Archive of feed items published on the 11th of December 2013
Science Projects for the Holidays from Live Science
Sprawl threatens water quality, climate protection, and land conservation gains from Physorg
Pakistani doctor wins $1M to fight child deaths from AP Health
Alan Alda's science contest asks: What is color? from AP Science
Men With Pelvic Pain Find a Path to Treatment Blocked by a Gynecology Board from NY Times Health
Defective Breast Implant Sales Draw Prison Term for French Executive from NY Times Health
A Medical Credit Card Has Surprising Costs from NY Times Health
Effort to Help Filipino Women Falters, U.N. Says from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Spaghetti With Broccoli and Walnut/Ricotta Pesto from NY Times Health
Well: Exercise as Potent Medicine from NY Times Health
Eureka: What Anesthesia Can Teach Us About Consciousness from NY Times Health
Europe Moves to Prohibit Some Deep-Sea Trawling from NY Times Science
Justices Hear Case on Cross-State Pollution Rules from NY Times Science
NTSB: Upgrade likely could have prevented NY crash from Physorg
Japan to spend $970 mn on nuclear soil store from Physorg
US top court examines rules on cross-border air pollution from Physorg
Coal port plan will kill Great Barrier Reef: activists from Physorg
US man arrested for 'revenge porn' website extortion from Physorg
Music lovers seek to pump up digital audio quality from Physorg
Satellite detects Antarctic ice loss from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rare white tiger has knee surgery in Japan from Physorg
Bill on online game addiction divides SKorea from Physorg
Antarctica’s ice loss on the rise from European Space Agency
Alan Alda's science contest asks: What is color? from Physorg
Multinationals boost Ireland but jobs go unfilled from Physorg
Cobalt-60 still sitting in Mexican cornfield from Physorg
Quails in orbit: French cuisine aims for the stars from Physorg
Dementia prevention is possible, expert says from CBC: Health
For the good of the colony from MIT Research
Even when test scores go up, some cognitive abilities don’t from MIT Research
Leaner Fourier transforms from MIT Research
New system allows for high-accuracy, through-wall, 3-D motion tracking from MIT Research
Soldier moves bionic arm by thoughts from BBC News: Science & Nature
AUDIO: Supervolcano eruption 'would affect the world' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Uruguay bill pioneers state control of cannabis market from BBC News: Science & Nature
Post-Sandy, Long Island barrier systems appear surprisingly sound from Physorg
Ulcer pills linked to B12 deficiency from BBC News: Science & Nature
TB resistance is a 'ticking time bomb' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Extinct wolves a conservation issue from BBC News: Science & Nature
Putin orders Arctic military boost from BBC News: Science & Nature
US Senate votes to ban plastic guns from BBC News: Science & Nature
India faces uphill battle on biodiversity from News @ Nature
RIP Comet ISON: Scientists Declare Famous 'Sungrazer' Dead After Sun Encounter from
Glyphosate from Chemistry World
Dinosaur impact 'sent life to Mars' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google opens first data centres in Asia from Physorg
Hipster, surfer or biker? Computers may soon be able to tell the difference from Physorg
Climate research provides roadmap for endangered species preservation from Physorg
Study raises questions about longstanding forensic identification technique from Physorg
Image: Yellowknife Bay formation on Mars from Physorg
Countdown starts for UA-led asteroid mission from Physorg
Rising mountains dried out Central Asia, scientists say from Physorg
Bee Researchers Make Friends with a Killer from Scientific American
New Signs of Water on Mars Ramp Up Search for Life from Scientific American
Even when test scores go up, some cognitive abilities don’t from Science Blog
Brazil's science investment reaches record high from SciDev
