Archive of feed items published on the 11th of September 2013
Chemical Disarmament Hard Even in Peacetime from NY Times Science
FEATURE: Are altered fire patterns threatening endangered finch? from Science Alert
Sutter's Mill meteorite: Ingredients for life may have come from space from LA Times - Science
Lasker Award: Cochlear implant pioneers took on 'impossible' task from LA Times - Science
FDA orders more stringent labeling for opioid drugs from LA Times - Health
Growing better wheat from Science Alert
FEATURE: Explainer: what is cute aggression? from Science Alert
Bees: perfect flying machines from Science Alert
Soyuz capsule brings 3 back to Earth from space station from CBSNews - Science
VIDEO: Footage reveals plant spores' walk from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK's rarest lizards return to dunes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mussel power: fight to save UK reef from BBC News: Science & Nature
Soyuz capsule returns from space station from Physorg
Soyuz capsule brings 3 back to Earth from space station from CBSNews - Science
New study points finger at climate in mammoth's demise from Physorg
Leggy plant spores walk and jump from BBC News: Science & Nature
In the World: Small Mexican village produces clean water with solar-powered system from MIT Research
Detecting program-tampering in the cloud from MIT Research
China web users say new iPhone 5C is too costly from Physorg
With week to go, iPhone fans already queuing in Japan from Physorg
Tropical Storm Gabrielle batters Bermuda from Physorg
Review: Slick iOS 7 shines on Apple's new iPhones from Physorg
Netflix launches in Netherlands, its 41st country from Physorg
Researchers find sudden rise of global ecology of interacting robots that trade on markets at speeds too fast for humans from Physorg
After delays, Dell sets new path under private buyout from Physorg
Space Station Expedition 36 turns to 37 from European Space Agency
NASA launches drones from Va. to study storms from AP Science
New NASA rocket faces delays from Physorg
Intel prepared for shifts in computing, new CEO says from Physorg
Entering the new age of robotics from BBC News: Science & Nature
New dimensions on ice from European Space Agency
IPhone lust: Harnessing gizmo madness in the smartphone era: Don Pittis from CBC: Technology & Science
Huge honey bee losses across Canada dash hopes of upturn from CBC: Technology & Science
New Apple iPhone pushes biometrics 'into the mainstream' from CBC: Technology & Science
Got 15 minutes? Invisibility cloak coming up from Physorg
NASA launches drones from Va. to study storms from Physorg
Underwater astronaut on the Moon from European Space Agency
Secrets of fracking fluids pave way for cleaner recipe from News @ Nature
Apple's iPhone 5C: Better late than never—or too little, too late? from Physorg
Mosasaur fossil proves the early lizards had tails like sharks from Physorg
Face-to-face: Skull study shows variation of pre-Columbian cultures in Mexico from Physorg
Scientists unveil new way to grow quality wheat faster from Physorg
Experimental demonstration of light scattering controlled by silicon nanoparticles from Physorg
Bees' flight secrets revealed from Physorg
Cryosat observes winter ice decline from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Supermodel' Goce set for re-entry from BBC News: Science & Nature
Visitors flock to see rare bird from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Cryosat follows winter ice decline from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bacteria incriminated by their odour from Chemistry World
Why You Love Your Parents' Music from PopSci
Truman Show Syndrome: Why People Think They're Living In A Reality Show from PopSci
Follow A Queen Bee On Her Maiden Mating Flight from PopSci
Monkeys Understand Basic Forms Of Wealth from PopSci
How Squid Are Inspiring Better Camouflage For Soldiers from PopSci
How NASA Is Developing Fresh Space Salad from PopSci
How Healthcare Reform Could Save Babies' Lives from PopSci
Your Guide To Glowing Creatures [Infographic] from PopSci
Chemical Analysis Finds A Whiskey's Unique Fingerprint from PopSci
Big Pic: Look At NASA's LADEE Spacecraft Soaring Over NYC from PopSci
Why Mars Colonists Will Definitely Go Crazy from PopSci
A Guide To Fall Foliage For The Whole U.S. [Infographic] from PopSci
More Than 200,000 People Sign Up To Die On Mars from PopSci
New computer model of city dynamics could pave way to planning sustainable urban areas from Physorg
Formal mathematics underpins new approach that standardizes analysis of genome information from Physorg
Vacations Inspire Workers to Say: 'I Quit' from Live Science
Tiny diamonds to boost treatment of chemoresistant leukemia from Physorg
Selection drives functional evolution of large enzyme families from Physorg
