Archive of feed items published on the 20th of July 2009
Kids' lower IQ scores linked to prenatal pollution from AP Health
Trial for New Lupus Treatment Is Called Promising from NY Times Health
HOT ISSUE: Should we deliberately move species? from Physorg
Town on SF Bay wants to photograph every car from Physorg
To test -- or not -- for Alzheimer's-related gene from LA Times - Science
Moon astronauts urge Mars mission from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fossilized Dung Balls Reveal Secret Ecology Of Lost World from Science Daily
Drug Prevents Epilepsy Following Traumatic Brain Injury In Rats from Science Daily
Early-life Experience Linked To Chronic Diseases Later In Life from Science Daily
Cooking With Sound: Bio-Mass Burning Stove Also Converts Heat Into Sound Then Electricity from Science Daily
Secrets Of A Life-giving Amino Acid Revealed from Science Daily
New Information About DNA Repair Mechanism Could Lead To Better Cancer Drugs from Science Daily
New Mechanism Controlling Neuronal Migration Discovered from Science Daily
Preemies Born In Poverty Four Times Less Likely Ready For School from Science Daily
New Geothermal Heat Extraction Process To Deliver Clean Power Generation from Science Daily
New Brain Receptor Identified as Possible Target For Alzheimer's Treatment from Science Daily
Estrogen Can Reduce Stroke Damage By Inactivating Protein from Science Daily
Gliomas Exploit Immune Cells Of The Brain For Rapid Expansion from Science Daily
Global Model For The Origin Of Species Independent Of Geographical Isolation from Science Daily
Genes And The Environment Interact To Influence Adolescent Alcohol Use from Science Daily
Edible Coating Makes Fish Fillets Longer-lasting, Healthier from Science Daily
New Evidence That Popular Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent, Treat Cataracts from Science Daily
Thalidomide Does Not Improve Survival In Small Cell Lung Cancer, Study Finds from Science Daily
Software To Unlock The Power Of Grids from Science Daily
Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Have More Severe Behavioral Problems Than Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Study Finds from Science Daily
Quebec's Blue Gold: Project Aims To Channel Northern Rivers To Generate Power from Science Daily
Two Reproductive Factors Are Important Predictors Of Death From Ovarian Cancer from Science Daily
Hurricane Ike's Effects On Waterways, Fish Contamination Analyzed from Science Daily
The News Cycle Heartbeat from CBSNews - Science
Greenland shark may become new source of biofuel from Physorg
Quantum memory and turbulence in ultra-cold atoms from Physorg
AOL tries to recapture that startup feeling from Physorg
Apollo 11 astronauts look beyond moon, toward Mars from Physorg
Can the shrimpers' doctor navigate the seas of partisanship? from LA Times - Health
Environmental groups up in arms over possible budget provisions from LA Times - Health
Samsung's 4.2 bln dlrs 'green' initiative from Physorg
Kids' lower IQ scores linked to prenatal pollution from Physorg
'Monster' solar eclipse takes on Asian giants from Physorg
Controlling The Electronic Surface Properties Of A Material from Science Daily
Dad's Early Connection With Child 'Writes Script' For Later School Involvement from Science Daily
Laser Technology Creates New Forms Of Metal And Enhances Aircraft Performance from Science Daily
Mexico City to offer grants to Latin American students from SciDev
Researcher: HIV decreasing under PEPFAR in Africa from Physorg
Consultation on 'UK space agency' from BBC News: Science & Nature
South Africa tests AIDS vaccine from Physorg
Frank De Winne reflects on historic anniversary from European Space Agency
ESA's Director General on Apollo 11 anniversary from European Space Agency
Asia-Pacific computer sales rebound in Q2: report from Physorg
Study calls for new approach to teaching English as a lingua franca from Physorg
Saint John ER will face longer queues after Rothesay clinic closes from CBC: Health
Carbon nanotubes and aptamers: Vew biosensor detects extremely low bacteria concentrations quickly, easily, reliably from Physorg
Chasing tiny vehicles -- Microscope shows how nanoferries invade cells from Physorg
Researchers discover genetic circuit that regulates behavior of stem cells from Physorg
Glittering and glinting, the world's biggest diamond structure heads to the West End, UK from Physorg