SIP13: A new model for Africa's technological development from SciDev
Indian floods highlight dangers of rushed development from SciDev
Egypt's science ministry fails to spend enlarged budget from SciDev
Nicaraguan canal plans worry scientists from SciDev
Reading tool for the visually impaired launched in India from SciDev
WCSJ 2013: Final reflections from SciDev
Food security needs 'more holistic' agriculture from SciDev
WCSJ 2013: Day three from SciDev
Aid project accountability 'can transform impact' from SciDev
Brighter future for cancer detection with polymer probe from Chemistry World
Tables turn as nature imitates art from Physorg
New study highlights key role soil structure plays in water uptake by crops from Physorg
Serengeti's animals under pressure from Physorg
Digital Science transfers SureChem patent chemistry data to EMBL-EBI from Physorg
Unusual fungal metabolites with antitumor activity discovered by crowdsourcing from Physorg
Solving a moving problem from Physorg
Fossil primate shakes up history of strepsirrhines from Physorg
Trippy! Chameleons intimidate rivals with quick color change from CBSNews - Science
Female libido drug remains in limbo from AP Health
Scientists explore old mine to store CO2 as a solid from Science Blog
Runaway process drives intermediate-depth earthquakes from Science Blog
Exercise Improves Depression In Parkinson’s from Science Blog
Men’s ‘overwork’ widens gender gap in wages from Science Blog
Dreams of drones: Amazon’s delivery tech almost ready, insurance and regulation not so much from Science Blog
For the good of the colony: Bacterial community success depends on its shape from Science Blog
‘Healthy’ fast food proves profitable, though misleading from Science Blog
The Cell's Protein Factory in Action from Live Science
Big data: Top ten news stories of 2013 from SciDev
Men's 'overwork' widens gender gap in wages from Physorg
Pine plantations provide optimum conditions for natural forests to develop underneath them from Physorg
A whole new meaning to bad weather: Top ten worst weather places in the world from Physorg
Research shows the success of a bacterial community depends on its shape from Physorg
Scientists demonstrate quantum phenomenon for the first time using a plastic film from Physorg
First rock dating experiment performed on Mars from Physorg
Researchers find less is more with adding graphene to nanofibers from Physorg
Computational linguists predict TIME's "Person of the Year" using computer model from Physorg
Nutrients in food vital to location of early human settlements from Physorg
Canada’s electronic spy agency says tracking allies is necessary from CBC: Technology & Science
Skype a specialist: How tech will change health care from CBC: Technology & Science
WHO confirms deadly H7N9 cases as labs track risks from Science Blog
New drug approach could lead to cures for wide range of diseases from Science Blog
New memory chip ideal for mobile devices from Science Blog
Footsteps into electricty: Triboelectric generators capture world’s wasted power from Science Blog
US measles status unchanged, but vaccination gaps exist from Science Blog
Mixed race people viewed as members of their lower-status parent group from Science Blog
Radio tech sees through walls in 3D, realtime from Science Blog
Wake Up, Rosetta! from European Space Agency
Cloned Horse Wins Argentine Polo Open from PopSci
To fight Assad, Syrian opposition logs on at any cost from CBSNews - Science
Why making airport food less palatable may benefit passengers from Physorg
Nontoxic quantum dot research improves solar cells from Physorg
The rise and fall of oxygen from Physorg
New website aims to increase awareness of sustainable consumption from Physorg
Study provides nutritional information on oilseed crop for use in pig diets from Physorg
New system makes the VLA "Two telescopes in one" from Physorg
Engineers zap bridges with electricity to test for corrosion from Physorg
Decisions, decisions: How microbes choose lifestyles gives clue to origin of multicellular life from Physorg
