Archive of feed items published on the 10th of April 2014
C-Section: Procedure & Recovery from Live Science
Extinct Carnivorous Marsupial May Have Hunted Prey Larger Than Itself
Baidu's Perfect Paradox: Free Speech and the Right to Censor (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Aurora at Moonlight from
Antipsychotic Drugs Harm Older People, Let's Reduce Their Use (Op-Ed) from Live Science
102 Year Ago Today, The Titanic Set Sail: It Wasn't Simply Unlucky
The Science of Anatomy is Undergoing a Revival (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Memo to Congress: Protect Public Health, Not Toxic Chemicals (Op-Ed) from Live Science
The Poop Problem: What To Do With 10 Million Tons of Dog Waste (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Police taught to spot signs of psychiatric crisis from AP Health
Car fume cut easier than UN thought from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tropical islands poised to benefit from ocean power from SciDev
Ice Age Leafcutter Bee Fossils At La Brea Tar Pits
Upside To Age-Related Decline In Memory - Lower Risk Of Cancer Death
Apollo 11 checklist, spacesuit sold at NY auction from Physorg
Cuba plans own social media sites after US row from Physorg
Facebook smartphone chats pushed to Messenger app from Physorg
Russian cargo ship docks with space station from Physorg
Americans, Germans clash on US-EU trade standards from Physorg
Romania keeps ancient tradition of bee medicine alive from Physorg
Dropbox out to be a home in the Internet 'cloud' from Physorg
Israel launches new spy satellite from Physorg
One of IPhone founders leaving Apple from Physorg
Robotics changed my life: A troubled teen finds her calling in tech from CBSNews - Science
Tree Hugger cloth pads an alternative to disposables from CBC: Technology & Science
Review: Narrative Clip logs your life in photos from Physorg
Intel, SGI test 3M fluids for cooling effects from Physorg
Australia's NAB cuts ties with virtual currencies from Physorg
Toyota gas cars get efficient engine from hybrids from Physorg
Beauty from chaos from European Space Agency
Restaurant inspections: Why results can be hard to find from CBC: Health
Cheap 3D printer raises $1 million in a day on Kickstarter from Science Alert
Challenge to Titanic sinking theory from BBC News: Science & Nature
Heartbleed bug's government impact may go far beyond Revenue Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Dislike: Facebook May Hurt Women's Body Image from Live Science
Unlocking DNA technology in Nigeria from SciDev
Microgravity research helping to understand the fungi within from Physorg
Detecting infection with a microchip from Physorg
Reef fish arrived in two waves from Physorg
Camels emit less methane than cows or sheep from Physorg
Researchers Discover How the Kissing Disease Virus Hijacks Human Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Some signs police look for in psychiatric crises from AP Health
Fears free trade agreements will hamstring chemical legislation from Chemistry World
Centuries of global democracy have been provoked by who lived next door from Physorg
Researchers bolster development of programmable quantum computers from Physorg
Seeding success in India turns coconut dust into gold from Physorg
Researchers use common spray gun to create self-assembling nanoparticle films from Physorg
Dino-Killing Asteroid Impact Dwarfed by Earlier Space Rock Crash from
"Robotics changed my life": A troubled teen finds her calling in tech from CBSNews - Science
Review faults DFID’s approach to research evidence from SciDev
Researchers develop the first comprehensive map of geology beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet from Physorg
New research puts conventional theories about Titanic disaster on ice from Physorg
New report summarizes climate considerations on Navajo Nation lands from Physorg
Tiger beetle's chase highlights mechanical law from Physorg
NRAO, WVU expand broadband data network to bolster astronomy research from Physorg
Ethnically diverse neighbourhoods 'safer' from Physorg
NASA Astronaut Beams First Instagram Photo from Space from
Nanocrystalline copper turns CO into fuel from Chemistry World
Budget office sees billions more in contaminated sites cleanup costs from CBC: Technology & Science
Beating heart powers pacemaker from Physorg
New research unwraps the study of ancient Egypt from Physorg
Panasonic solar cell achieves world's highest energy conversion efficiency of 25.6% from Physorg
