Archive of feed items published on the 22nd of March 2011
Nuclear support declines in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Questions and answers about radiation and food safety from LA Times - Science
Taking the measure of Qaddafi's arsenal from CBSNews - Science
Study finds reports of domestic violence rise 10 percent after NFL upsets from Science Blog
Periocular treatment improves eye comfort and quality of life for patients with facial paralysis from Science Daily
Changes in taste function related to obesity and chronic ear inflammation from Science Daily
Newborn hearing screenings do not appear to identify all children at risk for hearing loss from Science Daily
Melanoma diagnosis in women associated with higher socioeconomic status from Science Daily
Gastric banding associated with relatively poor long-term outcomes, study suggests from Science Daily
Taking the measure of Qaddafi's arsenal from CBSNews - Science
Video: DeNiro, Cooper on "Limitless" roles from CBSNews - Science
Video: New setbacks for Japan's damaged nuclear power plant from CBSNews - Science
Quantum computing takes big leap from BBC News: Science & Nature
Radiation, Once Free, Can Follow Tricky Path from NY Times Health
Understanding proteins from MIT Research
Energy Conference spotlights military's green energy from MIT Research
What about Watt? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tween Brands to limit toxic cadmium in its jewelry from Physorg
Sony suspends some production at more Japan plants from Physorg
Study finds reports of domestic violence rise 10 percent after NFL upsets from Physorg
Deciphering developmental disorders from Physorg
Deal to combine AT&T, T-Mobile raises questions from Physorg
New technique could help solve mystery of vanishing bees from Physorg
Tech-savvy Indians cry out for Apple's attention from Physorg
Enriching the intracluster medium from Physorg
Three of our dragons are missing: Indonesian zoo from Physorg
Research says Australia bowel cancer to jump 50% from Physorg
Marine methane reservoirs much larger 550 million years ago from Physorg
'Fingerprints' match simulations with reality from Physorg
Germany takes stake in South Stream from UPI
People that think they're more attractive are less likely to offer to pay, according to research from Physorg
Footage reveals how lily blooms from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stop-start work at Japan reactors from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: First full face transplant in US from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microfluidics to diagnose sleeping sickness from Chemistry World
Test tubes fight disease from Science Alert
Getting mates from body odour from Science Alert
Eyes, ears check at single stop from Science Alert
Adapting to climate change from Science Alert
Research team develops lightweight, portable power using hydrogen fuel pellets from Physorg
Green: On the Block: Two Fiberglass Lungs from NY Times Science
Increased radiation detected by B.C. monitors from CBC: Health
Samsung smart LTE solution promises more intelligent 4G service offering from Physorg
The BCG World Atlas: a world first in the fight against tuberculosis from Physorg
New model of protein folding helps researchers handle flood of genomic data from Physorg
Research sheds new light on black holes from Physorg
Step 1 in Astronauts-to-Asteroid Mission: Pick the Right Space Rock from
Darlington nuclear review will continue from CBC: Technology & Science
Many Canadians use toilet as garbage disposal from CBC: Technology & Science
N.L. town wants substance-abuse MD to return from CBC: Health
Physics turns from fission to the future from MSNBC: Science
Take a test drive through the next 100 years from MSNBC: Science
Internet promotes and undermines smoking cessation from Physorg
Video: The science of NFL football from Physorg
Mining plans pose threat to South African astronomy site from News @ Nature
Quake shakes Japan's science from News @ Nature
Japan reactors' power lines connected from CBC: Technology & Science
FAQ: The Science of Japan's Natural Disaster & Nuclear Crisis from Live Science
Focus on adaptation when times are tight from Physorg
Dawn opens its eyes, checks its instruments from Physorg