Muscular head pumps give long-proboscid fly the edge from Physorg
Image: Hubble sees a bizarre cosmic rarity: NGC 660 from Physorg
Video: The anatomy of a raindrop from Physorg
Radioisotopes: The medical testing crisis from News @ Nature
Bighorn sheep shrinking due to hunters, study suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
Lanzatech expands waste-to-chemicals range from Chemistry World
'Google map' of a prostate from Chemistry World
Vibrations couple light to graphene from Chemistry World
'The Slimeball' (Maritime Weapon)
Scientists to deploy seismic monitors near Azle in North Texas from Physorg
New method for efficient removal of uranium and other heavy metals from water from Physorg
Runaway process drives intermediate-depth earthquakes, scientists find from Physorg
One in two Swiss users accepts a lack of privacy on the Internet from Physorg
What can a graphene sandwich reveal about proteins? from Physorg
Imec demonstrates strained germanium finFETs at IEDM 2013 from Physorg
Fujitsu develops technology to remotely access home PC files using a smart device from Physorg
Space shuttle-sized asteroid 2013 XY8 to fly past earth on Dec. 11 from Physorg
Success in large-scale test of technology to solve IPv4 address space exhaustion issue from Physorg
Supervolcanoes discovered in Utah from Science Daily
Step closer to muscle regeneration from Science Daily
Can celebrity cancer diagnoses prompt quitting smoking? from Science Daily
Education: Learning with 'stronger peers' yields no boost from Science Daily
Egg dumping -- and rearing from Science Daily
HIV causes structural heart disease, study concludes from Science Daily
New test facilitates diagnosis of autism in adults from Science Daily
Are overweight children less able to handle advertising? from Science Daily
Serengeti's animals under pressure from Science Daily
Borrowing the future from our children from SciDev
FDA targets antibiotics in meat from AP Health
Study uncovers new evidence for assessing tsunami risk from very large volcanic island landslides from Physorg
Carbon capture technology could be vital for climate targets from Physorg
Learning with 'stronger peers' yields no boost from Physorg
Young boy's discovery confirmed as a peculiar supernova explosion from Physorg
Astrophysicist suggests life may have existed shortly after Big Bang from Physorg
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Madi nearing India's east coast from Physorg
Researchers describe the key role of a protein in the segregation of genetic material during cell division from Physorg
Pest-killing wasps and berry fungus from Physorg
NIH to experiment with high-risk grants from News @ Nature
'Responsible' & 'strategic' top resume buzzword list from CBC: Technology & Science
Photos: Best Wild Animal Selfies from Live Science
Fracking Could Dispose of Nuclear Waste, Scientist Says from Live Science
Key role of protein in segregation of genetic material during cell division from Science Daily
Novel cancer cell DNA damage repair mechanism unveiled from Science Daily
Runaway process drives intermediate-depth earthquakes from Science Daily
SIRT5 regulation has dramatic effect on mitochondrial metabolism from Science Daily
Precise docking sites for cells from Science Daily
For cyclist safety, routes through residential areas, fewer along arterial roads from Physorg
Over 2M Xbox One units sold in first 18 days from Physorg
New system allows for high-accuracy, through-wall, 3-D motion tracking (w/ Video) from Physorg
Q&A: Animals and robots develop an unlikely scientific partnership from Physorg
Should nature's benefits matter to business? from Physorg
Leaner Fourier transforms: Algorithm separates signals into their individual frequencies using minimal number of samples from Physorg
Even when test scores go up, some cognitive abilities don't from Physorg
Imaging capabilities allow researchers to peer into protein transport systems from Physorg
Tech multinationals boost Ireland but jobs go unfilled from Physorg
