Archive of feed items published on the 6th of April 2012
Environmentalists feeling burned by rush to build solar projects from LA Times - Science
VIDEO: Rarest ducklings on Earth hatch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists forecast forest carbon loss from Physorg
Long-term studies detect effects of disappearing snow and ice from Physorg
Long-term research reveals causes and consequences of environmental change from Physorg
Miami blue butterfly to be declared endangered from Physorg
- shop offers Kindle books in Spanish from Physorg
Review: Nokia Lumia 900 hindered by software from Physorg
Google hopes to revolutionize video chat with 'Hangout' apps from Physorg
Britannica's halt of print edition triggers sales from Physorg
Use of imidacloprid - common pesticide - linked to bee colony collapse from Physorg
From herd immunity and complacency to group panic: How vaccine scares unfold from Physorg
What makes a voice unique? from Physorg
Hackers hitting Macs with virus: industry experts from Physorg
Google CEO reflects on past year in rare dispatch from Physorg
NASA's TRMM Satellite sees tornadic Texas storms in 3-D from Physorg
Sex offenders booted from videogame playgrounds from Physorg
Online museum launches on 20th anniversary of Sarajevo siege from Physorg
Facebook to make stock debut on NASDAQ: report from Physorg
Researchers discover unique suspension technique for large-scale stem cell production from Physorg
Fujitsu technology puts big data to use in minutes from Physorg
Copper chains: Study reveals Earth's deep-seated hold on copper from Physorg
Scientists discover new threat to birds posed by invasive pythons from Physorg
New index identifies periods when global stock markets might decline from Physorg
History of abandoned urban sites found stored in soil from Physorg
New research reveals food ingredients most prone to fraudulent economically motivated adulteration from Physorg
Physicists control quantum tunneling with light for the first time from Physorg
Single gene mutation can sweep through bacterial population, opening the door for the concept of 'species' from Physorg
Analytical standards needed for 'reading' Pliocene bones from Physorg
Scientists discover initial stages by which gypsum crystals form from Physorg
Texting in college classrooms common, distracting from Physorg
Pirates, beware: Navy's smart robocopters will spy you in the crowd from Physorg
Obama respects Supreme Court's power, attorney general writes from LA Times - Health
Aetna rate hike is deemed 'excessive' by California regulator from LA Times - Health
Booming medical school brings life to downtown Pomona from LA Times - Health
Yahoo CEO tries to reassure workers after layoffs from Physorg
Big advance against cystic fibrosis from Science Blog
Researchers using novel method to combat malaria drug resistance from Science Blog
African Americans more likely to blog than whites and Latinos from Science Blog
New index identifies periods when global stock markets might decline from Science Blog
Women cannot rewind the ‘biological clock’ from Science Blog
Clean urban rivers get anglers hooked from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google creates a spectacle with project from Physorg
Shifting sands from MIT Research
Twitter fights spammers with lawsuit from Physorg
Ubisoft wacky 'Rabbids' hop onto Apple gadgets from Physorg
Airborne prayers problem solved for tech-savvy Muslims from Physorg
Paint and bombs try to save ships from Titanic fate from Physorg
Google chief betting big on social and mobile from Physorg
Drilling fees pay for new national forest lands from AP Science
Going ape for apps: young orangutan plays with iPad from Physorg
6 myths about saving on gas from CBC: Technology & Science
Baseball, Beanballs And The Psychology Of Revenge
Vomiting caterpillars weigh up costs and benefits of group living from Physorg
Which plants will survive droughts, climate change? from Physorg
Man's Trash Is A Lizard's Treasure?