Court deals major blow to European anti-GM crops lobby from Physorg
Study analyzes role of mobile software in the future Internet from Physorg
Mariana company fined for gasoline work from UPI
Water stress in Africa concerns U.N. from UPI
Moscow scolds Bulgaria over oil pipeline from UPI
IEA downplays speculation in energy market from UPI
Japan crisis weighs on U.S. reactor plans from UPI
Playbook to launch April 19 from CBC: Technology & Science
Full face transplanted in Boston from CBC: Technology & Science
Prehistoric Trash Heaps Created Florida Everglades' Tree Islands from Live Science
Interest in toys predicts effectiveness of autism treatment in toddlers from Physorg
Amazon opens app store for Android phones, tablets from Physorg
New adhesive earns patent, may find place in space from Physorg
Malaria mosquitoes reveal pathogen defense strategies from Physorg
Cow simulator to teach vet students from Physorg
Energy Conference spotlights military's green energy from Physorg
In matters of body image, one size doesn't fit all from Physorg
Beetle explorers name new species for Roosevelt from Physorg
Sociologist examines a new American elite from Physorg
Watson computer's ability to diagnose illness tested from Physorg
An elegant multiverse? Professor Brian Greene considers the possibilities from Physorg
Iraq aims to boost grain production from UPI
Senior Health Care Leaders to Convene for 8th Annual World Health Care Congress, Washington, D.C., April 4-6, 2011 from Newswise - Scinews
Beetle Explorers Name New Species for Roosevelt from Newswise - Scinews
Dot Earth: Bee Maven Wins Big Environmental Prize from NY Times Science
Interest in Toys Predicts Effectiveness of Autism Treatment in Toddlers from Science Blog
Video: AT&T, T-Mobile merger's affect on consumers from CBSNews - Science
Video: Nuke expert on Fukushima: "Not out of the woods yet" from CBSNews - Science
Study finds that overweight people really are big-boned from Physorg
Distrust of climate science due to lack of media literacy: researcher from Physorg
Hippocampal volume and resilience in posttramatic stress disorder from Physorg
Lingering seeds of the sexual revolution from Physorg
Europe makes do without NASA from News @ Nature
Mining plans pose threat to South African astronomy site from News @ Nature
Libyan war about oil, U.S. lawmaker says from UPI
ICRC sounds alarm over water in Gaza from UPI
Kiev considers partial sale of Naftogaz from UPI
Itching, like yawning, can be contagious from Science Blog
Finally, a spy robot that does floors from CBSNews - Science
Video: AT&T, T-Mobile merger's impact on consumers from CBSNews - Science
Video: Nuke expert on Fukushima: "Not out of the woods yet" from CBSNews - Science
Missing every beat from CBC: Technology & Science
Avalanche Advisory: Heavier Snow Kills Canadian Victims Faster from Live Science
Portable solar device creates potable water from Physorg
Report indicates that 'new' welfare reforms hark back to Victorians from Physorg
Scientists crack molecular code regulating neuronal excitability from Physorg
New aging cause revealed by test tube from Physorg
Georgia Tech to pursue 'transparent Internet' from Physorg
Sign language users read words and see signs simultaneously from Physorg
Like a lightbulb going off from Physorg
Don E. Detmer. MD, FACS, Named Medical Director of American College of Surgeons Division of Advocacy and Health Policy from Newswise - Scinews
Google Funds Georgia Tech Internet Transparency Research from Newswise - Scinews
Interest in Toys Predicts Effectiveness of Autism Treatment in Toddlers from Newswise - Scinews
International Conference to Examine 'New Antisemitism' from Newswise - Scinews
Reading The Cryosphere
Well: The Family Pet Slideshow from NY Times Health
Ready-to-eat meat contains few cancerous compounds from Science Blog
Overweight People Really Are Big-Boned from Science Blog
Odds of finding "alien Earth" just went up from CBSNews - Science
Video: Japanese officials: Could take weeks to control nuclear plant from CBSNews - Science
Finally, a spy robot that does floors from CBSNews - Science
Biofilm reorganization: Back to the theoretical drawing board from Physorg
Russian women have more pollutants in breast milk than Norwegian women from Physorg
Protein could be used to treat alcohol effects on pancreas from Physorg
