Archive of feed items published on the 28th of November 2011
For Ex-N.H.L. Linesman Dapuzzo, Recovery Doesn’t Stop When Injuries Heal from NY Times Health
Project begins injection of CO2 for storage at Illinois Basin from Physorg
Researchers use CT to recreate Stradivarius violin from Physorg
Integrated 3-D imaging facilitates human face transplantation from Physorg
Functional brain pathways disrupted in children with ADHD from Physorg
The ABCC9 of sleep: A genetic factor that regulates how long we sleep from Physorg
Nature Conservancy Partners With California Fishermen from NY Times Science
Nations Meet to Address Problems of Climate Change from NY Times Science
Samsung targets 2 mln sales of new Galaxy device from Physorg
Climate set to worsen food crises: Oxfam from Physorg
40 percent of youths attempting suicide make first attempt before high school from Physorg
Restricted calorie diet improves heart function in obese patients with diabetes from Physorg
VIDEO: Mexico's investment in biofuels from BBC News: Science & Nature
Taking healthcare to students from LA Times - Science
Fans of Baby Beach hope to halt plans to change it from LA Times - Science
Giant new utility poles spark controversy in Chino Hills from LA Times - Science
Plan for crucial Australian rivers draws anger from Physorg
Hong Kong's shark fin traders feel pressure to change from Physorg
Geeky gifts that glow from MSNBC: Science
Finally Intel brings TRIM to SSDs in RAID arrays from Physorg
Brain find sheds light on autism from BBC News: Science & Nature
Germany clears nuclear protesters from BBC News: Science & Nature
S Korea's Lee dons thermal pants from BBC News: Science & Nature
Robots aid whisky barrel coopers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Electrodes 'reverse' Alzheimer's from BBC News: Science & Nature
AP IMPACT: More kids skip school shots in 8 states from AP Health
Climate change will hit Indian cereals, benefit legumes from SciDev
Imaging instruction: Researchers produce 'primer' to guide the use of STORM from Physorg
Four new leads identified for anti-cancer drugs from Physorg
Natural killers help fight human disease from Physorg
How do you mend a broken heart? from Physorg
Discoveries provide evidence of a celestial procession at Stonehenge from Physorg
Stem cell study advances regenerative medicine research from Physorg
Robots in reality from Physorg
Manipulating serotonin can promote healthy repair in chronic liver disease from Physorg
States could see substantial savings with tobacco control programs from Physorg
Wandering wolf inspires hope and dread from AP Science
Robots in reality from MIT Research
Call for Media: ESA Mars500 crew in France, Italy and Spain from European Space Agency
Infrared Glow-In-The-Dark Material
Ontario's developmentally challenged go to court from CBC: Health
UN warns 25 pct of world land highly degraded from AP Science
Price on Carbon Failing to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Scientific American
Wandering wolf inspires hope and dread from Physorg
Researchers make the case that modern life sprang from early mega-organism from Physorg
73,000 Finnish web users' details hacked: police from Physorg
S. Korea game maker vows tighter user security from Physorg
Toyota unveils high-tech concept car ahead of show from Physorg
Climate negotiations open, focus on emissions cuts from Physorg
UN warns 25 pct of world land highly degraded from Physorg
More kids skip school shots in 8 states from Physorg
Stonehenge new 'sun worship' find from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK women are 'fattest in Europe' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: UK government needs to be 'greener' from BBC News: Science & Nature
HIV/Aids: Why were the campaigns successful in the West? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Skywatcher Captures Heavenly View From Paradise from
Scan't Evidence: Do MRIs Relieve Symptoms of Depression? from Scientific American
Cystic fibrosis drug reverses genetic abnormality in the CF mutation from Physorg
Friend and foe? How crabs avoid getting eaten from Physorg
Topological matter in optical lattices from Physorg
Preparing a homogenous haystack from Physorg
EPFL robots will soon appear in school classrooms from Physorg
Climate talks open on ever-rising emissions from CBSNews - Science
Isolated reefs regenerate faster: study from Physorg
When errors improve performance: Model describes how experiences influence our perception from Physorg
Better thermal management promises cheaper, greener, cooler electronics from Physorg
Russia launches navigation satellite from Physorg
Marketing expert tracks online shoppers from Physorg
The progenitor problem from Physorg
