Archive of feed items published on the 18th of August 2014
Directing Venom To Fight Cancer from C&EN
Cost Of Production Scale-Up Weighs On Biobased Chemical Firms from C&EN
Fixing A Source Of Sewer Corrosion from C&EN
Safety Of Triclosan In Toothpaste Questioned from C&EN
Mannkind Gets A Deal With Sanofi from C&EN
Disabilities in kids rise; not physical problems from AP Science
Disabilities in kids rise; not physical problems from AP Health
Zebra finches go mad with mercury, and other animal updates from
Ebola health workers battle death, heat, rumors from AP Health
Nigerian woman suspected of Ebola dies in UAE from AP Health
A record number of out-of-state students brings windfall for UC system from LA Times - Science
Sustainable green alternatives to fertilisers could boost food and energy security from Physorg
UPI Almanac for Monday, Aug. 18, 2014 from UPI
Emerging solar plants scorch birds in mid-air from Physorg
Men viewed more favorably than women when seeking work-life balance from Physorg
Surprising number of older adults weathered the 'Great Recession' without financial strain from Physorg
'Super-parent' cultural pressures can spur mental health conditions in new moms and dads from Physorg
Study identifies 'bonus effect' for certain multiracial daters from Physorg
Orbital cargo ship makes planned re-entry to Earth from Physorg
Don't panic - an asteroid is not set to wipe out the Earth in 2880 from Science Alert
Research is ‘no panacea’ for development, finds DIFD from SciDev
Dying Sierra Leone Dr. Sheik Umar Khan never told Ebola drug was available from CBC: Health
Water scarcity and climate change through 2095 from Physorg
Richard III 'drank a bottle a day' from BBC News: Science & Nature
After $100k bitcoin score, 15-year-old creates startup from CBSNews - Science
Liam Neeson wary of doing another 'phone call' film from UPI
Will flying cars for humanitarian aid take off? from SciDev
Research is ‘no panacea’ for development, finds DFID from SciDev
Tight Constraints On Dark Matter From CMS
Recycling old batteries into solar cells from Physorg
Research brings to light businesses' energy use from Physorg
Before they left Africa, early modern humans were 'culturally diverse' from Physorg
The G20 has a crucial role in preventing future energy crises from Physorg
National Guard deployed in Ferguson after worst night of violence yet from UPI
Jackie Chan's son, Jaycee, arrested in China on drug charges from UPI
Vanishing canyon has 50 years left from BBC News: Science & Nature
Was The 'Clash Of Civilizations' Wrong?
ASEAN’s economic integration: how science can help from SciDev
JPL: Snow Cover on Arctic Sea Ice Has Thinned 30 to 50 Percent from Science Blog
RNA therapy adcance from Science Blog
Visual control of big data from Science Blog
Recycling old batteries into solar cells from Science Blog
Researchers developing unique molecular probes for the study of metals in the brain from Physorg
Marriage means faster wage growth for men, but not for women from Physorg
Carbon nanotubes and near-infrared lasers promise a cost effective solution for cell membrane manipulation from Physorg
How Dutch and German youth use English online to gain insight into their national ideologies from Physorg
NASA image: U.S. Gulf Coast at night from Physorg
Researchers study how humor matters in social movements from Physorg
Image: Rosetta spies comet surface variations from Physorg
Researchers block plant hormone: Small molecule inhibits jasmonic acid, helps to explain its effects from Physorg
In Images: A Statue with Human Teeth from Live Science
Richard III Really Ate (and Drank) Like a King from Live Science
It's Confirmed! Black Holes Do Come in Medium Sizes from
Wanted: Unmanned Space Plane to Fly On the Cheap from
Space Plane Tech Could Power Hypersonic Aircraft for US Military from
Michael Brown shot six times, autopsy shows from UPI
Britney Spears lip syncs to Sia's version of 'Perfume' in Vegas gig from UPI
AUDIO: Jupiter and Venus light up morning sky from BBC News: Science & Nature
Killer bug behind coconut plague identified from
HitchBOT completes 6,000 km cross-Canada trip from CBC: Technology & Science
Indian poachers threaten lesser-known animals from CBC: Technology & Science
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, says he'll leave embassy in London from CBC: Technology & Science