Best time to deal with varicose veins is spring from Physorg
Ready-to-eat meat products contain few cancerous compounds: study from Physorg
Unknown animals nearly invisible but yet there from Physorg
European coastal pollution is harmful to seals from Physorg
New science suggests we might soon be able to mix computers and neurons from Physorg
Well: When God Is Part of Therapy from NY Times Health
Dot Earth: Divergent Lessons from Japan's Calamity for McKibben, Monbiot from NY Times Science
Getting Closer To Using Graphene For Electronics from Science Blog
Simulating Tomorrow’s Accelerators at Near the Speed of Light from Science Blog
Odds of finding "alien Earth" just went up from CBSNews - Science
Video: Japanese officials: Could take weeks to control nuclear plant from CBSNews - Science
Silicon Chips Wired With Nerve Cells Could Enable New Brain/Machine Interfaces from PopSci
Test version of Orion spacecraft unveiled from CBC: Technology & Science
Cadium in kids jewelry eliminated in California from CBC: Health
Brandon cancer centre unveiled from CBC: Health
Open-source software designed to minimize synthetic biology risks from Science Daily
Stress affects the balance of bacteria in the gut and immune response from Science Daily
Is that 911 call a real emergency? Emotion detector made for call centers from Science Daily
Space Debris Threat Needs International Response, Military Official Says from
NASA Budget Woes Batter Ambitious Planetary Mission Plans from
Brain Problems May Have Caused Polar Bear Knut's Death from Live Science
ESA Council appoints Directors from European Space Agency
ESA's Council decisions from European Space Agency
Study puts over 2,400 food scares under the microscope from Physorg
RIM unveils launch date, price for PlayBook, iPad rival from Physorg
World's first breast cancer tissue bank from Physorg
Gaps in health care limit options for older adults, expert says from Physorg
Flying machines are YouTube sensation from Physorg
Good News for Meat Lovers: Most Ready-to-Eat Meat Products Contain Very Few Cancerous Compounds from Newswise - Scinews
New Jersey Scientist to be Recognized for Breast Cancer Research from Newswise - Scinews
Sometimes Itching, like Yawning, Can be Contagious from Newswise - Scinews
AACR Elects President-Elect, Directors and Nominating Committee Members from Newswise - Scinews
New Book Describes Workplace Substance Abuse Prevention Programs for Young Adults from Newswise - Scinews
$100 Million Anonymous Gift Will Support New WMU Medical School from Newswise - Scinews
Quake Question #11: What Is the Energy Situation? from Science NOW
Recipes for Health: Frittata With Grated Zucchini, Goat Cheese and Dill from NY Times Health
Desert Watershed Strategies that Sustain Regional Supplies from Science Blog
Experimental Radioprotective Drug Safe for Lung Cancer Patients from Science Blog
10 Urban Legends Debunked from Live Science
The meltdown that wasn't from News @ Nature
Europe makes do without NASA from News @ Nature
Experimental radioprotective drug safe for lung cancer patients: study from Physorg
Brookhaven lab's new light source halfway there from Physorg
Developing strategies in a desert watershed that sustain regional water supplies from Physorg
First partial sequencing of an Iberian pig from Physorg
Radical surgery removes half of pelvis, saves leg from Physorg
Carbon capture and storage: Carbon dioxide pressure dissipates in underground reservoirs from Physorg
S. Korea accepts North's volcano research offer from Physorg
Willis Tower goes solar from Physorg
Regulating the infective phase of Legionella bacterial lifecycle from Physorg
Fire at US underground lab appears under control from Physics World
Amazon opens app store, Apple sues from CBSNews - Science
Dawn opens its eyes, checks its instruments from Science Daily
Simulating tomorrow's accelerators at near the speed of light from Science Daily
Conch shell gives nano insights into composite materials from Science Daily
Unknown animals nearly invisible yet there from Science Daily
The Pacific oyster is in Sweden to stay from Science Daily
In the race of life, better an adaptable tortoise than a fit hare from Science Daily
Forensics: Overweight people really are big-boned from Science Daily
Getting Crafty With Space: NASA/Etsy Contest Winners from
