Archive of feed items published on the 22nd of February 2013
Aid fuels record applications from Harvard Science
Persistent strain of TB claims victims on L.A.'s skid row from LA Times - Science
Probe of California agency that regulates hazardous waste is urged from LA Times - Science
Robert C. Richardson, Nobel-Winning Physicist, Dies at 75 from NY Times Science
N.F.L. Tries New Method for Testing Players’ Mental Agility from NY Times Science
Snowstorm Slams Kansas and Missouri from NY Times Science
Theater Review: ‘Isaac’s Eye’ at Ensemble Studio Theater from NY Times Science
Eureka: When Mutant Mosquitoes Attack from NY Times Health
Governors Fall Away in G.O.P. Fight Against More Medicaid from NY Times Health
The Texas Tribune: Letting Politics Trump Business Sense on Medicaid in Texas from NY Times Health
The Texas Tribune: Texas Lawmaker Seeks End of Dairy Farm Ban in El Paso County from NY Times Health
U.S. Charges Former Owner and Employees in Peanut Salmonella Case from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Health: Flu Shot Less Effective for the Elderly from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Winter Tomato Quiche — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
SD college tests fingerprint purchasing technology
N. Korea to allow mobile web access for foreigners from CBSNews - Science
'I'm a monster': Veterans 'alone' in their guilt from AP Health
Hope over anti-resistant flu drug from BBC News: Science & Nature
Viewpoint: Farm virus spreads to deer from BBC News: Science & Nature
What could design a city? from BBC News: Science & Nature
SD college tests fingerprint purchasing technology from AP Science
Rebel Apple investor tries to rally Street from Physorg
NKorea to allow mobile Internet for foreigners from Physorg
New direction for flu drugs from Chemistry World
Holy Robotic Bat Wing!
SD college tests fingerprint purchasing technology from Physorg
China: 'leading bad actor in cyberspace,' experts say from Physorg
Metaio announces AR processing unit for phones from Physorg
Fruit flies medicate their larvae with alcohol from Physorg
Inhaled Betadine Leads To Rare Lung Inflammation
Researchers discover a way to generate an electron Airy beam from Physorg
Life on the edge: Peter Danckwerts from Chemistry World
Get Grandpa On Facebook - It May Give Him A Cognitive Boost
Bolivia to convert deforested areas in agricultural land from SciDev
Local preferences affect use of bednets against malaria from SciDev
The power of penguins from Harvard Science
Nepalis Adapt to Changing Climate from Scientific American
Science synthesis to help guide land management of U.S. forests from Science Daily
Ningaloo Nino: The story behind the massive 2011 Western Australia marine heatwave from Physorg
Study of California cap-and-trade system suggests refinements from Physorg
Successful active antenna connection test for LTE base stations from Physorg
Primitive forms of complex human processes identified in Amoeba from Physorg
A new way in which magnetism and electric polarization are coupled has been discovered in CuFeO2 from Physorg
Showcase project focuses on whether electric vehicles more efficient than conventional vehicles from Physorg
Controversial dam removals founded on value conflicts from Physorg
Slight climate change can reduce drought effect in wheat, study finds from Physorg
Asteroids no match for paint gun, says professor from Physorg
Faraday cup critical part of audacious mission to the sun from Science Daily
Diabetes + depression = increased risk of death, review finds from Science Daily
Accidental poisonings leading cause of deaths at home, study finds from Science Daily
Drugs to treat fibromyalgia just as likely to harm as help, review finds from Science Daily
Who wrote the Federalist Papers and the Letter to the Hebrews? New findings on debated authorship from Science Daily
Parents talking about their own drug use to children could be detrimental from Science Blog
Anti-hacking agency slow to learn about Chinese cyberattack from CBC: Technology & Science
White Delight: New peach varieties released for warmer climates from Physorg
As seen from space: Mt. Etna boils over from Physorg
Circulation changes in a warmer ocean from Physorg
Fullerene crystals with bimodal pore architectures from Physorg
The bigger the Bigfoot claim, the bigger the need for evidence from Physorg
Time slicing captures molecular birth pictures from Chemistry World
