Archive of feed items published on the 8th of September 2009
Gamburstev And The Alps Underneath The Antarctic
Prevent Periodontitis to Reduce the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
'Hygiene Hypothesis' Challenged: Day Care Doubles Early Respiratory Problems, Does Not Prevent Later Asthma And Allergy from Science Daily
Patients With Interstitial Lung Disease Need Not Avoid Air Travel, Study Finds from Science Daily
Statins May Benefit Patients With COPD from Science Daily
Pediatric Chronic Cough Linked To Reflux And Allergies from Science Daily
Enzyme Inhibitor Takes An Unexpected Approach Toward Blocking Cancer-promoting Protein from Science Daily
Healthy Older Brains Not Significantly Smaller Than Younger Brains, New Imaging Study Shows from Science Daily
New Vaccine Shows Promise For COPD Patients At Risk For Pneumonia from Science Daily
Even In A Safety Net Health System, Colorectal Cancer Screening Disparities Remain from Science Daily
Prevent Periodontitis To Reduce The Risk Of Head And Neck Cancer from Science Daily
Balzan Prizewinners 2009 Announced from Science Blog
Indian villagers flee elephants from BBC News: Science & Nature
Virus linked to prostate tumours from BBC News: Science & Nature
How 'fussy food' holds key to bumblebees' survival from BBC News: Science & Nature
Floating challenge from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bats Without Borders: World's Largest Bats Need International Protection from Science Daily
Designing Probiotics That Ambush Gut Pathogens from Science Daily
Using Microbes For The Quick Clean Up Of Dirty Oil from Science Daily
Cities Less Dangerous Than Rural Regions, Traffic Accident Study Shows from Science Daily
Function Of Neglected Structure In Neurons Revealed After 50 Years from Science Daily
New Research Strategy For Understanding Drug Resistance In Leukemia from Science Daily
Anticancer Compound Found In Common Weed: American Mayapple from Science Daily
To Get College Students To Wash Hands Requires Proper Tools, Attention-getting Tactics from Science Daily
MicroRNAs Circulating In Blood Show Promise As Biomarkers To Detect Pancreatic Cancer from Science Daily
Surgical Scrub Solution: Chlorhexidine Bathing Is Cheap And Effective Means Of Protecting Patients From Superbugs from Science Daily
Watermelon's Hidden Killer: Researchers Seek Disease-resistant Cultivars To Sustain Watermelon Crop Production from Science Daily
Money Won't Buy Happiness, Study Finds; Poverty-reduction Programs Need To Also Look At Improving People's Well-being from Science Daily
Behaving badly from BBC News: Science & Nature
Using insects to test for drug safety from Physorg
Contraband cigarettes account for 17 percent of all brands consumed by adolescent smokers from Science Blog
Healthy older brains not significantly smaller than younger brains, new imaging study shows from Physorg
Contraband cigarettes account for 17 percent of all brands consumed by adolescent smokers from Physorg
Underwater laser pops in navy ops from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mounting a multi-layered attack on fungal infections from Physorg
'Hygiene hypothesis' challenged: Day care doubles early respiratory problems from Physorg
New vaccine shows promise for COPD patients at risk for pneumonia from Physorg
Using microbes for the quick clean up of dirty oil
'Liposuction leftovers' easily converted to IPS cells
Genomes reveal bacterial lifestyles
Key issues for the future of wind energy
Designing probiotics that ambush gut pathogens from Physorg
Even in a safety net health system, colorectal cancer screening disparities remain from Physorg
Will safety net hospitals survive health reform? from Physorg
Time running out for bipartisan health compromise from Physorg
Scientists develop drug detection technology from Physorg
Enzyme inhibitor takes an unexpected approach toward blocking cancer-promoting protein from Physorg
Study pushes the button on intuitive design from Physorg
Prevent periodontitis to reduce the risk of head and neck cancer
Healthy older brains not significantly smaller than younger brains
New vaccine shows promise for COPD patients at risk for pneumonia
Brain defect implicated in early schizophrenia
Enzyme inhibitor takes an unexpected approach toward blocking cancer-promoting protein
Study of huge numbers of genetic mutations point to oxidative stress as underlying cause
Mounting a multi-layered attack on fungal infections
New method monitors early sign of oxidative stress in cancer from Physorg
Space crews say goodbye, shuttle departing Tuesday from Physorg
