Archive of feed items published on the 30th of September 2013
OPINION: Dogonauts and Persian cats: why send animals into space? from Science Alert
'Breaking Bad' kills it in series finale from MSNBC: Science
Hydrogen Bonds Visualized from C&EN
VIDEO: Otter boom brings calls for controls from BBC News: Science & Nature
Perspectivism And Power I: Thieves To The Right Beggars To The Left
Russia launches rocket after fiery crash in July from Reuters:Science
Iranians split on building new relationship with U.S. from MSNBC: Science
Old conflict brings new violence in Jerusalem from MSNBC: Science
Amanda Knox retrial to begin Monday from MSNBC: Science
Russia launches rocket three months after crash from Physorg
National Aquarium to close in DC after 128 years from Physorg
The spy who spurned me: Anna Chapman refuses to discuss Snowden proposal from MSNBC: Science
Building disaster-relief phone apps on the fly from MIT Research
Turbines 'threaten' Dark Sky Park from BBC News: Science & Nature
Private jet crashes into hangar at California airport, sparks inferno from MSNBC: Science
Dawn reality-checks telescope studies of asteroids from Physorg
Astronauts practice launching in NASA's new Orion spacecraft from Physorg
NASA image: Glow with the flow from Physorg
Toshiba's dual-camera system enables second-chance manipulations from Physorg
Smart Moon from European Space Agency
Wave of bombings kills at least 42 across Baghdad from MSNBC: Science
Why bother? And other burning questions about Obamacare from MSNBC: Science
'Really confused': Kaiser/NBC poll finds Americans angsting over health-care law from MSNBC: Science
Protecting the unprotected from Physorg
NASA Wants Investigations for a Mars 2020 Rover from Physorg
Engineers develop new metabolic pathway to more efficiently convert sugars into biofuels from Physorg
Nasa plans 3D printer space launch from BBC News: Science & Nature
New method speeds up stabilisation of chaotic systems from Physorg
Curiosity uses X-rays to examine samples on the Red Planet – a first for a Mars mission from Physorg
Newly released climate change report reinforces need for action from Physorg
Satellite flood maps reach crisis teams via Internet from Physorg
Seek and destroy from Chemistry World
Amanda Knox is no-show as retrial for murder begins in Italy from MSNBC: Science
Building on mud: When can we start? from Physorg
Building disaster-relief phone apps on the fly from Physorg
Following the missteps of giants from Physorg
The intergalactic medium in the young universe from Physorg
Pigeon wingman rules from Physorg
What You Think Of New Physics At The TeV Scale
Greek universities struggle in face of job cuts from Chemistry World
Vaccine Refusal Contributes to Whooping Cough Outbreaks from Live Science
Drop in Preschoolers Taking Mental Health Meds from Live Science
Recycled rockets: SpaceX calls time on expendable launch vehicles from BBC News: Science & Nature
US daredevil Jeb Corliss: 'I started crying' after surviving 'flying dagger' stunt from MSNBC: Science
At least 9 slain in 3 Mexican cities as fears grow of drug gang turf war from MSNBC: Science
Report reveals issues what might turn women away from academic science from Physorg
Climate scientists see better climate models, warmer future from Physorg
Tracking devices explore concussions on the playing field from Physorg
NASA Asteroid-Capture Mission Workshop Today: How to Watch Live from
Fusion Experiments Inch Closer To Break-Even Goal from Live Science
How would markets react to government shutdown? from MSNBC: Science
Researchers tackle new challenge in pursuit of the next generation of lithium batteries from Physorg
Twitter app stops you Breaking Bad news to good people from Physorg
Making manure work for agriculture from Physorg
Niacin, the fountain of youth from Physorg
Super-earth or mini-Neptune? Telling habitable worlds apart from lifeless gas giants from Physorg
Scientists should engage in policy, but it's a balancing act from Physorg
Improving lithium-ion batteries with nanoscale research from Physorg
Private Space Race: 2 Commercial Spaceships Now Available for Space Station Deliveries from
NASA May Slam Captured Asteroid Into Moon (Eventually) from
Tackling threats to transport and other key infrastructure from Physorg
Opinion: Popular Science is wrong to get rid of online comments from Physorg
