Archive of feed items published on the 15th of October 2014
Reese Witherspoon on 2013 arrest: 'I made a mistake' from UPI
Mind The Gender Gap: Why Women Must Still Fight For Equality In Science
Michelle Obama made a 'Turn Down for What' Vine inspired by turnips from UPI
Well: What’s Your Fitness Age? from NY Times Health
Total croc: Toothy tyrant of the Jurassic was 9m long from Physorg
How the fruit fly could help us sniff out drugs and bombs from Physorg
Teens' science interest linked with knowledge, but only in wealthier nations from Physorg
Amid fear, West Africans in the US try to help from AP Health
African penguins put researchers in a flap from News @ Nature
Facebook challenging Google in online ad market from Physorg
'Great wall of Jakarta' plan to combat floods from Physorg
Centuries-old 'Chinese' fishing tradition fades on Indian shores from Physorg
New iPads aim to boost Apple in premium tablet market from Physorg
Supreme Court temporarily blocks Texas abortion law from UPI
Earth’s magnetic field could flip much faster than previously predicted from Science Alert
New health scans provide data on ancient mummies from Physorg
UPI Almanac for Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014 from UPI
Research shows the rats of NYC are infected with at least 18 new viruses from Science Alert
Ebola by the numbers: The size, spread and cost of an outbreak from News @ Nature
New report says more effort needed to help combat ocean acidification from Physorg
WATCH: Emma Stone, Jimmy Fallon play 'Box of Lies' from UPI
New iPads and Macs: What Apple is up to next from CBSNews - Science
New iPads, Macs expected at Apple's launch event from CBSNews - Science
Telus speed claims not based on real-world experience from CBC: Technology & Science
Ebola outbreak: How prepared are Canadian hospitals? from CBC: Health
Ebola outbreak: Dallas patient left in ER 'for hours', nurses union claims from CBC: Health
Ebola outbreak: 2nd health care worker in Dallas tests positive from CBC: Health
Voice search: Google has numbers on who, why, where from Physorg
Dalrymple: N.D. leads in turning energy into value from UPI
Stub it out: Report suggests smoking ban in parks from AP Health
cc from UPI
UK science 'losing ground' to rivals from BBC News: Science & Nature
Saudi Arabia arrests shooter who killed 1 American, wounded another at Riyadh gas station from UPI
Viola Davis reveals she used to jump in the trash with maggots for food from UPI
British solar sector expecting growth from UPI
Zach Galifianakis shows off dramatic weight loss at 'Birdman' premiere from UPI
Helge Lund leaves Statoil for BG Group from UPI
Climate Change an 'Immediate Risk,' Pentagon Says from Live Science
Put a Ring On It? How STDs Influence Monogamy from Live Science
NASA Astronauts Taking Spacewalk Outside Space Station Today: Watch Live from
Galactic 'Mega City' Shows Mysterious Spots Of Star Formation (Photos) from
Illumina backs three genomics startups from News @ Nature
Alicia Keys organizes protest for missing Nigerian girls from UPI
Canada considers oil offshore Quebec from UPI
Photos: Ancient Sundial-Moondial Discovered from Live Science
Health secretary: Hospital needed better oversight from AP Health
South and North Korea's senior military leaders meet for first time in 7 years from UPI
Azeri gas line contracts signed in Turkey from UPI
2nd Texas healthcare worker tests positive for Ebola in Dallas from UPI
Falling raindrops break terminal velocity from
Swarms of biting ladybugs invade Montreal-area homes from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple ready for California "kill switch" law from CBSNews - Science
Mars Rover Curiosity 'Up Close': Q&A With Author Marc Kaufman from
Jaden Smith, Lorde and Malala among Time's most influential teens from UPI
DNO working on Kurdish export pipeline from UPI
Greenpeace gives EU failing climate grade from UPI
IPBES’s budget ‘inadequate’ for capacity building from SciDev
Kitchener man builds exoskeleton suit, lifts 170 pounds easily from CBC: Technology & Science
Spacewalk underway to repair electrical system from CBSNews - Science
ESA confirms the primary landing site for Rosetta from European Space Agency
Molten metals in spin cycle on ESA’s centrifuge from European Space Agency
Bronze Age Sundial-Moondial Discovered in Russia from Live Science
Addressing India's air quality, health and climate requires public action, study finds from Physorg
Study proves biodiversity buffers disease from Physorg
Designing tomorrow's air traffic control systems from Physorg
Serendipitous holography reveals hidden cracks from Physorg
Ancient fossils confirmed among our strangest cousins from Physorg
Elephants may be able to hear rain generated sound up to 150 miles away from Physorg
Russia seeks South Stream clarity from UPI
Man treated for Google Glass addiction from UPI
