Archive of feed items published on the 24th of November 2009
Public Database Is Urged to Monitor Drug Safety from NY Times Health
Swine Flu Vaccinations Rise While Infections Remain Low from NY Times Health
A 2nd Loss for Pfizer in Drug Suits from NY Times Health
Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: 6 Bones of Contention from National Geographic
SOFIA Seeks Secrets of Planetary Birth from Science @ NASA
LCROSS Finds Water on the Moon from Science @ NASA
Can Spirit be Freed? from Science @ NASA
The 2009 Leonid Meteor Shower from Science @ NASA
New Tool for Helping Pediatric Heart Surgery from Newswise - Scinews
Passforsure F5 Networks F50-515 examination from Science Blog
it certification from Science Blog
Passforsure F5 Networks F50-515 examination from Science Blog
it certification from Science Blog
Fish inspire wind farm configuration from Physics World
Big Bang machine achieves first particle collisions from Reuters:Science
Non-protein antifreeze helps Arctic beetle chill out from Chemistry World
Pharma group aims to banish contaminated ingredients from Chemistry World
Nano-labels allow stem cell imaging from Chemistry World
United Nations: HIV outbreak peaked in 1996 from AP Health
Open Secrets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Audio slideshow from BBC News: Science & Nature
Selling chip makers on optical computing from MIT Research
ET: Check your voicemail from MIT Research
Brainy performer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Large Hadron Collider Restarts, Physicists Elated from Newswise - Scinews
Achieving asthma control in preschoolers
Moderate-to-heavy exercise may reduce risk of stroke for men
Factors from common human bacteria may trigger multiple sclerosis
Building construction waste 'increases dengue rates' from SciDev
Presidential candidates showing little interest in science, says science council from SciDev
Astronauts to Spend Last Day At Space Station from
Evaluating eHealth: How to make evaluation more methodologically robust from Physorg
Children unaffected by smoking ban consequences from Physorg
New tool for helping pediatric heart surgery from Physorg
Diabetes surgery summit consensus lays foundation for new field of medicine from Physorg
Factors from common human bacteria may trigger multiple sclerosis from Physorg
ISU psychologists offer parental advice on promoting kids' healthy video game play from Physorg
Road rage: Fuel vapor heightens aggression from Physorg
Why circumcision reduces HIV risk from Physorg
'Cosmic fruit machine' matches collisions from Physorg
Amid the flu epidemic, don't forget RSV in young children
Why not mashed paper towels on the Thanksgiving menu?
Team-based care involving a pharmacist improves blood pressure control
The cause behind the characteristic shape of a long leaf revealed
Flaxseed oil and osteoporosis
Scientists watch as peptides control crystal growth with 'switches, throttles and brakes'
Road rage
Metobolomics uncovers key indicators of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from Physorg
Control of blood clotting by platelets described; provides medical promise from Physorg
New study finds MRSA on the rise in hospital outpatients from Physorg
Research reveals exactly how coughing is triggered by environmental irritants
Children unaffected by smoking ban consequences
Adoption: Every child deserves a home
Direct-to-consumer ads associated with higher Medicaid costs
Using new technique, scientists find 11 times more aftershocks for 2004 quake
Exposures to metals and diesel emissions in air linked to respiratory symptoms in children
Alarming trend -- antiviral therapy to treat hepatitis C is declining in the US from Physorg
Severe reactions to swine flu vaccine in Canada: WHO from Physorg
It's time for a 'third wave' of malaria activism to tackle drug shortages from Physorg
United Nations: HIV outbreak peaked in 1996 from Physorg
Key scientist says politics behind stolen e-mails from Physorg
The fundamental error of the contemporary physics from Science Blog
Diabetics show alarming increase in morbid obesity
Visual assistance for cosmic blind spots
Gene implicated in stress-induced high blood pressure
We're off then: The evolution of bat migration
Arsenic biomethylation required for oxidative DNA damage
Adverse heart effects of rofecoxib may have been identified years earlier
Psychotropic medications associated with risk of falls in older adults
Experts Available to Discuss Upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen from Newswise - Scinews