Beyond peer review: NIST and five journals find a way to manage errors in research data from Physorg
Project to develop intelligent and wearable body exoskeleton from Physorg
Market study provides insight into world of enterprise search systems from Physorg
Device gives scientists front-row seat to lightning strikes from Physorg
How chromosome ends influence cellular aging from Physorg
Study suggests worker effort and productivity increases in economic downturn from Physorg
Financial gains: Teens savvy at managing real accounts, not simply studying concepts from Physorg
Wanted: Private Spaceship Builders for Virgin Galactic from
U.S. energy spending big to cut emissions from UPI
It is time to update US biomedical funding from News @ Nature
More cuts loom for US science from News @ Nature
Carbon nanotubes: Bullets in the fight against cancer from Physorg
Detecting program-tampering in the cloud from Physorg
Satellites guide you to right places from Physorg
Researchers move endangered mussels to save them from Physorg
Calling women astronomers from Physorg
Cold no curb on appetite from Physorg
Understanding the forces that shape the Earth from Physorg
Bacteria enhance growth of fruit trees up to 40 percent from Physorg
Readers' big infrastructure projects from BBC News: Science & Nature
First biosimilar antibody drugs approved in Europe from Chemistry World
Quantum Randi Challenge Peer Review Endorsement
Marek Karliner: The Fascinating Doubly Heavy Baryons
Cancer society charges patients $100 for rides to treatment from CBC: Health
Smiths Falls care home condition a 'disgrace,' some say from CBC: Health
Faces of Ancient Mexico Revealed in Newfound Skulls from Live Science
Phone Sensors Could Meld with Human Body from Live Science
Supercomputer boosted with graphic processors from Physorg
New map of Universe may reconcile conflicting cosmological observations from Physorg
In the World: Small Mexican village produces clean water with solar-powered system from Physorg
Mathematician uses skills to study Greenland's retreating glaciers (w/ Video) from Physorg
Policies worry farmers more than climate change, says new study from Physorg
Summer heat wave may have triggered landslide on lonely Alaskan glacier from Physorg
Study helps quantify biodiversity decrease around farmland from Physorg
Historian discusses the longstanding 'taboo' against chemical weapons, and international attempts to eliminate them from Physorg
Kenya discovers huge water source from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists explore how mercury could interfere with vision from Physorg
Evaporation basins alleviate drainage woes from Physorg
Exploring dental enamel thickness of giant ape by using high-resolution CT from Physorg
Global warming could change strength of El Nino from Physorg
Substance that gives grapefruit its flavor and aroma could give insect pests the boot from Physorg
Seeking out silent threats to simulation integrity from Physorg
Automakers bet on alternative-fuel cars for future from Physorg
Biodegradable cabinet: A new approach to sustainability from Physorg
Tiny number of Asian carp could be big problem for the Great Lakes from Physorg
Team attempts to restore communications with Deep Impact spacecraft from Physorg
Map of galactic clouds where stars are born takes shape from Physorg
Experimental blasts predict tunnel collapse severity from Physorg
Work exoskeleton under development from BBC News: Science & Nature
Explosive research isolates mercury azides from Chemistry World
As Fashion Week Ends, Pondering the Origins of Clothes from National Geographic
Transplanting fat may be effective treatment for metabolic disease from Science Blog
American families taking ‘divergent paths,’ study finds from Science Blog
Selectively Erasing Unwanted Memories from Science Blog
Too fast for humans: Robots take over global financial markets from Science Blog
Global warming could change strength of El Niño from Science Blog
New System Uses Nanodiamonds to Deliver Chemotherapy Directly to Brain Tumors from Science Blog
U-M Water Center Awards $2.9M for Eight Great Lakes Restoration Projects from Newswise - Scinews
Substance That Gives Grapefruit Its Flavor and Aroma Could Give Insect Pests the Boot from Newswise - Scinews
Humberto Becomes Season's First Hurricane, Misses Record from Live Science
Scientists strike water in Kenya's parched north from Physorg
Southeastern takes 12 pct stake in News Corp. from Physorg
Ph.D. student names three new algae species in the Everglades from Physorg
Researchers develop model to correct tornado records from Physorg
Moto X plant seen as harbinger of more US manufacturing from Physorg
Call to overhaul liver toxicity testing from Chemistry World
Managing a ‘seismic shift’ from Harvard Science
Wilkinson's Catalyst from Chemistry World
