Archive of feed items published on the 29th of November 2011
Environment and diet leave their prints on the heart from Physorg
Overhauls Are Urged by Governor’s Panel to Fix Brooklyn Hospitals from NY Times Health
Software to Rate How Drastically Photos Are Retouched from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Halibut, Chard and Potato Casserole — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
By Any Measure, Rising Poverty Rates Take a Toll on Two Generations from Newswise - Scinews
Honey bee mystery protein is a freight train for health and lifespan from Science Blog
Frequent "Heading" In Soccer Can Lead to Brain Injury and Cognitive Impairment from Newswise - Scinews
Colombia architect leads bamboo building crusade from LA Times - Science
Family reluctantly gives up its hold on Santa Rosa Island from LA Times - Science
Peafowl get another reprieve in La Cañada Flintridge from LA Times - Science
New technology gives patients control of medical image sharing from Physorg
Growth hormone increases bone formation in obese women from Physorg
Norwegian study finds opening bars longer increases violence from Physorg
New study supports mammography screening at 40 from Physorg
'Heading' a soccer ball could lead to brain injury from Physorg
Virtual childbirth simulator improves safety of high-risk deliveries from Physorg
Bright future for gaN nanowires from Physorg
Facebook stock offer rumors renewed from Physorg
Brazil says it has AIDS under control from Physorg
Twitter buys Android gadget security startup from Physorg
Climate change now seen as a question of global security from Physorg
Facebook sidelines contested Merck profile page from Physorg
'Cyber Monday' sizzles with US online shopping from Physorg
Slovakia doctors threaten to leave over low pay from Physorg
Toyota taking orders in Japan for Prius plug-in from Physorg
No more free infant formula at RI hospitals from Physorg
Honey bee mystery protein is a freight train for health and lifespan from Physorg
Canadians have no time for healthy living from CBC: Health
Australian air safety bureau probes smoking iPhone from Physorg
How unchecked alarms can spark autoimmune disease from Physorg
Researchers uncover new function for cell master regulator from Physorg
Breakthrough: 'Global warming gene' from Physorg
Bubbles help break energy storage record for lithium-air batteries from Physorg
Stradivarius violin 'replicated' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Public identify whale 'dialects' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Winter vomit virus 'in oysters' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Canada battles to export its oil from BBC News: Science & Nature
Japanese carmakers eye energy efficient future from BBC News: Science & Nature
Lessons learned from fracking from BBC News: Science & Nature
A Tocqueville for our time from Physorg
UIC researchers test effects of vitamin D on asthma severity from Physorg
Women backed by women: taking risks from Physorg
Study offers new insight for preventing fear relapse after trauma from Physorg
Childhood adversities contribute to bullying behaviors from Physorg
China prepares for big entry into vaccine market from AP Health
Seagate intros second-generation solid state hybrid drive from Physorg
Cancer drug 'scalpers' corner US market from Physorg
Norovirus found in majority of British oysters: study from Physorg
Shipping industry sees price on carbon emissions from Physorg
China prepares for big entry into vaccine market from Physorg
World temps maintain the heat of global warming from Physorg
A Tocqueville for our time from MIT Research
Computer model spots image fraud from News @ Nature
Modest Agnostics Expect A Multiverse And Hold Many Worlds True
Introducing the latest quasicrystal from Physics World
Eastern Health defends hospital parking fees from CBC: Health
CO2 From Peat May Be Underestimated
A black hole unmasked from Physorg
A vaccination against social prejudice from Physorg
Lightning-made waves in Earth's atmosphere leak into space from Physorg
Doctor-atient relationship influences patient engagement from Physorg
Massive Black Hole Yields its Mysteries to Astronomers from
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Wind Power on Tribal Lands from NY Times Science
China solar industry rejects US anti-dumping probe from Physorg