Allegations of police brutality toward Hong Kong protester will be investigated, say officials from UPI
Cupcake chemists from Chemistry World
Fluorescent DNA becomes versatile metal detector from Chemistry World
House fly's genome hints at detox genes from
Quotas proposed to back younger US researchers from Chemistry World
4 Places Where Hunters Are Working to Protect Game Animals from National Geographic
What Will It Be Like to Live in a Dome for 8 Months, Pretending It's Mars? from National Geographic
New Poodle security bug found in web encryption technology from CBC: Technology & Science
James Hobson of Kitchener's exoskeleton suit can help you lift 170 lb. from CBC: Technology & Science
Meager Dosage Data for Kids Makes for Uncertain Prescriptions from Scientific American
Second Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola from Scientific American
Early Stars Formed In Weird Places: Spiderweb Galaxy Cluster | Video from
Lake Erie Increasingly Susceptible to Large Cyanobacteria Blooms from Newswise - Scinews
Ancient Fossils Confirmed Among Our Strangest Cousins from Newswise - Scinews
A Better Prosthesis: Sandia Invents Sensor to Learn About Fit; System to Make Fit Better from Newswise - Scinews
Construction secrets of a galactic metropolis from Physorg
2nd spacewalk in 2 weeks at space station from Physorg
Partisan lenses: Beauty lies in your political affiliation from Physorg
Qualcomm buying CSR in $2.5 billion deal from Physorg
Scientists discover carbonate rocks are unrecognized methane sink from Physorg
Researchers find LEDs attract more flying invertebrates than conventional lighting from Physorg
Shire: AbbVie should proceed with $55B acquisition from Physorg
Image: Rosetta selfie 16 km from comet from Physorg
Crumbs bakery reopens under new ownership from UPI
Pizza Hut apologizes for 'fat lady' receipt note from UPI
At least 12 killed in heavy snow storm on Nepal mountain pass from UPI
50 Cent on-ear headphones get 'Stars Wars' makeover from UPI
Liming Dai: Integrating nanochemistry into the macroscopic world from Chemistry World
Assisted suicide arguments heard before Supreme Court from CBC: Health
Rollercoaster science from European Space Agency
2nd Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola from Live Science
Scientists track movements of desert waterbirds from space from Physorg
China's Alipay offers mobile wallet for US sites from Physorg
Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu rates Obama a '6 to 7' out of 10 as president from UPI
Victoria Beckham shares photos from U.N. trip to South Africa from UPI
NATO maritime exercise 'Noble Justification' underway in Mediterranean and Atlantic from UPI
Karen Lewis bows out of Chicago mayoral race reportedly because of brain tumor from UPI
Mega Millions jackpot rolls up to $180M after no winners Tuesday from UPI
Video: Man turns commuter train into 'dance party' from UPI
Comet landing gets green light from BBC News: Science & Nature
A stressful youth makes for a devoted finch dad from
Grit Trumps Talent and IQ: A Story Every Parent (and Educator) Should Read from National Geographic
Hailo taxi app to close up shop in Toronto and Montreal from CBC: Technology & Science
Forest Service Says Buy Local Firewood to Prevent Spread of Invasive Beetle from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers Spot Faraway Uranus-Like Planet from Newswise - Scinews
Tracking pesticide residues in citrus allows export from Physorg
Australian water bird found to migrate long distance when the weather dictates from Physorg
A crash course in galactic clusters and star formation from Physorg
Biological sample prep time cut from days to minutes from Physorg
Genetic barcode denotes gangbuster spider diversity from Physorg
There's no such thing as reptiles any more – and here's why from Physorg
Wind breaks and ground cover the key to beneficial wasps on farms from Physorg
Researchers use ancient gene to study virus biology from Physorg
When companies in the same industry have common owners, consumers pay from Physorg
Japan toymaker unveils tiny talking, singing humanoid from Physorg
Watch NASA Spacewalkers Remodel the Space Station from MSNBC: Science
Fight against Islamic State will be 'long-term,' Obama tells coalition military chiefs from UPI
Lukoil boss meets Iraqi oil minister from UPI
'Jay Leno's Garage' series to premiere on CNBC in 2015 from UPI
Iran shrugs off steep dive in oil prices from UPI
The unsung heroes raising Ebola awareness through rap from SciDev
Bathed in green from European Space Agency
Genesis of the enzyme that divides the DNA double helix during cell replication from Physorg
Prospects of ending corporate corruption 'bleak' from Physorg
'Dressing' in superconductors: A new piece in the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle from Physorg
Rock-dwelling microbes remove methane from deep sea from Physorg