Researchers develop new tool to characterise disease epidemics in trees from Physorg
Sixteen year study of remote sea birds shows sub-annual breeding to maximise offspring from Physorg
Hard-to-Kill Star Survives Nearby Supernova Explosion (Video, Photos) from
6 Avoidable Job Interview Mistakes (And What to Do Instead) from Live Science
'Millions wasted' on flu drug from BBC News: Science & Nature
Blue whales: a look at Earth's largest animal from CBC: Technology & Science
Tree Hugger cloth pads an alternative to disposables from CBC: Technology & Science
Skull malformations in lions is a consequence of a combination of environmental and genetic factors from Physorg
Closing the loop on computer-aided design and manufacturing from Physorg
Quirky quark combination creates exotic new particle from Physorg
Morgentaler abortion clinic in Fredericton to close from CBC: Health
BlackBerry may exit handset busines, John Chen says from CBC: Technology & Science
Getting a whiff of climate change from Physorg
A new source for potassium fertilizer from Physorg
A quantum logic gate between light and matter from Physorg
Professor notes wait for Nobel science prizes is growing alarming long from Physorg
Researcher seeks novel pathogen detection technology for dairy farming from Physorg
New materials for capturing carbon dioxide from combustion gases from Physorg
New biomedical animations make their debut from Physorg
Icy research drills down on summer algae blooms from Physorg
What a black box can tell us about missing flight MH370 from Physorg
Into the abyss: Scientists explore one of Earth’s deepest ocean trenches from Science Blog
Mars scientist: Crater once held a lake after all from Science Blog
A novel way to make ethanol without corn or other plants from Science Blog
Growing crops on solar farms: Scientists model a win-win situation from Science Blog
New ‘switch’ could power quantum computing from Science Blog
Understanding cold-adapted yeasts to make cold beer from Science Blog
Stressful environments genetically affect African American boys from Science Blog
Fruit flies have latent bioluminescence from Science Blog
Gusev Crater Once Held a Lake After All, Says ASU Mars Scientist from Newswise - Scinews
Polymer-Peptide Conjugate Redirects Amyloid Fibril Growth from C&EN
BlackBerry may exit handset business, John Chen says from CBC: Technology & Science
Photos: Atlas 5 Rocket Set to Launch NROL-67 Spy Satellite from
Scientists urge better information before further conservation decisions are made in Australia from Physorg
Filter helps recover 80% of gold in mobile phone scrap from Physorg
The science of anatomy is undergoing a revival from Physorg
Electromagnetically induced transparency in a silicon nitride optomechanical crystal from Physorg
Solute redistribution profiles during rapid solidification of undercooled ternary Co-Cu-Pb alloy from Physorg
China looks to science and technology to fuel its economy from Physorg
Dissolving the future of coral reefs from Physorg
Researchers show fruit flies have latent bioluminescence from Physorg
New report provides solution to NEET challenge in UK and abroad from Physorg
China looks to science and technology to fuel its economy from Science Blog
Existing technique could accelerate metabolism to fight obesity from Science Blog
Forget the honeybadger: Tough marsupial may have hunted prey bigger than itself from Science Blog
Head injuries can make children loners from Science Blog
HIV battle must focus on hard-hit streets from Science Blog
Malaysia flight search costs U.S. military $7 million so far from Science Blog
Drug a dud for diastolic heart failure from Science Blog
USDA Researchers Go High-Tech to View Tiny Organisms from Science Blog
GM Asks Rocket Scientists for Help on Recalls from MSNBC: Science
Conventional theories about Titanic disaster put on ice: Risk of icebergs higher now than in 1912 from Science Daily
Mars: Gusev Crater once held a lake after all, scientist says from Science Daily
Scalable, universal quantum computer? Quantum information processed with system comprising optical photon and trapped atom from Science Daily
Counting the invisible by sound: New approach to estimate seabird populations from Science Daily
Call of cyber duty: Military academies take on NSA from Physorg
Experts disagree on horses with incoordination from Physorg
eBay ends Icahn dispute with board appointment from Physorg
What science communicators can learn from listening to people from Physorg