Childless women at greater risk of poor health, study finds from Physorg
Study reveals blueberry secrets from Physorg
The immune system has protective memory cells, researchers discover from Physorg
Mid-Morning Snacking May Sabotage Weight-Loss Efforts from Newswise - Scinews
One Promising Puzzle Piece for Confirming Dark Matter Now Seems Unlikely Fit from Newswise - Scinews
Timely Cyber-Monday Tips from Internet Security Analyst from Newswise - Scinews
December is Cancer-Related Fatigue Awareness Month from Newswise - Scinews
70 Percent of Middle, High School Students Experience "Slut Bashing" or Other Sexual Harrassment from Newswise - Scinews
Anthropogenic Noise Prompts Both Short- And Long-term Changes In Birdsong
Coffee-Drinking Provides Raw Sewage Red Flag from Live Science
Kaneka, imec develop high-efficiency heterojunction silicon solar cells with copper electroplating from Physorg
Lifelong learning that adapts to you from Physorg
By combining conventional medical imaging with some of the same 3-D mode... from Science Blog
Low-cal Diet Ups Heart Function in Diabetic, Obese Patients from Science Blog
Promising Depression Treatment for Preschoolers from Science Blog
Skin cells may hold clues to autism from Science Blog
When will artificial molecular machines start working for us? from Science Blog
UN climate official warns of high stakes at Durban talks from CBC: Technology & Science
Kent takes tough tone on Durban talks from CBC: Technology & Science
Kindle sales quadrupled on Black Friday: Amazon from Physorg
For refugees from Burma, hope of better life in US turns into extreme poverty, isolation from Physorg
Checkmate! Researchers outsmart Intel copy protection HDCP from Physorg
Keeping one's eyes on the goal -- despite stress from Physorg
'Left-handed iron corkscrews' point the way to new weapon in battle against superbugs like MRSA from Physorg
40% of youth suicide attempts occur before high school from Science Blog
Monkeys join chorus to show off from BBC News: Science & Nature
Quack Medicines, Insect Immigrants, and What Eats What Revealed by DNA Barcodes from Newswise - Scinews
40 Percent of Youths Attempting Suicide Make First Attempt Before High School from Newswise - Scinews
Mild Cognitive Impairment Distresses Health of Caregiver from Newswise - Scinews
Engineers Design Handle To Make Lifting Car Seats Safer, Easier from Newswise - Scinews
Shocking osmotic route to nanopores from Chemistry World
New spin on spider silk from Chemistry World
Toyota unveils high-tech concept car from CBC: Technology & Science
Canada's fuel efficiency ratings out of sync with U.S. numbers from CBC: Technology & Science
Halifax lobster webcam disappearance upsets viewers from CBC: Technology & Science
Wind power proposal in St. John's from CBC: Technology & Science
More famine likely as climate warms, Oxfam warns from CBC: Technology & Science
Research group develops more efficient artificial enzyme from Physorg
Mental health research gains $30M from CBC: Health
Doctor recruitment office in the balance from CBC: Health
Addiction treatment after jail not available from CBC: Health
Great Lakes fish feed on invading shrimp from Science Blog
Over Earth: Envisat's View - Part 4 from
UN warns 25% of planet's land is highly degraded from CBC: Technology & Science
Mental health research gains $30M from CBC: Technology & Science
Exercise Helps You Sleep Better from Live Science
Obese boy placed in foster care over weight concerns from CBC: Health
For refugees from Burma, hope of better life in US turns into extreme poverty, isolation from Science Blog
Gadget deals aplenty on cyber Monday from CBSNews - Science
Oldest UK green charity may close from BBC News: Science & Nature
World's Largest Kidney Society Welcomes New President from Newswise - Scinews
Cell Molecule Identified as Central Player in the Formation of New Blood Vessels from Newswise - Scinews
Daily Wheezing Treatment No Different from Intermittent in Toddlers from Newswise - Scinews
Marinda Wu Wins ACS Election from C&EN
Deadly Plant Explosion in China from C&EN
Protein Interactions In Membranes from C&EN
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Global Climate Talks in Durban from NY Times Science
Climate change talks kick off in Durban from CBC: Technology & Science
Math report shows Canadian girls pulling even with boys from CBC: Technology & Science
Marine biodiversity loss due to warming and predation: study from Physorg
Counting cats: The endangered snow leopards of the Himalayas from Physorg
Breast cancer type linked to paternal cancer from Physorg
Montreal East struggles to recruit family doctors from CBC: Health
42,000 years ago, your ancestors were fishing from Science Blog
Video: Beware of costly high tech add-ons from CBSNews - Science