Sunlight in tropical forest driving force behind ecological niches of tree species from Physorg
Bacterial genes tell the tale of an outbreak`s evolution from Physorg
Bison on Konza Prairie fuel experiments to restore prairie ecosystem from Physorg
Tackling malnutrition in older patients on the wards from Physorg
New thinking required on wildlife disease from Physorg
Secure World Foundation Ushers in New Leadership with the New Year from Newswise - Scinews
December Anesthesiology News Briefs from Newswise - Scinews
Europe prepares new technologies for future launchers from European Space Agency
‘Star wars’ laser offers new insight into Earth’s atmosphere from European Space Agency
Cancer’s sweet tooth may be its weak link from Science Blog
Soccer ‘heading’ can make you loopy from Science Blog
Protein, not sugar beats the 3 pm slump from Science Blog
Diet, environment leave their prints on the heart from Science Blog
Gluten-free holiday strategies minimize stress from Physorg
Life on alien planets may not require a large moon after all from Physorg
Physicists propose search for fourth neutrino from Physorg
Tiny silicon nanowire generator harnesses energy from heat produced in electronic circuits from Physorg
Researchers freely share LCLS experiment data on public database from Physorg
Researchers find supplementary benefits in innovative probiotic study from Physorg
Fighting Parkinson's with carbon nanoparticles from Physorg
Los Alamos instrument to shine light on Mars habitability from Physorg
Melbourne to host major AIDS forum from Physorg
Italy: 3 brothers suffer heart attacks on same day from Physorg
Past decade ties for world's hottest: UN agency from Physorg
Programming language can't be copyrighted: EU court from Physorg
UK space radar project initiated from BBC News: Science & Nature
Indian Ocean cocktail party leaves trail of party hats behind from Physorg
Chancellor gives £200m to science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Honest overconfidence may lead to male domination in the C-suite from Science Blog
Creative types more likely to cheat from Science Blog
Virus Kills Breast Cancer Cells in Laboratory from Science Blog
Massive black hole gives up its secrets from CBSNews - Science
Emerging new properties at oxide interfaces from Physorg
Mars 'Curiosity' has ORNL tech from Physorg
Mobile clinics, home visits of little benefit to children with asthma who need care the most from Physorg
Pollen research not be sniffed at from Physorg
New insight into climate change in the Pacific from Physorg
Single-walled carbon nanotubes may serve as ideal probing tips to study friction, lubrication and wear at the microscale from Physorg
Study finds pigeons use bodies to turn rather than wing force from Physorg
Trimming Your Student Holiday Budget from Newswise - Scinews
American Medical Group Association Launches Next Phase of Accountable Care Learning Collaboratives from Newswise - Scinews
Williams Joins UAB as Research Editor from Newswise - Scinews
Lloyd J. Old, "Father of Modern Tumor Immunology," Dies from Newswise - Scinews
World AIDS Day Video with Leading Expert from Newswise - Scinews
High Blood Pressure, Anemia Put Children with Sickle Cell Disease at Risk for Silent Strokes from Newswise - Scinews
Neurology Residency Program at Cedars-Sinai Wins Accreditation; Recruiting Under Way for Inaugural Residents in Three-Year Program from Newswise - Scinews
Warm blast hits UN climate summit from BBC News: Science & Nature
U.K. supports Canada on oilsands from CBC: Technology & Science
Alberta worked with industry on fracking PR strategy from CBC: Technology & Science
Desperate alcoholics are drinking hand sanitizer from CBC: Health
British Library puts 300 years of history online from CBSNews - Science
Nanoparticles offer insights into interactions between single-stranded DNA and their binding proteins from Physorg
The road to ultrahigh-resolution X-ray spectrometers from Physorg
Polarized filter may reduce unnecessary cervical biopsies and surgeries from Physorg
Incredible ‘sideways` look at Mercury`s limb from Physorg
Study probes potential link between cancer and a common chemical in consumer products from Physorg
High blood pressure, anemia put children with sickle cell disease at risk for silent strokes from Physorg
Restaurant Menus Will Include DNA Barcodes to Verify Fish Species from PopSci
Bumpy implants fool the immune system in a good way from Science Blog
