Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Huge Spy Satellite Launched into Space

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Classified Spy Satellite Launched From Cape Canaveral; Described As Largest In The World

Universe's Most Powerful Explosions Make Black Hole Graves

12 years ago from Live Science

Sometimes gamma-ray bursts leave behind a black hole, and other times a spinning neutron star.

Astronomer Brahe's moustache to be tested

12 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Scientists who have exhumed the remains of 16th-century Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe say tests aimed at solving the mystery of his sudden death will take until next year.

Russians eye Israel's natural gas

12 years ago from UPI

MOSCOW, Nov. 19 (UPI) -- Russian gas monopoly Gazprom aims to set up a joint venture with Israel to explore the country's continental shelf, a top executive said.

Success: Probe Returns with Asteroid Space Dust

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Hayabusa Probe Says Dust Brought Back from Asteroid of Extraterrestrial Origin

Sky Show Wednesday: Leonid Meteor Shower to Peak Predawn

12 years ago from National Geographic

The best views will be in the early morning for North American sky-watchers, with peak rates of 20 shooting stars an hour, experts say.

Video: How home computers can predict climate change impact on extreme weather events

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The pioneering initiative is taking on extreme weather using the combined computing power of home PCs. The cutting-edge research is only possible with the help of thousands of volunteers....

1-way trip to Mars proposed

12 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Two scientists are suggesting that colonization of the Red Planet could happen faster and more economically if astronauts behaved like the first settlers to come to North America - not...

Cosmonauts complete spacewalk

12 years ago from Physorg

Expedition 25 Flight Engineers Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Skripochka ended Monday’s spacewalk at 4:22 p.m. EST. The excursion lasted six hours and 27 minutes.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Researchers Find Galaxy-Scale Bubbles Extending from the Milky Way

12 years ago from Scientific American

A group of astrophysicists has located two massive bubbles of plasma, each extending tens of thousands of light-years, emitting high-energy radiation above and below the plane of the galaxy. The...

3D Printers For Everyone: MakerBots Emerging

12 years ago from Live Science

Three spirited inventors want you to have access to a robot that can build almost anything up to 4"x4"x6" in size out of plastic. MakerBots can make some of their...

Speculation mounts as Facebook prepares for event

12 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Facebook is holding a mysterious event Monday in San Francisco.

AAPS Presents Awards to Exemplary Researchers

12 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Association recognizes top scientists in the field and students after plenary session.

Multi-billion Dollar Broadband Dream Rockets into Reality with Launch

12 years ago from

A massive spacecraft blasted off Sunday from the plains of Kazakhstan on a Proton to beam broadband messages to smart phones from more than 22,000 miles in space.

Cosmic births revealed by disks of dust

12 years ago from Physorg

By carving 'gaps' in the disks of dust that create and enshroud them, newborn planets are giving astronomers clues to locating possible new worlds.

In Greece's fallow fields, solar energy stirs

12 years ago from Physorg

The son and grandson of farmers, Spyros Papathanassiou spends most of the day overseeing his family olive press and winery in the outskirts of Asopia, a village northeast of Athens.

At The Hazard Of His Ears

12 years ago from

At The Hazard Of His EarsWhat has the hazard of a person's ears to do with science history? The history of Arctic science, exploration and discovery is sprinkled with many as...

Which planets might support life? | feature

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The hunt for 'exoplanets' – worlds outside our solar system – has had several successes, and new space telescopes will boost the chances of finding moreGliese 581 is a modest star lying...

Insiders' guide to the northern lights

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The aurora borealis is about to enter the most spectacular phase of its 11-year cycle. Our experts reveal the best places to see one of the planet's greatest natural showsSeeing the northern...

NASA's 30-Year Saturn Odyssey (Pictures)

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A Rich Legacy of Visits to the Ringed Planet by the Voyager and Cassini Probes

For Astronauts' Spouses, the Countdown Begins After Launch

12 years ago from

Clearly, being an astronaut requires courage, but astronauts' spouses must have fortitude of a different sort to watch their loved ones leave planet Earth.

Life on a Space Station: Q&A With NASA's Chief Astronaut Peggy Whitson

12 years ago from

Astronaut Peggy Whitson on what it means to have people on the space station for 10 years straight.

Scientist: Spirit Mars Rover May Have Died

12 years ago from Science NOW

Mired in dry quicksand, chilled to the bone by the martian winter, and silenced...

Image: Ghostly spokes in the rings

12 years ago from Physorg

Scientists first saw these somewhat wedge-shaped, transient clouds of tiny particles known as "spokes" in images from NASA's Voyager spacecraft.

Lensed galaxies

12 years ago from Physorg

In 1915, Einstein amazed the world by predicting that the path of light could be bent by mass. As a consequence, light from a distant galaxy passing by an intervening...

Earth's pull 'shaped Moon's surface'

12 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

The Earth may have played a major role in shaping the lunar landscape, according to a new study.

Sun's magnetic building blocks revealed by SUNRISE

12 years ago from Physorg

( -- Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany have now for the first time uncovered and characterized the smallest building blocks of the...

Brilliant 10: Sarah T. Stewart, the Master Blaster

12 years ago from PopSci

Sarah T. Stewart John B. CarnettStewart discovers the secrets of planets by re-creating their collisions Why does the universe look the way it does? Sarah T. Stewart thinks she knows the answer....