Archive of feed items published on the 23rd of February 2010
Waste could generate up to 7 percent of electricity in Spain from Physorg
SIBLING proteins may predict oral cancer from Physorg
Combined mammography and breast MRI useful for some high-risk women from Science Blog
New cardiac CT technology drastically reduces patient radiation exposure from Science Blog
Webcams Spying: It's More than Software from CBSNews - Science
Immigrant Dust Feeds Rain Forests from Science Blog
Talk Therapy: Off the Couch and into the Lab from Science Blog
Under world's greatest cities, deadly plates from MSNBC: Science
NZ dolphins under threat from Science Alert
Webcams Spying: It's More than Software from CBSNews - Science
Target Cancer: After Long Fight, Drug Gives Sudden Reprieve from NY Times Health
Doctor Training Aided by Drug Industry Cash from NY Times Health
Leaving the Trash Behind from NY Times Science
Target Cancer: After Long Fight, Drug Gives Sudden Reprieve from NY Times Science
E.P.A. Plans to Phase in Regulation of Emissions from NY Times Science
U.S. Offers Solar Project a Crucial Loan Guarantee from NY Times Science
National Briefing | Southwest: Arizona: Condors Died of Lead Poisoning from NY Times Science
Career worries cause dropout from Science Alert
Time to Teach Broadband A-B=C's? from CBSNews - Science
Endeavour home after completing a special delivery to ISS from European Space Agency
'Lame' mosquitoes to stop dengue from BBC News: Science & Nature
dot.Maggie from BBC News: Science & Nature
FCC survey shows need to teach broadband basics from Physorg
Will Bloom box replace power grid? Details on Wednesday (w/ Video) from Physorg
Banking on mobile money from MIT Research
Animal disease jumps species from Science Alert
Rising carbon snuffs coral from Science Alert
Defect causes copper problem from Science Alert
Gene scan helps gas reduction from Science Alert
Deaf babies train louder parents from Science Alert
Aphid's genome generates exciting questions from Physorg
Amazon and Microsoft ink patent deal from Physorg
Participation 'important for healthy marine parks'
MRI: Non-invasive diagnostic tool for diagnosing testicular cancer
Caltech neuroscientists find brain system behind general intelligence
DNA evidence tells 'global story' of human history
From uncharted region of human genome, clues emerge about origins of coronary artery disease
Simple math explains dramatic beak shape variation in Darwin's finches
Pharmaceutical industry support not desirable but frequently accepted by residency program directors
China to release pollution-fighting fish in lake from Physorg
Chimps 'appreciate a full pint' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Emissions vows not enough to avoid 2 deg C rise: UN from Reuters:Science
Chile bets on algae-based biofuels from SciDev
Combined mammography and breast MRI useful for some high-risk women
Diffusion of a soluble protein through a sensory cilium
AAN guideline evaluates treatments for muscle cramps
World-class protection boosts Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Predicting the progression of Alzheimer's
Kidney damage in 12 percent of Chinese children exposed to melamine-contaminated dairy products
Melanoma transcriptome reveals novel genomic alterations not seen before
Pesky aphid thrives despite weak immune system
Lower-cost hospital care is not always lower in quality
New cardiac CT technology drastically reduces patient radiation exposure
Rutgers researchers show new security threat against 'smart phone' users
Dry winters linked to seasonal outbreaks of influenza from Physorg
Miami Herald drops reader contribution program from Physorg
Sperm whales 'corral deep squid' from BBC News: Science & Nature
$25M NSF Center Aims to Create Biological Machines from Newswise - Scinews
New cardiac CT technology drastically reduces patient radiation exposure from Physorg
Bolivian government creates space agency from SciDev
Killing in the name of conservation
The mouse with a human liver: A new model for the treatment of liver disease
New treatment to prevent cancer recurrence shows promise in Stanford study
Tumour mechanism identified
Flightless mosquitoes developed to help control dengue fever
Stress raises risk of mental decline in older diabetics, study shows
Are Latino teens sexual risk takers? It's complicated, researcher says
Blocking blood vessel formation prevents brain tumour recurrence in mice
It's who you know: Study shows hurdles facing black football coaches
Researchers identify a potential therapeutic target for brain cancer
Combined mammography and breast MRI useful for some high-risk women from Physorg
Google to restart China talks: report from Physorg
Ancient DNA reveals caribou history linked to volcanic eruption
Unpacking condensins' function in embryonic stem cells
Acupuncture lessens depression symptoms during pregnancy, Stanford study shows
Stanford review finds painfully few surefire treatments for muscle cramps
Genes responsible for ability to recognise faces
Husbands' hostile, anti-social behaviours increase wives' symptoms of depression
Treadmill training could help tots walk
Researchers report internal and environmental factors trigger unique brain activity in teens
Virus hybridisation could create pandemic bird flu
Is an animal's agility affected by the position of its eyes?