Tech gifts: Add-ons you may not need from CBSNews - Science
Ecuador's women farmers reap rewards of joint work from BBC News: Science & Nature
All Systems Are Go After Curiosity Rover's Successful Launch from PopSci
Iranian Sanctions Limited without Russian, Chinese Participation, Says Iran Historian from Newswise - Scinews
Topological Matter in Optical Lattices from Newswise - Scinews
New Directory Features Sources of Help for Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment from Newswise - Scinews
Bison on Konza Prairie Fuel Experiments to Restore Prairie Ecosystem from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers unlock bacteria's beneficial side from Physorg
These reptiles are ready for their (extreme) close-up from MSNBC: Science
Solar Eclipse Wows Lucky Skywatchers in New Zealand from
Photos: Amazing Views of November 2011 Solar Eclipse from
Can Transplanted Embryonic Stem Cells Integrate Into Target Organs? A Neuron Test Case
Biomass could provide a fifth of global energy without damaging food production from Science Blog
NASA Rover Begins Long Cruise to Mars from Live Science
Consumers Worry About Rising Holiday Credit Card Balances from Live Science
What's Next for Mars Exploration? from Live Science
Microscopic Worlds Gallery: Fascinating Fungi from Live Science
Toyota reveals "smartphone on four wheels" from CBSNews - Science
CMAJ urges end to hospital parking fees from CBC: Health
UT MD Anderson Creates Institute to Accelerate Cancer Drug Development from Newswise - Scinews
What Wakes Dormant Tumor Cells from Newswise - Scinews
How You Use Credit Cards Depends on What You Know -- and What You Think You Know from Newswise - Scinews
Creative Excuses: Original Thinkers More Likely to Cheat from Newswise - Scinews
Transplant Symposium Focuses on Equality in Allocation and Access to Organ Transplantation from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists make the 'perfect' foam from News @ Nature
US closes 150 websites in counterfeit crackdown from Physorg
GM says electric Volt is safe despite fires from Physorg
Paying physicians more to get more -- or to get less from Physorg
Hospital parking fees are health care user fees from Physorg
School-in-a-bag reduces drop-out rates from Physorg
Four reasons why the quantum vacuum may explain dark matter from Physorg
NASA Launches Most Capable and Robust Rover to Explore Mars from Science Blog
Artist Concept of SLS on Launchpad from Live Science
New Butterfly Species ID'ed by DNA from Live Science
Dolphin Pregnancy Is a Drag, Literally from Live Science
Toyota unveils "smartphone on four wheels" from CBSNews - Science
Orange sweet potato a hit in Mozambique, say inventors from SciDev
Egyptian scientists to make diabetes drug from bitter fruit from SciDev
Submarine springs offer preview of ocean acidification effects on coral reefs from Physorg
NIH answers call to streamline technology transfer process from Physorg
Creative excuses: Original thinkers more likely to cheat from Physorg
New database for vital model organism launched from Physorg
Study debunks stereotype that men think about sex all day long from Physorg
Herbicide atrazine spurs reproductive problems in many creatures: study from Physorg
Socioeconomic status may explain racial disparities in diet, exercise, and weight from Physorg
Increased risk of blood clots on the lung for patients with autoimmune diseases from Physorg
Rx with hyperbaric oxygen improved TBI and PTSD in vets from Physorg
What wakes dormant tumor cells from Physorg
NIH discontinues tenofovir vaginal gel in 'VOICE' HIV prevention study from Physorg
Risk of second cancer in cancer survivors mainly confined to the same cancer type as the first from Physorg
Researchers design steady-handed robot for brain surgery from Physorg
Putting humans on display — Paris museum asks why from MSNBC: Science
Does the Moon Have a Strange Ionosphere? from
TMS Names 2012 Class of Fellows from Newswise - Scinews
McIntire School of Commerce Team Wins 2011 UVA Entrepreneurship Cup from Newswise - Scinews
McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia Hosts Forum on Islamic Finance from Newswise - Scinews
Higher Patient Adherence to Disease Modifying Therapies Reduced Costs for MS Patients from Newswise - Scinews
Herbicide atrazine spurs reproductive problems in many creatures, report finds from Science Daily
'Fool's gold' aids discovery of new options for cheap, benign solar energy from Science Daily
Profiles in Science | Steven Pinker: Profiles in Science - Steven Pinker - Human Nature’s Pathologist from NY Times Science
Green Blog: The Power Politics of Water Struggles from NY Times Science
Depression can lead to heart disease from Physorg