Mosquito bites deliver potential new malaria vaccine from Science Blog
3 questions on the history of chemical-weapons bans from Science Blog
Detecting program-tampering in the cloud from Science Blog
Experience Informs Inflation Expectations from Science Blog
Grapefruit flavor could give insect pests the boot from Science Blog
Exercise for more than looks, teens tell teachers from CBC: Health
Map of galactic clouds where stars are born takes shape from Science Daily
Global warming could change strength of El Niño from Science Daily
Tiny number of Asian carp could be big problem for Great Lakes from Science Daily
Robots take over economy: Sudden rise of global ecology of interacting robots trade at speeds too fast for humans from Science Daily
New cell component important to tea and wine-making from Science Daily
Biodegradable cabinet: A new approach to sustainability from Science Daily
A ray of hope for the 'death-ray' building from Science Daily
Selection drives functional evolution of large enzyme families from Science Daily
Bacteria enhance growth of fruit trees up to 40 percent from Science Daily
Physics: Quantum quest from News @ Nature
Horsetail spores found able to 'walk' and 'jump' (w/ Video) from Physorg
T-rays offer potential for earlier diagnosis of melanoma from Physorg
Apple and the religious roots of technological devotion from Physorg
Apple's new iPhones simultaneously aim high, low from Physorg
Mobile app for diabetes management from BBC News: Science & Nature
Space History Photo: ECHO Horn Antenna from
Airbrushing could facilitate large-scale manufacture of carbon nanofibers from Science Daily
Companies with a 'culture of health' may outperform others from Science Daily
Substance that gives grapefruit its flavor and aroma could give insect pests the boot from Science Daily
Fungal sex can generate new drug resistant, virulent strains from Science Daily
APS and AIP Announce New STEM Education Policy Fellowship from Newswise - Scinews
Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony: Where Science and Comedy Collide from Live Science
Wasted food is third biggest greenhouse gas culprit, after China and US from MSNBC: Science
Scientists are developing methods and tools that look at multiple natural hazards from Physorg
Airbrushing could facilitate large-scale manufacture of carbon nanofibers from Physorg
Online data brokers know you surprisingly well from Physorg
On The Upside, Global Warming Could Lessen Strength Of El Niño
One Per Year: Astronomers Map Of Galactic Clouds Where Stars Are Born
Substance Behind Flavor And Aroma Of Grapefruit Could Battle Mosquitoes
Beyond Testicles and Dads: 5 Legit Studies of Male "Gear" from National Geographic
Apple TV refresh slated for next week, says report from CBSNews - Science
NASA space telescope discovers 10 monster black holes from CBSNews - Science
How to pack a school lunch safely from CBC: Health
Development of a new program that simulates protein movements from Science Daily
Stress may lead to false confessions from Science Daily
Versatile microRNAs choke off cancer blood supply, suppress metastasis from Science Daily
How Schizophrenia affects the brain from Science Daily
Tobacco companies' interests in smokeless tobacco products in Europe are driven by profit not health from Science Daily
High adherence to HIV prophylaxis may raise efficacy for couples where one partner has HIV from Science Daily
Improving the lives of allergy sufferers from Science Daily
Researchers map carbon footprint of UK towns and cities from Science Daily
Mesothelioma: A targeted approach to asbestos-related cancer from Science Daily
Combination therapy for severe alcoholic hepatitis does not result in improved survival from Science Daily
Use of electronic health records for patients with diabetes linked with reduction in emergenct department visits, hospitalizations from Science Daily
The Oral History Of September 11, Told By Its Photographers from PopSci
Taxonomy: The spy who loved frogs from News @ Nature
NASA image: Fires in Argentina Sept. 11, 2013 from Physorg
'Merlin' is a matchmaker, not a magician: The protein 'arranges' other protein interactions to control growth and preven from Physorg
New program simulates protein movements from Physorg
Amazon lobbies heavily for Internet sales tax from Physorg
Dot Earth Blog: From the Fire Hose: Warming Slowdown, Deep-Ocean Waves, Canadian Crude from NY Times Science
No MERS vaccine anytime soon from CBC: Health
Autistic children with better motor skills more adept at socializing from Science Daily
Influenza virus in wild birds in Norway from Science Daily
Thunderbolts and Lightning | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Ancient Maya Grave Yields Dozens of Mutilated Bodies from Live Science
Big Pic: A Flaming Soyuz Spacecraft Carries Three Astronauts Home from PopSci