Packages of care for ADHD in low- and middle-income countries from Physorg
Web-based tools, called 'Galaxy,' simplify genomic analysis from Physorg
Samsung launches ST5500 and ST5000 digital cameras from Physorg
It's true - babies do direct their mothers from Physorg
Researchers identify a potential therapeutic target for brain cancer from Physorg
Animals linked to human Chlamydia pneumoniae
Dry winters linked to seasonal outbreaks of influenza
Black women at increased risk for weakened heart muscle at childbirth
Strategies help clinicians say 'no' to inappropriate treatment requests
New DNA technique leads to a breakthrough in child cancer research
Scientists create tiny RNA molecule with big implications for life's origins
Small family farms in tropics can feed the hungry and preserve biodiversity
Warning: Immigrating to North America may foster smoking in children
New study reveals long delays and variability are losing the UK research and jobs
Ice shelves disappearing on Antarctic Peninsula
OMG - Guess what my genes say? Researcher discusses ethics of posting genetic info online from Physorg
Meteosat Third Generation takes a step forward from Physorg
NASA increases Wallops' support contract from UPI
Flightless females, no biting from CBC: Technology & Science
Nap refreshes brain's learning from CBC: Technology & Science
Where injured nerve cells heal their bones from Physorg
Gene regulation: Can we stomach it? from Physorg
Some parents worry Google Buzz is 'danger zone' for children from Physorg
Diabetes complications a huge health care burden in poorer countries, not just the developed world from Physorg
First images from ESA’s water mission from European Space Agency
Red Sea corals mapped in unprecedented detail from News @ Nature
Wisdom of the fool's choice from News @ Nature
dot.Maggie from BBC News: Science & Nature
100 Years Ago: Madame Curie's Research from Science Blog
50 Years Ago: The Reclamation of a Man-Made Desert from Science Blog
SpaceX's New Rocket At Launch Pad for Final Tests from
FOR KIDS: Cold, colder and coldest ice from
FOR KIDS: The case of the hairy eyeball from
Laser adds extra dimension to lab-on-chip from Physorg
Tech review: Devices let Internet go where you do from Physorg
Game Lets Soldiers Train in a Virtual Iraq or Afghanistan from Physorg
Music therapy rewires the brains of people unable to speak from Physorg
Climate monitoring group forms from UPI
FDA reviews Avandia safety data from UPI
Mixed resource bag in North Sea from UPI
Sofia awaits 'green' light on oil pipeline from UPI
Blix to head Emirates' nuclear panel from UPI
Venezuela energy cuts risky for oil prices from UPI
Marine reserves mend food chains, link by link from Physorg
Sound maps reveal whales and noise pollution from Physorg
Operation of heartburn provides little protection against esophageal cancer from Physorg
New Delhi eyes foreign energy assets from UPI
Oil tariffs a Chevron issue, Astana says from UPI
Shell moves oil from Niger Delta from UPI
Iran-Iraq meet on border issues from UPI
Bogota, Caracas weigh electricity needs from UPI
India wants Iran's energy? from UPI
Waste could generate up to 7 percent of electricity in Spain from Science Blog
Immigrant Dust Feeds Rain Forests from Science Blog
50 Years Ago: The Reclamation of a Man-Made Desert from Science Blog
100 Years Ago: Madame Curie's Research from Science Blog
Brazil’s carbon debt ‘would take 250 years to pay’ from SciDev
Scientists Identify Specific Barley Tissues Infected by Scab from Physorg
Experts call for acceleration of research and interventions for prematurity and stillbirth from Physorg
Startling new childhood asthma data from Physorg
What it might take to unravel the 'lean mean machine' that is cancer from Physorg