When inflexibility is counterproductive: Mechanism of UV-induced DNA Dewar lesion revealed from Physorg
'Fool's gold' aids discovery of new options for cheap, benign solar energy from Physorg
Urinary retention due to benign enlarged prostate treated differently in 15 countries from Physorg
The art of stabilizing entangled spaghetti-like materials from Physorg
An unexpected player in a cancer defense system from Physorg
Cell molecule identified as central player in the formation of new blood vessels from Physorg
Good intentions may hamper progress in pursuit of global reproductive health and rights from Physorg
Patients with balance disorders benefit from integrative therapy from Physorg
Fungi: Another tool in bacteria's belt? from Physorg
Cleft lip corrected genetically in mouse model from Physorg
Men's honest overconfidence may lead to male domination in the C-suite from Physorg
Apple founding contract headed for auction from CBSNews - Science
Spoof Health Canada email offers shovelling credit from CBC: Health
Coffee drinkers provide raw sewage red flag from MSNBC: Science
Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun from
Well Blog: Really? The Claim: Coffee Can Prevent Some Medications From Working from NY Times Health
Review: iTunes Match wins cloud music war by wisp from Physorg
EU data protection reform to replace national laws from Physorg
Harmful patterns of painkiller prescriptions seen among methadone patients from Physorg
Researchers design new handle to make lifting infant car seats safer, easier from Physorg
The shadows in a city reveal its energy flow from Physorg
New technique puts chemistry breakthroughs on the fast track from Physorg
Researchers develop a vaccine prototype stronger than traditional vaccines from Physorg
Your abusive boss may not be good for your marriage: study from Physorg
New potential therapeutic target identified for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma from Physorg
Mid-morning snacking may sabotage weight-loss efforts from Physorg
Saving millions of lives and protecting our climate through clean cooking options from Physorg
International initiative to address safety issues in stem cell therapy from Physorg
New compound defeats drug-resistant bacteria from Physorg
Scientists identify key area that could sever communication between brain and heart in disease from Physorg
Caregivers at risk for health problems from Physorg
One promising puzzle piece for confirming dark matter now seems unlikely fit from Physorg
Mid-morning snacking may sabotage weight-loss efforts from Science Blog
Some Seal Moms Take Flippers-Off Approach from Live Science
Man with jetpack races actual jets from CBSNews - Science
Bulk of pregnancy slows down dolphins from MSNBC: Science
Canada makes Kyoto climate strike from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: Phone App For Distracted Pedestrians Detects When You're About to Get Hit By a Car from PopSci
Graphene foam detects explosives, emissions better than today's gas sensors from Science Daily
Mid-morning snacking may sabotage weight-loss efforts from Science Daily
Vaccine prototype stronger than traditional vaccines from Science Daily
Cleft lip corrected genetically in mouse model from Science Daily
New compound defeats drug-resistant bacteria from Science Daily
Study debunks stereotype that men think about sex all day long from Science Daily
Submarine springs offer preview of ocean acidification effects on coral reefs from Science Daily
Functional brain pathways disrupted in children with ADHD from Science Daily
In Wake of Fukushima Disaster, Japan's Scientists Ponder How to Regain Public Trust from Science NOW
New Hope of a Cure for H.I.V. from NY Times Health
Books: ‘Open Wound’ Book Review - Doctor and Patient, Bound Together from NY Times Health
A Closer Look at Teeth May Mean More Fillings by Dentists from NY Times Health
Global Update: Home Care Best for Child Pneumonia in Study from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Flavorful and Sustainable Fish — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Cause Symptoms That Mimic Aging from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Pacific Cod Ceviche — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Genetic code of first arachnid cracked
How bats 'hear' objects in their path
Researchers use CT to recreate Stradivarius violin
Counting cats: The endangered snow leopards of the Himalayas
New Hope of a Cure for H.I.V. from NY Times Science
A Closer Look at Teeth May Mean More Fillings by Dentists from NY Times Science
Global Update: Home Care Best for Child Pneumonia in Study from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Cause Symptoms That Mimic Aging from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Coffee Can Prevent Some Medications From Working from NY Times Science
