Archive of feed items published on the 14th of November 2012
Human eye gives researchers visionary design for new, more natural lens technology from Science Daily
Sperm length variation is not a good sign for fertility from Science Daily
Climate change increases stress, need for restoration on grazed public lands from Physorg
Recipes for Health: Roasted Eggplant and Chickpeas — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Can Housework Help You Live Longer? from NY Times Health
S. Korean space launch faces further delay from UPI
VIDEO: US cattle country in uproar at virus-lab plan from BBC News: Science & Nature
S. Korean space launch faces further delay from UPI
BMW offers steering wheel data display from UPI
Nokia unveils HERE mapping service from UPI
Samsung to debut 85-inch HD television from UPI
Sun emits moderate solar flare from UPI
Mars rover 'tasting' sample of solid soil from UPI
EU holds off on airline emission taxes from UPI
Climate change said threat to world coffee from UPI
Weather records show summer climate change from UPI
Pakistan building drones, official says from UPI
Artificial lens mimics the human eye from UPI
Scientists seeking 'extinct' China dolphin from UPI
Climate Change Increases Stress, Need for Restoration on Grazed Public Lands from Newswise - Scinews
Filthy Water in California Farmworker Communities from NY Times Health
The Importance of Regular Mental Health Checkups from NY Times Health
GOP debate on social issues likely to emerge from CBSNews - Science
What Lives in Your Belly Button? Study Finds "Rain Forest" of Species from National Geographic
Urban insects change their tune from BBC News: Science & Nature
Proba-2 soaks up three solar eclipses from European Space Agency
Canada's tobacco warnings move up to 4th in world ranking from CBC: Health
Top security US lab under threat from BBC News: Science & Nature
DNA research stops MRSA outbreak from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Perfect' diamond sells for $21m from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ugandans evicted to make way for oil refinery from BBC News: Science & Nature
Higgs: New ATLAS And CMS Results
CA coastal panel mulls quake study near nuke plant from Physorg
Three rare Sumatran tiger cubs born at Indonesia zoo from Physorg
Nokia buys 3D mapping firm in location services push from Physorg
CMS And ATLAS: Higgs To Tau Pairs!
Samsung plans no settlement with Apple, executive says from Physorg
Clouds part, solar eclipse darkens north Australia from Physorg
South Korea postpones rocket launch, official reports from Physorg
Vietnam may evict bears from 'protected' park land from Physorg
NY Times, union agree to new contract from Physorg
Human development from Chemistry World
How technology is lifting the covers on infidelity from CBC: Technology & Science
Infineon cuts costs as revenue falls from Physorg
Australia's devils to get fresh start on new island from Physorg
Toyota recalls vehicles for steering, pump defects from Physorg
Driving drones can be a drag from MIT Research
New metamaterial lens focuses radio waves from MIT Research
US panel urges more oversight of China investment from Physorg
Chelation-therapy heart trial draws fire from News @ Nature
Preserve the services of mangroves—Earth's invaluable coastal forests, experts urge from Physorg
State-of-the-art Earth explorer tracks storms before they hit, keeps up with increasing frequency of extreme events from Physorg
Mountain gorillas now the only great ape with clear signs of increasing population despite continued pressure on habitat from Physorg
Study shows distractions may alleviate boredom and improve drone operators' performance from Physorg
Biofactory introduces kits for assessment of protein-DNA interactions, targeting researchers and industry from Physorg
Clear view into glass: Researchers have analysed the atomic structure of amorphous silica from Physorg
New metamaterial lens focuses radio waves: Device could improve satellite and molecular imaging from Physorg
Be persuasive. Be brave. Be arrested (if necessary) from News @ Nature
Mixed reviews for US Clean Water Act from News @ Nature
Global Temperature Report: October 2012 from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers Find "Homeless" Planet Wandering Through Space from Newswise - Scinews
Rogue Planet Has No Parent Star | Video from
'Rogue planet' is young wanderer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tory MP 'proposed rival campaign' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Your solar eclipse pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Uncovering the secrets of tea from Chemistry World