$%#$#@%: Falar Palavrão Pode Aliviar Dor Física! from Science Blog
Spacewalk No. 2 scheduled for moon anniversary from Physorg
Beyond Romary & Armbruster On Institutional Repositories and Open Access from Science Blog
New solar system birth theory from Science Alert
Help for anxious drinkers from Science Alert
40 Years After Moon Landing: Why Is It So Hard to Go Back? from
Peter Diamandis: Key to Lunar Frontier in Private Hands from
New Video Show - Moon Shots: Apollo Astronauts Remember from
Astronauts to Mark Apollo Moon Landing With Spacewalk from
The Double-Meaning of (Open Access) "Mandate" from Science Blog
Apollo's "Giant Leap for Mankind" Honored from CBSNews - Science
RNA Distraction Is Therapeutic from C&EN
Preparing For Swine Flu from C&EN
A New Molecular Dynamic Frontier from C&EN
DNA Sorts Carbon Nanotubes from C&EN
The Chemistry of Life: Oil's Many Uses from Live Science
Endeavour Spacewalk to Mark Moon Landing from CBSNews - Science
N.B. mayor moves to make room for new doctor from CBC: Health
93% should survive cancer from Science Alert
Opinion: Era of complex science: biology and climate from Science Alert
Colasoft Capsa Provides Comprehensive Network Analysis at Your Fingertips from Physorg
Unfinished work from BBC News: Science & Nature
Little bacteria at Island slaughterhouses from CBC: Health
Smart Clothes For Better Healthcare from Science Daily
Car Horns Warn Against Natural Disasters from Science Daily
Risk Of Huge Pacific Ocean Tsunami On West Coast Of America Greater Than Previously Thought from Science Daily
Rocket Fuel Research Celebrated On Anniversary Of Moon Landing from Science Daily
Study Calls For New Approach To Teaching English As A Lingua Franca from Science Daily
Understanding Quantum Turbulence: Controllable Formation Of Quantum Turbulence In Ultra-cold Atom Gas from Science Daily
Key To Designing Quantum Information Networks: Quantum Memory And Turbulence In Ultra-cold Atoms from Science Daily
Fetuses Have Memories from Live Science
Arctic Blob Mystery Solved from Live Science
Pregnancy complications are a stress test for future maternal health and pregnancies from Science Blog
Research sheds light on cause of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders from Science Blog
New findings on the birth of the solar system from Science Blog
Video: American Moonwalkers from CBSNews - Science
Britain's swine flu advice confuses public from AP Health
Tuvalu vows to go carbon neutral from BBC News: Science & Nature
Samsung to invest in green future from BBC News: Science & Nature
Toilet breaks down on crowded International Space Station from Reuters:Science
Hunger goals not being met from Science Alert
Chasing Tiny Vehicles: Microscope Shows How Nanoferries Invade Cells from Science Daily
Promising New Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease from Science Daily
Genetic Circuit That Regulates Behavior Of Stem Cells Discovered from Science Daily
NASA Secretly Launched Apollo 11 Moon Rock to Space from
Earning preview: Microsoft looms over Yahoo 2Q from Physorg
Ski Robot Could Decipher the Art of Skiing from Physorg
Pacific tsunami threat greater than expected from Physorg
New findings on the birth of the solar system from Physorg
Amazon erases Orwell books from Kindle service from CBC: Technology & Science
Qwest doubles top broadband speed in some cities from Physorg
Slotted buses keep passengers cool from Physorg
'Invisibility cloak' could protect against earthquakes from Physorg
Our brain looks at eyes first to identify a face from Physorg
Britain's swine flu advice confuses public from Physorg
Zoo keeper wears abandoned baby kangaroo from MSNBC: Science
New Flu Treatment Outsmarts Mutations from PopSci
The right messenger for a healthy immune response from Science Blog
Young men living at home with parents are more violent from Science Blog
Promising new treatment for Alzheimer's suggested based on Hebrew University research from Science Blog
Geoengineering: The promise and its limits from Science Blog
Pacific tsunami threat greater than expected from Science Blog
RI Hospital first in country to enroll patient in new study for recurrent chest wall breast cancer from Science Blog
Our brain looks at eyes first to identify a face from Science Blog
Slotted buses keep passengers cool from Science Blog
Swine flu hits young aboriginal residents hard, expert says from CBC: Health
