Archive of feed items published on the 13th of February 2013
Fists Of Fitness
Drug Industry Says 340B Discount Program Is Being Abused from NY Times Health
Prostate Cancer Study Suggests Shorter Treatments from NY Times Health
SungEun Grace Lee, 28, at Center of Right-to-Die Case, Succumbs from NY Times Health
Transgender Students Gain Visibility, and College Health Plans Respond from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Health: Study Finds More Benefits of Folic Acid from NY Times Health
Nevin S. Scrimshaw, Pioneer Nutritionist, Dies at 95 from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Pear Vanilla Sorbet — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Getting the Right Dose of Exercise from NY Times Health
Deaths of endangered fish curtail water exports from LA Times - Science
Obama Pledges U.S. Action on Climate, With or Without Congress from National Geographic
New technologies deployed to counter the threat of GPS jamming from Physorg
Nest diet has big impact on attractiveness of hihi birds from Physorg
Koalas won’t go back from Science Alert
Plasma cells survival uncovered from Science Alert
FEATURE: Look out: close encounters of the asteroidal kind from Science Alert
Whole genome sequencing better at tracing TB outbreaks than standard test from Biology News Net
Sex, teens and binge drinking from Science Alert
Despite Claims of Third Blast, North Korean Nuclear Program Remains a Mystery from NY Times Science
Keepers baffled as emu stolen from Australian park from Physorg
NY health chief: Longer gas-drilling study needed from Physorg
Sea animal has grow-again penis from Physorg
Scientists study transient degradation of an actin regulator from Physorg
Guppies use ugly friends to seem more attractive from Physorg
Comcast doubles down on TV in $16.7B deal for NBCU from Physorg
Wisconsin scientists help search for alien life from Physorg
AUDIO: 'I'm beatboxing in an MRI scanner' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Obama moves to defend infrastructure from cyberattacks from Physorg
Costa Rica to compensate couples for in vitro ban from Physorg
Peru archeologists find ancient temple from Physorg
Yahoo! chief Mayer wants Bing to deliver from Physorg
'Limited resources' cited in fatal 3-hour ambulance delay from CBC: Health
UK explores TV transmitter option to track aircraft from Physorg
China Internet users blast Beijing stance on N. Korea from Physorg
A cooler way to protect silicon surfaces from MIT Research
CryoSat reveals major loss of Arctic sea ice from European Space Agency
Cryosat observes big Arctic ice loss from BBC News: Science & Nature
Peru temple 'up to 5,000 years old' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Richard III tomb design revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
'A drop of ink on the luminous sky' from Physorg
Dark Cloud In Space Resembles A Gecko? | Video from
VIDEO: Driver finds owl stuck in car grille from BBC News: Science & Nature
Twitter feminists and 'masculists' go head-to-head from CBC: Technology & Science
Rethinking the process used to machine industrially important ceramics could reduce damaging cracks and chips from Physorg
Vortex pinning could lead to superconducting breakthroughs from Physorg
NASA'S Orion lands safely on two of three parachutes in test from Physorg
Nanoparticles and the immune system from Physorg
Model that predicts real-world behaviors of insulator interfaces makes designing 'nano-electronic' materials simpler from Physorg
'Shamoon' computer virus attack marked new height in international cyber conflict from Physorg
NASA set for new round of J-2X testing at Stennis Space Center from Physorg
Virology: A marker for a cancer-causing virus from Physorg
Flexible design approach for nanosensors that overcomes practicality and reliability issues now available from Physorg
Antibacterial, antifouling polymer coatings could soon relegate catheter-associated infections in the blood to history from Physorg
A cold look at planet Earth: Learning from the world's frozen places from Physorg
Year three: NASA SDO mission highlights from Physorg
Asteroid 2012 DA14's Friday Flyby: A Stargazer's Guide from
Gold-mining bacterium discovered by McMaster researchers from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers tap potential of walnut and birch trees from Physorg
Secret rendezvous: Geladas conceal monkeying around from leader males from Physorg