Scientists make older adults less forgetful from Science Blog
Remora Fish Inspires Super-Sticky Adhesive from Science Blog
Neutering your dog too early could cause harm from Science Blog
Smarter lunchrooms make lunch choices child’s play from Science Blog
Jets' contrails contribute to heat-trapping high-level clouds from Physorg
Wealthy disagree with most Americans about income policies from Physorg
NASA and JPL contribute to European Jupiter mission from Physorg
Mercury In Fluorescent Bulbs Has A Unique Isotope Fingerprint from C&EN
World premiere of muscle and nerve controlled arm prosthesis from Science Daily
U.S. weapon against venomous Guam snakes: Air-dropping toxic mice from CBSNews - Science
SMOS: the global success story continues from European Space Agency
The Science Of 'Zero Dark Thirty': When We Can Condone Torture from PopSci
Russian Meteor Generates 100 Million Video View Record from
Astronomer Sleuths Chase 100-Year Meteor Mystery (Photos) from
Vibrant mix of marine life found at extreme ocean depths, analysis reveals from Physorg
Photo-immunotherapy boosts nanoparticle delivery to tumors from Physorg
Virus that causes grapevine red blotch disease identified from Physorg
Electronic tongue develops a taste for brandy from Chemistry World
Image Gallery: Weird Gravity Waves from Live Science
Shape-Shifting Gravity Wave Shown By Shaking Oil Tanks | Video from Live Science
Siberia permafrost thaw warning from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why the Higgs Boson May Seal Fate of the Universe from
Space History Photo: Tier 3 DarkStar on Ramp from
Astronomer Sleuths Find Clues to 100-Year-Old Meteor Mystery from
Researchers discover birth process of a class of aerosols from Physorg
Rare sun bears found abandoned in Cambodia factory from Physorg
TV comic set to win seats in Italian general election from Physorg
Balsam for the bones: Chemists develop a nanopaste for the repair of bone defects from Physorg
Using amount of fish caught as measure of fisheries health is misleading from Physorg
Wine producers leading climate change adaptation from Physorg
Ions shed water to slide into the perfect pore: Metal ions refuse to lose for large gaps, but will for a tighter fit from Physorg
Searching for more giant squid clues from Physorg
UCSB anthropologist studies cattle ranchers in Brazilian Amazon from Physorg
Asteroid searchers take the high ground from Physorg
Milk and Yogurt May Boost Hipbone Strength from Live Science
Cellular 'Caps' May Boost Risk of Common Cold from Live Science
Bizarre Star-Shaped Gravity Waves Created from Live Science
Red Carpet Rentals & Chocolate Statuettes: 10 Oscar Party Must-Haves from Live Science
Biblical scholars claim to discover "Genesis death sandwich" from CBSNews - Science
SwRI ultraviolet instrument selected for ESA's JUICE mission to Jupiter's icy moons from Physorg
Smart way for seafarers to track effects of climate change from Physorg
Shark found to have bioluminescence on both dorsal spine and belly from Physorg
Better power grid synchronization may enable smart grids to self-recover from failures from Physorg
Resolvins: How Aspirin And Omega-3 Fatty Acids Work Together To Fight Inflammation
LED triggers microfluidic mixing from Chemistry World
Vibrant mix of marine life found at extreme ocean depths from Science Daily
Hunting Fertilizer to Find Hints of Early Life from Live Science
Fruit flies force their young to drink alcohol — for their own good from Science Blog
Scientists Are Developing A Blood Test To Determine Whether People Are Suicidal from PopSci
Fingerprint purchasing technology ensures buyer has a pulse from CBC: Technology & Science
Living Against The Biological Clock Is Risky Business
Alzheimer's Disease Modeled Using IPSCs
Fruit flies force their young to drink alcohol for their own good from Science Daily
Tiny tweezers and their big influence on bustling proteins: Scientists investigate molecular 'clothespins' from Science Daily
Formation of nanoparticles can now be studied molecule-by-molecule from Science Daily
Endocrine disorder is most common cause of elevated calcium levels from Science Daily
Neuroscientist sheds light on cause for 'chemo brain' from Science Daily
Wanted: A life outside the workplace from Science Daily
Titanium dioxide nanoreactor: Synthesis to produce nanoparticles at room temperature in a polymer network from Science Daily
Omega-3s inhibit breast cancer tumor growth, study finds from Science Daily