Apollo 11 Crew Back Together from
Venus flytrap origins uncovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
HIPS fireproof coatings can really take the heat from Physorg
Overfishing and evolution from Physorg
Spacewalk set for moon-landing anniversary from CBC: Technology & Science
Radioactive Material From Dying Supernova May Have Spawned Our Solar System from Science Daily
Researchers Help Crack Parasite Genome, Identify Drug Leads from Science Daily
Ticking Bomb: Novel Procedure Treats High-risk Aortic Aneurysms from Science Daily
Program For Cyber Security 'Neighborhood Watch' Developed from Science Daily
New Strategy In Tumor Treatment from Science Daily
Sweet, Salty, Sour, Bitter And Umami: Variants Of 'Umami' Taste Receptor Contribute To Our Individualized Flavor Worlds from Science Daily
How Flu Damages Lung Tissue from Science Daily
University Has Grand Designs To Build A House Of Straw from Science Daily
Young Men Living At Home With Parents Are More Violent, Study Suggests from Science Daily
'Invisibility Cloak' Could Protect Against Earthquakes from Science Daily
The Right Messenger For A Healthy Immune Response from Science Daily
Rice Defies Its Reputation As A Thirsty Crop from Science Daily
Science Adopts A New Definition Of Seawater from Science Daily
New Fireproof Coatings Can Really Take The Heat from Science Daily
Celebrate Apollo 11's 40th as Turns 10 from
Half a brain does not stop near-perfect vision in one eye from BBC News: Science & Nature
Research sheds light on cause of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders from Physorg
New strategy in tumor treatment from Physorg
This Volcano Is Quiet Now, But … from Live Science
Western Reservoirs Could Be Dry By 2050 from Live Science
Professional lobbyists: Pragmatic operatives or just another partisan resource? from Science Blog
Apollo 11 crew favors Mars over moon from UPI
Physicists find way to explore microscopic systems through holographic video from Physorg
The right messenger for a healthy immune response from Physorg
Space Program, Going in Circles, Needs Bold Moves from Live Science
The Migration of Trees ... With Some Help from CBSNews - Science
Iowa State University researchers develop process for 'surgical' genetic changes
Children's IQ can be affected by mother's exposure to urban air pollutants
Finding care after Medi-Cal cuts from LA Times - Health
Researchers develop process for 'surgical' genetic changes from Physorg
Breast cancer drug shows promise against serious infections from Physorg
Astronauts dream of Mars on moon landing anniversary from CBC: Technology & Science
Cool, dry spring reduces mosquitoes from CBC: Technology & Science
Heart disease risk factors on rise in Canada: study from CBC: Health
India says no to emission reduction from SciDev
Male sex chromosome losing genes by rapid evolution, study reveals from Biology News Net
Research sheds light on cause of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders from Biology News Net
Children's IQ Can Be Affected By Mother's Exposure To Urban Air Pollutants, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Physicists Find Way To Explore Microscopic Systems Through Holographic Video from Science Daily
Spaced Out Trees Reduce Urban Pollution from Science Daily
New drug candidate prolongs the lives of pancreatic cancer patients from Physorg
Wolf reintroduction proposed in Scottish Highland test case from Physorg
C. difficile spores spread superbug from Physorg
Can pen and paper help make electronic medical records better? from Physorg
Cuts to rewards plans unlikely to hurt credit card use, study shows from Physorg
Research sheds light on cause of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders
New strategy in tumour treatment
New findings on the birth of the solar system
'Invisibility cloak' could protect against earthquakes
Young men living at home with parents are more violent
Pregnancy complications are a stress test for future maternal health and pregnancies
Our brain looks at eyes first to identify a face
Glittering and glinting, the world's biggest diamond structure heads to the West End
Team of young British chemists to compete at world 'Olympics'
Ganges River Dolphin in dire straits
NYU physicists find way to explore microscopic systems through holographic video
Can pen and paper help make electronic medical records better?