NASA's Operation IceBridge in search of ice change in Arctic from Physorg
La Brea Tar Pit fossil research shows climate change drove evolution of Ice Age predators from Physorg
Coral reefs of the Mozambique Channel a leading candidate for saving marine diversity from Physorg
Brainy courage of the rainbowfish from Physorg
Google Glass Virtual Tour Lets You See Inside New Solar Plane from Live Science
Have galactic 'radio loops' been mistaken for B-mode polarization? from Physics World
Nintendo brings 'Tomodachi' game to US, Europe from Physorg
Turkey keeps YouTube ban in place despite court orders from Physorg
Artificial cooling tricky topic for climate panel from AP Science
Neutrinos from space rain down from all directions from
Ontario proposes to pay for in vitro fertilization from CBC: Health
Hackers scanning for Heartbleed-affected servers from CBC: Technology & Science
Artificial cooling tricky topic for climate panel from Physorg
Researchers use DNA strands to create nanobot computer inside living animal from Physorg
Pseudo-mathematics and financial charlatanism from Physorg
Planaria deploy an ancient gene expression program in the course of organ regeneration from Physorg
Name of new weakly electric fish species reflects hope for peace in Central Africa from Physorg
Report disputes benefit of stockpiling Tamiflu from News @ Nature
Papyrus fragment put to test from Harvard Science
Sunlight generates hydrogen in new porous silicon from Science Daily
Microgravity research helping to understand the fungi within from Science Daily
Should you trust your financial advisor? Pseudo-mathematics and financial charlatanism from Science Daily
Creating new bone tissue generation technique from Science Daily
Unraveling what's behind the sniffles, hoping for treatment from Science Daily
Reef fish arrived in two waves, before and after mass extinction 66 million years ago from Science Daily
Fruit flies have latent bioluminescence, study shows from Science Daily
HIV battle must focus on hard-hit streets, paper argues from Science Daily
Brainy courage of the rainbowfish from Science Daily
Identified epigenetic factors associated with increased risk of developing cancer from Science Daily
Experts disagree on horses with incoordination from Science Daily
Antidepressants and breastfeeding can mix, study suggests from Science Daily
NAFLD is an independent cardiovascular risk factor: More evidence from Science Daily
There's no faking it: Your sexual partner knows if you're really satisfied from Science Daily
New prediction model to improve patient survival after paracetamol-related liver failure from Science Daily
Magnetization can surf on the top of a laser-induced sound wave from Science Daily
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder May Reflect a Propensity for Bad Habits from Science Daily
Lettuce rejoice! Scientists grow longer lasting salad from Science Daily
Neurofinance study confirms that financial decisions are made on an emotional basis from Science Daily
Camels emit less methane than cows or sheep from Science Daily
Using a person's own immune system to fight cancer: Phase I clinical trial of new immunotherapy beginning from Science Daily
New climate pragmatism framework prioritizes energy access to drive innovation and development from Science Daily
The motion of the medium matters for self-assembling particles from Science Daily
Emerging research suggests a new paradigm for 'unconventional superconductors' from Science Daily
Age does not predict success for those in court-based mental health treatment programs from Science Daily
Growth factor receptors may prompt metastatic spread of lung cancer from Science Daily
Dangerous ways computer worms are spreading among smartphones from Science Daily
Parasitic butterfly larvae mimic queen ant to avoid detection from Science Daily
Physical activity associated with lower rates of hospital readmission in patients with COPD from Science Daily
Rare leafcutter bee fossils reveal Ice Age environment at the La Brea Tar Pits from Science Daily
Extinct carnivorous marsupial may have hunted prey larger than itself from Science Daily
Skull malformations in lions: Keeping up the pressure from Science Daily
Breastfeeding and infant sleep: Are babies who wake to breastfeed at night trying to delay the birth of a sibling? from Science Daily
Scientists firm up origin of cold-adapted yeasts that make cold beer from Science Daily
