Archive of feed items published on the 24th of July 2013
Copper Nanoparticles Could Protect Food From Bacteria from Newswise - Scinews
Carson seeks to declare emergency to speed oil site cleanup from LA Times - Science
Why breast cancer is more likely to kill black women from LA Times - Science
FDA moves toward restricting menthol in cigarettes from LA Times - Science
Food Corporations Turn to Chefs in a Quest for Healthy Flavor from NY Times Health
Legacy on Line in Fierce Drive on Health Law from NY Times Health
The Flexitarian: The Complex World of Whole Grains, Made Simple from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Soft Tacos With Roasted or Grilled Tomatoes and Summer Squash from NY Times Health
Well: Can You Get Too Much Exercise? from NY Times Health
Louisiana Agency to Sue Energy Companies for Wetland Damage from NY Times Science
New 'Superman' shrew discovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK team unveils Mars concept mission from BBC News: Science & Nature
How to put a human on Mars from BBC News: Science & Nature
How are aeroplanes getting quieter? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mars Mission: Your questions from BBC News: Science & Nature
Alexander’s space clinic from European Space Agency
New species of Hero Shrew found in equatorial Africa from Physorg
NASA's Spitzer observes gas emission from comet ISON from Physorg
Atmospheric rivers set to increase UK winter flooding from Physorg
Wildlife re-homed for canal boats from BBC News: Science & Nature
3D printers shown to emit potentially harmful nanosized particles from Physorg
Rover robot kills the ticks from Physorg
Roy Romanow urges PM to meet with premiers on health care from CBC: Health
How to protect yourself from costly in-game 'bait apps' from CBC: Technology & Science
Deadly pig virus slips through US borders from News @ Nature
Alphasat lifts off from European Space Agency
Coastal Antarctic permafrost melting faster than expected from Physorg
Curiosity makes its longest one-day drive on Mars from Physorg
NFC Ring is designed to unlock your door and smartphone from Physorg
Tweeting is not revolutionary, Humphreys says from Physorg
Computer can infer rules of the forest from Physorg
Study of gene expression in common blue-green algae reveals what makes it bloom, toxic from Physorg
Heat and storms: research helps suburban homes adapt to climate change from Physorg
Homemade dog food recipes can be risky business, study finds from Physorg
Newly discovered marine viruses offer glimpse into untapped biodiversity from Physorg
Archaeological experts uncover Roman temple from Physorg
The case for climate models from Physorg
Winds of change may be blowing for wind turbines, study suggests from Physorg
Aussie algae fuel green oil hope from Physorg
Research examines importance of 'drought-busting' tropical cyclones from Physorg
Photos: Blast Off! Young Rocketeers Launch Model Rockets with NASA from
In Your Dotage, Do You Want A Human Or Robot Helping You?
Bird flocks black out Australia town from BBC News: Science & Nature
One Europe or many? from Physorg
Researcher keeps ear to the ground on impact of fracking from Physorg
Study finds introduced mosquito species active all year round from Physorg
Mars Rover Curiosity Takes Longest Red Planet Drive Yet from
Obama Budget Threatens Popular STEM Education Initiatives from Scientific American
Newly developed anesthetic for amphibians could aid field researchers from Physorg
Plastic for dinner? Big fish eat more than you expect from Physorg
New mathematical theory says small organisms may not form species from Physorg
Virtual companions making interaction more social from Physorg
Navigating our way through solar threats (w/ Video) from Physorg
The Secret Science of the Hubble Space Telescope's Amazing Images from
Hare-raising therapy helps bunny stay mobile from Physorg
Researchers offer explanation for higher survival rate of freshwater organisms after Chicxulub asteroid impact from Physorg
A Republican Secretary of State Urges Action on Climate Change from Scientific American
Women Often Miss Easy Way to Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant from Live Science
New test bed probes the origin of pulses at LCLS from Physorg
Digital hair manipulation gets dynamic from Physorg
Space debris: A tale of two satellites from Physorg
Building batteries that breathe from Chemistry World
Lilly freezes pay as patent cliff looms from Chemistry World
Oxygen machine used, warranty expired, before sale from CBC: Health
B.C.'s carbon tax a success, author says from CBC: Technology & Science