Getting Fat? Blame the Recession from Live Science
Nortel gets $475M US offer for Enterprise unit from CBC: Technology & Science
Studies shed light on preserving fertility among cancer patients from Science Blog
NYU physicists find way to explore microscopic systems through holographic video from Science Blog
Children's IQ can be affected by mother's exposure to urban air pollutants from Science Blog
Can pen and paper help make electronic medical records better? from Science Blog
New drug candidate prolongs the lives of pancreatic cancer patients from Science Blog
Iowa State University researchers develop process for 'surgical' genetic changes from Science Blog
Breast cancer drug shows promise against serious infections from Science Blog
Discovery of genetic toggle switch inches closer to possible diabetes cure from Physorg
Americans Worried About Flu’s Impact on Finances from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Patterns: Danger for High School Football Players from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Hazards: At the Beach, Watch Out for Dirty Sand, Too from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Safety: As Speed Limits Rise, So Do Death Tolls from NY Times Health
TierneyLab: How Money Messes With Your Mind from NY Times Science
Colombia receives tech boost in new deal from SciDev
Cheaper trap for tsetse flies developed from SciDev
Does birth order affect who you are friends with? Results from a new study from Science Blog
C. difficile spores spread superbug
Breast cancer drug shows promise against serious infections
Reveal the enemy
Team gains insight into HIV vaccine failure
New research provides insight into ice sheet behaviour
Slotted buses keep passengers cool
Geoengineering: The promise and its limits
The right messenger for a healthy immune response
Car horns warn against natural disasters
Pacific tsunami threat greater than expected
Why raindrops come in many sizes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gene linked to increasingly common type of blood cancer from Physorg
Historic 'moon issue' of Science freely available from Physorg
Earlier HIV antiviral treatment can be cost effective in areas of limited resources from Physorg
Passwords for Jobless Site Insult Users from CBSNews - Science
Swine flu surge a risk for business from CBC: Health
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease increasing in younger Canadians from Science Blog
H1N1 influenza pandemic modeling for public health action from Science Blog
Discovery of genetic toggle switch inches closer to possible diabetes cure from Science Blog
Earlier HIV antiviral treatment can be cost effective in areas of limited resources from Science Blog
Gene variations can be barometer of behavior, choices from Science Blog
Testing relativity in the laboratory from Science Blog
Risk factors of cardiovascular disease rising in poor, young from Science Blog
Penn-Wistar team gains insight into HIV vaccine failure from Science Blog
Lunar rocks suggest history of Earth from UPI
Fuel cell catalysts go sub-nano from Chemistry World
Researchers form first liquid protein from Chemistry World
Buckling down to make microgears from Chemistry World
UNC Wilmington Receives $15 Million Grant for MARBIONC Facility from Newswise - Scinews
Team Gains Insight Into HIV Vaccine Failure from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Discover New Molecular Pathway for Targeting Cancer, Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Astronaut Plumber Fixes Broken Space Toilet from
Discovery of genetic toggle switch inches closer to possible diabetes cure
H1N1 influenza pandemic modelling for public health action
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease increasing in younger Canadians
Wolf reintroduction proposed in Scottish Highland test case
UCLA researchers discover new molecular pathway for targeting cancer, disease
Stuff of stink bombs investigated for role in pregnancy
US energy use drops in 2008 from Physorg
New research provides insight into ice sheet behavior from Physorg
Social support buffers adolescent depression after terrorist attacks from Physorg
One small step in the search for moonwalk tapes from Physorg
Testing relativity in the lab from Physorg
Keeping a 'trained eye' on the James Webb Space Telescope from Physorg
Risk factors of cardiovascular disease rising in poor, young from Physorg
Researchers discover new molecular pathway for targeting cancer, disease from Physorg