Harnessing the power of lightning to charge a mobile phone from Physorg
Japan glasses translate menu as you read from Physorg
Air Apparent: Pluto's Eternal Atmosphere from Scientific American
Bus drivers should have annual health checks, MPP urges from CBC: Health
Drenched Seattle could see its wettest September on record from MSNBC: Science
Yahoo! settles Singapore Press Holdings lawsuit from Physorg
UW researcher studies chemical neutering as means to control coyotes from Physorg
Urban planning: Growing cities underground from Physorg
Rice poll finds Harris County voters would support ban on texting while driving from Physorg
Hubble views a scattering of spiral and elliptical galaxies from Physorg
Energy saving project wins international competition from Physorg
Webb model transforms at NASA; Student engineers behind the controls from Science Daily
Andreas and Thomas testing sample returns at sea from European Space Agency
How viral infection disrupts neural development in offspring, increasing risk of autism from Science Blog
Making bricks out of air pollution in U.K. from Science Blog
Psychotropic medication use in young children leveling off from Science Blog
Jellyfish Exterminator Robot Developed from Science Blog
Floating space factory? NASA readies 3D printer for launch from CBC: Technology & Science
Mini Neptunes | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
The forgotten explorer of the frozen north from BBC News: Science & Nature
Amanda Knox is a no-show as retrial for murder begins in Italy from MSNBC: Science
NASA image: NIRSpec's clean room move from Physorg
Arctic gas hydrate: Vast energy resource or climate threat? from Physorg
Clariant expands into China from Chemistry World
Astronauts practice launching in NASA's new Orion spacecraft from Science Daily
Commercial cargo craft arrives at International Space Station; Canadarm2 captures Cygnus from Science Daily
NASA wants investigations for a Mars 2020 rover from Science Daily
First-of-its-kind portable radar device: NASA, Homeland Security test disaster recovery tool from Science Daily
How engineers revamped Spitzer to probe exoplanets from Science Daily
NASA rover inspects pebbly rocks at Martian waypoint from Science Daily
Dawn spacecraft reality-checks telescope studies of asteroids from Science Daily
Study challenges view that immigrants' children hinder U.S. economic future from Science Daily
Australian Totality | Space Wallpaper from
Niacin, the fountain of youth? from Science Blog
Biological link between diabetes and heart disease from Science Blog
Transparent Glass Wall as a Touch Game Media from Science Blog
Public umbilical cord blood bank launches in Ottawa from CBC: Health
Stocks tumble on worries of gov't shutdown from MSNBC: Science
Apple leaves Coke flat at top of global brands list from MSNBC: Science
PV production grows despite a crisis-driven decline in investment from Physorg
First gasoline produced by bioliq pilot plant from Physorg
Computer program lets users learn keyboard shortcuts with minimal effort from Physorg
Researchers devise a way to mimic gravitational lensing in a way that can be seen from Physorg
Apple unseats Coca-Cola as world's 'best brand' from Physorg
Eilat's corals stand better chance of resilience than other sites from Physorg
Mutant enzymes help break cocaine habit from Chemistry World
Climate models show potential 21st century temperature, precipitation changes from Science Daily
PV production grows despite a crisis-driven decline in investment from Science Daily
Computer program lets users learn keyboard shortcuts with minimal effort from Science Daily
Do black holes have hair? from Science Daily
Precise remote sounding for better climate models from Science Daily
Could weaker responsiveness of poleward populations to temperatures buffer them from climate warming? from Science Daily
Beyond the little blue pill: scientists develop compound that may treat priapism from Science Blog
Sandia National Labs and UNM Health Sciences Center Win Regional Partnership Award from Newswise - Scinews
Live Q&A Webcast: The Science of Cooking from Newswise - Scinews
Smile! Better Dental Implants Are on the Horizon from Newswise - Scinews
Alleged scammer siphoned millions meant for vets from MSNBC: Science
Showdown in Washington: How a government shutdown would hit Americans from MSNBC: Science