Harvard men win Battle 4 Atlantis from Harvard Science
Early humans skilled at deep-sea fishing from CBC: Technology & Science
Atrazine in Water Tied to Hormonal Irregularities from Scientific American
Scientists Make the 'Perfect' Foam from Scientific American
Biology’s big bang had a long fuse from
French Ban on Genetically Modified Corn Loses Another Round from Science NOW
New study to test unusual hypothesis on beta brainwaves from Physorg
Washington pediatricians receive regular requests for alternative child immunization schedules from Physorg
Boys with regressive autism, but not early onset autism, have larger brains from Physorg
Reality in the eye of the beholder: A Photoshop reality check from Physorg
Researchers engineer blood stem cells to fight melanoma from Physorg
Aging stem cells may explain higher prevalence of leukemia, infections among elderly from Physorg
Babies embrace punishment earlier than previously thought from Physorg
Swiss ski resorts still waiting for snow from Physorg
Internet has become 'surveillance machine': Assange from Physorg
Drought puts heat on future of butterflies from MSNBC: Science
Robot can squeeze under obstacles from BBC News: Science & Nature
Books: ‘Open Wound’ Book Review - Doctor and Patient, Bound Together from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Partial Hysterectomies Still Increase Early Menopause Risk from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Delay in Clamping Umbilical Cord Has Benefits Months Later from NY Times Science
Theater Review | 'Radiance': ‘Radiance’ by Alan Alda at Geffen Playhouse - Review from NY Times Science
Many starving bear cubs rescued from UPI
Russia launches Glonass satellite from UPI
Mystery hummingbird spotted in Illinois from UPI
Toilet technology targets boredom from BBC News: Science & Nature
Making sure kidney donors fare as well as promised from AP Health
ScienceShot: Whirlybirds from Science NOW
Q & A: Is a Ban on Drinking Water Hours Before Surgery Necessary? from NY Times Science
Observatory: A Bacterial Platoon With Fungi Engineers from NY Times Science
Making sure kidney donors fare as well as promised from Physorg
New study shows biopsy of recurrent breast cancer can alter treatment from Physorg
Most hospitals miss critical window for heart attack transfer patients from Physorg
Beyond brain scanning: Simultaneous high-resolution 3D neural imaging and photostimulation from Physorg
Gumby-like flexible robot crawls in tight spaces (w/ video) from Physorg
Babies like to see bad guys punished from CBC: Technology & Science
Saskatchewan dinosaur recognized as new species from CBC: Technology & Science
Soft-bodied robot can wriggle through tight spaces from CBC: Technology & Science
Vital Signs: Delay in Clamping Umbilical Cord Has Benefits Months Later from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Partial Hysterectomies Still Increase Early Menopause Risk from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: For Heart Health, Less Sodium Isn’t Always Better from NY Times Health
Well Blog: Are Dentists Overtreating Your Teeth? from NY Times Health
Sidebar: Supreme Court TV? Nice Idea, but Still Not Likely from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: For Heart Health, Less Sodium Isn’t Always Better from NY Times Science
Antibiotics in swine feed encourage gene exchange from Physorg
WalkSafe app shields smartphone pedestrians (w/ video) from Physorg
In the heart of Cygnus, NASA's Fermi reveals a cosmic-ray cocoon from Physorg
Over 78 million Brazilians have Internet access from Physorg
Drug may slow spread of deadly eye cancer from Physorg
EPA Plans To Collect Data On Fracking Fluids from C&EN
Earthquakes At Uturuncu Volcano
Ladybugs Changed Color in Response to Climate Change from Science NOW
Nation’s Oldest Birding Group Serves as a Collective Memory from NY Times Science
The Certainty of Memory Has Its Day in Court from NY Times Science
Observatory: Different Strokes for Pregnant Dolphins from NY Times Science
Observatory: Fishhooks Show the Advanced Maritime Skills of Another Age from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Will the Lights Stay On in Texas and New England? from NY Times Science
Wordplay Blog: Numberplay: Beads on Wire from NY Times Science
Evidence found of early man's deep-sea fishing skills from CBSNews - Science
Video: Toyota Fun-Vii concept car unveiled from CBSNews - Science
Spectacular solar eclipse thrills lucky skywatchers from CBSNews - Science
Genetic code of first arachnid cracked from Biology News Net
Counting cats: The endangered snow leopards of the Himalayas from Biology News Net