First images from ESA's water mission from Physorg
NASA prepares for a satellite launch from UPI
Video: Chat at Your Own Risk from CBSNews - Science
Study highlights sustainable footprint of chemical companies from Science Blog
First images from ESA's water mission from Science Blog
Fostering warmth after the supercold: Nobel laureate Wolfgang Ketterle talks up U.S.-German collaboration for innovation from Science Blog
Space Junk Mess Getting Messier in Orbit from
Banking on mobile money from Physorg
Advance reported in hepatitis C therapy from UPI
Life expectancy in Canada climbs to nearly 81 from CBC: Health
Already under fire, crime labs cut to the bone from MSNBC: Science
SIBLING proteins may predict oral cancer from Science Blog
Startling new childhood asthma data from Science Blog
Why We Return to Bad Habits from Science Blog
Protecting the brain from a deadly genetic disease from Physorg
Putting data centers on a low-energy diet from Physorg
Study highlights sustainable footprint of chemical companies from Physorg
Do recreational drugs make us fail to remember? from Physorg
AVICENNA (980-1037)
Anthrax Case Closed from C&EN
Organic biscuits recalled in Canada from UPI
Experts call for acceleration of research and interventions for prematurity and stillbirth from Science Blog
Gene regulation: Can we stomach it? from Science Blog
Mayo oral cancer study shows full tumor genome from Science Blog
Protecting the brain from of a deadly genetic disease from Science Blog
Those who have colonoscopy performed by GIs less likely to develop colorectal cancer from Science Blog
Do recreational drugs make us fail to remember? from Science Blog
Prednisolone not benficial in most cases of community-acquired pneumonia from Physorg
Cloned sorghum is aluminum tolerant from Physorg
Photons led astray: Investigating the random motion of quantum particles from Physorg
Those who have colonoscopy performed by GIs less likely to develop colorectal cancer from Physorg
Mayo oral cancer study shows full tumor genome from Physorg
Dalai Lama to 'tweet' on Tibet from Physorg
Genentech, Sanofi Ink Academic Pacts from C&EN
5 Easy PC Maintenance Tips from Live Science
Angry Husbands Linked to Depression in Wives. from Live Science
Reefs form on 'ancient template' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cosmic Log: A golden year for lasers from MSNBC: Science
Prednisolone not benficial in most cases of community-acquired pneumonia, study finds from Science Daily
SIBLING proteins may predict oral cancer from Science Daily
Material tested could guarantee body protheses for more than 150 years from Science Daily
Protecting the brain from Huntington's disease from Science Daily
Sociologist expands US conversation on human rights from Physorg
GE Healthcare, Intel and Mayo Clinic explore new models of health care delivery from Physorg
Poor but networked: UN says cell phone use surging from Physorg
Chatroulette: Red-Hot, and Controversial from CBSNews - Science
Prednisolone not benficial in most cases of community-acquired pneumonia from Science Blog
On-campus child care needed for increasing number of student-parents from Physorg
Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes With Disabled Wings Join Fight Against Dengue Fever from PopSci
Gene variant linked to atrial fibrillation from UPI
Rare Sumatra rhino expecting calf from BBC News: Science & Nature
Successful genome sequencing of pea aphid is a breakthrough for ecology and agricultural research from Science Blog
MOFs make light work of it from Chemistry World
Protein-pumps driven by light from Chemistry World
CIMIT Alliance with A*STAR to Expand Consortium Engineering and Technology Implementation Resources from Newswise - Scinews
Does Recreational Drug Use Damage Memory?