U.S. to station space radar in Australia from Reuters:Science
US to station powerful radar, space telescope in Australia from Physorg
View Dynamic Glass system goes on public display (w/ Video) from Physorg
Afghan women learn literacy through mobile phones from Physorg
Astronomers find 'homeless' planet wandering through space from Physorg
Israeli mice sniff out bombs and vice from Physorg
China's Tencent quarterly profit rises 32% from Physorg
Rover's 'SAM' lab instrument suite tastes soil from Physorg
Plant hormone could help produce biofuels, reduce demand on crops from Physorg
Research shows texting a compulsion for young adults from Physorg
Has the internet lead to fewer male drivers on the road? from Physorg
Building molecular engine: Researchers induce uniform oscillation from random noise of single hydrogen molecule from Physorg
Investment relief for biotech sector from News @ Nature
Poll: Most Afghans optimistic about future from AP Health
UN says access to contraception a human right from AP Health
'Orphan' Alien Planet Found Nearby Without Parent Star from
Alternative Fuels’ Long-Delayed Promise Might Be Near Fruition from NY Times Science
News Analysis: Energy Independence in America? Don’t Pop the Cork Yet from NY Times Science
New bright and blue supernova in NGC 1365 from Physorg
Australian blue whales now call Antarctica home from Physorg
Fossil evidence supports developmental model for the origin of the jaw from Physorg
Freescale: World's most advanced powertrain microcontroller, helping drive auto industry to 55 MPG from Physorg
Croatia opens health fraud probe against 76 people from AP Health
Curiosity Rover's Chemistry Lab Takes 1st First Taste of Mars Soil from
Distant Black Holes Map Universe's Dark Energy History from
Great whites 'not from megashark' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Catch and release from Harvard Science
Reproductive biology: Fertile mind from News @ Nature
National cyber range rapidly emulates complex networks from Physorg
Dogs, humans team up to help eradicate Dyer's woad in Montana from Physorg
Student teams to build and fly rockets with onboard payloads for NASA rocketry challenge from Physorg
WISE discovers mystery dust around a dead star with a close companion from Physorg
A tale of turkey tail: The part of the bird best left uneaten from Physorg
7 questions on code and ciphers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chemistry goes into the field to battle metal theft from Chemistry World
Researchers take another step towards mind controlled robots from Physorg
Not what you consciously thought: How we can do math problems and read phrases nonconsciously from Science Daily
Lost in space: Rogue planet spotted? Orphaned world may help to explain how planets and stars form from Science Daily
Google Fiber 1 gigabit Internet launches in Kansas City from CBSNews - Science
How our oceans may be saved from CBC: Technology & Science
Election site exposes personal information from UPI
Russia trims Internet blacklist from UPI
Simulation: Quantum leaps from News @ Nature
Glacier melt cited as main cause of rising seas from Physorg
Austria court upholds Facebook ban for broadcaster from Physorg
Computer science helping the aged stay home from Physorg
PNNL expertise highlighted at Supercomputing conference from Physorg
Georgia Tech releases cyber threats forecast for 2013 from Physorg
Pacific fishing zones—lifeline for overfished tuna? from Physorg
The leggiest animal on Earth lives in the outskirts of Silicon Valley from Physorg
Studying resistant parasites in sheep in Norway from Physorg
Scientists design new lens with convex and concave functionality, potential to revolutionise optical devices from Physorg
750-Leg Millipede Even Weirder Than Thought from Live Science
Image Gallery: The Leggiest Millipede from Live Science
The Aftermath of Calculator Use in College Classrooms from Science Blog
The leggiest animal on Earth lives in the outskirts of Silicon Valley from Science Blog
‘Homeless’ planet foud wandering through space from Science Blog
Serving veggies with meal makes diners think better of cook from Science Blog
Pakistan frees Taliban prisoners for peace process from AP Science
Live Chat: The Genes We Eat from Science NOW
Russia loses contact with satellites, space station - RIA from Reuters:Science
Life and death in a star-forming cloud from European Space Agency
Electric Tesla Model S wins Motor Trend's Car of the Year from CBC: Technology & Science
Election site exposes personal information from UPI
Russia trims Internet blacklist from UPI
Russia loses contact with space station from Physorg
