Archive of feed items published on the 21st of December 2012
Discovery could eventually help diagnose and treat chronic pain from Science Daily
Doing the math for how songbirds learn to sing from Science Daily
Extinct Mega-Piranha Could Outbite History's Largest Shark from Live Science
End of an Era: Mayan 'Apocalypse' Today from Live Science
Recipes for Health: Marinated Olives from NY Times Health
Satellite Data Helps Map Invasive Reeds in Great Lakes from Newswise - Scinews
New NASA Spacesuit Looks like Buzz Lightyear's from Live Science
Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Passes Key Flight Test from Live Science
Policy Lifts Otter-Free Zone in California from NY Times Science
$1,200 a Pound, Truffles Suffer in the Heat from NY Times Science
Huge expansion of U.S. protection for N. Calif. waters proposed from LA Times - Science
Fine Shades of a Sombrero from
The Veil Nebula, segment 2 from Live Science
Twin Explosions In Gigantic Dusty Potato Crisp from Live Science
Dwarfed by Saturn from Live Science
Clays Force A Rethink Of The Water History Of Mars
A Plume on Betelgeuse (artist’s impression) from
Increasing the Odds of the Sweep from Live Science
NASA posts YouTube video debunking Maya "Armageddon" from Reuters:Science
The Dumbbell Nebula from
Paranal at Sunrise from
Dec. 21: The Winter Solstice Explained from Live Science
AP IMPACT: Big Pharma cashes in on HGH abuse from AP Health
Higgs Boson tops journal Science's top 10 of 2012 from Physorg
Japan's next PM ready to lift ban on e-campaigning from Physorg
User revolt causes Instagram to keep old rules from Physorg
Slab of Barrier Reef sea floor breaking off from Physorg
Science research base may close from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science link to boost languages from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study of how Gaelic affects brain from BBC News: Science & Nature
Great Firewall 'upgrade' hits China Internet users from Physorg
Click, print, shoot: Downloadable guns possible from Physorg
Who needs magic carpet? TMU has virtual body chair (w/ video) from Physorg
HoxD13: Researchers Engineer Zebrafish To Grow A Leg
New European universities ranking initiative from Chemistry World
Engineered enzyme performs cyclopropanation by carbene transfer from Chemistry World
Long-lived bats offer clues on diseases, aging from Reuters:Science
CryoSat hits land from European Space Agency
AUDIO: GM sprouts 'could blow away flatulence' from BBC News: Science & Nature
DNA hydrogel has a long memory from Chemistry World
Flexible, light solar cells could provide new opportunities from MIT Research
New method for sequencing genome in a single cell from Physorg
Mapping the world's vertebrates from BBC News: Science & Nature
Plan approved to fix ailing U of S medical school from CBC: Health
Lawsuit claims Hewlett-Packard has lied about Autonomy write-off from Physorg
California completes undersea parks network from Physorg
1 of 2 P.E.I. oncologists retiring from CBC: Health
Nokia, RIM settle old disputes in new patent pact from Physorg
Samsung delivers strong 14nm FinFET logic process and design infrastructure for advanced mobile SoC customers from Physorg
Deadly snakes in toddler wardrobe from BBC News: Science & Nature
On-demand synaptic electronics: Circuits that learn and forget from Physorg
Flexible, light solar cells: Researchers develop a new approach using graphene sheets coated with nanowires from Physorg
Researchers examine how ore deposits are formed from Physorg
Flying fish a fascinating sight from Physorg
Thinking outside the Xbox for a taste of outdoor work from BBC News: Science & Nature
Top academics targeted in scheme to boost poorer European regions from Chemistry World
'Tools for getting along' curriculum helps schoolchildren solve social conflicts, study finds from Physorg
Hawaiian Islands are dissolving, study says from Physorg
Concentrated solar power with thermal energy storage can help utilities' bottom line, study shows from Physorg
3Qs: Doomsday predictions debunked from Physorg
At the solstice: Shining light on quantum computers from Physorg
Boson samplers offering promise for new kinds of computing devices from Physorg
Trojan horse 'eliminates' cancer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fractals, Chaos and Other Mathematical Visions Reside on The Islands of Benoit Mandelbrot [Video] from Scientific American
How to Track Santa on Christmas Eve from
Holiday Gift to Stargazers: The Christmas Sky from
Bionym: Software that gets to the heart of computer security from Physorg
NASA puts Orion backup parachutes to the test from Physorg