Reasons for pain after 'successful' spinal surgery from Science Daily
One kind of supersymmetry shown to emerge naturally: Unique phenomenon in condensed matter system from Science Daily
Unusually Colorful Aurora Shimmers Over Alaska | Time-Lapse Video from
Watch Boeing's "Phantom Swift" X-Plane take vertical flight from CBSNews - Science
Inside view of ancient mummies from CBSNews - Science
Ancient 'spider' images reveal eye-opening secrets (w/ video) from Physorg
Genetic distinctness to guide global bird conservation from Physorg
Team solves decades-old mystery of how cells keep from bursting from Physorg
Enzyme 'wrench' could be key to stronger, more effective antibiotics from Physorg
Researchers determine how mechanical forces affect T-cell recognition and signaling from Physorg
Poor mimics can succeed as long as they mimic the right trait from Physorg
Sunlight generates hydrogen in new porous silicon from Physorg
Extending terrorism insurance program could lower federal costs, study finds from Physorg
Severe Tropical Cyclone Ita Menaces Northern Australia from Live Science
BMI or GPA: Can a Student Be Too Thin? from Live Science
App could cut jet lag short from
Focus on Poverty: Cash for sound climate plans from SciDev
'Indisputable' Proof Of A New Four-Quark Particle from PopSci
Hackers scanning for Heartbleed-affected servers from CBC: Technology & Science
The "Heartbleed" Internet Security Flaw: What You Need to Know from Scientific American
Study: Gutting of campaign finance laws enhances influence of corporations, rich from Science Blog
Beauty from chaos on Mars from Physorg
Enzyme 'Wrench' Could Be Key to Stronger, More Effective Antibiotics from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Determine How Mechanical Forces Affect T-Cell Recognition and Signaling from Newswise - Scinews
Planaria Deploy an Ancient Gene Expression Program in the Course of Organ Regeneration from Newswise - Scinews
Iconic Boreal Bird Species Declining in the Adirondacks, Study Says from Newswise - Scinews
Maine Medicaid rules reduce narcotic prescriptions from AP Health
Iraq scrambles to fight polio surge amid conflict from AP Health
The 100 most uniquely rare birds from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Lucky turtle gets prosthetic fin from BBC News: Science & Nature
Exotic space particles slam into buried South Pole detector from News @ Nature
Huge space rock rattled Earth 3 billion years ago from
Constructing Crowded Carbons from C&EN
Does Your Insurance Cover Terrorism?
Parallax Geometry Extreme: How Our Galaxy Measurements Just Got 10X More Accurate
Backtesting And Pseudo-Mathematics: The Road To Financial Charlatanism
Fruit Flies Have Latent Bioluminescence
Ruminate On This: Camels Emit Less Methane Than Cows Or Sheep
The Blood Moon Is Coming - Get Ready To Open That Sixth Seal
Breastfeeding, Infant Sleep And How Babies Are Defying An Evolutionary Mandate
Parasitic Amoeba Eats People Alive, Bite By Bite from PopSci
Podcast: Death by Amoeba, How Earth Became a Jigsaw, and Why Older Isn't Better from Science NOW
Celebrate Earth Day with NASA by Taking a 'Global Selfie' from
Prepping for Zero Gravity: Anti-Barf Briefings and Last-Minute Practice from
Classified US Spy Satellite to Launch Today @ 1:45 pm ET from
Virus structure inspires novel understanding of onion-like carbon nanoparticles from Physorg
Health of ecosystems on US golf courses from Physorg
Thermoelectric generator on glass fabric for wearable electronic devices from Physorg
Gutting of campaign finance laws enhances influence of corporations and wealthy Americans from Physorg
UK government report shows local police are not ready to fight cyber-crime from Physorg
Ancient Spider-Like Arachnid Revealed In X-Rays | Video from Live Science
Robert Redford film foretold Shor’s quantum computing bombshell from
Iconic boreal bird species declining in the Adirondacks, study says from Physorg
New research on gigabit wireless communications from Physorg
Researchers find rare fossilized embryos more than 500 million years old from Physorg
New towns going up in developing nations pose major risk to the poor from Physorg
Heartbleed Bug: How to Create Strong Passwords from Live Science
Researchers Bolster Development of Programmable Quantum Computers from Newswise - Scinews
Watch Proteins Do the Jitterbug from NY Times Science
ScienceTake: The Moral: Aesop Knew Something About Crows from NY Times Science
Papyrus Referring to Jesus’ Wife Is More Likely Ancient Than Fake, Scientists Say from NY Times Science