AOL taps exec who famously warned Yahoo of trouble from Physorg
Cell discovery opens new chapter in drug development from Physorg
Genes reveal bacteria’s home from Science Alert
Analysis confirms that nano-related research has strong multidisciplinary roots
Designing probiotics that ambush gut pathogens
Using insects to test for drug safety
Half of the fish consumed globally is now raised on farms
Small molecule inhibits pathology associated with myotonic dystrophy type 1
Researchers find first evidence of virus in malignant prostate cells
Using microbes for the quick clean up of dirty oil from Physorg
Prevent periodontitis to reduce the risk of head and neck cancer from Physorg
Research Investigates Rebuilding Identity When Communication Is Impaired from Physorg
'Giraffe of the Mesozoic' Discovered from Physorg
Carbonized TiO2 nanotubes with semimetallic properties increase the efficiency of methanol fuel cells from Physorg
Some fats leave easily from Science Alert
Even in a safety net health system, colorectal cancer screening disparities remain
Infections may lead to faster memory loss in Alzheimer's disease
'Hygiene hypothesis' challenged
Contraband cigarettes account for 17 percent of all brands consumed by adolescents
New genomic model defines microbes by diet - provides tool for tracking environmental change
Sticky mittens may help learn from Science Alert
Discovery to pull away from space station from CBC: Technology & Science
Moths as good as mice for many drug tests - study from Reuters:Science
Moncton needle exchange eyes rural growth from CBC: Health
N.B. daycares consider swine flu insurance from CBC: Health
Pakistan resumes polio vaccines halted by Taliban from AP Health
Study shows how to boost value of Alzheimer's-fighting compounds from Science Blog
Fungus threatens P.E.I. frogs from CBC: Technology & Science
How Much Spit Does a Person Produce? from Live Science
Snores help diagnose apnea from Science Alert
New Pictures of Neptune's Moon Triton from
Contraband cigarettes popular with teens from CBC: Health
Lost World Found in Papua New Guinea Volcano from Physorg
Study examines the evolutionary fate of 'useless' traits from Physorg
New Biosensor Can Detect Bacteria Instantaneously from Science Daily
Why 09/09/09 Is So Special from Live Science
Researchers identify one of the necessary processes in the formation of long-term memory from Physorg
Measuring the next successful antennas for in-body health monitoring devices from Physorg
Photos from Revived Hubble Telescope Expected Wednesday from
Study examines the evolutionary fate of 'useless' traits from Science Blog
Key issues for the future of wind energy from Science Blog
Community gardens don't impact crime rate from Science Blog
Quiet hybrid cars a risk for the blind from CBC: Health
Milky Way Expected to Survive a Beating from Live Science
New Pictures of Neptune's Moon Triton from Live Science
Scientist to study high-energy plasma from UPI
HIV, STIs on rise in Australia from Science Alert
Insurance discourages testing from Science Alert
Cell Discovery Opens New Chapter In Drug Development from Science Daily
Loggerhead discovered in rockpool from BBC News: Science & Nature
Have Scientists Finally Found the Elusive Magnetic Monopole? from PopSci
New Flexible Building Survives Powerful Test Earthquake from Live Science
Ocean Mist green onions recalled in Canada from UPI
Scientists Build Nanostructures out of Single DNA Strands from Physorg
Making geothermal more productive from Physorg
Tornado threat increases as Gulf hurricanes get larger (w/ Video) from Physorg
Intel Launches Three New Quad-core Processors from Physorg
Climate deal is 'in the balance' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ban alcohol ads, British MDs say from CBC: Health
Dogs Domesticated for Meat from Live Science
Houseplants cut indoor ozone from Physorg
Seizure drug enhances sleep for women with hot flashes from Physorg
Peer Review Survey 2009: Preliminary findings from Physorg
Organic weed control for dandelions from Physorg
Quiet hybrid cars a risk for the blind from CBC: Technology & Science
Citizen Science Family Leads to Discovery of a Lost Bug
Mother knows best: Females control sperm storage to pick the best father from Physorg
Study: Parenthood makes moms more liberal, dads more conservative from Physorg
Study predicts 40 percent increase in blindness in Nigeria by 2020 from Physorg
Key issues for the future of wind energy from Physorg
Seizure drug enhances sleep for women with hot flashes from Science Blog
Organic weed control for dandelions from Science Blog