Divers almost swallowed by whales from CBC: Technology & Science
Flaws in medical experiments on animals 'a waste' from CBC: Technology & Science
Enforcement lacking in oilsands infractions, study finds from CBC: Technology & Science
Animal Sex: How Blue Whales Do It from Live Science
Ultra-rare decay confirmed in LHC from BBC News: Science & Nature
New NIST nanoscale indenter takes novel approach to measuring surface properties from Physorg
Energy-saving light-control film that automatically controls sunlight transmission in summer and winter from Physorg
Ecological study discovers impact of the great drought on forests from Physorg
Drosophila research points to decreased insecticide use from Physorg
Spectrometry for the masses from Chemistry World
FYI: Why Does Lobster Turn Red When You Cook It? from PopSci
Trust in physician eases talks about medical expenses from Science Blog
Canadians should have to 'opt in' to internet porn, MP says from CBC: Technology & Science
Antibiotic resistance: The last resort from News @ Nature
MRSA: Farming up trouble from News @ Nature
Viking Jewelry Unearthed in Denmark from Live Science
Images: Viking Jewelry Revealed in Sparkling Photos from Live Science
Immunologic Agent Shows Promise for Optimizing Vaccines' Efficacy from Newswise - Scinews
Cracking the Blue-Green Code from Newswise - Scinews
L.A. River advocates wait for watershed Army Corps study from LA Times - Science
Fukushima nuclear clean-up to cost $58 bn from Physorg
3G void limits West Bank's smartphone revolution from Physorg
New study shows inbreeding in winter flounder in Long Island's bays from Physorg
Stiffening the backbone of DNA nanofibers from Physorg
The ferromagnetic Kondo effect from Physorg
Germany lobbies for UN online privacy charter from Physorg
Building homes that make more power than they take from Physorg
US advances plan to kill barred owls in Northwest from Physorg
LG's profit falls on weak TV demand, handset costs from Physorg
Spain museum uses robot to spot cracks in artwork from Physorg
Dell buyout offer boosted; vote postponed from Physorg
Does Your Name Affect Your Lot in Life? from National Geographic
Does dangerous Middle East coronavirus have an African origin? from Science Blog
Is sexual addiction the real deal? from Science Blog
Research shows contaminated rice’s genetic threat from Science Blog
Ancient snowfall likely carved Martian valleys from Science Blog
Coastal Antarctic permafrost melting faster than expected from Science Blog
Walking to school helps girls think from Science Blog
The Secret Science of the Hubble Space Telescope's Amazing Images from Live Science
Mars Rover Curiosity Takes Longest Red Planet Drive Yet from Live Science
NASA Photos Show Outburst from Potential 'Comet of the Century' from Live Science
High-tech hitchhikers from European Space Agency
Arctic methane 'economic time bomb' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Male guppies ensure successful mating with genital claws from Physorg
Over 500 rhinos poached in South Africa this year from Physorg
Menthol cigarette rules considered in U.S. from CBC: Health
How Do Babies Learn to Be Wary of Heights? from Science Blog
Pressurized virus blasts its infectious DNA into human cells from Science Blog
New stem cell gene therapy gives hope to prevent inherited neurological disease from Science Blog
Extraordinary trout have tolerance to filthy water from Science Blog
3 Nutrients Linked with a Better Night's Sleep from Live Science
Self-Destruction of a Gigantic Star | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Researchers Combatting Food Security Issues by Educating Teachers from Newswise - Scinews
New Study Shows Inbreeding in Winter Flounder in Long Island's Bays from Newswise - Scinews
Commercial Spaceflight Conference Launches in California Thursday from
Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun (Video) from
Watching molecule movements in live cells from Physorg
Personal data briefly exposed at NYC bike share from Physorg
Study investigates extraordinary trout with tolerance to heavily polluted water from Physorg
Cellulose acetate from Chemistry World
Lorna Daniells, 94, HBS librarian from Harvard Science
Bacterial blockade from Harvard Science
Perfecting digital imaging from Harvard Science
Are Christians becoming more ‘green’? from Science Blog
Cyclotrons come full circle from News @ Nature
A Matter of Perspective | Space Wallpaper from
Male guppies ensure successful mating with genital claws from Science Daily
Extraordinary trout has tolerance to heavily polluted water from Science Daily