Exhibition Review: Natural History Museum Explores the Wonders of Pterosaurs from NY Times Science
Well: A ‘Code Death’ for Dying Patients from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: It’s Time for Africa’s Green Revolution, Focused on Corn from NY Times Science
Measles outbreaks in Canada outsize U.S. from CBC: Health
Houston, We've Got an Auction: Apollo 13 Astronaut's Mementos to be Sold from
First 'Exomoon' Around Alien Planet Possibly Found from
New Gene Map of Deadly Bird Flu Points to Pandemic Concerns from National Geographic
Fruit flies, fighter jets use similar nimble tactics when under attack (w/ Video) from Physorg
Plants evolve ways to control embryo growth from Physorg
Faraway Moon or Faint Star? Possible Exomoon Found from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Air Force launches spy satellite from Florida from AP Science
Flies manoeuvre like fighter jets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Smell wiring gets set early from
ScienceShot: Fleeing Fruit Flies Perform Fancy Flying from Science NOW
Cardiology Paper Retracted as Harvard Investigates 'Compromised' Data from Science NOW
Adorably Tiny Crayfish Discovered (and It's a Cannibal) from MSNBC: Science
Flies Fly Like Fighter Jets | Video from Live Science
Bank Hard! Flies Fly Like Fighter Jets to Evade Predators from Live Science
Images: 4-Eyed Daddy Longlegs Helps Explain Arachnid Evolution from Live Science
How Your Facebook Profile Predicts Whether You'll Be Good at Your Job from Live Science
Finding the Target: How Timing Is Critical in Establishing an Olfactory Wiring Map from Newswise - Scinews
Fruit Flies, Fighter Jets Use Similar Nimble Tactics When Under Attack from Newswise - Scinews
Shoo fly: pesky insect escapes using fighter jet maneuvers from Reuters:Science
Atlas rocket blasts off with secret U.S. military satellite from Reuters:Science
Child Who Inspired Virgin Galactic: Where Are You? | Video from
Space History Photo: Impact Landing Dynamics Facility Crash Test from
"Heartbleed" bug: Read this before changing your password from CBSNews - Science
IBM buys Internet marketing firm Silverpop from Physorg
How widespread is tax evasion? from Physorg
Faculty Council meeting held April 9 from Harvard Science
Measles outbreak has NYC doctors urging immunizations from Live Science
4-Eyed Daddy Longlegs Helps Explain Arachnid Evolution from Live Science
Air Force launches spy satellite from Florida from Physorg
Hubble extends stellar tape measure 10 times farther into space from Physorg
French IT staff get right to unplug from work from Physorg
Scroll that mentions Jesus's wife is ancient, scientists confirm from Physorg
Study shows 'dinosaurs of the turtle world' at risk in Southeast rivers from Physorg
Allergic? Fast New Test Tells For Sure from Live Science
Former German Minister Drops Her Fight to Reclaim Ph.D. from Science NOW
Heart doctors seek curbs on kidney-zapping hypertension device from CBC: Health
World ranking tracks evoluntionary distinctness of birds from Science Daily
'Dinosaurs of the turtle world' at risk in Southeast U.S. rivers from Science Daily
Tumor-suppressor connects with histone protein to hinder gene expression from Science Daily
Yeast provides genetic clues on drug response from Science Daily
Plants evolve ways to control embryo growth from Science Daily
How the brain pays attention: Identifying regions of the brain dealing with object-based, spacial attention from Science Daily
Fruit flies, fighter jets use similar nimble tactics when under attack from Science Daily
Finding the target: How timing is critical in establishing an olfactory wiring map from Science Daily
Uncovering a new angle on mental distance: Feeling closer leads to poor judgement of space from Science Daily
Common sense health for young adult cancer survivors from Science Daily
Gigabit wireless communications from Science Daily
Thermoelectric generator on glass fabric for wearable electronic devices from Science Daily
Development of programmable quantum computers from Science Daily
Virus structure inspires novel understanding of onion-like carbon nanoparticles from Science Daily
Rare fossilized embryos more than 500 million years old found from Science Daily
Health of ecosystems on US golf courses better than predicted from Science Daily
Enzyme 'wrench' could be key to stronger, more effective antibiotics from Science Daily