Wildlife monitoring cameras click jaguar and ocelot photos from Physorg
Keep your pets safe this holiday season from Physorg
Researchers develop a biological concrete for constructing 'living' facades with lichens, mosses, other microorganism from Physorg
Shocking Asian carp out of Midwest rivers not a viable option from Physorg
Scientific divers discover 36,000-year-old Atlantic gray whale fossil from Physorg
Protein regulates protein folding in cells during stress from Physorg
CryoSat hits land from Physorg
Quadrantids create year's first meteor shower from Physorg
Chemical engineer working toward better batteries for transportation from Physorg
In aftermath of Newtown shootings, a call for 'meaningful action' from Physorg
Oops! 5 Retracted Science Results of 2012 from Live Science
Cancer diagnosis later in life poses significant risk to offspring, study suggests from Science Daily
Microevolutionary analysis of Clostridium difficile genomes to investigate transmission from Science Daily
Nanomaterial inspired by nature paves way for greener energy from Physorg
New DARPA challenge is looking for innovative approaches to adaptive, software-based radio communications from Physorg
Evolution: Alternative splicing of RNA rewires signaling in different tissues, may contribute to species differences from Physorg
Twin towers dust tied to some cancers, not others from
Scholarly Explantions Of "YES!"
Find New Uses for Abundant Natural Gas Methane from Science Blog
Clays on Mars: More Plentiful Than Expected from Science Blog
Black piranha, megapiranha have most powerful bites of fish living or extinct from Science Blog
Could Climate Change Boost Toxic Algal Blooms in the Oceans? from Scientific American
Video: Scientist: End-of-world predictions distract from climate change from CBSNews - Science
Spacecraft carrying Chris Hadfield to dock with space station from CBC: Technology & Science
How molecular transports change gear: Environment determines the motion of motor proteins from Physorg
Green light for Indonesian forest project but will locals benefit? from Physorg
Beer's bitter: Researcher determines the absolute configurations of the bitter acids of hops from Physorg
Not all gamers are low scorers on friendships, relationships from Science Blog
Gift misgivings? Trust your gut from Science Blog
Meteorite triggered scientific gold rush from Science Blog
Apple appeals decision in case against Samsung from CBSNews - Science
Three Spaceflyers Arrive at International Space Station from
Space History Photo: Orbit and Launch Facility Concept from
How Genetics Is Perfecting The Christmas Tree from PopSci
New calculations solve an old problem with DNA from Science Daily
Shepherd Moon face-off! from Physorg
Cambridge Eco Race team launch their 2013 solar-powered vehicle from Physorg
'Gently does it' drives you further in electric vehicles from Physorg
New genetics project could help save the ash tree from Physorg
Heat wave means pet precautions from Physorg
Metallic Nanoflower Does Triple Duty from C&EN
Toddler rage controllable via language from Science Blog
Spiral Dust Clouds May Reveal Alien Planets from
Are Americans Mentally Unstable? from Live Science
Mayan What? Apocalypse 2012 Quiet So Far from Live Science
What's Behind The NFL Suicides? from PopSci
Winter Solstice 2012: Facts on the Shortest Day of the Year from National Geographic
May the force be with the atomic probe from Science Daily
Rebuilding blood vessels through gene therapy from Science Daily
Genetic differences may influence sensitivity to pain, according to new study from Science Daily
Pair of proteins gets brain cells into shape from Science Daily
Soyuz capsule docks with space Station
Elusive pygmy right whale found to be member of long thought extinct group from Physorg
Nesting turtle numbers fall in South Asia from Physorg
Top Science Pictures of the Year from Science NOW
Weather model gives four-month dengue outbreak warning from SciDev
May the force be with the atomic probe from Science Blog
"Patent trolls": How some say they're hurting U.S. economy from CBSNews - Science
Moonlight Shines Over Swedish Winter Wonderland (Photo) from
Young scientist helps identify cause of widespread eye disease from Science Daily
Test to detect pre-menstrual syndrome from Science Daily
Cholesterol boosts the memory of the immune system from Science Daily
New markers could improve treatment and survival in acute lymphoblastic leukemia from Science Daily
Ups and downs of biodiversity after mass extinction from Science Daily
Cassini Instrument Learns New Tricks from Physorg