Pebble-bed nuclear reactor gets pulled from News @ Nature
Did design flaws doom the LHC? from News @ Nature
Red Sea corals mapped in unprecedented detail from News @ Nature
South Korean shamans fluidly absorb cultural change from Physorg
New photonic material may facilitate all-optical switching and computing from Physorg
Oral cancer study shows full tumor genome; novel method speeds analysis for individualized medicine from Science Daily
NASA to join Hispanic education campaign from UPI
Futuristic Kitchen Needs No Pot and Pans from Live Science
What Makes A Hollywood Blockbuster? Science Has The Answer
NASA Prepares Shuttle Discovery for April Launch from
Electromagnetic Fields Eyed in Toyota Woes from CBSNews - Science
New Internet Controls in China from CBSNews - Science
Maruchan-brand noodles recalled in Canada from UPI
China shrub shows biofuel promise from UPI
FDA concerned about HIV drug combination from UPI
Reserves 'win–win' for fish and fishermen from News @ Nature
Pebble-bed nuclear reactor gets pulled from News @ Nature
Photonic Material May Facilitate All-Optical Switching from Newswise - Scinews
Can Obama Bypass Republicans on Health? from NY Times Health
E-waste 'mountains' threaten developing countries from SciDev
Researchers find way to boost El Niño prediction from SciDev
Cambridge to 'brain train' in India from SciDev
Deaf children with cochlear implants report similar quality of life to that of normal-hearing kids from Physorg
Berlin wants to cut solar power subsidies: lawmaker from Physorg
Grizzly bears move into polar bear habitat in Manitoba, Canada from Science Daily
New photonic material may facilitate all-optical switching and computing from Science Daily
Science of Hollywood blockbusters from Science Daily
Pea aphid genome sequenced from Science Daily
Study Links Changes In Absolute Humidity To Influenza Outbreaks
Bacterial neighbors get mean from
Genetics and Proposition 8 from LA Times - Science
Out of sight... from BBC News: Science & Nature
Grizzly bears move into polar bear habitat in Manitoba, Canada from Science Blog
Changes during menopause increases risk of heart disease and stroke from Science Blog
Scott & White Healthcare pathologist is co-investigator on breast cancer study from Science Blog
Deaf children with cochlear implants report similar quality of life to that of normal-hearing kids from Science Blog
FDA warns of heart risk with HIV drug combination from AP Health
Changes during menopause increases risk of heart disease and stroke from Physorg
Resurrected ParticipACTION initiative success underpinned by brand, organizations from Physorg
Grizzly bears move into polar bear habitat in Manitoba, Canada from Physorg
Sperm whales may team up to herd prey from
Hiring Freezes Hamper Weatherization Plan from NY Times Science
Letters: Adolescents and Surgery (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Empathizing With Others (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Windsor not picture-perfect on Google from CBC: Technology & Science
Texas Secretly Gave The Blood of 800 Newborns to DNA Database from PopSci
Global Poor are Logging On, Dialing up from CBSNews - Science
In the water: Arsenic's tumor-triggering mechanism discovered from Science Blog
Island Hoping: Are Reserves the Answer to Help Wildlife on the World's Sinking Archipelagos? from Science Blog
Can Corals Adapt to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification? from Science Blog
The Physics of Figure Skating from Science Blog
Stressed Nanomaterials Display Unexpected Movement from Newswise - Scinews
Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement from Physorg
China launches strict new Internet controls from Physorg
Belief in a caring god improves response to medical treatment for depression from Physorg
Researchers find oncogene is important in pancreatic cancer growth, spread from Physorg
Synthetic Magnesium Enhances Memory, Prevents Its Impairment
Non-internet users need education: U.S. report from CBC: Technology & Science
DNA links caribou migration to volcanic eruption from CBC: Technology & Science
Going Cold Turkey on Google from CBSNews - Science
Temperature Trackers Watch Our Watery World Wax and Wane from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PNAS announces 6 2009 Cozzarelli Prize recipients from Science Blog
Belief in a caring god improves response to medical treatment for depression from Science Blog
Belief in a caring god improves response to medical treatment for depression, study finds from Science Daily
Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement from Science Daily
How estrogen can interfere with chemotherapy's fight against breast cancer from Science Daily
Changes during menopause increases risk of heart disease and stroke from Science Daily
