Archive of feed items published on the 16th of October 2014
Colorful Motion of Stars | Space Wallpaper from
Existing protocols might not be enough for Ebola from AP Health
Ebola: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment from Live Science
Satellite eyes first major Atlantic Hurricane in 3 years: Gonzalo from Physorg
18 million workers produced more than one-fifth of US gross domestic product in 2012 from Physorg
Follow the leader: Insects benefit from good leadership too from Physorg
Exide hazardous waste dripped onto roads from trucks, records show from LA Times - Science
Beetles and a cup of joe: Insects boost fair trade coffee sales from Physorg
Natural disasters killed over 22,000 in 2013, Red Cross says from Physorg
Australia PM rebuffs Booker Prize winner criticism from Physorg
AbbVie sours on $55B Shire deal after tax changes from Physorg
Netflix hammered by weak subscriber growth from Physorg
Microfossils reveal warm oceans had less oxygen, Syracuse geologists say from Physorg
Is Marijuana Harmful? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Drought-hit US town learns to live without water from Physorg
Hailo taxi app folds in US, looks to Europe and Asia from Physorg
Cost of cyber atacks jumps for US firms from Physorg
How WWI Shaped Modern Air Supremacy from Live Science
Study suggests 21-day Ebola quarantine period is not enough from Science Alert
Is space still awesome? (Op-Ed) from
Modest response by donors thus far to Ebola crisis from AP Health
UPI Almanac for Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014 from UPI
Facebook creates 'Safety Check' tool for disasters from Physorg
Galileo duo handed over in excellent shape from European Space Agency
This giant 3D printer can build houses from mud in the poorest regions from Science Alert
Giant kangaroo 'walked on two feet' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Helium happily shares electrons to create dianions from Chemistry World
New Apple iPads and more expected today from CBC: Technology & Science
Ebola outbreak: Why it may be time to 'take the brakes off' producing a vaccine from CBC: Health
Honeysuckle tea can treat Influenza A viruses, and possibly Ebola from Science Alert
Fishbone forest from European Space Agency
U.S. has faith in oil-rich Yemen from UPI
Lockheed Martin pursues compact fusion reactor concept from Physorg
North Dakota making gas-capture strides from UPI
Gazprom eager to explore in Argentina from UPI
No Light Dark Matter In ATLAS Search
Ebola symptoms: What are they? from CBC: Health
Partial Solar Eclipse of October 2014: Sky Maps and Images from
Researchers find sea otter dental enamel 2.5 times as strong as humans from Physorg
Slow-growing galaxies offer window to early universe from Physorg
Archaeological glass artefacts shed new light on Swedish glass history from Physorg
Galileo duo handed over in excellent shape from Physorg
AUDIO: Patterson: MPs 'should end Climate Change Act' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pew, Pew! Why Frozen Lakes Make 'Star Wars' Sounds from Live Science
How to Safely Watch Next Week's Partial Solar Eclipse from
Hurricane Gonzalo Threat Delays US Private Rocket Launch for NASA from
Private Mars Colony Project May Not Be Feasible, Study Suggests from
Nicole Scherzinger would like to collaborate with Sam Smith from UPI
Obama: get 'more aggressive' on Ebola from UPI
Det norske takes Marathon's Norwegian business from UPI
How myths about the brain are hampering teaching from Physorg
New catalyst could improve biofuels production from Physorg
MESSENGER provides first optical images of ice near Mercury's north pole from Physorg
A simple and versatile way to build 3-dimensional materials of the future from Physorg
Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project from Reuters:Science
Q&A: Bittersweet outlook for Africa’s energy future from SciDev
Animal Sex: How Tree Frogs Do it from Live Science
'Project Leviathan' Watercraft Aims to Break World Speed Record from Live Science
Is Car Hacking the Next Big Security Threat? from Live Science
Kourtney Kardashian expecting another girl from UPI
European cities join climate initiative from UPI
Image: Observatory aims green laser at the International Space Station from Physorg
Archeologists unearth 3,300 year old complex in Israel from Physorg
Molten metals in spin cycle on ESA's centrifuge from Physorg
French flamingos froze to death without freezing from
Science roadmap for next parliament unveiled from Chemistry World
Clown club: 'American Horror Story' makes people afraid of us from UPI
U.S. won't seek change in Iran deadline from UPI
U.S. funding state-level clean initiatives from UPI
Battle for control of Benghazi, Libya, erupts from UPI
Russia says it has the right to hit U.S. with sanctions from UPI
The ancient mountains that fed early life from Physorg
Give landlocked nations a tech boost, says UN chief from SciDev
New test accelerates herpes detection from Chemistry World
Moon saw volcanic eruptions in geologically recent times from Science Blog
Rare genetic disease protects against bipolar disorder from Science Blog
Lookin' Good! Spacecraft Snaps Selfie With Comet from MSNBC: Science