When Does 'Old Age' Start? When You Stop Shopping from Live Science
Injectable sponge delivers drugs, cells, and structure from Science Blog
Fantasy-Reality Confusion a Primary Cause of Childhood Nighttime Fears from Science Blog
Being Neurotic, and Conscientious, a Good Combo for Health from Science Blog
Increasing Efficiency of Wireless Networks from Science Blog
Computer Science Helping the Aged Stay Home from Newswise - Scinews
Georgia Tech Releases Cyber Threats Forecast for 2013 from Newswise - Scinews
CFBDSIR2149-0403 - Planet Gone Rogue
Email privacy: What you need to know from CBSNews - Science
Solar eclipse in Australia from CBSNews - Science
Curiosity rover takes first taste of Martian soil from CBSNews - Science
Ag minister defends deregulation of food packaging from CBC: Health
Rural dialysis service still up in the air from CBC: Health
Ocean still suffering from Fukushima fallout from News @ Nature
Governing economic growth in the cloud from Physorg
US urges safety technologies be made standard from Physorg
Study investigates headshaking in horses from Physorg
New brain gene gives us edge over apes, study suggests from Physorg
Fast food menu calories still waaay high from Science Blog
The Smarter, Safer, Stronger, Far-Out Materials Of The Future from PopSci
Beavers 'threaten' Dutch flood banks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Reduced El Niño Activity In Early 15th To Middle 17th Centuries - The Coral Record
Robert Dorfman from Harvard Science
New freeform standards to support scanning CMMs from Physorg
CA coastal panel mulls quake study near nuke plant from AP Science
Physicist Elected to Congress Calls for More Scientists-Statesmen from Scientific American
Filtrona Porous Technologies Introduces New Medical-grade Foams and Unique Fiber Products for Clean Environments at MEDICA / COMPAMED Trade Fair from Newswise - Scinews
Space History Photo: Lunar Prospector in Clean Room from
Partial Solar Eclipse Seen 3X By Satellite | Video from
Taking Charge with cellphones from Harvard Science
Alien orphan: Rogue planet found floating without star from CBSNews - Science
Robot Fish Shepherd Real Fish From Danger? | Video from Live Science
Grasshoppers Sing Louder Near Roadways | Video from Live Science
Homeland Security to Test Social Media as Disease-Tracking Tool from Live Science
Ingredient in diarrhea medicine leads to sustainable new farm fertilizer from Physorg
Nanometer-scale diamond tips improve nano-manufacturing from Physorg
You can be a star—on science's stage from Physorg
Russia: Cable cut not affecting space station from Physorg
Facebook jumps on biggest lock-up expiration day from Physorg
Boosting the sensitivity of airport security screening from Physorg
Preserving van Gogh's priceless masterpieces from Physorg
Changing climate, not tourism, seems to be driving decline in chinstrap-penguin populations from Physorg
Researchers find way to boost WiFi performance 400-700 percent from Physorg
It pays to cooperate from MIT Research
Melting glaciers raise sea level from Science Daily
Where Did The Potosi Silver Go? Silver Isotopes Solve Inflation Question In Tudor And Stuart Europe
Global alliance to strengthen research–farmer links from SciDev
Video: Solar eclipse seen from Australia from CBSNews - Science
Watch: Total solar eclipse over Australia from CBSNews - Science
Two days that decide Europe’s space future: a citizen’s briefing on ESA from European Space Agency
Millipede has record 750 wiggling legs from MSNBC: Science
The curious shape of a supernova remnant in a star-forming cloud from Physorg
Life and death in a star-forming cloud from Science Daily
A risk gene for cannabis psychosis from Science Daily
Engineering a Photo-Switch for Nerve Cells in the Eye and Brain from Newswise - Scinews
PNNL Expertise Highlighted at Supercomputing from Newswise - Scinews
C. difficile fight in Cape Breton improving from CBC: Health
Scientists debate a license to smoke cigarettes from CBSNews - Science
Australia solar eclipse casts 150-km shadow from CBC: Technology & Science
Internet Explorer 10 is released for older Windows 7 from CBC: Technology & Science
Seven days: 9–15 November 2012 from News @ Nature
Killing rats is killing birds from News @ Nature
Hormone may help protect monogamous relationships from LA Times - Health
Soccer players may injure brains when 'heading' ball, study says from LA Times - Health
Santa Monica applies for funds to measure residents' well-being from LA Times - Health
California works to get word out on health insurance exchange from LA Times - Health
'Dirty money' affects spending habits, new study finds from Science Daily
Cancer therapy: Nanokey opens tumors to attack from Science Daily