Raindrops keep falling on your head -- but they burst first from Physorg
H1N1 influenza pandemic modeling for public health action from Physorg
In Korea, Cloned Drug-Sniffing Dogs Report for Duty from PopSci
Leukemia Society Enlists Startup Firm from C&EN
Science is Wrong from Science Blog
Sleep and the Brain from Science Blog
Surfing and Autism from Science Blog
Calif. lab questioned over beryllium work from UPI
China dust cloud circled globe in 13 days from Reuters:Science
Fist-sized Tumor From Brain With Help Of New 3-D Brain Mapping from Science Daily
Potential Failure Of Oral Contraceptives With Obese Women Explained from Science Daily
Not 'Genomic Junk' After All: LincRNAs Have Global Role In Genome Regulation from Science Daily
'Heart Healthy' Diet And Ongoing, Moderate Physical Activity May Protect Against Cognitive Decline from Science Daily
Total Solar Eclipse to Grace India & China from
Raindrops go it alone from
Gene variations can be barometer of behavior, choices from Physorg
Future of West water supply threatened by climate change, says new study from Physorg
Babies understand dogs from Physorg
Massive dust storm in China circled the world in 13 days: study from Physorg
Stuff of stink bombs investigated for role in pregnancy from Physorg
PTSD Increases Risk of Dementia in Veterans from Science Blog
Saying `sorry' pays off for U. of Michigan doctors from AP Health
Free clinics hit with more patients, less funding from AP Health
Harrabin's Notes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pregnancy complications are a stress test for future maternal health and pregnancies from Physorg
Promising new treatment for Alzheimer's suggested from Physorg
Scientists gain insight into HIV vaccine failure from Physorg
Professional lobbyists: Pragmatic operatives or just another partisan resource? from Physorg
Car horns warn against natural disasters from Physorg
Pacific tsunami risk greater than thought from UPI
Businessweek Senior Correspondent Wins Wistar Institute Science Journalism Award from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Present First Genetic Evidence for Why Placebos Work from Newswise - Scinews
Star Murders Reveal Truth about Homicide from Live Science
Saying 'sorry' pays off for U. of Michigan doctors from Physorg
Passwords for Brazilian jobless site insult users from Physorg
Researchers look to imprinted genes for clues to fetal growth restriction in cloned swine from Physorg
Science adopts a new definition of seawater from Physorg
Young men living at home with parents are more violent from Physorg
Scientists discovers 'firework' display in Helix Nebula from Physorg
Starve a fever, feed a cold, don't be stressed from Physorg
Research: No race disparities in risk of AIDS and death in HIV patients from Physorg
Closing schools ineffective against swine flu: N.B. medical officer from CBC: Health
Tiki torches may be dangerous: Health Canada from CBC: Health
Human Spaceflight: The Next 40 Years from
Laser microsurgery for tongue cancer is as effective as invasive open surgery according to new study from Physorg
Smart clothes for better healthcare (w/ Video) from Physorg
Toyota Plants Giant Solar-Powered Flowers Across US Cities from Physorg
Free clinics hit with more patients, less funding from Physorg
Ancient settlement unearthed in Ohio from UPI
Nature? Nurture? Scientists Say Neither from Newswise - Scinews
Serengeti wildlife know where water is cleaner from MSNBC: Science
Apollo astronauts bemoan state of U.S. space program from Reuters:Science
Using Scientific Tools in an International War on Fake Drugs from NY Times Science
Seniors Set to Outnumber Little Kids from Live Science
U.S. Energy Use Declined in 2008 from Live Science
Google offers 'guided tour' of the moon from Physorg
Coupling of Single Quantum Dots to Smooth Metal Films from Physorg
Nortel strikes deal to sell business unit to Avaya from Physorg
Team shows how evolution can allow for large developmental leaps from Physorg
Nature? Nurture? Scientists say neither from Physorg
Study: Pollution in the Womb Lowers IQ from CBSNews - Science
Pollution on Rise in U.S. National Parks from CBSNews - Science
Future of West water supply threatened by climate change, says CU-Boulder study from Science Blog
Scientists discovers 'firework' display in Helix Nebula from Science Blog
Babies understand dogs from Science Blog
Caltech-led team shows how evolution can allow for large developmental leaps from Science Blog
