Archive of feed items published on the 16th of November 2012
Indirect effects of climate change could alter landscapes from Physorg
Pushing boundaries of electron microscopy to unlock the potential of graphene from Science Daily
Tapping into carbon dioxide storage potential of mine waste from Science Daily
Well: Learning That Odd Is Normal from NY Times Health
Question Mark: Why Do I Feel Colder as I Get Older? from NY Times Health
Well: When the Patient Is 'Noncompliant' from NY Times Health
Well: Southern Flavors on a Vegetarian Table from NY Times Health
Saving salmon from deadly sea lice from Science Daily
At least one-third of marine species remain undescribed from Science Daily
Back On The Market
How Meteor Showers Work (Infographic) from
Top 10 Leonid Meteor Shower Facts from
Air pollution personal devices developed from UPI
Tipping science on its head from Harvard Science
Amazing Auroras: Northern Lights of November 2012 (Photos) from
For BP, restoring its image is a bigger task than paying billions from LA Times - Science
What Should Be Done About the Wolves? from Newswise - Scinews
For Alzheimer’s, Detection Advances Outpace Treatment Options from NY Times Health
Change Rattles Leading Health-Funding Agency from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Baked Acorn Squash With Wild Rice — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Science: Mars Rover Is Set to Move On from NY Times Science
Leonid Meteor Shower of 2012 (Sky Maps and Photos) from
'Journey' leads Spike Video Game Awards nominees from Physorg
No success for REDD+ without understanding possible impacts on forest biodiversity and people from Physorg
iPhone 5, Galaxy S3 added to US patent battle from Physorg
Twitter unveils email sharing from Physorg
Air pollution personal devices developed from UPI
Statoil halts North Sea platform over corrosion risk from Physorg
US firms drawing a line on after-hours email from Physorg
GOCE’s second mission improving gravity map from European Space Agency
What lies within from Chemistry World
Department snapshot: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT Research
New injectable gels toughen up after entering the body from MIT Research
Artificial ion channels created using DNA origami from Physorg
Taiwan's Hon Hai buys new factory site in Brazil from Physorg
(+)-Myrrhanol C made from Chemistry World
Keeping science in the family from Chemistry World
Migration officials say cholera in Haiti on rise from AP Health
Catapult showcases ultra-strong artificial muscles from News @ Nature
Snap the stars to see your photo on ESA portal from European Space Agency
Study identifies four family cultures in America from Physorg
Nano insights could lead to improved nuclear reactors: Researchers examine self-healing abilities of some materials from Physorg
GOCE's second mission improving gravity map from Physorg
Population of Africa's mountain gorillas rises from AP Science
Einstein’s unusual brain from News @ Nature
Rat heart cells power 'bio-bots' from BBC News: Science & Nature
DOCOMO develops world's first small-cell base station for 3G and LTE from Physorg
Calm cattle have a dark side from Physorg
30,000-year-old DNA preserved in poo a window into the past from Physorg
Crescent moon sets stage for brilliant Leonids meteor shower from Physorg
Computer model shows strong magnetic fields may alter alignment of black hole accretion disks and plasma jets from Physorg
Next-generation device enabling improved smartphone battery life and high definition in televisions from Physorg
DNA tests show Lonesome George may not have been last of his species from Physorg
Study investigates conflict prevention warnings from Physorg
Exploring middle ground of solids and liquids from Physorg
Reduce energy consumption by 30 percent through ICT from Physorg
Jumping to reduce vibrations from Physorg