Amanda Knox is a no-show as new trial for murder begins in Italy from MSNBC: Science
Bitumen roofing can be recycled… but isn't from Physorg
Erratic proteins: New insights into a transport mechanism from Physorg
Wind and weather disrupt satellite signals at high latitudes from Physorg
30 years ago: Award announced from Chemistry World
A cosmic weather balloon at the center of the Milky Way from Science Daily
Sun Wakes Up - Spits a Powerful Prominence | Video from
Seatest underwater adventure from European Space Agency
Rewired nerves control robotic leg from News @ Nature
Climate Change Victims Speak Up At Congressional Forum | Video from Live Science
The world's sharpest X-ray beam shines at DESY from Physorg
Windows Phone gains in Europe, Apple up in US, survey finds from Physorg
Physicists use blind quantum computing to verify results of quantum computer from Physorg
Now is the time to invest in medicare home health program from Science Daily
New paradigm for nanoscale resolution MRI experimentally achieved from Science Daily
Cell nuclei harbor factories that transcribe genes from Science Daily
Research attributes high rates of smoking among mentally ill to addiction vulnerability from Science Daily
'Worldviews' shape parents' approach to vaccinating their children from Science Daily
Mobile tech and talk therapies strike at the moment binge eating urges do from Science Daily
Space watchers seek answer for sky riddle from N.B. from CBC: Technology & Science
Climate Change Witness: Hugh The Texas Rancher | Video from Live Science
Climate Change Witness: Matt The Iowan Farmer | Video from Live Science
NIH Awards Wang Highly Competitive Transformative Research Award from Newswise - Scinews
Short-term Hearing Loss During Childhood Can Cause "Lazy Ear" from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Receive $2 Million NSF Grant to Develop Unique Origami-Shaped Antennas from Newswise - Scinews
Italian cookbook author Marcella Hazan dies at 89 from MSNBC: Science
New technique helps biologists save the world's threatened seagrass meadows from Physorg
And in the beginning was histone 1 from Physorg
Do black holes have hair? A new hypothesis on the nature of these celestial bodies from Physorg
Recipes for Health: Perciatelli With Baby Broccoli, Tomatoes and Anchovies from NY Times Health
Well: Unequal Pain Relief in the Emergency Room from NY Times Health
Well: A Youthful Glow, Radiating From Within from NY Times Health
Twitter reportedly ready to reveal IPO filing this week from CBSNews - Science
Microsoft CEO bids emotional farewell to "Dirty Dancing" theme from CBSNews - Science
Science lab on wheels sparks student interest in STEM from CBSNews - Science
Video: Traveling science lab sparks student interest in STEM from CBSNews - Science
NYC reverses Airbnb host's $2,400 fine from CBSNews - Science
Sandra Bullock Gives ‘Gravity’ A Human Heart | Video Interview from
Estimate of amount of radiotherapy dose wasted in compensating for tumour growth between treatments from Science Daily
Anti-cancer drug combined with radiotherapy may result in a new treatment for brain tumour from Science Daily
Organized screening for prostate cancer does more harm than good from Science Daily
Identifying disease-causing mechanisms in cancers with unknown primary site improves treatment, survival from Science Daily
New antibody drug in lung cancer patients: smokers respond well from Science Daily
The landscape of medical oncology in Europe threatened from Science Daily
Two new weapons against thyroid cancer from Science Daily
Study finds new moves in protein's evolution from Science Daily
Hormone Disruptors Rise from the Dead Like Zombies from Scientific American
Climate Change Witness: Reverend Edwards Fighting Sea Level Rise | Video from Live Science
Climate Change Witness: Emily The Rim Fire Survivor | Video from Live Science
After an embarrassing failure, Russia's Proton rocket rides again from MSNBC: Science
Science calls on smartphones to improve earthquake detection from MSNBC: Science
Rawwr! Astronaut creates a toy dinosaur from space station scraps from MSNBC: Science
SpaceX launches upgraded Falcon rocket on first orbital mission from MSNBC: Science
Cygnus cargo craft makes historic hookup with space station from MSNBC: Science
Is iOS 7 making you feel sick? Here's why from MSNBC: Science