El Chupacabra Mystery Solved: Case of Mistaken Identity from Live Science
Adidas wants generalised 'Better Cotton' use by 2018: report from Physorg
Critical thinking: How do children learn who to trust? from Physorg
China plugging holes in 'Great Firewall' from Physorg
Teacher trainees 'poor at maths' from BBC News: Science & Nature
$2 Million Grant Aims to Test Students More Completely from Newswise - Scinews
Vascular Disease Foundation Announces Call for Nominations for Research Awards from Newswise - Scinews
Conference Brings Experts to Discuss Global Energy Issues at Baylor University from Newswise - Scinews
Comprehensive Crohn's & Colitis Program at UT Southwestern First in the Dallas Area from Newswise - Scinews
FDA bars Michigan firm from selling heart machines from AP Health
Open Networking Foundation Pursues New Standards from NY Times Science
Apple sues Amazon over term 'Appstore' from CBC: Technology & Science
Amazon opens app store, Apple sues from CBSNews - Science
NASA Picks Winners of 'Space Craft' Contest from
Radiation risks unknown from News @ Nature
In the shadow of a melting glacier from News @ Nature
The meltdown that wasn't from News @ Nature
Voice command-based robot feeding arm unveiled (w/ video) from Physorg
Cold 'Star' No Hotter Than a Summer's Day from Science NOW
Preventing dangerous situations between man and machine from Science Blog
Carbon capture and storage: Carbon dioxide pressure dissipates in underground reservoirs from Science Daily
Protein could be used to treat alcohol effects on pancreas from Science Daily
Widowhood May Raise Dementia Risk from Live Science
Photo Shows Far Side of Moon Like Never Before from Live Science
Questions loom over US nuclear safety from News @ Nature
Radiation risks unknown from News @ Nature
Middle East and Central Asia launch science body from SciDev
Experts pore over contaminants in Japan's radioactive spill from Reuters:Science
Angry at God? You’re not alone from Science Blog
Allergic Response Protein Changes Airway in Asthmatics from Science Blog
Dementia sufferer missing 3 days from CBC: Health
Oh, that blood-sucking Chupacabra? Not real from MSNBC: Science
Conservationists develop coral 'stress test' to identify reefs of hope in climate change era from Physorg
Nanomodified surfaces seal leg implants against infection from Physorg
Surprising results in the first genome sequencing of a crustacean from Physorg
Protein associated with allergic response causes airway changes in asthma patients from Physorg
For back, neck pain, artificial disc replacement has cost, outcome advantages over fusion surgery from Physorg
'Good-bye, blind spot' -- man and machine always in view from Physorg
Cheap catalyst made easy from Physorg
The Pacific oyster is in Sweden to stay from Physorg
Tests shed light on life origins from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Report on Economic Burden of Autoimmune Disease Released for National Autoimmune Diseases Awareness Month from Newswise - Scinews
Hospital Charges Surpass Trillion Dollar Mark from Newswise - Scinews
Binghamton University Launches Series of Strategic Collaborations with Engineering Programs in India from Newswise - Scinews
A Quarter Earned: Polo on the Prairie Trots into Albany April 30 from Newswise - Scinews
U.S. Involvement in Libya Military Action Not Constitutional from Newswise - Scinews
Reporting Texas Gives News Media Stories on Under-Reported Topics While Honing Students' Reporting and Digital Media Skills from Newswise - Scinews
Health Canada 'silent' on drug safety decisions from CBC: Health
NASA's Orion Space Capsule from
What's that on the face of King Tut's grandma? from MSNBC: Science
South Korea clinches foreign energy deals from UPI
FDA bars Michigan firm from selling heart machines from Physorg
Habitable planets and white dwarfs from Physorg
Study shows exposure to female managers increases their popularity from Physorg
Physicists observe antihelium-4 nucleus, the heaviest antinucleus yet from Physorg
Knut's story from BBC News: Science & Nature
S.D. Requires Visit to Pregnancy Center Before Abortion from NY Times Health
Quake Question #12: Can Nuclear Reactors Survive Blackouts? from Science NOW
Personal vaccine doubles brain cancer patient survival time from Science Blog
