Archive of feed items published on the 9th of December 2013
New rearing method may help control of the western bean cutworm from Physorg
The invasive Turkestan cockroach is displacing the oriental cockroach in the southwestern US from Physorg
Cockroach Never Seen Before in U.S. Is Identified in New York from Newswise - Scinews
Juno Makes A Grand Entrance from C&EN
Plastic Pollution Harms Marine Life from C&EN
University R&D Spending Falls from C&EN
A NonStop Biosensor from C&EN
Schools 'making gender bias worse' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mystery of bizarre mounds solved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Invasive cockroach found in NYC can take the cold from Physorg
Following tradition: Top examples of indigenous knowledge preserving biodiversity, ecosystem service from Physorg
Peer-review science is taking off on Twitter, but who is tweeting what and why? from Physorg
Invasive cockroach found in NYC can take the cold from AP Science
Dr. C | I'm cheating on my cancer doctor from CBC: Health
Sydney Opera House tiles up for 'virtual' sale from Physorg
Climate team sees LA likeness in Tolkien's Middle Earth from Physorg
Mars 360 from European Space Agency
Seals 'fared better than feared' from BBC News: Science & Nature
AUDIO: Universe is 'puzzle with missing pieces' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Polarized labor market leaving more employees in service jobs from MIT Research
Motorola's Woodside on Ara: How do we modularize the phone? from Physorg
Ice-cold methods decode bacterial infection systems from Physorg
Tiny oil droplets help measure mechanical forces produced by living cells that shape tissues and organs from Physorg
Early universe was less dusty than believed from Physorg
Elusive Dark Matter May Have Already Been Found from
Gene-testing company 'here to stay' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Infections: War's true beneficiaries from BBC News: Science & Nature
Eastern States Press Midwest to Improve Air from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: The Politics of Runaway Trains and Other Avoidable Calamities from NY Times Science
Tech giants call for controls on gov't snooping from Physorg
EU: Google shouldn't discriminate against opt-outs from Physorg
EU warns Nokia not to become 'patent troll' from Physorg
Mother with dementia 'warehoused,' daughter says from CBC: Health
Hidden Oceans on Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa May Explain Strange Terrain from
9,400 Kids' Injuries Yearly Linked with High Chairs from Live Science
Inflammation Linked to Lower Prostate Cancer Risk from Live Science
Amid the Uproar Over the Health Law, Voices of Quiet Optimism and Relief from NY Times Health
On Health Exchanges, Premiums May Be Low, but Other Costs Can Be High from NY Times Health
Well: Snacking Your Way to Better Health from NY Times Health
In a 'Rainbow' Universe, Time May Have No Beginning from Scientific American
Researchers target West African climate predictions from Physorg
Study associates women in corporate leadership with higher revenue from Physorg
How electricity helps spider webs snatch prey and pollutants from Physorg
Archaeologists uncover Late Stone Age settlement on Cyprus from Physorg
Cubesats test new hardware and software technologies from Physorg
Researchers strike fossil gold in South Africa from Physorg
Pioneering Path to Electrical Conductivity in 'Tinker Toy' Materials to Appear in Science from Newswise - Scinews
Earth science: Under the volcano from News @ Nature
Study: Sub-Saharan Africans benefit from buying water from Physorg
Software adds science experiments to online education from Physorg
In-depth sociological study of Wellington's Blanket Man from Physorg
The Best Heart Rate Monitor Watches for Exercise from Live Science
A corsage that bites from
Micromotors clean polluted water from Chemistry World
Herpes viruses associated with cognitive impairment from Science Blog
2nd-gen brain implant tames Parkinson’s, records brain data from Science Blog
How water dissolves stone, molecule by molecule from Science Blog
Matrices have broad ramifications in computer science from Science Blog
Polarized labor market leaving more employees in service jobs from Science Blog
iPad therapy helps children with cochlear implants from Science Blog
NASA preps for space-based stem cell research from Physorg