People can read and solve multi-step math problems non-consciously from Science Daily
New brain gene gives us edge over apes, study suggests from Science Daily
Analysis: Where is policy headed? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Total Eclipse Hot Air Balloon Proposal - She Says Yes! | Video from
Video: now sells wine online from CBSNews - Science
Scrub jay among rarest US songbirds from MSNBC: Science
Robo-Fish Attracts Living Kin with Tail Wave from Live Science
Could poor sleep contribute to symptoms of schizophrenia? from Science Blog
Nanometer scale diamond tips improve nano manufacturing from Science Blog
Tropical Indo-Pacific climate shifts to a more El Nino-like state, research finds from Physorg
Sequencing a mini-pig: The whole story from Physorg
Pig genome sequenced: Research could help combat animal and human disease from Physorg
New dating of sea-level records reveals rapid response between ice volume, polar temperature from Physorg
U.S. Ranchers Struggle to Adapt to Climate Change from Scientific American
Technically Art: Engineers Make Cameras, Then Hit the Pavement [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Pancreas stem cell discovery may lead to new diabetes treatments from Science Daily
Leggiest animal on Earth lives in outskirts of Silicon Valley from Science Daily
Brain waves make waves from Science Daily
Why some people are afraid to relax from Science Daily
US Military Enlists Amateurs to Track Space Junk from
Political Science: Physicist Bill Foster Heads Back to Congress from Science NOW
Scientists map domestic pig's genome from Reuters:Science
Goals for science in the post-2015 development agenda from SciDev
New E. coli case in Alberta linked to XL Foods meat from CBC: Health
Traffic Makes Grasshoppers Sing Higher, Louder from Live Science
New Count Reveals One of Rarest US Birds from Live Science
Changing Climate, Not Tourism, Seems to Be Driving Decline in Chinstrap-Penguin Populations from Science Blog
Lmod: The 'secret sauce' behind module management at TACC from Physorg
What lies beneath? New survey technique offers detailed picture of our changing landscape from Physorg
BigPic: The Science Of Lubricated Hamsters from PopSci
The App Store Is Full Of Bogus Health Apps from PopSci
Engineering a photo-switch for nerve cells in the eye and brain from Science Daily
Triclosan in cosmetics and personal care products can increase allergy risk from Science Daily
Satellite Sees Solar Eclipse from Space in Video from
A nudge toward better outcomes from Harvard Science
Video: Recycled glass pays off for designer furniture maker from CBSNews - Science
Pig geneticists go the whole hog from News @ Nature
Robo-fish draws attention of real thing from MSNBC: Science
Distant Black Holes Map Universe's Dark Energy History from Live Science
'Orphan' Alien Planet Found Nearby Without Parent Star from Live Science
Life imitates satire from Science Blog
Scientists 'clone' carbon nanotubes to unlock their potential from Physorg
Want better employees? Get somebody else to rate their personalities, study suggests from Physorg
In financial ecosystems, big banks trample economic habitats and spread fiscal disease from Physorg
Rare parasitic fungi could have anti-flammatory benefits from Physorg
A Seasonal Sour From A Scientific Bartender from PopSci
Media Webcast on Latest Discoveries in Fluid Dynamics from Newswise - Scinews
Exposure to Light at Night May Cause Depression, Learning Issues from Newswise - Scinews
Smoking affects allergy-relevant stem cells from Science Daily
Bacterial DNA sequence used to map an infection outbreak from Science Daily
Alien Planets With Extra Suns Can Have Strange Orbits from
Boston neighborhoods talk from Harvard Science
Recent Drought Trends Not So Cut-and-Dried from Science NOW
News in Brief: Highlights from the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting from
Pinterest separates personal, business accounts from CBSNews - Science
Curiosity Rover's Chemistry Lab Takes 1st First Taste of Mars Soil from Live Science
Study: Job autonomy, trust in leadership keys to improvement initiatives from Physorg
Solar Eclipse - Moment of Totality | Video from
How Big is Saturn? from
How Far Away is Saturn? from
Saturn's Atmosphere: Composition, Climate, and Clouds from
Saturn's Temperature: One Cool Planet from
What is Saturn Made Of? from
How Was Saturn Formed? from
Life and Death in a Star-Forming Cloud from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Military drones zero in on $400 billion civilian market from Reuters:Science
'Rogue planet' found wandering through space from CBC: Technology & Science