Composted dairy manure in foliage plant production from Science Blog
Tornado threat increases as Gulf hurricanes get larger from Science Blog
Houseplants cut indoor ozone from Science Blog
Mother knows best from Science Blog
New biosensor can detect bacteria instantaneously from Science Blog
Cell discovery opens new chapter in drug development from Science Blog
Monkeys Follow Economic Rules Of Supply And Demand from Science Daily
Breakthrough In Bubble Research At Bath from Science Daily
U.S. Drivers Take Wheel After Binge Drinking In Bars, Clubs from Science Daily
First DNA Barcodes Of Commonly Traded Bushmeat: New Tool For Tracking Global Trade In Wildlife from Science Daily
'NanoPen' May Write New Chapter In Nanotechnology Manufacturing from Science Daily
Optical Atomic Clock Becomes Portable from Science Daily
Drinkers More Physically Active Than Abstainers from Science Daily
Cutting ‘Hidden’ Salt Could Lower Nation’s Blood Pressure from Science Daily
Monolaurin May Be A Weapon Against Food Bacteria from Science Daily
Essential Oils From Common Spices Are Possible Allies In Food Safety from Science Daily
Money Won't Buy Happiness (Though You Can Park Your Yacht Right Next To It)
Population migration cuts energy use from UPI
FDA has new food safety reporting method from UPI
Study finds US prison system falls short in treating drug addiction from Physorg
Better immune defense against anthrax from Physorg
A molecular search for happier skin from Physorg
Shopping around key to a smaller food bill from Physorg
New biosensor can detect bacteria instantaneously from Physorg
Launch Today: Atlas 5 Rocket to Loft Classifed U.S. Satellite from
Colossal Apollo statue unearthed in Turkey from MSNBC: Science
Super Sperm - An Evolutionary Reason For Infertility?
Biosensor Detects Bacteria Immediately
Homegrown climate models 'set India's record straight' from SciDev
FDA requires faster food safety reporting from AP Health
2009 Peer Review Survey Issues Preliminary Results
3 gene links to Alzhiemer's found from CBC: Health
"Quantum Quest" Brings Cassini to the Big Screen (Starring William Shatner as Every Star in the Universe) from PopSci
How do doctors really feel about surrogate decision making? from Science Blog
Vet says owners should exercise with their dogs based on specific needs to prevent obesity from Science Blog
Better immune defense against anthrax from Science Blog
K-12 education should include engineering from Science Blog
Infertility and the battle of the sexes from Science Blog
Casting out devils from Science Blog
Pew-commissioned poll finds large majority of Americans want stronger food safety rules from Science Blog
Turfgrass quality measurement improved with GreenSeeker sensor from Science Blog
3 gene links to Alzhiemer's found from CBC: Technology & Science
Could Salmonella Bacteria Kill Tumors? from Science Daily
Vet says owners should exercise with their dogs based on specific needs to prevent obesity from Physorg
Community gardens don't impact crime rate from Physorg
Bronchoscopy hikes lung cancer detection from UPI
Bear meets girl: Berlin's Knut gets a lady friend from MSNBC: Science
Threat Down Below: Polluted Caves Endanger Water Supplies, Wildlife from Scientific American
Toxicity testing gets a makeover from News @ Nature
H1N1 outlook 'grim' for China from CBC: Health
Houseplants Make Air Healthier from Live Science
Link found between depression, early stages of chronic kidney disease from Physorg
Undergrad academic performance linked to neural signals from Physorg
'Second hit' pushes noninvasive breast cancer towards deadly metastasis from Physorg
Children with asthma more vulnerable to H1N1 virus from Physorg
Study illuminates fMRI interpretation from UPI
NEW MOON PHOTO: Apollo 12 Site Seen With Craft, Prints from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
5 Last-Ditch Schemes to Avert Warming Disaster from National Geographic
Ancient Dung Heaps Tell Climate Story from National Geographic
Cash crisis could ground NASA rocket from News @ Nature
Study questions dioxin's link to cancer from Reuters:Science
Rivals to form UK's top mobile operator from Physorg
FDA requires faster food safety reporting from Physorg
Arctic oil: A boon for nest predators from Physorg
World's first floating wind turbine opens in Norway from Physorg
Off to see 'The Wizard' for free at Netflix Oct. 3 from Physorg
Measuring nitrate concentrations in leafy green vegetables from Physorg
K-12 education should include engineering from Physorg
Team reveals molecular mechanism underlying a form of diabetes from Physorg
