Archive of feed items published on the 5th of March 2013
How the brain loses and regains consciousness from Science Blog
Forest elephants in serious decline from BBC News: Science & Nature
Blues up! Trade bar boosts iguana from BBC News: Science & Nature
Baby Cured of HIV: What Are the Implications? from Live Science
King Richard III was no psychopath, experts say from MSNBC: Science
New Moms' OCD Is Common, Study Suggests from Live Science
New Center for Open Science Designed to Increase Research Transparency from Newswise - Scinews
Guam snakes to be attacked with poison from UPI
Legislation would ban trapping of bobcats for commercial purposes from LA Times - Science
Complaints recycled as much as waste at Sun Valley facility from LA Times - Science
VIDEO: Northumberland park's 'Dark Sky' bid from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pakistan unveils new climate change policy from SciDev
African Trial of H.I.V. Drugs Fails from NY Times Health
F.D.A. Panel Advises Against Two Medicines to Treat Hot Flashes from NY Times Health
Texans Rebut Gov. Rick Perry After Rejection of Medicaid Expansion from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Winter Tomato Soup With Bulgur — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Mission to save jaguar exposes big cats' plight in Brazil from Physorg
McLaren unveils sleek hybrid supercar at Geneva from Physorg
Energy nominee favors all-of the-above approach from Physorg
Pirate Bay sails to North Korea? from Physorg
Fishers near marine protected areas go farther for catch but fare well from Physorg
Obama Names 2 to Fill E.P.A. and Energy Posts from NY Times Science
Donald Glaser, Nobel Winner in Physics, Dies at 86 from NY Times Science
Tech fair shows 11th century books, 21st century technology from Physorg
Molecular coordination in evolution: A review in 'Nature Reviews Genetics' from Physorg
SimCity rebuilt for modern life from Physorg
Sweden extends TV license fee to computers and phones from Physorg
Curiosity rover out of safe mode, recovering from Physorg
India rejects Bayer plea against cheap cancer drug from AP Health
India rejects Bayer plea against cheap cancer drug from CBC: Health
Toyota's i-Road to debut at the Geneva Motor Show from Physorg
'Couch potato' rowing chair energises tech fair from Physorg
Herschel to finish observing soon from European Space Agency
Cutting through the fog from MIT Research
Bringing energy innovations from lab to market from MIT Research
Herschel telescope to go blind from BBC News: Science & Nature
Toad crossing volunteers sought from BBC News: Science & Nature
Analysis: A cure for HIV? from BBC News: Science & Nature
When are we going to learn to trust robots? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Are we really facing cyberwar? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why tiny cameras are big business from BBC News: Science & Nature
Two-thirds of Americans now believe global warming is real from Physorg
The floppy protein: When being out of shape finally pays off from Physorg
3D printer wows world's top high-tech fair from Physorg
80% of Indian sewage 'flows untreated into rivers' from Physorg
Voucher study focuses on high school graduation: First strong evidence of educational attainment gains from Physorg
Astronomers open window into Europa's ocean from Physorg
Antigen-encapsulated chitosan particles improve immune response, study finds from Physorg
Development of high-sensitivity detection method for diluted ionic mercury in water from Physorg
Math anxiety detected before fourth grade says researcher: Early nervousness over number impacts future performance from Physorg
Study uncovers enzyme's double life, critical role in cancer blood supply from Science Daily
Researchers find link to arsenic-contaminated groundwater from Science Daily
Sociologists find treatment works, but only for urban parolees from Physorg
Disabled employees more likely to be attacked and bullied at work, research finds from Physorg
Researchers discover new way the housing market affects the economy from Physorg
Huge, aggressive mosquito may be abundant in Florida this summer, expert warns from Physorg