Is underground 'anomaly' a Nazi treasure trove? Filmmaker thinks he's broken the code from MSNBC: Science
The next big ideas from 'Idea Man' Paul Allen: A.I. and cell biology from MSNBC: Science
Richard III's tomb design stirs up discontent among his fans from MSNBC: Science
Milky Way stars in 2013's top astronomy photos from MSNBC: Science
Archaeo-diplomacy: US gives million-dollar cup back to Iran from MSNBC: Science
Amateur astronomers' cameras snap images of approaching Comet ISON from MSNBC: Science
After delays, Cygnus spacecraft set to arrive at space station Sunday from MSNBC: Science
Politicians, activists plead for emissions cuts in wake of climate report from MSNBC: Science
Politicians, activits plead for emissions cuts in wake of climate report from MSNBC: Science
Largest reservoir of life beneath Earth's crust may gobble up oxygen from MSNBC: Science
A force is with them: Laser beams behave like Jedi lightsaber from MSNBC: Science
Top scientists urge cap on carbon emissions to limit climate change from MSNBC: Science
Got a message for aliens? Get it on NASA's Pluto-bound spacecraft from MSNBC: Science
Fossil of ancient amphibian choking on its last meal is up for auction from MSNBC: Science
Final verdict coming on Friday: Humans caused global warming from MSNBC: Science
DNA pioneer James Watson's genetic prescription: Have kids early from MSNBC: Science
Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter suffers stroke; full recovery expected from MSNBC: Science
Series of deadly attacks by giant, vicious hornets terrorizing China from MSNBC: Science
A 'wow moment': Curiosity finds water on Mars as common as dirt from MSNBC: Science
Climate change: Fast out of the gate, slow to the finish the gate from Physorg
Policy uncertainty dims consumer confidence in September from Physorg
Optical sensors improve railway safety from Physorg
NASA's TRMM satellite examines Atlantic's Tropical Storm Jerry from Physorg
Traces of immense prehistoric ice sheets from Physorg
NASA image sees eye in deadly Typhoon Wutip on landfall approach from Physorg
Fique fibers from Andes Mountains part of miracle solution for dye pollution, find scientists from Physorg
First global study confirms widely held practices on science, math, and reading education from Physorg
Video: Instagram users barter pictures for free food from CBSNews - Science
Engineers invent programming language to build synthetic DNA from Science Daily
Fique fibers from Andes Mountains part of miracle solution for dye pollution, find scientists from Science Daily
First global study confirms widely held practices on science, math, and reading education from Science Daily
Quantum computers: Trust is good, proof is better from Science Daily
The world's sharpest X-ray beam from Science Daily
Biological therapy improves survival in women with recurrent ovarian cancer from Science Daily
Liver doctors seek hepatitis C screens for baby boomers from CBC: Health
Rangers force AL wild-card tiebreaker, beat Angels from AP Health
Climate Change Witness: Stefanie The Flood Victim | Video from Live Science
UW Engineers Invent Programming Language to Build Synthetic DNA from Newswise - Scinews
Students game the system, train computer to play Angry Birds from Physorg
Imec, Meco present high efficiency and cost-effective copper technology for i-PERC-type Silicon Solar Cells from Physorg
Engineers invent programming language to build synthetic DNA from Physorg
Scientists crank up the voltage, create better dark-matter search from Physorg
Biofuel from human urine from Physorg
Sustainable seaweed production in the North Sea realistic from Physorg
Undergrad researcher has the formula for success from Physorg
Rocking Out With Carbon Nanotubes from C&EN
Ubisoft plans to create 500 jobs in Montreal from CBC: Technology & Science
Aspirin may act on blood platelets to improve survival in colon cancer patients from Science Daily
Erratic proteins: New insights into a transport mechanism from Science Daily
Avahan Aids initiative may have prevented 600,000 HIV infections in India over 10 years from Science Daily
Sequencing studies help pinpoint gene in Prader-Willi syndrome from Science Daily
New approaches to testing cancer drugs needed from Science Daily
NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Finds Ingredient of Household Plastic in Space from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New report updates New Zealand's exposure to tsunami from Physorg
Study asks 'does it really matter if God exists?' from Physorg
Cornell research orchard seeks the perfect apple from Physorg
BISON enables complex nuclear fuel modeling, simulation from Physorg
Infrared NASA imagery shows some strength in Tropical Depression Sepat from Physorg
NASA sees tropical depression 22W taking a northern route in northwestern Pacific from Physorg
Biochar quiets microbes, including some plant pathogens from Physorg
Plastic Moon: Propylene Detected On Titan | Video from
Potentially Dazzling Comet ISON: 8 Essential Facts from
Cocaine, pot used by Winnipeg kids at younger ages from CBC: Health
Olympians say poor oral health is impairing performance from Science Daily
New compounds display strong therapeutic potential for cystic fibrosis from Science Daily
Researchers Ferret Out Function Of Autism Gene from Newswise - Scinews
Tufts Biomedical Researcher Receives NIH Director's New Innovator Award from Newswise - Scinews
NASA hopes 3-D printers will let astronauts make own parts in space from MSNBC: Science
Supercomputers improve solar power forecasts from Physorg
Dogonauts and Persian cats: Why send animals into space? from Physorg
Comet ISON goes green from Physorg
Scottish heather honey is best for beating bacteria from Physorg
Problems Mount for Novartis's Hypertension Drug in Japan from Science NOW
Global Health: Coca-Cola Plans Kiosks With Water and Internet from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Many Nursing Homes Operate Without Adequate Sprinkler Systems from NY Times Health
Out There: Astronaut and a Writer at the Movies from NY Times Science
Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Junk from
Beyond the little blue pill: Compound developed that may treat priapism from Science Daily
3 of 4 aware of ACA individual mandate; only 4 of 10 aware of marketplaces, subsidies from Science Daily
Psychotropic medication use in young children leveling off from Science Daily
ER visits for kids with concussions skyrocketing from Science Daily
Atherosclerosis: The Janus-like nature of JAM-A from Science Daily
And in the beginning was histone 1 from Science Daily
DNA review call in Kercher retrial from BBC News: Science & Nature
Books: ‘Probably Approximately Correct’ Explores Nature’s Algorithms from NY Times Science
"Breaking Bad" finale generated 5.5 million Facebook interactions from CBSNews - Science
Remember the ad-free days of the Internet? So do AdTrap inventors from UPI
Schizophrenic man chops off own finger to get help from CBC: Health
Amazing Space Photos: Royal Observatory's Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013 from
Giant NASA Balloon Mission to See Comet ISON Suffers Telescope Glitch from
Amateur Astronomer Captures Amazing Photo of Iconic 'Pillars Of Creation' from
Budget partially restores Spain's science funding from News @ Nature
Why reducing emissions may not be enough from News @ Nature
Improving lithium-ion batteries with nanoscale research from Science Daily
Optical sensors improve railway safety from Science Daily
Traces of immense prehistoric ice sheets discovered from Science Daily
Alcohol leaving the UK charts with a hangover from Science Daily
The immune system benefits from life in the countryside from Science Daily
Niacin, the fountain of youth from Science Daily
Young children recognize cigarette brands in countries with most smokers from Science Daily
Obesity influences school success from Science Daily
Leukemia cells are addicted to healthy genes from Science Daily
Forty-eight new genetic variants associated with MS from Science Daily
Scripps Florida Scientist Wins Prestigious NIH New Innovator Award from Newswise - Scinews
Incredible Technology: How Today's Archaeologists Kick Indiana Jones' Butt from Live Science
From Grittiest Street To Greenest | Video from Live Science
NEON: Monitoring Planet Earth's 'Heartbeat' | Video from Live Science
Fusion experiments inch ever closer to break-even goal from MSNBC: Science
The Faces of Facebook provides just that -- the faces of Facebook from UPI
Researchers Gain Insight Into 'Lazy Ear' from Science Daily
Cassini detects plastic ingredient on Saturn moon from AP Science
Ancient Kingdom Discovered Beneath Mound in Iraq from Live Science