Stress workshop call gets union's blood boiling from CBC: Health
Cassini Finds Saturn Sends Mixed Signals from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Natural gas to gain from nuclear crisis from UPI
Think you'll ace that test? Think again, then start studying from Physorg
Clinical trial seeks to determine whether platelet-rich plasma can ease the pain of osteoarthritis from Physorg
LinkedIn hits 100 million members from Physorg
Spinal cord processes information just like areas of the brain from Physorg
Nexus S 4G: First Pure Google 4G Device with Android 2.3 in the US from Physorg
LightSquared gets first deal with a phone company from Physorg
US bee expert awarded Tyler Environment Prize from Physorg
New Book Offers Definitive Review of Health Care Pay-for- Performance Programs from Newswise - Scinews
Well: Sex in Long-Term Relationships from NY Times Health
Thinking ahead on diabetes from Harvard Science
Scientist at Work: How to Not Catch a Sea Turtle from NY Times Science
Whitehorse promises more climate-change action from CBC: Technology & Science
How Vital Is a Planet's Magnetic Field? New Debate Rises from Live Science
New Estimate for Alien Earths: 2 Billion in Our Galaxy Alone from Live Science
'Fossil seismograph' tells tale of ancient quakes from MSNBC: Science
Pre-conception and early pregnancy iron deficiency harms brain from Physorg
WSU proves extracellular matrix tugging creates come hither stimulus for cancer migration from Physorg
Honey bee search strategy: Robot swarms to search Mars caves from Physorg
Scientists hope to protect seals by understanding their sound from Physorg
iPad 2 on sale in Hong Kong, Singapore in April from Physorg
Can a cholesterol drug prevent colon cancer? from Physorg
Only the weak survive? Pitt team adds more give for stronger self-healing materials from Physorg
Green: Aged Albatross Survives Tsunami from NY Times Science
Spinal cord processes information just like areas of the brain from Science Blog
Autopsy ties Knut's death to brain problems from CBSNews - Science
NASA to William Shatner: 'Happy Birthday,' Captain Kirk from
Faux Tsunamis to 'Hit' Pacific Coast and Caribbean Wednesday from Live Science
Losing the Way: When GPS Gets Jammed from Live Science
Tahoe native fish population declines sharply, invasives on the rise from Physorg
Plant buffers can slow runoff of veterinary antibiotics from Physorg
Smoke-free air law had no effect on off-track betting facility business activity from Physorg
NY Times expands limits on free search traffic from Physorg
Clinical Trial Seeks to Determine Whether Platelet-Rich Plasma Can Ease the Pain of Osteoarthritis from Newswise - Scinews
Seattle Children's, MultiCare Mary Bridge Collaborate to Focus on Cardiac Services for South Sound Patients from Newswise - Scinews
Jefferson Clinical Trial: Can a Cholesterol Drug Prevent Colon Cancer? from Newswise - Scinews
Gift Will Allow Mayo Researchers to Further Explore Common, but Little Recognized, Cause of Dementia in the Elderly from Newswise - Scinews
Swartz Foundation Lecture: What Songbirds Can Teach Us About Learning and the Brain from Newswise - Scinews
For Patients with Back, Neck Pain, Artificial Disc Replacement Has Cost, Outcome Advantages Over Standard Fusion Surgery from Newswise - Scinews
Texas Tech Expert Available to Discuss Bonds' Perjury Trial from Newswise - Scinews
Protein Associated with Allergic Response Causes Airway Changes in Asthma Patients from Newswise - Scinews
Elderly victims of abuse often use alcohol or drugs, study says from Science Daily
Pre-conception and early pregnancy iron deficiency harms brain from Science Daily
Tahoe native fish population declines sharply, invasives on the rise from Science Daily
Metastasis: Extracellular matrix tugging creates 'come hither' stimulus for cancer migration from Science Daily
Think you'll ace that test? Think again, then start studying from Science Daily
Spinal cord processes information just as areas of brain do, research finds from Science Daily
Only the weak survive? Self-healing materials strengthened by adding more 'give' from Science Daily
Newly discovered virus implicated in deadly Chinese outbreaks from Science Daily
Conservationists develop coral 'stress test' to identify reefs more likely to survive climate change from Science Daily