A new mechanism affecting cell migration found from Physorg
Designer viruses could be the new antibiotics from Physorg
Neil Young: Climate change greater threat than IS from UPI
Clashes in Kiev, Ukraine, at right-wing demonstration from UPI
Police: 'Aggressive' hotel mopping led to arrest from UPI
'Jurassic World' poster invites fans to the new park from UPI
Raytheon resumes work on electronic warfare project from UPI
Acetone peroxide from Chemistry World
Q&A: Kandeh Yumkella on energy's role in fighting Ebola from SciDev
Ebola Test Is Positive in Second Texas Health Worker from NY Times Health
'Encouraging' stem cell benefits found for eye disease from CBC: Health
Quebec City obstetrician refused to deliver baby in hospital parking lot from CBC: Health
New Walmart service pushes digital movies from CBSNews - Science
Scientists Get Closer to Creating Lab Copy of a Black Hole from Scientific American
Key Moment Mapped in Assembly of DNA-Splitting Molecular Machine from Newswise - Scinews
Ebola Researcher Explains Antibody Treatments, Need for a Therapy That Works Against All Strains of the Virus from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers' new way of syncing music to video will revolutionise the production of TV ads from Physorg
Sheltering habits help sharks cope with acid oceans from Physorg
Product placement can curb TV commercial audience loss by more than 10 percent from Physorg
Graduate inventor captures the imagination with interactive typewriter from Physorg
Robot project envisions factories where more people want to work from Physorg
Dolphin 'breathalyzer' could help diagnose animal and ocean health from Physorg
Comet A1 Siding Spring vs Mars—views in space and time from Physorg
Discarded cigarette ashes could go to good use—removing arsenic from water from Physorg
Prehistoric crocodiles' evolution mirrored in living species from Physorg
Astronomers spot faraway Uranus-like planet from Physorg
Chimpanzees have favorite 'tool set' for hunting staple food of army ants (w/ Video) from Physorg
Three hours of life per euro from Physorg
Raytheon, Poland's PIT-RADWAR eye cooperation from UPI
Silver alert issued for Conn. girl missing since Monday from UPI
Jennifer Lawrence says gluten-free diets are a new 'eating disorder' from UPI
Outer Banks shark feeding frenzy captured on video from UPI
Dot Earth Blog: David Roberts Questions Naomi Klein’s Capitalism-Focused Climate Quest from NY Times Science
Spacewalkers race the clock to fix station’s electrical system from Reuters:Science
Ebola outbreak: Dallas nurse took flight before becoming ill from CBC: Health
Taser's 50,000-volt jolt can mess up your brain from CBSNews - Science
Antioxidant found in grapes uncorks new targets for acne treatment from Science Blog
Obesity accelerates aging of the liver from Science Blog
Early childhood neglect associated with altered brain structure, ADHD from Science Blog
Earth’s magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime from Science Blog
Rise of the Machines from Science Blog
Study proves biodiversity buffers disease from Science Blog
House fly genome reveals expanded immune system from Science Blog
New catalyst could improve biofuels production from Science Blog
‘Hush-Puppy’ device rewards dogs for quiet time from Science Blog
Team treats high blood pressure with plants from Science Blog
CDC: 2nd hospital worker with Ebola took flight from AP Health
Watch Live: Astronauts Spacewalk At International Space Station from MSNBC: Science
Tablet sales show fresh signs of cooling: survey from Physorg
Researchers turn to 3-D technology to examine the formation of cliffband landscapes from Physorg
Europe gives green light for comet landing site from Physorg
Lake Erie increasingly susceptible to large cyanobacteria blooms from Physorg
Man with Google Glass had 'Internet addiction disorder' from Physorg
HBO to offer stand-alone streaming service from Physorg
UK judge: No payout to cleared hacking defendant from Physorg
China blocks BBC website amid Hong Kong protests from Physorg
Exelis announces new day/night surveillance sensor from UPI
David Greenglass, Soviet spy whose testimony led to sister's execution, dead at 92 from UPI
FBI: Benghazi suspect faces 17 additional indictments from UPI
Vatican synod backtracks on pro-gay statement from UPI
Agilent Will Shut Down NMR Business from C&EN
New Method Yields High-Quality Graphene Aerogels from C&EN
Australia's new innovation agenda leaves little room for science from Science NOW
Details set for first-ever spacecraft landing on a comet from CBC: Technology & Science
GRAPHIC: Measuring Everest's Monster Avalanche from National Geographic
In Texas, the Art and Science of Building a Better Cow from National Geographic
HBO to launch online-only service from CBSNews - Science
Bono apologizes for U2's iTunes album release from CBSNews - Science