Scientists have discovered way to create high-quality graphene capacitor, which could deliver high-frequency electronics from Physorg
Latest Korea nuke test dwarfed previous ones: Seismic waves show steady progress to bigger bomb, scientists say from Physorg
Koalas and mine site restoration from Physorg
Australia closing equity gap, but education performance slipping: OECD from Physorg
New room-temperature process could lead to less expensive solar cells and other electronic devices from Physorg
CryoSat-2 mission reveals major Arctic sea-ice loss from Physorg
New ways to fund science: Geneticist, panel discuss how research and public interest can intersect from Physorg
Novel test streamlines testing for Huntington Disease from Science Daily
'A drop of ink on the luminous sky:' Wide Field Imager snaps cosmic gecko from Science Daily
Biosensing: Detecting cocaine 'naturally' from Science Daily
New technology for producing hydrogen from Science Daily
Vitamin C is beneficial against the common cold, review suggests from Science Daily
Civil War Shipwreck: Photos of the USS Monitor from Live Science
Toxicologist with pesticides on the brain from Chemistry World
Doubt cast on value of vegetable fats for heart health from Science Blog
Lovers’ hearts beat in sync, UC Davis study says from Science Blog
A neural basis for benefits of meditation from Science Blog
Wide Field Imager snaps cosmic gecko from Science Blog
Unconscious processing improves decision-making from Science Blog
China Study: A Voice for Veganism from Science Blog
Study in mice yields Angelman advance from Science Blog
Video: Teen scientist invents sensor to detect cancer from CBSNews - Science
Butterflies Show Signs of Being Affected by Climate Change in a Way Similar to Plants and Bees from Newswise - Scinews
Iran begins installing new uranium enrichment centrifuges from CBC: Technology & Science
HIPPO global-scale air chemistry dataset now available from Physorg
Blackbirds in the spotlight: City birds that experience light at night ready to breed earlier than their rural cousins from Physorg
Reports show worldwide wind and solar power capacity grew in 2012 from Physorg
Study shows agriculture and forestry dominate Alabama economy from Physorg
New look at human fossil suggests Eastern Europe was an important pathway in evolution from Physorg
'Earth from Space' Documentary Reveals Cosmic View of Our Planet from
'Gecko' Space Cloud Floats Among Millions of Stars (Video) from
When Google got flu wrong from News @ Nature
Malaria drug made in yeast causes market ferment from News @ Nature
How to turn living cells into computers from News @ Nature
Sea slug loses penis after sex but grows another the next day from News @ Nature
Why some people don't learn well: EEG shows insufficient processing of information to be learned from Science Daily
Explosive breakthrough in molecular recognition from Science Blog
Intel working on TV set-top box to replace cable from CBC: Technology & Science
Research team develops a cocaine biosensor inspired from nature from Physorg
Targeting treatment: Research aims to improve personal care, medicinal products from Physorg
Lanthanum chromium oxide's energetic dance with light from Physorg
Ozone Hole Shrinks to Record Low from
Space History Photo: 1997 Dryden Research Aircraft Fleet on Ramp from
Christianity influences meat taboos in Amazon from Science Daily
Lovers' hearts beat in sync from Science Daily
Neural basis for benefits of meditation from Science Daily
Study in mice yields Angelman advance from Science Daily
How unconscious processing improves decision-making from Science Daily
Emerging cancer drugs may drive bone tumors from Science Daily
Report: Tracking system needed to fight fake drugs from AP Health
Obama Urges Action on Climate Change from Live Science
To develop male behavior, rats need immune cells from
UK police arrest 6 people in phone hacking probe from Physorg
Researchers build robot rat to induce stress in lab animals (w/ Video) from Physorg
Apple loses rights to iPhone trademark in Brazil from Physorg
Syria official warns of trafficking in antiquities from Physorg
Stem cells in Texas: Cowboy culture from News @ Nature
Cocaine addiction study reveals targets for treatment from Science Daily
Who Sent the First Valentine's Day Cards? from Live Science
Topless Women Celebrate Pope's Resignation from Live Science
Mississippi Remains Most Religious US State: Poll from Live Science
Can Folic Acid Prevent Autism? from Live Science