Sediment near B.C. mine spill may harm fish from CBC: Technology & Science
Study identifies factors that contribute to food trucks’ fast spread from Science Blog
Middle-aged women missing passion (and sex) seek affairs, not divorce from Science Blog
Virginity pledges for men can lead to sexual confusion — even after wedding from Science Blog
Law to combat ‘club drugs’ has done more harm than good from Science Blog
8,000-year-old mutation key to human life at high altitudes from Science Blog
FDA-approved drug restores hair in patients with alopecia areata from Science Blog
New home for an ‘evolutionary misfit’ from Science Blog
DNA methylation involved in Alzheimer’s disease from Science Blog
Suspect gene corrupts neural connections from Science Blog
Men viewed more favorably than women when seeking work-life balance from Science Blog
Mars Deep down from European Space Agency
Straight to the heart from Physorg
Immune cells get cancer-fighting boost from nanomaterials from Physorg
Kickstarter levels the financial playing field for women from Physorg
Researchers study carbon, methane emissions from volcanoes from Physorg
Real Chompers! Jesus Statue Has Human Teeth from Live Science
UH-60L Black Hawk cockpits getting makeover from UPI
Reverse gas flows tested for Ukraine from UPI
Beyonce covers 'Bang Bang' in trailer for HBO's 'On The Run' special from UPI
New optical frequency comb has record low laser relative intensity noise from Physorg
The boundaries of reading apps for children from Physorg
The future of CubeSats from Physorg
Intracellular imaging of cesium distribution in plants used for cesium absorption from Physorg
Surviving Sepsis: Detection and Treatment Advances from Live Science
WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena dethroned by Brock Lesnar from UPI
Gizmo the cat lands on his feet after nine story fall from NY apartment from UPI
Woman allegedly poisons roommates after being caught having sex with dog from UPI
Major oil find off Australian shores from UPI
British anti-fracking group cries foul over security from UPI
Iran leans on oil for economic recovery from UPI
Julian Assange in ill health, plans to leave embassy asylum 'soon' from UPI
Study Sheds Light on Broadening U.S. Hunger Problem from National Geographic
Surprising number of older adults weathered the 'great recession' without financial strain from Science Daily
'Super-parent' cultural pressures can spur mental health conditions in new Moms and Dads from Science Daily
'Bonus effect' for certain multiracial daters from Science Daily
Men viewed more favorably than women when seeking work-life balance from Science Daily
Suspect gene corrupts neural connections: Diseases of synapses' demo'd in a dish from Science Daily
How children's brains memorize math facts from Science Daily
Stem cells reveal how illness-linked genetic variation affects neurons from Science Daily
DNA methylation involved in Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
A shift in the code: New method reveals hidden genetic landscape from Science Daily
Evolutionary misfit: Misunderstood worm-like fossil finds its place in the Tree of Life from Science Daily
Stuck in neutral: Brain defect traps schizophrenics in twilight zone from Science Daily
Fascinating rhythm: Light pulses illuminate a rare black hole from Science Daily
'Cavity protection effect' helps to conserve quantum information from Science Daily
Most temporary workers from Mexico no better off than undocumented workers from Science Daily
Microchip reveals how tumor cells transition to invasion from Science Daily
New mechanism of erosion: Gorges are eradicated by downstream sweep erosion from Science Daily
Risky situations increase women’s anxiety, hurt their performance compared to men from Science Daily
Virginity pledges for men can lead to sexual confusion, even after the wedding day from Science Daily
Federal law to combat use of 'club drugs' has done more harm than good, study suggests from Science Daily
Range of skills students taught in school linked to race and class size from Science Daily
FDA-approved drug restores hair in patients with alopecia areata from Science Daily
8,000-year-old mutation key to human life at high altitudes: Study identifies genetic basis for Tibetan adaptation from Science Daily
Booming Rooftop Solar Power Suffers Growing Pains from Scientific American