Puzzling Streaks On Mars May Be From Flowing Water from Live Science
The Science of Shopping: Buy Gifts One at a Time from Live Science
Wild Animal Selfies: Creatures Get Hip with Word of the Year from Live Science
New Cockroach Species Replacing Oriental Roach in Southwest US from Live Science
Prototype Morpheus Lander Soars In First Free Flight | Video from
Space History Photo: Aldrin Next to Solar Wind Experiment from
Announcing project AGORA: Ambitious comparison of computer simulations of galaxy evolution from Science Daily
New gene therapy proves promising as hemophilia treatment from Science Daily
Who Said That Figuring Out Earth Would Only Take a Year? from Newswise - Scinews
Unlocked Nucleic Acids Help Silence Genes Selectively from C&EN
VIDEO: Scotland's killer avalanches explained from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fight against malaria slows, fewer nets given out from AP Health
UK says cure or drug for dementia possible by 2025 from AP Health
Magpie parents know a baby cuckoo when they see one from Physorg
Picturing pain could help unlock its mysteries and lead to better treatments from Physorg
New online database charts water quality regulations related to oil and gas development from Physorg
New labs sprouting up to test cannabis—and the law from Physorg
New way to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Target human cells instead from Physorg
Smartphone users value their privacy and are willing to pay for it, economists find from Physorg
Choreographed stages of Salmonella infection revealed from Physorg
Research unveils clues about protein mechanism critical to plant growth and yield from Physorg
Researchers observe surprising bonefish spawning behavior in the Bahamas from Physorg
Mystery of reindeer's changing eye colour from Physorg
Russian Meteor, from Birth to Fiery Death: An Asteroid's Story from Live Science
'Starship View' of Earth and Moon Captured by NASA Jupiter Probe (Video) from Live Science
Liberals & Conservatives Literally Moving Farther Apart from Live Science
Designing The Next Generation Of Cochlear Implants | Video from Live Science
Rising mountains dried out Central Asia from Science Daily
New strain of bird flu packs a punch even after becoming drug-resistant from Science Daily
New evidence for assessing tsunami risk from very large volcanic island landslides from Science Daily
Carbon capture technology could be vital for climate targets from Science Daily
Spanking children slows cognitive development and increases risk of criminal behavior, expert says from Science Daily
The garden microbe with a sense of touch from Science Daily
Post-Sandy, Long Island barrier systems appear surprisingly sound from Science Daily
Urban sprawl threatens water quality, climate protection, and land conservation gains from Science Daily
Fossil primate shakes up history of tooth-combed primates from Science Daily
U.S. Budget Deal Should Help Shelter Science From Sequester—For a While from Science NOW
Predator Insurance: When Livestock Becomes Prey, Conservationists Pay from National Geographic
Comet ISON was punier than previously thought from
Madagascar village 'hit by plague' from BBC News: Science & Nature
NSA said to use Google cookies to track surveillance targets from CBSNews - Science
Hydrogen-powered invasion from Physorg
Scientists discover chemical modification in human malaria parasite DNA from Physorg
German prosecutor: Still weighing NSA probe from Physorg
African wildlife at Philippine reserve 'hurt in typhoon' from Physorg
Social exclusion and consumer product preference: Drink Pepsi to fit in, but fly American to stand out? from Physorg
Missing molecule in chemical production line discovered from Physorg
Colleges pay attention: How do top 10 rankings influence applications? from Physorg
Negative resistivity leads to positive resistance in the presence of a magnetic field from Physorg
Precise docking sites for cells from Physorg
Study shows male chameleons fighting prowess tied to color changing abilities from Physorg