Climate' drives African conflict' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pay homes to recycle, say Tories from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stable Opera 10.10 browser with Unite now available from Physorg
Genome-wide association studies in developing countries raise important new ethical issues from Physorg
Exposure to both traffic, indoor pollutants puts some kids at higher risk for asthma later from Physorg
Astronauts rest up after 3 spacewalks from Physorg
GlaxoSmithKline pulls swine flu vaccines in Canada from AP Health
Metobolomics uncovers key indicators of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
New research shows versatility of amniotic fluid stem cells
Genome-wide association studies in developing countries raise important new ethical issues
Why circumcision reduces HIV risk
Intensive land management leaves Europe without carbon sinks
Burned out, depressed surgeons more likely to commit more major medical errors
It's time for a 'third wave' of malaria activism to tackle drug shortages
From Greenhouse to Icehouse from Physorg
Acute stress leaves epigenetic marks on the hippocampus from Physorg
Kepler Mission Manager Update from Physorg
Against expectations, genetic variation does not alter asthma treatment response from Physorg
Exposure to both traffic, indoor pollutants puts some kids at higher risk for asthma later from Science Blog
Alarming trend -- antiviral therapy to treat hepatitis C is declining in the US from Science Blog
Metobolomics uncovers key indicators of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from Science Blog
New study finds MRSA on the rise in hospital outpatients from Science Blog
Splitting Time from Space--The Evidence from Scientific American
Water fungus threatens frogs from Science Alert
Thirsty wetlands need action from Science Alert
Fatty food lowers old anxiety from Science Alert
Red tape harms nurse practice from Science Alert
Mankind using Earth's resources at alarming rate from Physorg
'Comfort food' a stress killer: Australian study from Physorg
Exposure to both traffic, indoor pollutants puts some kids at higher risk for asthma later from Science Blog
Alarming trend -- antiviral therapy to treat hepatitis C is declining in the US from Science Blog
Metobolomics uncovers key indicators of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from Science Blog
New study finds MRSA on the rise in hospital outpatients from Science Blog
The fundamental error of the contemporary physics from Science Blog
Drug side effects a key factor in reduced quality of life for kidney transplant patients
A year after discovery, Congo's 'mother lode' of gorillas remains vulnerable
Evaluating eHealth: How to make evaluation more methodologically robust
Water droplets direct self-assembly process in thin-film materials
Insomnia prevalent among cancer patients who receive chemotherapy
New chameleon species discovered in East Africa
Alarming trend - antiviral therapy to treat hepatitis C is declining in the US
Walking and Talking on Phone Dangerous For Seniors from Live Science
NREL Uncovers Clean Energy Leaders State by State from Physorg
Consumers choose locally grown and environmentally friendly apples
New discovery about the formation of new brain cells
Supervolcano eruption - in Sumatra - deforested India 73,000 years ago
University of Minnesota invention will help speed development of drug treatments for heart failure
Time of day matters to thirsty trees, U of T researcher discovers
Control of blood clotting by platelets described, provides medical promise
N.B. will fund costly colon cancer drug from CBC: Health
B.C. midwives sound warning from CBC: Health
Helmets remain optional at Atlantic ski hills from CBC: Health
New Space Telescope to Watch the Sun from
Bigger Brains Not Always Smarter from Live Science
MRSA on the rise in hospital outpatients, new study finds; Seven-fold increase in potentially lethal superbug from Science Daily
Metobolomics uncovers key indicators of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from Science Daily
Alarming trend: Antiviral therapy to treat hepatitis C is declining in the US from Science Daily
New tool for helping pediatric heart surgery from Science Daily
Play 'Cosmic Slot Machine' and Help Astronomers from
Magnetic Assist Helps Big Stars Form from Live Science
Volcano devastated India 73,000 years ago from UPI
Fat around the middle increases the risk of dementia
Computational microscope peers into the working ribosome
New study links alcohol in pregnancy to child behaviour problems
Killer fungus threatening amphibians
Racial disparity in colon cancer survival not easily explained, UAB researchers say
Sedatives, mood-altering drugs related to falls among elderly: UBC study