New technology transforms research in viral biology from Physorg
Biologists uncover mechanisms for cholera toxin's deadly effects from Physorg
FOR KIDS: Putting the brakes on overeating from
FOR KIDS: Preventing frog-sicles from
FOR KIDS: Pretty baby from
FOR KIDS: Mud worth more than gold from
Video: Massive molasses spill kills exotic fish from CBSNews - Science
Soyuz capsule returns ISS astronauts to Earth from CBSNews - Science
Mars Rover Camera Invention Could Help NASA Robots Explore Solo from
Soyuz Capsule Lands Safely In Kazakhstan | Video from
New genetic clue to anorexia from Science Daily
'Merlin' is a matchmaker, not a magician from Science Daily
Transplanting fat may be effective treatment for metabolic disease from Science Daily
Mosquito bites deliver potential new malaria vaccine from Science Daily
How chromosome ends influence cellular aging from Science Daily
Tiny diamonds to boost treatment of chemoresistant leukemia from Science Daily
American families taking 'divergent paths' from Science Daily
Breakthrough discerns normal memory loss from disease from Science Daily
Improved adherence to preventive antiretroviral therapy may reduce transmission of HIV from Science Daily
A Mammoth Discovery: What New Woolly Mammoth Lineage Reveals from Live Science
Earth's Auroras Filmed In 3D | Video from Live Science
Seven days: 6–12 September 2013 from News @ Nature
Ex-military drones now surveil storms, not targets from MSNBC: Science
Grocery stores add tech features to stay competitive from Physorg
FOR KIDS: Unconventional spill from
FOR KIDS: Video games: When granddad wins from
FOR KIDS: Meet the new meat from
FOR KIDS: Building blocks of the future from
Molecular Motor Spins In Two Directions from C&EN
Baseball-Size Meteor Sparks Brilliant Fireball Over Southeast US (Video) from
How schizophrenia affects the brain from Science Blog
Hottest days in some parts of Europe have warmed four times more than the global average from Science Daily
Obesity combined with exposure to cigarette smoke may pose new health concerns from Science Daily
New system allows cloud customers to detect program-tampering from Science Daily
T-rays offer potential for earlier diagnosis of melanoma from Science Daily
Obstructive lung disease linked with decline in memory and information processing from Science Daily
Scientists discover a novel opiate addiction switch in the brain from Science Daily
Tingling sensation caused by Asian spice could help patients with chronic pain from Science Daily
Multiple sclerosis originates in different part of brain than long believed from Science Daily
Alzheimer's: Newly identified protein pathology impairs RNA splicing from Science Daily
Shingles symptoms may be caused by neuronal short circuit from Science Daily
DNA repair could lead to improved cancer treatments from Science Daily
Scientists Strike Scientific Gold with Sutter's Mill Meteorite from Newswise - Scinews
'Merlin' Is a Matchmaker, Not a Magician from Newswise - Scinews
Must-See: Amazonian Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears from Live Science
NASA's Curiosity rover captures Phobos' Martian moonrise from MSNBC: Science
How Australia's ancient landscape upheaval came to be from MSNBC: Science
Rare near-complete T. rex skeleton headed for Smithsonian from MSNBC: Science
A first: Astronaut in space drives robot on Earth from MSNBC: Science
Chimp genetic history more complex than that of humans from MSNBC: Science
So you think you know fireworks? Read this... from MSNBC: Science
Mercury's had some work done: Volcanic facelift belies its true age from MSNBC: Science
Anchors from Punic Wars 2,000 years ago found off Sicily from MSNBC: Science
Insecticides can weaken and kill honeybees -- that's bad news from MSNBC: Science
How the moon affects the nocturnal world of animals from MSNBC: Science
Ancient carving of Roman god discovered in English garbage pit from MSNBC: Science
NASA readies its rescue plan for planet-hunting Kepler probe from MSNBC: Science
Those gut germs may shape your life from birth from MSNBC: Science
New fly may bug crime scene investigators from MSNBC: Science
Solar Impulse airplane gets set for a clean, big finish in the Big Apple from MSNBC: Science
A fireworks dynasty shoots for redemption after one bad blowup from MSNBC: Science
'Mythical' corpse-eating flies are back -- and they're real from MSNBC: Science
Spiderwebs may use electrical charge to capture prey from MSNBC: Science
Earth is as far from the sun as it's going to get this year from MSNBC: Science
New look at what lies beneath Hawaii helps solve debate from MSNBC: Science
E.T., old chap? British astronomers launch SETI network to seek aliens from MSNBC: Science
Where are they from? Mystery intergalactic radio bursts detected from MSNBC: Science
Archaeologists wonder why Egyptian skeletons have toe rings from MSNBC: Science