Nature: Poor mimics can succeed as long as they mimic the right trait from Science Daily
Mechanism that regulates lung function in disease Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome found from Science Daily
Ancient 'spider' images reveal eye-opening secrets from Science Daily
Researchers search for earliest roots of psychiatric disorders from Science Daily
Transcription factors distinguishing glioblastoma stem cells identified from Science Daily
Iconic boreal bird species declining in the Adirondacks from Science Daily
How mechanical forces affect t-cell recognition, signaling from Science Daily
Planaria deploy an ancient gene expression program in the course of organ regeneration from Science Daily
Head injuries can make children loners from Science Daily
How the kissing disease virus hijacks human cells from Science Daily
Patients over 65 have more complications after colorectal cancer surgery from Science Daily
Water users can reduce risk of spreading invasive species from Science Daily
Jesus wife papyrus not fake, analysis suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
In a crisis, fruit flies do stunt turns from
Viewing Guide: Watch Moon Turn Red During Total Lunar Eclipse from National Geographic
Scientists to begin construction on NASA spacecraft that will visit asteroid in 2018 from Physorg
Supernova cleans up its surroundings from Physorg
Antennae help flies 'cruise' in gusty winds from Physorg
Czech energy firm scraps nuclear plant expansion from Physorg
Fungal disease fatal to bats spreads to half of US from Physorg
Google releases developers kit defining Ara phone platform from Physorg
Google Glass available in US as of April 15 from Physorg
US warns Facebook on privacy in WhatsApp mega deal (Update) from Physorg
Single mothers don't delay marriage just to boost tax credit, study says from Physorg
Faraway moon or faint star? Possible exomoon found from Physorg
When Distant Galaxies Light Up: Modeling a Cosmic Slurp from Live Science
Our Furry Friends Now Are Shaped by Biotechnology from Scientific American
Space Legs for NASA's Robonaut 2 to Ride SpaceX Dragon Into Orbit from
Sir Richard Branson Wants to Track Down Kid Who Inspired Virgin Galactic (Video) from
NASA Eyes June Launch for Next Cygnus Cargo Mission from
'Blood Moons' Explained: What Causes a Lunar Eclipse Tetrad? (Infographic) from
No Forgery Evidence Seen in "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" Papyrus from National Geographic
US says cybersecurity sharing not an antitrust issue from Physorg
US Internet ad revenue surpasses broadcast from Physorg
Amazon's Bezos outlines grocery, drone plans from Physorg
NASA simulation portrays ozone intrusions from aloft from Physorg
Appearance of night-shining clouds has increased from Physorg
NASA sees hurricane-strength Tropical Cyclone Ita heading toward Queensland from Physorg
Tests Suggest 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' Is Authentic from Live Science
Food and Cooking Science from Live Science
Pickles increases energy policy role from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tiny Terror: Mini 'Tasmanian Tiger' Could Hunt Bigger Prey from MSNBC: Science
Liftoff! Atlas Rocket Launches U.S. Spy Satellite Into Orbit from MSNBC: Science
Company Plans To Make Paper Towels And Diapers Out Of Jellyfish from PopSci
Africa’s love supreme from Harvard Science
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Clip Shows Quick New Looks at Marvel's Space Team (Video) from
Simple Recipe for Star Formation Revealed from
ScienceShot: Jet-Lagged? There’s an App for That from Science NOW
Appearance of Night-Shining Clouds Has Increased from Science Blog
Scientific Tests Show 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' Wasn't Faked from MSNBC: Science
Out of This World: Astronomers May Have Spotted First 'Exomoon' from MSNBC: Science
What Can You Learn From Destroying Things? from MSNBC: Science
Genetically identical ants help unlock the secrets of larval fate from The Rockefeller University
Ancient spider had two sets of eyes, all the better to see you with from Science Blog
Date set for New Mexico dig for Atari 'E.T.' games from Physorg
Global warming not taken seriously: World Bank's Kim from Physorg
Wearable tech gaining momentum from Physorg
Physicists hope to find traces of dark matter by studying particles with low masses and interaction rates from Physorg
Geologists prove early Tibetan Plateau was larger than previously thought from Physorg