Analytics technology to identify performance raising measures based on employee/customer behavior from Physorg
SHARP could slash nuclear reactor design costs from Physorg
Himalayan glaciers will shrink even if temperatures hold steady, study says from Physorg
Tests set for experimental drug for laminitis from Physorg
A new phase in cellular communication from Physorg
Development of novel conduction control technique for graphene from Physorg
Advancing the use of DNA in nanotechnology with new technique that dissolves DNA in organic solvents from Physorg
Strategies to control crazy ants taking shape for researchers from Physorg
6-Minute NASA Rocket Launch Tracks Solar 'Nanoflares' from
Aspiration, assets can lead youth down path to college from Physorg
Hunting for high life: What lives in Earth's stratosphere? from Physorg
US job recovery: Half way there from Physorg
Tracking facial features to make driving safer and more comfortable from Physorg
NASA innovator hunts for extraterrestrial amino acids from Physorg
Spacecraft capture solar eclipse's Earthly effect from Physorg
Visualizing Floating Cereal Patterns to Understand Nanotechnology Processes from Newswise - Scinews
Creating a Coating of Water-Repellant Microscopic Particles to Keep Ice off Airplanes from Newswise - Scinews
Probing the Mystery of the Venus Fly Trap's Botanical Bite from Newswise - Scinews
What's Behind the Success of the Soccer 'Knuckleball' from Newswise - Scinews
Streetlight policies could cast a shadow over wildlife from Physorg
Anthropologist suggests Mediterranean islands inhabited much earlier than thought from Physorg
EU drug regulator OKs Novartis' meningitis B shot from AP Health
Feds order 'thorough' audit of Sunnybrook Veterans Centre from CBC: Health
Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Before Dawn Saturday from
Nuclear One-Two Punch Could Knock Out Dangerous Asteroid from
Arthritis study reveals why gender bias is all in the genes from Science Daily
Vancouver first city to use recycled plastic in asphalt from CBC: Technology & Science
Hard to fish areas of the seabed may act as refuges for endangered skate from Physorg
Cell membrane studies helping to tackle antibiotic resistance from Physorg
Google Fiber experiment draws would-be Web entrepreneurs from Physorg
Beating the dark side of quantum computing from Physorg
New ink formulated to print living human tissue from Physorg
New injectable gels toughen up after entering the body from Science Blog
Scientists improve dating of early human settlement from Science Blog
Arginine, proline enriched diet may speed wound healing in diabet from Science Blog
NASA Finds Candidate for Most Distant Object in the Universe from Science Blog
Frats and sororities buffer against college liberalism from Science Blog
Mechanism of breathing muscle ‘paralysis’ in dreaming sleep identified from Science Blog
Fetus suffers when mother lacks vitamin C from Science Blog
Graphene Stacks Grown With Controlled Thickness from C&EN
Of Climate And National Security from C&EN
That Lingering Whiff Of Asparagus . . .
Location, location, location: Membrane 'residence' gives proteases novel abilities from Science Daily
Video-article shows how to purify magnetic bacteria from Science Daily
Medical vital-sign monitoring reduced to the size of a postage stamp from Science Daily
Transporting hypothermia victims to advanced heart and lung care facilities 'worth the trip' from Science Daily
Study shows different approach after progression in non-small cell lung cancer patients from Science Daily
Location, location, location: Membrane 'residence' gives proteases novel abilities from Physorg
DOE mines college students for energy from Physorg
Robots are marching into homes from Physorg
Quick, high-volume test offers fast track in search for Alzheimer’s drugs from Science Blog
Google invests $75 million in Iowa wind farm from CBSNews - Science
Rural India left out of S&T system from SciDev