Good-bye, blind spot: Always keeping robots and humans in view in industrial settings from Science Daily
Protein associated with allergic response causes airway changes in asthma patients from Science Daily
Cheap catalyst made easy from Science Daily
Nanomodified surfaces seal leg implants against infection from Science Daily
Chikungunya: The key role of 'innate immunity' from Science Daily
First partial sequencing of an Iberian pig from Science Daily
Russian women have more pollutants in their breast milk than Norwegian women from Science Daily
Sign language users read words and see signs simultaneously from Science Daily
Modest budget aims at stability: Flaherty from CBC: Health
Court hears claim of forced Roma sterilization from AP Health
Elderly victims of abuse often use alcohol or drugs, study says from Physorg
Tsunamiэs effects in California offer clues about future, more powerful seismic events from Physorg
Communication Breakdowns in Hospitals Undercut the Effectiveness of Safety Tools and Negatively Impact Patient Outcomes from Newswise - Scinews
Elderly Victims of Abuse Often Use Alcohol or Drugs from Newswise - Scinews
Green: Chernobyl's Lessons Aid Russia's Nuclear Marketing from NY Times Science
Load Up on Fiber Now, Avoid Heart Disease Later from Science Blog
Zeta Ophiuchi in Dust from
Despite radiation fears, I'm not leaving Tokyo from MSNBC: Science
First North Pole Ozone Hole Forming? from National Geographic
Juno Marches On from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
US judge rejects deal for Google digital book plan from Physorg
Mozilla unleashes sleek new Firefox Web browser from Physorg
Hydrocortisone therapy for trauma patients associated with reduced hospital-acquired pneumonia risk from Physorg
CML patients on imatinib have similar mortality rates to general population from Physorg
Sex can be heart attack trigger for couch potatoes from Physorg
Despite uncertain benefit, fibrates commonly used in US, Canada from Physorg
Court hears claim of forced Roma sterilization from Physorg
Metabolic abnormalities in obese teens may relate to poor diets from Physorg
UT MD Anderson receives grant for study of acupuncture in cancer from Physorg
More sensitive blood test better at identifying heart attacks from Physorg
Load up on fiber now, avoid heart disease later from Physorg
Europe ticks 'established' in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Prescriptions: Panel Chief: F.D.A. Could Still Ban Menthol from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Ricotta and Spinach Frittata With Mint from NY Times Health
The Moche of Ancient Peru: Media and Messages from Harvard Science
Driven to Lead: Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership from Harvard Science
The Park Chung Hee Era: The Transformation of South Korea from Harvard Science
Among the missing from Harvard Science
Nuclear Industry in Russia Sells Safety, Taught by Chernobyl from NY Times Science
AP IMPACT: US spent-fuel storage sites are packed from AP Science
Plant buffers can slow runoff of veterinary antibiotics from Science Daily
Smoke-free air law had no effect on off-track betting facility business activity, Indiana study finds from Science Daily
CML patients on imatinib have similar mortality rates to general population, study shows from Science Daily
More sensitive test for cardiac biomarker may better identify patients who experienced heart attack from Science Daily
For back, neck pain, artificial disc replacement has cost, outcome advantages over fusion surgery from Science Daily
The Mekong: Record of the Vietnam War from Science Daily
Key trends in water resources research uncovered from Science Daily
TB website launched by Canadians from CBC: Health
Reef 'Stress Test' Aims to Preserve Threatened Corals from Live Science
Big-Boned? Thigh Bone May Help Identify the Overweight from Live Science
NASA Space Capsule Begins Tests at New Proving Ground from
US senators urge end to drunk driver 'apps' from Physorg
US Senate panel to weigh cybercrime costs from Physorg
Sprint mobile calls get Google Voice from Physorg
Research practices must be changed to minimize fraud, deception from Physorg
Discovery in liver cancer cells provides new target for drugs from Physorg
Laser proposed to deflect space junk from