Slimy tunicates may be worth billions from Physorg
Study: Altruism and reciprocity in online transactions from Physorg
Network theory to strengthen the banking system from Physorg
Research trio suggest correlation exists between Arctic ice melt and extreme weather from Physorg
German firm testing drones to deliver goods from Physorg
China-Brazil satellite fails to enter orbit from Physorg
First Blue Mountains koala sighting in 70 years from Physorg
Optical techniques examine toxic agents in cells from Physorg
Simulation of electron environment in space at 36,000 km from Physorg
Ont. scientists mess with birds' self-esteem, social order from CBC: Technology & Science
Russian universities benefit from private funding bonanza from Chemistry World
Medical mistake registry coming in Nova Scotia from CBC: Health
Oh, Lovely: Cockroach Never Seen Before in U.S. Is Identified in NY from Science Blog
Activating Pathway Could Restart Hair Growth in Dormant Hair Follicles from Science Blog
Genetic studies of mammary tumours (breast cancer) in dogs from Physorg
Emission-free Volvocopter takes maiden flight from Physorg
Converting recycled plastics into disease-fighting nanofibers from Physorg
School gender prejudice reflected in subject choices from Physorg
CentroGeo identifies forests with bigger carbon credit potential from Physorg
Morphing composite material has mighty potential (w/ Video) from Physorg
Scientists scale terahertz peaks in nanotubes from Physorg
Isotope analysis of Flakstad skeletons from Physorg
Physiological fish reactions biomarker for water quality from Physorg
Tech giants call for controls on U.S. government snooping from CBC: Technology & Science
Why the University of Waterloo churns out poker stars from CBC: Technology & Science
'Love island' in space pic shortlist from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ontario mom urges schools to let asthmatic kids carry puffers from CBC: Health
Innovative contact lens delivers glaucoma medication continuously for a month from Science Blog
Harvesting Electricity: Triboelectric Generators Capture Wasted Power from Newswise - Scinews
Media Tip Sheet: URI research to be presented at AGU meeting, Dec. 9-13 from Newswise - Scinews
URI Scientists Investigating Life, Geologic Processes Deep Inside Earth as Part of Deep Carbon Observatory from Newswise - Scinews
Jasco/Roswell Park Research on PIM Inhibitors Presented at ASH Annual Meeting from Newswise - Scinews
Using the potential of waste heat from Physorg
English language variation in the classroom from Physorg
Polymers can be semimetals from Physorg
Fujitsu develops SDN technology to accelerate network storage access from Physorg
More US workers in jobs with limited upside and leverage from Physorg
SST to monitor objects 22,000 miles above Earth from Physorg
Samsung introduces industry's first 1 terabyte mSATA SSD from Physorg
Measuring the duration of energetic electron pulses using laser fields from Physorg
Three-dimensional view helps laser in building new molecules from Physorg
Rosetta media briefing from European Space Agency
Hydrogen breaks strong bonds with brute force from Chemistry World
Preserving the precious Tigers Milk mushroom from Physorg
By-product red sand gets go ahead for roads from Physorg
Is your Budgie left-handed? from Physorg
Algorithms are watching from Physorg
Constructed ecosystems reduce risk of flooding from Physorg
Report: NSA spying on virtual worlds, online games from Physorg
3-D printing used as a tool to explain theoretical physics from Science Daily
No longer stumped: secrets of the skilled batsman from Science Daily
Millions of hidden share trades to be revealed from Science Daily
Polymers can behave like insulators, semiconductors and metals -- as well as semimetals from Science Daily
Aging out of bounds: New demographic data show how diversely different species age and biologists cannot explain why from Science Daily
Pioneering path to electrical conductivity in 'Tinker Toy' material (MOF) from Science Daily
Marine Corps Testing New 'Blackjack' Surveillance Drone from Live Science
Facebook, Google, Twitter demand controls on U.S. spying from CBC: Technology & Science
Cold-resistant cockroach from Asia found in North America from CBC: Technology & Science
Explainer: The difference between radiation and radioactivity from Physorg