All that space traffic may be creating more high-altitude clouds from MSNBC: Science
Ancient Native American skeletons linked to living descendants from MSNBC: Science
In odd-looking mutant, clues about how maize plants control stem cell number from Physorg
Unusual mechanism of DNA synthesis could explain genetic mutations from Physorg
Century-old chemistry problem solved from Physorg
Pumping draws arsenic toward a big-city aquifer from Physorg
Apple shares hit hard on iPhone disappointment from Physorg
NASA 3-D image clearly shows wind shear's effect on Tropical Storm Gabrielle from Physorg
Mobile PCB cleanup system developed from Physorg
Researcher wins best paper award for automated interview coach from Physorg
NASA image: Rim Fire update Sept. 11, 2013 from Physorg
Hottest days in some parts of Europe have warmed four times more than the global average from Physorg
Euro MPs vote for biofuels cap from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists grow new stem cells in a living mouse from Reuters:Science
Video: Soyuz capsule brings 3 astronauts back to Earth from CBSNews - Science
Urban planning: City dynamics yield to computer modeling from Science Daily
Nano-optics: Integrated optical circuits coming soon? from Science Daily
Ophthalmology: Automated method to detect glaucoma in its early stages from Science Daily
Despite higher survival, brachytherapy to treat cervical cancer declines in US from Science Daily
Low dose antibiotic treatment of C-difficile is as effective as high dose from Science Daily
Radiotherapy in girls and the risk of breast cancer later in life from Science Daily
Cells in Living Mice 'Reprogrammed' to Embryonic-like State from Live Science
Photos: Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears from Live Science
Strange Case of 'Hyper Empathy' after Brain Surgery from Live Science
Clearing the Pathway: Deadly Lung Disease Can Be Prevented (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Stem cells created in living mice from News @ Nature
Indonesian farmers take legal action over haze from Physorg
Chinese loan causes panda-monium in Belgium from Physorg
Astronomers explain why disk galaxies eventually look alike from Physorg
Mercedes offers luxury S-Class hybrid from Physorg
Study: Wind farms killed 67 eagles in five years from Physorg
Embryonic stem cells produced in living adult organisms from Physorg
Monkey HIV vaccine 'clears virus' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cells Reprogrammed in Living Mice from Science NOW
Source Of Fishy Odors Identified from C&EN
New hope for women suffering from recurrent miscarriage from Science Daily
Crucial pathway discovered to fight gut infection from Science Daily
'Love hormone' may play wider role in social interaction than previously thought from Science Daily
Astronomers explain why disk galaxies eventually look alike from Science Daily
Unusual mechanism of DNA synthesis could explain genetic mutations from Science Daily
Century old chemistry problem solved: Foundational reaction on stubborn chemicals may improve drug synthesis from Science Daily
New antibiotic shows promise for treating MRSA pneumonia from Science Daily
Mechanisms for cholera toxin's deadly effects uncovered from Science Daily
New technology transforms research in viral biology from Science Daily
Trauma centers serving mostly white patients have lower death rates for patients of all races from Science Daily
Iowa State, IBM Astronomers Explain Why Disk Galaxies Eventually Look Alike from Newswise - Scinews
Unusual Mechanism of DNA Synthesis Could Explain Genetic Mutations from Newswise - Scinews
Scripps Research Institute Scientists Solve Century-Old Chemistry Problem from Newswise - Scinews
Stunning Auroras Photographed in 3D with Everyday Cameras from Live Science
Irradiated Seeds Combat World's Most Serious Wheat Disease from PopSci
Spying On Thunderstorms From Space [Video] from PopSci
Grey wolves left out in the cold from News @ Nature
Arctic ice shrinking in volume, too, ESA reports from Physorg
Alcohol brands 'pervade' football from BBC News: Science & Nature
Adult tissue 'sent back to embryo' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: How do hurricanes form? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Vaccine stops deadly sand-fly-spread scourge in animal test from
Which Parent Do Fungi Take After? from Science NOW
Powerful stem cells generated in live adult mice from CBC: Technology & Science
Stunning Auroras Photographed in 3D with Everyday Cameras from
Spellbinding Northern Lights Shimmer Over Finland (Photo) from
Embryonic stem cells produced in living adult organisms from Science Daily
Faulty stem cell regulation may contribute to cognitive deficits associated with Down syndrome from Science Daily
Pumping draws arsenic toward a big-city aquifer from Science Daily