Clues to cause of kids' brain tumors from Science Daily
Fetus suffers when mother lacks vitamin C from Science Daily
Study reveals insights that could aid in therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells from Science Daily
Nintendo seeks to shake up gaming again with Wii U from Physorg
Record sales for latest 'Call of Duty' game from Physorg
Tech companies eager to sate Wall Street appetite for IPOs from Physorg
Mixing Processes Could Increase the Impact of Biofuel Spills on Aquatic Environments from Newswise - Scinews
Oldest Spear Points Date to 500,000 Years from Newswise - Scinews
Stony Brook University Demonstrates Largest Resolution Immersive Visualization Facility Ever Built from Newswise - Scinews
Location, Location, Location: Membrane 'Residence' Gives Proteases Novel Abilities from Newswise - Scinews
Melt water on Mars could sustain life from Science Blog
Stars and stripes at The Game from Harvard Science
Energy drinks tied to dozens of adverse reactions in Canada from CBC: Health
Can Energy Drinks Cause Miscarriages? from Live Science
Relaxing Is Stressful for Some from Live Science
Space History Photo: X-15 Mated to B-52 Captive Flight from
Reimagining Buildings Of The Past With The Materials Of The Future from PopSci
Researcher: The clocks are ticking and the climate is changing from Physorg
Melt water on Mars could sustain life from Physorg
Important progress for spintronics: A spin amplifier to be used in room temperature from Physorg
Special sheets for bedridden resist bedsores from Science Blog
Astronauts could survive Mars radiation, Curiosity finds from CBSNews - Science
Step Taken Toward Ebola Vaccine from Live Science
Extremely Rare White Humpback Filmed Near Norway from Live Science
Astral shares halted amid reports of new BCE offer from CBC: Technology & Science
Two thirds of world's marine species still unidentified, study says from CBC: Technology & Science
Melt water on Mars could sustain life, new research suggests from Science Daily
Beating the dark side of quantum computing from Science Daily
Fear of the dentist is passed on to children by their parents from Science Daily
Looking into the future of the North Atlantic fish stocks from Science Daily
Into the magnetic resonance scanner with a cuddly toy from Science Daily
Second Life for Old Electric Car Batteries: Guardians of the Electric from National Geographic
Stone Spear Tips Surprisingly Ancient—"Like Finding an iPod in Ancient from National Geographic
Warning on antibiotic resistance from BBC News: Science & Nature
New look at British Museum mummy from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ruckus Wireless shares fall in debut on NYSE from Physorg
For banks, cyberattacks lurk as constant threat from Physorg
Israel, Hamas have "psychological" battle on social media from CBSNews - Science
Why Mental Disorders Persist in Humans from Live Science
Nuclear One-Two Punch Could Knock Out Dangerous Asteroid from Live Science
US force plans compulsory headcam video use from BBC News: Science & Nature
College credit for online courses gains momentum from Physorg
Coal Plants Smother Communities of Color from Scientific American
Lonesome George's species may survive from MSNBC: Science
Love Black Friday? You’re Not Alone from Live Science
Do you trust the government with your computer? from Physorg
Dartmouth research pursues problematic polymers from Physorg
Artist's Inspiration: How Robot Soccer Led to a Mathematician's Mirror That Reflects Your True Face from Newswise - Scinews
ORNL Recipe for Oxide Interface Perfection Opens Path to Novel Materials from Newswise - Scinews
Leonid meteor shower peaks before dawn Saturday from CBSNews - Science
Digging deep into Martian soil from
Effective disaster response needs integrated messaging from SciDev
Solar Panels: Should We Be Paying More For Products People Don't Want?