Weed scientists to iron out farmers' frowns with assault on crowsfoot grass from Physorg
River flow model assists in planning and extreme weather prediction from Physorg
Space exploration can drive the next agricultural revolution from Physorg
US safety agency may expand Hyundai air bag recall from Physorg
Peaceful bumblebee becomes invasive from Physorg
Intracellular ABC transporters enable leaf beetle larvae to accumulate defensive precursors when feeding from Physorg
Looks like a comet but feels like an asteroid? That's wild! from Physorg
Slimy tunicates may be worth billions from Science Daily
Network theory to strengthen the banking system from Science Daily
Hopes raised for simplification of cancer research from News @ Nature
Elusive Dark Matter May Have Already Been Found from Live Science
Vote For DigitalGlobe's Best Satellite Photo Of The Year from PopSci
New grants to boost women engineers from BBC News: Science & Nature
iPhone 5S supply finally catches up with demand from CBSNews - Science
Invasive cockroach found in NYC can withstand cold from CBSNews - Science
Grizzly bears get stressed from salmon decline from
6 high-chair safety tips to protect kids from CBC: Health
Computer simulation shows Mima mounds likely made by gophers from Physorg
US Congress ready to extend ban on plastic guns from Physorg
Fish that work as sentinels of water quality from Science Daily
Hidden Oceans on Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa May Explain Strange Terrain from Live Science
Some Tarantula Bites More Harmful Than Thought from Live Science
UN shows how mobile-phone data can map human need from SciDev
First Bolivian satellite promises telecoms for all from SciDev
Space History Photo: Astronaut John Swigert with "Mailbox" from
Video: The Sun reverses its magnetic poles from Physorg
Perfluorotributylamine: New long-lived greenhouse gas discovered from Physorg
Life and work: One and the same? from Physorg
Researchers develop system for assessing how effective species are at pollinating crops from Physorg
Solar cell degradation observed directly for the first time from Physorg
Millions of hidden share trades to be revealed from Physorg
Solar cell degradation observed directly for the first time from Science Daily
Recycled plastic proves effective in killing drug-resistant fungi from Science Daily
Better preparedness against Tamiflu-resistant influenza viruses from Science Daily
Laser ablation surgery shows better cognitive results for people with epilepsy from Science Daily
Researchers report on safety of rapid AED withdrawal in pre-surgical monitoring from Science Daily
Group of anti-diabetic drugs can lower cancer risk in women with type 2 diabetes from Science Daily
CryoSat measures European storm surge from European Space Agency
Cold-Loving Asian Cockroach Invades New York from Live Science
Saudi human genome project launched from BBC News: Science & Nature
Promoting scientific excellence in the developing world from SciDev
Intelligence agencies spied on online gamers, documents show from CBSNews - Science
Mars' North Pole Fly-Around Delivered By European Probe | Video from
Ancient fresh water lake on Mars could have sustained life, Curiosity researchers show from Physorg
Team finds way to make solar cells thin, efficient and flexible from Physorg
Leaf beetle larvae secrete defensive compound when feeding from Science Daily
Keep on exercising, researchers advise older breast cancer survivors from Science Daily
What happened to all the dinosaur poop? The cockroaches ate it from MSNBC: Science
Mars was habitable longer, more recently than thought from
Meditation Changes Gene Expression, Say Psychologists
Will Permanent CO2 Sequestration Work? An Abandoned Mine May Hold The Key
Peer-Reviewing Science Is Trending On Twitter - Maybe
You Don't Need To Take Pictures Of Everything - And Taking Photos May Impede Memory
Family doctors diagnosing PTSD offered advice from CBC: Health
Stony Brook Geosciences Professors Co-Author Papers that Shed More Light on Possibility of Life on Mars from Newswise - Scinews
Ancient Mars Lake Could Have Supported Life, Curiosity Rover Shows from
Radiation on Mars 'Manageable' for Manned Mission, Curiosity Rover Reveals from
IRIS provides unprecedented images of sun from Physorg
World's highest quantum efficiency UV photodetectors developed from Physorg
Hard rock life from Physorg