In odd-looking mutant, clues about how maize plants control stem cell number from Science Daily
Can Farmers Cry Wolf and then Pocket the Cash? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Ancient path leading to Stonehenge discovered from MSNBC: Science
One Sun Born Per Year: Astronomers Map Galactic Clouds Where Stars Form
Selling your iPhone 5? Here's how much you can get from CBSNews - Science
Curiosity rover takes longest drive on Mars yet from CBSNews - Science
Earth's Auroras Filmed In 3D | Video from
'Rock Comet' Used To Just Be An Asteroid | Video from
Fat Gravity Particle Gives Clues to Dark Energy from Scientific American
AIDS vaccine candidate appears to completely clear virus from the body from Science Daily
First proteomic analysis of birth defect demonstrates power of a new technique from Science Daily
Test could identify which prostate cancers require treatment from Science Daily
This Guy Mapped His Heart Rate During 'Game Of Thrones' [Infographic] from PopSci
Ancient Maya grave yields dozens of mutilated bodies from MSNBC: Science
Birth control pill recalls show 'weak link in chain' from CBC: Health
How to pack a school lunch safely from CBC: Health
Tortured Clouds | Space Wallpaper from
AIDS vaccine candidate appears to completely clear virus from the body from Science Blog
Mars Rover Camera Invention Could Help NASA Robots Explore Solo from Live Science
Holy mackerel! Small trout devours nearly 20 shrews from MSNBC: Science
EU unveils major telecom reforms, end to roaming charges from Physorg
Crop-raiding elephants flee tiger growls from Physorg
Climate change may speed up forests' life cycles from Physorg
Discovery of cell division 'master controller' may improve understanding and treatment of cancer from Physorg
CU-Boulder student-built satellite slated for launch by NASA Sept. 15 from Physorg
Daunting task of destroying Syria's chemical weapons from BBC News: Science & Nature
Well: Futile Care at Life’s End from NY Times Health
Team reportedly grows 'better quality' stem cells in live mice from LA Times - Science
AT&T apologizes for 9/11 smartphone ad from CBSNews - Science
Sheryl Sandberg on how Facebook made its move to mobile from CBC: Technology & Science
Brain's opiate addiction 'switch' discovered from CBC: Technology & Science
Biologists Uncover Mechanisms for Cholera Toxin’s Deadly Effects from Science Blog
Elephants slink away from growling tiger; trumpet & growl before retreating from leopard from Science Blog
Hormone Replacement Therapy May Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk from Live Science
The Double Life Of A Frog-Loving Spy from PopSci
Colombia natives get tablets to study in local languages from Physorg
NASA satellites analyze Hurricane Humberto's clouds and rainfall from Physorg
European Parliament backs switch in biofuels from Physorg
Beheaded Maya Massacre Victims Found from National Geographic
Arctic sea ice continues to thin, ESA scientsts say from CBSNews - Science
One-Way Mars Colony Project Draws 200,000 Volunteers from
Experts Put Together Panda Plan from Live Science
Oh snap! Jaws helped crocs outlast the dinos from MSNBC: Science
Tingly lips? Why Sichuan peppers cause odd sensation from MSNBC: Science
NASA space telescope discovers 10 Monster black holes from MSNBC: Science
Live webcam coaching helps struggling readers make rapid gains from Physorg
Tiny switch toggles the position of a single atom from Physics World
Video: Driverless Mercedes debuts at Frankfurt International car show from CBSNews - Science
Life found in mud beneath ice-covered Antarctic lake from CBSNews - Science
Video: NASA drones help predict hurricanes from CBSNews - Science
More Cuts Loom for U.S. Science from Scientific American
NASA's New Moon Probe In Fine Shape On Lunar Trek from
Time is Key to Putting a Price on Climate Risk (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Ruins of big Maya city discovered in remote jungle from MSNBC: Science
Australian tarantula venom contains novel insecticide against agricultural pests from Physorg
The final nail in the Jurassic Park coffin: Next generation sequencing reveals absence of DNA in sub-fossilized insects from Physorg
Calculating the true cost of a ton of mountaintop coal from Physorg
Orangutans plan their future route and communicate it to others, researchers show from Physorg
An unprecedented threat to Peru's cloud forests from Physorg
Pacific humpback whale abundance higher in British Columbia from Physorg
Paleorivers across Sahara may have supported ancient human migration routes from Physorg
Alcohols’ Tertiary Center Undergoes Stereoinversion from C&EN
Manuel Guzman Named New President Of Chemical Abstracts Service from C&EN
News in Brief: Humpbacks make a comeback in British Columbia from
EPHX2: New Genetic Clue To Anorexia?