Gunman with high-capacity rifle opens fire on Washington state police stations from UPI
Julianne Moore to be honored by The Museum of the Moving Image from UPI
Britney Spears' residency boosts Planet Hollywood's yearly earnings by $20M from UPI
Undergraduate studies how rhododendrons invade and conquer by disturbing nitrogen cycle from Physorg
Plant communities produce greater yield than monocultures from Physorg
NASA's RapidScat keeps a watchful eye on ocean storms from Physorg
NASA Soil Moisture Mapper arrives at launch site from Physorg
Two-element atomic chain synthesized using microscopic space inside a carbon nanotube from Physorg
Not all science is created equal from Chemistry World
Focus on Poverty: The top issues in the SDG in-tray from SciDev
Facebook creates safety feature for disasters from CBSNews - Science
CBS launches expansive digital subscription service from CBSNews - Science
Cannon shoots salmon upriver to help reach breeding grounds from CBSNews - Science
Nest CEO on making everyday items high-tech from CBSNews - Science
Accusations of sexism in video games prompt threats of violence from CBSNews - Science
Ebola outbreak: CDC discloses nurse cleared to fly before diagnosis from CBC: Health
Ebola outbreak: infected Spanish nursing assistant's condition improves from CBC: Health
Apple iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 pics leaked ahead of event from CBC: Technology & Science
Google unveils new Nexus tablet, smartphone, streaming device from CBC: Technology & Science
Putin to meet with Poroshenko, EU leaders at summit from UPI
John Grisham: child pornography prison sentences are too harsh from UPI
Chesapeake dumps Marcellus, Utica shale from UPI
Butterflies rely on connections amid changing climate from Physorg
Study shows lemurs use communal latrines as information exchange centers from Physorg
UnitedHealth tops 3Q expectations, raises forecast from Physorg
India's TCS Q2 rises 13% on US, European deals from Physorg
New project to detect possible damages in aircraft parts early in process from Physorg
Rivers flow differently over gravel beds, study finds from Physorg
Male songbirds don't have to be studs to find a mate from Physorg
Scientists build first map of hidden universe from Physorg
Image: Deforestation in the state of Rondônia in western Brazil, from orbit from Physorg
Researchers embark on longest space simulation on U.S. soil from Physorg
Chemistry of sustainable energy from Chemistry World
Why We Should Make Time For Remembering The Future
Would Immunity From Malpractice Reduce 'Defensive Medicine' Costs?
New Horizons Pluto Mission Gets Potential Kuiper Belt Targets
Insects Also Prize Good Leadership
Warm Oceans Had Less Oxygen, Show Microfossils
Psoriasis And Hypertension Correlated
China Moving Forward with Big Space Station Plans from
Biden reportedly calls tea party 'crazy' from UPI
U.N. rights chief: Islamic State is 'potentially genocidal' from UPI
Wood Group Kenny wins Scottish CCS contract from UPI
Rene Russo details longtime struggle with bipolar disorder from UPI
Even the latest malware detection systems can be bypassed from Physorg
Scientists identify "naïve-like" human stem cell from Physorg
Magnetic mirrors enable new technologies by reflecting light in uncanny ways from Physorg
Researcher discusses international team to protect ancient footprints from Physorg
3D models can bring quicker, greener, cheaper construction from Physorg
Turning humble seaweed into biofuel from Physorg
Shaping the way to see the world from Physorg
Mongolian women 'want status over big families' from Physorg
Polymer hybrid thin-film composites with tailored permeability and anti-fouling performance from Physorg
New iPads, Mac system expected at Apple event from Physorg
Switching to natural gas won't slow climate change from CBC: Technology & Science
Ebola symptoms: What are they? from CBC: Health
Amazing Video Of Passing Space Station Lit By Green Laser from
Cousin: Reeva Steenkamp's death 'ruined our family' from UPI
Heidi Klum finalizes divorce from Seal from UPI
North Korea accuses South of 'insincerity' at high-level military talks from UPI
Hong Kong leader offers talks, but no concessions from UPI
Police: Reported crocodile was inflatable toy from UPI
Family farms crucial in fight to eradicate hunger: UN from Physorg
Amazon hires 80K seasonal holiday workers from Physorg
Inexplicable signal provides tantalising clue about dark matter from Physorg
First ALS Ice Bucket Funds Target Genes, Inflammation from Scientific American
Lawmaker: 'False assumptions' on Ebola from AP Health
Facebook creates 'Safety Check' tool for disasters from CBC: Technology & Science
Ebola outbreak: Air France plane isolated in Madrid from CBC: Health
Comet Siding Spring's Rare Mars Flyby: Full Coverage from
Atlantic observatory faces rocky future from News @ Nature
Scientists caught in Chinese anti-corruption sweep from News @ Nature
Paul Rudd invites fans to celebrate KC Royals win at his mom's house from UPI
Tomato plant grows where trains dump human waste from UPI
Iraqi, Kurdish leaders discuss oil laws from UPI
Yogurt becomes New York's official state snack from UPI