Martian microbes? Ancient lake could have held life, rover team says from MSNBC: Science
Who Has the Best Chance for a White Christmas? from Live Science
Mars lake 'much like early Earth' from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Results Send Mars Rover on a Quest for Ancient Life from Science NOW
EU edges toward flight use of tablets, smartphones from Physorg
Survey of supposed deep-sea chemical munitions dump off Southern California reveals trash and 55-gallon drums from Physorg
Scientists launch 'CubeSats' into radiation belts from Physorg
Mapping the demise of the dinosaurs from Physorg
Math models enhance current therapies for coronary heart disease from Physorg
Study finds rivers and streams release more greenhouse gas than all lakes from Physorg
IRIS provides unprecedented images of sun from Science Daily
How 'good cholesterol' stops inflammation from Science Daily
Peaceful bumblebee becomes invasive from Science Daily
Ovarian cancer discovery deepens knowledge of survival outcomes from Science Daily
A stopwatch for electron flashes: duration of energetic electron pulses measured using laser fields from Science Daily
Promising Alzheimer's drug trialled in large EU study from Science Daily
Mars lake could have supported life from CBC: Technology & Science
Mars Lake Could Have Supported Life Billions of Years Ago from National Geographic
Six Cool Takeaways From NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity Discoveries from National Geographic
How elephant seals know who's boss in the mating game from MSNBC: Science
On Mars, an Ancient Lake and Perhaps Life from NY Times Science
UF/IFAS: 'Perfect Storm' Needed for Salmonella to Spread in Post-Harvest Tomatoes from Newswise - Scinews
Hawaiian Monk Seal Toy Raises Funds to Save Endangered Species from Newswise - Scinews
Curiosity: Mars Radiation Not Too High For Humans (but..) | Video from
Deck the Hall: Torre, La Russa, Cox elected from AP Health
New view of dendrites in Li batteries gets to the root of the problem from Physorg
Life and work: one and the same? from Science Daily
Results from first 59 leukemia patients who received investigational, personalized cellular therapy from Science Daily
Special wildlife scheme beats organic at boosting birds from Science Daily
Ministers set to announce Canada's claim to Arctic riches from CBC: Technology & Science
You can blame the scorching summers on shrinking Arctic sea ice from MSNBC: Science
Cold War to Cyber War, Here's How Weapon Exports are Controlled (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Far Out! Tesla's Model S Is 1st Car Purchased with Bitcoin from Live Science
NASA Curiosity: First Mars Age Measurement and Human Exploration Help from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Recipes for Health: Mixed Grains Risotto With Kale, Walnuts and Black Quinoa from NY Times Health
How a concussion can lead to depression years later from Science Blog
Genetic flaw in males triggers onset of liver cancer, diabetes from Science Daily
More light shed on possibility of life on Mars from Science Daily
Math models enhance current therapies for coronary heart disease from Science Daily
Surviving ovarian cancer: Scientists attack drug resistant cancer cells from Science Daily
Solar cells made thin, efficient and flexible from Science Daily
Canada's claim on Arctic riches includes the North Pole from CBC: Technology & Science
Google Doodle Honors Computer Programmer Grace Hopper from National Geographic
Radiation on Mars 'manageable' for manned mission, Curiosity finds from MSNBC: Science
Want to Remember Your Museum Visit? Don't Take Pictures from Live Science
In the News from The Rockefeller University
Biology’s coefficient: Joel Cohen uses the tools of mathematics to dec... from The Rockefeller University
Hidden Details Revealed in Nearby Starburst Galaxy from Newswise - Scinews
DHL testing delivery drones from CBSNews - Science
NASA Curiosity: First Mars age measurement and human exploration help from Science Daily
New findings on women, pregnancy, epilepsy from Science Daily
Mapping the demise of the dinosaurs from Science Daily
Survey of supposed deep-sea chemical munitions dump off Southern California from Science Daily
Hard rock life: Earth's surface collecting census data on microbial denizens of hardened rocks from Science Daily
Rivers and streams release more greenhouse gas than all lakes from Science Daily