Email privacy: What Petraeus needed to know from CBSNews - Science
BlackBerry Messenger gets voice chats over Wi-Fi from CBSNews - Science
Climate change tagged in penguin decline from UPI
Brain gene pushed humans past apes from UPI
Britons digitally ditching pension plans from UPI
'Homeless' planet without a star found from UPI
Skype works to fix hack vulnerability from UPI
Alien Planets With Extra Suns Can Have Strange Orbits from Live Science
Who Needs Consciousness? We Can Read and Do Math Without Being Aware from Live Science
Feds: Lack of sea ice changes walrus behavior from AP Science
Climate change: drought benchmark is flawed, study says from Physorg
Pinterest separates personal, business accounts from Physorg
San Francisco area drivers 1st with algae biofuel from Physorg
Lawyer sues Microsoft over Surface tablet storage from Physorg
Feds: Lack of sea ice changes walrus behavior from Physorg
New nature and science museum to open in Dallas from Physorg
India's telecom auction raises 25% of target from Physorg
Petraeus case fuels fresh debate on online privacy from Physorg
Cut in Russian link to space station not serious: NASA from Physorg
UC research examines advocacy by unions in the criminal justice sector from Physorg
Radioactive leak in Finland prompts probe from Physorg
Review: Nexus 10 tablet showcases Google media play from Physorg
RIM to offer free voice calls over Wi-Fi with BBM from Physorg
Bug repellent for supercomputers proves effective from Physorg
Traumatic brain injury patients, supercomputer simulations studied to improve helmets from Physorg
Bug repellent for supercomputers proves effective from Science Daily
Scientists 'clone' carbon nanotubes to unlock their potential for use in electronics from Science Daily
Tropical Indo-Pacific climate shifts to a more El Niño-like state from Science Daily
Deadly fake medicine trade needs global treaty from CBC: Health
Lawyer concerned psychiatric medication withheld from inmates from CBC: Health
The next interface: Electrical fields, MGC3130, and your hand (w/ Video) from Physorg
7 Amazing Ways Nanotechnology Is Changing The World from PopSci
Pig genome offers insights into the feistiest of farm animals from Science Daily
Fines levied over Clean Air Act violations from UPI
Climate change tagged in penguin decline from UPI
Brain gene pushed humans past apes from UPI
Britons digitally ditching pension plans from UPI
'Homeless' planet without a star found from UPI
Skype works to fix hack vulnerability from UPI
Who's Your Daddy? For Great White Shark, Maybe It's Mako from Live Science
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1097 from Live Science
Satellite Sees Solar Eclipse from Space in Video from Live Science
Strong Earthquake Strikes in Chile from Live Science
Finnish operator says it has plugged nickel mine leak from Physorg
Google offers free Internet to S.African mobile users from Physorg
Apple and Samsung rule smartphone market, study says from Physorg
NASA satellite sees newborn Tropical Depression 25W raining on southern Vietnam from Physorg
Total solar eclipse viewed from Australia from Physorg
Traumatic Brain Injury Patients, Supercomputer Simulations Studied to Improve Helmets from Newswise - Scinews
Research breakthrough could halt melanoma metastasis, study suggests from Science Daily
Exploring the financial costs of sadness from Science Daily
Five things everyone should know about lung cancer from Science Daily
What lies beneath? New survey technique offers detailed picture of our changing landscape from Science Daily
Pig genomes provide massive amount of genomic data for human health from Science Daily
New dating of sea-level records reveals rapid response between ice volume and polar temperature from Science Daily
Did a Lost Star Torque Earth's Orbit? from Science NOW
Statistics win in US election from News @ Nature
Does 'Edible Deodorant' Pass the Smell Test? from Live Science
Leaping Lemurs! Amazing Primates Roam North Carolina from Live Science
Wanna Watch Lemurs? Head to North Carolina from Live Science
Meningitis A vaccine breaks barrier; first to gain approval to travel outside cold chain from Science Daily
Want better employees? Get somebody else to rate their personalities from Science Daily
ACL knee injuries much more likely in female athletes from Science Daily
Job autonomy, trust in leadership keys to improvement initiatives from Science Daily
Traumatic brain injury patients, supercomputer simulations studied to improve helmets from Science Daily
In financial ecosystems, big banks trample economic habitats and spread fiscal disease from Science Daily
Headshaking in horses: New treatment has 50% success rate from Science Daily