Another Dust Bowl? California Drought Resembles Worst in Millennium from Live Science
Ebola Patient Flew on Plane Before Symptoms from Live Science
Astronomers Spot Faraway Uranus-Like Planet from Science Blog
ORNL Research Reveals Unique Capabilities of 3-D Printing from Newswise - Scinews
Climate change not responsible for altering forest tree composition from Physorg
A brighter design emerges for low-cost, 'greener' LED light bulbs from Physorg
Lockheed working on game-changing fusion reactor from UPI
Demi Lovato announces 'engagement' to 5-year-old fan from UPI
Trooper kills man who stabbed casino bus passengers from UPI
Dow falls 350 points, then recovers from UPI
European Pensions Add Three Hours Of Life Per Euro To East Germany
Ebola outbreak: Dallas nurse took Frontier Airlines flight before becoming ill from CBC: Health
HBO to offer streaming-only online option in 2015 from CBC: Technology & Science
Study questions 21-day quarantine period for Ebola from Science Daily
Climate change not responsible for altering forest tree composition, experts say from Science Daily
Researchers look to exploit females' natural resistance to infection from Science Daily
Researchers turn to 3-D technology to examine the formation of cliffband landscapes from Science Daily
Academies call for consequences from the Ebola virus epidemic from Science Daily
Australians not prepared for dying with dignity from Science Daily
Carbonate rocks are unrecognized methane sink from Science Daily
Subsidies help breast cancer patients adhere to hormone therapy from Science Daily
A unique approach to monitoring groundwater supplies near Ohio fracking sites from Science Daily
Prehistoric crocodiles' evolution mirrored in living species from Science Daily
Food labels can reduce livestock environmental impacts from Science Daily
Chimpanzees have favorite 'tool set' for hunting staple food of army ants from Science Daily
A new piece in the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle: 'Dressing' in superconductors from Science Daily
Sharks that hide in coral reefs may be safe from acidifying oceans from Science Daily
Lake Erie increasingly susceptible to large cyanobacteria blooms from Science Daily
Ancient fossils confirmed among our strangest cousins from Science Daily
Astronomers spot faraway Uranus-like planet: First 'ice giant' planet found in another solar system from Science Daily
Teens' science interest linked with knowledge, but only in wealthier nations from Science Daily
Construction secrets of a galactic metropolis: APEX reveals hidden star formation in protocluster from Science Daily
Psychiatrist appointments hard to get, even for insured, study shows from Science Daily
Archaeological glass artefacts shed new light on Swedish glass history from Science Daily
Method for detecting extremely rare inert gas isotopes for water dating from Science Daily
Effects of high-risk Parkinson's mutation are reversible, study in animal model suggests from Science Daily
New mechanism affecting cell migration found from Science Daily
Tool enhances social inclusion for people with autism from Science Daily
New way of syncing music to video will revolutionize the production of TV/video ads from Science Daily
Gene variants implicated in ADHD identify attention, language from Science Daily
Effect of the fall of the Berlin wall: Three hours of life per euro from Science Daily
Two-faced gene: SIRT6 prevents some cancers but promotes sun-induced skin cancer from Science Daily
Prostate cancer's penchant for copper may be a fatal flaw from Science Daily
Partisan lenses: Beauty lies in your political affiliation from Science Daily
Collapsible wings help birds cope with turbulence, eagle sporting 'black box' shows from Science Daily
What goes up must come down: Geckos alter foot orientation during downhill locomotion from Science Daily
How the fruit fly could help us sniff out drugs and bombs from Science Daily
First report of long-term safety of human embryonic stem cells to treat human disease from Science Daily
Past climate change and continental ice melt linked to varying carbon dioxide levels from Science Daily
Earth's magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime from Science Daily
Genetic history of tomatoes revealed by new sequencing from Science Daily
Dinosaur breathing study shows that noses enhanced smelling and cooled brain from Science Daily
Increase seen in use of emergency departments by children in California, regardless of insurance type from Science Daily
Energy drinks may pose danger to public health, researchers warn from Science Daily
Study warns swift action needed to curb exponential climb in Ebola outbreak from Science Daily
Millennials uneducated on important clothing care skills, study finds from Science Daily
Relationship among broadband performance, pricing, and demand worldwide from Science Daily