Medical 'pay for performance' programs help improve care - but not always, study finds
With 1st Neutrino Events, Multinational Team In Japan Takes 1st Step To Answering Why Only Matter In Universe from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Cool Gear Gift Ideas from CBSNews - Science
Polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids boost the birth of new neurons from Physorg
Clinical trials of spray-on skin to start in US from Physorg
AIDS research reveals a lack of family-planning programs in Uganda
Multiple health concerns surface as winter, vitamin D deficiencies arrive
Climate change could boost incidence of civil war in Africa
Rescuing male turkey chicks
Drug ads ineffective for boosting sales, could cost taxpayers: UBC-Harvard study
Systems biology approach provides insulin resistance insights
HIV epidemic peaked in 1996: UN from CBC: Health
Seniors on sedatives prone to falls from CBC: Health
Banks lost millions on digital cheque project from CBC: Technology & Science
Is Case Finally Closed on 1965 Pennsylvania 'UFO Mystery'? from
Atom smasher starts speeding proton beams from MSNBC: Science
5 Questionable Health Screening Tests from Live Science
Warming world from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Too fat to be a princess?' Study shows young girls worry about body image from Physorg
Intelligence inside metal components from Physorg
Fish food fight: Fish don't eat trees after all, says new study from Physorg
Gene increases effectiveness of drugs used to fight cancer and allows reduction in dosage from Physorg
High unexpressed anger in multiple sclerosis patients linked to nervous system damage, not disease severity from Science Daily
Polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids boost the birth of new neurons, study finds from Science Daily
Obese patients' reaction to diet can be predicted, study finds from Science Daily
Icebergs head from Antarctica for New Zealand from AP Science
Networking sites aid in social identity from UPI
Clemson University to test wind turbines from UPI
New device enables early detection of cancerous skin tumors from Physorg
Strategic management theory offers fresh take on the economic crisis from Physorg
Molecule discovered that makes obese people develop diabetes from Physorg
Darwin debate rages on 150 years after "Origin" from Reuters:Science
Burnout and mental distress strongly related to errors by US surgeons
Southern Ocean protected area to shield marine region more diverse than Galapagos
Competitive, trade-friendly nations weather volatile crop yields best
Famed mountaineers come down from Everest to talk climate change
Children who lack continuity with a regular health care provider miss needed services
Local groups should set biodiversity research agendas from SciDev
South Asia News in brief: 12–25 November 2009 from SciDev
Small batch of swine flu vaccines pulled in Canada from AP Health
New dad in space focuses on shuttle job from CBC: Technology & Science
Enforce environmental laws at oilsands: report from CBC: Technology & Science
High unexpressed anger in MS patients linked to nervous system damage, not disease severity from Physorg
Involving family in medical rounds benefits both family and medical team from Science Daily
20 Reasons To Be Thankful (Medical Advances)
Revitalized LHC Manages to Collide Protons from PopSci
Attempt to Free Mars Rover Snagged by Wheel Stall from
Organizational psychologists use Rock Band to study how people achieve flow while at work from Physorg
Researchers Establish Common Seasonal Patterns Among Bacterial Communities in Arctic Rivers from Physorg
More fire alarms sound aboard the ISS from UPI
Boomerangers: Young Adults Moving Back Home from Live Science
Discovery leads to effective treatment of painful skin condition from Science Blog
Researchers establish common seasonal pattern among bacterial communities in Arctic rivers from Science Blog
Polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids boost the birth of new neurons from Science Blog
New device enables early detection of cancerous skin tumors -- Ben Gurion U. from Science Blog
'Too fat to be a princess?' UCF study shows young girls worry about body image from Science Blog
Molecule discovered that makes obese people develop diabetes from Science Blog
Involving family in medical rounds benefits both family and medical team from Science Blog
Rocket science leads to new whale discovery from Science Blog
A coating for life: Biodegradable fibers advance stent technology and brain surgery, then disappear from Physorg
Involving family in medical rounds benefits both family and medical team from Physorg