How threat, reward and stress come together to predict problem drinking from Science Daily
Metals versus microbes: The biocidal effect of metalloacid-coated surfaces from Science Daily
Relatives of people who die suddenly from heart problems have greatly increased risk of cardiovascular disease from Science Daily
International action needed to ensure the quality of medicines and tackle the fake drugs trade from Science Daily
Hamilton boards turn to online votes for health program from CBC: Health
In financial ecosystems, big banks trample economic habitats, spread fiscal disease from Science Blog
Exploring the Financial Costs of Sadness from Science Blog
Bug repellent for supercomputers proves effective from Science Blog
Traffic makes grasshoppers sing louder from MSNBC: Science
Evolving roles of hospice and palliative care from Science Daily
Tolerance to malaria by means of iron control from Science Daily
Rare parasitic fungi could have anti-flammatory benefits from Science Daily
Grasshoppers change their tune to stay tuned over traffic noise from Science Daily
Mobile phone services help smokers quit from Science Daily
Cancer: Exercise reduces tiredness from Science Daily
Don’t forget to screen for diabetes in CAD patients, says European Society of Cardiology from Science Daily
Quantum dots entangled with single photons from Physics World
Global drought may have changed less than thought from
An experiment gone horribly awry from Harvard Science
President is principal for a day from Harvard Science
Scientists identify new risk gene for Alzheimer's from Reuters:Science
New gene triples risk for Alzheimer's disease from AP Health
Bonobos Catch Yawns from Friends from Live Science
Light Drinking While Pregnant Could Lower Baby's IQ from Live Science
A Little Brain Music: Sounds of Your Brainwaves | Video from Live Science
MIT-Made Metamaterial Focuses Radio Waves, Could Yield Up-Close Views Of Molecules from PopSci
Leonid Meteor Shower to Shine in Weekend Sky from
Sisyphean task for polar molecules from Science Daily
Exposure to light at night may cause depression, learning issues from Science Daily
Pacific fishing zones: Lifeline for overfished tuna? from Science Daily
Twitter becomes a battleground amid Israeli strikes from CBSNews - Science
Protection zones for Pacific tuna urged from UPI
More research on arctic oil spills urged from UPI
Sensors to keep elderly safe at home from UPI
Fines levied over Clean Air Act violations from UPI
Mako may have been great white's ancestor from MSNBC: Science
Hurricane Sandy Smashes Ocean Wave Records from Live Science
Brain Waves Transformed into Music from Live Science
Oldest Panda Fossils Found in Surprising Place from Live Science
'Draft Sequence' of Pig Genome Could Benefit Agriculture and Medicine from Scientific American
Blood-Thinning Rat Poison Is Killing Birds Too from Scientific American
Bulgaria to ban bear-hunting again from Physorg
Venomous Aussie redback spiders zero in on Tokyo from Physorg
Paper-and-scissors technique rocks the nano world from Physorg
A 'Sisyphus' method for cooling trapped molecules from Physorg
Premature brain explained from Science Alert
Titan Is Also a Green Powerhouse from Newswise - Scinews
Keeneland Project Deploys New GPU Supercomputing System for the National Science Foundation from Newswise - Scinews
Institute of Food Technologists to Host Food Policy Impact Conference in Washington D.C., December 6, 2012 from Newswise - Scinews
VISTA’s Look at Helix Nebula from
- Holiday Gift Guide from
Leonid Meteor Shower to Shine in Weekend Sky from
Gene nearly triples risk of Alzheimer's, international research team finds from Science Daily
Heart failure in older breast cancer patients linked to medication from Science Daily
20-year-old stroke patient part of growing trend of strokes in young people from Science Daily
Nanometer-scale diamond tips improve nano-manufacturing from Science Daily
Driving drones can be a drag: Distractions may alleviate boredom and improve drone operators' performance from Science Daily
Climate change increases stress, need for restoration on grazed public lands from Science Daily
Protection zones for Pacific tuna urged from UPI
More research on arctic oil spills urged from UPI
Sensors to keep elderly safe at home from UPI
Oldest panda fossils ever unearthed from MSNBC: Science
Skunk Scares Off Cougar in Camera Trap Photo from Live Science
Restorative Flood in Grand Canyon Starts Sunday Night from Live Science
Worm Regeneration May Lend A Hand in Human Healing from Live Science
How cells in the nose detect odors from Physorg
New ancient shark species gives insight into origin of great white from Physorg