IQ loss linked to schizophrenia genes, study finds from Science Daily
Report exposes Pakistani e-waste recycling workers' plight from Science Daily
What Makes a Tomato Taste Sweet? from Live Science
Locked in Stone: A Gallery of Fossilized Insects from Live Science
Kansas Slammed By Second Worst Storm on Record from Live Science
Earthquake deaths to reach 3.5 million by 2100 from CBSNews - Science
Zendesk hack affects Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest from CBSNews - Science
Watch: Flying robots perform pole acrobatics from CBSNews - Science
Has evolution given humans unique brain structures? from Science Blog
Reforming US research ethics: Scientist calls for system that works for all stakeholders from Physorg
Weekend Science: Probing The Earth's Deep Interior - All It Takes Is Magic
Fungicide Use Surges, Largely Unmonitored from Scientific American
NCI Embraces Social Coding: Software Development by the People, For the People from Newswise - Scinews
Creating next-generation materials able to operate in the toughest environments from Science Daily
Circulation changes in a warmer ocean from Science Daily
Saving money by using electric vehicles from Science Daily
Light from silicon nanocrystal LEDs: Scientists develop multicolor LEDs without heavy metals from Science Daily
Controversial dam removals founded on value conflicts from Science Daily
New insights into the signaling network of the vital protein mTOR from Science Daily
Nineteen baby Siamese crocodiles released in Lao PDR by Wildlife Conservation Society and partners from Science Daily
Fast-Food Consumption Slows Down from Live Science
Hey Parents, Don't Tell Your Kids You Did Drugs from Live Science
Rare southern mammoth remains found in Russia from MSNBC: Science
Blender lets wine 'breathe' faster -- really! from MSNBC: Science
Meet One of Mars Rover Curiosity’s Earthbound Twins from National Geographic
FDA approves new targeted breast cancer drug from AP Health
T. rex not a stand-up guy? Test your dino skills from AP Science
T. rex not a stand-up guy? Test your dino skills
States struggle to keep online schools accountable from Physorg
Smart agriculture from Physorg
World's smallest space telescope from Physorg
Supersonic skydiver's records confirmed from Physorg
Researchers find appointed justices outperform elected counterparts from Physorg
With Silicon Valley outposts, Samsung draws line in the sand from Physorg
Commission aims to draw attention to deteriorating oceans from SciDev
Geoengineering By Committee? Time To Get Totalitarian
Rocket attacks on Israeli city increase miscarriage likelihood, study finds from Science Daily
Conflict about historic responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions from Science Daily
Parents talking about their own drug use to children could be detrimental from Science Daily
Smarter lunchrooms make lunch choices child's play from Science Daily
Small groups of brain cells store concepts for memory formation -- from Luke Skywalker to your grandmother from Science Daily
With robots, humans face 'new society' from Science Daily
Video from James Cameron Deep-Sea Dive Reveals New Species from Live Science
Bees Get a Buzz from Flowers' Electrical Fields from Live Science
Canada at one time rivaled tropics in diversity from MSNBC: Science
Researchers find appointed justices outperform elected counterparts from Science Blog
The Amazing Story Of The $300 Glasses That Correct Cure Colorblindness from PopSci
Pap tests at age 25 too late say Ob-gyns from CBC: Health
Milky Way Shines Over Volcanoes in Amazing Time-Lapse Video from
Spray-Painting Asteroids Could Protect Earth from Space Rock Threat from
Apartment complex uses doggy DNA to track down owners who don't scoop poop from Physorg
T. rex not a stand-up guy? Test your dino skills from Physorg
Deficit Thinking - Still A Mistake In Science Outreach
The Lid’s Tale
WUSTL Researcher Gets Get $2.25 Million Grant to Better Understand Traumatic Brain Injury from Newswise - Scinews
Watching Molecules Grow Into Microtubes from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers find appointed justices outperform elected counterparts from Science Daily
Genomic detectives crack the case of the missing heritability from Science Daily
Has evolution given humans unique brain structures? from Science Daily
Watching molecules grow into microtubes from Science Daily