Steroids Study Gives New Hope For Women Suffering From Recurrent Miscarriage
NASA space telescope finds 10 monster black holes from UPI
Spectacular Solar Prominence And Earth Eclipse Captured On Same Day | Video from
Orangutans Announce Their Travel Plans A Day In Advance from PopSci
NASA's New Moon Probe In Fine Shape On Lunar Trek from Live Science
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Poll Shows Divide Among Experts from Live Science
Who Knew? Orangutans Plan Trips from Live Science
Buried Saharan Rivers May Have Led Humans Out of Africa from Live Science
Humpback Whale Populations Increases Off British Columbia from Live Science
Low Sex Drive? Men's Age-Related Changes May Have Surprising Cause from Live Science
Sipping Tarantula Venom Kills Crop-Eating Insects from Live Science
Gondwana's breakup: New clues to solving an ancient puzzle from MSNBC: Science
Watch huge sunspot on webcast as it stares down Earth from MSNBC: Science
First Italian spacewalker and US crewmate ace space station job from MSNBC: Science
2020 rover will look for signs of past life on Mars and store up samples from MSNBC: Science
How science has changed the Vatican's view of miracles from MSNBC: Science
Weird quantum tunneling enables 'impossible' space chemistry from MSNBC: Science
'No sex please, we're bacteria': A new type of reproduction from MSNBC: Science
Videos take a deep dive into our future worries about water from MSNBC: Science
DNA traces the ancient roots of American dogs to Asia from MSNBC: Science
Primeval underwater forest of cypress found off Alabama coast from MSNBC: Science
Welcome back to the space shuttle Enterprise exhibit! from MSNBC: Science
Exceptionally preserved woolly mammoth goes on view from MSNBC: Science
Death Valley: 100 years as the hottest spot on Earth from MSNBC: Science
Solar flares fire off exotic antimatter particles from MSNBC: Science
Evidence of alien planets? No, it's probably just gas from MSNBC: Science
Inscription dates back to King David – but what does it say? from MSNBC: Science
Inferno from Quebec train derailment seen from space from MSNBC: Science
Stunning tail: Thresher sharks evolved to slap and kill their prey from MSNBC: Science
King Richard III's grave preserved in 3-D reconstruction from MSNBC: Science
Astronomers get first look ever at our solar system's tail from MSNBC: Science
Earth's 6-year twitch changes day length ever so slightly from MSNBC: Science
Swamplike waterways found under Antarctica glacier from MSNBC: Science
Scientists trace the payoff that moms get from 'choosing' boy vs. girl from MSNBC: Science
As ice melts, life abounds in Antarctic from MSNBC: Science
Baby pictures taken of 'monster star' -- and it's still growing from MSNBC: Science
Tina Brown quits Daily Beast, launches new venture from Physorg
Pandora names ex-aQuantive head McAndrews as CEO from Physorg
Qualcomm may repurchase up to $5 billion shares from Physorg
Plants in space: A novel method for fixing plant tissue samples maximizes time, resources, and data from Physorg
A Flat-Out Major Advance for an Emerging Solar Cell Technology from Science NOW
EU chief Barroso calls for end to roaming fees from UPI
Massive pumping of groundwater for cities said raising arsenic risks from UPI
Scientist say just a few Asian carp may be big trouble for Great Lakes from UPI
Satellite built by Colorado students set for launch from California from UPI
Ontario tanning bed ban 'needlessly delayed', Liberals say from CBC: Health
Is there an ape for that? Orangutans plan trips from AP Science
Low estrogen may play a role in 'male menopause' from AP Health
An Unprecedented Threat to Peru's Cloud Forests from Newswise - Scinews
Variation in Bitter Receptor mRNA Expression Affects Taste Perception from Newswise - Scinews
Salk Scientist Tatyana Sharpee Receives CAREER Award from NSF from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Win $5.25M NIH Grant to Develop New Single Molecule Electronic DNA Sequencing Platform from Newswise - Scinews
South Dakota Scientist Tracks Indonesian Carbon Emissions from Newswise - Scinews
What is Groundwater? from Live Science
The Broccoli Problem: Why Some People Taste Things More Bitter from Live Science
The tasting of the shrew: Small trout devours nearly 20 of 'em from MSNBC: Science
Study provides insights on protecting world's poor from climate change from Physorg
Middle-Aged Men Can Blame Estrogen, Too from NY Times Health
Aquifers Discovered in Drought-Ridden Kenya from NY Times Science
Study of fossils shows ancient crocodiles were a varied group from UPI