The Most & Least Religious US States from Live Science
ESRF upgrade gears up for industry from Chemistry World
Rene Kuhn Bryant passes away from Harvard Science
Nano Cupid: This year's tiniest Valentine from CBSNews - Science
Wisconsin scientists help search for alien life from AP Science
What they're saying about State of the Union from AP Science
Rare SARS-linked virus may have spread between people from CBC: Health
Asteroid 2012 DA14 - What Its Path Will Look Like | Video Simulation from
World first for fly research from Physorg
Wetland trees a significant overlooked source of methane, study finds from Physorg
Roof collapses at Chernobyl nuclear plant: Ukraine from Physorg
Alcohol consumption may be in response to smoking cessation from Science Daily
Wetland trees a significant overlooked source of methane from Science Daily
Wisconsin scientists help search for alien life
Newborn babies walk the walk from
Compound linked to IVF success from
Finding "Mr. Right," How Insects Sniff Out the Perfect Mate from Newswise - Scinews
Quake Test: Can NYC's Row Houses Handle an Earthquake? from Newswise - Scinews
Research Improving Breast Cancer Treatment by Targeting Tumor Initiating Cells from Newswise - Scinews
NASA'S Chandra Suggests Rare Explosion Created Our Galaxy's Youngest Black Hole from Newswise - Scinews
Thermodynamics of visual images may help us see the world from Physorg
A vacuum can yield flashes of light from News @ Nature
Ice age extinction shaped Australian plant diversity from Science Daily
Flu outbreaks modeled by new study of classroom schedules from Science Daily
Pathway that stimulates bone growth uncovered from Science Daily
We're emotionally distant and that's just fine by me: Closer relationships aren't necessarily better relationships from Science Daily
Obama Vows to Get Tough With North Korea from Live Science
Reg Turnill - The Moon landing from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA's MAVEN Mission Completes Assembly from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPL to Lead U.S. Science Team for Dark Energy Mission from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Bone-repairing nanoparticles laced with DNA from Chemistry World
Oil Dispersants Used During Gulf Spill Degrade Slowly In Cold Water from C&EN
Vacation photos help scientists track whale sharks from CBSNews - Science
Wetland trees a significant overlooked source of methane, study finds from Science Blog
Body lice found amongst Edmonton homeless from CBC: Health
Ottawa officials studying impact of new marijuana rules from CBC: Health
Music lessons before age 7 boost brain area from CBC: Technology & Science
Snow Blankets Northeast in Satellite Image from
Apple cuts MacBook Pro price, updates processors from Physorg
Advance promises to expand biological control of crop pests from Physorg
Flood research shows human habits die hard from Physorg
Gene Therapy Cures Diabetic Dogs In Only One Shot from PopSci
Obama's Finally Serious About Climate Change from PopSci
Natural hazards: New York vs the sea from News @ Nature
Arctic Ocean is on thin ice from Science Daily
Ex-Cop Dorner 'Sightings' Highlight Problems with Eyewitnesses from Live Science
Roses, Wine or Chocolate: Weather Controls it All from Live Science
Heart Attacks Worse for Women's Emotional Health from Live Science
Meeting opportunities at the fair from Harvard Science
Scientist at Work Blog: Leaving the Choppy Waters from NY Times Science
Green Blog: A Bat Fungus on the March from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Steep Challenges for a Chinese Eco-City from NY Times Science
Adobe Homes in Peru's Andes Tell Centuries-Old Toxic Tale from Scientific American
Detecting Cocaine "Naturally" from Newswise - Scinews
Long Noncoding RNAs Control Development of Fat Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Magnetic Shielding of Ion Beam Thruster Walls from Newswise - Scinews
Origami Meets Chemistry in Scholarly Video-Article from Newswise - Scinews
Teens have started sleep-texting from CBSNews - Science
California reveals details of health-law insurance plans from LA Times - Health
Health insurer WellPoint picks Joseph Swedish as its new CEO from LA Times - Health
A new technology for producing hydrogen from Physorg
Busy beavers give Canada geese a lift, study shows from Physorg
Magnetic shielding of ion beam thruster walls from Physorg
The State of The Guardian's SOTU Infographic Is...Dumber from PopSci
