Archive of feed items published on the 17th of November 2012
F.D.A. Posts Injury Data for 3 Drinks from NY Times Health
Ashlyn Blocker, the Girl Who Feels No Pain from NY Times Health
New Technologies Drive Oil Boom in U.S. from Live Science
World Briefing | Europe: Trafigura to Pay Fine for Exporting Toxic Waste from NY Times Science
Giant millipede habitat threat from BBC News: Science & Nature
Solar vehicles in Chile race across world's driest desert from Physorg
'Do Not Track' privacy effort at crossroads from Physorg
The benefits of gratitude from LA Times - Health
5 Questions: Former NBA star John Salley touts the vegan life from LA Times - Health
Try This: The up and over from LA Times - Health
Middle schoolers to explore sky with robotic telescopes from Physorg
Research comes home to roost: six years later, Revelle returns from Physorg
Acoustic Stimulus: Neural Oscillations Optimize Human Listening Behavior
Companies go surgery shopping from LA Times - Science
Best Space Pictures of the Week - Nov. 17, 2012 from
Is the detection of early markers of Epstein Barr virus of diagnostic value? from Science Daily
Wandering minds associated with aging cells from Science Blog
Giant Sun Eruption Captured in NASA Video from
Basketball teams offer insights into building strategic networks from Science Daily
Hepatitis C treatment's side effects can now be studied in the lab from Science Daily
Exercise benefits found for pregnancies with high blood pressure, researchers say from Science Daily
New model reveals how huddling penguins share heat fairly from Science Blog
New research explores why we remember and why we forget from Science Daily
Video: Is Apple's rise over? from CBSNews - Science
Technology only a tool in search for solutions to poverty from Science Daily
Level up: Study reveals keys to gamer loyalty from Science Daily
First standard for geologic storage of carbon dioxide from Science Daily
Amazing Leonid Meteor Shower Photos Captured By Stargazers from
Best Science Photos of the Week from Live Science
Important progress for spintronics: Spin amplifier works at room temperature from Science Daily
Is Apple slipping? from CBSNews - Science
Recall of infant travel beds from CBC: Health
High radiation found in Fukushima's fish from UPI
Mars radiation levels not lethal to humans from UPI
'Odd little creature' skips sex, eats DNA from MSNBC: Science
Development of novel conduction control technique for graphene from Science Daily
Aging nuke plants add to Europe's economic woes from Physorg
Reconsidering cancer's bad guy from Science Daily
Children who swim start smarter, study suggests from Science Daily
Fire the coach? Not so fast, says new study from Science Daily
How does groundwater pumping affect streamflow? from Science Daily
Teenagers urged to exercise to ward off bone disease from Science Daily
Qeexo screentouch experience puts knuckles and nails to work (w/ video) from Physorg
Hackers down hundreds of Israeli sites over Gaza from Physorg
Gene helps determine time you wake up — and the time of day you’re likely to die from Science Blog
Gene distinguishes early birds from night owls and helps predict time of death from Science Daily
Homophobia in sport: Sporting identity, authoritarian aggression, and social dominance from Science Daily
Snap the stars to see your photo on ESA portal from Science Daily
Application of smartphone technology to economic and environmental analysis of building energy conservation strategies from Science Daily
Recipe for oxide interface perfection opens path to novel materials from Science Daily
Artist's inspiration: How robot soccer led to a mathematician's mirror that reflects your true face from Science Daily
New whale shark study used metabolomics to help understand shark and ray health from Science Daily
Mixing processes could increase impact of biofuel spills on aquatic environments from Science Daily
Indirect effects of climate change could alter landscapes from Science Daily
Measuring 'the cloud: 'Performance could be better from Science Daily
GOCE’s second mission improving gravity map from Science Daily
Improving quality of life for the bedridden: Textile pressure ulcer prevention from Science Daily
Planning meals help people with diabetes enjoy the holidays from Science Daily
Largest resolution immersive visualization facility from Science Daily
DNA packaging discovery reveals principles by which CRC mutations may cause cancer from Science Daily
Anxiety linked to chest pain in children from Science Daily
Daycare linked to being overweight from Science Daily
Wandering minds associated with aging cells: Attentional state linked to length of telomeres from Science Daily
New model reveals how huddling penguins share heat fairly from Science Daily
Mechanism of breathing muscle 'paralysis' in dreaming sleep identified from Science Daily
Conserving biodiversity and sustaining livelihoods are essential components for achieving climate change mitigation goals in long run from Science Daily
Well: Meatless Main Dishes for a Holiday Table from NY Times Health
Hawaii's solar power flare-up: Too much of a good thing? from LA Times - Science
What should be done about the wolves at Isle Royale National Park, U.S.? from Science Daily
Probing the mystery of the venus fly trap's botanical bite from Science Daily
What's behind the success of the soccer 'knuckleball' from Science Daily
Visualizing floating cereal patterns to understand nanotechnology processes from Science Daily
Creating a coating of water-repellent microscopic particles to keep ice off airplanes from Science Daily
Fans make a day of it from Harvard Science
Sports-related injuries requiring surgery on the rise among high school athletes from Science Daily
Novelties: Single-Incision Surgery, Via New Robotic Systems from NY Times Science
Columbia Professor and GZA Aim to Help Teach Science Through Hip-Hop from NY Times Science
Gray Matter: A Real-Life Invisibility Cloak from NY Times Science
VIDEO: Echidna study unlocks mating habits from BBC News: Science & Nature
Archaeologists Identify Spear Tips Used in Hunting a Half-Million Years Ago from Newswise - Scinews
Space station command changes from UPI
High radiation found in Fukushima's fish from UPI
Mars radiation levels not lethal to humans from UPI
Space station command changes from UPI