Plastic Moon: Propylene Detected On Titan | Video from Live Science
Shutdown May Hinder California's Rim Fire Cleanup from Live Science
The Holy Land: 7 Amazing Archaeological Finds from Live Science
In Photos: Ancient City Discovered in Iraq from Live Science
UFO over Indian Ocean? SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket sparks sightings from MSNBC: Science
Now's the time to catch planet Uranus in the night sky from MSNBC: Science
The push to create a $30 portable brain recorder from MSNBC: Science
Cold, salty and promiscuous: Gene-shuffling microbes dominate Antarctica's Deep Lake from Physorg
Better protein creation may be secret of longevity for the world's longest-living rodent from Physorg
New research links individual animal behavior with social spacing from Physorg
News in Brief: Centipede venom fights pain from
Canadian Depression And Mental Health Services Usage Don't Jibe
Hispanic Paradox: Better Cancer Prognosis Though Less Education, Income And Access To Health Care
Sugar Molecule Is A Biological Link Between Diabetes And Irregular Heartbeats
Scalar-Tensor Theories: Maybe Black Holes Do Have 'Hair'
Crowdsourcing Earthquakes: Tiny Sensor Used In Smart Phones Could Create Urban Seismic Network
Obamaconfusion: 75% Aware Of Individual Mandate, Only 40% About Marketplaces And Subsidies
Physicists one step closer to creating real-life lightsabers from CBSNews - Science
Fusion Experiments Inch Closer To Break-Even Goal from CBSNews - Science
Nanomaterial chip tracks cancerous cells through bloodstream from UPI
Once infertile, woman gives birth after surgery from AP Health
SpaceX, Dragon Capsule & Falcon 9: Latest News from
Jaw-Dropping Milky Way Galaxy View Wins Astronomy Photographer of the Year from
Could Comet ISON Still Become the 'Comet of the Century? from
Best Stargazing Events of October 2013 (Sky Map Gallery) from
Cocaine use may increase HIV vulnerability from Science Daily
Researchers ferret out function of autism gene from Science Daily
Testosterone promotes reciprocity in the absence of competition from Science Daily
New technique helps biologists save the world's threatened seagrass meadows from Science Daily
Once infertile, woman gives birth after surgery from AP Science
Skin Receptors Convey Sensation of Texture Through Vibrations from Newswise - Scinews
Finding the Place Where the Brain Creates Illusory Shapes and Surfaces from Newswise - Scinews
Study Finds Tungsten in Aquifer Groundwater Controlled by pH, Oxygen from Newswise - Scinews
5 Surprising Ways to Banish Bad Breath from Live Science
What Is the Illuminati? from Live Science
Researchers: Enzyme byproduct may extend lifespan from UPI
First Person: SpaceX's New Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Soars from California from
Meteor Sparks Incredible Fireball Over US Midwest (Video) from
NASA Finds Ingredient for Plastic on Saturn's Moon Titan from
Optical Illusion Explained in Monkey Brain Study from Live Science
Infertile Woman Gives Birth After Experimental Treatment from Live Science
When cells 'eat' their own power plants: Scientists solve mystery of cellular process from Physorg
Capturing cancer: Liquid biopsy could improve cancer diagnosis and treatment from Physorg
Vacuum dust: A previously unknown disease vector from Physorg
'Balancing' the one-year mission risks from Physorg
Entering a new dimension: 4-D printing from Physorg
Microbes signal deceased's time of death from
ScienceShot: Corals, in Panoramic View from Science NOW
U.S. Government Shutdown Looms After Senate Vote from Science NOW
Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Pace May Be Why Warming Hasn't Kept Up
Ubisoft Montreal invests $373M, creates 500 jobs from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple surpasses Coke as world's best brand from CBC: Technology & Science
Grafted ovaries lead to successful pregnancy from News @ Nature
Cassini finds ingredient of household plastic on Saturn moon from UPI
Cold, salty and promiscuous: Gene-shuffling microbes dominate Antarctica's Deep Lake from Science Daily
Water Vapor In Stratosphere Plays Role In Climate from Newswise - Scinews
Giant Hornets Stinging China, Killing Dozens This Year from Live Science
Mystery eruption traced to Indonesia from BBC News: Science & Nature
New York spreading wireless access across city from Physorg