Molecule discovered that makes obese people develop diabetes from Science Daily
Strengthening U.S. Math And Science from C&EN
World's First Osmotic Power Plant Goes Live in Norway from PopSci
Some watermelons recalled in Texas, Calif. from UPI
Drop in HIV infections and deaths from BBC News: Science & Nature
Twelve Cranial Nerves from Science Blog
Discovery leads to effective treatment of painful skin condition from Physorg
A sticky solution for identifying effective probiotics from Physorg
NASA Assessing New Roles for Ailing QuikScat Satellite from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Young Girls Stressed About Appearance, But Not Because Of Movies
Swine flu science update: 24 November 2009 from SciDev
Saviour tree turns scourge in Kenya from SciDev
Arsenic: when will the clean water start flowing? from SciDev
ISP owners could face jail under child porn bill from CBC: Technology & Science
Future Then Video: Braniff Goes Supersonic from PopSci
China moves to protect pandas from swine flu from MSNBC: Science
Norway opens first osmotic power plant from UPI
This year 'in top five warmest' from BBC News: Science & Nature
WiFi in the Sky: In-Flight Internet Takes Off from Live Science
"GHOST SHIP" PICTURES: Gold Rush-Era Wreck Found from National Geographic
Storm clouds gather over leaked climate e-mails from News @ Nature
Flu-virus prevalence comes under scrutiny from News @ Nature
Indian neutrino lab site rejected from News @ Nature
Icelandic genomics firm goes bankrupt from News @ Nature
Google to put ancient Iraq artifacts online from MSNBC: Science
Tsunami educational Web site developed from UPI
Dramatic decline found in Siberian tigers from Science Daily
Sticky solution for identifying effective probiotics from Science Daily
How might navy sonar affect hearing of whales and other marine animals? from Science Daily
Scientists plea for gorilla protection from UPI
Oversimplified Macroeconomics Won't End Recession, Economist Says
Astronauts Prepare to Leave Space Station from
Cassini Captures Ghostly Dance Of Saturn's Northern Lights from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Large Hadron Collider's 1st collisions recorded from CBC: Technology & Science
Origin of Species 1st edition fetches $174K from CBC: Technology & Science
Ottawa to put $63M toward carbon pipeline from CBC: Technology & Science
Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ fetches $172,000 from MSNBC: Science
China to send two pandas to Australia from MSNBC: Science
Scientists discover soy component may be key to fighting colon cancer from Physorg
Report shows dramatic decline in Siberian tigers from Physorg
First black holes may have incubated in giant, starlike cocoons from Physorg
Oceans absorbing carbon dioxide more slowly, scientist finds from Physorg
Micro-endoscope is under development from UPI
Weight not a factor in fibroid surgery from UPI
Ants use bacteria to make their gardens grow from Science Daily
Link between influenza virus and fever: Scientists solve riddle of new mechanism in immune system from Science Daily
Navy Researchers Apply Science To Fire Fighting from Science Daily
Smartphone app illuminates power consumption from Science Daily
Medical 'pay for performance' programs help improve care, but not always, study finds from Science Daily
Gene implicated in stress-induced high blood pressure from Science Daily
Cassini's big sky: View from the center of our solar system from Science Daily
Diabetics show alarming increase in morbid obesity from Science Daily
Using new technique, scientists find eleven times more aftershocks for 2004 quake from Science Daily
Genome-wide association studies in developing countries raise important new ethical issues from Science Daily
Multiple health concerns surface as winter, vitamin D deficiences arrive from Science Daily
Killer fungus threatening amphibians from Science Daily
Why circumcision reduces HIV risk from Science Daily
Alternative animal feed part of global fisheries crisis fix from Science Daily
Road rage: Fuel vapor heightens aggression, rat study finds from Science Daily
Protein from pregnancy hormone may prevent breast cancer from Physorg
Reduced skin infections in Northern Australian Aboriginal children from Physorg
NASA honors astronaut Fred Haise Jr. from UPI
Protein from pregnancy hormone may prevent breast cancer from Science Blog
Children's Hospital Oakland scientists discover soy component may be key to fighting colon cancer from Science Blog
Atomic-level snapshot catches protein motor in action from Science Blog
Report shows dramatic decline in Siberian tigers from Science Blog