New technology can identify source of ancient stone tools quickly from UPI
Ultra-fast trading robots can send markets out of control from UPI
Project aims to map giant galactic clouds of gas where stars are born from UPI
iOS7 set for Sept. 18 release from UPI
What is Francium? from Live Science
Snow Leopard's Fate Hinges on Historic Talks (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Data Opens Possibility Of A Curved Cosmos from Live Science
Humpback whale populations increase off British Columbia from MSNBC: Science
NSA has long role as top US locksmith, lock-picker from Physorg
Secrets of Fracking Fluids Pave Way for Cleaner Recipe from Scientific American
Stem Cells Created in Living Mice from Scientific American
Kenya says newly discovered aquifer could supply water for 70 years from UPI
Who's got guts? Young infants expect animals to have insides from Science Daily
SpaceX Reflects on Sept. 11 Anniversary (Photo) from
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Facts & Symptoms of Lou Gehrig's Disease from Live Science
New woolly mammoth lineage found -- and maybe clues to their extinction from MSNBC: Science
NASA enlists ex-Air Force drones for tropical storm research from Reuters:Science
Trade group rejects EU chief Barroso's call for end to roaming fees from UPI
Climate change, not human hunting, led to extinction of woolly mammoths from UPI
Lobby group stands by allegation mice bit dementia patient from CBC: Health
Paleorivers across Sahara may have supported ancient human migration routes from Science Daily
Orangutans plan their future route and communicate it to others from Science Daily
Orangutans have a calling, and that's to plan their trips from MSNBC: Science
VIDEO: Vulture decline 'could affect humans' from BBC News: Science & Nature
FOR KIDS: Alien carp leap onto the scene from
European researchers envision wearable exoskeleton for factory workers from UPI
A New Drive for Power-Plant Carbon Standards (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Wind farms killed at least 67 eagles in last five years from MSNBC: Science
On closer inspection, not such a plain Jane from Harvard Science
To market, to market from Harvard Science
Long-disappeared rivers may have helped human migrations out of Africa from UPI
Study provides insights on protecting world's poor from climate change from Science Daily
The eyes have it: How organic mercury can interfere with vision from Science Daily
Plants in space: A novel method for fixing plant tissue samples maximizes time, resources, and data from Science Daily
An unprecedented threat to Peru's cloud forests from Science Daily
The final nail in the Jurassic Park coffin: Next generation sequencing reveals absence of DNA in sub-fossilized insects from Science Daily
Researchers move endangered mussels to save them from Science Daily
Cocktail made of tarantula venom is last call for crop-eating insects from MSNBC: Science
VIDEO: The cows connected to the internet from BBC News: Science & Nature
Calculating the true cost of a ton of mountaintop coal from Science Daily
Crop-raiding elephants flee tiger growls from Science Daily
Are Green Cars Mostly Hype? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Lost in Central Park? Tilt of the rocks can guide the way from MSNBC: Science
Trillium Health reviews 3,500 CT scans, mammograms from CBC: Health
Pacific humpback whale abundance higher in British Columbia from Science Daily
Aerobic fitness boosts learning, memory in 9-10-year-old children from Science Daily
Australian tarantula venom contains novel insecticide against agricultural pests from Science Daily
Climate change may speed up forests' life cycles from Science Daily
Brain-eating amoeba survivor heads home from CBC: Health
Why the U.S. Military Must Find Energy Alternatives (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Space agency launches high-altitude balloon on 2nd attempt from CBC: Technology & Science
Running the A/C? New Building Codes Could Slash Energy Costs (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Lifting the ‘family curse’ from Harvard Science
British Columbia sees salmon rise from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bob Geldof wants to be first 'rock astronaut' and Irishman in space from MSNBC: Science
Toxic task: How to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons from MSNBC: Science
Camels Linked to Spread of Fatal Virus from NY Times Science
Free Apps for Nearly Every Health Problem, but What About Privacy? from NY Times Health