock touched by Curiosity has surprises from Physorg
Tying our fate to molecular markings from Physorg
Swedish government to crack down on hackers from Physorg
Bright Venus and moon shine in Friday morning sky from CBSNews - Science
NASA releases dramatic nebula images from UPI
Brain scan can predict reading skills from UPI
LA prepares for space shuttle 'commute' from UPI
New web-based model for sharing research datasets could have huge benefits from Science Daily
Anesthetic combination provides a more rapid recovery after oral surgery from Science Daily
Quantum effects observed in cold chemistry from Science Daily
Parental bonding makes for happy, stable child from Science Daily
New insight into celiac disease from Science Daily
Feeding the Schwanns: New technique could bring cell therapy for nerve damage a step closer from Science Daily
Yellowstone wolf study reveals how to raise successful offspring from Science Daily
US Navy Working on Improvising 'MacGyver' Robots from Live Science
Flood Facts, Types of Flooding, Floods in History from Live Science
Nuclear Physics Students Travel Beyond Equations | Video from Live Science
21 accused in NYC of selling meds on Craigslist from AP Health
Vesta: The Mini-Planet That Could Magnetize from Science NOW
3G protocols come up short in privacy, say researchers from Physorg
Farmer finds Maya murals under plaster from MSNBC: Science
Chimps said attacking humans in Africa from UPI
Tradition has role in protecting fisheries from UPI
Study: Ethiopian lions genetically unique from UPI
NASA releases dramatic nebula images from UPI
Nurture trumps nature in study of oral bacteria in human twins, study finds from Science Daily
Single gene variant in donors may affect survival of transplanted kidneys from Science Daily
Novel mechanisms underlying major childhood neuromuscular disease identified from Science Daily
Biofuels benefit billionaires from Science Daily
Solar cell degradation research to have impact on solar panel industry from Science Daily
Regular Aspirin Use May Reduce Ovarian Cancer Risk from Live Science
Ballooning Magma Creates Sombrero-Shaped Formation from Live Science
Alvin Album: Deep-Sea Vehicle Prepares for New Adventures from Live Science
Pulsars Could Cut Out The Middle Man For Interstellar Travel
Titan Lander Bounced, Slid and Wobbled After Touchdown | Animation from
First evidence of dynamo generation on an asteroid found from Physorg
Twitter users report Facebook down in Europe, Anonymous claims responsibility from CBSNews - Science
Treasure trove of coins found in Denmark from UPI
Scientists find first evidence of dynamo generation on an asteroid from MIT Research
Tropical Storm Patty Forms, Not Expected to Stick Around from Live Science
Novel technique helps with researching atomic structure of complex surfaces from Physorg
Wild monkeys watch fights to exploit losers for grooming from Physorg
Giant eyeball found — but whose is it? from MSNBC: Science
Spot where Caesar was stabbed discovered from MSNBC: Science
Study: Ethiopian lions genetically unique from UPI
First 3D map of East Antarctica from Science Alert
Space shuttle Endeavour set for road trip to final Los Angeles home from Reuters:Science
Diamond Planet Found—Part of a "Whole New Class?" from National Geographic
Romania rising as New World of wine in 'old' Europe from Physorg
No bail for man accused in Russian technology sale from Physorg
Landing on Saturn moon still giving data from UPI
Treasure trove of coins found in Denmark from UPI
Chimps said attacking humans in Africa from UPI
Tradition has role in protecting fisheries from UPI
JPL 'Genius': NASA Astronomer Named MacArthur Fellow from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Velociraptor: Facts about the 'Speedy Thief' from Live Science
Finding the Gaps in Privacy and Security Systems from Live Science
Mountain Lions Migrating West to California from Live Science
Deep-Sea Vehicle Alvin Gets Splashy Makeover from Live Science
ACS And Leadscope Settle Case from C&EN
Oral Health: In Mouth Microbiology, Nurture Triumphs Over Nature
Sombrero-shaped formation growing in Andes from MSNBC: Science
Giant 'sombrero' lifting Earth's crust from UPI
Unusual genetic structure confers major disease resistance trait in soybean from Science Daily
Protein linked to male infertility from Science Alert
New federal-provincial air quality deal aims to cut smog from CBC: Technology & Science
Meteor from Mars still revealing secrets from UPI
Giant 'sombrero' lifting Earth's crust from UPI
Landing on Saturn moon still giving data from UPI
One CVD death in China every 10 seconds from Science Daily
Scientists use new method to help reduce piglet mortality from Science Daily
Twenty-one genes tied to cholesterol levels identified from Science Daily
Ball lightning mystery solved from Science Alert
Space shuttle Endeavour set for road trip to final Los Angeles home from Reuters:Science
Huygens Didn't Land On Titan With A Splat - And Why That Is Scientifically Important
New model explains role of dopamine in immune regulation from Science Daily
Preemies from low-income families at high risk for dangerous brain bleeds from Science Daily
HIV and breast cancer may share a common enemy: Nelfinavir from Science Daily
Fisheries benefit from 400-year-old tradition from Science Daily
New tool determines leukemia cells' 'readiness to die,' may guide clinical care from Science Daily
Target for obesity drugs comes into focus from Science Daily
Plasma: How Some Disorder Improves Your Television Picture
NASA's Mars rover finds rock with Earth-like chemistry from Reuters:Science
Endeavour crews remember shuttle as a home and workplace from LA Times - Science
Meteor from Mars still revealing secrets from UPI
MIT alums recount their Martian experiences from MIT Research
An unusually pristine piece of Mars from LA Times - Science
When Galaxies Eat Galaxies: Big Collisions, Denser Galaxies from Newswise - Scinews
Meningitis outbreak: Some questions and answers from LA Times - Science
Keith Campbell, Cloner of Dolly the Sheep, Dies at 58 from NY Times Science
Hearings Set on Renewing Indian Point Reactors’ Licenses from NY Times Science
U.S. Struggles to Rescue Green Program Hit by Fraud from NY Times Science
SCIENCE: Greens Versus the Green Thumb from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Will Seismic Blasts Upend Atlantic Marine Life? from NY Times Science