Ubisoft moves online gaming to Montreal from Physorg
Researchers developing sustainable ways to manage locust outbreaks worldwide from Physorg
Toyota chairman calls for more hybrids in US from Physorg
Cassini spacecraft finds plastic ingredient on Saturn's moon Titan from Physorg
Team develops new tool for studying membrane protein structure using water dynamics on surface of biomolecules from Physorg
Virtual tombstones, tattoo tributes and mourning T-shirts are growing in popularity from Physorg
Study finds tungsten in aquifer groundwater controlled by pH, oxygen from Physorg
Navatar Glass app may help blind individuals navigate indoor environments from Physorg
A Disease Cuts Corn Yields from NY Times Science
Q&A: Why do Sea Gulls Like Parking Lots? from NY Times Science
Observatory: Cuckoo Finches Come Up With a New Con from NY Times Science
Observatory: Female Fruit Flies Like One Mate, or His Brother from NY Times Science
Letters: Yes, Spiders Keep to Themselves from NY Times Science
Deadly 13th-Century Volcano Eruption: Mystery Solved? from National Geographic
Stolen phones blacklist launches in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Curved Space-time Mimicked on a Chip from Scientific American
First 3D printer will launch to International Space Station in 2014 from CBSNews - Science
Paradigm shift: Need something in space? Print it, don't ship it from UPI
More babies share parents' beds despite SIDS risks from AP Health
NASA Space Telescopes Find Patchy Clouds on Exotic World from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Hunt is on for tegu lizards in South Florida from Physorg
EPA urged to update rules on secret email accounts from Physorg
Student experiments take flight on Cygnus cargo craft from Physorg
Facebook expands 'Graph Search' within social network from Physorg
AOL founder looks to invest outside Silicon Valley from Physorg
Facebook, Google go head-to-head in mobile, video ad wars from Physorg
Indonesia, EU pact to stop illegal timber exports from Physorg
Americans don't contribute enough to retirement funds, researcher finds from Physorg
Zinc, proteins, and an essential cellular balancing act from Physorg
Controversial Proposal for Wolf Conservation Gets a Reboot from Science NOW
The Man Who Makes Sea Level Rise Go Away from Scientific American
Research: Water vapor In stratosphere has role in Earth's climate from UPI
Research finds vacuum's dust may be factor in disease vector from UPI
Zinc, Proteins, and an Essential Cellular Balancing Act from Newswise - Scinews
University of Utah Researchers Receive Prestigious NIH Director's New Innovator Award from Newswise - Scinews
New Map of Insulin Pathway Could Lead to Better Diabetes Drugs from Newswise - Scinews
Strange Condition Lets Woman Hear Sounds But Not Words from Live Science
Following his passion from Harvard Science
Demand for Bananas Puts Costa Rica's Caimans at Risk from National Geographic
Niacin, the fountain of youth from Biology News Net
New insights into DNA repair process may spur better cancer therapies from Biology News Net
When cells 'eat' their own power plants; Pitt scientists solve mystery of cellular process from Biology News Net
UFO? Star cluster? No, it's Falcon 9's jettisoned fuel from UPI
NASA Finds Most Crowded Galaxy Ever Seen (Video) from
Drugs, caffeine, chemicals found in Great Lakes worry researchers from Physorg
Jacques Cousteau's grandson plans to live underwater from CBSNews - Science
PS4 beats Xbox One for most-wanted console, poll says from CBSNews - Science
ASU Researchers Developing Sustainable Ways to Manage Locust Outbreaks Worldwide from Newswise - Scinews
Antarctica's Extreme Salt-Loving Microbes Swap DNA from Live Science
Ultrathin solar cell is efficient and easy to make from Physics World
Debate on Evolution of Multicellular Organisms Starts to Gain Focus from Scientific American
Video: "Singing Doctor" changing health care with social media from CBSNews - Science
SpaceX Rocket Launch Sparks 'UFO' Sightings: Reports (Video) from
Divorce & Other Life Stressors Linked with Dementia from Live Science
A 'cosmic weather balloon' at the center of the Milky Way from Physorg
NASA hosts workshop to discuss asteroid initiative ideas from Physorg
Delta picks Microsoft for pilot tablets from Physorg
Government Shutdown Would Ground NASA 'Almost Entirely,' Obama Says from