World's highest quantum efficiency UV photodetectors created from Science Daily
Scientists scale terahertz peaks in nanotubes from Science Daily
Morphing material has mighty potential from Science Daily
System developed for assessing how effective species are at pollinating crops from Science Daily
New report shows influence of cognitive factors on ecosystem services valuation from Science Daily
Epilepsy community seeks redefinition of bioequivalence from FDA from Science Daily
Seizures and Epilepsy: A Significant Burden on Veterans from Science Daily
New insights into immune system of gastrointestinal tract from Science Daily
Is SUDEP risk potentially treatable? from Science Daily
Genetic mutations, molecular alterations may explain racial differences in head, neck cancers from Science Daily
To the Cold, Bed Bugs Say 'Bite Me' from Live Science
Strategies for Aging Vary Widely across 46 Species with Some Scarcely Deteriorating from Scientific American
Uruguay to approve pot dealing, despite risks from AP Health
7 LA sheriff's deputies arrested in jail probe from AP Health
Hidden details revealed in nearby starburst galaxy from Science Daily
Archaeologists find oldest evidence of Late Stone Age settlement on Cyprus from Science Daily
New long-lived greenhouse gas discovered: Highest global-warming impact of any compound to date from Science Daily
Ancient fresh water lake on Mars could have sustained life from Science Daily
Legumes in fish feed: Can anti-nutritional substances damage health? from Science Daily
Economic factors may affect getting guideline-recommended breast cancer treatment from Science Daily
Potential biological factor contributing to racial disparities in prostate cancer from Science Daily
Diabetes identified as risk factor for liver cancer across ethnic groups from Science Daily
Biomarker linked to aggressive breast cancers, poor outcomes in African-Americans from Science Daily
Novel drug regimen can improve stem cell transplantation outcomes from Science Daily
Canada's claim to Arctic riches includes the North Pole from CBC: Technology & Science
This underground mining museum is definitely worth its salt from MSNBC: Science
Deal will 'save' drying Dead Sea from BBC News: Science & Nature
Drug fix for misfolded proteins promises hope for incurable diseases from Chemistry World
Health care debate has trust, politics themes, too from AP Health
Problem-child behavior could result from early puberty in girls from Science Daily
Geologic processes deep inside Earth: New light on genetic makeup of Earth's deep microbial life and geochemistry of lavas from Science Daily
Strong nutrition education can lead to healthier food choices among low-income families from Science Daily
Harvesting electricity: Triboelectric generators capture wasted power from Science Daily
Unique model simulates electron environment in space at 36000 km above the Earth from Science Daily
Seizure unconsciousness similar to slow wave sleep from Science Daily
Peer-review science is taking off on Twitter, but who is Tweeting what and why? from Science Daily
This isn't cool: Freezing bedbugs may not kill them after all from MSNBC: Science
Brain Prosthetics - Rat's Motor Function Returned To Normal | Video from Live Science
Depression's Tipping Point from Science NOW
Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli visits MIT in support of assistive technology and global poverty reduction from MIT Research
How to recognize PTSD symptoms from CBC: Health
Orbital Sciences Names Next Private Space Station Freighter for NASA Astronaut from
Why fruitflies know their beer from News @ Nature
Incredible Tech: How Life Will Change With Smart Homes from Live Science
10 Odd and Intriguing Smart Home Technologies from Live Science
Brain chip enables injured rats to control movements from
Johns Hopkins APL Names NASA's Michael Ryschkewitsch to Lead Space Programs from Newswise - Scinews
Iowa State-Led Team Wins Supercomputer Time to Study Nuclear Structures, Reactions from Newswise - Scinews
Texas Tech's Post-Doctoral Researcher on Team Finding Supernova Remnant Associated With a Binary System from Newswise - Scinews
Google doodle honors Grace Hopper, "first lady of software" from CBSNews - Science
Amateur Astronomer Sees Jupiter, 2 Moons & a Shadow (Photo) from
Doggy DNA database lets condos track repeat offenders from CBC: Technology & Science