Artificial cells act like the real thing from Physorg
Omni3D's big idea: Wind turbines in backpacks from Physorg
Sustainable water resources management in the Jordan Valley from Physorg
Eni chomping at Gabonese bit from UPI
6.2 earthquake strikes near Iran-Iraq border from UPI
Woman kicked in face after jumping in giraffe enclosure at Wisconsin zoo from UPI
Scotland places bets on energy future from UPI
'Mission Blue' film charts scientist's quest to save oceans from Reuters:Science
Radiolabels help evaluate emerging cancer treatment from Chemistry World
History of King Richard III written in his teeth from Chemistry World
Meet BPA-Free, The New BPA
What it's like to test 'drive' Google's driverless car from CBC: Technology & Science
Mount Polley mine spill: Minister to reveal plans for investigation from CBC: Technology & Science
BlackBerry rolls QNX, Certicom & patents into single unit from CBC: Technology & Science
Health minister says feds slapping stronger warning labels on opioids from CBC: Health
Some Ebola patients who fled clinic during raid re-hospitalized from CBC: Health
Twin Galileos meet, ready for Thursday’s launch from European Space Agency
Junior researchers showing world the way to advanced nuclear fuel design from Physorg
Remote Kimberley teeming with unclassified life from Physorg
Researchers use waste slag to create energy and cut emissions from Physorg
Arnhem plants the world's first 'urban climate tree' from Physorg
Astronauts conduct spacewalk outside space station from Physorg
Scientific team criticizes adoption of 'novel ecosystems' by policymakers from Physorg
New survey begins mapping nearby galaxies from Physorg
Demystifying the dis-domestication of consumer products from Physorg
Are flexible parents adaptable parents? from Physorg
Sensata to buy Schrader Intl in $1 billion deal from Physorg
Two new satellites for Europe's Galileo space network from Physorg
Best of Last Week – Possible signal from dark matter, a robo-cook and a switchboard in our brains from Physorg
Could "narbs" help you tell your social media story? from Physorg
Promising ferroelectric materials suffer from unexpected electric polarizations from Physorg
German authors protest to Amazon over e-book price war from Physorg
Assange talks of leaving embassy, sowing confusion from Physorg
Study finds possible link between Arctic change and extreme mid-latitude weather from Physorg
Sun's activity influences natural climate change from Physorg
New discovery: Microbes create dripstones from Physorg
Toothless 'dragon' pterosaurs dominated the Late Cretaceous skies from Physorg
The double threat of climate and land use change enhances risks to biodiversity from Physorg
Unraveling the mysteries of the Red Sea: A new reef coral species from Saudi Arabia from Physorg
International Scientific Team Criticizes Adoption of 'Novel Ecosystems' by Policymakers from Newswise - Scinews
Promising Ferroelectric Materials Suffer From Unexpected Electric Polarizations from Newswise - Scinews
Goodbye, Glasses: Future Smartphone Screens Could Correct Vision from Live Science
Roger Federer beats David Ferrer for sixth W&S Open title from UPI
Dollar General makes $8.9B offer for Family Dollar stores from UPI
China taking on more natural gas from UPI
Philadelphia park ranger attack caught on tape from UPI
Rosneft, Statoil start Barents Sea work from UPI
Robbers target Saudi prince in brazen heist on Paris streets from UPI
FOIA request filed over Keystone XL from UPI
Catch of the day: 1,000-pound alligator pulled from waters of Alabama River from UPI
Lady Gaga channels Amy Winehouse in new Instagram photo from UPI
Michigan speedway goes green from UPI
Watch Live: Russian Spacewalk From ISS from MSNBC: Science
Rice response to phosphate levels measured from Physorg
Electric vehicle consumers better off with electric range under 100 miles, study says from Physorg
Beautiful morning conjunction from Physorg
Researchers unveil new solar cell made from carbon nanotubes that converts more sunlight into power from Physorg
Cherry picking molecules based on their Pi electrons from Physorg
CHIKV challenge asks teams to forecast the spread of infectious disease from Physorg
Spacewalker Throws 17,500+ MPH 'Pitch' To Deploy Satellite | Video from
Ukraine won't process Russian aid convoy without additional assurances from UPI
Lily Allen accidentally flashes nipple at V Festival from UPI
ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas checks back into rehab for alcohol addiction from UPI
Dubai won't let 'world's most pierced man' enter because it looks like he practices 'black magic' from UPI
Solar plant sets birds on fire as they fly overhead from CBC: Technology & Science
Lawsuit against Bell over expiry of prepaid plans gets green light from CBC: Technology & Science
Alabama hunters haul in 459-kilogram alligator from CBC: Technology & Science
Mount Polley mine spill: minister to reveal plans for probe from CBC: Technology & Science
Russian cosmonauts stage station spacewalk from CBSNews - Science
UN urges exit screening for Ebola at some airports from AP Health
Missionary visits Ebola-stricken wife in hospital from AP Health
Ocean warming could drive heavy rain bands toward the poles from Physorg
Butterflies' evolutionary responses to warmer temperatures may compromise their ability to adapt to climate change from Physorg
Ebola has profound effects on wildlife population dynamics from Physorg
Did an exceptional iceberg sink the Titanic? from Physorg
Endangered Dragonfly - Splattered Out Of Existence? | Video from Live Science
Selena Gomez grieves in first trailer for 'Rudderless' from UPI
Shipwreck yields 200-year-old bottle of drinkable booze from UPI
John Oliver criticizes Ferguson police's handling of Michael Brown's death from UPI
Kenya's anti-terror unit accused of abuses from UPI
17 Ebola patients may be missing after clinic attack from UPI
Origins of Egyptian mummy making may predate pyramids from
Space plane tech may power hypersonic aircraft from CBSNews - Science
Solar plant's downside? Birds igniting in midair from CBSNews - Science
Community Health details attack on patient records from Physorg
Bionic liquids from lignin: New results pave the way for closed loop biofuel refineries from Physorg
Gov't wants to require cars to talk to each other from Physorg
Researchers develop model to study impact of faculty development programs from Physorg
500 million year reset for the immune system from Physorg
A new species of endemic treefrog from Madagascar from Physorg
Project serves up big data to guide managing nation's coastal waters from Physorg
Study: World's primary forests on the brink, study says from Physorg
New tool makes online personal data more transparent from Physorg
Study reveals immune system is dazed and confused during spaceflight from Physorg
Compromise needed on roads through sensitive wild areas from Physorg
Study: World's Primary Forests on the Brink from Newswise - Scinews
New Tool Makes Online Personal Data More Transparent from Newswise - Scinews
Multimillion-Dollar Grant Helps Researchers Shed Light on Ultrafast Dynamics from Newswise - Scinews
Photos: Cosmonauts Take Spacewalk to Launch Peruvian Satellite from
Rick Perry won't have to surrender for arrest after indictment from UPI
Armed militants launch deadly attack against Ukrainian refugee convoy from UPI
New York's Metropolitan Opera reaches deal with labor unions from UPI
Frustrated mom creates app so that her kids will call her back from UPI
As Gaza truce winds down, no progress in negotiations from UPI
New Jersey farmers create tribute to retiring Derek Jeter with 5-acre corn maze from UPI
An in-between black hole from Science NOW
Sweet gig: Cambridge seeks doctoral student to study chocolate from CBSNews - Science
Dress for success: Research examines male influences on 'looking' middle class from Physorg
Ten-hut: New discoveries on how military organization affects civilians from Physorg
Study finds direct link between online price competition and longer flight times from Physorg
Engineering long-lasting joint lubrication by mimicking nature from Physorg
Dark Energy Survey kicks off second season cataloging the wonders of deep space from Physorg
Spacewalking Cosmonaut Tosses Tiny Satellite Into Space for Peru (Video) from
Texas woman allegedly steals $3.99 bottle of wine to visit boyfriend in jail from UPI
Saudi Arabia, Turkey seek FMS packages from UPI
Toothless 'dragon' pterosaurs filled late Cretaceous skies from UPI
Jack Nicholson steps out with lookalike son Ray in rare outing from UPI
J.K. Rowling releases new story set in 'Harry Potter' universe from UPI
Ohio morgue attendant admits having sex with hundreds of corpses, county sued from UPI