New calculations solve an old problem with DNA from Physorg
May the force be with the atomic probe from Physorg
Merry Christmas from everyone at Chemistry World from Chemistry World
Green Blog: In a Lime Plaster Job, a Leonardo Moment from NY Times Science
Long life and resistant to diseases? Our money’s on bats to survive the apocalypse from Science Blog
Hawaiian Islands are dissolving, study says from Science Blog
Woods Hole Research Center Senior Scientist Irving Foster Brown awarded Chico Mendes Forest Citizenry Prize from Newswise - Scinews
Astronauts dock with space station, bringing crew to six from CBSNews - Science
European Rocket Launches British and Mexican Satellites from
How To Survive The Apocalypse, Cold-War Style from PopSci
A giant puzzle with billions of pieces from Science Daily
'Heart resilience' biomarker may help predict chemotherapy-induced cardiac damage earlier from Science Daily
Diabetes, blood pressure link to colon cancer recurrence, survival, research shows from Science Daily
Antarctic lake bid set to restart from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tech review: Last-minute gifts for techies from Physorg
A giant puzzle with billions of pieces: Scientists decipher genetic information of microbes in biogas plants from Physorg
Carin Goring's remains identified by Swedish researchers from Physorg
Soyuz capsule docks with space Station from Physorg
Dutch MPs vote not to ban illegal downloads from Physorg
Hitting streaks in baseball may be contagious from
P53: The Genetic Link Between Flying, Cancer Resistance And Longevity
Steve Jobs's $198M yacht at centre of payment spat from CBC: Technology & Science
Facebook tests $1 fee for messages to non-friends from CBSNews - Science
Ursid Meteor Shower Peaks Saturday from
Europe Launches Major British Military Satellite from
Highest Altitude Supercomputer Installed For Telescope Array | Video from
Winter Solstice: Crazy Ways We Mark Shortest Day from Live Science
Research reveals new drug target urgently needed for tuberculosis therapy from Science Daily
To outsmart malarial drug resistance, research team develops new whole-plant strategy from Science Daily
New MRI analysis useful in predicting stroke complications caused by clot-busters from Science Daily
Extending steroid treatment does not benefit children with hard-to-treat kidney disease, study finds from Science Daily
New target for treating prediabetes in patients with kidney disease from Science Daily
Data storage: A fast and loose approach improves memory from Science Daily
Nanotechnology: Spotting a molecular mix-up from Science Daily
Cardiovascular disease: The mechanics of prosthetic heart valves from Science Daily
Trust your gut: Intuitive decision-making based on expertise may deliver better results than analytical approach from Science Daily
VIDEO: Fungus threatens French canal trees from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fighting sleeping sickness with X-ray lasers from Physorg
Social-media deals come with a price: Your public endorsement from Physorg
German scientists seek to clone perfect Xmas trees from Physorg
Test to detect pre-menstrual syndrome from Science Blog
End of an Era: Mayan 'Apocalypse' Today from
Jupiter and The Moon Converge On Christmas | Video from
Fit for Flight? Space Tourism Lacks Medical Standards from
Oops! US Doctors Screw Up Surprisingly Often from Live Science
Male Peacocks Try To Attract Females While Already Bonking Other Females from PopSci
New meteorite suggests that asteroid surfaces more complex than previously thought from Science Daily
Discovery of Africa moth species important for agriculture, controlling invasive plants from Science Daily
Protein kinase Akt identified as arbiter of cancer stem cell fate from Science Daily
Eighth Landsat satellite arrives at launch site from Science Daily
Not all gamers are low scorers on friendships, relationships from Science Daily
A new player comes onto 'green' construction scene from Physorg
Podcast: The Top 10 ScienceNOWs of 2012 from Science NOW
Black Piranha Vs Megapiranha For Most Powerful Bite Ever
Conference ends with rift over telecom treaty from SciDev
2012: A Year of Weather Extremes from Live Science
Threatening Online Comments Spur UK Crackdown from Live Science
Doomsday diary: Follow the Maya non-apocalypse from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
'Alien-like' skulls unearthed in Mexico from MSNBC: Science
Bats may hold clues to long life and disease resistance from Science Daily
Liver mitochondria improve, increase after chronic alcohol feeding in mice from Science Daily