Fish oil supplements have little effect on irregular heartbeat from Science Daily
Corruption of health care delivery system? from Science Daily
New information about how neurons act could lead to brain disorder advancements from Science Daily
New 'tree of life' traces evolution of a mysterious cotinga birds from Science Daily
Rediscovering Venus to find faraway Earths: Measuring gravitational pull of a planet should speed search from Science Daily
Potential drug could ease impact of bacterial lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients, tests suggest from Science Daily
Immune cells in liver drive fatty liver disease, liver cancer from Science Daily
Complementary methodologies for rare cancers: Worth discussing? from Science Daily
NASA study finds 1934 had worst North American drought of last thousand years from Science Daily
NASA mission provides its first look at Martian upper atmosphere from Science Daily
Testing parents' patience, while treating kids' problem behavior from Science Daily
Seniors run for the suburbs in their golden years from Science Daily
New treatment designed to save more eyes from cancer from Science Daily
Molecular 'breadcrumb trail' that helps melanoma spread found from Science Daily
Future computers could be built from magnetic 'tornadoes' from Science Daily
Meteorite fragments discovered 20 years after bolide event in Czech Republic from Science Daily
Seven days: 10–16 October 2014 from News @ Nature
A global natural gas boom alone won't slow climate change from Physorg
Researchers develop world's thinnest electric generator from Physorg
Supreme Court weighs generic drug dispute from Physorg
EPA approves new weed killer for engineered crops from Physorg
Unique capabilities of 3-D printing: Innovative manufacturing process holds unparalleled potential for engineering from Physorg
Bermuda prepares for Category 4 Hurricane Gonzalo from UPI
GE Aviation supplying engines for V-280 demo aircraft from UPI
Police: Son of Okla. newspaper publisher admits killing family from UPI
Ghost hunters irk owners of 'doorway to hell' from UPI
Prominent Shiite cleric sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia from UPI
The Cloudy Future of Arctic Sea Ice from Science @ NASA
A nine-armed octopus? Not so fast from Science NOW
U.S. fusion plan draws blistering critique from Science NOW
Galaxies in the Early Universe Were Less-Than-Stellar Star Makers from
Amazing Selfie with Comet Snapped by European Spacecraft (Photo) from
How Did a Dallas Nurse Catch Ebola? from Scientific American
Arizona's big bet: The research rethink from News @ Nature
Slow-Growing Galaxies Offer Window to Early Universe from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
UNC Researchers Boost the Heart's Natural Ability to Recover After Heart Attack from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Develop World's Thinnest Electric Generator from Newswise - Scinews
A Global Natural Gas Boom Alone Won't Slow Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
Tuning light to kill deep cancer tumors from Physorg
Babcock International set for frigate upgrades, maintenance from UPI
Fall in oil prices seen as hurting Russia from UPI
Video: Australian men use chainsaw to open beer from UPI
Precision printing: Unique capabilities of 3-D printing revealed from Science Daily
Key moment mapped in assembly of DNA-splitting molecular machine from Science Daily
Transforming safety net practices into patient-centered medical homes: Progress report from Science Daily
Bullies in the workplace: Researcher examines struggles for victims to tell their story from Science Daily
Hydraulic fracturing linked to earthquakes in Ohio from Science Daily
Obstetric quality of care measures at hospitals: Study indicates need for more from Science Daily
Indian Mars Orbiter Captures Phobos Transit | Video from
Ebola Patient 'Should Not Have Traveled By Plane,' CDC Director Says from Live Science
How terror-proof is your economy? from News @ Nature
Higher education: The university experiment from News @ Nature
The university experiment: Campus as laboratory from News @ Nature
Czechs to screen passengers for Ebola at airport from AP Health
Extinct giant kangaroos may have been hop-less from Physorg
Study shows rock gobies use rapid color change camouflage to hide from predators from Physorg
Researchers find a strong correlation between Northern Hemisphere seabird diversity and environmental stressors from Physorg
Toyota recalls 1.75 million cars worldwide from UPI
Astronauts race to reconfigure space station electrical system from UPI
DNA tests confirm remains in mass grave not those of missing Mexican students from UPI
Second U.S. Ebola patient flew on plane before diagnosis from UPI
Gisele Bundchen stars in new Chanel No. 5 short film from UPI
Video: First burger and fries 'in space' from UPI
