Archive of feed items published on the 23rd of October 2009
By Degrees: Sweden Looks to Diet to Cut Global Warming from NY Times Science
Polar Bear Habitat Proposed for Alaska from NY Times Science
Fossil Skeleton Known as Ida Is No Ancestor of Humans from NY Times Science
Proposed Water Plant Raises Growth Issues in Marin County from NY Times Science
Battling Addiction With Those Who Know It Best from NY Times Health
Research Uproar at a Cancer Clinic from NY Times Health
Senate May Include Public Option in Health Bill from NY Times Health
Drug Makers Post Strong Profits, but Future Is Murky from NY Times Health
Fear Over Swine Flu Closes Schools in Iraq from NY Times Health
Flu Vaccine Requirement for Health Workers Is Lifted from NY Times Health
Sask. TV stations join fee fight from CBC: Technology & Science
'Difficult-to-treat asthma' may be due to difficult-to-treat patients from Science Blog
Patients in US 5 times more likely to spend last days in ICU than patients in England from Science Blog
Important new novel 2009 H1N1 flu advisory for cardiopulmonary transplantation from Science Blog
Time is relative, playing devils advocate with myself..and maybe you.. from Science Blog
Critical habitat in Alaska is proposed for polar bears from LA Times - Science
Sheldon J. Segal dies at 83; scientist led development of long-lasting contraceptives from LA Times - Science
Scientists seek origins of obesity in the womb from AP Science
Kan., Okla. conduct joint livestock disease drill from AP Science
Biomed Analysis: Mothers' health needs targeted science from SciDev
MIT prepares to welcome President Obama from MIT Research
Parallel course from MIT Research
Renewable fuels may have hidden costs, study says from MIT Research
All wired up from MIT Research
'Most distant' galaxy group spied from BBC News: Science & Nature
Carbenes catalyse metal-metal bonds in organometallics from Chemistry World
Nanoscience brings artworks back to life from Chemistry World
Roses are red, roses are blue - and on sale in Japan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Epic humpback whale battle filmed from BBC News: Science & Nature
SciDev.Net survey results: How are we doing? from SciDev
Passport, please: Stowaway grasshopper first of its kind in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Reprogramming a patient's eye cells may herald new treatments against degenerative disease
General anaesthetics lead to learning disabilities in animal models
Patients in US 5 times more likely to spend last days in ICU than patients in England from Physorg
Important new novel 2009 H1N1 flu advisory for cardiopulmonary transplantation from Physorg
A possible explanation to the Pioneer Anomaly from Science Blog
Pregnant women who are lesbians want to be treated like any other expectant mother
Cocaine exposure during pregnancy leads to impulsivity in male, not female, monkeys
Alaska critical habitat for polar bear declared
How white is a paper?
Oxygen exchangers increase propene yield
Small number of partnerships make substantial contribution to biodiversity
Promises to be more environmentally friendly are honoured in practice
Male Australian redback spiders employ courtship strategies to preserve their life
Taking medicine for HIV proves hard to swallow for many people
New UK study suggests minimal relationship between cannabis and schizophrenia or psychosis
Humpback whale alters song if another one sings along from
Google co-founder Brin prefers Yahoo! without Bing from Physorg
'Difficult-to-treat asthma' may be due to difficult-to-treat patients from Physorg
New research suggests how low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke from Physorg
NY officials rescind mandatory H1N1 flu shot order from Physorg
A gene critical for speech from
Space instruments provide evidence of the warming of the Earth's surface temperature
Climate models don't tell the full story
What you see is not always what you do
Female choice benefits mothers more than offspring
Are US and European plovers really birds of a feather?