Researchers find oncogene is important in pancreatic cancer growth and spread from Science Daily
Arsenic exposure activates an oncogenic signaling pathway; leads to increased cancer risk from Science Daily
Bitter melon extract decreased breast cancer cell growth from Science Daily
Study highlights sustainable footprint of chemical companies from Science Daily
FDA warns of heart risk with HIV drug combination from Physorg
Intel faced hacker attack same time as Google from Physorg
Bitter melon extract attacks breast cancer cells from Physorg
SMOS images better, earlier than expected from UPI
SongTherapy Aiding Stroke Patients from CBSNews - Science
‘Shell crusher’ shark swam Cretaceous Kansas from MSNBC: Science
Mayo Clinic researchers find oncogene is important in pancreatic cancer growth and spread from Science Blog
Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement from Science Blog
Belief In Personal God Improves Response To Depression Treatment
U.S. Science Told to Stay on Its Toes from Science NOW
CEO of PAX Water Technologies to Speak at ORNL's Global Venture Challenge from Newswise - Scinews
Nanoparticle Developed To Boost Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy from Physorg
Epson Toyocom Develops the World's Smallest Single Package 6-Axis Sensor from Physorg
Roasting biomass may be key process in bioenergy economy from Physorg
Arsenic exposure activates an oncogenic signaling pathway; leads to increased cancer risk from Physorg
NASA Unveils New Space-Weather Science Tool from Physorg
NASA Web page explains global warming from UPI
EU to issue clean car strategy in May from UPI
Robotic kidney surgery has good outcomes from UPI
Asexuality and the Single Lizard from CBSNews - Science
New on Twitter: The Dalai Lama from CBSNews - Science
Breaking the aphid's code from Science Blog
Alien Star Clusters Fill Our Galaxy from
New insights to master signalling switch from Physorg
Genome study shows how strep throat germ circumvents our immune system from Physorg
How Arsenic Exposure Promotes Cancer
New NASA Web Page Sheds Light on Science of Warming World from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cassini Finds Plethora of Plumes, Hotspots at Enceladus from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Gene regulation: Can we stomach it? New technique fights against cause of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer from Science Daily
Overweight middle-aged adults at greater risk for cognitive decline in later life from Physorg
Study Reveals How Arsenic Exposure May Promote Cancer
Eastern Health uncovers lab testing problem from CBC: Health
Wear mouth guards on slopes: dentists from CBC: Health
H1N1 shot blamed for Calgary woman's rare disorder from CBC: Health
Disabled child's family fights deportation from CBC: Health
Video: Childs Play goes Virtual from CBSNews - Science
Geologists look for answers in Antarctica from Physorg
For NASA no easy answer for next space destination from Physorg
Math models used to study cell processes from UPI
More images of Enceladus are released from UPI
Intel: We Were Hacked from CBSNews - Science
Gulp! Long-Necked Dinosaurs Didn't Bother Chewing from Live Science
Stress hormone, depression trigger obesity in girls from Science Blog
University of Oklahoma geologists look for answers in Antarctica from Science Blog
Carnegie Mellon's Lorrie Cranor to address Congressional subcommittees from Science Blog
Overweight middle-aged adults at greater risk for cognitive decline in later life from Science Blog
Breaking the aphid's code from Science Blog
Mayo Clinic researchers find oncogene is important in pancreatic cancer growth and spread from Science Blog
Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement from Science Blog
PNAS announces 6 2009 Cozzarelli Prize recipients from Science Blog
Avoiding the aisles at the grocery store can help keep off unwanted pounds from Physorg
Youngest Extra-Solar Planet Discovered from Physorg
Flowering genes offer human clues from Physorg
Ask the Experts: Sex Addiction from NY Times Health
Roundup 2/23: The Meetings Edition from Science NOW
The Latest Buzz: Orszag Budgets for Caffeine Genetic Marker from Science NOW
Is that a Caveman or Dick Cheney? Crows Know the Difference from Science NOW
Study shows what leads to a science career from UPI
New species of dinosaur found in eastern Utah rock from AP Science
Damaged protein identified as early diagnostic biomarker for Alzheimer's disease in healthy adults from Science Blog
E. coli Researchers Pinning New Hopes on Old DNA from Newswise - Scinews
Better snowfall forecasting from Science Daily
Dermatology: Watching immune cell movement to and from the skin from Science Daily
Seamount scientists offer new comprehensive view of deep-sea mountains from Science Daily