Incoming! Then outgoing! Waves generated by Russian meteor recorded crossing the US from Physorg
Intelligent wearable vital signs sensor module developed from Physorg
Climate change will test newly understood resilience in plants from Physorg
Dead seals serve conservation boost from Physorg
Chemists' discovery could be breakthrough in developing new tools for cleaner air and energy production from Physorg
Hiding in plain sight from Physorg
Do we owe our sense of smell to epigenetics? from Physorg
Putting Tests to the Test: Many Medical Procedures Prove Unnecessary and Risky from Scientific American
The Physics Of Resurrection
A tale of two fungi from Physorg
Management, not eradication, could be the key to co-existing with fire ants from Physorg
Tape recording patents inspire chemists to invent new Fischer-Tropsch catalytist from Physorg
The movement of proteins from Physorg
Polymer coating could be breakthrough in diagnostic technology from Physorg
Report finds it pays to hire disabled workers from Physorg
On the ski trail of success or failure from Physorg
Arctic ice loss amplified Superstorm Sandy violence from Physorg
UK survey reveals increasing concern over climate change from Physorg
The 'habitable edge' of exomoons from Physorg
Japan warns about smog drifting from China from Physorg
Viruses: More survival tricks than previously thought from Physorg
Europe Takes Aim at Space Junk Menace from
A vaccine that works in newborns? Promising compound may help protect babies during vulnerable window from Science Daily
The New Old Age Blog: Fear of Falling from NY Times Health
Silicon Valley is having an architectural breakthrough from LA Times - Science
Stress Hormone Foreshadows Postpartum Depression in New Mothers from Science Blog
Mirabegron effective and well tolerated for overactive bladder from Science Blog
Single gene might explain dramatic differences among people with schizophrenia from Science Blog
Researchers develop solar-to-fuel roadmap for ‘artificial leaf’ from Science Blog
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) cycling good for people with spinal cord injury from Science Blog
60 percent loss of forest elephants in Africa confirmed from Science Blog
‘Mean girls’ be warned: Ostracism cuts both ways from Science Blog
Canon develops 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor for video capture from Physorg
Hand over your email inbox to boost productivity, researchers say from Physorg
UK court rejects Tesla lawsuit against BBC from Physorg
Scientist uses Fukushima radiation to reveal swimming secrets of Pacific bluefin tuna from Physorg
3Qs: Obama administration fights gay marriage ban from Physorg
NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity Recovering from Computer Glitch from
Viruses: More survival tricks than previously thought from Science Daily
Single gene might explain dramatic differences among people with schizophrenia from Science Daily
New gene variant may explain psychotic features in bipolar disorder from Science Daily
Synthetic fuels from natural gas and biomass? New Fischer-Tropsch catalytist invented from Science Daily
Debit card fraud hits all-time low from CBC: Technology & Science
One law to rule them all — sizes within a species appear to follow a universal distribution from Science Blog
Why your brain tires when exercising from Science Blog
Is baby still breathing? Is mom’s obsession normal? from Science Blog
Asian Desert Dust Causes Californian Snowfall from Science Blog
Ice crevasse-mapping robot goes where others fear to tread from Science Blog
Brain adds cells in puberty to navigate adult world from Science Blog
Public supports legal interventions to fight obesity, noncommunicable diseases from Science Blog
Cyclone rusty's rains stirred up sediment from Physorg
Innovative amplifiers for biomedical and environment monitoring systems from Physorg
How do you build a holodeck? from Physorg
Feathers hold key to proof of bird health from Physorg
Volvo Cars makes driving at night safer and more comfortable with innovative, permanent high beam from Physorg
IBM to make its cloud services and software open sourced-based from Physorg
First electricity-making catalyst to use iron to split hydrogen gas from Physorg