Snow-vember Surprise: Why Deep South Is Seeing Frosty Weather from Live Science
Creative Thinkers More Likely to Cheat from Live Science
How Morning Snacking Could Damage Your Diet from Live Science
'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle' from Live Science
'Perfect' Celebrity Photos to Get Reality Check from Live Science
Even Babies Think Crime Deserves Punishment from Live Science
Artificial Intelligence Helps Spot Fossil Sites from Live Science
Earth's Core Starved for Oxygen from Live Science
Babies Want Bad Behavior Punished from Live Science
Vegetarians and Vegans (Infographic) from Live Science
Drug May Slow Spread of Deadly Eye Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Test Effects of Vitamin D on Asthma Severity from Newswise - Scinews
Study Debunks Stereotype that Men Think About Sex All Day Long from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Engineer Blood Stem Cells to Seek out and Attack Melanoma from Newswise - Scinews
Washington State Pediatricians Receiving Regular Requests for Alternative Childhood Immunization Schedules from Newswise - Scinews
Dr. Andrew B. Lassman Named Chief of Neuro-Oncology at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center from Newswise - Scinews
New Potential Therapeutic Target Identified for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma from Newswise - Scinews
Your Abusive Boss May Not be Good for Your Marriage from Newswise - Scinews
Authorities Gauge Impact of Europe's Galileo Navigation Satellite System from Newswise - Scinews
Bold Packaging Sells Products but Can Also Cause Consumers To Use Less from Newswise - Scinews
Longtime CUR Member is Named University Distinguished Outreach Professor at the University of Arizona from Newswise - Scinews
Splice Now or Splice Later from Newswise - Scinews
Graphene Foam Detects Explosives, Emissions Better Than Today's Gas Sensors from Newswise - Scinews
Cleft Lip Corrected Genetically in Mouse Model from Newswise - Scinews
MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors Welcomes New Members from Newswise - Scinews
Photos: Sneak Peek of "Meteorite Men" Season 3 from
'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle' from
Pluto's Moons Could Spell Danger for New Horizons Spacecraft from
Japan Calls it Quits on Infrared Space Telescope from
Best Space & Astronomy Gifts from
Photos: Watching the Mars Rover Curiosity Blast Off from
Total Eclipse of the Moon (Infographic) from
Babies embrace punishment earlier than previously thought, study suggests from Science Daily
Aging stem cells may explain higher prevalence of leukemia, infections among elderly from Science Daily
Boys with regressive autism, but not early onset autism, have larger brains than age-matched healthy counterparts, study finds from Science Daily
Fungi: Another tool in bacteria's belt? Fungi and bacteria help one another stay mobile, say researchers from Science Daily
Depression can lead to heart disease, study suggests from Science Daily
New technique puts chemistry breakthroughs on the fast track from Science Daily
Creative excuses: Original thinkers more likely to cheat, study finds from Science Daily
IVC filters: Largest single patient population study to date on placement success, patient follow-up from Science Daily
Closer to finding treament for duchenne muscular dystrophy from Science Daily
Researchers use CT to recreate Stradivarius violin from Science Daily
Integrated 3-D imaging facilitates human face transplantation from Science Daily
Restricted calorie diet improves heart function in obese patients with diabetes from Science Daily
New handle makes lifting infant car seats safer, easier from Science Daily
Key area that could sever communication between brain and heart in disease identified from Science Daily
One promising puzzle piece for confirming dark matter now seems unlikely fit from Science Daily
Marine biodiversity loss due to global warming and predation from Science Daily
The art of stabilizing entangled spaghetti-like materials from Science Daily
Ancient environment led to Earth's current marine biodiversity from Science Daily
An unexpected player in a cancer defense system from Science Daily
Slovakia doctors threaten to leave over low pay from AP Health
CO2 pumped underground in Illinois from UPI
Many starving bear cubs rescued from UPI
Russia launches Glonass satellite from UPI
Mystery hummingbird spotted in Illinois from UPI
Going Green and Staying Out of the Red from Newswise - Scinews
NYU Langone Experts Present at Radiological Society Meeting from Newswise - Scinews
Biopsy of Recurrent Breast Cancer Can Alter Treatment from Newswise - Scinews
Hunting for Space Rocks: Q&A with Geoff Notkin of 'Meteorite Men' from
No more free infant formula at RI hospitals from AP Health