Roaming robot may explore mysterious Moon caverns from News @ Nature
Curiosity Detects (But Can't See!) Dust Devils On Mars | Video from
FYI: What Is Sea Foam? Where Does It Come From? from PopSci
New Touch Screen Tech 'Listens' to Your Taps from Live Science
Earth from Space: Aphrodite’s island from Live Science
Suspected skeleton of King Richard III being tested from CBSNews - Science
Apple iPad mini, new iPad 4G LTE models hit stores from CBSNews - Science
USAID steps up its science efforts from SciDev
Medical response time lags in many pricey L.A. neighborhoods from LA Times - Health
In Nairobi, Kenya, biogas from human waste wins over few cooks from LA Times - Science
The Painterly Mixing Of Aerosols In Our Atmosphere | Video from
What Do Scientists Know About Mining Asteroids? from PopSci
Avoid The Thanksgiving Turkey Trots - Contain Contamination | Video from Live Science
Avoid Thanksgiving Food Poisoning: Thaw Turkey Properly | Video from Live Science
Avoid Fatal Food-Borne Illness on Thanksgiving | Video from Live Science
Eat More, Hurt Less - Thanksgiving Food Safety | Video Show from Live Science
Man demoted for Facebook comments wins case from Physorg
Artist's inspiration: How robot soccer led to a mirror that reflects your true face from Physorg
How does groundwater pumping affect streamflow? from Physorg
New whale shark study used metabolomics to help understand shark and ray health from Physorg
New Whale Shark Study Used Metabolomics to Help Understand Shark and Ray Health from Newswise - Scinews
Paper test could make drug treatment safer from SciDev
Leonardo fossil sketch may depict early nests from News @ Nature
Human drugs make fish flounder from News @ Nature
An anthropologist's past steps out of the shadows from LA Times - Science
Cece Bibby, Artist Behind NASA Space Capsule Logos, Dies from
Going Green: The Most Plantlike Animals from Live Science
4G iPad mini: Which Carrier Has Best Deal? from Live Science
How NOT To Store Thanksgiving Leftovers | Video from Live Science
Walruses Forced Ashore as Arctic Ice Disappears from Live Science
Tycho Brahe Died from Pee, Not Poison from Live Science
UK telecoms regulator studies possibility of 5G from Physorg
Creating a coating of water-repellent microscopic particles to keep ice off airplanes from Physorg
Visualizing floating cereal patterns to understand nanotechnology processes from Physorg
Mixing processes could increase the impact of biofuel spills on aquatic environments from Physorg
Review: Nintendo Wii U blows up dual-screen gaming from Physorg
Google Canada unveils cool new office from CBC: Technology & Science
Stone-tipped spears used by human hunters much earlier in time from CBC: Technology & Science
Light-and-sound attacks used against Rome's starlings from Physorg
Sail around the world on your sofa from Physorg
Astral still in talks with BCE about takeover deal from Physorg
What's behind the success of the soccer 'Knuckleball' from Physorg
East Coast faces tsunami threats from MSNBC: Science
This Bug Has More Legs Than Anything Else from PopSci
Strong Earthquake Strikes Russia's Kuril Islands from Live Science
Bird In The Oven: It's Not The Time - It's The Temp | Video from Live Science
Himalayan glaciers will shrink by almost 10 percent, even if temperatures hold steady from Science Daily
Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: Leonids Easy to See in Dark Sky from National Geographic
90-percent chance 2012 will be warmest ever for U.S. from CBSNews - Science
Preemie birth rates in developed world need attention from CBC: Health
Oliver Sacks looks at why we hallucinate from CBC: Health
Tycho Brahe Died from Pee, Not Poison from
9 Of The Strangest Musical Instruments Of All Time [Archive Gallery] from PopSci
Teenage Gamers Are Better At Virtual Surgery Than MDs from PopSci
New Panda Picture: 'Little Gift' Gets Bigger from Live Science
Mystery of Memory: Why It's Not Perfect from Live Science
Nintendo's Wii U shakes up gaming, may sell out quickly from CBSNews - Science
Protein's destructive journey in brain may cause Parkinson’s from
Taking a moment to give thanks from Harvard Science
Tycho Brahe died from pee, not poison from MSNBC: Science
Reclaiming Poisoned Land With Manure from Live Science