Redefine misconduct as distorted reporting from News @ Nature
Flood research shows human habits die hard: Few make plans to cut vulnerability from Science Daily
Deep space missions? Magnetic shielding of ion beam thruster walls may provide power from Science Daily
Rare explosion created our galaxy's youngest black hole, study suggests from Science Daily
There's No Law Against Self-Driving Cars from Live Science
Air Guns Give Glimpse Inside a Subduction Zone from Live Science
Dear Asia: Please Send More Young People
Charity's hiring woe highlights lack of tech know-how in NGO community from SciDev
Monster black holes grow surprisingly fast from CBSNews - Science
No radiation threat after roof collapse at Chernobyl nuclear plant: Ukrainian officials from CBSNews - Science
Sustainable new catalysts fueled by a single proton from Physorg
After Higgs Boson, scientists prepare for next quantum leap from Physorg
Vortex pinning could lead to superconducting breakthroughs from Science Daily
Advance promises to expand biological control of crop pests from Science Daily
Opera's poisons and potions connect students with chemistry from Science Daily
Blackbirds in the spotlight from Science Daily
Food and beverages not likely to make breast-fed babies fussy from Science Daily
'Gecko' Space Cloud Floats Among Millions of Stars (Video) from Live Science
5 Jobs Where Office Romances Blossom from Live Science
2012 Shark Attacks Tie Record High in US from Live Science
News in Brief: Bitter and sour taste detectors also say, 'too salty' from
Tapping proton power for enantioselective synthesis from Chemistry World
Is cloud seeding preventing further flooding in Indonesia? from SciDev
Touching the Light: Rats Get Fitted with Star Trek VISORs [Video] from Scientific American
Engineers Show Feasibility of Superfast Materials for Computing from Newswise - Scinews
National Genomics Expert Available to Comment on State of Union Call for Genomic Investment and Innovation from Newswise - Scinews
Université de Moncton hopes to train pharmacists from CBC: Health
Friday Flyby: How Scientists Track Near-Earth Asteroids from
Youngest Black Hole Created by Doomed Rotating Star? | Video from
Violent Asteroid Crashes Shaped Protoplanet Vesta's Odd Interior from
Seven days: 8–14 February 2013 from News @ Nature
Owl Monkeys Shed Light on Evolution of Love from National Geographic
Finding 'Mr. Right,' how insects sniff out the perfect mate from Science Daily
'Earth from Space': A cosmic view of planet from MSNBC: Science
Invisible War Rages in World's Oceans from Live Science
Robots Share Stage With Actors in New Show from Live Science
News in Brief: Diversity breeds disease resistance in frogs from
The Curious Case of the Lusty Wasps from Science NOW
Apple fans and vegetarians: A dating site for everyone from CBSNews - Science
Engineers show feasibility of superfast materials from Physorg
Dual collisions shaped proto-planet from News @ Nature
Your iPhone Is A Reliable Research Lab from PopSci
Engineers show feasibility of superfast materials from Science Daily
A cooler way to protect silicon surfaces from Science Daily
Scientists discover how animals taste, and avoid, high salt concentrations from Science Daily
150 years later, two Monitor sailors to be buried from MSNBC: Science
Chernobyl hit by roof collapse from BBC News: Science & Nature
That's Too Salty! How the Tongue Knows from Live Science
Invisible war rages in world's oceans from CBSNews - Science
Geologists quantify, characterize sediment carried by Mississippi flood to Louisiana's wetlands from Physorg
Epigenetics shapes fate of brain vs. brawn castes in carpenter ants from Physorg
A Cupid made of carbon nanotubules: world's tiniest Valentine from Physorg
A war without end—with Earth's carbon cycle held in the balance from Physorg
'Masked' mold toxins in food should be included in safety regulations from Physorg
Study shows how biodiversity can protect against disease from Physorg
Researchers discover how sex pheromones evolved in wasps from Physorg
NASA's Chandra suggests rare explosion created our galaxy's youngest black hole from Physorg
Origami meets chemistry in scholarly video-article (w/ Video) from Physorg
Busy beavers give Canada geese a lift, study shows from Science Daily
A war without end, with Earth's carbon cycle held in the balance from Science Daily
Confirmed: There's life in buried Antarctic lake from MSNBC: Science
W49B: Did An Explosion Create Our Galaxy's Youngest Black Hole?
