Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Not Afraid Of The Dark: Dark Energy As The Ultimate Sisyphus

13 years ago from

Many are troubled by the concepts of dark matter and dark energy. There are plenty of science blogs that defend dark matter in the predictable manner: scientists are clever, look...

Cosmic Log: Can science prove we're psychic?

13 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: A peer-reviewed study suggesting that humans have predictive powers is causing a splash in the scientific world, but it’s too early to predict whether or...

Print Your Own Space Station - in Orbit

13 years ago from

A new company called Made in Space wants to launch 3-D printers and use them to make parts for spacecraft and space stations, which would be assembled in orbit.

Q&A: House’s Rocket Scientist ‘Apprehensive’ on Budget

13 years ago from Live Science

A plasma physicist says that changes in Congress could mean trouble for science budgets

In Brief: Nuclear explosion debris may reveal bomb's origin

13 years ago from Physorg

Nuclear explosion debris may contain microscopic evidence that could help investigators determine the origin of the bomb, according to a study published this week in the journal Proceedings of the...

Huge Bubbles Found at Milky Way's Heart Could Signal a Black Hole Eruption

13 years ago from

Scientists have detected two gigantic bubbles of high-energy radiation spilling out from the Milky Way's center that may have erupted from a supermassive black hole.

Dwarf Planet Eris May Be Smaller Than Pluto After All

13 years ago from Live Science

The dwarf planet Eris, once thought to be the largest body in the outer solar system, may actually be smaller than Pluto, observations suggest.

NASA watching Jal's remnants in the Arabian Sea for possible rebirth

13 years ago from Physorg

Infrared and visible imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite today hinted that the low pressure area formerly known as Cyclone Jal may have new life soon. Jal has emerged into the...

Call of Duty: Black Ops Ready to Rock

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Gallery: An Early Look at What's Expected to be the Hottest Video Game Title of 2010

Space Travel is Bad to the Bone

13 years ago from Live Science

A new study investigated how astronauts' bones compare to those of Earthbound folks over time, and the results are not encouraging for space travelers.

China Unveils First Moon Photos From New Lunar Orbiter

13 years ago from

An unmanned Chinese probe has photographed the moon's Bay of Rainbows, where the nation plans to make its first-ever lunar landing in 2013.

History of discovery of X-rays recalled

13 years ago from UPI

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- Monday marked the 115th university of the discovery of X-rays, an honor that could have gone to the University of Pennsylvania -- but didn't,...

The International Space Weather Initiative

13 years ago from Science @ NASA

Prompted by a recent increase in solar activity, more than a hundred researchers and government officials are converging on Helwan, Egypt, this week to discuss a matter of global importance:...

Making use of jellyfish on dry land

13 years ago from Physorg

John Dabiri, assistant professor of aeronautics and bioengineering at Caltech who won a MacArthur Award this year, is fascinated by jellyfish. He believes jellyfish propulsion can inform engineering, which in...

Australia and U.S. partner on solar energy

13 years ago from UPI

MELBOURNE, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced Sunday a $50 million joint solar research program aimed at developing...

The many faces of the shear Alfvén wave: 3-D movies are no longer just for Hollywood blockbusters

13 years ago from Science Daily

When physicists probe the mysteries of plasma, the fourth state of matter, they often discover phenomena of striking beauty. Much as when the Hubble Space Telescope sent back vivid images...

Scientists unlock the secrets of exploding plasma clouds on the Sun

13 years ago from Science Daily

The Sun sporadically expels trillions of tons of million-degree hydrogen gas in explosions called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Such clouds are enormous in size (spanning millions of miles) and are...

NASA's Solar Shield to Protect Power Grids From Sun Storms

13 years ago from

NASA has a new tool in the battle against massive sun storms.

Taming thermonuclear plasma with a snowflake

13 years ago from Science Blog

Physicists working on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are now one step closer to solving one of the grand challenges of magnetic fusion...

Harmony by HRH Prince Charles, Tony Juniper and Ian Skelly – review

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Prince Charles is right to speak up on climate change, but some of his ideas are completely off the wall"Did you know," someone once asked me, "that in medieval Spain, Muslim scholars...

NASA extends TIMED mission for fourth time

13 years ago from

Nine years after beginning its unprecedented look at the gateway between Earth's environment and space, not to mention collecting more data on the upper atmosphere than any other satellite, NASA's...

Satellite launched from Vandenberg

13 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A rocket carrying an Earth-observation satellite for civilian and military use has launched from California's Central Coast.

Cassini Spacecraft Malfunction Prevents Flyby of Saturn's Moon Titan

13 years ago from

A malfunction of NASA's Cassini spacecraft will prevent the probe from making its next swing by Saturn's largest moon Titan.

Reports: Lockdown at NASA Glenn Center Just a Drill

13 years ago from

NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland is on lockdown after a gunman entered a building there, according to local news reports.

Return of the Leonids: Annual Meteor Shower Arrives This Month

13 years ago from

The Leonid meteor shower of 2010 will be coming in mid-November, but will be far weaker than previous displays in recent years.

Dot Earth: A Comet Closeup

13 years ago from NY Times Science

NASA captures stunning closeup imagery of a comet tumbling through the Solar System.

'Invisible' galaxies reveal themselves

13 years ago from UPI

LONDON, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- Five distant galaxies so shrouded in cosmic dust they are invisible at most wavelengths have been detected by a European space telescope, U.K. researchers...

Too Much Potential Life On Other Planets - And Why That's Good For Astrobiology

13 years ago from

2010 is the biggest year for life on Mars since 1898.  Or 1955 or whenever the last 'life on other planets' craze hit the public.   But unlike those other times,...