Prehistoric Garbage Piles May Have Created 'Tree Islands' from Science NOW
Quake Question #13: Are There Any Radiation Drugs Available Beyond Potassium Iodide? from Science NOW
Our moon as you've never seen it from CBSNews - Science
Budget highlights: Small measures for many from CBC: Health
Alta. Liberals set up line for doctor complaints from CBC: Health
You know the drill: Now get ready for a tsunami from MSNBC: Science
Study: Bones can give clue to weight from UPI
Study: Native fish declining in Lake Tahoe from UPI
Hydrocortisone Therapy for Trauma Patients Associated with Reduced Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Risk from Newswise - Scinews
Research Practices Must be Changed to Minimize Fraud, Deception from Newswise - Scinews
Despite Uncertain Benefit, Fibrates Commonly Used in US, Canada from Newswise - Scinews
Libyan Refugees and the Looming Humanitarian Crisis from Newswise - Scinews
More Sensitive Test for Cardiac Biomarker May Better Identify Patients Who Experienced Heart Attack from Newswise - Scinews
Occasional Physical, Sexual Activity Associated with Short-Term Increased Risk of Heart Attack from Newswise - Scinews
AMGA Announces New Headquarters from Newswise - Scinews
Empowering Women Surgeons: Women in Surgery Lecture on March 24 from Newswise - Scinews
UW-Madison Lake Scientist Gets World's Top Water Prize from Newswise - Scinews
Quake Question #14: Will Radiation Reach Hawaii? from Science NOW
Bug Expert Snags Enviro Prize from Science NOW
Researchers launch free online atlas of TB vaccination policies from around the world from Science Daily
Pre-eclampsia: Genetic errors linked to life-threatening pregnancy disorder from Science Daily
Research practices must be changed to minimize fraud, deception, physicians argue from Science Daily
Occasional physical, sexual activity associated with short-term increased risk of heart attack from Science Daily
NASA's Message to Students: Science Will Take You Places from
Sex triggers heart attacks in inactive people from CBC: Health
Giant Rabbit Fossil Found: Biggest Bunny Was "Roly-Poly" from National Geographic
Oldest wild bird in U.S. survives tsunami from MSNBC: Science
NASA 'wakes up' asteroid-bound probe from UPI
US spent-fuel storage sites are packed from Physorg
Culture and Stigma Affect Mental Health Care for Latinos from Newswise - Scinews
Minority Women Might Have Higher Depression Risk in Pregnancy from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Discover Genetic Changes that May Predispose Women to Preeclampsia from Newswise - Scinews
Genetic Errors Linked to Life-Threatening Pregnancy Disorder from Newswise - Scinews
Discovery in Liver Cancer Cells Provides New Target for Drugs from Newswise - Scinews
UT MD Anderson Receives Grant for Study of Acupuncture in Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Green: California Judge Calls Time-Out for Climate Change Law from NY Times Science
News in Brief: Atom & Cosmos from
Google digital book deal rejected by judge from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers claim fuel cell breakthrough from UPI
Japan, Earthquakes, And The Role Of Social Media During A Crisis
Lunchbox For A Theoretical Physicist
Discovery in liver cancer cells provides new target for drugs from Science Daily
Load up on fiber now, avoid heart disease later from Science Daily
Youth at risk for obesity show greater brain activity in response to food from Science Daily
Digital versus analog control over cortical inhibition in the brain from Science Daily
The killer within: A novel bacterial suicide mechanism from Science Daily
Number of child diarrhea deaths can be halved with current interventions, experts say from Science Daily
Hydrocortisone therapy for trauma patients associated with reduced hospital-acquired pneumonia risk from Science Daily
Despite uncertain benefit, fibrates commonly used in US, Canada from Science Daily
Metabolic abnormalities in obese teens may relate to poor diets from Science Daily
Experimental radioprotective drug safe for lung cancer patients, says study from Science Daily
Developing strategies in a desert watershed that sustain regional water supplies from Science Daily
Deciphering developmental disorders: New project aims to unlock genetic changes behind disorders in one in 100 births from Science Daily