Samsung offers Ultra High Speed-1 MicroSD cards for advanced LTE smartphones, tablets from Physorg
Researchers develop first silicon wafer-scale 110 GHz phased array transmitter from Physorg
Powerful magnets help scientists create new materials for use in low-carbon energy from Physorg
How to boost UK data surveillance from BBC News: Science & Nature
States ranked on water-need preparations from UPI
Particle collider runs at record energies from UPI
Psych testing may predict soccer success from UPI
Venus found to have aurora type magnetotails from Physorg
How the Moon Affects the Date of Easter from
Children perceive humanoid robot as emotional, moral being from Physorg
Egg Cetera #1: The immortal egg from Physorg
Two salmon-eating sea lions killed at Bonneville Dam from Physorg
Drilling fees pay for new national forest lands from Physorg
Malaria fight 'badly compromised' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nepal plagued by big cat attacks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Could 'pink slime' be rebranded? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cutting through ancient evidence of human tool use from Physorg
New detector design improves gamma-ray measurements from Physorg
TDK intros ultra high-Q multilayer inductors from Physorg
Researcher cuts teeth in new method from Physorg
Study shows arts education benefits at-risk youth from Physorg
Global manhunt pushes limits of social mobilization from Physorg
Form and function in enzyme activity from Physorg
NASA extends Kepler, Spitzer, Planck missions from Physorg
Antibiotics effective for some appendicitis from CBC: Health
Ontario coroner to probe high-jump death from CBC: Health
Royal Canadian Mint unveils digital currency technology from CBC: Technology & Science
Progress in fight to save "world's rarest bird" from CBSNews - Science
How do you track a wolf pack? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Google Plans Thermal Storage from NY Times Science
Micromechanical mirror performs under pressure... of light from Physorg
Most Americans say media coverage of religion too sensationalized from Physorg
Using radio waves to bake tumors from Physorg
Gravity changes along the Moon from Physorg
Navigating the neurochemical space by computer-aided molecular design from Physorg
Space astronomy archive, distant supernova, named in honor of U.S. Senator from Physorg
Whales' signals reveal retreat from ill-fated oil rig from Physorg
First, fast, and faster from Physorg
NASA jets buzz the capitol from Physorg
The pit-chains of Mars - a possible place for life? from Physorg
Researchers develop novel technique for early detection of misfolded protein from Physorg
ATLAS detector ready to match large hadron collider improvements from Physorg
Was well-buried woolly mammoth cached for food by Ice Age humans? from CBC: Technology & Science
How to make high-end perfumes without whale barf from Science Daily
Black Holes May Get Supermassive by Eating Stars from
Scottish experts assess platform gas leak impact from Physorg
Nanoparticle-delivered RNA interference drug stops head and neck cancer growth from Physorg
EU says airline CO2 tax 'less than a coffee' from Physorg
How would humans respond to first contact from an alien world? from Physorg
Pomeberry Blend hepatitis warning issued from CBC: Health
Hold the Knife: Antibiotics May Be Safe Treatment for Appendicitis from Live Science
Obese People Hit with More Radiation During Medical Tests from Live Science
Study Finds 3 Ways Parents Can Cut Kids' Soda Consumption from Live Science
China shuts political websites in crackdown from Physorg
Ottawa organ-donation advocate undergoing transplant from CBC: Health
Facebook to list on Nasdaq, reports say from CBC: Technology & Science
Psychological testing may predict success in soccer from Science Daily
Possible clues found to why HIV vaccine showed modest protection from Science Daily
First targeted nanomedicine to enter human clinical studies from Science Daily
Treatment hope for muscular dystrophy from Science Daily
Crisis for US Science Is Looming, Physicists Warn from Live Science
A Multitouch Floor May Someday Detect Your Heart Attack from Live Science
How Peeps Evolved from an Easter Candy to a Cult Classic from Live Science
Your Easter Egg Might Hatch … a Dinosaur? from Live Science
Green Blog: Following the Money, and the Mafias, Behind Illegal Logging from NY Times Science
Well: Waist Size Helps Predict Heart Risk in Teenagers from NY Times Health
Team finds asteroids were bombarded by iron loving elements too from Physorg
Quantum dots provide quantitative profile of pancreatic cancer biomarkers on single cells from Physorg
Taiwan's HTC says first quarter profit down 70% from Physorg
Origins of the Universe Exposed in Dazzling 3D Videos from