Addictive Online Games Make Citizen Science A Hit
Electric Vehicle Consumers Are Better Off With Small Driving Ranges
White Heterosexual Women 2X As Likely To Get Fertility Treatments
Exoplanet Measured with Remarkable Precision from Science @ NASA
Toronto-based Figure 1 wants 'Instagram for doctors' to go global from CBC: Technology & Science
Emerging solar plants scorch birds in mid-air from AP Science
Speed Limits Could Save Rarest Dragonfly from Live Science
Brad Paisley 'Tweets' With Space Station Astronaut At NASA Kennedy | Video from
Community Health Systems reports data breach across 206 hospitals from UPI
'Ice Bucket Challenge' fundraiser dies in diving accident from UPI
Libya bombed by unidentified warplanes from UPI
Justin Bieber forgets to use ice when taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from UPI
U.S., South Korea increasing anti-submarine warfare cooperation from UPI
Chad rescues 85 abducted by Boko Haram from UPI
Not Again: Iceland Warns of Volcano Eruption Risk from MSNBC: Science
Cosmonauts head outside space station for satellite launch, research from Reuters:Science
Raw Data: In Search for Intelligent Life, Consider the Lottery from NY Times Science
Life after prison: Research analyzes ex-offenders' stigma management from Physorg
U-M Water Center Awarded $20M Federal Contract to Help Lead National Estuary Research Program from Newswise - Scinews
Quasi-legal street drug poses new lethal threat to users from LA Times - Science
Tamara Ecclestone talks breastfeeding, living in a 57-room mansion from UPI
Pro-Beijing rally in Hong Kong draws thousands from UPI
James Risen: Obama 'greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation' from UPI
Maine man wears shirt showing his old mugshot in new jailhouse photo from UPI
Terry Crews 'so happy' with 'The Expendables 3' from UPI
David Gregory received $4M in hush money from NBC from UPI
Israel demolishes homes of West Bank murder suspects from UPI
Richard III Ate and Drank Like, Well, a King: Study from MSNBC: Science
Mount Polley mine spill: Minister reveals plans for 2 reviews from CBC: Technology & Science
5 ways the "sharing" economy disadvantages workers from CBSNews - Science
Google's pivotal IPO launched a decade of big bets from Physorg
New study reveals vulnerability in photo-ID security checks from Physorg
Older coral species more hardy, biologists say from Physorg
Despite academic achievement, pay gaps likely continue between the races from Physorg
Family members of victims pose a growing challenge for capital punishment from Physorg
Blood Cells Generate Neurons in Crayfish; Could Have Implications for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders from Newswise - Scinews
Ebola Unlikely to Spread on Planes, Health Agency Says from Live Science
New Satellite Data Will Help Farmers Facing Drought from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
U.S. designates Islamic State spokesman a 'global terrorist' from UPI
Seattle man hit with bat moments after fighting one-legged man with prosthetic limb from UPI
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie filming 'By the Sea' in Malta from UPI
Navy tests SM-6 missile against low-flying target from UPI
On the mound and at the plate, Mo'ne Davis continues to shine in the Little League World Series from UPI
Grand Manan air ambulance service restored after fatal crash from CBC: Health
Alberta dinosaur egg excavation could yield rare fossilized babies from CBC: Technology & Science
Zombie ant fungi manipulate hoststo die on the ‘doorstep’ of the colony from Science Blog
Government wants to make cars talk to each other from CBSNews - Science
More than just X and Y: A new genetic basis for sex determination from Physorg
Tropical Storm Karina: Status quo on infrared satellite imagery from Physorg
Zombie ant fungi manipulate hosts to die on the 'doorstep' of the colony from Physorg
High-risk brain research wins NSF backing from News @ Nature
For rent: Mussolini's Greek villa, needs work from UPI
GE Aviation supplying engines for CH-53K prototypes from UPI
Lena Dunham dyes her hair platinum blonde from UPI
Missouri Gov. Nixon cancels Ferguson curfew for Monday from UPI
Shrinking gene pool hurting mountain lions of Santa Monica Mountains from UPI
USDA: Cost of raising a child reaches $250,000 from UPI
'Most influential' city is London, Forbes says from UPI
