Archive of feed items published on the 15th of January 2010
Electric car road test planned for Quebec from Reuters:Science
Chimp and human Y chromosomes evolving faster than expected from Science Daily
Contaminated House Dust Linked to Parking Lots with Coal Tar Sealant from Science Daily
Alligators breathe like birds from Science Daily
Sky Map: Solar scientists use 'magnetic mirror effect' to reproduce IBEX observation from Science Daily
Neural thermostat keeps brain running efficiently from Science Daily
No-sweat pressure sensors from Science Daily
Why Infrared Astronomy Is Important
New finding in cell migration may be key to preventing clots, cancer spread from Science Daily
Spinal cement may provide real support for cancer patients from Science Daily
Sniffing out terrorists from Science Daily
Captured by true crime: Why women are drawn to tales of rape, murder and serial killers from Science Daily
Blood test may aid in lung cancer diagnosis and reduce unnecessary invasive procedures from Science Daily
'World's least known bird' discovered breeding in Afghanistan from Science Daily
Benefits of calcium and vitamin D in preventing fractures confirmed from Science Daily
Graves' eye disease: Immune cell linked to inflammation and scarring identified from Science Daily
Chromosomes make a rapid retreat from nuclear territories from Science Daily
Weekend strokes may receive more aggressive treatment from Science Daily
EGFR gene signature predicts non-small cell lung cancer prognosis from Science Daily
Appliance rebates waste government money from Science Daily
Role of key protein in ALS and frontotemporal dementia identified from Science Daily
A paracrine pathway regulates pancreatic cancer cell invasion from Science Daily
New system helps explain salmon migration from Science Daily
Sticking to diets is about more than willpower -- complexity matters from Science Daily
Post-Katrina New Orleans safety-net clinic patients report more efficient, affordable health care from Science Blog
Reviewing The Review Of Sowell's "Intellectuals And Society"
H1N1 death rates higher for some ethnic and racial groups in California from LA Times - Science
In Haiti, aid workers face a dual challenge from LA Times - Science
Mystery of the Giant Ribbon, Solved? from Science @ NASA
High bid for O.C. Fairground called too low from LA Times - Science
Post-Katrina New Orleans safety-net clinic patients report more efficient, affordable health care from Science Blog
'Radical rethink' on sea defences from BBC News: Science & Nature
New code as salmon season starts from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists warned Haiti officials of quake in '08 from AP Science
Excess DNA damage found in cells of patients with Friedreich's ataxia from Physorg
Why mice develop 'knots' while exploring a new environment from Physorg
Columbia prof says Prop 8 adds to gay health woes from AP Health
Researchers find new method of fixing broken proteins to treat genetic diseases from Physorg
Hardware boosts December video game sales from Physorg
Microsoft's browser flaw exposed Google to hackers from Physorg
End of life care falls short for kidney disease patients from Physorg
Post-Katrina New Orleans safety-net clinic patients report more efficient, affordable health care from Physorg
First steps taken toward the development of a malaria transmission-blocking vaccine from Physorg
Scientists warned Haiti officials of quake in '08 from Physorg
Text Msg Donations for Haiti Set Records from CBSNews - Science
China's online population swells to 384 million: from Physorg
Google search engine's future in China is unclear from Physorg
'Blazing ring' eclipse races across Africa, Asia from Physorg
Researchers identify proteins that might contribute to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
In Pictures: Spotting narwhals from BBC News: Science & Nature
Columbia prof says Prop 8 adds to gay health woes from Physorg
China tries to limit Google dispute fallout from Physorg
Scientists push "Doomsday Clock" back a minute from Reuters:Science
Innovation doesn't always carry a big brand name from Physorg
New satellite maps of Haiti coming in from European Space Agency
Status of face-covering veils Muslim around Europe from AP Health
Herschel HIFI instrument resumes quest for water in Universe from Physorg
Herschel restored to full health from BBC News: Science & Nature
Patch for flaw in key Internet protocol from Physorg
A flying boost for neuroscience from Physorg
Teenage Fathers Often Born to Teenage Fathers, Study Finds from Physorg
Study: nanostructures hold promise as fast, tiny RRAM switches from Physorg
How defence scientists hope to save the UK's juniper bushes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Don't dump your new TV for 3-D television set just yet from Physorg