Applications open for M-RCBG senior fellows program from Harvard Science
Robots with lift from Harvard Science
Universities See Progress in New Rules for Managing U.S. Research from Science NOW
Gut Bacteria Conspired in Melamine Poisonings from Science NOW
Brain Vs. Brawn In Carpenter Ants: A Chromatin Epigenetic Tale
I'm Emotionally Distant And So Am I
Sea slug's disposable penis regenerates in 24 hours from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple loses iPhone trademark in Brazil from CBSNews - Science
Even Anne of Green Gables had herpes, writer notes from CBC: Health
S.Africa opposes total ban on rhino horn exports from Physorg
Brazil's booming beauty market draws investors from Physorg
Spain busts 'ransomware' cybercrime ring from Physorg
Valentine's Day Scammers Go for the Heart from Live Science
Psychologist honored by the APS from Harvard Science
Toy Fair 2013: Watch This Guy Bounce A Bubble Made With Soap And Dry Ice from PopSci
Geologists quantify, characterize sediment carried by Mississippi flood to Louisiana's wetlands from Science Daily
'Masked' mold toxins in food should be included in safety regulations from Science Daily
Sustainable new catalysts fueled by a single proton from Science Daily
Epigenetics shapes fate of brain vs. brawn castes in carpenter ants from Science Daily
An invisible war rages in world's oceans from MSNBC: Science
3-D software key to designing many of today's consumer products from Physorg
Online matchmaking a hit with Saudi couples from Physorg
Why Singles & Couples Annoy Each Other from Live Science
Implant Gives Rats Super Senses from Live Science
Live Chat: The Future of Physics from Science NOW
Researchers Determine Optimum Cooking Times for Shrimp and Salmon from Newswise - Scinews
New Study Finds Taste Preferences Impact Health from Newswise - Scinews
BU Researcher/Editor Observes that Scientific Misconduct is Real, but Rare from Newswise - Scinews
What to Eat for a Healthy Heart from Newswise - Scinews
Valentine's Day in Space: Cosmic Love Photos from
Most Americans support Obama on climate from UPI
This Is Why It's A Mistake To Cure Mice Instead Of Humans from PopSci
Clues to chromosome crossovers in meiosis from Science Daily
Simulation helps scientists better understand the origin of our solar system from Science Daily
Clues to why most survived China melamine scandal from AP Health
Opera plans transition to WebKit engine from Physorg
Pay phones' future uncertain in digital world from Physorg
King Tut's Parents Were Cousins, Not Siblings: Researcher from Live Science
Well: The Well Flu Quiz from NY Times Health
Reducing Hurricane Sandy to a Tropical Storm Undercut Warnings from NY Times Science
Green Blog: On Our Radar: The Earth's Surface, in Sharper Detail Than Ever from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Police Arrest Keystone Protesters from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Risky Work in the Niger Delta from NY Times Science
Video: OCEARCH announces new partnership with Caterpillar from CBSNews - Science
Space Exploration Ignored in Obama's State of the Union: No Surprise from
MIT and Eni renew energy partnership from MIT Research
New materials may be computer breakthrough from UPI
Global mobile phone sales decline from UPI
Napolitano wants open citizenship path from UPI
Comments on McDonald's settlement banned from UPI
Satellite sees arctic sea ice decline from UPI
Live From The White House: A Q&A About Climate And Energy from PopSci
Cellular renewal process may underlie benefits of omega fatty acids from Science Daily
Marsh plants actively engineer their landscape from Science Daily
Robots with lift: Researchers use combustible gases to power leaping machines from Science Daily
Cisco's fiscal 2Q earnings rise above Street views from Physorg
Marsh plants actively engineer their landscape from Physorg
Team creates MRI for the nanoscale from Physorg