Tropical spider burrowed under Bali tourist's skin from UPI
Primitive microbes stole bacterial genes on a surprising scale from Physorg
Cannabis chemists look for professional recognition from Chemistry World
Bio-based chemicals on the rise in US from Chemistry World
Cheerios-Fed Fungi Yield Biofilm Blockers from C&EN
Siblings Make Boys Prosocial
University knocks down tweet that Ebola airborne from AP Health
Lawmaker: 'False assumptions' on Ebola from AP Health
Losing weight quickly is just as good (or bad) as losing it gradually from LA Times - Science
U.S. orders more enhanced combat helmets from 3M company from UPI
Pat Roberts calls independent challenger Greg Orman 'a liberal Democrat' from UPI
Police: Fleeing suspect joined Chicago Marathon from UPI
Erickson helos to continue ship resupply for Navy from UPI
U.S. asks to suspend Guantanamo video order from UPI
ORNL's Urban Dynamics Institute Joins Global Fight Against Polio from Newswise - Scinews
IU-Led Team of Biologists Earns One of 12 Biodiversity Grants Awarded by NSF from Newswise - Scinews
Mercury's hidden water-ice revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nortal and VTT start cooperation in the fast-growing big data market from Physorg
FBI director warns against cellphone encryption from Physorg
CBS debuts stand-alone streaming service from Physorg
How, when, and why industrial ecology is good for business from Physorg
The old secrets behind Lockheed's new fusion machine? from Science NOW
Ethiopia’s seed banks and the search for food security from SciDev
Nobels go to maps, LEDs, microscopy from
- unveils new wearable device from CBSNews - Science
NASA images show frozen water on Mercury from CBSNews - Science
Methane-munching microbes found in rocks at bottom of the sea from UPI
Son of Sen. Jeff Flake charged with dogs' deaths from UPI
Search continues for missing hikers in Nepal as death toll rises from UPI
Ebola: How many people have died? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dispelling a misconception about Mg-ion batteries from Physorg
Amphibian communities collapse in wake of viral outbreak from Physorg
Are male brains wired to ignore food for sex? from Physorg
That pregnant feeling makes a fly start nesting from Physorg
New report synthesizes best available science on management of moist mixed-conifer forests from Physorg
The social web of things from Physorg
Deadly virus striking European amphibians from Science NOW
Are old secrets behind Lockheed's new fusion machine? from Science NOW
One more question, Dr. Frieden: Eleven things we'd like to know about the new Ebola case from Science NOW
Jet lag affects gut microbes from
NASA Study Finds 1934 Had Worst Drought of Last Thousand Years from Science Blog
‘Nature’s comedian’ the lemur enjoys an informative trip to the toilet from Science Blog
Adenosine can melt ‘love handles’ from Science Blog
University knocks down tweet that Ebola airborne from AP Science
Study: Natural gas surge won't slow global warming from AP Science
Facebook, Apple pay for egg freezing, sperm donors from AP Science
With their mark on Earth, humans may name era, too from AP Science
Polar bear breaks into home in Alaska village from AP Science
1st Dallas nurse with Ebola to be sent to Maryland from AP Health
Mosaic in Greek Tomb Shows Persephone's Abduction from Live Science
US Dust Bowl unrivalled in past 1,000 years from News @ Nature
Europe secures new generation of weather satellites from European Space Agency
Name comet landing site from European Space Agency
Ohio, Texas schools close in response to Ebola scare from UPI
Mila Kunis' production company inks first-look deal with ABC Studios from UPI
Suspected Ebola case aboard plane in Madrid from UPI
Southern Oregon University allegedly threatens students handing out Constitutions from UPI
Video: Denver police warn of Halloween pot candy from UPI
New TALON robot introduced by QinetiQ from UPI
Hawaii prepares for Ana, 2nd tropical storm in 3 months from UPI
Scripps Research Institute Scientists Identify Trigger for Crucial Immune System Cell from Newswise - Scinews
Misfolded Proteins Clump Together in a Surprising Place from Newswise - Scinews
Study recommends ongoing assessment of impact of offshore wind farms on marine species from Physorg
Amphibians being wiped out by emerging viruses from Physorg
Radiator-nosed dinosaur? from Science NOW
Light bending material facilitates the search for new particles from Science Daily
Brain's compass relies on geometric relationships, say researchers from Science Daily
Executive scandal hurts job prospects even for entry-level employees from Science Daily
Shrinking resource margins in sahel region of africa from Science Daily
Cryptic clues drive new theory of bowel cancer development from Science Daily
Oh brother! Having a sibling makes boys selfless, study suggests from Science Daily
The social web of things: Smart cars, appliances and people from Science Daily
Scientists find ancient mountains that fed early life from Science Daily
New catalyst could improve biofuels production from Science Daily
Pre-eclampsia may be caused by the fetus, not the placenta, says expert from Science Daily