Atmospheric rivers set to increase UK winter flooding from Science Daily
Copper nanoparticles could protect food from bacteria from Science Daily
Deadly Pig Virus Slips through U.S. Borders from Scientific American
New Nexus tablets expected at Google event from CBC: Technology & Science
China’s cordgrass plan is ‘overkill’ from News @ Nature
University of Tennessee Launches Radiochemistry Center; Seeks to Improve Global Security from Newswise - Scinews
Victims of Fashion: New Study by WCS Reveals Dangers to Biological Diversity From Proliferation of Global Cashmere Garment Industry from Newswise - Scinews
Space Shuttle and Hubble Destroyed In 'Gravity' Trailer | Video from
Real-Time Mass Spectrometry On Living Microbes from C&EN
Stem Cell Gene Therapy May Prevent Inherited Childhood Dementia Disease
Male Guppies Have A Unique Date Rape Tool - Genital Claws
Walking To School Boosts Cognitive Performance In Girls
Building homes that produce excess power from CBSNews - Science
New Theory: The Universe Isn't Expanding, It's Just Gaining Mass from PopSci
Coastal Antarctic permafrost melting faster than expected: Arctic-like melt rates appearing in Coastal Antarctica from Science Daily
New stem cell gene therapy gives hope to prevent inherited neurological disease from Science Daily
YouTube kicks off first-ever Geek Week in August from CBSNews - Science
Hiding temptations in dieting backed by brain scans from CBC: Health
Marketing 'Obamacare' shaping up as big challenge from AP Health
Boeing unveils CST-100 mock-up, astronauts climb aboard from Science Daily
Space station research exposing the salty truth of supercritical water transitions from Science Daily
Curiosity makes its longest one-day drive on Mars from Science Daily
Solar system's youth gives clues to planet search from Science Daily
The Pain of Love: Shark Ray Dies from Mating Injuries from Live Science
Michael Dell and backers tweak deal for computer giant from UPI
Curiosity Mars Rover Gleams in View from Orbiter from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Harvesting Energy From Carbon Dioxide Emissions from C&EN
Top Contenders Blast Pentagon's New DNA Prize from Science NOW
Research reveals luxury products’ role in relationships from Science Blog
First human tests of new biosensor that warns when athletes are about to 'hit the wall' from Science Daily
Pressurized virus blasts its infectious DNA into human cells from Science Daily
Seven days: 19–25 July 2013 from News @ Nature
Doubt cast over tiny stem cells from News @ Nature
Melting Permafrost Found in Antarctica's Dry Valleys from Live Science
Depression Doubles Missed Work Days from Live Science
Facts About Thulium from Live Science
Space History Photo: Bean Samples The Ocean of Storms from
Greenhouse gas escaping in Arctic could cause economic harm, experts say from MSNBC: Science
Seals stranded on US coast because of ice decline from MSNBC: Science
ScienceShot: Binging and Purging, Galaxy Style from Science NOW
Marijuana use in adolescence may cause permanent brain abnormalities from Science Daily
Minor Earthquake Shakes Central California from Live Science
Fast and Furious: Violent Short-Lived Stars Stunt Galaxy Growth from
Runt Stars Stunted By Galaxy's Cool Gas | 3-D Visualization from
100 Years Of Meteorites In An Interactive Image [Infographic] from PopSci
Starburst to star bust: Light shed on mystery of missing massive galaxies from Science Daily
Scientists unable to find evidence of 'embryonic-like' cells in marrow of adult mice from Science Daily
New study refutes existence and clinical potential of very small embryonic-like stem cells from Science Daily
Novel technology seen as new, more accurate way to diagnose and treat autism from Science Daily
Stellar winds in galactic nurseries stifle star birth from News @ Nature
How to regrow your head from News @ Nature
Thousands of Dead Eels Wash Ashore in China from Live Science
Global Price Tag for Arctic Thawing: $60 Trillion from Live Science
Starburst to Star Bust from Newswise - Scinews
Improving Medicine Acceptance in Kids: A Matter of Taste from Newswise - Scinews
Genetic secrets of oil crop revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Starburst to star bust: Astronomers ID suspect behind dearth of high-mass galaxies from Physorg
NASA sees newborn eastern Atlantic tropical depression from Physorg
Ancient technology for metal coatings 2,000 years ago can't be matched even today from Physorg
A magnetic pen for smartphones adds another level of conveniences from Physorg
Are Christians becoming more 'green'? from Physorg
Google rolls out new Nexus tablet from Physorg
The Origin Of Brain Waves?