RIM breaks from BlackBerry-only focus from CBSNews - Science
Fast, Reliable Tool Characterizes Antibodies from C&EN
Oil Is Oil, Even In The Arctic from C&EN
More Chemical Data, More Often from C&EN
Removing Nitrogen From Wastewater Would Clean Air, Too from C&EN
Detecting Crude Oil In Water from C&EN
Banana crop abundance linked to length of day from Physorg
Research team finds new explanation for Cambrian explosion from Physorg
New findings about unwanted fungal growth on dry-cured meat products from Physorg
USC Receives $50 Million Gift to Name USC Sol Price School of Public Policy from Newswise - Scinews
Mobile Clinics, Home Visits of Little Benefit to Children with Asthma Who Need Care the Most from Newswise - Scinews
Skywatcher Captures Dazzling Green Flash Over Setting Sun from
Bullies Use Sexual Taunts to Hurt Teen Girls from Live Science
Atrazine reproductive issues reviewed from UPI
FLEX-ible Insight Into Flame Behavior from Science Blog
Facebook to go public in $10B IPO from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple iPhone 'self-combustion' on flight sparks probe from CBC: Technology & Science
Charles M. Williams dies at 94 from Harvard Science
Dot Earth Blog: Straight Talk on Climate Progress in California and Beyond from NY Times Science
Pay parking meter by text? SF to test service from CBSNews - Science
Print quality nanotubes control LED switching from Chemistry World
Smartphone Touchscreens Could Analyze Biological Smears to Diagnose Illness from PopSci
Walnut trees may not be able to withstand climate change from Science Daily
Environment and diet leave their prints on the heart from Science Daily
'Data furnaces' could heat homes if companies warm up to idea from CBC: Technology & Science
Computer Model Spots Image Fraud from Scientific American
City stops funding doctor recruitment centre from CBC: Health
Friends of alum endow new fellowship from Harvard Science
Green Blog: Qatar, Greenhouse Gas Titan, Will Host Next U.N. Climate Summit from NY Times Science
'iCow': helping farmers make the most of their cattle from SciDev
Watch online: Media presentation - highlights of Space Lab competition from European Space Agency
Stunning Photo of New Solar System Captured by Amateur Astronomer from
Are Mammograms Needed in Your 40s? Study Reignites Debate from Live Science
Pluto's Moons Could Spell Danger for New Horizons Spacecraft from Live Science
Ravens Use 'Hand' Gestures to Communicate from Live Science
Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun from Live Science
Computers can help find fossil sites from MSNBC: Science
Kim Kardashian tops web search from CBC: Technology & Science
Paulina Gretzky shuts down racy Twitter account from CBC: Technology & Science
Immunity 35: 819–831 (November 23, 2011) from The Rockefeller University
A blow to promising HIV microbicide gel from SciDev
Just 1 in 4 with HIV have infection under control from AP Health
Alabama Gets First November Snow in 35 Years from Live Science
Massive Black Hole Yields its Mysteries to Astronomers from Live Science
Dreaming May Help Relieve a Bad Day from Live Science
Annual Climate Change Talks Face Same Big Challenge from Live Science
Lightning-made waves in Earth's atmosphere leak into space from Science Daily
Shocking new way to create nanoporous materials from Science Daily
Curiosity On Its Way To Mars from C&EN
The Different Personalities Of Urban And Rural Song Sparrows
Going to the Dogs: University's Newest Patent for Improving Canine Health from Newswise - Scinews
Seaweed Hotspots, Illegal Logging, and Discovering New Species Under the Desert from Newswise - Scinews
Seeking to be the 'Perfect Parent' Not Always Good for New Moms and Dads from Newswise - Scinews
Is There a Central Brain Area for HearingMelodies and Speech Cues? from Newswise - Scinews
Burton Blatt Institute Experts to Provide Legal Analysis as Part of $2.35M Grant To Improve Employment for People with Disabilities from Newswise - Scinews
No Decline in Running Economy for Older Runners from Newswise - Scinews
No landing date yet for Air Force's mystery craft from AP Science
Greenhouse Effect Could Extend Habitable Zone in Alien Solar Systems from
Should a New Recipe for Engineered Bird Flu, Potent Enough to Kill Millions, Be Published? from PopSci
Abusive internet post leaves B.C. teen 'disgusted' from CBC: Technology & Science