First black holes may have incubated in giant, starlike cocoons, says CU-Boulder study from Science Blog
Female breadwinners bring home the bacon and tension from Science Blog
Oceans absorbing carbon dioxide more slowly, Yale scientist finds from Science Blog
Reduced skin infections in Northern Australian Aboriginal children from Science Blog
Study Says Early Black Holes Grew In Gigantic, Starlike Cocoons
First neutrinos for Japanese lab from Physics World
Dark ocean depths home to exotic, unknown life from Reuters:Science
EU drops Qualcomm antitrust probe from Physorg
Joost assets bought by online ad company Adconion from Physorg
Dead Sea needs world help to stay alive from Physorg
Rocket science leads to new whale discovery from Physorg
Physical therapists reduce disability and improve function in single-level microdiskectomy patients from Physorg
LSU gets to the bottom of things -- in Antarctica from Physorg
Early protein processes crucial to formation and layering of myelin membrane from Physorg
Significant Decline in Siberian Tigers from Newswise - Scinews
FUTURE HUMANS: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve from National Geographic
Thanksgiving Day Facts: Pilgrims, Dinner, Parades, More from National Geographic
VIDEO: Rare Gold Rush Shipwreck Found from National Geographic
Video: Loaded: No Christmas Nooks from CBSNews - Science
Nuclear Power Regains Support from CBSNews - Science
Barnes & Noble reports 2Q loss, cuts guidance from Physorg
Malaysia tracks orangutans with implants from Physorg
Global study of salmon shows: 'Sustainable' food isn't so sustainable from Physorg
Selling chip makers on optical computing from Physorg
Bottling up work woes increases heart risk: study from Physorg
Belgian man: end of coma misdiagnosis like rebirth from Physorg
Nokia to ax 220 R&D jobs in Japan from Physorg
Rare economic espionage case ends in jury deadlock from Physorg
Shuttle, station crews seal hatches for departure from Physorg
NASA to telecast ISS crew's Soyuz landing from UPI
Study: Search engines source of learning from UPI
The Black Hole That Made You Possible from Live Science
Ep. 2: How Black Holes Got Supermassive from Live Science
Ep. 3: Giants in the Depths - The Biggest Black Holes from Live Science
Stony Brook University Students Win PrestigiousSC09 Student Cluster Competition from Newswise - Scinews
Researcher Moves Closer to Understanding Cause of Mass Extinction from Newswise - Scinews
SJU Biologist Receives NIH Funding to Study Genetics of Cancer and Aging from Newswise - Scinews
Telus wins ruling against Rogers from CBC: Technology & Science
Saturn's Flickering Lights Caught on Video from
Thanksgiving Combines Myths, Traditions and Truths, CU Professor Says from Physorg
Icebergs head from Antarctica for New Zealand from Physorg
QuikScat satellite suffers a malfunction from UPI
How to mix oil and water from
First Neutrino Events Observed at T2K Near Detector from Physorg
Does carbon labelling give developing countries a bad deal? from Physorg
Model created to study fungal infections from UPI
GPS bolsters view that big Cascadia quakes could hit inland from
Warming Oceans Loosing Ability To Absorb CO2, Geophysicist Says
Warming Oceans Loosing Ability To Absorb CO2, Geophysicist Says
NASA Releases Climate Change Multimedia Resource Reel from Physorg
Warming Oceans Losing Ability To Absorb CO2, Geophysicist Says
NEW CATFISH PICTURE: "Picky," Elusive Hatchlings Born from National Geographic
Crib anxiety jams Stork Craft website, phones from CBC: Health
Pay for insulin pumps, Opposition tells government from CBC: Health
B.C. swine flu deaths decline again from CBC: Health
Alberta urged to develop plan to eliminate poverty from CBC: Health
WHO gathers data on H1N1 mutations from CBC: Health
DOE Announces $620 Million in Smart Grid Project Grants from PopSci
ET: Check your voicemail from Physorg
Give thanks to the bee from Physorg
Nanotech in Space: Experiment To Weather the Trials of Orbit from Physorg
Cassini Captures Ghostly Dance of Saturn's Northern Lights (w/ Video) from Physorg
Dehydration Affects Mood, Not Just Motor Skills from Physorg
5 Myth-Busting Facts for a Safe Turkey from Live Science
Numerous "Tramp" Stars Adrift in Intergalactic Space Could Await Discovery from Scientific American
Where the Wild Things Were: How Conservation Efforts Are Failing from Newswise - Scinews
Fecal architecture is beetle armor from
Caregivers face economic blow from CBC: Health
Fungus new to Calgary attacks poplar, aspens from CBC: Technology & Science
Laser therapy can worsen skin cancer from UPI
The e-waste dilemma from Physorg
Researchers establish common seasonal pattern among bacterial communities in Arctic rivers from Biology News Net