Uber passenger says she was kidnapped, company denies from UPI
Stop the hop: for huge ancient kangaroos, hopping was dicey from Reuters:Science
Prehistoric kangaroo was a walker from Science NOW
Extinct giant kangaroos tiptoed one leg at a time from
Google unveils new Nexus tablet, smartphone from CBC: Technology & Science
Spacewalk Photos: NASA Astronauts Work Outside Space Station (Oct. 15, 2014) from
Fast Camouflage: How the Goby Changes Color in One Minute from Live Science
Surf zones warmed from within from News @ Nature
NASA's RapidScat Keeps a Watchful Eye on Ocean Storms from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA's Hubble Telescope Finds Potential Kuiper Belt Targets for New Horizons Pluto Mission from Newswise - Scinews
Johns Hopkins Astrophysicist Receives Prestigious Packard Fellowship from Newswise - Scinews
Dolphin 'Breathalyzer' Could Help Diagnose Animal and Ocean Health from Newswise - Scinews
What does Michelle Obama turn out for? A turnip from AP Health
It's No Joke: This Alien Planet Resembles Uranus from MSNBC: Science
Google unveils 'Lollipop' Android system, new devices from Physorg
Weather history time machine from Physorg
Could sleeper sharks be preying on protected Steller sea lions? from Physorg
Light pollution contributing to fledgling 'fallout' from Physorg
Wall Street worries about Ebola from UPI
Malaysia police arrest 14 for Islamic State ties from UPI
'Friends' will be available on Netflix in January from UPI
Textron supplying armored combat vehicles to Bulgaria from UPI
Confirmed: Islamic State controls and is actively utilizing an Iraqi chemical weapons facility from UPI
Obama calls White House meeting on Ebola virus from UPI
Important Meal: Breakfast Increases Regulation Of Food Intake And Cravings
Estrogen And Natural Resistance To Respiratory Infection
Uranus Elsewhere: Ice Giant Planet Discovered 25,000 Light Years Away
Enlist Duo: EPA Approves New GMO System
Complacency: Is Ebola Really The Biggest Pandemic Threat?
Lavender Tipping Point: French Growers Lash Out At EU Anti-Science Policies
Ebola Sends Another Dallas Neighborhood on High Alert from NY Times Science
Ebola-Infected Health Worker Took Flight From Cleveland to Dallas from NY Times Health
Obama Cancels Campaign Trip to Meet With Cabinet on Ebola from NY Times Health
Well: Ask Well: Can Pets Get Ebola? from NY Times Health
Dozen or More Feared Dead in Himalayan Blizzard and Avalanches from National Geographic
Opinion: To Combat Malnutrition, Don't Just Produce More Food—Produce Better Food from National Geographic
Ebola outbreak deaths approach 4,500:WHO from CBC: Health
Ebola outbreak: 2nd Texas health-care worker to be transferred to Atlanta: CDC from CBC: Health
Product placement can curb TV commercial audience loss by more than 10 percent from Science Daily
Treating sleep apnea in cardiac patients reduces hospital readmission from Science Daily
A brighter design emerges for low-cost, 'greener' LED light bulbs from Science Daily
Discarded cigarette ashes could go to good use -- removing arsenic from water from Science Daily
Dolphin 'breathalyzer' could help diagnose animal and ocean health from Science Daily
Risk factors for sexual assault identified, including age, alcohol consumption from Science Daily
Ebola crisis puts pressure on human rights from AP Health
Fusion Breakthrough? We'll Test Reactor in Year: Lockheed from MSNBC: Science
Tech review: Fitness watches help you keep tabs on your vital statistics from Physorg
Getting to know super-earths: Astronomers conduct atmospheric study of a second super-Earth from Physorg
Milky Way ransacks nearby dwarf galaxies, stripping all traces of star-forming gas from Physorg
Air Umbrella R&D evolves as shield from pelting rain from Physorg
Survey suggests young adults addicted to the Internet from UPI
Crash spills porta potty fluid onto highway from UPI
Stacey Dash calls for Ebola 'centers' in every U.S. city from UPI
Welcome to the future: World's first 3D printed car from UPI
Polar bear broke into Alaska home for seal oil from UPI
Appeals court: Texas can enforce new voter ID law from UPI
Wall Street worries about Ebola from UPI
Broccoli Compound Improves Autism Symptoms from C&EN
Black-hole analogue works like a laser from Physics World
Natural Gas Boom Has Caused American CO2 To Plummet - But Not The World's
Altered Forest Tree Composition Not Due To Global Warming
Hubble Telescope Spots Post-Pluto Targets for New Horizons Probe from
Scientists Close In on Creating Black Hole in Lab from Scientific American
Kathy Bates may depart 'AHS' after 'Freak Show' from UPI
Anti-Islamic State campaign gets a name: 'Inherent Resolve' from UPI
Man attacked by bear, shot by friend and survives from UPI
Homeless man allegedly stabbed park rangers on Boston Common from UPI
U.S. Olympic fencer Kamara James dead at 29 from UPI
Kobane, Syria, resists Islamic State advances from UPI
