Archive of feed items published on the 2nd of October 2010
Federal goal is 47 to 62 mpg for cars by 2025 from LA Times - Science
Rainy season starts with bangs, flashes from LA Times - Science
Fox cuts Dish feed for FX, sports channels from LA Times - Science
Federal goal is 47 to 62 mpg for cars by 2025 from LA Times - Science
Hot Cars From the Paris Motor Show from CBSNews - Science
California Tightens Oversight of CT Scans from NY Times Health
Beet it: To exercise longer, try beetroot juice from AP Health
Obama promotes clean-energy technology from AP Science
Vigorous exercise reduces breast cancer risk in African-American women from Physorg
Psychiatric experts assess parental alienation from Physorg
Beet it: To exercise longer, try beetroot juice from Physorg
DNA repair capacity identified those at high risk for non-melanoma skin cancer from Physorg
Obama says clean energy projects boost economy from Physorg
Multipronged intervention treated persistent fatigue effectively in breast cancer survivors
Memory impairment common in people with a history of cancer
Low socioeconomic status linked with more severe colorectal cancer
Breast cancer linked to environmental smoke exposure among Mexican women
Adults in Puerto Rico aware of genetic testing, but use remains low
Galactic slows satellite launcher from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA's Webb telescope MIRI instrument takes one step closer to space
Lifestyle intervention improves risk factors in type 2 diabetes
Gene variations that alter key enzyme linked to prostate cancer
Researchers discover genetic changes that make some forms of brain cancer more aggressive
Mayo Clinic review of ethical decision making with end-of-life care
Johns Hopkins researchers turn off severe food allergies in mice
Proposed dietary guidelines for Americans sharply debated
Research identifies a new bacterial foe in CF
Climate change forcing a 'move it or lose it' approach to species conservation?
Measuring productivity helps radiology department improve efficiency
Computer-aided detection is increasingly being used in screening and diagnostic mammography
Vigourous exercise reduces breast cancer risk in African-American women
Vitamin D levels lower in African-Americans
Language delays found in siblings of children with autism
Scarless brain surgery is new option for patients
Study shows real partners are no match for ideal mate
Experts urge making cigarettes non-addictive a research priority
Research suggests climate change target 'not safe'
Women who get dental care have lower risk of heart disease, says study
Classroom canines stimulate children's love of literacy
Researchers engineer adult stem cells that do not age
Protein provides link between calcium signalling in excitable and non-excitable cells
Evaluation of targeted therapy in ovarian cancer
Growth of biofuel industry hurt by GMO regulations
Hot Cars From the Paris Motor Show from CBSNews - Science
Video: Lessons from Online Bullying from CBSNews - Science
Video: Rutgers Mourns Bullied Student from CBSNews - Science
Happy 120th Birthday, Yosemite National Park from CBSNews - Science
Next on Space Tourist Menu: Space Beer from CBSNews - Science
EPA Mulls Fuel Efficiency Rules: 62 mpg by 2025? from CBSNews - Science
Video: Zuckerberg Before "The Social Network" from CBSNews - Science
China Launches Lunar Probe from CBSNews - Science
HP Board Faces New Doubts After CEO Pick from CBSNews - Science
Ig Nobel Winners Laud Cursing, Collect Snot from CBSNews - Science
Extremophiles: World's Weirdest Life from Live Science
China launches second lunar exploration probe from Reuters:Science
Obama: GOP Wants Return to Failed Energy Polices from CBSNews - Science
Innovative Web-based tool helps doctors improve care from Physorg
Researchers turn off severe food allergies in mice from Physorg
Parkinson's disease: Excess of special protein identified as key to symptoms, possible new target from Physorg
India seeking to intercept BlackBerry messages from Physorg
Italian doctors implant permanent artificial heart from Physorg
Lifestyle intervention improves risk factors in type 2 diabetes from Physorg
The impact of 'nature-deficit disorder' on the health of children from Physorg
Evaluation of targeted therapy in ovarian cancer from Physorg
Would You Make a Good White House Chief of Staff? from Live Science
NASA's Webb telescope MIRI instrument takes one step closer to space from Physorg
Adults in Puerto Rico aware of genetic testing, but use remains low from Physorg
Researchers study tennis grunting effects from Physorg
Intel Chief: Iran Able To Fight Computer Worm from CBSNews - Science
Commercial Space Effort Gets Boost From FAA from
Researchers engineer adult stem cells that do not age from Science Blog
Innovative bike racks are loaded with convenience and security from LA Times - Health
A little help for the Warrior from LA Times - Health
Low socioeconomic status linked with more severe colorectal cancer from Physorg
Posteromedial Cortex: Divide Between Narcissists And Psychopaths Narrow
Carbonated Drinks Spark Pain Circuits
Venus Lightning Strikes Our Interest
How To Punk Memory: The Brainworks Of Misremembrance, False Memories, And Alternate Realities
The puzzle of why more women don't take preventive drugs for breast cancer from LA Times - Health
Climate Change Science for Educated Laypersons from Science Blog
Racial differences in breast cancer treatment persist despite similar economics from Physorg
Race not root of disparity in lung cancer between whites and blacks from Physorg
Lack of private health insurance impacted cancer survival from Physorg
Decreased survival for Puerto Rican women with 'triple-negative' breast cancer subtype from Physorg
Social support post-cancer lacking among minority women from Physorg
PC BIOS soon to be replaced by UEFI from Physorg
Archaeologists find statue of Tutankhamun's grandad from Physorg
China hopes 'eco-city' will prove a model alternative from Physorg
Measuring productivity helps radiology department improve efficiency from Physorg
Computer-aided detection is increasingly being used in screening and diagnostic mammography from Physorg
Multipronged intervention treated persistent fatigue effectively in breast cancer survivors from Physorg
Vitamin D levels lower in African-Americans from Physorg
Memory impairment common in people with a history of cancer from Physorg
Breast cancer linked to environmental smoke exposure among Mexican women from Physorg
Egypt unearths 3,400-year-old granite statues from MSNBC: Science
The downside of awareness campaigns from LA Times - Health
Tools to assess breast cancer risk level from LA Times - Health
Solar system's shield is showing cracks from UPI
Toxic chemicals multiply after Gulf leak from UPI
More money needed in malaria fight from UPI
Side Effects May Include Lawsuits from NY Times Health
Breast cancer risk factors you can control from LA Times - Health
Statue of King Tut's Grandfather Unearthed from CBSNews - Science
How much of your pink donations turns into green? from LA Times - Health
Screen can identify genes in eggs at high risk for breast cancer from LA Times - Health
Why Physicists Are Smugs
Drug Makers Accused of Ignoring Price Law from NY Times Health
A Battle Against Prescription Drugs Causes Pain from NY Times Health
High levels of cancer-causing chemicals recorded since BP spill from LA Times - Science
Why Physicists Are Smug
One man's fight against mountaintop removal from LA Times - Science
Individual mutations are very slow to promote tumor growth, mathematical modeling shows from Science Daily
Insecticides from genetically modified corn are present in adjacent streams, new study reveals from Science Daily
How injured nerves grow themselves back from Science Daily
Climate change target 'not safe', researchers say from Science Daily
Early surgery after hip fractures reduces death, study finds from Science Daily
Digging deep for ways to curb ammonia emissions from Science Daily
c-Met may be a biomarker for metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma from Science Daily
Exercise associated with lower rate of fractures in elderly women from Science Daily
The Secret Sponsors from NY Times Health
Georges Charpak, Physics Nobel Winner, Dies at 86 from NY Times Science