Magnetic mirrors enable new technologies by reflecting light in uncanny ways from Science Daily
Mild traumatic brain injury can have lasting effects for families from Science Daily
Rivers flow differently over gravel beds from Science Daily
Ebola highlights disparity of disease burden in developed vs. developing countries from Science Daily
Older adults satisfied with aging more likely to seek health screenings from Science Daily
Simple and versatile way to build 3-D materials of the future from Science Daily
Some rice-based foods for people with celiac disease contain relevant amounts of arsenic from Science Daily
Resistance, rights and racism: Gypsies and travelers on the English green belt from Science Daily
Neglected tropical diseases: Looking at Ebola through a different lens from Science Daily
Even the latest malware detection systems can be bypassed from Science Daily
New way to lose weight: Scientists stimulate brown fat to burn more energy from food from Science Daily
Turning humble seaweed into biofuel from Science Daily
Inexplicable signal from unseen universe provides tantalizing clue about one of astronomy's greatest secrets - dark matter from Science Daily
Respiratory Syncytial Virus: New perspectives for development of a vaccine from Science Daily
Plant communities produce greater yield than monocultures from Science Daily
Diabetic sweetener obtained from tropical tree from Science Daily
Making measurements when a comet passes close to Mars from Science Daily
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: Learning more from Science Daily
Follow the leader: Insects benefit from good leadership too from Science Daily
e-healthcare may help reverse trend of high cardiovascular disease, obesity in China from Science Daily
Informative visit to the toilet, for lemurs from Science Daily
Ovarian cancer: New test can help doctors choose best treatment from Science Daily
Gradual weight loss no better than rapid weight loss for long-term weight control from Science Daily
Adenocarcinoma: UK tops global league table for gullet cancer in men from Science Daily
Personalized cellular therapy achieves complete remission in 90 percent of acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients studied from Science Daily
Giving physicians immunity from malpractice claims does not reduce 'defensive medicine' from Science Daily
Use of Intensive Medical Services for Ovarian Cancer Patients at End of Life Increases Despite Rise in Use of Hospice from Science Daily
Diversity in Medical Education: Not So Black and White Anymore from Science Daily
Microfossils reveal warm oceans had less oxygen from Science Daily
Optimal particle size for anticancer nanomedicines discovered from Science Daily
Reminding people of their religious belief system reduces hostility, study shows from Science Daily
Weight gain study suggests polyunsaturated oil healthier option from Science Daily
How can we be effectively warned not to give away our information online? from Science Daily
Brain surgery, by robot, through the cheek from Science Daily
Getting to know super-Earths: Using Hubble to study mysterious exoplanet from Science Daily
Milky Way ransacks nearby dwarf galaxies from Science Daily
Could sleeper sharks be preying on protected Steller sea lions? from Science Daily
Weather history 'time machine' created from Science Daily
New mechanism that can lead to blindness discovered from Science Daily
Riddle of the rock pools: How tiny fish camouflage themselves from Science Daily
Light pollution contributing to fledgling 'fallout': Turning street lights off decreased number of grounded fledglings from Science Daily
Risking your life without a second thought: Extreme altruism may be motivated by intuitive process from Science Daily
These roos were 'made' for walking, study suggests of extinct enigmas from Science Daily
Simple steps can lead to safe sleep for infants from Science Daily
Potential Kuiper belt targets for new horizons Pluto mission from Science Daily
Boosting heart's natural ability to recover after heart attack from Science Daily
Researchers develop world's thinnest electric generator from Science Daily
Global natural gas boom alone won't slow climate change from Science Daily
Lockheed Martin tapped for THAAD components from UPI
Ebola patient Nina Pham to be moved to Bethesda, Md. from UPI
Why half-frozen lakes sound like lightsabers from UPI
Conservative bishops angered by outreach report from UPI
Great ShakeOut: 20 million people participate in worldwide earthquake drill from UPI
WASP has printer, will travel, to make houses from Physorg
Light bending material facilitates the search for new particles from Physorg
Cell architecture: Finding common ground from Physorg
Apple unveiling new iPads, Macs from CBSNews - Science
Quarantines and Travel Bans: Could They Work to Thwart Ebola? from Scientific American
Ebola outbreak: Priority is stopping it at the source, CDC head says from CBC: Health
Cassini Caught in Hyperion's Particle Beam from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Rosetta's Comet Landing Site Close Up from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Soil Moisture Mapper Arrives at Launch Site from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