U.S. radiologists back mammograms for women in 40s from CBC: Health
Vancouver hospital parking fees defended by officials from CBC: Health
Group demands information on abortion rights from CBC: Health
Arab scientists call for funding for regional collaborations from SciDev
Scaling up innovations to fight hunger from SciDev
The Math Of Prostate Cancer
Tall fescue helps protect peach trees from nematodes from Physorg
Industrialization weakens important carbon sink from Physorg
'Skin bones' helped large dinosaurs survive, new study says from Physorg
Genetic buzzer-beater genes may save fish from Physorg
Walnut trees may not be able to withstand climate change from Physorg
Going to the dogs: University's newest patent for improving canine health from Physorg
A new system for forecasting the GDP of autonomous regions from Physorg
Minorities pay more for water and sewer from Physorg
Higher petrol taxes don't hurt the poor: study from Physorg
Climate change stunting growth of century-old Antarctic moss shoots from Physorg
Shedding light on the 'dark matter' of the genome from Physorg
Ontario, Canada: Youth smoking at all-time low; teen binge drinking, driving after cannabis use remain concerns from Physorg
Breakthrough in the battle against malaria from Physorg
Monster-Stars Spit Cosmic Rays From Cygnus X from
Gamma Rays Fill Cosmic Bubbles in New NASA Photo from
Abusive Bosses Can Cause Marital Problems from Live Science
Madagascar dinosaur bone is most massive osteoderm ever found from Science Daily
'Skin bones' helped large dinosaurs survive, new study says from Science Daily
Science lesson plans 'rejected' from BBC News: Science & Nature
How neuroscience can shape policy from BBC News: Science & Nature
Climate Change Boosts Lethal Hendra Virus from Scientific American
U.S. malls stop tracking shoppers' cellphones from CBC: Technology & Science
Craigslist down across Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Binge drinking health concern among Ont. teens from CBC: Health
Attawapiskat First Nation's call for help prompts action from CBC: Health
Nature online: November 13, 2011 from The Rockefeller University
Body rebuilding: Researchers regenerate muscle in mice from Physorg
The implications of disease coexistence from Physorg
Graphene earns its stripes: New nanoscale electronic state discovered on graphene sheets from Physorg
Cobblestones fool innate immunity from Physorg
Two-step technique makes graphene suitable for organic chemistry from Physorg
Stress response predictor in police officers may indicate those at high risk for PTSD from Physorg
Making collective wisdom wiser: Researcher develops methods to automatically optimize 'crowd-sourcing' from Physorg
Language test as a smartphone app from Physorg
Tools for predicting diabetes exist but are not used, research shows from Physorg
Is there a central brain area for hearing melodies and speech cues? Still an open question from Physorg
Study: Kindergarten friendships matter, especially for boys from Physorg
Low staffing and poor quality of care at nation's for-profit nursing homes from Physorg
'Look at that!' -- ravens use gestures, too from Physorg
Seeking to be the 'perfect parent' not always good for new moms and dads from Physorg
Want to defeat a proposed public policy? Just label supporters as 'extreme' from Physorg
Mayo Clinic Study Comparing Costs of Uterine Fibroid Treatments from Newswise - Scinews
Digital Downtime from Newswise - Scinews
Body Rebuilding: Researchers Regenerate Muscle in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
Crash Experts Find Car Seats Protect Overweight Kids, Too from Newswise - Scinews
Want to Defeat A Proposed Public Policy? Just Label Supporters As "Extreme" from Newswise - Scinews
Leading Out-Of-School-Time Organizations Unite to Combat Childhood Obesity Epidemic from Newswise - Scinews
Superbubble harbors cosmic rays from
Ravens Use 'Hand' Gestures to Communicate from Scientific American
Facebook settles privacy dispute with FTC from CBSNews - Science
'Fahrenheit 451' finally out as an e-book from Physorg
Study shows medical marijuana laws reduce traffic deaths from Physorg
Study questions cost-effectiveness of biofuels and their ability to cut fossil fuel use from Physorg
Many Americans with HIV go untreated: study from Physorg
Facebook settles with FTC over deception charges from Physorg