Newly invented shielding for stopping neutrons cold from Physorg
2012 solar storm points up need for society to prepare, scientist says from Physorg
Home teams hold the advantage from Physorg
Hidden details revealed in nearby starburst galaxy from Physorg
Gift Guide: Accessories to satisfy inner Spielberg from Physorg
Researchers report nanoscale energy-efficient switching devices from Physorg
Countdown to zero: New 'zero-dimensional' carbon nanotube may lead to superthin electronics and synthetic cells from Physorg
2012 solar storm points up need for society to prepare from Science Daily
How light affects individual atoms from Science Daily
Red Sun | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
New Device Bypasses Destroyed Area in Rat's Brain from Live Science
Google doodle honors Grace Hopper, "first lady of software" from CBSNews - Science
DHL testing delivery drones from CBSNews - Science
Intelligence agencies spied on online gamers, documents show from CBSNews - Science
iPhone 5S supply finally catches up with demand from CBSNews - Science
Invasive cockroach found in NYC can withstand cold from CBSNews - Science
Animal Tales: Bellowing koalas, therapy dogs and hibernating alligators from CBSNews - Science
Apple seeks to guide shoppers with iBeacon from CBSNews - Science
Reddit finds lost dog, Internet says 'aww' from CBSNews - Science
Massive alien planet discovered, astronomers puzzled from CBSNews - Science
Rocket launches on secret U.S. intelligence mission from CBSNews - Science
Air Force's mysterious X-37B space plane nears one year in orbit from CBSNews - Science
Flashlight app secretly tracked users' locations, FTC says from CBSNews - Science
Google barge under investigation in San Francisco from CBSNews - Science
Microsoft boosts security to counter NSA surveillance from CBSNews - Science
Pilot whales stranded in Fla. from CBSNews - Science
Comet ISON's demise a boon to science from CBSNews - Science
Hackers steal millions of passwords; Tips to protect your security online from CBSNews - Science
Pres. Obama says he can't use iPhone for 'security reasons' from CBSNews - Science
Looks Like a Comet But Feels Like an Asteroid? That's Wild! (Op-Ed) from
Northern Lights Dance Over Maine Farmhouse in Stunning Photo from
Study says many lung cancer tumors prove harmless from AP Health
Embarrassing Facebook posts cause certain people more anguish than others from Physorg
New sensor tracks zinc in cells, could be exploited for early diagnosis of prostate cancer from Physorg
Study offers economical solutions for maintaining critical delta environments from Physorg
Engineering researchers report on nanoscale energy-efficient switching devices from Science Daily
Lasering the lava: 3-D imaging reveals details of volcanic flows from MSNBC: Science
Drugs Used in Newborns Need Better Study, Docs Say from Live Science
NASA Mars rover finds evidence of life-friendly ancient lake from Reuters:Science
Blood Clots Absorb Bacterial Toxin
Powder Rive Basin Coal on the Move from Scientific American
NASA eyes Tropical Cyclone Madi's rainfall from Physorg
A winter-proof cockroach!? It's just New York's latest invader from MSNBC: Science
Bacterial Bubble Hitchhikers Could Help Keep Greenhouse Gas in Check from Live Science
Scots botanist missing in Vietnam from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA Snow Mapper Reaps Big Benefits for California from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Watching media coverage of disasters linked to stress from
Bolstering a Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Lead Exposure from Science NOW
Mars rover, exploring ancient lakebed, refines search for organics from CBSNews - Science
Russian Rocket Launches Satellite to Boost On-the-Go Broadband Service from
Moon May Outshine Geminid Meteor Shower Peak This Week from
Spectacular Night Sky Photos by Stargazers: December 2013 (Gallery) from
Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8 from AP Science
Koala spotted in Blue Mountains after 70 years from Science Alert
Mars rover, exploring ancient lakebed, refines search for organics from CBSNews - Science
Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8 from Physorg
Astronomers solve temperature mystery of planetary atmosphere from Physorg
Lawmaker reveals scale of US mobile data requests from Physorg
Facebook joins NYU in artificial intelligence lab (Update) from Physorg