Ribosomal proteins RPL5 and RPL11 play an essential role in normal cell proliferation from Physorg
Timber buildings growing in a city near you from Physorg
Mounting challenges undermine parenting from Physorg
Office holiday parties highlight racial dissimilarities and fail to promote team unity from Physorg
The garden microbe with a sense of touch from Physorg
Toxic substances in banana plants kill root pests from Physorg
Preserve the European Research Council's legacy from News @ Nature
Stronger Tornadoes May Be Menacing US from Live Science
RIP Comet ISON: Scientists Declare Famous 'Sungrazer' Dead After Sun Encounter from Live Science
Researchers uncover mechanism controlling Tourette Syndrome tics from Science Daily
Beyond the Keyword: Natural Language Processing Expert Heng Ji Joins Rensselaer as Edward P. Hamilton Development Chair from Newswise - Scinews
University Establishes Multimillion-Dollar Global Food Security Program on Reducing Postharvest Loss from Newswise - Scinews
Big data: Top ten news stories of 2013 from SciDev
10 promesas tecnológicas que hicieron noticia en 2013 from SciDev
More mosquito nets needed to control malaria from CBC: Health
China's Terracotta Warriors inspired by ancient Greek art from MSNBC: Science
NPL and Arden Photonics use phone camera technology for compact laser measurement device from Physorg
NREL reports soft costs now largest piece of solar installation total cost from Physorg
Ice loss from West Antarctica on the increase from Physorg
Seven days: 6–12 December 2013 from News @ Nature
Smart Ring would put phone updates, controls on your finger from CBC: Technology & Science
Climate Change May Be Worsening Western Wildfires from Live Science
US Navy's Submarine-Launched Drone Paves Way For Future Military Tech from Live Science
Actor Alan Alda Challenges Scientists to Explain Color to Kids from Live Science
Prickly Abode | Wallpaper from Live Science
Teens publish studies on pest-killing wasps, berry fungus from Science Daily
Study raises questions about longstanding forensic identification technique from Science Daily
Biodegradable or not? from Science Daily
Epicenter of Biodiversity Gets Visitor Center from Newswise - Scinews
Team Finds Less is More with Adding Graphene to Nanofibers from Newswise - Scinews
Dietary changes affect gut microbes within a day from
Nanoglue attaches tissues to each other from
Saskatchewan not enforcing tobacco law, Cancer Society says from CBC: Health
Edmonton car dealer sold luxury SUV to psychiatric patient from CBC: Health
Clay-Like Minerals Found on Icy Crust of Europa from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pregnant job applicants can act to dispel discriminatory stereotypes from Physorg
Fire vs. ice: The science of ISON at perihelion from Physorg
East Antarctica is sliding sideways: Ice loss on West Antarctica affecting mantle flow below from Physorg
Alpine glacier, unchanged for thousands of years, now melting from Physorg
E-ELT construction work to start from Physorg
The mystery of lizard breath: One-way airflow may be 270 million years old from Physorg
Probe opens new path for drug development against leading STD from Physorg
Women's presence in science is not reflected in peer-review authorship or citations from Physorg
Study shows global warming likely to alter bat echolocation abilities from Physorg
Robot representatives open doors for the isolated from Physorg
Monitor Lizards' Breathing May Have Evolved Before Dinosaurs from Live Science
National Zoo Animals Dying For Funds, Director Says from Live Science
Raw Milk: 1 in 6 Who Drink It Gets Sick from Live Science
Exoplanet Habitable Zone Around Sunlike Stars Bigger Than Thought from
How Habitable Zones for Alien Planets and Stars Work (Infographic) from
UK women scientists have fewer studies funded, given less money than men from Science Daily
Extreme Diets Can Quickly Alter Gut Bacteria from Science NOW
A Cookbook For Spacetime - No Big Bang Needed
Those Supervolcanoes In Utah - Wait, What?