Startling new childhood asthma data from Science Daily
Killing in the name of conservation from Science Daily
Do recreational drugs make us fail to remember? from Science Daily
Cassini Finds Plethora of Plumes, Hotspots at Enceladus from Physorg
Confidence key in gauging impressions we leave from Physorg
Optical system promises to revolutionize undersea communications from Physorg
Waiting to Inhale: Deep-Ocean Low-Oxygen Zones Spreading to Shallower Coastal Waters from Scientific American
Discovery to move to its launch pad from UPI
A Tech Harbinger from the Toyota Hearing from CBSNews - Science
GPS vulnerable to hacker attacks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brown physicist discovers odd, fluctuating magnetic waves from Science Blog
17P is now a fading depression from Science Blog
NASA unveils new space-weather science tool from Science Blog
Damaged protein identified as early diagnostic biomarker for Alzheimer's disease in healthy adults from Science Blog
Stress hormone, depression trigger obesity in girls from Science Blog
University of Oklahoma geologists look for answers in Antarctica from Science Blog
Carnegie Mellon's Lorrie Cranor to address Congressional subcommittees from Science Blog
Overweight middle-aged adults at greater risk for cognitive decline in later life from Science Blog
Docs cut work hours as primary care shortage looms from AP Health
Winter Olympics Science Notes: Skeleton from Physorg
Anatomy Of A Satellite
Grizzlies Roaming Into Polar Bear Habitat
Rare skulls reveal new dinosaur species from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple to Sell 10 Billionth Song Wednesday from Live Science
Rapid response science missions assess potential for another major Haiti earthquake from Science Blog
Highlights from the meeting of the American Physical Society from
Cassini finds plethora of plumes, hotspots on Saturn's moon Enceladus from Science Daily
DNA sequencing unlocks evolutionary origins, relationships among flowering plants from Science Daily
New dinosaur discovered head first, for a change from Science Daily
Damaged protein identified as early diagnostic biomarker for Alzheimer's disease in healthy adults from Science Daily
New NASA Web Page Sheds Light on Science of Warming World from Science Daily
DNA sequencing unlocks relationships among flowering plants from Physorg
New species of dinosaur found in eastern Utah rock from Physorg
Check this out: Deposit money by taking a photo from Physorg
Versailles, Saturn Style from Science NOW
Abydosaurus: New Sauropod Dinosaur Discovered In Utah
From sleep to science literacy at the 2010 AAAS meeting from
State Wildlife Agencies Need Reform for Effective Stewardship of Public Trust from Newswise - Scinews
Gene Mutation Is Linked to Autism-Like Symptoms in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
2010 DOE INCITE Projects Allocated at ORNL from Newswise - Scinews
TMS Installs New President: George T. "Rusty" Gray III from Newswise - Scinews
AURP Releases The Power of Place 2.0: The Power of Innovation from Newswise - Scinews
Study finds that two treatment strategies for severe sepsis show similar survival rates from Physorg
The sound of melanoma can help doctors find cancer (w/ Video) from Physorg
Brown physicist discovers odd, fluctuating magnetic waves from Physorg
Temperature Trackers Watch Our Watery World from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
NSF Puts Up $25 Million to Research Biological Machines from PopSci
New dinosaur discovered head first, for a change from Biology News Net
DNA sequencing unlocks relationships among flowering plants from Biology News Net
Breaking the aphid's code from Biology News Net
A magnetometer in the upper beak of birds? from Biology News Net
The sound of melanoma can help doctors find cancer from Science Blog
Monogamy Seen in Amphibians for First Time from Science NOW
Gene mutation is linked to autism-like symptoms in mice from Physorg
Damaged protein identified as early diagnostic biomarker for Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Hospitalization linked to likelihood of cognitive decline for older adults from Physorg
Others may know us better than we know ourselves, study finds from Physorg
17P is now a fading depression from Physorg
NASA, NOAA Ready GOES-P Satellite for March 2 Launch from Physorg
Hours worked by physicians have decreased steadily in last decade from Physorg
H1N1 pandemic peak assessed from CBC: Health
Making Scents of Sounds: Noises May Alter How We Perceive Odors from Scientific American
New Species Of Dinosaur Found from CBSNews - Science
New species of dinosaur found in Utah rock from MSNBC: Science
'Tuned' images from water mission from BBC News: Science & Nature