Google's maps go indoors with new mobile feature from Physorg
Financing battle emerges at climate change talks from Physorg
No landing date yet for Air Force's mystery craft from Physorg
Report says Facebook seeks $10 billion in IPO from Physorg
Gene acts as a brake on breast cancer progression from Physorg
Supercomputer seeks way to mimic mollusk shell from Physorg
Gray matter in brain's control center linked to ability to process reward from Physorg
Chronic post-traumatic stress disorder in women linked to history of rape, child abuse from Physorg
Use of opioid painkillers for abdominal pain has more than doubled from Physorg
Study: No decline in running economy for older runners from Physorg
E. coli bacteria engineered to eat switchgrass and make transportation fuels from Physorg
The interplay of dancing electrons from Physorg
Ravens throw down 'hand' gestures from MSNBC: Science
Granny-Groping Ghost Explained by Psychology from Live Science
Leonardo in a Garden Shed? U.K. Labs Get Cash Infusion, But Science Spending Still Down from Science NOW
Michael Jackson's doctor sentenced to 4 years from CBC: Health
Progressive MS study gains $3.8M grant from CBC: Health
Embattled scientist in theft probe from News @ Nature
Australia’s marine plans questioned from News @ Nature
Outcry over EU budget plan from News @ Nature
$2M Grant Could Make Early Earthquake Warning a Reality in the Northwest from Newswise - Scinews
Presumed Consent Not Answer to Solving Organ Shortage in U.S., Researchers Say from Newswise - Scinews
E-prescribing Is Safe and Efficient, But Barriers Remain from Newswise - Scinews
Everolimus Prolongs Progression-Free Survival for Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors from Newswise - Scinews
Stress Response in Police Officers May Indicate Risk for PTSD from Newswise - Scinews
SVP Honors Achievements in Paleontology from Newswise - Scinews
Low Staffing and Poor Quality of Care at Nation's For-Profit Nursing Homes from Newswise - Scinews
Syracuse University Veteran Entrepreneurship Programs Cited in Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development Report from Newswise - Scinews
Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Women Linked to History of Rape, Child Abuse from Newswise - Scinews
New Thinking Required on Wildlife Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Text4baby Helps Increase Moms' Flu Season Awareness & Conversation from Newswise - Scinews
Spider Plot Offers a Useful Visual Tool for Agricultural Management and Education from Newswise - Scinews
RIM tests new server for its BlackBerry, and competitors from Physorg
An earlier diagnosis to avoid kidney transplants from Physorg
How to decide who keeps the car: Tossing quantum coins moves closer to reality from Physorg
British Library puts 19th C newspapers online from Physorg
Gray matter in brain's control center linked to ability to process reward; Structure-function impairments observed in people addicted to cocaine from Science Daily
Graphene lights up with new possibilities: Two-step technique makes graphene suitable for organic chemistry from Science Daily
E. coli bacteria engineered to eat switchgrass and make transportation fuels from Science Daily
Video: Facebook inching closer to IPO from CBSNews - Science
Kidney donors need long-term monitoring from CBC: Health
Well Blog: More Parents Skip Childhood Vaccines from NY Times Health
Blockbuster drug bows out from News @ Nature
Researcher creates neurons that light up as they fire from Physorg
Everolimus prolongs progression-free survival for patients with neuroendocrine tumors from Physorg
Imperfections may improve graphene sensors from Physorg
Cybercrime against businesses 'explodes' from Physorg
Taking the pulse of an iceberg -- scientists simulate laser imaging for NASA missions from Physorg
Making a light-harvesting antenna from scratch from Physorg
Study demonstrates a connection between a common chemical and Parkinson's disease from Physorg
European Space Agency to Try Contacting Troubled Russian Probe Again from
18th-Century Stradivarius Violin Recreated with 21st-Century Technology from Live Science
RIM stock jumps as it opens network from CBC: Technology & Science
Science Pubs Create Lively Intellectual Exchange from Newswise - Scinews
What Does It Look Like When an Economy Collapses? from Newswise - Scinews