Obama: Feds Still Use Outdated Technology from CBSNews - Science
Jetting into the Quark-Gluon Plasma from Physorg
Quantum computer hits hydrogen bullseye from Chemistry World
Capturing carbon with copper from Chemistry World
Thousands view solar eclipse in Africa, Asia from CBC: Technology & Science
Mitsubishi testing electric cars in Quebec from CBC: Technology & Science
Intel earnings better than expected from CBC: Technology & Science
Strange Lava World Is Shriveled Remains of Former Self from
Moncton man wins back disability supplement from CBC: Health
Surrey couple challenge shaken baby allegation from CBC: Health
Bible Possibly Written Centuries Earlier, Text Suggests from Live Science
Clean Energy from C&EN
Dow At Detroit Auto Show from C&EN
UK's biggest swan count underway from BBC News: Science & Nature
U.S. Official Says Talks on Emissions Show Promise from NY Times Science
Self-Control Is Contagious, Study Finds from Live Science
Rival drug advice panel launched from BBC News: Science & Nature
Does Google Deserve the Kudos? from CBSNews - Science
Scientists warned Haiti officials of quake in '08 from MSNBC: Science
Proteins that might contribute to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease identified from Science Daily
In pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Accord Reached on Insurance Tax for Costly Plans from NY Times Health
China: act on scientific fraud from Chemistry World
Lifetime on a chip from Chemistry World
China's Web Use Soars from CBSNews - Science
Making it easier to save energy from Science Blog
Poor people smoke more from Science Blog
New satellite maps of Haiti coming in from Science Blog
Scientists hope to end sleeping sickness by making parasite that causes it self-destruct from Science Blog
Crucial differences found among Latino populations facing heart disease risks from Science Blog
H1N1 not a 'fake' pandemic: WHO flu chief from CBC: Health
Bird Breathing Helped Dinosaur Ancestors from CBSNews - Science
Harnessing the Divas of the Nanoworld from Newswise - Scinews
Study Advances New Target for CNS Drug Development from Newswise - Scinews
Candidate Tymoshenko holds on to gas from UPI
Work starts on second leg of ESPO from UPI
S. Koreans named world texting champs from CBC: Technology & Science
Swarms of Engineered Voodoo Wasps Will Seek and Destroy Crop Pests from PopSci
Scientists turn stem cells into pork from AP Science
Asia Ascending in Science and Engineering from Physorg
Making microscopic worms into a more deadly insecticide from Physorg
Iran, Iraq oil dispute lingers from UPI
Apathy for European energy diversity? from UPI
Harnessing the divas of the nanoworld from Science Blog
Kentucky study advances new target for CNS drug development from Science Blog
Expertise vs. Puffery and the Haitian Earthquake from Science Blog
Patient Money: When Hair Loss Strikes, a Doctor Is a Girl’s Best Friend from NY Times Health
Johnson & Johnson expands Tylenol recall from CBC: Health
Scientists turn stem cells into pork from Physorg
Johnson&Johnson expands Tylenol recall from Physorg
New satellite maps of Haiti coming in from Physorg
Bacterial phylotype alterations in irritable bowel syndrome from Physorg
Scientists hope to end sleeping sickness by making parasite that causes it self-destruct from Physorg
Suspension bridge design may not be the best from Physorg
Pickens: U.S. spends $502,473/min on oil from UPI
Fish have longer memories than believed from UPI
Gazprom discusses Iranian gas 'road map' from UPI
Gene discovery could boost yield of key malaria drug from SciDev
Japan Prize Honors Impacts on Society from Science NOW
HPV found in 56% of new couples: study from CBC: Health
In Haiti, aid workers face a dual challenge from LA Times - Health
Study advances new target for CNS drug development from Physorg
Poor people smoke more from Physorg
Making it easier to save energy from Physorg
Higher Levels Of Hsp70 Restore Mutant Proteins
Statoil unveils adaptable biofuel from UPI
Parents say conjoined twins growing from UPI
Illinois becoming leader in wind energy from UPI
H1N1 death rates higher for some ethnic and racial groups in California from LA Times - Health
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a diabetic patient from Physorg
Hypothermia: Staying Safe in Cold Weather from Physorg
Scientists stop burying live pigs in snow from MSNBC: Science
'Hydra' Middleware Makes Saving Energy Easier
Lebanon facing environmental challenges from UPI
BOTAS, Gazprom hold working meeting from UPI
India Launches Rocket Fleet to Study Solar Eclipse from
Scientists lament state of Peruvian science from SciDev
Global Cooling : How Wrong Can You Get?