Amazing Hourglass Nebula Photo Captured by Patient Stargazer from
Mars rover Curiosity's recovery on track from Science Daily
Protein analysis: Understanding flexibility and how different parts move from Science Daily
Shadows over data sharing from Science Daily
Why fish is so good for you from Science Daily
Curiosity rover back to normal after computer problem from CBC: Technology & Science
Global warming will open unexpected new shipping routes in Arctic from Science Blog
Gravitational Lens Creates Cartoon of Space Invader from Newswise - Scinews
Study finds evidence of bacteria spread throughout the global ocean from Physorg
Effect of CO2 on the integrity of well cement examined from Physorg
Children of divorced parents more likely to switch, pull away from religions, study finds from Physorg
Detecting caesium with naked eyes from Physorg
Twice As Many Solar Flares? Solar Max May Double Peak | Video from
Monopoly of the male orangutan: Comparative field observations on Sumatra and Borneo from Science Daily
Traceable nanoparticles may be the next weapon in cancer treatment from Science Daily
A billion deaths from tobacco are a key obstacle to global development from Science Daily
Fukushima disaster predicted to raise cancer rates slightly from Chemistry World
Training Immune Cells To Combat Disease from C&EN
Gulf's BP oil spill clean-up hits Caribbean corals hard from SciDev
Costa Rica suspends Monsanto's right to plant GM corn from SciDev
Grotesque Mummy Head Reveals Advanced Medieval Science from Live Science
Image Gallery: The Oddities of Human Anatomy from Live Science
Health Benefits of Marriage Overblown from Science Blog
Gravitational telescope creates space invader mirage from Science Blog
Children of divorced parents more likely to switch, pull away from religions from Science Blog
Mental picture of others can be seen using fMRI from Science Blog
Google urged to remove ads for ivory, whale products from Physorg
Study shows female chimps have distinct gesture strategies from Physorg
Doubling estimates of light elements in the Earth's core from Physorg
Gravitational telescope creates space invader mirage from Physorg
Extracting rare earth materials from consumer products from Physorg
Space History Photo: Harold Geisler Takes Plum Brook Reactor Critical from
Sinkhole Science: A Primer from National Geographic
Mental picture of others can be seen using fMRI, finds new study from Science Daily
Green houses from Chemistry World
Snowstorm Threatens Power Outages DC to Philly from Live Science
Will Science Let Pregnant Women Do ANYTHING? from PopSci
Video: Space exploration gets private with SpaceX Dragon from CBSNews - Science
First modern dog discovered from Physorg
US power grid costs rise, but service slips from Physorg
New spectroscopy method could lead to better optical devices from Physorg
Herbal defluoridation of drinking water from Physorg
For birds, red means 'go': Some flowers evolved red hues favored by birds from Science Daily
Iowa meteorite crater confirmed: USGS airborne surveys back up previous Decorah research from Science Daily
New data show countries around the world grappling with changing health challenges from Science Daily
Sometimes, the rubber meets the road when you don't want it to: Arresting a fleeing vehicle with the push of a button from Science Daily
Stress hormone foreshadows postpartum depression in new mothers from Science Daily
New research confirms plight of bumble bees, persistence of other bees in Northeast from Science Daily
Protein synthesis blocker may hold key to reducing effects of traumatic events from Science Daily
Early antiretroviral treatment reduces viral reservoirs in HIV-infected teens from Science Daily
Blink and you'll miss it from Chemistry World
German flight set to take off with comet tourists from Reuters:Science
University to acquire Shell UK R&D site from Chemistry World
Google under fire over ivory adverts from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google fuels ivory trade in Asia, environmental group says from CBC: Technology & Science
Sun's Weather Cycle May Actually Peak Twice This Year from Live Science
Supercluster of Galaxies Space Wallpaper from Live Science
NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity Recovering from Computer Glitch from Live Science
New Method Makes 3D Printed Objects Smooth from Live Science
Europe Takes Aim at Space Junk Menace from Live Science
GENETICS Journal Highlights for March 2013 from Newswise - Scinews
320-year-old mystery solved thanks to ancient DNA from Physorg
Extinct giant camel found far from the desert in Arctic discovery from Physorg
Physical chemistry could answer many questions on fracking from Physorg
Sun's Weather Cycle May Actually Peak Twice This Year from
Hubble Sees 'Space Invader' - Spacetime Deformed By Mass | Video from
Gravitational telescope creates space invader mirage from Science Daily
Antigen-encapsulated chitosan particles improve immune response from Science Daily
Apps use brainwaves to guide, improve meditation from Reuters:Science
Giant camel fossil found in Arctic from BBC News: Science & Nature
In Photos: Ancient Camel from the High Arctic from Live Science
ESA’s climate-eye dilemma from News @ Nature
The death of the Chebarkul meteor from News @ Nature
Monkeys stay away from meanies from News @ Nature
Improving ultrasound imaging from Physorg
Before and after: Ad placement should reflect cultural conceptions of time from Physorg
Is the iPad Creative? It depends on who's buying it from Physorg
Iowa meteorite crater confirmed from Physorg
Targeting diet products: Why are more independent consumers better at delaying gratification? from Physorg
See the Sun Up Close in Live Webcast Today from
Hubble Telescope's 'Space Invader' Galaxy Photos (Gallery) from
Alcohol dependence pill approved in EU from Chemistry World
Wolf Crossed the Frozen Sea to Get to the Falklands from Science NOW
Treating ADHD with music from BBC News: Science & Nature
Monkeys Shun Selfish Others from Live Science
Prehistoric Wolf Ice-Skated to Remote Island from Live Science
Giant Camels Roamed the Arctic 3.5 Million Years Ago from Live Science
Ancient DNA Solves 320-Year-Old Mystery from Newswise - Scinews
Today In Long Reads: Dramatizing The Hunt For The Higgs Boson from PopSci
New comet's potential Mars collision in 2014 explained from CBSNews - Science
How cells optimize the functioning of their power plants from Physorg
Daniel Ribera: Turning food-soiled packaging into safe compost from Physorg
New method for greenhouse gas predictions from Physorg
Product promotion: When do emotional appeals trump celebrity spokespeople? from Physorg
NASA launches interactive website to design interplanetary missions from Physorg
Herschel space observatory to finish observing soon from Physorg
Comparison investing: Why are consumers more willing to take risks when they can compare products? from Physorg
Homes in neighborhoods with protected open space bringing higher sale prices from Physorg
Swarming Locusts Descend on Egypt from National Geographic
Comet making closest approach ever of Earth
Science Channel's 'Are We Alone?' - New E.T. Examination | Trailer from
'Space Invader' Galaxy Captured by Hubble Telescope (Photos) from
'Selfish' gene may undermine genome police from Science Daily
Health benefits of marriage may not extend to all from Science Daily
Camel ancestors lived in the Arctic from
FOR KIDS: These ants boast mighty grip from
Arabic computer code aims to inspire new programmers from SciDev
Comet making closest approach ever of Earth from AP Science
Judge declines to dismiss charges in Zumba trial from AP Science
Diet tops disease risks for Canadians from CBC: Health
Ancient Arctic camel offers climate change clues from CBC: Technology & Science
Does negative tone turn you off social media? from CBC: Technology & Science
New Theory Explains Why Amputees Feel Phantom Pain from Live Science
See the Sun Up Close in Live Webcast Today from Live Science
It Won't Happen to Me: Even Tornado Victims Have Skewed Sense of Risk from Live Science
'Space Invader' Galaxy Captured by Hubble Telescope (Photos) from Live Science
Sex May Relieve Migraines from Live Science
Researchers find fat mouse gene from Science Blog
Seniors who play video games report better sense of emotional well-being from Science Blog
Samsung Galaxy S IV may feature "eye scrolling" from CBSNews - Science