Genetic study pursues elusive goal: How many humpbacks existed before whaling? from Physorg
Clues to chromosome crossovers from Physorg
Researchers use combustible gases to power leaping robots from Physorg
Kids Prefer Veggies Not Too Raw, Not Too Cooked from Live Science
ScienceShot: Can You Potty Train a Cow? from Science NOW
Being There: Scientists Enlist Inuit for Long-Term Observations of Arctic Wildlife [Slide Show] from Scientific American
New Antarctic penguin colony found from space, with help of poo clues from CBC: Technology & Science
Video: Adventures in shark tagging: Behind the scenes from CBSNews - Science
High calcium intake may be dangerous for women from CBC: Health
Google Flu Trends misses the mark from CBC: Health
Busy beavers help Canada geese from UPI
Youngest Milky Way black hole studied from UPI
Apple loses iPhone trademark in Brazil from UPI
From Our Vault: Port Said, Egypt, Circa 1920 from National Geographic
Genetic study pursues elusive goal: How many humpbacks existed before whaling? from Science Daily
Hackers sock smartphone earpiece star Jawbone from Physorg
Report: Bidder eyes buying Time Warner magazines from Physorg
NJ: 2 officials hid contaminant in city's water from Physorg
Light-emitting bioprobe fits in a single cell from Physorg
Scientists call for action on plastic waste from Physorg
How the big speech fared from Harvard Science
Percival Lowell Biography from
Company debuts 'green' hard hat from UPI
Gaming controller could be medical aid from UPI
A Glimpse At Raytheon's Terrifying People-Tracking Software from PopSci
Dognition unlocks mysteries of your dog’s mind from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Arctic se ice is thinning, satellite data show from MSNBC: Science
Facial structure may predict endorsement of racial prejudice from Science Daily
Happily married couples consider themselves healthier, expert says from Science Daily
Probiotic-derived treatment offers new hope for premature babies from Science Daily
Scientific misconduct is real, but rare from Science Daily
By guessing, clinicians may miss 3/4 of alcohol problems from Science Daily
Amphibian study shows how biodiversity can protect against disease from Science Daily
New owl identified on Indonesian island
New owl species discovered in Indonesia is unique to one island from Physorg
2 NASA satellites see Cyclone Gino's 'centered' power from Physorg
Gartner: Global cellphone sales fell in 2012 from Physorg
Unique Calls Reveal New Owl Species from Live Science
Using Planes to Fix Air-Pollution Satellites from Live Science
Mystery Of New York's Falling Crime Rate Remains Unsolved from Live Science
Man Shortage May Change When Women Have Babies from Live Science
The quantum coin toss from Physics World
Tungstenite triangles emit light from Physics World
Saga of a Civil War surgeon from Harvard Science
Is Being NSF Director a Steppingstone Back to Academia? from Science NOW
Can Early Deep-Brain Stimulation Surgery Help More Parkinson's Patients? from Scientific American
Toymaker Models NASA's Commercial Spaceships in Miniature from
Touchscreen keyboard can appear, disappear from UPI
Ancient temple unearthed in Peru from UPI
We Have Life! Scientists Confirm Microbes Beneath Antarctic Glaciers from PopSci
5 Reasons to Care About Friday's Asteroid Flyby from Live Science
Do Good Grades Spread Like Measles? from Live Science
Say What? Better Hearing Takes Practice from Science NOW
Photos: New Space Toys at Toy Fair 2013 from
Drug shown to reverse radioiodine resistance in some advanced thyroid cancers from Science Daily
Clues to childhood respiratory virus: Human metapneumovirus from Science Daily
Cracking the semantic code: Half a word's meaning is 3-D summary of associated rewards from Science Daily
Skin: Facts, Diseases & Conditions from Live Science
Natural Hazards: New York City vs. The Sea from Scientific American
Fish 'janitors' said vital to coral reefs from UPI