Novel research to root out how microbes affect rice plants from Physorg
ESA Proba-2 satellite readied for launch from UPI
Shuttle Astronauts to Leave Space Station Today from
Mayo Clinic researchers find lung cancer oncogene holds key to turning off cancer stem cells from Newswise - Scinews
Autoimmune Response Can Induce Pancreatic Tumor Rejection from Newswise - Scinews
Lapatinib Shows Minimal Effect Against Liver Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
How do doctors really feel about surrogate decision making? from Science Blog
Vet says owners should exercise with their dogs based on specific needs to prevent obesity from Science Blog
Better immune defense against anthrax from Science Blog
K-12 education should include engineering from Science Blog
Infertility and the battle of the sexes from Science Blog
Casting out devils from Science Blog
Pew-commissioned poll finds large majority of Americans want stronger food safety rules from Science Blog
Turfgrass quality measurement improved with GreenSeeker sensor from Science Blog
Telus snaps up Black's Photo for $28M from CBC: Technology & Science
Velcro on steroids from
Milestone: 50 Percent of Fish Are Now Farmed from Live Science
Darwin's collections 'cocooned' at London museum from Physorg
Lung cancer oncogene holds key to turning off cancer stem cells from Physorg
'9': It's more than a movie, it's a magic number from MSNBC: Science
US firm in China solar mega-deal from BBC News: Science & Nature
Infertility and the battle of the sexes from Physorg
Lapatinib shows minimal effect against liver cancer from Physorg
How accurate are hospital report cards? from Physorg
Landsat 5: Back in normal operation from UPI
NASA picks a crater for lunar impacts from UPI
Nano Research Has Strong Multidisciplinary Roots from Newswise - Scinews
Large-scale study probes how cells fight pathogens from Newswise - Scinews
Arctic Warming Overtakes 2,000 Years of Natural Cooling from Newswise - Scinews
U-M researchers find gene that protects high-fat-diet mice from obesity from Newswise - Scinews
Newly Discovered Road Map of Leptin Explains Its Regulation of Bone and Appetite from Newswise - Scinews
Monkeys get a groove on, but only to monkey music from Newswise - Scinews
Anticoagulant Protein S plays unexpected role in maintaining circulatory integrity from Newswise - Scinews
Diversity in Key Environmental Cleanup Microbe Found from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Identify Gene for Resistance to Parasitic 'Witchweed' from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Uncover Solar Cycle, Stratosphere, and Ocean Connections from Newswise - Scinews
Turning back the clock: Fasting prolongs reproductive life span from Newswise - Scinews
Why Obama's Dog Has Curly Hair; Utah Aids NIH Gene Study from Newswise - Scinews
Chemotherapy resistance:Checkpoint protein provides armor against cancer drugs from Newswise - Scinews
European REACH Legislation for Chemicals May Require More Animals and Funds than Estimated from Newswise - Scinews
National search for proteins that cause MS from Newswise - Scinews
UNC study: Ocean warming may increase the abundance of marine consumers from Newswise - Scinews
Microbiologists Find Defense Molecule That Senses Respiratory Viruses from Newswise - Scinews
U-M researchers find target for pulmonary fibrosis from Newswise - Scinews
A new �bent� on fusion from Newswise - Scinews
Bio-Enabled Technique Produces Nanocomposites from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Boost Production of Biofuel that Could Replace Gasoline from Newswise - Scinews
New Approach to Wound Healing May be Easy on Skin, but Hard on Bacteria from Newswise - Scinews
Engineered Protein-like Molecule Protects Cells Against HIV Infection from Newswise - Scinews
Agricultural Methods of Early Civilizations May Have Altered Global Climate from Newswise - Scinews
US says Tamiflu for the sick, not a preventive from AP Health
Endangered Sumatran rhino dies in zoo from MSNBC: Science
Saturn's Moon Titan Could Power 150 Billion Labor Day Barbecues from Science Daily
Current Hepatitis C Treatments Work Equally Well, Researchers Report from Science Daily
Butterflies Being Counted In China, Australia And Israel from Science Daily
Crab Apple Trees: Long-term Apple Scab Resistance Remains Elusive, Expert Says from Science Daily
Knowing Me, Myself And I: What Psychology Can Contribute To Self-knowledge from Science Daily
NASA Approves X-ray Space Mission from Science Daily
Pollution From California Wildfires Spreads Across The United States from Science Daily