Ancient crater could hold clues about moon's mantle from Physorg
Scientists offer new insights on controlling nanoparticle stability from Physorg
Scientists publish first radiation measurements from the surface of Mars from Physorg
LEDs Are Holiday Gifts That Keep on Giving (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Forests Recover Quickly After Bark Beetles Attack from Live Science
New generator creates electricity directly from heat from Physics World
OPINION: Reaching its limits: can the global economy keep growing? from Science Alert
FEATURE: Explainer: the difference between radiation and radioactivity from Science Alert
Stalagmites hold ice age secrets from Science Alert
Early Universe less dusty than thought from Science Alert
Budgies are ambidextrous from Science Alert
Mercury shrinking more than thought from News @ Nature
Chinese Rocket Failure Destroys Earth-Observation Satellite from
Ancient crater could hold clues about moon's mantle from Science Daily
Mars rover goes after carbon clues from BBC News: Science & Nature
Coldest spot on Earth identified from BBC News: Science & Nature
Coldest Place On Earth - NASA Finds It | Video from Live Science
Geminid meteor shower set to peak, but moon might curtail viewing from MSNBC: Science
Hard-pressed from Harvard Science
Signature signatures from Harvard Science
Breakthrough in treating leukemia, lymphoma with umbilical cord blood stem cells from Biology News Net
Pictures: Europe's Biggest Dark Sky Park from National Geographic
Coldest Place On Earth - NASA Finds It | Video from
First radiation measurements from the surface of Mars from Science Daily
Scientists offer new insights on controlling nanoparticle stability from Science Daily
Coldest Places on Earth Found, In Antarctica, Of Course from Live Science
Does Age Bring Death? Not For All Species from Live Science
California Water Planners Hear NASA Long-Term Forecast from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
–93.2 C: Antarctica sets new cold weather record from CBC: Technology & Science
Report slams university’s animal research from News @ Nature
New drug approach could lead to cures for wide range of diseases from Science Daily
Neural prosthesis restores behavior after brain injury from Science Daily
Now that's c-c-c-cold: Antarctica sets record of -135.8 degrees! from MSNBC: Science
How to write about your science from SciDev
Managing world's tropical forest spurs debate from SciDev
Nigerian health ministry dogged by fund misuse claims from SciDev
UAE launches national authority for scientific research from SciDev
Create open-source databases for clinical trials from SciDev
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 25 Feb–12 Mar 2008 from SciDev
Algerian research 'to benefit from Egyptian experience' from SciDev
Basic measures 'can reduce virus spread in Bangladesh' from SciDev
China/EU alliance 'could be key to low-carbon energy' from SciDev
Conservation areas 'neglected' under current efforts from SciDev
First infectious disease centre opens in Laos from SciDev
Welcome to the new-look SciDev.Net from SciDev
South Asian nations team up for food security from SciDev
North Africa to develop drought-resistant barley from SciDev
Surge in heart attacks correlates with bank failures from SciDev
Balancing old and new skills from MIT Research
New sensor tracks zinc in cells from MIT Research
Healthier Fatty Acids Found in Organic Milk from Live Science
Holiday calendar: 'Starry Night' at sea from MSNBC: Science
Why Eerie Green Lightning Zapped an Erupting Volcano from Live Science
In surprise finding, blood clots absorb bacterial toxin from Science Daily
Gene sequencing project finds drugs with promise for treating childhood tumor from Science Daily
Brief therapy eases symptoms of combat-related psychological trauma from Science Daily
Awkward Facebook encounters from Science Daily
Home teams hold the advantage from Science Daily
Study offers economical solutions for maintaining critical delta environments from Science Daily
Personal antidepressant for every genome from Science Daily
How concussion can lead to depression years later from Science Daily
Measuring life’s tugs and nudges from Harvard Science
How Nelson Mandela Navigated the Politics of Science (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Candy Chromatography from Live Science