Rocket science leads to new whale discovery from Biology News Net
Polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids boost the birth of new neurons from Biology News Net
Atomic-level snapshot catches protein motor in action from Biology News Net
Report shows dramatic decline in Siberian tigers from Biology News Net
Telescope Buying Guide Part 1: What You Must Know First from
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Political views may skew perception of skin tone, new study finds from Physorg
Chronic pain found to increase risk of falls in older adults from Physorg
Ice Cold: Cooler Than Being Cool from Physorg
In College Football, Home Field Advantage Often Overestimated from Physorg
NASA Assessing New Roles for Ailing QuikScat Satellite from Physorg
CDC warns: Holiday could bring more swine flu from AP Health
Researchers Aim To Restore Real Streams With Virtual Ones
Wind Turbines Take a Lesson From Lance Armstrong from Science NOW
Don't Fear the Edge from Science NOW
Device enables early skin tumor detection from UPI
Home Field Advantage Overestimated in College Football from Live Science
Serotonin Made in Breast Cancer Cells, Researchers Show from Physorg
Taking the drudgery out of software development from Physorg
High vs. low hospital volume for angioplasty finds little difference in death rates from Physorg
Plasma levels of GGT and ALB and their genetic correlations with cardiovascular risk factors from Physorg
Smoking Gun Found in Rejected Heart Transplants from Live Science
Protein from pregnancy hormone may prevent breast cancer from Science Blog
Children's Hospital Oakland scientists discover soy component may be key to fighting colon cancer from Science Blog
Atomic-level snapshot catches protein motor in action from Science Blog
Report shows dramatic decline in Siberian tigers from Science Blog
First black holes may have incubated in giant, starlike cocoons, says CU-Boulder study from Science Blog
Female breadwinners bring home the bacon and tension from Science Blog
Oceans absorbing carbon dioxide more slowly, Yale scientist finds from Science Blog
Reduced skin infections in Northern Australian Aboriginal children from Science Blog
When is a stem cell really a stem cell? from Physorg
CO2 emissions continue significant climb from Physorg
Seeking a Smarter Grid: Integrating Wind Energy by Linking Buildings to the Grid from Physorg
Tobacco smoke exposure before heart transplantation may increase the risk of transplant failure from Physorg
Infrared Image of Circumstellar Disk Illuminates Massive Star Formation Process from Physorg
Team Plans Uplink of Protective Files from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Physical therapists reduce disability and improve function in single-level microdiskectomy patients from Science Blog
Global study of salmon shows: 'Sustainable' food isn't so sustainable from Science Blog
Statement on the politicization of evidence-based clinical research from Science Blog
Tulane University surgeon pioneers 'scarless' thyroid surgery from Science Blog
Study shows flavanol antioxidant content of US chocolate and cocoa-containing products from Science Blog
CO2 emissions continue significant climb from Science Blog
Tobacco smoke exposure before heart transplantation may increase the risk of transplant failure from Science Blog
University of Minnesota researchers develop virtual streams to help restore real ones from Science Blog
Cell phones to provide picture of human interaction from Physorg
Most top medical journals have conflict of interest policies available for public review from Physorg
Highest jobless rate in three decades causes drop in consumer confidence from Physorg
Five Tips For Particle Physics Ph. D. Wannabes - Part II
Darwin debate rages on 150 years after "Origin" from Reuters:Science
Big Bang machine achieves first particle collisions from Reuters:Science
Dark ocean depths home to exotic, unknown life from Reuters:Science
Houston, we have a baby from Reuters:Science
Soviet Union's non-Communist astronaut dies age 83 from Reuters:Science
Delayed spacewalk ends successfully from Reuters:Science
Art collector finds Galileo's lost tooth, fingers from Reuters:Science
New fossils reveal a world full of crocodiles from Reuters:Science
Italy collector finds Galileo's lost tooth, fingers from Reuters:Science
Gene protects brain-eaters from mad cow-type disease from Reuters:Science
Microsoft says cost-cutting CFO to step down from Physorg
Facebook creates dual-class structure, but no IPO from Physorg
Probing life's extremes in Yellowstone (w/ Podcast) from Physorg