VIDEO: World’s first digital laser unveiled from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Drones key to deep sea research from BBC News: Science & Nature
Old women unhappy with spouse from Science Alert
Poll: obesity a result of addiction from Science Alert
How astronomers mapped the patchy clouds of an alien world from MSNBC: Science
Sea-ice formation sustained the 'Little Ice Age' from Physorg
Early eye disease test developed from Science Alert
Chemistry Driving Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Vehicle Developments (Op-Ed) from Live Science
After 40 Years, Promise of Wilderness Protection Stands (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Insulin Pathway Map Could Lead To Better Diabetes Drugs
Traces Of Immense Prehistoric Arctic Ice Sheets During The Pleistocene
Tattoo Tributes And Other Virtual Tombstones Take Off
Cassini Finds Propylene, A Household Plastic Ingredient, On Titan
Toronto wireless carrier Mobilicity gets creditor protection from CBC: Technology & Science
Against all odds, otters make a comeback in Calif. from CBSNews - Science
National screening strategy for hepatitis C urged for Canada from Science Daily
Small brain biopsies can be used to grow patient's own brain cells from Science Daily
What have we learned from Fukushima? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cadence Sensors: What Are They and How Do They Work? from Live Science
Record Electric Vehicle Sales Could Have Climate Impact (Op-Ed) from Live Science
When cells 'eat' their own power plants: Scientists solve mystery of basic cellular process from Science Daily
Unhappy with your hospital? You might still be getting great care from Science Daily
Biological link between diabetes and heart disease discovered from Science Daily
Depression and mental health services usage from Science Daily
Biochar quiets microbes, including some plant pathogens from Science Daily
Cancer biggest killer of Hispanic Texans from Science Daily
Climate change: Fast out of the gate, slow to the finish the gate from Science Daily
FEATURE: Sub-zero heroes: extremophiles call salty Antarctic lakes home from Science Alert
OPINION: To change anti-science activists' minds, go beyond science from Science Alert
Legacy of Greco-Roman Mapmaking from NY Times Science
A Wealth of Data in Whale Breath from NY Times Science
Hitting Pay Dirt on Mars from NY Times Science
A Quake Shakes Loose an Island from NY Times Science
Comment Ban Sets Off Debate from NY Times Science
The Week: Looking for Lincoln, and an Early Fish Fossil from NY Times Science
First cloud map of a planet beyond our solar system from Science Daily
Ingredient of household plastic found in space from Science Daily
New metabolic pathway to more efficiently convert sugars into biofuels from Science Daily
Water vapor in stratosphere plays role in climate from Science Daily
Study finds tungsten in aquifer groundwater controlled by pH, oxygen from Science Daily
Finding the place where the brain creates illusory shapes and surfaces from Science Daily
Weightlessness and Its Effect on Astronauts from
Slide through the space station's coolest scenes from MSNBC: Science
A 'Cyborg Astrobiologist' To Study Alien Planets from Live Science
Crohn's Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment from Live Science
Dog Kisses are More Than Just Slobber (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Critical gaps discovered in breast cancer research from Science Daily
NASA Interactive Reveals New Earth Perspectives (Op-Ed) from
Daddy Longlegs: Three Critters, Same Name from Live Science
Francis Crick: Co-Discoverer of DNA's Double Helix from Live Science
Global study: World not ready for aging population from AP Health
Well: Breast-Feeding Services Lag the Law from NY Times Health
City Unveils Campaign to Improve Girls’ Self-Esteem from NY Times Health
Letters: Best Interests of the Patient (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: It May Only Look Like Shyness (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of a Widely Used Chemical from Live Science
Study reveals Americans' surprising response to government during great recession from Physorg
Baby born after ovaries 'reawakened' from BBC News: Science & Nature
9 leading causes of bird deaths in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science