Titan is also a green powerhouse from Physorg
Why yawning is contagious in bonobos from Physorg
Oldest fossil of giant panda family discovered from Physorg
Captive animals show signs of boredom, study finds from Physorg
The hidden consequences of helping rural communities in Africa from Physorg
Does science need 'open evaluation' in addition to 'open access?' from Physorg
Star Cluster Near Orion Nebula Revealed in Telescope Views from
Bacterial DNA sequence used to map an infection outbreak from Biology News Net
Finally! The pig genome is mapped from Biology News Net
Pancreas stem cell discovery may lead to new diabetes treatments from Biology News Net
Clean Water Act at 40: Rivers No Longer Burn but Climate Threats and Runoff Now Rush In from Scientific American
US in tough debate on UN Internet rules from Physorg
Brazil eyes cloning to bolster endangered species from Physorg
NASA's Prolific Planet-Hunting Mission Goes Into Overtime from
NASA's Kepler Wraps Prime Mission, Begins Extension from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New Solar Eclipse Pictures: See What You Missed from National Geographic
Stolen latptop has NASA employee info from UPI
New, stronger cyberthreats seen for 2013 from UPI
Russia loses link to its civil satellites from UPI
Masada: Fortress of the Zealots from Live Science
Right Light Keeps Van Gogh's Flowers Fresh from Live Science
NASA's Prolific Planet-Hunting Mission Goes Into Overtime from Live Science
Rat kill in Galapagos Islands targets 180 million from Physorg
Texas Instruments to cut 1,700 jobs in reorganization from Physorg
FEATURE: Vision may be older than previously thought from Science Alert
How cells in the nose detect odors: Braking mechanism in olfactory neurons helps generate amazing diversity of sensors from Science Daily
New ancient shark species gives insight into origin of great white from Science Daily
Bored mink snack between meals, lie awake in bed; Enriching surroundings reduces signs of boredom in caged mink from Science Daily
Captive animals show signs of boredom, study finds from Science Daily
Miscarrying woman denied an abortion dies in Ireland from CBC: Health
Calif. in first carbon auction in nation from UPI
Stolen latptop has NASA employee info from UPI
New, stronger cyberthreats seen for 2013 from UPI
Russia loses link to its civil satellites from UPI
BPA shown to disrupt thyroid function in pregnant animals and offspring from Science Daily
Diabetic patients have higher prevalence of hearing impairment from Science Daily
Timing of first menstual cycle may be predictor of cardiovascular disease risk in women from Science Daily
World's Leggiest Animal Found Near Silicon Valley from National Geographic
Video: Vocal cord surgeon has patients singing his praises from CBSNews - Science
Video: Time-lapse of aurora borealis over Minnesota from CBSNews - Science
Giant sun scope clears final hurdle from News @ Nature
Manufacturing problems could delay iMacs from UPI
Calif. in first carbon auction in nation from UPI
Stolen laptop has NASA employee info from UPI
Paper-and-scissors technique rocks the nano world: Future nanofluidic devices for batteries, water purification systems from Science Daily
Even moderate drinking in pregnancy can affect a child's IQ from Science Daily
Oldest fossil of giant panda family discovered from Science Daily
Why yawning is contagious in bonobos: As with humans, yawning Is more contagious when individuals are closely related from Science Daily
People identify symptoms of depression more readily in women than men from Science Daily
Remixed brain waves reveal soundtrack of the human brain from Science Daily
Discovery could lead to faster diagnosis for some chronic fatigue syndrome cases from Science Daily
Health insurance: Higher proportion of California children uninsured than in U.S., analysis shows from Science Daily
Could poor sleep contribute to symptoms of schizophrenia? from Science Daily
Changing climate, not tourism, seems to be driving decline in chinstrap-penguin populations from Science Daily
Television: Chronicle of a Death Foretold? from Science Daily
PCBs, other pollutants may play role in pregnancy delay from Science Daily
Green Blog: An Afterlife for the Electric Car from NY Times Science
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Revisiting the Rules That Weren't from NY Times Science
Green Blog: When a Green Job Is More Than a Green Job from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: The DIY approach to Tracking Fracking from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work Blog: Breathing in the Currency of Life from NY Times Science