Archive of feed items published on the 4th of January 2013
Best evidence yet that dinosaurs used feathers for courtship from Physorg
China's new Internet policy debated from UPI
Sahara rock appears to be first meteorite from Mars' crust from LA Times - Science
Legislators want Army Corps to explain habitat removal decision from LA Times - Science
Shell Oil Rig Aground off Alaska Is Not Leaking, Officials Say from NY Times Science
Deepwater Horizon Owner Settles With U.S. Over Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico from NY Times Science
Congress Extends Incentives for Biodiesel Industry from NY Times Science
Communications Satellites, Banned as ‘Weapons,’ Now Legal for Export from NY Times Science
Bans and New Rules Make Gas Drilling’s Future Uncertain in New York from NY Times Science
A Series of Poses for Fitness, Inside and Out from NY Times Health
In Chile, Abortion Hot Line Is in Legal Gray Area from NY Times Health
Biogen Idec Gives Up on Drug for Lou Gehrig’s Disease from NY Times Health
Well: Living With Cancer: Chemo-Feet from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Enfrijoladas — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Question Mark: Why Am I Getting Shorter With Age? from NY Times Health
Indian court to rule on generic drug industry from AP Health
The rise and fall of foxes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Poll: Obesity's a crisis but we want our junk food from AP Health
UK's first hand transplant operation from BBC News: Science & Nature
Inquest for gold Hoard treasure from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rescue scheme for Chilean trees from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seal pups cause traffic 'chaos' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shark ID training for fishermen from BBC News: Science & Nature
Polar medal for retail store heir from BBC News: Science & Nature
Taiwan city to appeal in Google app refund case from Physorg
India's Infosys plans to cut 'up to 5,000 jobs' from Physorg
Australia's Hobart experiences hottest day from Physorg
China closes liberal website after reform call from Physorg
German minister says 'never again' to nuclear power from Physorg
Steve Jobs bio film set for April release from Physorg
China fines LG, Samsung in flat panel price case from Physorg
CES show to see changing of guard in tech sector from Physorg
'Green' issues weigh increasingly on sport from Physorg
Peru moving to protect fossils from car race from Physorg
Research update: Jumping droplets help heat transfer from MIT Research
Ultra high-def TV and 'sensor-ization' likely to dominate CES 2013 from CBC: Technology & Science
What Democrats In Congress Can Learn From Anti-GMO Activist Mark Lynas About Science
Earliest evidence of life found: 3.49 billion years ago from Physorg
Lens maker Cooke Optics to receive technical Oscar from Physorg
Geologists theorize early Earth was kept warm by hydrogen-nitrogen collisions from Physorg
Hong Kong seizes huge haul of smuggled ivory from Physorg
Solar ballet on the Sun from Physorg
VIDEO: Polar bear 'hunts' film-maker from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cooking up clean air in Africa: Reducing air pollution and meningitis risk in Ghana from Physorg
HYPOX project examines why fish populations are running out of oxygen from Physorg
Fiscal cliff deal yields tax certainty at expense of simplification, expert reports from Physorg
You're hired from Chemistry World
Year's Largest Astronomy Meeting Kicks Off in California Sunday from
Watch Live: Complete Coverage of the 221st AAS Meeting from
Engineer Petitions White House for Real-Life Starship Enterprise from
Shake It! Dinosaurs Waggled Flashy Tails to Woo Mates from Live Science
Can we accurately model fluid flow in shale? from Physorg
Studying permafrost soil, above and below ground: Research could lead to a better understanding of the Arctic ecosystem from Physorg
Surfing skills examined from Physorg
Stone Age hunters used the environment to improve standard of living from Physorg
DragonFly NVDRIVE PCle SSD cache accelerator unveiled from Physorg
Researchers team up with some 'locals' in Greenland to study rising sea levels from Physorg
Robot captures life, litter in the Gowanus with the help of citizen scientists from Physorg
Study proves that tourists should pay better attention to currency conversion from Physorg
Study shows federal housing program helps lowest income tenants from Physorg
Courant's Marateck describes math theory behind Higgs boson finding from Physorg