Comet making closest approach ever to Earth from Physorg
Analytical theory may bring improvements to lithium-ion batteries from Physorg
New spectroscopy method could lead to better optical devices such as LEDs and solar cells from Science Daily
Fermilab Researchers Could Face Furloughs from Science NOW
Giant Camels Roamed Arctic Realms from Science NOW
Physics and … basketball? from Harvard Science
Province invests in new breast cancer diagnostic machine from CBC: Health
Ancient Fungus Discovered Deep Under Ocean Floor from Live Science
Capuchin Monkeys Recognize Reciprocity In Humans | Video from Live Science
A Turf Battle in the Retina Helps Internal Clocks See the Light from Newswise - Scinews
Viruses: More Survival Tricks Than Previously Thought from Newswise - Scinews
Computer Model May Help Athletes and Soldiers Avoid Brain Damage and Concussions from Newswise - Scinews
Conservation Development Has Some Developers Thinking, and Seeing Green from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Make Mouse Model of Human Cancer, Demonstrate Cure from Newswise - Scinews
Insect Wings Shred Bacteria to Pieces from Scientific American
News websites should target 'reward seekers,' researcher finds from Physorg
E.T. Is Coming! Science Channel Series Explores Possible Alien Invasion from
Failing vaccine strategies need to be revamped from SciDev
Comet makes closest approach ever to Earth from CBC: Technology & Science
Fun Facts About Bears from Live Science
Combination Ski Slope-Trash Incinerator Breaks Ground In Copenhagen from PopSci
Earthquake detected from space from News @ Nature
Video: Volcano erupts in Russia from CBSNews - Science
New evidence that comets could have seeded life on Earth from Physorg
Biomass analysis tool is faster, more precise from Physorg
Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate from Physorg
Comet to Make Close Flyby of Red Planet in October 2014 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scans to unlock secrets of the brain from BBC News: Science & Nature
Arctic Ice Loss Amplified Superstorm Sandy Violence from Newswise - Scinews
Registration Now Open for IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo 2013 in Chicago from Newswise - Scinews
What Were They Thinking? 6 Most Senseless Gadgets from Live Science
Researchers Create A 'Google Map' Of The Human Metabolism from PopSci
Officials alarmed by increasing superbug reports from AP Health
Novel storage mechanism allows command, control of memory from Science Blog
Green tea extract interferes with formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s from Science Blog
Will Canada s Proposed Tar Sands Oil Pipeline Muck Up Its Pacific Coast? from Scientific American
Bendable Needles Developed to Deliver Stem-Cells into Brains from Scientific American
US scientists report big jump in heat-trapping CO2
China to boost renewable energy in 2013 from Physorg
Samsung set to buy 3% stake in Sharp: report from Physorg
New evidence that comets could have seeded life on Earth from Science Daily
A Window into Europa's Ocean Right at the Surface from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Seniors: Video Games Lead To Emotional Well-Being
Toward More Accurate Greenhouse Gas Predictions
Yodelling - The Science
Google begins to document post-tsunami Fukushima from CBC: Technology & Science
Make grizzly bear hunt ban permanent, expert says from CBC: Technology & Science
Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate from Science Blog
New evidence that comets could have seeded life on Earth from Science Blog
News websites should target ‘reward seekers’ from Science Blog
Video: A look at Lamborghini's $3.9M supercar - Veneno from CBSNews - Science
Ancient Arctic camel linked to modern breed
US scientists report big jump in heat-trapping CO2 from Physorg
Gene identified that causes obesity in mice: Deleting gene eliminates obesity, could work for humans from Science Daily
A window into Europa's ocean lies right at the surface from Science Daily
Genetically corrected stem cells spark muscle regeneration from Science Daily
Psychologists Launch a Bare-All Research Initiative from Science NOW