Russian Cosmonaut Launches Satellite During Spacewalk from MSNBC: Science
Pygmies' small stature evolved many times from Science NOW
Mysterious penguin disease spreads to Antarctica from Science NOW
Engineered Bacteria Stick To Cancer Cells from C&EN
100,000 elephants killed in Africa, study finds from AP Science
100,000 elephants killed in Africa, study finds from Physorg
No one-size-fits-all approach in a changing climate, changing land from Physorg
12th tropical depression appears huge on satellite imagery from Physorg
StopInfo for OneBusAway app makes buses more usable for blind riders from Physorg
Bionic liquids from lignin: New results pave the way for closed loop biofuel refineries from Physorg
Scientists win race to find structure of rare nematode virus from Physorg
Bacterial nanowires: Not what we thought they were from Physorg
Pygmy phenotype developed many times, adaptive to rainforest from Physorg
StopInfo for OneBusAway App Makes Buses More Usable for Blind Riders from Newswise - Scinews
No One-Size-Fits-All Approach in a Changing Climate, Changing Land from Newswise - Scinews
Color-Changing Octopus Skin Inspires New Camouflage Tech from Live Science
Polio Vaccines May Not Always Work from Live Science
Octopus-Inspired Camouflage Made in a Lab | Video from Live Science
Weirdest Worm Ever? Clawed Creature Finds Its Family Tree from Live Science
Space Telescopes Reveal New Clues in Star's Supernova Death (Video) from
'Ringing' Star Enables Exoplanet’s Exact Diameter Calculation | Video from
Meet Angara, Russia's Next-Generation Rocket (Photos) from
Elephant deaths reach tipping point from BBC News: Science & Nature
Turkey seeks answers after allegations of German spying from UPI
Michael Brown had marijuana in his system: county investigator report from UPI
Three pairs of 'Zoo Jeans' ripped by lions and tigers sell for a combined $3,500 from UPI
Aziz Ansari dating pastry chef Courtney McBroom from UPI
Russian Cosmonaut Tosses Tiny Satellite Into Space from MSNBC: Science
'Streamers': Feds Say Solar Plant Fries Flying Birds from MSNBC: Science
Rona Ambrose tells doctors anti-drug campaign not political from CBC: Health
Red v. Blue state knowledge about abortion examined from Science Daily
Red eye feels endless? Blame the internet: Price has become most important factor for airlines from Science Daily
Quasi-legal drug 15 times stronger than heroin hides in plain sight from Science Daily
500 million year reset for immune system from Science Daily
Project serves up big data to guide managing America's coastal waters from Science Daily
New tool makes online personal data more transparent from Science Daily
Pigs' hearts transplanted into baboon hosts remain viable more than a year from Science Daily
Recycling old car batteries into solar cells: Environmental twofer could recycle lead batteries to make solar cells from Science Daily
Invasion of Americas by mosquito-borne virus likely from Science Daily
Smoking during pregnancy may affect grandchildren's growth from Science Daily
Ocean warming could drive heavy rain bands toward poles from Science Daily
Ebola has profound effects on wildlife population dynamics from Science Daily
Butterflies' evolutionary responses to warmer temperatures may compromise their ability to adapt to future climate change from Science Daily
Did an exceptional iceberg sink the Titanic? from Science Daily
Prioritizing suicide research can help lead to fewer suicide attempts, deaths from Science Daily
International scientific team criticizes adoption of 'novel ecosystems' by policymakers from Science Daily
White, straight women leading surge in infertility treatments from Science Daily
Antibiotics in early life may alter immunity long-term from Science Daily
Stronger drunk driving laws lead to safer roads: Study from Science Daily
Visual 'gist' helps us figure out where a crowd is looking from Science Daily
Sun's activity influences natural climate change from Science Daily
New discovery: Microbes create dripstones from Science Daily
Toothless 'dragon' pterosaurs dominated the Late Cretaceous skies from Science Daily
Artificial cells act like the real thing from Science Daily
From rectal cells to neurons: Keys to understanding transdifferentiation from Science Daily
Music to your ears? Evidence of damage to hearing from music from Science Daily
Genes determine traces that stress leaves behind on brains from Science Daily