Marijuana Use In Adolescence May Cause Permanent Brain Abnormalities
How to Grow a New Head from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Binging and Purging, Galaxy Style from Science NOW
Top Contenders Blast Pentagon's New DNA Prize from Science NOW
Welcome to Our New Site! from Science NOW
ScienceShot: New Shrew Has Spine of Steel from Science NOW
Cost of Arctic methane release could be 'size of global economy', experts warn from Science Daily
Shifting patterns of temperature volatility in the climate system from Science Daily
Heading for regeneration: Researchers reactivate head regeneration in regeneration-deficient species of planarians from Science Daily
Key molecular pathways leading to Alzheimer's identified from Science Daily
Does the dangerous new Middle East coronavirus have an African origin? from Science Daily
Fast and Furious: Violent Short-Lived Stars Stunt Galaxy Growth from Live Science
Getting a Head: How Worms Regenerate Lost Tissue from Live Science
Nemo on Chemo: Pig Receiving Chemotherapy for Lymphoma Successfully Recovering at Cornell Animal Hospital from Newswise - Scinews
David Foster Awarded Freedman Prize Honorable Mention for Exceptional Basic Research from Newswise - Scinews
Mars Curiosity and Roving Tracks Seen By Orbiter | Video from
Research team solves Martian meteorite age puzzle from Physorg
Shedding new light on the brightest objects in the universe from Physorg
First human tests of new biosensor that warns when athletes are about to 'hit the wall' from Physorg
Full genome map of oil palm indicates a way to raise yields and protect rainforest from Physorg
Melting glaciers leave exposed a bounty of knowledge on developing ecosystems and soil microbial communities from Physorg
New study reveals dangers to biological diversity from global cashmere garment industry from Physorg
Scientists reach holy grail in label-free cancer marker detection: Single molecules from Physorg
News in Brief: Mars meteorite reveals its age from
A Four-Sigma Evidence Of New Physics In Rare B Decays Found By LHCb, And Its Interpretation
Coastal Antarctic Permafrost Melting Accelerating - But Not Due To Rising Temperatures
Hundreds on early intervention waitlist in N.S. from CBC: Health
DuPont May Sell Chemical Units from C&EN
A Four-Sigma Evidence Of New Physics In Rare B Decays Found By LHCb, And Its Interpretation
Getting Heart Surgery? Wait For The Full Moon from PopSci
FDA moves toward restricting menthol in cigarettes from LA Times - Health
Why breast cancer is more likely to kill black women from LA Times - Health
Full genome map of oil palm indicates way to raise yields and protect rainforest: Single gene identified whose regulation controls oil palm yield from Science Daily
Royal Baby Name Is Classic and Boring from Live Science
Facebook Hashtags Not Catching on With Consumers from Live Science
How To Test Your Dog's Decision Making Skills | Video from Live Science
Flavor-flipping neutrinos: key to universe's anti-matter mystery? from LA Times - Science
3-D Printed Rocket Injector Works In Hot-Fire Test | Video from
Solar system's youth gives clues to planet search from Physorg
Shifting patterns of temperature volatility in the climate system from Physorg
Mars rover Curiosity completes longest trek yet from CBSNews - Science
Google unveils new Nexus 7, higher price tag from CBSNews - Science
Melting Arctic ice called 'economic time bomb' from CBC: Technology & Science
Alberta floods unearth bones, bombs from CBC: Technology & Science
Improving medicine acceptance in kids: A matter of taste from Science Daily
Nano scientists reach holy grail in label-free cancer marker detection: Single molecules from Science Daily
New species of Hero Shrew found in equatorial Africa: Most bizarre mammalian spine on Earth from Science Daily
Baby Births: Risky Shortcuts, Bad Behavior Often Not Addressed from Live Science
3-D Printed Rocket Injector Works In Hot-Fire Test | Video from Live Science
Chew on This: Fewer Teeth Linked with Worse Memory from Live Science
Mars Rover Curiosity Spied from Space from
US tech firms losing business over PRISM: poll from Physorg
An environmentally friendly battery made from wood from Physorg
Space art eyes creativity in tech at Smithsonian from Physorg
Scientists unable to find evidence of 'embryonic-like' cells in marrow of adult mice from Physorg
Are North Atlantic right whales mating in the Gulf of Maine? from Physorg
Japan team develops micro-thin electric circuit from Physorg
Color patterns in fish larvae may reveal relationships among species from Physorg
Cost of Arctic methane release could be 'size of global economy' warn experts from Physorg
Medicine Acceptance In Kids: A Spoonful Of Sugar Still Helps
How Close Could I Get To The Sun And Survive? from PopSci