Senior named Churchill Scholar from Harvard Science
Finding ‘a solution to closed doors’ from Harvard Science
US scientists report big jump in heat-trapping CO2 from CBC: Technology & Science
Ancient Arctic camel linked to modern breed from AP Science
Scientists Discover New Crocodilian, Hippo-Like Species From Panama from Newswise - Scinews
Blog Liveblog: Listening To Fake Coffeeshop Noises To Increase Productivity from PopSci
Emerging Superbug Requires Urgent Action, CDC Says from Live Science
Will Smoking Keep You From Getting Hired? from Live Science
Garden State Plans to Cash In on Jersey Jokes from Live Science
Infant's vanquished HIV leaves doctors puzzled from News @ Nature
Moore’s law is not just for computers from News @ Nature
Grotesque mummy head reveals advanced medieval science from CBSNews - Science
King Richard III might have been a control freak, but not a psychopath from CBSNews - Science
Stressed proteins can cause blood clots for hours: Physicists probe stress-induced changes in clot-forming protein from Physorg
Scientists discover new crocodilian, hippo-like species from Panama from Physorg
On the trail of mucus-eaters in the gut from Science Daily
Amputee phantom pain linked to brain retaining picture of missing limb from Science Daily
Comet Pan-STARRS dresses up night skies, visible with naked eye from Reuters:Science
DNA helps explain Falkland Islands wolves from UPI
Life origins in deep space simulated from UPI
Colonoscopy Isn't Just for High-Risk People from Live Science
Life Spans May Be Shrinking for Some American Women from Live Science
Omega-3s from fish vs. pills better at maintaining blood pressure from Science Blog
Sun Observatory Sees Strong Flare Following Eclipse | Video from
Remnant of Supernova Seen at Many Different Wavelengths Space Wallpaper from
Human Y chromosome much older than previously thought from Science Daily
Obesity makes fat cells act like they're infected from Science Daily
Green tea extract interferes with the formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Ostracism cuts both ways: Hurting someone else can hurt the one who inflicts pain just as much from Science Daily
Crunching data in the campaign cave from Harvard Science
Google hit over ivory ads in Japan from UPI
'Space Invader' shows up in cosmic image from UPI
Contraband tobacco bill sets mandatory minimum sentences from CBC: Health
Rapid Warming Followed by Equally Rapid Cooling from Newswise - Scinews
Age-Related Dementia May Begin with Neurons' Inability to Rid Themselves of Unwanted Proteins from Newswise - Scinews
Can We Humans Build Cities That Don't Freak Us Out? from PopSci
Can a Pregnant Woman's Breasts Reveal Her Baby's Sex? from Live Science
Protein build-up may start age-related dementia from Science Blog
Monkeys recognize and shun selfish others from CBSNews - Science
YouTube to launch its own music streaming service, says report from CBSNews - Science
More storms like Sandy? Arctic ice loss amplified Superstorm Sandy violence from Science Daily
Remains of extinct giant camel discovered in High Arctic from Science Daily
Did Comets Bring Life To Earth?
Electronic waste recycling on the increase from UPI
Scientists probe icy moon of Jupiter from UPI
Hospitals urged to do more to fight superbug spread from CBC: Health
Your chances of dying by 2023? Test offers a clue from AP Health
Robot Called 'Yeti' Finds Cracks in Antarctic Ice from Live Science
'Sinkhole season' has only just begun in Florida
New report confirms almost half of Africa's lions facing extinction from Physorg
Biochemists gain new insight into double-protected dance of cell division from Physorg
The way we weren't: U of Minnesota biologist debunks myth that humans peaked in Paleolithic era from Physorg
Species Revival: Should We Bring Back Extinct Animals? from National Geographic
The making of Antarctica's hidden fjords from Science Daily
Science of sinkholes: 20 percent of U.S. lies in susceptible areas from Science Daily
Why fish is better than supplements: Omega-3s from fish vs. fish oil pills better at maintaining blood pressure in mouse model from Science Daily
Age-related dementia may begin with neurons' inability to rid themselves of unwanted proteins from Science Daily