British cellphone firms to merge from CBC: Technology & Science
Powerful Ideas: To Hot Rocks in Earth, Just Add Water from Live Science
Google launches user-led Q&A service in Arabic from Physorg
Legal arguments pan, praise Google's book deal from Physorg
Function of a neglected structure in neurons revealed after 50 years from Physorg
How do doctors really feel about surrogate decision making? from Physorg
Naphthalene found in deep space clouds from UPI
'Second hit' pushes noninvasive breast cancer towards deadly metastasis from Science Blog
Lapatinib shows minimal effect against liver cancer from Science Blog
Autoimmune response can induce pancreatic tumor rejection from Science Blog
Mayo Clinic researchers find lung cancer oncogene holds key to turning off cancer stem cells from Science Blog
Link found between depression, early stages of chronic kidney disease from Science Blog
Arctic oil: A boon for nest predators from Science Blog
Team reveals molecular mechanism underlying a form of diabetes from Science Blog
How accurate are hospital report cards? from Science Blog
A Theory of Dark Matter from Physorg
US says Tamiflu for the sick, not a preventive from Physorg
Autoimmune response can induce pancreatic tumor rejection from Physorg
EU ruling opens door for online betting crackdown from Physorg
Do labour market trends worsen mental health in the young? from Physorg
Women's weight-loss surgery may help kids from LA Times - Health
NASA strategy proposal aims for Mars over Moon from Reuters:Science
Obama space panel says moon return plan is a no-go from AP Science
Researchers Wage Communication Warfare on Bacteria from PopSci
U.S. energy demand on the decline due to population migration from Physorg
Hot and Cold Moves of Cyanide and Water from Physorg
FORUM: Why Mothball the Space Station? from
Discovery to return to Earth Thursday from UPI
More Alzheimer genetic risk factors found from UPI
Arbor Energy - Electrical Circuit Runs Off Tree Power
PHOTOS: Giant Ocean-Trash Vortex Documented--A First from National Geographic
Manure, HD TVs Among Greenhouse Gas Sources to Watch from National Geographic
Houseplants Cut Indoor Ozone from Science Daily
Researcher Eyes Collagen to Follow Tumor Metastasis from Physorg
How words shape the world from Physorg
Obama space panel says moon return plan is a no-go from Physorg
Space shuttle undocks from space station from Physorg
LCROSS Selects Crater with Best Chance of Finding Water from Physorg
New type 2 diabetes gene is identified from UPI
Sunspots, the Colaninno Minimum, and Pascal's Wager
Giant rats, tiny parrots found in 'lost world' from CBC: Technology & Science
Arctic oil: A boon for nest predators from Biology News Net
Children with asthma more vulnerable to H1N1 virus from Biology News Net
Science != Hard?
Freckles and Flab Make Better Stem Cells Than Skin from PopSci
Study: Hairstylists can help identify older clients who need health services from Physorg
Researcher uses bacteria to make radioactive metals inert from Physorg
Lipid involved with gene regulation uncovered from Physorg
Electrical circuit runs entirely off power in trees from Physorg
Plants on steroids: Key missing link discovered from Physorg
Rice researchers seek better vaccine procedure from Physorg
Protein found as link to heart evolution from UPI
Health workers under pressure to get flu shots from AP Health
First swine flu death on the Galapagos from News @ Nature
Manitoba launches $47M swine flu plan from CBC: Health
Larger Seasonal Speed Zones Could Save Whales from Physorg
Patagonia site of world's biggest crater field: study from Physorg
Rats move toward the food but do not eat from Physorg
Spare Gene Is Fodder For Fishes' Evolution from Science Daily
Building Better Bone Replacements With Bacteria from Science Daily
Plants On Steroids: Key Missing Link Discovered Could Improve Understanding of Major Human Diseases from Science Daily
Rats With Part of Brain Deactivated Move Toward Food But Do Not Eat from Science Daily
Electrical Circuit Runs Entirely Off Power In Trees from Science Daily
Arctic Oil: A Boon For Nest Predators from Science Daily
Overexpressed protein converts noninvasive breast cancer into invasive disease from Science Blog
Rats move toward the food but do not eat from Science Blog
Plants on steroids: Key missing link discovered from Science Blog
MU researcher uses bacteria to make radioactive metals inert from Science Blog
Rice researchers seek better vaccine procedure from Science Blog
Dopamine primes kidneys for a new host from
Research suggests urban sprawl, wet falls and winter affect severe weather from Physorg