How Lockheed Martin Could Boost Fervor Over Fusion from MSNBC: Science
Hubble Finds Extremely Distant Galaxy through Cosmic Magnifying Glass from Newswise - Scinews
First Responders Identify Gaps, See Results, and Begin Process for Solutions from Newswise - Scinews
Rare beaked whale beached in Australia from UPI
North Korea defends human rights record from UPI
Chinese lottery winner hides identity with bear suit from UPI
Lockheed produces new system for severe weather warning from UPI
New unemployment claims drop to lowest level since 2000 from UPI
Uma Thurman's ex-fiance Arpad Busson files for custody of 2-year-old daughter from UPI
The polar vortex could return to freeze the Midwest, Northeast from UPI
Video: Chopper's camera catches laser culprit from UPI
Cadavers beat computers for learning anatomy from Physorg
Feds: Don't expect winter to be polar vortex redux from Physorg
Science Left Behind 2014: The Anti-Vaccination Update
'Extreme Altruists' Are Motivated By Gut Instinct
Lemurs Like To Make An Informative Visit To The Bathroom
Apple unveils new iPad from CBSNews - Science
Apple Pay launches Monday in U.S. from CBC: Technology & Science
Veterinarians want Ebola vaccinations for wild gorillas from CBC: Technology & Science
Mysterious Midcontinent Rift is a geological hybrid from Science Daily
Cadavers beat computers for learning anatomy from Science Daily
Survey: Texans share lessons learned as second enrollment period of ACA health insurance nears from Science Daily
First-ever patient care guidelines in prevention of acute exacerbations of COPD from Science Daily
Dispelling a misconception about Mg-ion batteries from Science Daily
Myth-conceptions: How myths about the brain are hampering teaching from Science Daily
Are male brains wired to ignore food for sex? from Science Daily
Amphibian communities collapse in wake of viral outbreak from Science Daily
Male and female brains aren't equal when it comes to fat from Science Daily
Jet lag can cause obesity by disrupting the daily rhythms of gut microbes from Science Daily
Renewing health insurance should take more than 15 minutes, specialist says from Science Daily
Why me? Many women living in poverty blame children, love life from Science Daily
Ebola tested in 25 cases in Canada, all negative from CBC: Health
Winter Forecast for US Nothing to Shiver About from Live Science
India Launches Third Satellite for Regional Navigation Constellation from
Sales of Barbie dolls fall, as does Mattel profit from UPI
Erykah Badu sings in Times Square, makes $3.60 from UPI
Pa. lawmaker involved in gunfire says he does not feel safe in capital from UPI
Ben Affleck secures 'Batman' role in 'Justice League Part One' from UPI
James Comey talks technology, privacy and security at Brookings Institute from UPI
Loss of big predators could leave herbivores in a thorny situation from Physorg
Engineers find a way to win in laser performance by losing from Physorg
Mysterious Midcontinent Rift is a geological hybrid from Physorg
Dutch court refuses to punish illegal cannabis growers from Physorg
UK mining co in bankruptcy on market slump, Ebola from Physorg
Tornadoes striking United States in bunches from Science NOW
Does Mimas have an ocean under an icy cap? from Science NOW
Poop-transplant pills treat intestinal infection from
Surprises lurk inside a Saturn moon from
Opinion: Yes, We Can Solve the Problem of Hunger from National Geographic
Africa stems Ebola via border closings, luck from AP Health
Apple iPad Air 2: Faster, slimmer tablet launched from CBC: Technology & Science
Terrifying Tornado Clusters on the Rise from Live Science
NASA Probe Finds Nanoflares and Plasma 'Bombs' on Sun from
Saturn's 'Death Star' Moon Mimas Is Weird Inside from
A Peek Into Hell: Sun’s Chromosphere Of Plasma | Video from
Rutgers Professor Honored by New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame from Newswise - Scinews
Engineers Find a Way to Win in Laser Performance by Losing from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists locate water ice on Mercury from UPI
Production begins on Season 3 of 'Orphan Black' from UPI
Video: Giant pumpkin drop destroys delivery truck from UPI
Death Star moon is 'wonky or watery' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Russian man: not guilty to new hacking charges from Physorg
Probing the past: Most reliable remote distance measurement yet from Physorg
Protons hog the momentum in neutron-rich nuclei from Physorg
Cosmic jets of young stars formed by magnetic fields from Physorg
AbbVie Drops Plan To Purchase Shire from C&EN
First Nation family's refusal of chemo a precedent-setting case, expert says from CBC: Health
New front in war on Alzheimer's, other protein-linked brain diseases from Science Daily
Staph 'gangs' share nutrients during infection from Science Daily
Personalized ovarian cancer vaccines developed from Science Daily
Hubble finds extremely distant galaxy through cosmic magnifying glass from Science Daily
Diabetic men with low testosterone run higher risk of developing atherosclerosis from Science Daily