IV drug treatment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest may not improve long-term survival from Physorg
Saskatchewan curbs ticket resellers from CBC: Technology & Science
Causes of Falls for Elderly Pinned Down from Live Science
Tulane University surgeon pioneers 'scarless' thyroid surgery from Physorg
Google documents Iraqi museum treasures from Physorg
U.S. losing its lead in space, experts warn Congress from Physorg
Diamonds Are A Driver's Best Friend
Hormones, incentive, experience "make best traders" from Reuters:Science
One for the Ages: Bristlecone Pines Break 4,650-Year Growth Record from Scientific American
Biologists Probe Formation, Layering Of Myelin Membrane
Critics attack B.C. eye drug policy from CBC: Health
U.S., Canada will share refugee fingerprints from CBC: Technology & Science
Video: Sea Lion Invasion from CBSNews - Science
Video: 23-Year Coma Confusion from CBSNews - Science
Cosmic Log: Science by the book from MSNBC: Science
Google apologizes for offensive first lady image from Physorg
Autism treatment: Risky alternative therapies have little basis in science from Physorg
Opposites attract: Monkeys choose mating partners with different genes from Physorg
Got a pain? -- Have a cup of Brazilian mint from Physorg
High salt intake directly linked to stroke and cardiovascular disease from Physorg
Australia, Canada approve Yahoo!-Microsoft deal from Physorg
CDC warns: Holiday could bring more swine flu from Physorg
Food waste has environmental impact: scientists from CBC: Technology & Science
Drug users know their stuff from Physorg
Researchers develop virtual streams to help restore real ones from Physorg
Eye floaters and flashes of light linked to retinal tear, detachment from Physorg
Google, Yahoo zero in on Internet 'freedom' bill from Physorg
"Darwin" Tortoises "Make" Video from National Geographic
New HIV infections in decline from LA Times - Science
Senators press EU to speed its Oracle-Sun probe from Physorg
Feeding the Clock from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Discover Soy Component May be Key to Fighting Colon Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
First black holes may have incubated in giant, starlike cocoons from Science Daily
Origin of life: Generating RNA molecules in water from Science Daily
Fat around the middle increases the risk of dementia from Science Daily
Flu and children: RSV causes far more hospitalizations than seasonal flu from Science Daily
Intensive land management leaves Europe without carbon sinks from Science Daily
Ultrasound enhances noninvasive Down syndrome tests from Science Daily
Saving the single cysteine: New antioxidant system found from Science Daily
Flaxseed oil may reduce osteoporosis risk from Science Daily
Researchers begin to decipher metabolism of sexual assault drug from Science Daily
Systems biology approach provides insulin resistance insights from Science Daily
Asian carp may have breached barrier protecting Lake Michigan from Physorg
UK tree plan to aid emissions cut from BBC News: Science & Nature
Physical therapists reduce disability and improve function in single-level microdiskectomy patients from Science Blog
Global study of salmon shows: 'Sustainable' food isn't so sustainable from Science Blog
Statement on the politicization of evidence-based clinical research from Science Blog
Tulane University surgeon pioneers 'scarless' thyroid surgery from Science Blog
Study shows flavanol antioxidant content of US chocolate and cocoa-containing products from Science Blog
CO2 emissions continue significant climb from Science Blog
Tobacco smoke exposure before heart transplantation may increase the risk of transplant failure from Science Blog
University of Minnesota researchers develop virtual streams to help restore real ones from Science Blog
Feature: New hope against transplant complications from Science Alert
Meiosis: Chromosomes Dance And Pair Up On The Nuclear Membrane from Science Daily
'No muss, no fuss' miniaturized analysis for complex samples developed from Science Daily
Organizational psychologists use Rock Band to study how people achieve flow while at work from Science Daily
Violent world of raptors explored from Science Daily
Protein from pregnancy hormone may prevent breast cancer from Science Daily
Children still exposed to secondhand smoke in spite of smoking ban, Welsh study finds from Science Daily
Insights Into The Molecular Basis Of Tumor Cell Behavior from Science Daily
Dentistry, a high-tech version: Robots not far off, doctor says from Physorg
Opinion: Agriculture can adapt to climate change from Science Alert
Software takes a hard look at traffic fatalities from Physorg