Poor health literacy poses risks for pacemaker, defibrillator patients from Science Daily
How genes, gender and environment influence substance abuse from Science Daily
Women seek anti-aging clinicians to treat menopausal symptoms, study finds from Science Daily
High-intensity exercise found safe and effective in long-term heart transplant, study concludes from Science Daily
Factors that contribute to food trucks' fast spread from Science Daily
Hospital operator reveals cyberattack on patient records from CBSNews - Science
Shale oil 'dividend' could pay for smaller carbon footprint from Physorg
How Pygmy People Got Their Short Stature from Live Science
Chances of Eruption Increasing at Iceland Volcano from Live Science
Amazing Photos from Space Show Fiery Doom of Private US Cargo Ship from
Gaza truce to be extended, media reports say from UPI
Rheinmetall producing tank ammo for Greece from UPI
Ray J, Soulja Boy to star on VH1's 'Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood' from UPI
Amnesty International sends team to Ferguson from UPI
New Energy Projects Boost the Use of Undersea Power Cables from National Geographic
Strongest Evidence Yet That Pygmies' Short Stature Is Genetic from National Geographic
100,000 Elephants Killed by Poachers in Just Three Years, Landmark Analysis Finds from National Geographic
Study improves temperature modeling across mountainous landscapes from Physorg
Facebook helps readers tell truth from fiction from Physorg
Google buys travel guide app startup Jetpac from Physorg
Sharp Aquos Crystal phone: Where's the bezel? from Physorg
Trees and shrubs invading critical grasslands, diminish cattle production from Physorg
Climate change will threaten fish by drying out Southwest US streams, research predicts from Physorg
Fighter Jets and Drones Practice Rapid-Fire Launches from Live Science
Elephants Could Go Extinct If Ivory Trade Isn't Stopped, Experts Say from Live Science
Black Hole’s Bug Out Conjured By Sony PS3 Super-Cluster | Video from
Far-right Israeli protesters crash Jewish-Muslim wedding from UPI
Friend of Darren Wilson: Michael Brown 'bum-rushed' officer from UPI
Katie Holmes talks about challenge of playing an emotionless character in 'The Giver' from UPI
McMaster student pens book after nearly dying from anorexia from CBC: Health
Happiness happens: Schizophrenia doesn’t preclude enjoying life from Science Blog
Climate Change Will Threaten Fish by Drying Out Southwest U.S. Streams, Study Predicts from Newswise - Scinews
Is Aspirin a Cure-All? from Live Science
How the Human Brain Gets Its Wrinkles from Live Science
Curiosity Rover on Mars Stalled by 'Hidden Valley' Sand Trap from
Twitter trolls plant fake CM Punk arrest headlines, CM Punk 'confirms' from UPI
Body of missing Marine wife found in California mine shaft from UPI
Debra Messing, Sofia Vergara to be presenters at next week's Emmys ceremony from UPI
U2 confirms new album for 2014 from UPI
Malaysian police arrest 2 in connection with MH370 passenger bank thefts from UPI
Former Vermont Sen. Jim Jeffords dies at 80 from UPI
New Hampshire Republicans still welcome Gov. Perry from UPI
Whooping cough vaccination longevity under the microscope at IWK from CBC: Health
An 800-Year-Old Shot of Youth from NY Times Science
Seeing Purpose and Profit in Algae from NY Times Science
Time Travel: Dark Spots in Our Knowledge of Neptune from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: From Tree Planting Along a Dirt Road to Car-Free Village Living from NY Times Science
Reactions: Ebola, Nurses for Africa, Seafood Apps, a Doctor’s Honor from NY Times Science
SciBook: An Insider’s Guide to CrossFit from NY Times Health
The New Health Care: Medicare Advantage Is More Expensive, but It May Be Worth It from NY Times Health
Less shake from artificial quakes, fed study says from AP Science
Induced quakes rattle less than tectonic quakes, except near epicenter from Physorg
Congo polio strain can resist vaccine from News @ Nature
Kids Dump Ice Water On Elon Musk For ALS Challenge | Video from
'Old Man's War' books to be adapted as TV series 'Ghost Brigades' from UPI
PwC to pay $25M fine for failing to report money laundering activities from UPI
Real Chompers! Jesus Statue Has Real Human Teeth from MSNBC: Science
Evidence-based medicine actually isn’t from
HPV vaccine protection lasts at least eight years from