Researchers explore climate impacts on Wyoming's Bighorn Basin populations over the last 13,000 years from Physorg
What do UK's military scientists do on the frontline? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sun's 2013 Solar Storm Peak Expected to Hit Century Low from
7 Great Dramas in Congressional History from Live Science
Worms hijack development to foster cannibalism, study finds from Physorg
Scientists reveal new 2D material for next generation high-speed electronics from Physorg
2012 chemical industry review from Chemistry World
Researchers seek longer battery life for electric locomotive from Physorg
Testing Einstein's E=mc2 in outer space from Physorg
New study questions link between warming and past droughts from Physorg
China’s next leader looks to soothe environmental angst from Chemistry World
Like Hot Chocolate? Drink it in an Orange Cup from Live Science
Large Hadron Collider hiatus sets stage for more discovery from Physorg
Keeping tabs on chemicals in the air: New state-of-the-art samplers, analytical capabilities improve tracer measurements from Physorg
One-volt operation of high-current vertical channel polymer semiconductor field-effect transistors from Physorg
Soft landing and particle coverage key to keeping or losing charge on surfaces from Physorg
Chemical probe finds fungal organism function: Activity-based protein profiling suggests how fungus becomes pathogenic from Physorg
Atom smasher hiatus sets stage for more discovery
Best evidence yet that dinosaurs used feathers the way peacocks do, for courtship from Science Daily
Structural studies of a toxin from Bacillus cereus that causes diarrhea from Science Daily
Dinosaurs used feathers to woo from Science Blog
Laser guided maglev graphite air hockey from Chemistry World
Kid's Brains On Sesame Street Studied | Video from Live Science
Atoms at negative absolute temperature: The hottest systems in the world from Physorg
Reversal of magnetic moment by an electrical voltage in a single material could lead to new low-power electronic devices from Physorg
Uncovering the role of sperm RNA in early post-fertilization development from Physorg
Can voting, trusting others reduce traffic fatalities? from Physorg
Building a better machine: Students use creativity to improve the heat engine from Physorg
The guide to biomolecular movie-making from Physorg
Station spinal ultrasounds seeking why astronauts grow taller in space from Physorg
Early Earth Should Have Been A Snowball, But Wasn't from PopSci
New haul of Anglo-Saxon gold declared 'treasure'
Breast milk contains more than 700 species of bacteria from Science Daily
Possibility of surfaces that can be manipulated from Science Daily
Bonobos Share With Strangers Before Acquaintances from Science Blog
Phase 3 Registration Trial In Mildly Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcers With Locilex
One cell is all you need from Harvard Science
Big Bird Helps Scientists Study Brain Development from Live Science
Structural studies of a toxin from Bacillus cereus that causes diarrhea from Physorg
Fire destroys Ghost Gum trees beloved by Aboriginal artist from Physorg
New haul of Anglo-Saxon gold declared 'treasure' from Physorg
scientist selected to help guide next USGS, NASA Landsat Mission from Physorg
Superconductors for efficient wind power plants: Researchers develop cooling system for novel generator from Physorg
Scientists abuzz over 'Black Beauty' Martian rock from CBC: Technology & Science
Tech achievement Oscar goes to Canadian software developers from CBC: Technology & Science
William Shatner opens hailing frequency to Chris Hadfield from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers force a gas to a temperature below absolute zero from Physorg
Scientists link climate change and gray snapper from Physorg
2013 Prediction: Climate Scientists Say It Again from PopSci
4% of U.S. drivers admit to falling asleep while driving from CBC: Health
What Does the Fiscal Deal Mean for Science? from Live Science
Researchers use data from traffic app to identify high frequency accident locations from Physorg
Magnetic shell provides unprecedented control of magnetic fields from Physorg
Scientists Send A Cloud Of Atoms Plunging Below Absolute Zero from PopSci
Pesticides and Parkinson's: Further proof of a link uncovered from Science Daily
Facebook drunk driving confession leads to arrest from CBSNews - Science
Big Bird helps scientists study brain development from CBSNews - Science
White House petitioned to build Starship Enterprise from CBSNews - Science
Landmark Australia trees 'torched' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Idea for supply chains of flying drones takes off from SciDev