Simple test may predict surgical wound healing complications from Science Daily
Stem cells discovered in the esophagus from Science Daily
Human genetic research uncovers how omega-6 fatty acids lower bad cholesterol from Science Daily
Apple iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 unveiled from CBC: Technology & Science
CDC's Frieden admits uncertainty over Texas Ebola transmission from UPI
Man charged with raping 100-year-old woman in Wichita, Kan. from UPI
Halle Berry reportedly wants to cut ex's child support from UPI
Smart meters open to hack attack from BBC News: Science & Nature
Satellites tracking Central Pacific's Tropical Storm Ana from Physorg
Major Hurricane Gonzalo gives an 'eye-opening' performance from Physorg
To wilt or not to wilt: MicroRNAs determine tomato susceptibility to Fusarium fungus from Physorg
Geochemist uses helium and lead isotopes to gain insight into the makeup of the planet's deep interior from Physorg
Wobbling of a Saturn moon hints at what lies beneath from Physorg
Retrial granted for jailed Iranian physicist from Physics World
In The News Q&A Torsten Wiesel from The Rockefeller University
Crystallography celebrates centennial from
- segues from music to tech with "Puls" from CBSNews - Science
Q&A: Stop Wasting Food in the West and Feed the World? from National Geographic
Site of Deadly Himalayan Blizzard and Avalanches Is Popular With Hikers from National Geographic
Poisoned vulture could herald European bird crisis from News @ Nature
Once in million years: Comet buzzing Mars on Sun. from AP Science
New Technique Helps Find Hidden Consciousness in Coma Patients from Live Science
Average cable, internet & phone bill was $191 a month last year: CRTC from CBC: Technology & Science
- dominates Canadian e-commerce with 7% share from CBC: Technology & Science
Could Alien Life Exist Around Red Dwarf Stars? Watch Debate in Webcast Tonight from
California Forecast Calls for More Drought this Winter from MSNBC: Science
Oregon's first lady Cylvia Hayes hit with ethics complaint from UPI
Hillary Clinton stumps for Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky from UPI
U.N. Security Council elects Angola, Malaysia, New Zealand, Spain and Venezuela to Council from UPI
Brad Pitt, Jimmy Fallon talk in dance moves in new 'Tonight' sketch from UPI
'Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1' to premiere in London Nov. 10 from UPI
'Air umbrella' uses air flow to deflect rain from UPI
Carnivores 'help trees shed thorns' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Formation and large scale confinement of jets emitted by young stars finally elucidated from Physorg
First evidence of a hydrogen-deficient supernova progenitor from Physorg
Tiny "nanoflares" might heat the Sun's corona from Physorg
Australia aims to end extinction of native wildlife by 2020 from Physorg
Video Feature: Fighting Ebola, Street by Street from NY Times Health
As Ebola Fears Spread, Ohio and Texas Close Some Schools from NY Times Health
Public Health: The Partisan Divide on Ebola Preparedness from NY Times Health
Motherlode Blog: Want to Ace That Test? Get the Right Kind of Sleep. from NY Times Health
Observatory: When Herbivore Numbers Drop, Plants Lower Their Thorny Defenses from NY Times Science
Sierra Nevada Files Suit To Reinstate Hold on NASA Commercial Crew Contracts from
Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart debate 'white privilege' from UPI
Jimmy Kimmel to appear on 'Shark Tank' Oct. 24 from UPI
Kendra Wilkinson reconsidering divorce from UPI
Boeing pays $23 million to settle false claims allegations from UPI
Severe weather alert: U.S. study finds tornadoes coming in swarms from Reuters:Science
Saturn moon may have 'life-friendly' underground ocean: scientists from Reuters:Science
'Death Star' Moon May Hide a Buried Ocean from National Geographic
Did Jesus Save the Klingons? from Scientific American
Blue whale bones buried in manure for cleaning from CBC: Technology & Science
iFit Active: Fitness Tracker Review from Live Science
U.S. Tornado Clusters Are on the Rise: Study from MSNBC: Science
New U.Va. Study Upends Current Theories of How Mitochondria Began from Newswise - Scinews
Report: Latino vote unlikely to be critical in midterm elections from UPI
CDC director testifies before Congress on Ebola, opposes suggested travel ban from UPI
Robin Thicke celebrates with divorce party from UPI
Jordan picks U.S. civil helicopters for basic helo pilot training from UPI
Fungal bloom killing Montana trout from UPI
Nikki Haley: Confederate flag on S.C. statehouse is okay because CEOs haven't complained from UPI
Once in million years: Comet buzzing Mars on Sun from Physorg
Review: Macs, mobile unite with Yosemite system from Physorg
How a molecular Superman protects the genome from damage from Physorg
Shrinking resource margins in Sahel region of Africa from Physorg
First detailed map of aboveground forest carbon stocks in Mexico unveiled from Physorg
Sperm Wars In The Fight For Promiscuity
Toxic Playgrounds: Broken Hill Kids Exposed To Poisonous Dust
Follow Your Oven On Twitter: A Common Interface For The Social Web Of Things?