Discovery could help end risk of having a baby with birth defects from Science Blog
Physicians less likely to prescribe antidepressants to minorities, Medicaid patients from Science Blog
Dark heart of a cosmic collision from Science Daily
12-mile-high Martian dust devil caught in act from Science Daily
Microflora have decisive role with autoimmune illnesses, some good, some bad from Science Daily
Eastern Seaboard at Night from Live Science
Earthquake-resistant table could save lives from SciDev
Physics group uses graphene to allow electron microscopy of liquid objects from Physorg
The Most Amazing Images of the Week, April 2-6, 2012 from PopSci
Rolling Our Eyes On The Sun: Observatory's 360 Maneuver | Video from
Plutonium Production May Avert Spacecraft Fuel Shortage from
UFO Quiz: What's Really Out There from Live Science
Amazon aims to wring deep discounts from publishers from Physorg
Pay by phone: More merchants embrace direct mobile billing from Physorg
Ottawa cuts CAP public web access funding from CBC: Technology & Science
Quietest room in the world can drive you crazy in 45 minutes from CBC: Technology & Science
Study shows unified process of evolution in bacteria and sexual eukaryotes from Science Daily
Half of giant panda habitat may vanish in 70 years, scientists say from CBSNews - Science
Full Moon, Saturn and Star Doing a Stately Dance for Skywatchers from
NASA T-38 Supersonic Jets Fly Over US Capital from Live Science
Tech review: New iPad an all-around upgrade from Physorg
Huge Astronomy Archive and Exploding Star Named for Maryland Senator from Live Science
Young Americans less likely to drive from Physorg
Nokia town faces dim future as jobs shift to Asia from Physorg
Scientists identify major source of cells' defense against oxidative stress from Physorg
Impact of warming climate doesn't always translate to streamflow from Physorg
Common pesticides linked to lower birth weights from CBC: Health
Women cannot rewind the 'biological clock' from Science Daily
Food ingredients most prone to fraudulent economically motivated adulteration from Science Daily
Novel method used to combat malaria drug resistance from Science Daily
Recovery from propofol anesthesia may be sped up by use of common stimulant from Science Daily
Tiny hitchhikers attack cancer cells: Gold nanostars first to deliver drug directly to cancer cell nucleus from Science Daily
Shifting sands: New model predicts how sand and other granular materials flow from Science Daily
How embryonic stem cells orchestrate human development from Science Daily
Massive Dolphin Die-Off in Peru May Remain a Mystery from Scientific American
Crisis looms for US science, physicists warn from MSNBC: Science
Jesus vs. Scientists: Who's Better at Miracles? from Live Science
Navy's Robot Helicopters Will Automatically Spot Pirates from Live Science
How the Moon Affects the Date of Easter from Live Science
Precise Nanoparticle Arrays Could Herald Exotic Electronics from C&EN
Chemists distinguish between gunshot residue from various firearms from
PBHA auction set for April 24 from Harvard Science
Glamour honors Ryu from Harvard Science
Conjunction Junction: Venus and Jupiter Meet Over Pakistan in Skywatching Photo from
Was Jesus Happy? Americans Think So from Live Science
What's Under Antarctica? Quake Waves Give First Look from Live Science
Origins of the Universe Exposed in Dazzling 3D Videos from Live Science
Why You're More Likely to Get a Raise by Quitting Your Job from Live Science
Black Holes May Get Supermassive by Eating Stars from Live Science
Saint or Spiritual Slacker? Test Your Religious Knowledge from Live Science
Mystery Of Modeling Sand - Part Fluid, Part Solid
Purified lung and thyroid progenitors derived from embryonic stem cells from Science Daily
Different Strokes: New Lower-Pollution Auto Rickshaw Engines Could Save Lives, Curb Climate Change [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Teens Make Flavor Strips for Tastier Astronaut Food from
Florida's Invasive Pythons Now Devouring Bird Eggs from Live Science
Plutonium Production May Avert Spacecraft Fuel Shortage from Live Science
News in Brief: Highlights from the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Francisco from
Earth's Rarest Ducklings Quackin' Cute from Live Science
Well: Think Like a Doctor: A Crooked Walk Solved! from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Dad, One Year Later from NY Times Health
Eat: Spinach Is a Dish Best Served Cooked from NY Times Health
'Mass Effect 3' fans promised expanded ending from Physorg
Titanic at 100: Be Among the Last to Dive to Wreck Site? from National Geographic
Growing Food Demand Strains Energy, Water Supplies from National Geographic
Which plants will survive droughts, climate change? from Science Daily