Brain Imaging Shows Cannabis Only Brings Subjective Pain Relief
ScienceShot: Comb Jelly Genome Sheds Light on ... Light from Science NOW
Questions And Answers On ACS v. Leadscope Inc. from C&EN
Use innovation to ease inequality in poorer nations, says OECD from SciDev
Medicare: A Plan B for Part D from LA Times - Health
Researchers Discover New Pathways that Drive Metastatic Prostate Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Ursid meteor shower peaks Saturday from CBSNews - Science
Psy's Gangnam Style reaches 1 billion views on YouTube from CBC: Technology & Science
Polio campaign at turning point, after Pakistan killings from News @ Nature
Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus: World’s first freshwater mosasaur from News @ Nature
Physicists take photonic topological insulators to the next level from Science Daily
Strength training improves vascular function in young black men from Science Daily
A new type of nerve cell found in the brain from Science Daily
miR-205 can be responsible for breast cancer from Science Daily
Hawaiian Islands are dissolving, study says from Science Daily
Suspend the crystals, and they grow better from Science Daily
EU: Samsung injunctions against Apple breach rules from Physorg
Physicists take photonic topological insulators to the next level from Physorg
Ups and downs of biodiversity after mass extinction from Physorg
Will wind tax credit blow away? from Physorg
Ghost in the Fossil from Science NOW
Black Hole Firewalls Confound Theoretical Physicists from Scientific American
10 California hospitals fined for serious errors from LA Times - Health
Steve Jobs' yacht tied up in payment dispute from CBSNews - Science
Obama nominating Kerry for secretary of state from AP Science
Ways The World Might Actually End [Infographic] from PopSci
Ky. court upholds decision in penis removal case from AP Health
Targeting taste receptors in the gut may help fight obesity from Science Daily
Targeted gene silencing drugs are more than 500 times more effective with new delivery method from Science Daily
Targeted therapy proves effective against brain tumors in preclinical studies from Science Daily
New pathways that drive metastatic prostate cancer identified from Science Daily
Shipping technology streamlines UPS' holiday rush from Physorg
Italian court overturns Google convictions from Physorg
FDA says fast-growing fish would not harm nature from Physorg
Changes in population growth, consumption and farming begin to return former farmlands to nature from The Rockefeller University
Hurricanes ‘can benefit coastal wetlands’ from SciDev
Mexico: Researchers fired over manipulation of scientific images from SciDev
Costa Rica: Low percentage of investment in R&D from SciDev
Bike-share program planned for L.A. from LA Times - Science
Connecticut shooter's problems all too familiar to many parents from LA Times - Health
Video: Instagram revises controversial terms of service from CBSNews - Science
Fit for Flight? Space Tourism Lacks Medical Standards from Live Science
Ursid Meteor Shower Peaks Saturday from Live Science
Three Spaceflyers Arrive at International Space Station in Time for Christmas from Live Science
The Healing Power of Dogs from National Geographic
Photon devices could outperform ordinary computers from News @ Nature
New insights into how immune system fights atherosclerosis from Science Daily
Researchers discover genetic basis for eczema, new avenue to therapies from Science Daily
EHarmony founder has his heart set on reviving the dating site from Physorg
Artificial heart allows mobility from UPI
Air Canada applauded for primate transport refusal from CBC: Technology & Science
A Plume on Betelgeuse (artist’s impression) from Live Science
Smoking Smothers Your Genes from Science NOW
SpaceShipTwo: On a Flight Path to Space Tourism from
Top five retracted science stories of 2012 from CBSNews - Science
EU: Samsung may have violated antitrust rules from CBSNews - Science
The year in technology: 2012 from CBSNews - Science
US Air Force Used Bears to Test Bombers from Live Science
Extinct Whale Fossil Found on Sea Floor from Live Science
Study: Online User Reviews Influence Us In Ways We Don't Even Realize from PopSci
Tech giants rush to embrace software from Physorg
Next step for South Asia Initiative from Harvard Science
In the News from The Rockefeller University
Sea floor collapse threatens tsunami from UPI
Video: Portable artificial heart patients spend the holidays at home from CBSNews - Science
Guns made on 3-D printers more of a reality from CBC: Technology & Science
Cut Here: Gecko Tails Rip Off Along 'Precut' Line from Live Science