Silly science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hole hell from BBC News: Science & Nature
No Signal Heard During First Day of Resumed Listening for Phoenix from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Saturn Moon Riddled with Gushing Geysers, New Images Reveal from
Platelet function tests may provide modest benefit in predicting cardiac outcomes from Physorg
Rapid response science missions assess potential for another major Haiti earthquake from Physorg
Love your car? Getting too attached could be costly from Physorg
Stand Up While You Read This! from NY Times Science
Cheney's 5 heart attacks unusual, shows good care from AP Health
Without suspect, authorities charge DNA before statute of limitations expires from Physorg
Heated Research On The Origin Of Life In Warm Waters And Ernesto Di Mauro
Photoacoustics Help Doctors Hear Melanoma
Weight Lifting Ant Hefts 100 Times Its Body Weight, Photo Contest Gold from PopSci
Stand Up While You Read This! from NY Times Health
Human behavior is 93 percent predictable, research shows from Physorg
Bose-Einstein Interferences: The Collider View
Depression Raises Cortisol Levels, Triggers Obesity In Girls
Saturn moon could be hospitable to life from
Alberta's high bowel disease rates focus of study from CBC: Health
Test-Tube Babies May Face Greater Health Risks Than Naturally Conceived Children from Scientific American
Small dog Middle East gene link from BBC News: Science & Nature
Understanding nitrogen's role in the ocean from Science Blog
Making Scents of Sounds: Noises May Alter How We Perceive Odors from Science Blog
Experts say US must do more to secure the Internet from Physorg
Alien invaders pack the Milky Way from Physorg
Gardasil approved for males from CBC: Health
Cheney's 5 heart attacks unusual, shows good care from Physorg
Physical activity in schools can improve children's fitness from Physorg
Pooch power: Small dogs originated in Middle East from Physorg
Small Dogs Came From Middle East 12,000 Years Ago
Ancient Human Ancestors Faced Fearsome Horned Crocodile from Live Science
Those Naughty Plants!
Apple eager to field new iPad tablet computer: CFO from Physorg
Quantum Tunnelling Composite Materials to Aid Next Generation Tactile Robotic Skin Development from Physorg
Surgery Williams had in U.S. available here from CBC: Health
Experts: Feds Need to Secure the Internet from CBSNews - Science
Molecular attraction keeps asteroids together from Physics World
Risk of stillbirth 4 times higher after IVF/ICSI compared to spontaneous pregnancies from Physorg
Intel heads $3.5 billion Invest in America Alliance from Physorg
New Data and Visualization Tools for the Whole Brain Catalog from Newswise - Scinews
UC San Diego's Wireless Research and Education Network Benefits Scientists and Societies in Southern California from Newswise - Scinews
SDSC's TeacherTECH Science Series Workshops to be Aired Locally, Nationally Starting March 1 from Newswise - Scinews
Hepatitis infection induced and cleared in mice with human liver cells from Science Blog
Stitching together 'lab-on-a-chip' devices with cotton thread and sewing needles from Science Daily
Quantum leap for phonon lasers from Science Daily
Virus hybridization could create pandemic bird flu from Science Daily
Geologists look for answers in Antarctica: Did ice exist at equator some 300 million years ago? from Science Daily
Stress hormone, depression trigger obesity in girls, study finds from Science Daily
Scientists create tiny RNA molecule with big implications for life's origins from Science Daily
Fungal fumes clear out crop pests from Science Daily
Overweight middle-aged adults at greater risk for cognitive decline in later life from Science Daily
Strategies help clinicians say 'no' to inappropriate treatment requests from Science Daily
What it might take to unravel the 'lean mean machine' that is cancer from Science Daily
Barents Sea: An effective ocean cooler from Science Daily
World-class protection boosts Australia's Great Barrier Reef from Science Daily
Lower-cost hospital care is not always lower in quality from Science Daily
Protein study shows evolutionary link between plants, humans from Science Daily
Remember magnesium if you want to remember: Synthetic supplement improves memory and staves off age-related memory loss from Science Daily
Engineer creates unique software that predicts stem cell fate from Science Daily
Benefit of HPV vaccination, frequent screening for women over 41 is likely to be low, study suggests from Science Daily
Neighborhood grids promise energy gains from Science Daily
In schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, life is not black and white from Science Daily
fghfdhfd from National Geographic
Deadly Tsunami Swarm Hit Haiti After Quake, Experts Say from National Geographic