New more effective treatment option for breast cancer patients approved by FDA from Science Daily
The List: The Happiest US Cities Based on Tweets from Live Science
Tweets Reveal the Happiest US Cities from Live Science
Anti-HIV drug effort in South Africa yields dramatic results from LA Times - Health
Persistent strain of TB claims victims on L.A.'s skid row from LA Times - Health
CalPERS plans 85% rate hike for long-term-care insurance from LA Times - Health
Brown may forge alliance with GOP governors on health plan from LA Times - Health
50-milllion-year-old Canada rivaled tropics in diversity from CBSNews - Science
10 high tech fashions from CBC: Technology & Science
Monkey-mothering 24-hour chore for Colombian woman from AP Science
Monkey-mothering 24-hour chore for Colombian woman
Taking the global out of health campaigns from SciDev
Network to push scientific case for organic farming from SciDev
Evolution takes a similar course each time, study suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
Is A Mysterious Millionaire Planning A Manned Mission To Mars And Back? from PopSci
Milky Way Galaxy: Facts About Our Galactic Home from
Longtime science writer is quite the specimen himself: He's 94 from LA Times - Science
More cellphone users switch to prepaid plans from Physorg
ScienceShot: Oak Trees Listen to the Weather from Science NOW
World's Smallest Space Telescope to Launch on Monday from Newswise - Scinews
'Genesis death sandwich' discovered in Bible from MSNBC: Science
Rocket Attacks in Israel Significantly Increase the Likelihood of Miscarriages from Science Blog
Forecast is for more snow in polar regions, less for the rest of us from Science Blog
Pieces of Russian meteor to be analyzed from UPI
Alaska senator pushes for wildlife refuge road
Troy Wolverton: Dreaming of a smarter home from Physorg
Faith not in God, but in humanity from Harvard Science
Can Endangered Animals Coexist with Big Ag? [Excerpt] from Scientific American
Lessons From Cockroaches Could Inform Robotics from Newswise - Scinews
PNNL Rolls Out Its Clean Energy Tech at ARPA-E from Newswise - Scinews
The Dirt on Dirt: It's Mostly from Plains from Live Science
Are Oscar Emotions Genuine? from Live Science
Why Snacking at Night Is Bad For You from Live Science
Tears Flow More Freely In Today's Oscar Speeches from Live Science
Mesa Verde: Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi from Live Science
Researchers Simulate Earthquake Shaking New York City Buildings | Video from Live Science
Bizarre star-shaped gravity waves created in lab from CBSNews - Science
Flowers, bees have electrifying discussions from MSNBC: Science
MIT report identifies keys to new American innovation from MIT Research
These Great Horned Owl Eggs Are About To Hatch [Live Video] from PopSci
Curiosity Collects First Rock Sample Using Drill | Video from
Medical glasses aid in color blindness from UPI
Giant goldfish found in Lake Tahoe from UPI
In China, R&D grew in 2012 from UPI
Minnesota mulls wolf hunting moratorium from UPI
Space station's orbit is readjusted from UPI
Lessons from cockroaches could inform robotics (w/ video) from Physorg
HTC settles US charges of security flaws on devices from Physorg
Watching molecules grow into microtubes from Physorg
Forecast is for more snow in polar regions, less for the rest of us from Physorg
The lifetime journeys of manure-based microbes from Physorg
Intensive care linked to BPA exposure in newborns from
Fall of Ancient Empire Linked to Crisis in Syria from Scientific American
Lazy eye cured by total darkness from CBC: Technology & Science
As population rises, so will earthquake deaths from MSNBC: Science
What's The Flavor Difference Between Scotch And Rye? [Infographic] from PopSci
Drought hangs on in western U.S. from UPI
Nobel-winning physicist Richardson dies from UPI
ScienceShot: Why Queens Prefer Daughters from Science NOW
Bees get a buzz from flowers' electrical fields from CBSNews - Science
Colorful Map of Mercury Snapped by NASA Spacecraft (Video) from
1st Google+ 'Hangout' in Space Connects Astronauts with Earth from
Pictures: Best News Photos from 2013 World Photo Press Contest from National Geographic
N.Y. police target Apple device thieves from UPI
Rare octopus in Calif. breeding attempt from UPI
New home for runaway black hole from
Lessons from cockroaches could inform robotics from Science Daily
Forecast is for more snow in polar regions, less for the rest of us from Science Daily