What lives deep in Antarctica's buried lake? Here's what... from MSNBC: Science
Robonaut 2 getting legs to step up its work on space station from MSNBC: Science
'Wake up' competition for Europe's sleepy comet-chaser from Physorg
'Goldilocks' clue to habitable planets from Physorg
Fungus threatens top banana from News @ Nature
One in two users accepts a lack of privacy on internet from Science Daily
Lack of national policy to get UK kids more active is mass 'child neglect' from Science Daily
The Mystery of Lizard Breath from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Resolve Decades-old Mystery of 'Chlamydial Anomaly' from Newswise - Scinews
American University Builds on America's Appetite for Understanding Food from Newswise - Scinews
WUSTL Joins U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center from Newswise - Scinews
Staying Ahead of Huntington's Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Real-Time Virtualization Software to Enable Embedded Systems Integration from Newswise - Scinews
High-Tech X-Ray Imaging Technique to Offer Detailed Look at Engineered Tissue from Newswise - Scinews
Highlighting Green Chemistry Achievements from C&EN
Spotify goes mobile with free music streaming from Physorg
Gender identity and single-sex schools from Physorg
Arctic cyclones more common than previously thought from Physorg
TRMM satellite sees powerful storms in Tropical Cyclone Madi from Physorg
Valkyrie steps forth as DARPA robotics contender from Physorg
Earth is only just within the Sun's habitable zone from News @ Nature
Shanghai's 'Airpocalypse': Can China Fix Its Deadly Pollution? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Humans may be the exception when it comes to aging from Science Blog
Antivirals for HCV improve kidney, cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients from Science Daily
Earth’s sensitivity to climate change could be 'double' previous estimates, say geologists from Science Daily
Fight against cancer: The anti-tumor activity of immune cells can be restored from Science Daily
Many Earth-Like Planets Have Climates Too Hot for Life from National Geographic
Mars Rover Switches Gears from C&EN
Test Scores Are Meaningful? Even If They Go Up, Cognitive Abilities Don't
Mysteries of Fluid Flow Unraveled by Knots from Scientific American
AP-GfK poll: Strong opposition to in-flight calls from Physorg
Amazon grocery delivery rolls into San Francisco from Physorg
Outcry over French bill giving wider access to personal data from Physorg
Geminid meteor shower ramps up Friday night from Physorg
Chameleons use colorful language to communicate: Chameleons' body regions are 'billboards' for different types of information from Science Daily
Arctic cyclones more common than previously thought from Science Daily
Staying ahead of Huntington's disease from Science Daily
The mystery of lizard breath: One-way air flow may be 270 million years old from Science Daily
Fire vs. ice: The science of ISON at perihelion from Science Daily
Stimulant-addicted patients can quit smoking without hindering treatment from Science Daily
Brain's never-before-seen cellular response to concussions could lead to therapy from Science Daily
Malnourished children still have hope beyond first 1,000 days from Science Daily
Alpine glacier, unchanged for thousands of years, now melting: New ice cores suggest Alps have been strongly warming since 1980s from Science Daily
Even when test scores go up, some cognitive abilities don't from Science Daily
Magpie parents know a baby cuckoo when they see one from Science Daily
Different food fish can cause different allergies from Science Daily
East Antarctica Is Sliding Sideways from Newswise - Scinews
Arctic Cyclones More Common Than Previously Thought from Newswise - Scinews
Alpine Glacier, Unchanged for Thousands of Years, Now Melting from Newswise - Scinews
Tulane University Launches Crowdfunding Partnership for Medical Research from Newswise - Scinews
Horizon 2020 Fires €7.8 Billion Funding Gun from Science NOW
Why lizards may inherit the Earth from News @ Nature
Clay-like minerals found on icy crust of moon Europa from Physorg
A New Diet Quickly Alters Gut Bacteria from Live Science
Shhh! Top-Secret Reconnaissance Drone Could Make Air Force Debut in 2015 from Live Science
Space Rock Crash Site Found on Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa from
Clues about protein mechanism critical to plant growth, yield from Science Daily
More powerful approach to analyze melanoma's genetic causes from Science Daily
Pine plantations provide optimum conditions for natural forests to develop underneath them from Science Daily
Study finds biomaterials repair human heart from Science Daily
Novel agent set for unique clinical test in inflammatory breast cancer from Science Daily
More mosquito nets needed to control malaria from CBC: Health
Student wins $100,000 Siemens prize for pandemic flu research project from MSNBC: Science
US to curb antibiotics in livestock from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers show optimal framework for heartbeats from Science Daily