Space History Photo: Pressure Tank Shipped via Railway from
Private Moon Travel Startup Hires Lunar Lander Designer from Live Science
Work or Home? Americans Reveal Their Priority from Live Science
France sets requirements for nanoparticles from Physorg
Waste removal in worms reveals new mechanism to regulate calcium signaling from Physorg
Izik: New search engine tailors its results for tablets from Physorg
Shell's foundering ship has some questioning wisdom of Arctic drilling from Physorg
Ways to make driving easier, safer born at BMW idea factory from Physorg
Photosynthesis: The last link in the chain from Physorg
What Lives in Your Gut? from National Geographic
33 New Trapdoor Spider Species Published In Zookeys
Beam Me Up! William Shatner Tweets With Astronaut in Space from
Space Station's Expedition 34 Mission in Photos from
Deal on 'fiscal cliff' gives wind industry a lifeline from Physorg
Locata positioning hits ground at New Mexico missile range from Physorg
2013 sees cleaner trucks and buses across EU from Physorg
A technology wish list for 2013 from Physorg
Drainage ditches can help clean up field runoff from Physorg
Crazy Weight-Loss Schemes Through The Ages from PopSci
Stunning pics taken by weather balloon from CBSNews - Science
Flesh-eating flies map forest biodiversity from News @ Nature
Predicting the next big flood from BBC News: Science & Nature
Facilitated Communication: Same As It Ever Was (Same As It Ever Was)
Finding Pollutants In Tree Bark from C&EN
Breast Milk Contains Over 700 Bacteria Species from Live Science
Year's Largest Astronomy Meeting Kicks Off in California Sunday from Live Science
How a hunger strike affects the human body from CBC: Health
Apple could launch "iPhone Mini" next year, analyst says from CBSNews - Science
'Elegant' dinosaurs may have shaken their tail feathers from CBC: Technology & Science
100 Billion Alien Planets from
Chicago's Snow Lagging Behind Many Southern Cities from Live Science
Town near US shooting scene plans video game buyback from Physorg
US Google ruling has no impact on EU probe: Brussels from Physorg
Adele, Swift soar as US digital music sales sing from Physorg
UK Police Launch Website Asking Public To Identify Over 1,000 Found Bodies from PopSci
Facebook launches free-call feature in Canada first from CBC: Technology & Science
Rover finally looks set to drill from BBC News: Science & Nature
More states cleared to run own health insurance exchanges from LA Times - Health
Seafloor gas seeps found off East Coast from MSNBC: Science
Why a Robot Was Programmed to Vomit from Live Science
Skip Out On The Elks Lodge, Die In A Traffic Accident from PopSci
Flesh-Eating Flies Map Forest Biodiversity from Scientific American
Scientists explore the illusion of memory from CBC: Health
“Promised Land”: A Love Letter To Longmont
Africa Analysis: Filling climate data gaps is only the first step from SciDev
Image of the Day: December 2012 from
Your Smartphone Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself from Live Science
40 seafloor gas seeps found off U.S. East Coast from CBSNews - Science
Unnecessary Pap tests given to U.S. women with hysterectomy from CBC: Health
Koch's Postulates
Richard Feynman's Functional Integral 5 - Radiation In An Oven
Giant Sun Eruption Could Swallow 20 Earths from
Why dinosaurs shook their tail feathers from MSNBC: Science
Sumatran Tigers Finally Mate at National Zoo from Live Science
Russia to push medical science development from UPI
Britain's first hand transplant a success from UPI
A temperature below absolute zero from Science Daily
10 Canadian tech companies to watch in 2013 from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists explore the illusion of memory from CBC: Technology & Science
Huge gadget show gears up in Vegas from Physorg
NASA sees Cyclone Dumile moving over open ocean from Physorg
NASA catches Tropical Storm Sonamu in South China Sea from Physorg
Odd mammal may not be extinct after all from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Engineer Petitions White House for Real-Life Starship Enterprise from Live Science
Virus outbreak his two Canadian hospitals from UPI
Shifting the balance between good fat and bad fat from Science Daily
Pioneering research on Type 2 diabetes from Science Daily
Pronunciation of 's' sounds impacts perception of gender, researcher finds from Science Daily
Physicians call for change in cancer tissue handling from Science Daily
Hot chocolate tastes best in orange mugs, study finds from CBSNews - Science
What Do Protons Taste Like?