Video: States demand nuclear waste reform from CBSNews - Science
World Water Day Photos: Water-Savvy Cities from National Geographic
First image of protein residue in 50 million year old reptile skin from Physorg
Public satisfaction with the NHS at a record high, says expert from Physorg
The killer within -- a novel bacterial suicide mechanism from Physorg
Youth at risk for obesity show greater brain activity in response to food from Physorg
Digital versus analog control over cortical inhibition from Physorg
Patients and clinicians must share healthcare decisions, say experts from Physorg
Health bill spells the end of the NHS in England, warn experts from Physorg
Restricted working hours have had little effect in US from Physorg
EU trade deal threatens access to life saving drugs for developing countries from Physorg
Number of child diarrhea deaths can be halved with current interventions from Physorg
Genetic errors linked to life-threatening pregnancy disorder from Physorg
Apple CEO Steve Jobs to be deposed from Physorg
UTHealth, HCC, U.S. Government Create Novel Biosafety Training Program from Newswise - Scinews
FDA bars importation of some foods from areas near Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant from LA Times - Health
Warmer Weather May Be Linked to Worsened Heart Health from Live Science
In Trauma Patients, Steroids May Reduce Pneumonia Risk from Live Science
Study: Pollution threatens European seals from UPI
How a Dinosaur Is Like a Vacuum Cleaner from Science NOW
Fruit-feasting fish fertilize faraway forests from News @ Nature
Questions loom over US nuclear safety from News @ Nature
New sensor has medical, military uses from UPI
Prehistoric 'mega' shark jaw in auction from UPI
Amoebas: Sexier Than Anyone Knew from Live Science
U.S. nuclear waste problem gains new scrutiny from LA Times - Science
Poll: Britons still support nuclear power from UPI
New estimate of alien 'Earths': Billions from UPI
U.S. public support for more nuclear power slips from Reuters:Science
Zoo euthanizes one of country's oldest male lions from MSNBC: Science
Amoebas: Sexier than anyone knew from MSNBC: Science
Experts say GPS vulnerable to threats from UPI
Mapping spinal cord could help treatments from UPI
Genetic Errors Linked to Life-Threatening Pregnancy Disorder from Science Blog
Image unlocks fossil skin secrets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why 'feed' a car? from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Quantum' computers said a step closer from UPI
F.D.A. Bans Some Food Imports From Japan from NY Times Health
Patients and clinicians must share healthcare decisions, say experts from Science Daily
EU trade deal threatens access to life saving drugs for developing countries, experts warn from Science Daily
Light-speed trick in stock trades from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pride of place from BBC News: Science & Nature
F.D.A. Bans Some Food Imports From Japan from NY Times Science
Oil Spill in South Atlantic Threatens Endangered Penguins from NY Times Science
National Briefing | WEST: California: Scientist Accused of Bias from NY Times Science
Supreme Court Rules Against Zicam Maker from NY Times Health
Economic Scene: Hopeful Message About the World’s Poorest from NY Times Health
Well: Think Like a Doctor (The Contest) from NY Times Health
Well: How Sports May Focus the Brain from NY Times Health
Restricted working hours for new doctors have had little effect in US from Science Daily
Can non-medical factors trigger sick leave? from Science Daily
Envy holds back agricultural development, study suggests from Science Daily
Rapid etching X-rayed: Physicists unveil processes during fast chemical dissolution from Science Daily
'New' welfare reforms in UK hark back to Victorians, historian argues from Science Daily
Beetle explorers name new species for Roosevelt from Science Daily
Good news for meat lovers: Most ready-to-eat meat products contain very few cancerous compounds, study finds from Science Daily
Gaps in U.S. health care limit options for older adults, expert says from Science Daily
Hippocampal volume and resilience in posttramatic stress disorder from Science Daily
European coastal pollution is harmful to seals, study finds from Science Daily