Muscular head pumps give long-proboscid fly edge from Science Daily
More physically active adults have improved cardiorespiratory fitness from Science Daily
UT Southwestern Scientist Honored as Rising Star in Texas Research from Newswise - Scinews
Chameleons Use Colorful Language to Communicate from Newswise - Scinews
IU-Designed Probe Opens New Path for Drug Development Against Leading STD from Newswise - Scinews
Lizard breath has surprising birdlike flow from
Over 2M Xbox One units sold in 18 days from CBSNews - Science
Regular Pelvic Floor Exercises Help a Very Common Problem (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Mysterious Fury | Space Wallpaper from
Watch Sky Over Mauna Kea in Stunning Time-Lapse | Video from
Alzheimer's caregivers seek help to cope from CBC: Health
Rehtaeh Parsons-prompted review urges more psychiatrists from CBC: Health
Staph-causing bacteria linger deep in our noses from
Giant undersea cliff may hold clues to dinosaur-killing cosmic impact from MSNBC: Science
Physicists Find a Link between Wormholes and Spooky Action at a Distance from Scientific American
YouTube's top video of 2013 is 'What Does the Fox Say?' from CBC: Technology & Science
OK Google Glass, Let's Do a Science Experiment from Live Science
Computers Can Be Hacked Using High-Frequency Sound from Live Science
Maternal health program in India failing to deliver, study shows from Science Daily
APS Report: U.S. Risks Losing Critical Clean Electricity if Nuclear Power Plants Keep Closing at Steady Pace from Newswise - Scinews
Food Trends That May End Up on Your Plate in 2014 from Newswise - Scinews
The Secret Life of a Lake from Newswise - Scinews
MPE2013 Moves into Mathematics of Planet Earth from Newswise - Scinews
Cosmic inflation has its flaws, but so do its critics from
Architect's Gorgeous Portraits Show Internet's "Connectedness" from National Geographic
Watch: Sun sprays plasma ahead of magnetic field flip from CBSNews - Science
NASA's Iris satellite camera captures hottest part of sun from CBSNews - Science
Dinosaur-killing asteroid might have sent life to Mars, study shows from CBSNews - Science
Older mice fed goji berries show reduced risk for flu virus with vaccine from Science Blog
Zero to 4G's: Fighter Plane Thrill Ride - Amazing Cockpit Video from
Monitor lizards' breathing may have evolved before dinosaurs from MSNBC: Science
Study demonstrates that indigenous hunting with fire helps sustain Brazil's savannas from Physorg
IceBridge wraps up successful Antarctic campaign from Physorg
Risk of Big Earthquakes May Be Underestimated, Scientist Says from Live Science
Climate Change Encroaching On Greenland's Grasslands | Video from Live Science
Meet Valkyrie: NASA's Superhero-Like Walking Robot Unmasked from
Trained Airport Checkpoint Screeners Miss Rare Targets from Newswise - Scinews
Study Demonstrates That Indigenous Hunting with Fire Helps Sustain Brazil's Savannas from Newswise - Scinews
Older Mice Fed Wolfberries Show Reduced Risk for Flu Virus with Vaccine from Newswise - Scinews
Poverty Influences Children's Early Brain Development from Newswise - Scinews
Education Series Announced for Informex 2014, Featuring Emerging Issues in Fine & Specialty Chemical Industry from Newswise - Scinews
A High Frequency, Low-Power Tunneling Transistor for High Performance Devices at Low Voltage from Newswise - Scinews
Central to Evaluating Researchers, Publication Citations Reflect Gender Bias, Barrier to Women from Newswise - Scinews
Coldest place moves from one Antarctic site to another from
Avoid promoting antibiotics in farm animals, FDA asks from CBC: Health
India's Anti-Gay Sex Ruling Casts Light on Other Countries With Anti-Gay Laws from National Geographic
Steve Ballmer talks mistakes, regrets at Microsoft from CBSNews - Science
As Lionfish Invade the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, Conservationists Say Eat Up [Slide Show] from Scientific American
PSY and Ylvis top YouTube 2013 video hit list from Physorg
Commercial use of drones has already taken flight from Physorg
Bitcoin gaining wider acceptance from Physorg
Lingering Yahoo Mail outage prompts apology from Physorg
NSA: No better way to protect US than surveillance from Physorg
Team develops temperature-sensitive gelling scaffolds to regenerate craniofacial bone from Physorg
NASA reveals new results from inside the ozone hole from Physorg
US risks losing clean electricity if nuclear plants keep closing, report says from Physorg
Orbital samples with sight-saving potential from Physorg
Overcoming linguistic taboos: Lessons from Australia from Physorg
A new material for solar panels could make them cheaper, more efficient from Physorg
New solar panel material could make them cheaper, more efficient from Science Blog
Meet Valkyrie: NASA's Superhero-Like Walking Robot Unmasked from Live Science
Dazzling Arizona Fireball Sparks Weekend Meteor Shower Interest from
Hydrogel Scaffold Goes From Liquid To Bone
Are Journal Citations Biased Against Women?