Obesity, alcohol consumption and smoking increase the risk of second breast cancer from Physorg
Making connections the key to overcoming shame from Physorg
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Created From Fat Cells from Scientific American
Dumped cellphone rate calculator made public from CBC: Technology & Science
Bullying boss disturbing your sleep? from Science Blog
Video: Loaded: Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. from CBSNews - Science
Shuttle Undocks from Station, Heads Home from CBSNews - Science
Shuttle Discovery Undocks From Space Station from
Deep-Water Wind: World's First Floating Wind Turbine Launched from PopSci
New way to track quakes from Physorg
Electroluminescence from Electrolyte-Gated Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors from Physorg
Smooth brain disease gene defect mended from UPI
Shuttle undocks from station and heads home from Reuters:Science
Novel Anti-inflammatory Molecules Of Microbial Origin from Science Daily
The Right Honourable Computer, Barrister-at-law from Science Daily
Mounting A Multi-layered Attack On Fungal Infections from Science Daily
Mobile Cell Phones: Key To Learning Of The Future? from Science Daily
Undergrad Academic Performance Linked To Neural Signals from Science Daily
McGill neuroscientist wins $1M research prize from CBC: Health
High in Sodium: Highly Charged Tungsten Ions May Diagnose Fusion Energy Reactors from Physorg
Race Shown to Affect Severity of Lupus Disease from Physorg
Better Way to Measure Particle Shape Proves Popular from Physorg
Are We in for a Repeat of the Killer Flu Pandemic of 1918? from Physorg
Laser Cooling May Create "Exotic" States of Matter from National Geographic
McGill neuroscientist wins $1M research prize from CBC: Technology & Science
Worldwide isotope shortage continues to pose significant challenges from Physorg
Engineered human fusion protein inhibits HIV-1 replication from Physorg
Prototype Method Detects and Measures Elusive Hazards from Physorg
Gene variant heightens risk of severe liver disease in cystic fibrosis from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Ron Paul: Defender of BS
Obesity, alcohol consumption and smoking increase the risk of second breast cancer from Science Blog
Gene variant heightens risk of severe liver disease in cystic fibrosis from Science Blog
Deficits in brain's reward system observed in ADHD patients from Science Blog
New recommendations can help health providers prepare for electronic record push from Science Blog
Making connections the key to overcoming shame from Science Blog
JDRF-funded studies show regular CGM use increases diabetes control for all age groups from Science Blog
Worldwide isotope shortage continues to pose significant challenges from Science Blog
NIST Calculations May Improve Temperature Measures for Microfluidics from Physorg
Deficits in brain's reward system observed in ADHD patients from Physorg
Study shows regular CGM use increases diabetes control for all age groups from Physorg
New Web Tool for Physicists, called AIP UniPHY, Promises to Enhance Collaboration, Speed Science from Newswise - Scinews
Solar cell shipments in Japan hit record high in April-June from Physorg
Student Drivers -- Especially Males -- Think Hands-free Cell Phones are Safer from Physorg
New recommendations can help health providers prepare for electronic record push from Physorg
Research Gives New Perspective On Brain Activities from Physorg
Facial Recognition Slows With Age
Microbiology Takes On Oil Spills
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Milky Way Twin, "Exomoon," More from National Geographic
Liposuction Fat Turned Into Stem Cells, Study Says from National Geographic
Human Bones Burned to Make "Spirit"-Filled Swords from National Geographic
China Plans World's Largest Solar Power Plant from PopSci
Generic versions of biologic medications are coming from Physorg
Researchers develop thin films showing promise for solar applications from Physorg
No-scar surgery fixes misery of severe acid reflux from Physorg
NTSB puts preaching on cell phones into practice from Physorg
Planes 'to reset climate targets' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chimps imitate yawning animations from BBC News: Science & Nature
ADHD study links chemical to symptoms from CBC: Health
Ultra-strong Velcro-like fastener inspired by birds from Physics World
War, genocide 'difficult knowledge' to teach younger students from Physorg
Casting out devils: How salmonella kills tumors from Physorg
Liposuction leftovers make easy stem cells: study from Reuters:Science