Stressed proteins can cause blood clots for hours from Science Daily
Biomass analysis tool is faster, more precise from Science Daily
New Crocodilian, Hippo-Like Species Discovered In Panama
Ménage à Trois And Other Examples Of Viral Ecology
Well: Video Games May Aid Children With Dyslexia from NY Times Health
Ask Well: Can Weather Affect Mail Order Drugs? from NY Times Health
Well: Back Pain Unrelieved by Steroid Shots from NY Times Health
It’s the Economy: How Economics Can Help You Lose Weight from NY Times Health
EU to fine Microsoft over browser issue from UPI
Flowers evolved colors to attract birds from UPI
Extinct giant camel lived in arctic lands from UPI
FDA panel sees risk in long-used osteoporosis drug from AP Health
There's Salt Water On The Surface Of Europa, Which Could Be Good News For Extraterrestrial Life from PopSci
New report confirms almost half of Africa’s lions facing extinction from Science Blog
Monkeys Stay Away from Mean People from Scientific American
Spinal tap: Using cactus spines to isolate DNA from Physorg
The making of Antarctica's hidden fjords from Physorg
Assembling the transcriptome of a noxious weed: New resources for studying how plants invade from Physorg
Modeling Jupiter and Saturn's possible origins from Physorg
Wow! Rare Photos Capture 2 Comets Together in Night Sky from
Slight Chance Comet Could Hit Mars in 2014, NASA Says from
Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate from Science Daily
Computer model may help athletes and soldiers avoid brain damage and concussions from Science Daily
Turf battle in retina helps internal clocks see the light from Science Daily
Connectome project releases brain data from Science Daily
First single gene mutation shown to result in type 1 diabetes from Science Daily
Walking away from back pain from Science Daily
Better understanding of peripheral neuropathy from Science Daily
Ancient DNA solves 320-year-old mystery: Origins of now extinct Falkland Islands wolf from Science Daily
ScienceShot: Elements Rising Up From Europa's Ocean from Science NOW
How Healthy Is Your Country? from Science NOW
U.S. Congressman Asks NASA to Disinvite Chinese Participants From Upcoming Meeting from Science NOW
Immune cells chow down on living brain from
Teresa Davoli wins 2013 Weintraub Graduate Student Award from The Rockefeller University
Space mission glitch may stay secret from UPI
In Sickness, Marriage May Not Boost Health from Live Science
Knotted Vortices Unravel Truths for Physicists from Live Science
Facebook changes led users to reveal more, study finds from Physorg
Pictures: Endangered Species “Preserved” by the Photo Ark from National Geographic
Comet Gives Mars Close Shave, NASA Calculations Show | Video from
Football Field-Sized Asteroid Seen By Italian Observatory | Video from
Biological Soap Opera: 'Selfish' Gene May Undermine Genome's Police
Schoolyard scourge from Harvard Science
Warming to open arctic shipping routes from UPI
ESF Climate Research Delves into Land Use, Sea Waves, Invasives from Newswise - Scinews
IFT Issues Food Product Tracing Report to FDA from Newswise - Scinews
TMS2013 Plenary Session Focuses on "Innovation in Materials & Manufacturing" from Newswise - Scinews
Apple may launch iPhone 5S in August, new iPad in April from CBSNews - Science
Snowstorm Threatening East Coast Seen from Space from Live Science
Commercial Space Race Heats Up as Antares Rocket Creeps Up on Falcon 9 from Scientific American
Yes, a Child Has Been Pronounced Cured of HIV but Can It Be Duplicated? from Scientific American
Comet to make close flyby of Mars in October 2014 from Physorg
Ernest Moniz nominated as US energy secretary from Physics World
Falkland Islands Wolf: Ancient DNA Solves A Mystery That Stumped Darwin
Corrected Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Spark Muscle Regeneration
Benefits of fluoride in drinking water from Science Alert
New iPhone 5S this summer? from UPI
Oceanographer explains: "How we found the giant squid" from CBSNews - Science
Another home evacuated as Florida "sinkhole season" hits from CBSNews - Science
Why Sinkholes Are Eating Florida from Live Science