Neil Armstrong Didn't Lie About 'One Small Step' Moon Speech, Historian Says from
January 2013 Story Tips from Newswise - Scinews
Fish from Live Science
Pot Vending Machines May Come to Colorado, Washington from Live Science
New York to host Tesla conference from UPI
Kilauea volcano aids earthquake studies from UPI
Politics Is Most Important Factor For Climate Future, Study Finds from PopSci
Researchers seek longer battery life for electric locomotive from Science Daily
Rainfall, brain infection linked in sub-Saharan Africa from Science Daily
Basic math skills linked to PSAT math success from Science Daily
Why good resolutions about taking up a physical activity can be hard to keep from Science Daily
Waste removal in worms reveals new mechanism to regulate calcium signaling from Science Daily
Research shows using text, color makes food labels easier to understand from Science Daily
ScienceShot: Desert Elephants Trek Long Distances to Survive from Science NOW
Simple Physics May Limit the Size of Leaves from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Stubby-Tailed Dinosaurs Shook Their Thing from Science NOW
India Unveils Ambitious Science Policy from Science NOW
Chasing Volcanoes with Filmmaker Bertrand Loyer from Live Science
RNA — Remarkable, Versatile Molecules | Video from Live Science
Texas eyes control burns as wildfire tool from UPI
Long-term consequences for those suffering traumatic brain injury from Science Daily
Gene therapy reprograms scar tissue in damaged hearts into healthy heart muscle from Science Daily
New way to study permafrost soil, above and below ground from Science Daily
Computer scientists find vulnerabilities in Cisco VoIP phones from Science Daily
Video: George Lucas: "Star Wars" creator engaged to Mellody Hobson from CBSNews - Science
Shifting the balance between good fat and bad fat from Science Blog
Computer Scientists Find Vulnerabilities in Cisco VoIP Phones from Newswise - Scinews
Mass. Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School Ophthalmologist Receives Research to Prevent Blindness Senior Scientific Investigator Award from Newswise - Scinews
Waterfall-climbing fish use same mechanism to climb waterfalls and eat algae from Physorg
Capt Kirk, Canadian astronaut swap tweets... and prosper from Physorg
Wikipedia losing editors, study says from Physorg
Spaceport wants protections from tourist lawsuits from Physorg
Kilar to quit as CEO of Hulu by March from Physorg
Fiscal deal leaves science in limbo from MSNBC: Science
Spaceport wants protections from tourist lawsuits from AP Science
Rain Cycles Tied to Baby Brain Infections in Africa from Live Science
7 Resolutions for a Better Planet from Live Science
FDA proposes new food safety rules from UPI
Mission would drag asteroid to the moon from UPI
Outsourced radiologists perform better reading for fewer hospitals from Science Daily
When will genomic research translate into clinical care - and at what cost? New study applies quantitative modeling to genomics from Science Daily
Drainage ditches can help clean up field runoff from Science Daily
Under the weather, literally: More rainfall and bigger storms may lead to more stomach upsets from Science Daily
Consumers judge their risk of catching an illness by the cost of the cure from Science Daily
How prostate cancer therapies compare by cost and effectiveness from Science Daily
Induction of adult cortical neurogenesis by an antidepressant from Science Daily
CES 2013 preview: What to expect from exhibitors from CBSNews - Science