No race disparities in risk of AIDS and death in HIV patients in Kaiser Permanente system from Science Blog
Researchers look to imprinted genes for clues to fetal growth restriction in cloned swine from Science Blog
Nature? Nurture? University of Iowa scientists say neither from Science Blog
Laser microsurgery for tongue cancer is as effective as invasive open surgery according to new study from Science Blog
Researchers pioneer new treatment for social phobia and alcohol abuse from Physorg
Scientists reveal secret of girl with 'all seeing eye' from Physorg
Making crowns stick to teeth more effectively from Physorg
Exploring the Moon, Discovering Earth from Physorg
African men who have sex with men are ostracised from HIV services from Physorg
United States leads wind power market from UPI
Diggin’ dinos from
Quake, tsunami potential high on U.S. west coast from Reuters:Science
Using Scientific Tools in an International War on Fake Drugs from NY Times Health
Basics: When ‘What Animals Do’ Doesn’t Seem to Cover It from NY Times Science
Q & A: Cool, Clear Water from NY Times Science
Social media could be used to spy: Iranian-Canadians from CBC: Technology & Science
Prehistoric cold case shows hints of interspecies homicide from Physorg
Most women would choose surgical profession again from Physorg
Researchers identify genes linked to chemoresistance from Physorg
Sea lampreys jettison one-fifth of their genome from Physorg
Video: Honoring Apollo 11 from CBSNews - Science
Cagey Solution: Will Nano Traps Make Geothermal Power Earthquake-Safe? from Scientific American
Trickle-Down Theory: Simplified Model Gives a New Explanation for How Raindrops Form from Scientific American
Immunotherapy linked to lower risk of Alzheimer's disease from Science Blog
Induced pluripotent stem cells repair heart, Mayo Clinic study shows from Science Blog
Prehistoric cold case shows hints of interspecies homicide from Science Blog
Researchers identify genes linked to chemoresistance from Science Blog
Sea lamprey jettison one-fifth of their genome from Science Blog
What a coincidence! Personal connections improve sales from Science Blog
How children draw conclusions from the products they see from Science Blog
Protein structures revealed at record pace from Science Blog
Apollo 11 crew honored for moon walk from UPI
ORNL Researchers Win Eight R&D 100 Awards from Newswise - Scinews
Obama hails Apollo 11 astronauts from BBC News: Science & Nature
Embryonic-like cells repair damaged mouse hearts from Reuters:Science
Considering Longer Chemotherapy from NY Times Health
18 and Under: When Weight Is the Issue, Doctors Struggle Too from NY Times Health
Cases: Our Scars Tell the Stories of Our Lives from NY Times Health
Withdrawal Method Finds Ally from NY Times Health
Researchers Train Minds to Move Matter from NY Times Health
Global Update: Aids: Role of Gay Men in Spreading Virus Is Ignored in Africa, Study Finds from NY Times Health
Lessons Learned, New York Braces for Swine Flu’s Return from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Much Has Changed in Surrogate Pregnancies from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Red Wine is Better for You Than White. from NY Times Health
The Caucus: Apollo 11 Tribute at the White House from NY Times Science
Texas Instruments 2Q profit falls 56 percent from Physorg
Chance of nuclear war is greater than you think: Stanford engineer makes risk analysis from Physorg
Teens Fueled by Caffeine Use Too Much Technology and Don`t Get Enough Sleep from Physorg
How children draw conclusions from the products they see from Physorg
Protein structures revealed at record pace from Physorg
Clotting in veins close to skin may be associated with more dangerous deep-vein blood clots from Physorg
How to find an allergist from LA Times - Health
Comet Killed Ice Age Beasts from Live Science
Warming World May Mean Smaller Animals from Live Science
Warming waters lead to smaller fish: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Google Earth launches 3D moon module from CBC: Technology & Science
Mystery of HIV vaccine failure deepens from News @ Nature
Uterine cells produce their own estrogen during pregnancy from Physorg
Trash or treasure? Families and their beloved possessions from Physorg
Induced pluripotent stem cells repair heart, study shows from Physorg
Researcher offers hope for male diabetes sufferers from Physorg
What a coincidence! Personal connections improve sales from Physorg
Netgear to help Internet subscribers measure use from Physorg