Agriculture: Diversity Produces Greater Long-Term Yields Than Monocultures
Back To School, Teachers: Myths About The Brain Hold Back Education
For Learning Anatomy, Cadavers Still Work Best
Lawsuit seeks to stop Boeing, SpaceX work on NASA space taxi from Reuters:Science
First look at Apple's iPad Air 2 from CBSNews - Science
Manhunt on for suspect in wounding of two Chicago-area deputies from UPI
Photos: Walmart workers arrested in New York and Washington protesting for $15 minimum wage from UPI
Garth Brooks surpasses his own ticket sales record from UPI
Joan Rivers' cause of death was a 'therapeutic complication' from UPI
Fight for control of Kobane, Syria intensifies with 14 successful U.S airstrikes against IS militants from UPI
Saab receives new order for Gripen E work from UPI
Jerry Jones' sexual assault lawsuit dismissed from UPI
Google profit dips to $2.8 bn from Physorg
Super-sized comet to buzz Mars on Sunday from CBSNews - Science
Criminologists Try to Solve Murder Mystery: Who Will Become a Killer? from Science Blog
Ebola outbreak: Ontario nurses should worry, doctor says from CBC: Health
Assisted-suicide debate: Stanley Kmiecic planned his death at 92 from CBC: Health
NASA's Opportunity Rover Gets Panorama Image at 'Wdowiak Ridge' from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Olivia Benson, Taylor Swift star in new ad for Diet Coke from UPI
Eight new episodes of 'Lilyhammer' will be available on Netflix Nov. 21 from UPI
College building evacuated because of Ebola rumors from UPI
Al Pacino to star in David Mamet's new play 'China Doll' on Broadway next fall from UPI
Would-be drug mimics 'good' cholesterol from Science NOW
Amphibians being wiped out by emerging viruses from Biology News Net
Researchers reach 'paradigm shift' in understanding potassium channels from Biology News Net
Scientists find 'hidden brain signatures' of consciousness in vegetative state patients from Biology News Net
Q&A: What It’s Like to Cover Ebola from National Geographic
AP Photos: Training hospital workers for Ebola from AP Health
Why Do Eye Muscles Furnction in ALS While Other Muscles Waste Away? from Scientific American
Air Canada flight attendants to wear gloves against Ebola from CBC: Health
Skipping Rocks Viral Video: Bizarre Sounds Explained from MSNBC: Science
Surprise! Ancient Mosaic Shows Goddess Going to Hell from MSNBC: Science
Michael Dukakis testifies for Robel Phillipos, Boston bombers' friend accused of lying to FBI from UPI
Behalf is the No-Brainer Solution for Small Business Owners from UPI
Current state of U.S.-China relations from UPI
U.S. official on Iran nuke talks: 'Until everything is agreed, nothing is agreed' from UPI
Saturn's moon Mimas may be hiding an ocean under its icy surface from UPI
How to Safely Watch Next Week's Partial Solar Eclipse from Live Science
Probe Spots Plasma Bombs and Nanoflares on the Sun from MSNBC: Science
Ukraine accuses Russia of violating airspace with drones from UPI
More mass graves discovered in Mexico 3 weeks after students disappeared from UPI
Tori Spelling to host 'Love Boat' reunion at cruise-ship christening from UPI
Liam Hemsworth cowboys up on set of 'By Way of Helena' from UPI
Cosmic jets recreated in a lab from
Issues continue to dog the testing of Ebola drugs and vaccines from Science NOW
Ebola probe expanding to Dallas nurse's flight to Ohio from CBC: Health
Fifth launch for Ariane 5 this year from European Space Agency
Lady Gaga, Taylor Kinney reportedly held a commitment ceremony from UPI
Journey To The Center Of The Earth Finds Primordial Signatures From The Early Solar System
In DG Canum Venaticorum, A Mini Star Just Produced A Mega Flare
Broccoli Compound Improves Autism Symptoms from C&EN
Agilent To Exit NMR Business from C&EN
Are impenetrable phones a threat to national security? from CBSNews - Science
Stephen Colbert dials into Apple event from CBSNews - Science