Baffling Failure of Vaginal Gel Laced With Anti-HIV Drug from Science NOW
Essay: With Chocolate at Stake, Physicists Bet on Whether the Higgs Boson Will Be Found from NY Times Science
Letters: Intuition Goes Only So Far (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: More Help With Clutter (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Looking at the Thyroid (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: L.G.B.T. Patients’ Needs (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Surveillance is sufficient for women following molar pregnancy: study from Physorg
Harvard boffins invent Gumby-like flexible robot from CBSNews - Science
CT scans used to recreate Stradivarius from UPI
CO2 pumped underground in Illinois from UPI
Study looks at the nature of change in our aging, changing brains from Science Daily
In the heart of Cygnus, NASA's Fermi reveals a cosmic-ray cocoon from Science Daily
Antibiotics in swine feed encourage gene exchange from Science Daily
Drug may slow spread of deadly eye cancer from Science Daily
How the brain strings words into sentences from Science Daily
Curiosity mission safely launches to Mars from Physics World
ScienceShot: More Than a Pretty Face? from Science NOW
Slideshow: Science meets art from MSNBC: Science
With test launch, U.S. Navy goes electromagnetic from CBSNews - Science
U.S. Navy F-35C gets electromagnetic launch from CBSNews - Science
Last Chance for Kyoto Protocol: Nearly 200 Nations Begin Climate Talks from Scientific American
Health Canada pulls approval of Avastin for breast cancer from CBC: Health
'Perfect' celebrity photos to get reality check from MSNBC: Science
Gumby-like flexible robot crawls in tight spaces from AP Science
Nearly 10 percent of patients undergoing procedure such as balloon angioplasty or stent placement readmitted to hospital within 30 days from Science Daily
Patients requiring transfer to another facility for percutaneous coronary intervention rarely meet recommended guidelines for transfer to treatment times from Science Daily
Smoking cessation interventions appear to be effective for some current smokers from Science Daily
Biopsy of recurrent breast cancer can alter treatment, new study shows from Science Daily
First U.S. large demonstration-scale injection of CO2 from a biofuel production facility begins from Science Daily
40 percent of youths attempting suicide make first attempt before high school, study finds from Science Daily
Big Pharma funds group's push for cancer drugs from CBC: Health
Facebook IPO coming next spring? from CBSNews - Science
Radio waves to target bedbugs from UPI
The Certainty of Memory Has Its Day in Court from NY Times Health
Q & A: Is a Ban on Drinking Water Hours Before Surgery Necessary? from NY Times Health
Letters: More Help With Clutter (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Looking at the Thyroid (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: L.G.B.T. Patients’ Needs (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Intuition Goes Only So Far (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Bomb spike hints on climate change from Science Alert
Bananas favour long days from Science Alert
Study finds new ‘natural killers’ from Science Alert
Hearts 'can be broken’ by grief from Science Alert
Extreme Geohazards - What Are They?
Most hospitals miss critical window for heart attack transfer patients, study finds from Science Daily
Washington pediatricians receive regular requests for alternative child immunization schedules from Science Daily
How bacteria can break down hazardous environmental pollutants from Science Daily
Transplanted cells repair the brain in obese mice from Science Daily
Sun worship discovery at Stonehenge from UPI
Walnuts trees face climate obstacles from UPI
Stem cell research center opens in Calif. from UPI
Radio waves to target bedbugs from UPI
CT scans used to recreate Stradivarius from UPI
New Robot: Squid Or Starfish?
Ancient pits add to Stonehenge mystery from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Atrazine reproductive issues reviewed from UPI
Sun worship discovery at Stonehenge from UPI
Walnuts trees face climate obstacles from UPI
Stem cell research center opens in Calif. from UPI
Earth's past gives clues to future changes from Science Daily
How bats 'hear' objects in their path from Science Daily
The immune system has protective memory cells, researchers discover from Science Daily
Cell molecule identified as central player in the formation of new blood vessels from Science Daily
Drug Industry Meets In Shanghai from C&EN
Climate Change from C&EN
Spotting The Tiniest Babies from C&EN
2011 Green Chemistry Awards from C&EN
DAK Americas Buys Wellman for $185 Million from C&EN