As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence Grows that They Learn Like Us from Scientific American
Tropical ecosystems boost carbon dioxide as temperatures rises from Science Daily
Curiosity Mars rover gleams in view from orbiter from Science Daily
Princeton High-Precision Rock Grinder | Video from Live Science
Erupting Gas 'Snakes-Up' The Sun | Video from
Martian Meteorites May Be Younger Than Thought, Studies Suggest from
Docs need to follow patients' lead, embrace social media from Physorg
Clear Channel adds talk to iHeartRadio from Physorg
NGC 253: From Starburst To Star Bust
Dune May Doom "Star Wars" Set from National Geographic
Hot-fire tests show 3-D printed rocket parts rival traditionally manufactured parts from Science Daily
Seeing photosynthesis from space: NASA scientists use satellites to measure plant health from Science Daily
Sex After a Heart Attack: Women Want Information from Live Science
It's not dead! How some worms can regrow whole heads from MSNBC: Science
Artificial muscle contracts and expands with changes in humidity from Physorg
Study proposes changes in New Orleans area levee systems from Physorg
Thin-Film Technology Of The Ancient World: What Chemists Can't Match Even Today
Video: Treating dogs' spinal cord injuries could help humans from CBSNews - Science
Researchers seek metal-coating secrets of ancient gold-, silversmiths from UPI
Gas, dust observed streaming from 'soda-pop' comet approaching Earth from UPI
Twitter tally ranks Stephen Harper 38th among world leaders from CBC: Technology & Science
Spanish Fort Is Oldest Found in Interior US from Live Science
Common agricultural chemicals shown to impair honey bees' health from Physorg
Molecular Psychiatry online: July 9, 2013 from The Rockefeller University
Aboriginal nutrition tests focus of rallies across Canada from CBC: Health
Why Some Species Thrived When Dinos Died from Science NOW
5 Surprising Facts on Why Cities Are Safer Than Rural Areas from National Geographic
Electric vehicles may put 'disruptive load' on grid from CBC: Technology & Science
C. Ronald Kahn, M.D., Receives Wallace H. Coulter Lectureship Award from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Find a Potential Cause of Parkinson's Disease that Points to a New Therapeutic Strategy from Newswise - Scinews
Honey bees in trouble? Blame farm chemicals, study says from MSNBC: Science
Web tool could help measure subjective impressions of urban environments from Physorg
Facebook beats profit forecasts, revenue rises from Physorg
Professionals often attribute applicants' success to personal traits, not circumstance from Physorg
Fast Test For Bubonic Plague Developed
Mars Was Snowy, New Model Suggests from National Geographic
Western demand for cashmere said a threat to endangered Asian species from UPI
Scientists establish age of Mars meteorites found on Earth from UPI
Martian meteorites may be way younger than thought from MSNBC: Science
Photos: Orion Space Capsule's Parachute Test from
Video: Fish Feel Their Way Around Obstacles from Science NOW
Kate applauded for not hiding new mommy tummy from AP Health
Magnetic stylus adds input options to existing mobile devices from UPI
Not Impressed: Peahens Ignore Most of Peacocks' Flashy Displays from Live Science
NASA Video: Watch US Heat Up by 2100 from Live Science
Facts About Erbium from Live Science
Mars rover appears as tiny blue dot from space in new photo from MSNBC: Science
Rules of attraction: Catching a peahen's eye from Physorg
Mercury Joins Mars and Jupiter in Night Sky Meetup This Week from
New Space Capsule Lands With Two of Three Parachutes in NASA Flight Test from
Eye-tracking cameras show peahens' wandering gaze from
Sjögren's Syndrome May Be Sparked by 'Killer' Immune Cells from Live Science
Are smart watches the next big thing? from Physorg
Milky Way Glows in Beautiful Black-and-White Photo from
Google donates $600,000 for free WiFi in San Francisco parks from UPI
Mars Curiosity rover's progress to date captured in dramatic photo from UPI
Possible arctic methane releases called 'economic time bomb' from UPI
Court orders Lakers' Nash, ex-wife to stop Twitter word war from UPI
UK forensic science slammed by inquiry from News @ Nature
Polarization detected in Big Bang's echo from News @ Nature
Forensic changes 'threat to justice' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: A virtual journey to Mars from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google to offer textbooks as e-books on Google Play store from UPI
European astronaut trains for medical emergencies in space from UPI
FEATURE: Wolves howl like humans, new voice recognition study shows from Science Alert
OPINION: From fraud to fair play: Australia must support research integrity from Science Alert
Coldhearted Psychopaths Feel Empathy Too from Live Science