Google exposing info of app purchasers from UPI
Are Honeybees Losing Their Way? from National Geographic
California's Tobacco Control Program generates huge health care savings, study shows from Science Daily
Red brain, blue brain: Republicans and Democrats process risk differently, research finds from Science Daily
Plankton Pumping Iron May Impact Climate from Live Science
Decoding the Science in Obama's State of the Union Speech from Science NOW
Dot Earth Blog: Obama's Path from Rhetoric to Reality on Energy and Climate from NY Times Science
Best of Toy Fair 2013:'s Space Age Award Winners from
1,500-year-old landfill discovered in USVI from Physorg
National Space Club Honors Mars Curiosity from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Study Sheds New Light on Arctic Sea Ice Volume Losses from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
UC San Diego Awarded NIH Grant to Expand Diabetes and Obesity Research Hub from Newswise - Scinews
Trees said missed sources of climate gases from UPI
2012 shark attacks tie record high in US from MSNBC: Science
New owl species discovered in Indonesia is unique to one island from Science Daily
Long, low intensity exercise may have more health benefits relative to short, intense workouts from Science Daily
GPA may be contagious in high-school social networks from Science Daily
Accelerated biological aging, seen in women with Alzheimer's risk factor, blocked by hormone therapy from Science Daily
Manufacturing: Chip-free ceramics from Science Daily
Semiconductor interfaces: Big opportunities for tiny insulators from Science Daily
Photonics: Deconstructed nanosensors light the way forward from Science Daily
Team creates MRI for the nanoscale: Level comparable to an atomic force microscope from Science Daily
Light-emitting bioprobe fits in a single cell from Science Daily
Brown-and-white Indonesian owl called new species from AP Science
Honda Civic sedan back as a smart buy from AP Science
Richest cosmic star field caught in image from UPI
Spanish police break up 'ransomware' scam from UPI
Unique song reveals new owl species from MSNBC: Science
Rewiring the serotonin system from Science Daily
Threat bias interacts with combat, gene to boost PTSD risk from Science Daily
Blood may hold clues to risk of memory problems after menopause from Science Daily
Robert Bishop, MIT economist and dean, dies at age 96 from MIT Research
Manager says safety issues are ignored at Hanford nuclear site from LA Times - Science
Brown-and-white Indonesian owl called new species
'Foodie' movement gains momentum from Science Daily
Taste preferences impact health, new study finds from Science Daily
Gene that suppresses herpesviruses discovered from Science Daily
Protein central to cancer stem cell formation provides new potential target from Science Daily
Long noncoding RNAs control development of fat cells from Science Daily
Brown-and-white whistling owl ID'd as new species from CBSNews - Science
Study aims to use stem cells to help save sight of diabetes sufferers from Science Daily
Self-assembling, origami-inspired particles from Science Daily
New way to look finds more at risk of heart disease from Science Daily
Kinect teleport for remote medicine from Science Daily
Quake test: Can NYC's row houses handle an earthquake? from Science Daily
Researchers discover biological diversity in triple-negative breast cancer from Science Daily
Childhood cancer survivors who received chest irradiation at risk for pulmonary hypertension in middle age from Science Daily
Tycoons Slim, Gates open Mexico agricultural research center from Reuters:Science
NASA Climate Scientist Arrested in Pipeline Protest from Live Science
New owl species is described from BBC News: Science & Nature
George, Hansbrough lead Pacers over Bobcats 101-77 from AP Science
Brown-and-white whistling owl ID'd as new species
Largest known prime number discovered; has 17,425,170 digits from Science Daily