Archive of feed items published on the 9th of December 2012
Pre-Clinical Data Shows Angiocidin Effective Against Leukemia from Newswise - Scinews
Doping at U.S. Tracks Affects Europe’s Taste for Horse Meat from NY Times Health
Climate Talks Yield Commitment to Ambitious, but Unclear, Actions from NY Times Science
The Texas Tribune: Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing Rules Win Cautious Praise from NY Times Science
‘Famous’ Wolf Is Killed Outside Yellowstone from NY Times Science
UN conference adopts extension of Kyoto accord from Physorg
New light on the Nazca Lines from Physorg
World's second most polluted city turns to buses from Physorg
Mining, logging 'contributed' to Philippine disaster from Physorg
North Korea considers delaying rocket launch from Physorg
VIDEO: Texas 'fire-ball' caught on camera from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chicago skyscrapers go green, slash energy costs from Physorg
Hawk-Eye firm hopes for 'phantom goal' from Physorg
ABCC10 Protein Linked To Cancer Drug Resistance In Mice
Kickstarter's creative community takes hold in Britain from Physorg
BDNF: His And Hers Mammary Gland Nerve Growth
Subwavelength Plasmonic Cavity: Metallic Sandwich May Make Solar Power Delicious
Calgary rolls out Bluetooth travel time system from Physorg
Greenhouse Gas Fluoroform May Become Reagent For Producing Pharmaceuticals
More Than a Third of High-Risk Leukemia Patients Respond to an Experimental New Drug from Newswise - Scinews
Best Space Pictures of the Week - Dec. 7, 2012 from
Astronomer Sir Patrick Moore dies from BBC News: Science & Nature
Russian Proton Rocket Suffers Launch Failure from
Coolest Science Stories of the Week from Live Science
British TV astronomer Patrick Moore dies from Reuters:Science
Astronomer Patrick Moore dies at 89 from AP Science
New Drug Cuts Risk of Deadly Transplant Side Effect in Half from Newswise - Scinews
Andy Serkis: The actor inside a character's skin from CBSNews - Science
Careful observers of the new “Black Marble” images of Earth at night... from Science Blog
Video: The rise of self-publishing from CBSNews - Science
Holiday gift ideas from Techno Claus from CBSNews - Science
N. Korea rocket launch postponed from UPI
Peru's capital highly vulnerable to major quake from Physorg
News 'paywalls' grow, but analysts split on merit from Physorg
Launch of Russian communications satellite goes awry from Physorg
British astronomer Patrick Moore dies at 89 from Physorg
TMHS: The Protein In The Ear Vital For Converting Sound Into Brain Signals
How To Tell A Better Lie
Iran's version of YouTube hits the Web from Physorg
DNA Evidence Shows Gypsies Began Their Exodus From India 1,500 Years Ago
Economist magazine faces contempt in Bangladesh from Physorg
Fractious Doha talks bode ill for 2020 deal from Physorg
Angiosperms - Understanding Darwin's 'Abominable Mystery'
Celebrated British astronomer Patrick Moore dies from CBC: Technology & Science
Secrets of Gentle Touch Revealed from Newswise - Scinews
Video: A visit from Techno Clause from CBSNews - Science
Brain cells made from urine from News @ Nature
Missing data on Earth's magnetic field is in the oven from Physorg
Antigua to seek sanctions against US from Physorg
20-Year-Old Report Successfully Predicted Warming: Scientists from Live Science
Elephant Relocation Scheme Fails to Prevent Deaths from Live Science
Steroid hormone receptor prefers working alone to shut off immune system genes from Science Daily
New stem cell research, transplant strategies show promise to improve outcomes, reduce complications from Science Daily
Brain study shows why some people are more in tune with what they want from Science Daily
Scientists target DNA repair to eradicate leukemia stem cells from Science Daily
Novel therapeutic agents provide hope for patients with hard-to-treat blood disorders from Science Daily
Bugs without borders: Researchers track the emergence and global spread of healthcare associated Clostridium difficile from Science Daily
Hypergiant star amazes for 30 years from Science Daily
Pre-clinical data suggests Angiocidin effective against leukemia from Science Daily
More than a third of high-risk leukemia patients respond to experimental new drug from Science Daily
New drug cuts risk of deadly transplant side effect in half from Science Daily
Secrets of gentle touch revealed from Science Daily
Studies challenge standards to improve treatment outcomes for patients with clotting disorders from Science Daily
Elephant relocation scheme fails to prevent deaths from MSNBC: Science
Reduced intensity regimen prior to marrow transplant better for older leukemia patients, study suggests from Science Daily
Engineered Immune Cells Produce Complete Response in Child with an Aggressive Leukemia from Newswise - Scinews
No Cabbage? The Memory Of A Good Meal Can Fill Your Belly
A Breakthrough Against Leukemia Using Altered T-Cells from NY Times Health
Green Blog: On Our Radar: The Doha Denouement from NY Times Science
Harrabin's notes: Kyoto rumbles on from BBC News: Science & Nature
For Young Males In Britain, Cycling Is Much Safer Than Driving