Did a Comet Cause a North American Die-Off around 13,000 Years Ago? from Scientific American
Is the Sun Missing Its Spots? from NY Times Science
Longest Solar Eclipse Coming Wednesday -- Sneak Preview from National Geographic
Scientists Find Previously Unseen Effects of Protein Buildup in Diabetic Baboons' Pancreases from Newswise - Scinews
California's Channel Islands Hold Evidence of Clovis-age Comets from Newswise - Scinews
Encounter with Number Vortex Earns Econometrics Prize from Newswise - Scinews
Copyright consultations launch in Vancouver from CBC: Technology & Science
Muscular protein bond -- strongest yet found in nature from Physorg
New life histories emerge for invasive wasps, magnify ecological harm from Physorg
One gene that contributes to breast cancer's aggressive behavior identified from Physorg
Chemists discover ozone-boosting reaction from Physorg
Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine from Science Blog
New life histories emerge for invasive wasps, magnify ecological harm from Science Blog
Extreme glucose levels in diabetic patients with heart failure linked to increase risk of deaths from Science Blog
Yale discovery may open door to drug that cuts appetite and boosts energy from Science Blog
Neural stem cells offer potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease from Science Blog
UCI scientists discover ozone-boosting chemical reaction from Science Blog
Taste sensation: Ads work better if all senses are involved from Science Blog
When context matters: Consumers link unfamiliar products to surrounding items from Science Blog
Adenotonsillectomy may offer long-term benefits for children with breathing problems
Clotting in veins close to skin may be associated with more dangerous deep-vein blood clots
Most women would choose surgical profession again
Starve a fever, feed a cold, don't be stressed
Caltech-led team shows how evolution can allow for large developmental leaps
Researchers look to imprinted genes for clues to foetal growth restriction in cloned swine
Scientists discovers 'firework' display in Helix Nebula
Testing relativity in the laboratory
Jupiter's Been Hit! from Science NOW
How a Raindrop Is Like an Exploding Parachute from Science NOW
Five Discoveries That Could Top Walking on the Moon from PopSci
Extreme glucose levels in diabetic patients with heart failure linked to increase risk of deaths from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
‘Nanopillars’ make good photovoltaics from Physics World
Dissipation desired
Babies understand dogs
Prehistoric cold case shows hints of interspecies homicide
Future of West water supply threatened by climate change
Gene variations can be barometer of behaviour, choices
Immunotherapy linked to lower risk of Alzheimer's disease
Induced pluripotent stem cells repair heart
Lupus drug passes key test, researchers say from LA Times - Science
California's Channel Islands hold evidence of Clovis-age comets from Physorg
Space station astronauts fix broken toilet: NASA from Physorg
Barnes & Noble to open electronic bookstore from Physorg
Study: Bilingual Ability Easier for Kids from CBSNews - Science
Longest Solar Eclipse of the 21st Century from Science @ NASA
Withdrawal Method Finds Ally from NY Times Science
18 and Under: When Weight Is the Issue, Doctors Struggle Too from NY Times Science
Considering Longer Chemotherapy from NY Times Science
Researchers Train Minds to Move Matter from NY Times Science
Global Update: Aids: Role of Gay Men in Spreading Virus Is Ignored in Africa, Study Finds from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Patterns: Danger for High School Football Players from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Hazards: At the Beach, Watch Out for Dirty Sand, Too from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Safety: As Speed Limits Rise, So Do Death Tolls from NY Times Science
Observatory: Maritime Group Seeks Cleaner Fuel for Ships from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Much Has Changed in Surrogate Pregnancies from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Red Wine is Better for You Than White. from NY Times Science
Cases: Our Scars Tell the Stories of Our Lives from NY Times Science
Science, religion is theme in Galileo book from MSNBC: Science
Students Embed Stem Cells in Sutures to Enhance Healing from Physorg
Students embed stem cells in sutures to enhance healing from Science Blog
UCLA scientists present first genetic evidence for why placebos work from Science Blog