Hawks Locked Up As Galapagos Rats Poisoned from Live Science
Will Hostess Join These 10 Beloved Brands Gone Forever? from Live Science
Banning Cellphones in Cars Only Helps in Cities from Live Science
Level up: Study reveals keys to gamer loyalty from Physorg
Hong Kong customs seize over a tonne of smuggled ivory from Physorg
New research could improve sustainability and cost effectiveness of wastewater treatment from Physorg
Scientists study how the endangered Baird's tapir and farmers in Nicaragua can co-exist from Physorg
Basketball teams offer insights into building strategic networks from Physorg
Judge leaning toward OK of $22.5M fine of Google from Physorg
TV, movie features on new Wii U delayed until Dec. from Physorg
IMF chief says SMS tax could help Philippines from Physorg
Antenna-on-a-chip rips the light fantastic from Physorg
Technology only a tool in search for solutions to poverty from Physorg
Probing the mystery of the Venus fly trap's botanical bite from Physorg
Photos show Einstein's brain 'different' from UPI
'Superbugs' found in Canadian hotel rooms from UPI
Official: Pompeii problems 'exaggerated' from UPI
Report: Google maps OK'd for Apple's iPad, iPhone from UPI
Air transmission of Ebola virus a concern from UPI
Protein's destructive journey in brain may cause Parkinson's from
When ZIP code isn’t destiny from Harvard Science
Leonid Meteor Shower Webcast: Watch Live Here Tonight from
Science You Can Eat: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Food from Live Science
Review: Mini could become Apple's most popular iPad from Physorg
Business urged to embrace social media from UPI
Photos show Einstein's brain 'different' from UPI
'Superbugs' found in Canadian hotel rooms from UPI
Official: Pompeii problems 'exaggerated' from UPI
Report: Google maps OK'd for Apple's iPad, iPhone from UPI
Air transmission of Ebola virus a concern from UPI
Research, Ecological Restoration Get Unprecedented Windfall From BP Oil Spill Criminal Settlement from Science NOW
Souter, back on the bench from Harvard Science
Hawks caged for Galapagos rat poisoning from MSNBC: Science
Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: How to Watch Online from
NASA discovers most distant galaxy in known universe from CBC: Technology & Science
Live chat replay: Microbiologist Keith Warriner on dirty hotels from CBC: Technology & Science
Restored early Hitchcock footage streamed online from CBC: Technology & Science
From Google, A Breathtaking Interactive Journey Through The Stars from PopSci
Satellites Track Post-Sandy Pollutants from Live Science
Hepatitis C Treatment’s Side Effects Can Now Be Studied in the Lab from Science Blog
Business urged to embrace social media from UPI
Report: Google Maps for Apple iOS 6 coming from UPI
Farthest known galaxy in the universe discovered from CBSNews - Science
Kung fu nuns kick up heels at CERN from MSNBC: Science
Theatre app offers rewards if you don't text during a movie from CBC: Technology & Science
World's Largest Land Crabs Tracked With GPS from Live Science
New Study Details Previously Unexamined Images of Albert Einstein's Brain from Newswise - Scinews
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 2" earns $500 million in 24 hours from CBSNews - Science
NIH Backs Off Plan to Merge Addiction Institutes from Science NOW
NIH Steps Up Enforcement of Public Access Policy from Science NOW
Global Fund Changes Malaria Program, Ends Passionate Debate from Science NOW
Creating a whole from fragments from Harvard Science
Brain displays an intrinsic mechanism for fighting infection from The Rockefeller University
Efficient Hunting Gets More Ancient: Stone-Tipped Weapons Were Used 500,000 Years Ago
Monster land crabs tracked with GPS from MSNBC: Science
An Orange-Powered Battery And Other Amazing Photos From This Week from PopSci
Antenna-on-a-chip rips the light fantastic from Science Daily
Nanotube yarn flexes its muscles from Physics World
Ticked Off About a Growing Allergy to Meat from Science NOW
Europe's First Farmers Came, Then Went from Science NOW
Ways of seeing from Harvard Science
Nano insights could lead to improved nuclear reactors from Science Daily
Bad air means bad news for seniors' brainpower from Science Daily