'Body Hack' App by Math Researchers Shortcuts Jet-Lag Recovery from Newswise - Scinews
Jet-Lagged? New App May Help from Live Science
Titanic Sunk During Average Iceberg Year from Live Science
Fungal disease fatal to bats spreads to half of US from AP Science
Dieters move past calories, food makers follow from AP Health
Researchers using math to whittle away at jet lag from AP Health
Atlas 5 rocket blasts off into space with spy satellite from CBSNews - Science
Medical Liability Isn't The Biggest Hidden Health Cost In America - But It's Big
Early Tibetan Plateau Larger Than Previously Thought - And Younger Too
4-Quark Hadron Confirmed At LHC
Lockheed to begin building asteroid sampler for NASA from Reuters:Science
Living With Cancer: Bedtime Issues from NY Times Health
Well: Drinking Milk Linked to Arthritis Relief from NY Times Health
Mexican police issue 'ransom ware' virus warning from Physorg
Astronomers suggest more accurate star formation rates from Physorg
Congress clashes over online domain name oversight from Physorg
Amazon to buy digital comics company from Physorg
Former NIH stem-cell chief joins New York foundation from News @ Nature
Researchers show fruit flies have latent bioluminescence from Biology News Net
Plants evolve ways to control embryo growth from Biology News Net
Ancient 'spider' images reveal eye-opening secrets from Biology News Net
U.S. Park Service Nixes Immediate Genetic Rescue of Isle Royale Wolves from Science NOW
Sixty Languages at Risk of Extinction in Mexico—Can They Be Kept Alive from National Geographic
If The Gospel Of Jesus' Wife Is A Forgery, It Isn't A Modern One
Lab-Grown Vaginas Implanted in 4 Girls from Live Science
VIDEO: Close-up: Sub ready to locate MH370 from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Below deck of Syria chemical destroyer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bullous pemphigoid: how it affects the body from CBC: Health
Flies Use Fighter-Jet Tricks to Dodge the Flyswatter from MSNBC: Science
Scientists grow viable vaginas from girls' own cells from Reuters:Science
Sneak a peek through the mist to technology of the future (w/ video) from Physorg
Global poverty could be up to a third higher than reported from Physorg
'Megaload' Convoys Blocked From Traveling Scenic River Route | Video from Live Science
Join in the Cassini Name Game from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
UN set to warn over 'dash for gas' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Huffington’s awakening from Harvard Science
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos offers update on groceries, drones from CBSNews - Science
Cost Skyrockets for United States' Share of ITER Fusion Project from Science NOW
3D Tumors Are Printed in the Lab from Live Science
New Mexico dig starts soon for Atari’s poorly received E.T. video game from CBC: Technology & Science
Mars Descent Parachute Rips In Rocket Sled Test | Video from
LAUSD should let this science teacher teach from LA Times - Science
European Union Debates Initiative on Embryo Protection from NY Times Health
Demystifying Driving's Dilemma Zone from Live Science
Raining Frogs & Fish: A Whirlwind of Theories from Live Science
The Texas Tribune: Digging Up Old Drilling Logs to Strike Not Oil, but Water from NY Times Science
Fat and Fit? There's No Such Thing for Most People (Op-Ed) from Live Science
A Complex Cocktail: Alcohol, Sex and Cute Monogamous Mammals (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Iceberg Study Sinks Old Theories About the Titanic's Loss from MSNBC: Science
5 Patients Get Nose Reconstruction With Cartilage Grown From Their Own Cells
Aurora at Moonlight from Live Science
Who Invented the Bicycle? from Live Science
With Money to be Made, Wind Power Booms in Oil-Rich Texas (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Diagnosis: Broken Medical System. Cure: Complicated (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Cities on frontline of climate change struggle from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA Tests Supersonic Flying Saucer for Future Mars Missions from MSNBC: Science
Lab-grown private parts cure a rare disorder from Science Alert
FEATURE: What Rodin's hand sculptures can teach you about anatomy from Science Alert
Acoustic metamaterial can be reconfigured in a jiffy from Physics World
This software lets you see how your children will age from Science Alert
Biodegradable diapers made out of jellyfish from Science Alert