HIV+ Man Bites Cop: HIV Not Usually Transmitted From Bite or Kiss from Newswise - Scinews
UI Engineers Conduct Residential Soils Study, One of Few Such U.S. Studies Ever Done from Newswise - Scinews
Some seal moms pay little attention to pups from MSNBC: Science
Herbicide spurs reproductive problems in many animals from Science Blog
Antibiotics in Swine Feed Encourage Gene Exchange from Science Blog
Growing Knowledge in Space from Science Blog
Making a light-harvesting antenna from scratch from Science Daily
Gene acts as a brake on breast cancer progression from Science Daily
Seeking to be the 'perfect parent' not always good for new moms and dads from Science Daily
New thinking required on wildlife disease, experts say from Science Daily
Is there a central brain area for hearing melodies and speech cues? Still an open question from Science Daily
Yes, the iPhone is smoking hot - but literally? from CBSNews - Science
Presumed consent not answer to solving organ shortage in US, researchers say from Physorg
Researchers validate preclinical effectiveness of TB drug target from Physorg
Crash experts find car seats protect overweight kids, too from Physorg
Pfizer maneuvers to protect Lipitor from generics from AP Health
Wi-Fi-Connected Laptop Hurts Sperm, Study Suggests from Live Science
Study Finds the Key to Language: How Humans Form Sentences from Live Science
NASA rover launched to seek out life clues on Mars from Reuters:Science
Secretive Air Force Space Plane Nears Orbital Record from
Photos: Atop NASA's Huge Mobile Launch Tower from
A smarter way to make ultraviolet light beams from Physorg
Minneapolis as a tech center? Start-ups say yes from Physorg
New brain vaccine aims to turn fatal disease into chronic illness from Physorg
Piracy vs. an open Internet from Physorg
UI engineers conduct residential soils study, one of few such US studies ever done from Physorg
AT&T in last-minute bid to save T-Mobile deal: report from Physorg
Pfizer maneuvers to protect Lipitor from generics from Physorg
Guided rockets hit fast-moving boat targets in test from Physorg
Preclinical effectiveness of TB drug target validated from Science Daily
Ravens gesture with their beaks to point out objects to each other from Science Daily
Frequent 'heading' in soccer can lead to brain injury and cognitive impairment from Science Daily
The interplay of dancing electrons from Science Daily
New findings about unwanted fungal growth on dry-cured meat products from Science Daily
Printers Can Be Hacked to Catch on Fire from Scientific American
Facebook privacy changes to settle U.S. charges from CBC: Technology & Science
Calgary Zoo to help revive B.C. caribou herd from CBC: Technology & Science
Google Maps heads for the great indoors from CBSNews - Science
Nanotube-Polymer Mixture Prevents Biofilms from C&EN
Cell 147: 590–602 (October 28, 2011) from The Rockefeller University
Graphene lights up with new possibilities
Grey matter in brain's control centre linked to ability to process reward
Fire Burns Differently in Space, Space Station Experiment Shows from
Scientists Narrow Down Dark Matter's Mass from
Fire In Space - It's Not What You Know from
Brazil proposes South American broadband network from Physorg
Researchers use a 3D printer to make bone-like material (w/ video) from Physorg
End to the 30-year war against AIDS in sight from Physorg
Oyster beds restored along Fla. coast from UPI
Lightning-Created Waves Leak from Earth’s Atmosphere from Live Science
In Images: Making a Stradivarius Violin from Live Science
Canadian companies lose billions a year to spies from CBC: Technology & Science
Dot Earth Blog: The 'Revkin' Collection in the Climate E-mail Release from NY Times Science
ScienceShot: She Just Lights Up from Science NOW
High Blood Sugar Levels in Older Women Linked to Colorectal Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Drexel's Gogotsi Questions Accuracy of Performance Measures of Energy Storage Systems from Newswise - Scinews
Canisius Professor is Expert on Origins of Santa Claus from Newswise - Scinews
New Study Involving the School of Pharmacy Raises Concerns Over Foster Children on Antipsychotic Meds from Newswise - Scinews
Double-Dip Recession? Don't Bet the Rent That Congress Will Step Up from Newswise - Scinews
HIV/AIDS Experts Available at Penn Nursing for World AIDS Day from Newswise - Scinews
Medical marijuana laws reduce traffic deaths, preliminary research suggests from Science Daily