Mo. students lose 756 pounds at SC boarding school from AP Health
Powerful supercomputer makes ALMA a telescope from Physorg
WMAP team releases final results, based on nine years of observations from Physorg
International crew of three reaches orbiting space station from Reuters:Science
Science knows why Rudolph's nose is red from UPI
Meteor shower to peak early Saturday from UPI
Cleanup work resumes at damaged nuke plant from UPI
Seafloor collapse threatens tsunami from UPI
Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears, And More Amazing Images Of The Week from PopSci
FDA says Newfoundland's 'Frankenfish' unlikely to be harmful from CBC: Technology & Science
Holiday Gift to Stargazers: The Christmas Sky from Live Science
Faults said risk to Japan nuclear plants from UPI
Fake cancer canvasser cheats Red Deer residents out of $10,000 from CBC: Health
Calgary patient scrambles to find family doctor from CBC: Health
Intrepid Museum, Home of Shuttle Enterprise, Reopens after Hurricane Sandy Closure from
New Free E-books Available about Two Famous NASA Space Telescopes from Newswise - Scinews
Why Stem Cell Facelifts Are So Risky from Live Science
Meteorite From California Fireball Reveals Its Secrets from Live Science
Facebook users can message anyone, for $1 from UPI
Apple Maps scores poorly against Google from UPI
Parents struggle to find gender-neutral toys from Physorg
RIM shares pounded on subscriber worries from Physorg
New free e-Books available about two famous NASA space telescopes from Physorg
The 500 phases of matter: Entering a new phase from Physorg
NASA sees the major Midwestern snowstorm in infrared light from Physorg
E.P.A. Issues Standards on Boiler Air Pollution from NY Times Science
A Reminder of What Midwest Winters Are About from NY Times Science
U.S. Reopens Waters Off New England for Fishing from NY Times Science
Observatory: An Asteroid’s Fast, Fiery Introduction to Earth from NY Times Science
Green Blog: The Latest Turns Along the Colorado River from NY Times Science
Green Blog: A Biodiversity Map, Version 2.0 from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Outside the Box: Eight No-Wrap Gift Ideas from NY Times Science
IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows from CBSNews - Science
IVF Method Linked to Size of Babies from Live Science
Motorola working on 'X phone' for Google? from UPI
Winter Storm 'Draco' Seen From Space | Video from
Xiao-Gang Wen and the 500 Phases of Matter from Newswise - Scinews
Kindness found online over the holidays from CBSNews - Science
U.S. tree-nesting sea bird said in decline from UPI
The crazy ways we mark winter solstice from MSNBC: Science
Cincinnati professor nominated for Nobel dies from AP Health
Groupon buys online service CommerceInterface from Physorg
Cincinnati professor nominated for Nobel dies from Physorg
'All-clear' asteroid will miss Earth in 2040 from Physorg
New Form of Quantum Computation Promises Showdown With Ordinary Computers from Science NOW
New 'Baby Picture' of Universe Unveiled from
Hurricane Sandy Moved Barrier Islands from Live Science
Celiac Disease Can Make Holiday Treats a Pain from National Geographic
White House to honor scientists, inventors from UPI
NASA offers free space telescope e-books from UPI
Green Blog: A Progress Report on Fracking and Water Safety from NY Times Science
Christmas Sky Show from Science @ NASA
Transgenic fish wins US regulatory backing from News @ Nature
Russia to build autonomous space lab from UPI
Pictures: Fungi Get Into the Holiday Spirit from National Geographic
"Gangnam Style" first video to hit 1B YouTube views from CBSNews - Science
Study: Hawaiian island slowly dissolving from UPI
Antarctic ice cores a window to the past from UPI
Spiral Dust Clouds May Reveal Alien Planets from Live Science
The Wildest Alien Planets of 2012 from Live Science
How to Track Santa on Christmas Eve from Live Science
23 scientists and innovators win medals from MSNBC: Science
Federal government lists 2 ice seals as threatened
Your Money: Walking the Tightrope on Mental Health Coverage from NY Times Health
Alabama to End Isolation of Inmates With H.I.V. from NY Times Health
Gene-Altered Fish Moves Closer to Federal Approval from NY Times Health
Medicare’s Chief Actuary, Richard Foster, Retiring from NY Times Health
Well: Snack Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: The Ex-Wives Club from NY Times Health
Scientists look for ways to clean up space junk threat from CBC: Technology & Science
Intrepid Museum, Home of Shuttle Enterprise, Reopens after Hurricane Sandy Closure from Live Science