Latest science news in Earth & Climate

Lieberman Pushes Shifts on Overhaul

13 years ago from NY Times Science

The senator from Connecticut, once a Democrat and now an independent, is infuriating his old party — and enjoying it.

Temperature may hit high in 2010

13 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

The global average temperature could reach a record high in 2010, according to the UK's Met Office.

Snow at Highest Elevations No Longer Pure

13 years ago from Live Science

The toxic pollutants called PCBs have been found in snow on the Aconcagua Mountain, the highest mountain in the Americas.

Atmospheric Scientist Available to Discuss Climate Change Concerns Relevant to COP 15 Conference

13 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Katharine Hayhoe can discuss climatic and economic questions related to global warming and greenhouse gas emissions.

EPA Vows Common Sense on Carbon Emissions

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Agency Will Complement Congressional Legislation on Greenhouse Gases, Not Replace It, Top Official Says

Climate documents spark rich vs. poor clash

13 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says she will take commonsense steps to regulate carbon emissions to protect the health of Americans.

Copenhagen: the scientists' view

13 years ago from News @ Nature

The United Nations Climate Change Conference is mainly a political affair but it has drawn hundreds of scientists to the Danish capital. Jeff Tollefson finds out what they hope to...

Industry reacts to EPA climate ruling

13 years ago from AP Health

NEW YORK (AP) -- Political, costly, and likely to choke off growth. That's how the energy industry and companies that use a lot of energy describe...

"Wired" Irish River Detects Pollution in Real Time

13 years ago from National Geographic

Nature is going wireless, as scientists outfit rivers with sensors that detect spikes in pollution and can stream the information to data centers and cellphones.

Rethinking artificial intelligence: Researchers hope to produce 'co-processors' for the human mind

13 years ago from Physorg

The field of artificial-intelligence research (AI), founded more than 50 years ago, seems to many researchers to have spent much of that time wandering in the wilderness, swapping hugely ambitious...

New forest fire detection system prototype installed at Lake Tahoe

13 years ago from Physorg

Graham Kent, Nevada Seismological Laboratory director at the University of Nevada, Reno is leading the installation, testing and maintenance of a novel way to monitor forests fires and other environmental...

Hot rocks cleanse salty water

13 years ago from Science Alert

According to recent research, some drought-affected towns may be able to desalinise water using hot rock energy, and do it cheaply.

Silicon Valley getting greener with Hara

13 years ago from Physorg

Fresh from signing on to help green Silicon Valley, startup Hara will be at climate talks in Copenhagen this week to urge that corporations not wait for regulations to fight...

Camera watches deep fishing

13 years ago from Science Alert

A research ship is set to probe the impacts of deep fishing the most direct way possible – by putting a special camera on fishing gear.

As Climate Meeting Starts, a Revival of Skepticism

13 years ago from NY Times Science

The furor over researchers’ stolen e-mail shows that doubt about human-driven climate change persists even as scientists thought that battle had been won.

UK geology maps free to explore

13 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

The British Geological Survey's new OpenGeoscience portal allows anyone to study the rocks lying under their feet.

Copenhagen Talks Tough on Climate Protest Plans

13 years ago from NY Times Science

An elaborate holding facility with three dozen steel cages has been created to accommodate more than 350 potential troublemakers during a U.N. climate conference Monday.

A perfect storm

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Twitterers, blogging activists and other interest groups will outnumber the media at the world climate change summit in CopehagenIn the next fortnight 5,000 journalists from 180 countries will go to Copenhagen to cover...

The Reality of 'Climategate'

13 years ago from Live Science

The real question is whether that misconduct is relevant to the larger issue of whether there is solid evidence for global warming.

Signs of change in the Himalayas as Copenhagen summit begins

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Way above us in the Himalayan cloud are jagged, snowbound peaks – Annapurna, Damodar, Gangapurna, Dhalguri. Below us is the Thulagi glacier, a river of ancient ice snaking steeply down the Marshyangdi valley...

How the climate change global leader project came about

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Today 56 major newspapers in 45 countries speak with one voice on climate change ahead of the Copenhagen summit - this is how it happenedClimate change poses a particular challenge to journalists. It...

Earth Checkup: 10 Signs of the Planet's Health

13 years ago from Live Science

From melting ice bridges to suffocating marine animals, the Earth's pulse needs a boost.

Prospects of lower carbon India welcomed by WWF

13 years ago from

India's eve of the Copenhagen climate conference announcement of voluntary measures to reduce the country's carbon intensity have been welcomed by WWF-India. Prime Minister Dr Manmoham Singh said the intention...

Forecast: Expect Temperatures to Rise in Copenhagen

13 years ago from NY Times Science

Take your pick: Will it be islanders against the landlocked, developing against developed, or OPEC against clean fuel?

Break-in targets climate scientist

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

New incident raises fears of a smear campaignAttempts have been made to break into the offices of one of Canada's leading climate scientists, it was revealed yesterday. The victim was Andrew Weaver, a...

Nobel prize foundation frets over its finances

13 years ago from Reuters:Science

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - The Nobel Foundation might have to reduce the money it awards winners of its prestigious prizes due to the effects of the global financial crisis, its director...

The Most Surprising Results of Global Warming

13 years ago from Live Science

Earth's changing climate is wreaking havoc in some very weird ways.

A crop from the ocean floor

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

Two kelp farmers in Maine hope to get a piece of a $7-billion global seaweed industry. ...