Probable Higgs Boson Particle Just Plain 'Vanilla' from Live Science
Sandy's Destruction Revealed in Aerial Scans from Live Science
Taking a New Perspective, Researchers Develop New Locating Tech from Live Science
How Siblings Influence Your Health from Live Science
'Odd Little Creature' Skips Sex and Eats DNA from Live Science
New Model Reveals How Huddling Penguins Share Heat Fairly from Newswise - Scinews
Brazilian Mediums Shed Light on Brain Activity During a Trance State from Newswise - Scinews
Our Drugs Make Fish Flounder from Scientific American
How Safe Are America's 2.5 Million Miles of Pipelines? from Scientific American
TV, movie features on new Wii U delayed until Dec. from CBSNews - Science
Breast Cancer Deaths Decline, But Disparities Persist In U.S. Women
Exoplanet hunter nears its end from News @ Nature
Satellite Delays Prompts Canadian Defense Concerns from
Probable Higgs Boson Particle Just Plain 'Vanilla' from
New Satellite Will Be Space Mechanic, Gas Station from
This Week In The Future, November 12-16 from PopSci
Mystery of memory: Why it isn't perfect from MSNBC: Science
Alaska's Clash Over Salmon and Gold Goes National from National Geographic
Penguins Selfishly Huddle to Stave Off Cold from Live Science
Black Ops 2 takes $500 million in 24 hours from UPI
Report: Google Maps for Apple iOS 6 coming from UPI
Justice Department sues eBay over non-compete agreement from CBSNews - Science
Earth's Carbon Mostly in Its Core from Live Science
5 Myth-Busting Facts for a Safe Turkey from Live Science
Mayan Doomsday 'Safe Zone' Shut Down from Live Science
Verizon unveils 'pirate' response plan from UPI
'Postage stamp' medical monitors described from UPI
'Tunable' light bulb could improve sleep from UPI
New Zealand volcano showing activity from UPI
Poland to join European Space Agency from UPI
New coating could combat aircraft icing from UPI
Survey: California schools going solar from UPI
Black Ops 2 takes $500 million in 24 hours from UPI
How Big is Venus? from
How Far Away is Venus? from
Venus' Atmosphere: Composition, Climate and Weather from
How Hot is Venus? from
What is Venus Made Of? from
How Was Venus Formed? from
Math is behind cozy penguin huddles from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
US adds eBay to accused firms in 'poaching' probe from Physorg
Musicians blast bill to trim Pandora royalties from Physorg
Judge approves FTC's $22.5M fine of Google from Physorg
New model reveals how huddling penguins share heat fairly from Physorg
Lonesome George Not the Last of His Kind, After All? from National Geographic
California Tackles Climate Change, But Will Others Follow? from National Geographic
Space Pictures This Week: Eclipse, Mars Rover, More from National Geographic
Sun Unleashes Monster Prominence | Video from
Pursuing problematic polymers from Science Daily
Mayan doomsday 'safe zone' shut down from MSNBC: Science
How dirty are toilet seats? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Verizon unveils 'pirate' response plan from UPI
'Postage stamp' medical monitors described from UPI
'Tunable' light bulb could improve sleep from UPI
New Zealand volcano showing activity from UPI
Poland to join European Space Agency from UPI
New coating could combat aircraft icing from UPI
Survey: California schools going solar from UPI
E.P.A. Upholds Ethanol Standard on Use in Gasoline from NY Times Science
Green Blog: E.P.A. Upholds Ethanol Requirement from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Obama on Climate Policy: Not Just Now, Thanks from NY Times Science
Green Blog: On Our Radar: The BP Indictments from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Can Public Leak Patrols Stem Gas Emissions at a Profit? from NY Times Science
Photos: Martian Caves and Lava Tubes from
Clocks are ticking and climate is changing: Increasing plant productivity in a changing climate from Science Daily
Drug Shortages Are Becoming Persistent in U.S. from NY Times Health
States Decline to Set Up Exchanges for Insurance from NY Times Health
Well: Vegetarian Comfort Food from NY Times Health
N.F.L. Paid Millions Over Brain Injuries, Article Says from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Assisted Living vs. Hospice: Who's in Charge? from NY Times Health