NASA reports serious problem with space station coolant system from MSNBC: Science
LIVE FACEBOOK EVENT: DECEMBER 12, 2013, at 12:00PM EST from PopSci
US budget deal would ease science agencies' pain from News @ Nature
Social networks showing users more targeted ads from Physorg
How ESA’s ROSETTA Comet Probe Wakes Up in Deep Space | Video from
Virgin Galactic's Private SpaceShipTwo Spacecraft Soars in Glide Test from
Classical carrier could create entanglement from Physics World
Northern lights captured as they light up the sky over Maine farmhouse from MSNBC: Science
Universe Really Is a Hologram According to New Simulations from Scientific American
Variety of genetic risk behind bone cancer in dogs from Physorg
Anti-Science Riders Lurk in Pending Farm Bill (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Europe Launches Wake-Up Call Contest for Comet-bound Spacecraft from Live Science
Growing 'Green' Economy Sprouts Need for 'Green' Credentials (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Europe Launches Wake-Up Call Contest for Comet-bound Spacecraft from
Huge crash on Jupiter's Europa may have delivered life's building blocks from MSNBC: Science
Nonconcussion head impacts in contact sports linked to brain changes and lower test scores from Science Daily
Liquid to gel to bone: Temperature-sensitive gelling scaffolds made to regenerate craniofacial bone from Science Daily
Dietary amino acids improve sleep problems in mice with traumatic brain injury from Science Daily
Imagine bringing video game characters through your house: New system allows for high-accuracy, through-wall, 3-D motion tracking from Science Daily
Space station cooling system shuts down, but no emergency, says NASA from Reuters:Science
Google execs got improper discount on plane fuel, NASA says from MSNBC: Science
Differences in educational achievement owe more to genetics than environment from Science Daily
That thing attached to your hand? It might be doomed from Harvard Science
Rehtaeh Parsons-prompted review welcomed by father from CBC: Health
Technical trouble aboard International Space Station from CBSNews - Science
Scientists discover chemical modification in human malaria parasite DNA from Biology News Net
Enormous earthquakes 'unrecorded’ from BBC News: Science & Nature
New results from inside the ozone hole from Science Daily
Study finds that pediatric obesity patients like telehealth services from Science Daily
Game-changing shift occurring in cancer discovery, treatment from Science Daily
The Workout: Dancing in ‘The Nutcracker’ from NY Times Health
Well: Limits of Vitamin D Supplements from NY Times Health
Ask an Expert: Negotiating Conflicts, Part 1: Family Grudges from NY Times Health
Cave holds stunning tsunami clues from BBC News: Science & Nature
Holiday calendar: A fractal puzzle, seen from space from MSNBC: Science
Space Station Suffers Cooling System Shutdown, Some Systems Offline from
Muting the Mozart effect from Harvard Science
Journeys through song from Harvard Science
FEATURE: Explainer: what are electronic cigarettes? from Science Alert
Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo shows off its shine in gliding test from MSNBC: Science
OPINION: Science in 140 characters: using Twitter like a boss from Science Alert