H1N1 impact greater than 2003 blackout from CBC: Health
Finland aims to eliminate smoking from CBC: Health
Angry Flies Lunge For Each Other from Live Science
China moves to limit damage from Google fight from CBC: Technology & Science
Video: Annular Solar Eclipse from CBSNews - Science
Crucial differences found among Latino populations facing heart disease risks from Physorg
Parks and recreation programs declining as obesity, health concerns rise from Physorg
This February, make creativity the heart of your fitness routine from Physorg
How sunlight causes skin cells to turn cancerous from Physorg
Cancer stem cells suppress immune response against brain tumor from Physorg
How sunlight causes skin cells to turn cancerous from Science Blog
Cancer stem cells suppress immune response against brain tumor from Science Blog
Copenhagen climate summit yields 'real deal' to limit greenhouse gases from
Chemotaxis from C&EN
Mexican scientists reflect on swine flu lessons from SciDev
Belgian Woman Grows Transplanted Trachea in Her Forearm from PopSci
Genetic risk factor identified for Parkinson's disease from Physorg
Artifact suggests bible written centuries earlier from MSNBC: Science
Protein Kinase Inhibitors Hault Skin Cancer Growth
Five things every woman should know about heart health (w/ Video) from Physorg
An alternative method of pancreatic biopsy from Physorg
Prognosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma from Physorg
Siblings play formative, influential role as 'agents of socialization' from Physorg
Giant Invisible Space Ribbon
What Parents Don't Teach You, Siblings Will
Eclipse worries some in Somalia from UPI
UK ministers 'can sack advisers' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shea backs P.E.I. wind power connection from CBC: Technology & Science
TV Biz Turns Blind Eye to non-3D Viewers from CBSNews - Science
Scientists turn stem cells into pork from MSNBC: Science
Novel personalized medicine trial launched for metastatic colorectal cancer from Physorg
Sea spiders and pom-pom anemones from Physorg
Dense Gas in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies from Physorg
Genetic risk factor identified for Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
B.C. court affirms injection site's right to exist from CBC: Health
Paramedics who tried to save Czapnik identified from CBC: Health
Sea Ice Cracks Up from Live Science
Solar Eclipse over India, Africa from CBSNews - Science
A road map for greener transport from Physorg
iTablet scavenger hunt raises Apple hackles from Physorg
Fault Responsible for Haiti Quake Slices Island's Topography from Physorg
Broadband traffic gets into a jam on wireless expressway from Physorg
New Farming Wrinkle May Help Peanut Growers from Physorg
More computer worms, viruses expected to target social networks from Physorg
Cancer Stem Cells Stifle Immune Response To Glioblastoma Multiforme
Haiti Earthquake "Strange," Strongest in 200 Years from National Geographic
Haiti Earthquake Pictures: Devastation on the Day After from National Geographic
Homo Erectus Invented "Modern" Living? from National Geographic
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Alien Dust, Zodiac Light, More from National Geographic
Global Warming Indigestion May Kill Gorillas, Monkeys from National Geographic
World's Longest Migration Found--2X Longer Than Thought from National Geographic
PHOTOS: Antarctic "Time Capsule" Hut Revealed from National Geographic
New Sex Hormone Found—May Lead to Male Birth Control? from National Geographic
Weekends Are Good For You, Study Finds from Live Science
Earthquake Threat Lurks For United States, Too from Live Science
Angry Flies May Help Explain Human Aggression from Live Science
Mars Rover Spirit's Days May Be Numbered from CBSNews - Science
The battle for Angola's oil from UPI
Germans to profit from British wind boom from UPI
Stanford study opposes minke culling from UPI
Report: no finger pointing at oil sands from UPI
Satellite Images Help Focus Haiti Earthquake Relief from
Treatment for chronic hepatitis C: A phase II study from Physorg
Wilder weather exerts a stronger influence on biodiversity than steadily changing conditions from Science Blog
Genetic risk factor identified for Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
Expertise vs. Puffery and the Haitian Earthquake from Science Blog
How sunlight causes skin cells to turn cancerous from Science Blog
Cancer stem cells suppress immune response against brain tumor from Science Blog
Harnessing the divas of the nanoworld from Science Blog
Kentucky study advances new target for CNS drug development from Science Blog
Making it easier to save energy from Science Blog
New model shows how Earth survived its birth from CBC: Technology & Science
Asia Rising from C&EN
Hunt for bird mummy in US comes up empty from MSNBC: Science
Zeus' altar of ashes from
Graffiti on the walls in Pompeii from
Scientists Suit Up For Spaceflight Training from
Wilder weather exerts a stronger influence on biodiversity than steadily changing conditions from Science Blog
Earthquake threat lurks for US, too from MSNBC: Science
Geodynamics After Breakfast
Neptune and Uranus May Have Oceans of Liquid Diamond from PopSci