VIDEO: Inquiry call after rig runs aground from BBC News: Science & Nature
Curiosity Rover Explores 'Yellowknife Bay' from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Will China Launch an Anti-Satellite Test Soon? from
Irish newspapers on defence over sharing links from Physorg
Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs Might Cause Skin Damage, Study Suggests from Live Science
Secret to Fish's Waterfall-Climbing Ability Found from Live Science
Mathematical Snow Art And Other Amazing Photos From This Week from PopSci
21 Emotions For Which There Are No English Words [Infographic] from PopSci
Mystery Animal Contest: Who Is This Inquisitive Gent? from PopSci
Photosynthesis: The last link in the chain from Science Daily
New search engine Izik tailors its results for tablets from CBSNews - Science
Scientists Seek Foolproof Signal to Predict Earthquakes from National Geographic
ScienceShot: Meet the Amazing, Waterfall-Climbing Fish from Science NOW
Hottest temperature ever measured is a negative one from
Well: Drowsy Driving a Major Hazard from NY Times Health
The New Old Age: Murray Span, 1922-2012 from NY Times Health
Well: Vegan Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
'Daytime' primates have active nightlife, too from MSNBC: Science
Uses of computers, smartphones compared from UPI
Impacts on giant asteroid left evidence from UPI
VIDEO: Landmark Australia trees 'torched' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Crater on Huge Asteroid Vesta Gets 3D Treatment from
Tropical Cyclone Spotted Slamming Indian Ocean Islands from
Laser Folds Tiny Origami for US Army from Live Science
Endangered Beluga Whales See Slight Population Uptick from Live Science
Dinosaur feathers may have attracted mates from UPI
Secret to fish's waterfall-climbing ability from MSNBC: Science
Pa. senator sues over NCAA use of Penn State fine from AP Science
Study: Smartphone data could cut crashes from UPI
Best Pictures: 2012 Nat Geo Photo Contest Winners from National Geographic
Strange galactic 'dance' a cosmic puzzle from UPI
Can genetically modified mosquitoes prevent disease in the US? from BBC News: Science & Nature
What Congress can learn from tribal elders from MSNBC: Science
Viewpoints: Fracking's risks and benefits from BBC News: Science & Nature
Waterfall-climbing fish use same mechanism to climb waterfalls and eat algae from Science Daily
Will China Launch an Anti-Satellite Test Soon? from Live Science
Beam Me Up! William Shatner Tweets With Astronaut in Space from Live Science
Gene therapy reprograms scar tissue in damaged hearts into healthy heart muscle from Science Blog
Crater on Huge Asteroid Vesta Gets 3D Treatment from Live Science
Jumping droplets help heat transfer from Science Daily
Atom smasher heading for two-year hiatus from MSNBC: Science
Adding an “Artificial” Star to the Multitude in the Sky from Live Science
Giant Sun Eruption Could Swallow 20 Earths from Live Science
Sun's 2013 Solar Storm Peak Expected to Hit Century Low from Live Science
F.D.A. Offers Rules to Stop Food Contamination from NY Times Health
Massachusetts Plans Stricter Control of Compounding Pharmacies from NY Times Health
Pregnancy Centers Gain Influence in Anti-Abortion Fight from NY Times Health
U.S. Settles Accusations That Doctors Overtreated from NY Times Health
Scare Amplifies Fears That Clinton’s Work Has Taken Heavy Toll from NY Times Health
Books Of Style: Three Books on Becoming a Better You — Books of Style from NY Times Health
World Briefing | The Americas: Brazil: State to Make Addicts Get Help from NY Times Health