The 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season in 3.5 minutes from Live Science
Can Male Circumcision Stem the AIDS Epidemic in Africa? from Scientific American
"God particle" hunt disrupted by "UFOs" from CBSNews - Science
How Sharks Go Fast from Science NOW
New Data Fuels Dogfight Over the Origins of Man's Best Friend from Science NOW
Is Osborne a 'Science Chancellor'? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Prescriptions Blog: States Receive Health Care Grants from NY Times Health
What are you eating? Mobile app can tell you from Physorg
A smarter way to make ultraviolet light beams from Science Daily
Crash experts find car seats protect overweight kids, too from Science Daily
Northern pipeline plan too risky, report says from CBC: Technology & Science
Walk-Through-Wall Effect Might Be Possible With Humanmade Object, Physicists Predict from Science NOW
Image Gallery: Science Meets Art from Live Science
Satellite Images Suggest Blast Obliterated Iran Military Base from NY Times Science
Texas Drought Is Revealing Secrets of the Deep from NY Times Science
CFS Researcher Reportedly Surrenders to Nevada Police from Science NOW
How Tiny Worms Could Help Humans Colonize Mars from
Soft robot inspired by starfish from UPI
U.N. report: Warm temps despite La Nina from UPI
La Brea Tar Pits polluting river from UPI
UNESCO to guide Pompeii restoration from UPI
Honey bee health linked to protein from UPI
Invasive Ants Wave White Flag in New Zealand from Live Science
‘Bold’ Birds Stray From Mate, But Don’t Have More Chicks from Live Science
Chimpanzees self-medicate with food from MSNBC: Science
NASA's Nanosail-D 'sails' home -- mission complete from Science Daily
Growing knowledge in space: Studying what effects microgravity has on plant cell walls, root growth patterns and gene regulation from Science Daily
FLEX-ible insight into flame behavior from Science Daily
Genetic buzzer-beater genes may save fish from Science Daily
Imperfections may improve graphene sensors from Science Daily
Microscopic worms may hold key to living on Mars from Reuters:Science
When women take bigger risks from Science Alert
OPINION: No cure for pain: study links excess paracetamol use to fatal liver damage from Science Alert
Anti-cancer drug targets found from Science Alert
New fungi killing tuart trees from Science Alert
Microscopic worms may hold key to living on Mars from MSNBC: Science
Adulterous male birds encourage bad behavior from MSNBC: Science
Microscopic worms could hold the key to living life on Mars from Science Daily
Lava fingerprinting reveals differences between Hawaii's twin volcanoes from Science Daily
Abstinence-only education does not lead to abstinent behavior, researchers find from Science Daily
3-D printer used to make bone-like material from Science Daily
Downtown residential soil samples (in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, U.S.) found to contain industrial pollutants from Science Daily
Caribou disappearing from Canadian parks from UPI
ESA tests propellants in rocket launch from UPI
Soft robot inspired by starfish from UPI
U.N. report: Warm temps despite La Nina from UPI
La Brea Tar Pits polluting river from UPI
UNESCO to guide Pompeii restoration from UPI
Honey bee health linked to protein from UPI
Oyster beds restored along Fla. coast from UPI
Bam! How comic books teach science from MSNBC: Science
Invasive ants wave white flag in New Zealand from MSNBC: Science
Gingrich Gave Push to Clients, Not Just Ideas from NY Times Health
Caribou disappearing from Canadian parks from UPI
ESA tests propellants in rocket launch from UPI
Foreign hackers targeted Canadian firms from CBC: Technology & Science
Big success with tiny crystals from Science Daily
Liquid living worms survive space from BBC News: Science & Nature
BASF Promotes Growth Agenda from C&EN
Why Are Squid Attracted To Light, Anyway?
Farming in America (Infographic) from Live Science
Efficiency metrics for energy storage devices need standardization from Science Daily
Honey bee mystery protein is a 'freight train' for health and lifespan from Science Daily
Don't expect big privacy changes from Facebook from CBSNews - Science
Stem cells engineered to kill cancer from UPI
Bacteria adopt just-in-time strategy from UPI
Rhino poachers targeted by rangers from UPI
Whooping cranes looking for food in Texas from UPI