Video: On The Street: Time Wasting from CBSNews - Science
Detached gecko tails dance to their own tune from Physorg
Yawning toons make an ape gape from Physorg
Even singers in the bird world have to deal with cover artists from Physorg
Britain's first dual fuel bus will cut emissions by half from Physorg
Lizard tails have mind of their own: biologists from CBC: Technology & Science
Even singers in the bird world have to deal with cover artists from Science Blog
White House Panel Spells Out Human Spaceflight Options for NASA from
Face processing slows with age from Physorg
Panel reports on human spaceflight from
3 more great white sharks tagged off Mass. coast from Physorg
Care-seeking behavior associated with 'upper-GI symptoms' from Physorg
Costa Rica will not invest one per cent in S&T in 2010 from SciDev
Socio-cultural, genetic data work together to reveal health disparities from Newswise - Scinews
Ideas and Ideologies
Underfunding shackles Nasa vision from BBC News: Science & Nature
Composted dairy manure in foliage plant production from Physorg
Brazil to offer fellowships to Dominican Republic students from SciDev
Taking The Stress Off Yeast Produces Better Wine from Science Daily
Bacteria Used To Make Radioactive Metals Inert from Science Daily
Overexpressed Protein Converts Noninvasive Breast Cancer Into Invasive Disease from Science Daily
Disease-causing Escherichia Coli: 'I Will Survive' from Science Daily
Face Processing Slows With Age from Science Daily
Flips, Flops And Cartwheels: Gecko Tail Has A Mind Of Its Own, Scientists Discover from Science Daily
New Role Of Vitamin C In Skin Protection; Relevance To The Cosmetics Industry from Science Daily
Hairstylists Can Help Identify Older Clients Who Need Health Services from Science Daily
Early Life Nurturing Impacts Later Life Relationships, Prairie Vole Study Finds from Science Daily
Worldwide Isotope Shortage Continues To Pose Significant Challenges from Science Daily
Overcoming Shame: Making Connections Is The Key, Says Researcher from Science Daily
Bacteria Take On Completely New Flat Shape To Fit Through Nanoslits from Science Daily
Regular Continuous Glucose Monitor Use Increases Diabetes Control For All Age Groups, Studies Show from Science Daily
Socio-cultural, Genetic Data Work Together To Reveal Health Disparities from Science Daily
Shining a light on disease -- tracking light-emitting bacteria during infection from Science Blog
Taking the stress off yeast produces better wine from Science Blog
Flips, flops and cartwheels from Science Blog
Disease-causing Escherichia coli: 'I will survive' from Science Blog
Socio-cultural, genetic data work together to reveal health disparities from Science Blog
NASA can't afford its schedule, space experts warn from LA Times - Science
Cosmic Log: Not-so-stupid microbe tricks from MSNBC: Science
NASA strategy proposal aims for Mars over moon from Reuters:Science
Malignant Signature May Help Identify Patients Likely To Respond To Therapy from Science Daily
Parenthood Makes Moms More Liberal, Dads More Conservative from Science Daily
Autoimmune Response Can Induce Pancreatic Tumor Rejection from Science Daily
Using Insects To Test For Drug Safety from Science Daily
Gene Predicts Post-surgical Survival From Brain Metastasis Of Breast Cancer Patients from Science Daily
Researchers Seek Better Vaccine Procedure To Combat Flu from Science Daily
Shrinking Bylot Island Glaciers Tell Story Of Climate Change from Science Daily
Firms, researchers aim to keep seniors steadier on their feet from Physorg
Ont. Liberals block committee probe of eHealth chiefs from CBC: Health
U.S. races to get millions of swine flu doses ready from Physorg
First Stem Cell Drug Fails 2 Late-Stage Clinical Trials from NY Times Health
Summer of Work Exposes Medical Students to System’s Ills from NY Times Health
News Analysis: Despite Fears, Health Care Overhaul Is Moving Ahead from NY Times Health
Democrats Promise to Send Health Plan to Obama from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Food Safety: Green Onions Recalled from NY Times Health
Skype finally hits iPhones in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Bristling at Health Plan to Cover Early Retirees from NY Times Health
Panel Calls Program of NASA Unfeasible from NY Times Science
First Stem Cell Drug Fails 2 Late-Stage Clinical Trials from NY Times Science
Quantum Leap from NY Times Science
Grrr, Sniff, Arf from NY Times Science
Hawaii researchers explore previously unseen coral from AP Science
Vitamin C Linked To Human Skin Regeneration