Believe In Science? You're Easier To Fool Than You Think
NASA Astronauts Beat Clock, Wrap Up Spacewalk from
Nurses in safety gear got Ebola, why wouldn't you? from AP Health
Spacewalkers Get Space Station Back to Full Power from MSNBC: Science
Google Adds Cloud Power to Cancer Genome Research from MSNBC: Science
Hubble Identifies Follow-Up Targets for Pluto Probe from MSNBC: Science
Chelsea Houska 'so happy' with boyfriend Cole DeBoer from UPI
LA eatery dedicated entirely to mac 'n' cheese from UPI
Don't panic, stocks will rebound from UPI
Wrongly convicted NYC murder suspect to be released after nearly 30 years from UPI
Beached sperm whale euthanized in Florida from UPI
Island Hopping: A Former Journalist Sets Off to Uncover the True Indonesia from National Geographic
Assisted suicide case heard by Supreme Court from CBC: Health
EPA approves new weed killer for engineered crops from AP Health
NASA's Aqua satellite watches Tropical Storm Ana intensifying from Physorg
Reminding people of their religious belief system reduces hostility from Physorg
New study shows the importance of jellyfish falls to deep-sea ecosystem (w/ Video) from Physorg
Dutch bikers join fight against Islamic State from UPI
Emma Stone reveals first look as Sally Bowles in 'Cabaret' from UPI
U.S. budget deficit for fiscal 2014 lowest since 2008 from UPI
WATCH: Corgi puppy on a pumpkin roll from UPI
MIT and MGH form strategic partnership to address major challenges in clinical medicine from MIT Research
Pictures: Stunning Fossils on National Fossil Day from National Geographic
Ebola outbreak: Obama holds meeting after 2nd nurse tests positive from CBC: Health
Giant, Extinct Kangaroos Probably Didn't Hop from Live Science
US Ebola patient at Emory was critical, now better from AP Health
14-Year-Old Battery Builder Is 'Top Young Scientist' from MSNBC: Science
Diversity in medical education: It's not so black and white anymore from Physorg
Army converting more Strykers to double V-hull configuration from UPI
'Breaking Bad' limited edition Blu-rays to feature Ralph Steadman art from UPI
Massive ancient kangaroo, now extinct, was too big to hop from UPI
Rick Perry returns to Texas amid worsening Ebola concerns from UPI
MAVEN gives first look at Mars’ escaping atmosphere from
Assisted suicide 'a last resort' for some, Supreme Court told from CBC: Health
Invisible umbrella would use air to keep you dry from CBSNews - Science
"Stop copying us," says Apple design head Jony Ive from CBSNews - Science
E-Cigarettes Get Mixed Reviews As Aids for Quitting from Live Science
Rosetta team gets green light for landing on rubber-duck comet from LA Times - Science
Heroes don’t deliberate before they act from Science Blog
Positive subliminal messages on aging improve physical functioning in elderly from Science Blog
Undue Influence: How Can We Be Effectively Warned Not to Give Away Our Information Online? from Newswise - Scinews
Brain Surgery Through the Cheek from Newswise - Scinews
2 Ebola outbreaks in Africa have different sources from AP Health
Super Typhoon Over Japan Stuns Astronauts from MSNBC: Science
Zac Efron reportedly dating Sami Miro from UPI
Australia seeks upgrades to ship defense system from UPI
Ariz. law denying bail to undocumented immigrants struck down from UPI
Harvard law professors: new campus sexual assault policies violate due process from UPI
Ebola continues rapid spread in West Africa from
Tracking a Serial Killer: Could Ebola Mutate to Become More Deadly? from National Geographic
Comet Will Buzz Mars Sunday: How to See It in Telescopes from
Apple leaks images of two new iPad models from CBSNews - Science
Drexel study questions 21-day quarantine period for Ebola from Biology News Net
Two-faced gene: SIRT6 prevents some cancers but promotes sun-induced skin cancer from Biology News Net
African leaders: Ebola could lead to food crisis from AP Health
Eastern Equine Encephalitis kills second person in New Hampshire from UPI
Apple accidentally reveals iPad Air 2 and mini iPad 3 early from UPI
Sierra Nevada Corporation unit building DOD satellite from UPI
Behind the Senate's do-nothing sessions from UPI
Nanovessel Host Leads To Retention Of Configuration In SN2 Reaction from C&EN
Ebola outbreak: Obama says monitoring must be 'more aggressive' from CBC: Health
First Photos of Water Ice on Mercury Captured by NASA Spacecraft from
Ebola Outbreak Was Quickly Contained in Congo: How? from Live Science
Camargue flamingos starved in freezing conditions in 1985 and 2012 mass mortalities from Physorg
Mark Driscoll resigns as Seattle megachurch pastor from UPI
Feminist video game critic receives death threats, cancels Utah State lecture citing lax gun laws from UPI
Snoop Dogg ends feud with Iggy Azalea from UPI
Gonzalo: First Major Atlantic Hurricane In 3 Years
Women Living In Poverty Blame Lovers And Children
Global Warming In 17 Million B.C.