'I made peace before leaving Earth' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Doctors prescribe fruit, vegetables to obese patients in NYC from CBC: Health
Looking at Oil Palm’s Genome for Keys to Productivity from NY Times Science
Google unveils sharper, faster Nexus 7 tablet to face Apple, Amazon from UPI
Shedding new light on the brightest objects in the universe from Science Daily
There's still hope for green oil from Science Alert
FEATURE: Explainer: what is inflammatory bowel disease? from Science Alert
Will Two Worms Grow from a Worm Cut in Half? from Live Science
Does 'Roid Rage' Really Exist? from Live Science
A Battery Made From Wood
Well: Whooping Cough Vaccine Lags in Efficacy from NY Times Health
Readers Reflect on Dementia from NY Times Health
Cod fishermen say limits on their catch threaten their livelihoods from CBSNews - Science
Color patterns in fish larvae may reveal relationships among species from Science Daily
Smoking cessation two by two from Science Daily
Cracking the blue-green code: Study of gene expression in blue-green algae reveals what makes it bloom, toxic from Science Daily
U.S. population: First national and state population projections, using latest census data from Science Daily
Diabetics are at risk of disability from Science Alert
Mossie species active all year round from Science Alert
Orion space capsule lands with two of three parachutes in test flight from MSNBC: Science
Quantifying cities’ emotional effects from MIT Research
From gold, a new way to control blood clotting from MIT Research
Google offers $35 video streaming USB stick for TVs from UPI
'International beam team' solves Martian meteorite-age puzzle from Science Daily
Changes proposed to New Orleans area levee systems from Science Daily
Newly discovered marine viruses offer glimpse into untapped biodiversity from Science Daily
How do babies learn to be wary of heights? from Science Daily
Mercury joins Mars, Jupiter in night sky this week from MSNBC: Science
Psychopaths 'have empathy switch' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bird native to Russia unexpectedly shows up in Southern California from UPI
Brain research shows psychopathic criminals do not lack empathy, but fail to use it automatically from Science Daily
Potential cause of Parkinson’s disease points to new therapeutic strategy from Science Daily
Want to stick with your diet? Better have someone hide the chocolate from Science Daily
A quick test for the Black Death from Science Daily
The ferromagnetic Kondo effect: A circuit simulates an effect predicted by physicists but never actually observed from Science Daily
Pupils discover new treatment to stop the spread of worm infection from Science Daily
An evolutionary compromise for long tooth preservation from Science Daily
Low radon concentrations accurately measurable for the first time from Science Daily
Embedded nerve cells hold the key to brain activity from Science Daily
Watching molecule movements in live cells from Science Daily
Are North Atlantic right whales mating in the Gulf of Maine? from Science Daily
Common agricultural chemicals shown to impair honey bees' health from Science Daily
Utah Mental Health Cuts Leaving Patients Adrift from NY Times Health
Don’t Shift Payments by Medicare, Panel Says from NY Times Health
Drug Companies Promise More Data Transparency from NY Times Health
National Briefing | South: North Carolina: Budget Pays Eugenics Victims from NY Times Health
Speaker's power to act on words influences listeners' brain response from Science Daily
Large study reveals increased cancer risks associated with family history of the disease from Science Daily
A promising target to treat asthma from Science Daily
Direct nitrogen fixation for low cost energy conversion from Science Daily
New light shed on cause of pandemic influenza from Science Daily
Luxury products' role in relationships revealed from Science Daily
Ancient technology for metal coatings 2,000 years ago can't be matched even today from Science Daily
Scientists get dirty at the Robson Glacier from Science Daily
Neural simulations hint at the origin of brain waves from Science Daily
Monoclonal antibody effective against norovirus from Science Daily
A magnetic pen for smartphones adds another level of conveniences from Science Daily
Record incidence of hantavirus disease from Science Daily
Dangers to biological diversity from proliferation of global cashmere garment industry from Science Daily
Facebook infidelity examined in new research from Science Daily
Physical inactivity, poor diet and smoking linked to disability in older population from Science Daily
Face identification accuracy is in the eye (and brain) of the beholder from Science Daily
New study shows inbreeding in winter flounder in Long Island's bays from Science Daily
What is the lifetime of a photon? from Physics World