Video: Aldrin's "Magnificent Desolation" from CBSNews - Science
Protein structures revealed at record pace
Sea lamprey jettison one-fifth of their genome
Babies with mild facial paralysis from forceps typically do not need treatment
Evaluating more lymph nodes may not improve identification of late-stage colorectal cancer
Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits from Reuters:Science
New Technology to Make Digital Data Disappear, on Purpose from NY Times Science
A Conversation With Alan Boss: Searching for Extraterrestrial Life from NY Times Science
On Eagle's wings from BBC News: Science & Nature
New NASA Images Indicate Object Hits Jupiter from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPL, Caltech, City of Los Angeles to Team on Energy/Water Initiatives from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Astronauts Mark Apollo 11 Anniversary With Spacewalk from
Taste sensation: Ads work better if all senses are involved from Physorg
Tension in axons is essential for synaptic signaling, researchers report from Physorg
Transplanted neurons develop disease-like pathology in Huntington's patients from Physorg
APOLLO 11: New Before-and-After Photos of Moon Bases from National Geographic
APOLLO 11 AT 40: Who Owns the Moon? from National Geographic
PHOTOS: Apollo 11 Among Landmarks in Google's New Moon from National Geographic
Solar Eclipse on July 22 May Be Most Viewed Ever from National Geographic
APOLLO 11 HOAX PHOTOS: 8 Moon-Landing Myths -- Busted from National Geographic
Apollo 11 Video Restored from National Geographic
Apollo 11's Buzz Aldrin: First Man (to Pee) on the Moon from National Geographic
Heart disease: Research off the beating patch from Science Blog
Video: Cronkite Anchors First Moonwalk from CBSNews - Science
Video: What's New In Space Travel? from CBSNews - Science
TierneyLab: The Future of NASA? Once Again, Obama Says Nothing from NY Times Science
Mapping Yosemite from BBC News: Science & Nature
Immunotherapy linked to lower risk of Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
When context matters: Consumers link unfamiliar products to surrounding items from Physorg
Interior halting uranium mining at Grand Canyon from AP Science
Neural stem cells offer potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Students Embed Stem Cells in Sutures to Enhance Healing from Newswise - Scinews
The Web: Grassroots action thrives online from UPI
Innovative Blades May Have Led to a Stone Age Population Boom from Scientific American
The Beginning of Institutional Repositories from Science Blog
Brain develops motor memory for prosthetics, study finds from Science Blog
Common cold virus efficiently delivers corrected gene to cystic fibrosis cells from Science Blog
Babies with mild facial paralysis from forceps typically do not need treatment from Physorg
Discovery may open door to drug that cuts appetite and boosts energy from Physorg
Broken Toilet is Fixed on a Crowded Space Station from NY Times Science
Letters: Walking on the Moon (6 Letters) from NY Times Science
Embryonic-like cells repair damaged mouse hearts from Reuters:Science
Healthcare reform needs better choices: report from Reuters:Science
NOAA chief says new ocean uses creating conflicts from AP Science
NASA images show Jupiter apparently hit by object from AP Science
Swine-flu inspectors wearing improper gear caught virus from CBC: Health
Milwaukee jaguar may be hope of species from UPI
How raindrops fall from News @ Nature
Study offers insights into failed HIV-1 vaccine trial from Physorg
Aldrin to America: Let's Make it to Mars from CBSNews - Science
UT Southwestern Earns Grant for Cardiac Myogenesis Research Center from Newswise - Scinews
Fetuses may have memories, study suggests from MSNBC: Science
Did cosmic blast kill the first Americans? from MSNBC: Science
Setback for Huntington's disease therapy from News @ Nature
Scientists present first genetic evidence for why placebos work from Physorg
Adenotonsillectomy may offer long-term benefits for children with breathing problems during sleep from Physorg
The unwelcome gift: Marketing and cross-cultural differences from Physorg
Jupiter Apparently Smacked by Rogue Object, New Images Reveal from
Genetic variation associated with survival advantage in African-Americans with HIV from Physorg
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New report: Individual health insurance market failing consumers from Science Blog
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