Weather History Time Machine Tackles The Real Drought - Of The 1930s
Chaos! Space Tourists, Entrepreneurs Geek Out at Math-Themed Gala from Live Science
Kangaroo relative may have walked around ancient Australia on two feet from LA Times - Science
Elisabeth Hasselbeck recovering from mystery surgery from UPI
Diversity 3.0: Medical Education Is Not Black And White Any More
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1934 Drought Was Worst in Thousand Years for U.S. from MSNBC: Science
'Downton Abbey' to release first Christmas album from UPI
How to watch Apple's iPad and Mac event live from CBSNews - Science
Archie Panjabi to depart 'The Good Wife' from UPI
Neil Patrick Harris to host the 2015 Oscars ceremony on Feb. 22 from UPI
VIDEO: How Ebola samples are processed from BBC News: Science & Nature
How Are Nurses Becoming Infected With Ebola?
To Tweet Or Not To Tweet: Academic Freedom And Social Media
One more question, Dr. Frieden: 11 things we'd like to know about the new Ebola case from Science NOW
Ebola outbreak: 2nd U.S. nurse to test positive should not have flown from CBC: Health
Umbrella holds off rain with air "force field" from CBSNews - Science
Why kids sext: Closer look at what's behind the teen trend from CBSNews - Science
Woman rescued from crash thanks to locator app from CBSNews - Science
Russian hackers exploit software flaw to spy on Ukraine, NATO from CBSNews - Science
'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' to be 'at least' a trilogy from UPI
Ebola Outbreak in United States Sees Another Diagnosis, Another Big Snafu from National Geographic
Ebola safety how-to lessons offered to Canadian hospital workers from CBC: Health
Canada to contribute an additional $30M to Ebola fight from CBC: Health
Obama works to calm fears over Ebola in the U.S. from UPI
Debate in Florida governor's race stalled by dispute over fan from UPI
Elizabeth Pena dead at age 55 from UPI
Viral Shark Video Gives Rare Look at a Feeding Frenzy from National Geographic
Kansas City Royals advance to the World Series from UPI
New US Ebola case a nurse who treated man in Texas from AP Health
Chris Noth says Carrie Bradshaw was 'such a whore' from UPI
This new nuclear reactor could bring carbon-free power to 80,000 homes, and fit in the back of a truck from Science Alert
Kangaroo Facts from Live Science
Big step in battling bladder disease from MIT Research
Experts Offer Steps for Avoiding Public Hysteria, a Different Contagious Threat from NY Times Health
Lax U.S. Guidelines on Ebola Led to Poor Hospital Training, Experts Say from NY Times Health
Downfall for Hospital Where the Virus Spread from NY Times Health
C.D.C. Director Becomes Face of Nation’s Worry and Flawed Response from NY Times Health
T-Cell Therapy Puts Leukemia Patients in Extended Remission from NY Times Health
F.D.A. Approves First 2 Drugs for Treatment of a Fatal Lung Disease from NY Times Health
U.S. Says Consumers Must Renew Health Insurance Policies from NY Times Health
Texas Abortion Clinics to Reopen Despite a Future in Legal Limbo from NY Times Health
Planned Parenthood Is Expanding to Queens from NY Times Health
Op-Ed Contributor: Resurrecting Smallpox? Easier Than You Think from NY Times Health
Pope Sets Off A 'Gay Earthquake'? No, The Church Has Hardly Moved