Was Jesus happy? It depends who you ask from MSNBC: Science
Comet Thatcher's Yearly Attack on Earth - Lyrid Meteor Shower | Video from
Tsunami 'Ghost Ship' Sinks Off Alaska Coast from Live Science
Planets’ gravity tidies stellar ring from
Future Versus Past: Google Searches Correlated To GDP
Well: Passover Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Florida's invasive pythons go after bird nests from MSNBC: Science
Who Observes Easter? (Infographic) from Live Science
Green Blog: From an F to a Low A: The N.Y. City Council from NY Times Science
Building endurance, step by step from Harvard Science
In support of the generalist from Harvard Science
Technology transforms energy outlook from Harvard Science
Impact of warming climate doesn't always translate to streamflow from Science Daily
Coordinating the circadian clock: Molecular pair controls time-keeping and fat metabolism from Science Daily
Ecosystems dependent on snowy winters most threatened, long term research confirms from Science Daily
Home use of WiFi expanding globally from UPI
Japan proposes reactor re-starts from UPI
Russian satellite to hit Pacific Ocean from UPI
Hatchlings give hope for endangered ducks from UPI
Drought may force Britain to ration water from UPI
Fire and leak shut down French reactor from UPI
Judge orders re-do of redwoods road plan from UPI
Italy announces Pompeii project plan from UPI
Amazing Photo Captures Robot Cargo Ship's Space Station Arrival from
Cosmic Collision Likely Spawned Massive Nearby Galaxy from
Proposed Satellite Would Beam Solar Power to Earth from
Full Moon, Saturn and Star Doing a Stately Dance for Skywatchers from Live Science
Green Blog: A Difficult Choice on Water from NY Times Science
Pain-relieving gels, sprays to get new warning labels from CBC: Health
Bravo plans 'Silicon Valley' reality show from Physorg
Utah: Medical records breach more extensive from Physorg
Explore new realms of science and religion from MSNBC: Science
Jesus vs. scientists: Who's better at miracles? from MSNBC: Science
Was Jesus happy? It depends who you ask from MSNBC: Science
Urban Skywatching: New York's Amateur Astronomers Take In the Night from
How the Moon Affects the Date of Easter from Scientific American
Space Weather Study Could Illuminate Alien Planet Climates from
Global Warming In 12,000 B.C.
Interplanetary Colonization: I Don't Think So
Plasma centre closure 'exports jobs,' union says from CBC: Health
Satellite catches Texas tornado storms in 3-D from MSNBC: Science
Space Pictures This Week: Cosmic Flower, Inside-Out Star from National Geographic
Future Human-Rated Spacecraft Gets Drop Test | Video from
Another pesticide linked to bee decline from UPI
Time Warner Cable tells of Android TV app from UPI
Sweden leads in global IT survey from UPI
Russia to join European Mars mission from UPI
Invasive snakes eating Florida bird eggs from UPI
Study ties oil, gas production to Midwest quakes from AP Science
Digital AustinMan Exposes Himself to Cell Phones to Study Radiation from Live Science
Reif, Grimson: MITx aims to enhance on-campus education from MIT Research
Some homphobia is self-phobia from Science Blog
Samantha Brick's Claim Reveals Science of Beauty from Live Science
Some homophobia is self-phobia from Science Blog
In pictures: Tackling carbon from BBC News: Science & Nature
Evolution, climate teaching bill awaits Tennessee governor's signature from LA Times - Science
Reality check on Russia's 'zombie ray gun' from MSNBC: Science
Midwest quakes linked to oil and gas drilling from MSNBC: Science
Next Kindle may have reading light from UPI
Twitter goes to court against spammers from UPI
E-book reading said on the rise from UPI
Order on Housing Mentally Ill Adults in New York City Is Struck Down from NY Times Health
'Too beautiful'? Claim highlights science of beauty from MSNBC: Science
After Years of Obstacles, an Illegal Immigrant Gets a Transplant from NY Times Health
Can autistic kids be helped by a play-based program? from CBC: Health
Next Kindle may have reading light from UPI
Twitter goes to court against spammers from UPI
E-book reading said on the rise from UPI
Another pesticide linked to bee decline from UPI
Time Warner Cable tells of Android TV app from UPI
Sweden leads in global IT survey from UPI
Russia to join European Mars mission from UPI
Invasive snakes eating Florida bird eggs from UPI
Home use of WiFi expanding globally from UPI
Japan proposes reactor re-starts from UPI
Russian satellite to hit Pacific Ocean from UPI
Hatchlings give hope for endangered ducks from UPI
Drought may force Britain to ration water from UPI
Fire and leak shut down French reactor from UPI
Judge orders re-do of redwoods road plan from UPI
Italy announces Pompeii project plan from UPI