Mars Might Have a Lot More Water Than We Knew
Surface of Mars Wikimedia Commons Researchers have discovered evidence that there's a lot more water on Mars--at least on parts of Mars--than anyone previously thought. Using new technology, scientists examined the water content in meteorites from the planet, and it points to a lot of it in the Martian mantle. The meteorites they studied are called shergottite meteorites, and they likely broke off from Mars about 2.5 million years ago. Even though the meteorites had a different elemental composition, the amount of water was consistent, bolstering the idea that they're representative of the planet as a whole. We've actually known there's been water on the surface for a while, but how it got there was a little hazier. Now we have an idea: volcanoes sent it out. As Carnegie Institution For Science investigator Erik Hauri, who performed the analysis, explained in a statement: There has been substantial evidence for the presence...