NASA's Curiosity rover to be back online next week from Physorg
Pictures: Extinct Species That Could Be Brought Back from National Geographic
Gravitational LensIng Around Abell 68 Creates A Cartoon Of A Space Invader
Extinct Giant Camel Remains Discovered In High Arctic
320-year-old mystery solved from Science Alert
Ancient meteorite impact in Iowa studied from UPI
Space telescope nears end of mission from UPI
New report confirms almost half of Africa's lions facing extinction from Biology News Net
Spinal tap -- using cactus spines to isolate DNA from Biology News Net
Females butterflies can smell if a male butterfly is inbred from Physorg
Boys are right-handed, girls are left... from Physorg
My Pet's Demise: A Flood of Sympathy—And Criticism from National Geographic
Tourists to Get Airplane View of Bright Comet Pan-STARRS from
Super Metabolism? Disabling Plin2 Gene Prevents Obesity In Mice
Foodborne Illness Outbreaks - Improving Speed And Accuracy When It Happens
FEATURE: Fossil suggests giant ancient camels roamed Canada’s Arctic north from Science Alert
FEATURE: Cutting through the spin on supermassive black holes from Science Alert
Stressed-Out Tadpoles Grow Larger Tails to Escape Predators from Newswise - Scinews
Stressed-Out Tadpoles Pump Up Their Tails from Live Science
Southpaws: Some Female Marsupials Are Lefties from Live Science
'Fasting Diet' Fad Could Be Unhealthy, Nutritionists Say from Live Science
Stressed-out tadpoles grow larger tails to escape predators from Physorg
Video: Giant Salamanders Are Supersuckers from Science NOW
New study shines light on myopia from Science Alert
Australia joins cybercrime pact from UPI
Russian Jupiter mission to get first funds from UPI
What Are the Seven Seas? from Live Science
ScienceShot: Sunstone Unearthed From Shipwreck from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Emperor Penguins Sport Freezing Tuxedoes from Science NOW
New fossils of crocodilian, hippo-like species from Panama from Science Daily
Italian Science Museum Burns from Science NOW
MPs to consider biofuel subsidies from BBC News: Science & Nature
Insomnia is linked to increased risk of heart failure from Science Daily
Putting HiFi into cochlear implants from Science Daily
Modeling Jupiter and Saturn's possible origins from Science Daily
Observatory: Surveys Quantify Loss of African Elephants for Ivory Trade from NY Times Science
Woolly rhino reveals Arctic Britain from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stressed-out tadpoles grow larger tails to escape predators from Science Daily
New report confirms almost half of Africa's lions facing extinction from Science Daily
In pictures: Penguins' 'cold coats' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Key to heart failure: New therapies on horizon from Science Daily
Spinal tap -- using cactus spines to isolate DNA from Science Daily
Focal therapy offers middle ground for some prostate cancer patients from Science Daily
Assembling the transcriptome of a noxious weed: New resources for studying how plants invade from Science Daily
New insight into double-protected dance of cell division from Science Daily
Safe, long-term opioid therapy is possible from Science Daily
New tool better estimates pandemic threats from Science Daily
Scientists discover new mechanisms for relaxing airways using bitter tasting substances from Science Daily
MRI saves heart muscle from Science Daily
New clinical tool assesses health risks for older adults from Science Daily
Scarring of heart muscle linked with increased risk of death in patients with type of cardiomyopathy from Science Daily
Use of certain therapies for inflammatory diseases does not appear to increase risk of shingles from Science Daily
Big Asteroid to Zoom By Earth This Weekend from
Is it a stroke or benign dizziness? A simple bedside test can tell from Science Daily
Intrusive advising boosts student persistence, class performance from Science Daily
Analytical theory may bring improvements to lithium-ion batteries from Science Daily
Survey of clinicians: User satisfaction with electronic health records has decreased since 2010 from Science Daily
Seniors who play video games report better sense of emotional well-being from Science Daily