JPL Scientist Honored by President Obama With Early Career Award from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Fault Responsible for Haiti Quake Slices Island's Topography from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Infrared Hunt Begins: WISE Starts All-Sky Survey from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Stevens earns publication spot in top-rated Journal of Advanced Materials from Science Blog
The Math Behind A Cell Switch
Just a stone's throw forms a supersonic jet from
4 Sale: Barely-Used Late Night Talk Show from CBSNews - Science
Laser-shaven male fruit flies can't compete from CBC: Technology & Science
Solar Decathlon from Live Science
Wilder weather exerts a stronger influence on biodiversity than steadily changing conditions from Physorg
Patients with resectable esophageal adenocarcinoma benefit from neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy from Physorg
Why Infrared Astronomy Matters - Part II
Perilous Plastics?: FDA Joins Other U.S. Health Agencies in Chorus of Concern about BPA from Scientific American
Doctors Without Borders sending field hospital to Haiti from CBC: Health
H1N1 main flu spreads on 3 continents from CBC: Health
This Week in the Future, January 11-15, 2010 from PopSci
CDC: 1 in 5 Americans vaccinated against swine flu from Physorg
Clemson faculty explore how to convert shipping containers into emergency housing from Physorg
Research leads to novel optofluidics platform of long optical path for robust chem/bio sensing from Physorg
UC Davis to study drug therapy to minimize death and disability from traumatic brain injury from Physorg
Recession Special: NASA cuts space shuttle price from Physorg
Sulphur-eating bacteria limit acid run-off and CO2 from Physorg
Network flaw causes scary Web error from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Obama bestows highest presidential honor on early career scientists and engineers from Science Blog
National Science Board releases Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 from Science Blog
GOES-P spacecraft being processed in Florida from Science Blog
Fish May Not Have Evolved Gills to Breathe from Science NOW
Radiocarbon Daters Tune Up Their Time Machine from Science NOW
Japan Prize Honors Impacts on Society from Science NOW
Bing posts modest US search market gain in December from Physorg
NASA Cuts Price for Retired Space Shuttles from
Woman Gets Transplanted Windpipe She Grew from CBSNews - Science
Studies demonstrate link among Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome and atherosclerosis from Science Blog
Roundtable discussion highlights vital role for palliative care in health-care reform from Science Blog
Health Canada issues advisory on metal kids' jewelry from CBC: Health
Cosmic Log: The science of sniffer dogs from MSNBC: Science
As the crust turns: Cassini data show Enceladus in motion from Science Daily
New technique uses zebrafish behavior to screen for useful compounds: Pathways affecting sleep and wakefulness discovered from Science Daily
Do fish feel pain? Norwegian research suggests they can from Science Daily
In early heart development, genes work in tandem from Science Daily
Regulatory network balances stem cell maintenance, differentiation from Science Daily
One-third of NFL players with Achilles tendon injuries sidelined from Science Daily
Studies demonstrate link among Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome and atherosclerosis from Science Daily
Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 from Science Daily
Wilder weather exerts a stronger influence on biodiversity than steadily changing conditions from Science Daily
Shorebirds outfox predators by migrating farther north from LA Times - Science
Haiti quake could not have been predicted: experts from Reuters:Science
Newton's idea spotted in reflected neutrons from Physics World
Calculations point to massive quark stars from Physics World
Electric fields control spin currents from Physics World
Polar bear droppings advance superbug debate from Science Daily
Sequencing wasp genome sheds new light on sexual parasite from Science Daily
Trial of new osteoporosis drug beginning from Science Daily
Why we can't always find what we're looking for (and sometimes find what isn't there) from Science Daily
Genetic risk factor identified for Parkinson's disease from Science Daily
Cancer stem cells suppress immune response against brain tumor from Science Daily
TV Biz Turns Blind Eye to non-3D Viewers from CBSNews - Science
Globalive looks to raise 'millions' from CBC: Technology & Science
Llama Proteins Could Play a Vital Role in the War on Terror by Detecting World's "Most Poisonous Poisons" from Newswise - Scinews
The Arctic tern's global trek from LA Times - Science
New satellite maps of Haiti coming in from Science Daily
How music 'moves' us: Listeners' brains second-guess the composer from Science Daily
Intercontinental grid computing: Europe and China link up for research from Science Daily
Faster, easier way to access audiovisual assets from Science Daily
Vampires and the search for an artificial blood substitute from Science Daily
Making it easier to save energy from Science Daily
FDA issues BPA guidelines from LA Times - Health