Ebola Q&A: Why Virus Is a Bigger Threat to Health Care Workers from Live Science
Comet Siding Spring's 'Mars Buzz' Animated from
Something Weird Is Going On Inside Saturn's Moon Mimas from MSNBC: Science
Javier Bardem in talks to portray villain in 'Pirates of the Caribbean 5' from UPI
Warwick Davis to return for 'Star Wars: Episode VII' from UPI
Here's Apple's All New iPads from UPI
Putin misses meeting with Merkel from UPI
Cosmic jets re-created in a lab from
Un-Cooking Africa's Books from National Geographic
New front in war on Alzheimer’s, other protein-folding diseases from Science Blog
Ebola outbreak: Harper tells Obama more help on the way from CBC: Health
Saturn Moon May Hide a 'Fossil' Core or an Ocean from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Which state does the best job of vaccinating kids? Mississippi from LA Times - Science
Crazy but true: MESSENGER spacecraft spots ice at Mercury's north pole from LA Times - Science
WATCH: A hawk attack a drone mid-air from Science Alert
New disease 'killing amphibians' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Preparedness For Ebola Questioned from C&EN
Nanovessel Host Leads To Retention Of Configuration In SN2 Reaction from C&EN
Naked Aryl Anion Made In Solution from C&EN
Tianhe Shares Plunge After Trading Resumes from C&EN
Stephen Colbert is "Chief of Secrecy" at Apple event from CBSNews - Science
Comet Will Buzz Mars Sunday: How to See It in Telescopes from Live Science
Gal Gadot in talks to star in 'Ben-Hur' from UPI
Brain Scans Show Who's Likely To Trust Strangers
Dot Earth Blog: Does the Anthropocene, the Age of Humans, Deserve a Golden Spike? from NY Times Science
Well: When Doctors and Nurses Work Together from NY Times Health
Op-Ed Contributor: Don’t Depend on Those Frozen Eggs from NY Times Health
3 Surprises (Out of Millions) About What the World Eats from National Geographic
Misty Upham's body believed found in Washington from UPI
Hunter Biden discharged from Navy for cocaine from UPI
The Physics Of Manicures Reveal A Public Health Warning
No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days from Science Alert
War Machine attempts suicide in Las Vegas jail from UPI
FEATURE: WATCH: The Secrets of Sleep from Science Alert
FEATURE: WATCH: Your Brain On MDMA from Science Alert
This jelly-filled human tank could help people with pacemakers have life-saving MRI scans from Science Alert
FEATURE: WATCH: Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg? from Science Alert
FEATURE: WATCH: How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries from Science Alert
New treatment uses altered blood cells to attack leukaemia from Science Alert
FEATURE: WATCH: Mother spider explodes with babies during a fatal attack from Science Alert
FEATURE: WATCH: Where Does the Smell of Rain Come From? from Science Alert
From Galactic Pile-ups, Stars Are Born: A Crash Course In Clusters
Nina Pham, Ebola-infected nurse, sheds happy tears in video from LA Times - Science
Alexandra Breckenridge joins 'The Walking Dead' from UPI
In Layers of Gear, U.S. Doctor Offers Healing Hand to Ebola Patients in Liberia from NY Times Health
Obama May Name ‘Czar’ to Oversee Ebola Response from NY Times Health
White House Takes Drop-Everything Approach to Respond to Public Health Crisis from NY Times Health
In Cities With West African Populations, Hospitals Take Extra Steps from NY Times Health
Out on the Front Lines, Risks and Duty Collide from NY Times Health
Europe Evaluates Ebola Measures as Possibility of New Cases Arises in France and Spain from NY Times Health
Controls Poor in Dallas, Nurse Says from NY Times Health
Argentina launches its first home-built satellite from AP Science
Quality of Words, Not Quantity, Is Crucial to Language Skills, Study Finds from NY Times Science
No more crying over spilled milk from MIT Research
Superconducting circuits, simplified from MIT Research
Astronomers spot Uranus double 25,000 light-years away from UPI