How old is that litter on the beach? from Science NOW
Monell Center Names Robert F. Margolskee as New President and Director from Newswise - Scinews
Man-made quakes shake the ground less than natural ones from News @ Nature
Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin 'Lands' on Mars in Hilarious Jockey Ad from
VIDEO: Russian cosmonauts go on spacewalk from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microscopic lense captures first ever video of a jellyfish sting from UPI
Fewer hospitalizations, deaths from stroke and heart disease from UPI
Young girl dies in 500-foot fall from Yellowstone Park trail from UPI
'10 Things I Hate About You' star Andrew Keegan started a religion from UPI
Health workers try to overcome growing unrest, panic in Liberia's Ebola outbreak from CBC: Health
Three Years of Slaughter: 100,000 Elephants Poached from MSNBC: Science
Beyond X And Y Chromosomes: A New Genetic Basis For Sex Determination
Abortion Myths Cross Political Lines from Live Science
'Astonishing Progress' Made on Heart Disease, Doctors Say from Live Science
New Orleans police superintendent retires after four years from UPI
Bob Seger to release new album 'Ride Out' in October from UPI
Nepal and India face fatal flooding from UPI
Debbie Reynolds to receive SAG lifetime achievement honor from UPI
Three Years of Slaughter: 100,000 Elephants Poached from MSNBC: Science
Poaching drives overall elephant decline in Africa from Science NOW
Well: Legal Marijuana For Parents, but Not Their Kids from NY Times Health
Consumer: Weighing Pradaxa’s Risks from NY Times Health
Observatory: Now a Weed, Once a Prehistoric Cavity Fighter from NY Times Health
Q&A: White-Noise Nights from NY Times Health
Camouflage sheet inspired by octopus from BBC News: Science & Nature
How safe is eating meat? from BBC News: Science & Nature
President Obama speaks on Iraq and Ferguson from UPI
Steve Ballmer pumps up Clippers fans for new regime from UPI
Pope Francis responds to U.S. airstrikes in Iraq from UPI
Hillary Clinton to attend Iowa steak fry fundraiser, famed launch pad for presidential bids from UPI
Astronaut's Photo Shows Earth's Glorious 'Airglow' from MSNBC: Science
Observatory: Pacific Octopus Holds Egg-Brooding Record from NY Times Science
Observatory: Geckos Rely on Feet Hairs, Not Insurance from NY Times Science
Taylor Swift announces plans for her first 'official' pop music album from UPI
Judge: Corcoran Gallery in Wash. can join with National Gallery from UPI
Latvia boasts world's first net for migrating bats from UPI
Why Pregnant Women Don't Get The Flu Vaccine
Zombie Ant Fungi Manipulate Where Victims Die
Pygmy Phenotype Adapted To Rainforest, But They're Not All The Same
Older Adults Weathering Recession With Less Financial Strain
How a promising new drug may help combat baldness caused by alopecia from LA Times - Science
Missionaries deserved access to untested Ebola drug, expert writes from LA Times - Science
Gallery: Oldest Living Things in the World (Photos) from Live Science
Art, Science & Philosophy Behind Photos of Oldest Living Things from Live Science
Brazilian presidential candidate Campos laid to rest from UPI
Two Vaccines Cut Spread Of Meningitis Up To 40 Percent
There Is No Magic Bullet For Climate Change
Florida's reefs go digital from CBSNews - Science
Nearby galaxy harbours rarest type of black hole from Physics World
Iceland warns of possible volcanic eruption from UPI
Man-Made Earthquakes Feel Less Intense: Study from MSNBC: Science
From 4 To 14: Drawings Indicate Later Child Intelligence
Student develops solar-powered lens that purifies polluted water from Science Alert
How the defensive shift and big data are changing baseball from CBC: Technology & Science
Kelly Osbourne's clothing line for women sizes 0 to 24 set for September release from UPI
Scientists unveil camouflage sheet inspired by octopus skin from UPI
A World of Creatures That Hide in the Open from NY Times Science
A Conversation With Patricia C. Wright: A Lemur Rescue Mission in Madagascar from NY Times Science
MRI For A Quantum Simulation
In an already stressful workplace, Great Recession's health effects hard to find from Physorg
Unlike less educated people, college grads more active on weekends than weekdays from Physorg
Guidelines for enhancing solar cells using surface plasmon polaritons from Physorg