The lifetime journeys of manure-based microbes from Science Daily
Stash of stem cells found in a human parasite from Science Daily
Effectiveness of magnetic device for treatment of reflux disease demonstrated from Science Daily
Underlying mechanisms behind chronic inflammation-associated diseases revealed from Science Daily
What If Oscars Were Made Of Solid Gold? from PopSci
Super Space Germs Could Threaten Astronauts from
Green Blog: In a Warming World, Look to the Herbivores from NY Times Science
Green Blog: National Parks on a Precipice from NY Times Science
Rare Baby Crocs Released in Wild from Live Science
New Rules on Mutant Bird Flu Research Stir Debate from Live Science
WhaleWatch: New Program Could Help Protect Whales from Live Science
The 10 Best Bargains in Tech Today from Live Science
The Oscars: Why Hollywood Tales Become 'Real' History from Live Science
Are Facebook, Twitter, Apple, New York Times, NBC hacks a sign of things to come? from CBSNews - Science
Anonymous gets hacked, meteorite copyright: This week in off-beat tech stories from CBSNews - Science
Fraser Health uses alternative flu vaccine for seniors from CBC: Health
Palliative care volunteers needed at Horizon hospitals from CBC: Health
Is The Secret To Better Adhesives Inside A Remora's Head? from PopSci
18th-Century Astronomer's Legacy Visible in Southern Night Sky from
White House Broadens Access To Publicly Funded Research from C&EN
New Device Better Traps Viruses, Airborne Pathogens from Newswise - Scinews
Is Millionaire Space Tourist Planning Trip to Mars? from Live Science
Video: New epilepsy device could help control seizures from CBSNews - Science
FYI: Could Hand Sanitizer Make You Catch On Fire? from PopSci
Serious Stargazing: Spot Bright Star Sirius This Week from
Hubble sees glowing cosmic 'jet' from UPI
Changing snowfall patterns predicted from UPI
Smallest space telescope ready for launch from UPI
Judge blocks shareholder vote on Apple proposal from Physorg
Cyclone Haruna makes landfall in Madagascar from Physorg
New device better traps viruses, airborne pathogens from Physorg
Top 10 H-1B visa companies all specialize in shipping American jobs overseas from Physorg
Insulin levels wax and wane daily from
F.D.A. Approves Breast Cancer Drug from NY Times Health
Question Mark: Acne Common in Baby Boomers Too from NY Times Health
Well: Ask Well: The Nutrients in Fruits and Veggies from NY Times Health
Well: Depression May Stifle Shingles Vaccine Response from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: For Traumatized Caregivers, Therapy Helps from NY Times Health
Among millions, a blank slate from Harvard Science
Top Stories: Name-Calling Dolphins, a Language Gene, and the Impact of the Sequester from Science NOW
Video: Squeaky frog shows off its unique voice from CBSNews - Science
Family doctors available to all by 2015, province promises from CBC: Health
A Transparent Smartphone And More Amazing Images From This Week from PopSci
Flowers go electric to attract bees from UPI
Vanessa Ruta awarded Sloan Research Fellowship from The Rockefeller University
Confirmed: Google Glass arrives in 2013, and under $1,500 from CBSNews - Science
The Best Nature GIFs On The Whole Wide Web from PopSci
Asteroid mission now has its target from UPI
In the News from The Rockefeller University
White House Unveils Long-Awaited Public Access Policy from Science NOW
Harnessing The Power Of Peacocks To Make Colorful Images from Live Science
Businessman Dennis Tito Financing Manned Mission to Mars from National Geographic
Europe’s Horse Meat Scandal Escalates, Investigations Ensue from National Geographic
Wireless show expected to draw crowds to Barcelona from Physorg
Flipping the 'off' switch on cell growth from Physorg
Pen 'writes' in 3D with plastic from UPI
Bizarre star-shaped gravity waves created from MSNBC: Science
Space Pictures This Week: Space Rose, Ghostly Horses from National Geographic
Private Spacecraft Builder to Test-Fire Rocket Engine Tonight from
Mosh-pit physics could save lives from Physics World
The dirt came mainly from the plains from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Hale-Bopp Comet Facts from
Gov: 6 underground Hanford nuclear tanks leaking
A peek into James Cameron's deep-sea dive from MSNBC: Science
Oregon senator to ask for GAO probe of Hanford
Well: Savory Pie Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Sequester would cut research $54B by 2017 from UPI