Small hairy balls make food healthier
Researchers make key step towards turning methane gas into liquid fuel
Attending community college does make you richer
SKorea's Hynix finally swings to profit from Physorg
New robot skier takes to the slopes (w/ Video) from Physorg
Solar lantern lights up rural India's dark nights from Physorg
Scientists seek origins of obesity in the womb from Physorg
Poll: US belief in global warming is cooling from Physorg
Paradigm shift: How Galileo's spy glass upended science from Physorg
Scientists seek origins of obesity in the womb from AP Health
Kan., Okla. conduct joint livestock disease drill from Physorg
Mexico pushing for homegrown swine flu vaccine from Physorg
Biochemical 'on-switch' could solve protein purification challenge
Scientists create NICE solution to pneumonia vaccine testing problems
The white stuff: Marine lab team seeks to understand coral bleaching
Rocket Test Flight Comes at Crucial Time for NASA from
Amelia Earhart's Scarf Flying to Space from
Robotic Craft Mimics Falling Maple Seeds from Live Science
Even low alcohol consumption has a negative impact on overall health from Physorg
Bacteria power micro-ratchet from Physics World
NIST physicists turn to radio dial for finer atomic matchmaking
New research suggests how low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke
Getting on 'the GABA receptor shuttle' to treat anxiety disorders
New evidence of culture in wild chimpanzees
New clinical guidelines for exacerbations in cystic fibrosis
Team led by Scripps Research and UC San Diego scientists reveals secrets of drought resistance
Synthetic cells shed biological insights while delivering battery power
Even low alcohol consumption has a negative impact on overall health
'Difficult-to-treat asthma' may be due to difficult-to-treat patients
Patients in US 5 times more likely to spend last days in ICU than patients in England
Flu shots not to be sneezed at
WWF: We Have Until 2014 To Stop Global Warming from PopSci
Building bigger from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tiger skin trade in China exposed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists nail quail mystery from Physorg
Greeks uncorked French passion for wine from Physorg
The Explosive Disintegration of a Young Stellar System in Orion from Physorg
Judge dismisses 'Adult Services' Craigslist suit from Physorg
Windows upgrades lower Microsoft profit 18 percent from Physorg
Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases: A Bottleneck Effect? from Science Blog
Caltech scientists solve decade-long mystery of nanopillar formations
Miscounting bioenergy benefits may increase greenhouse gas release
Regulating emotion after experiencing a sexual assault
Quick and easy diagnosis for mitochondrial disorders
Time-keeping brain neurones discovered
What Comes After Hard Drives? from Physorg
Parallel course: Researchers help ease transition to parallel programming from Physorg
Friendship is mainly about 'me, me and me' from Physorg
Sanford Barsky, M.D., University of Nevada School of Medicine and Nevada Cancer Institute faculty member publishes scientific paper in the journal Nature from Science Blog
Boys with urogenital birth defects are 33 percent more common in villages sprayed with DDT from Science Blog
Smoking cabbie caused child's asthma attack: mom from CBC: Health
N.B. home support workers urged to get swine flu shot from CBC: Health
Miniature-horse therapy added to seniors program from CBC: Health
Energy reports 'a waste of time' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Autumnwatch: Ballet of the knot from BBC News: Science & Nature
Peru: Complementary medicine 'cost effective' from SciDev
Sensory deprivation can produce hallucinations in only 15 minutes from Physorg
Galaxy Cluster Smashes Distance Record from Science Daily
Boys With Urogenital Birth Defects Are 33 Percent More Common In Villages Sprayed With DDT from Science Daily
Genome Of Microbe Silently Shaping Ecology Of Ocean Dead Zones Described from Science Daily
Syphilis Survey Reveals Need For Accurate Testing For Early Infection from Science Daily
Stereotypes Can Fuel Teen Misbehavior from Science Daily
Important New Novel 2009 H1N1 Flu Advisory For Cardiopulmonary Transplantation from Science Daily
'Difficult-to-treat Asthma' May Be Due To Difficult-to-treat Patients from Science Daily
US Patients Five Times More Likely To Spend Last Days In ICU Than Patients In England from Science Daily
Vaccines and the Assault on Health from Science Blog
Methane all bound up from Chemistry World
What’s in a pill? from Chemistry World
Men Who Voted for McCain Saw Testosterone Drop from Live Science
Uruguay provides every primary school pupil with laptop from SciDev
Bacterial infection spreading in Colombia from SciDev
The correlation between incidental NAFLD and carotid atherosclerosis from Physorg
Transforming nanowires into nano-tools using cation exchange reactions from Physorg
All wired up: Professor explains how technology really helps the economy from Physorg
Ontario to outlaw texting in traffic from CBC: Technology & Science
How does emodin protect rat liver from fibrogenesis? from Physorg
Boys with urogenital birth defects are 33 percent more common in villages sprayed with DDT from Physorg
Seeing Previously Invisible Molecules for the First Time from Physorg
Critical habitat proposed for polar bears from UPI
Microsoft shares soar despite profit drop from CBC: Technology & Science
'Dutch' Batavians more Roman than thought from Physorg
Amino Acid May Help Reduce Cocaine Cravings from Science Daily
Cognitive Problems Are Direct Result Of Cocaine Exposure, New Animal Research Suggests from Science Daily
Chronic Voluntary Alcohol Consumption Impairs Neurogenesis from Science Daily
Stocks Higher on Microsoft Earnings from CBSNews - Science
Could a Human Beat a T. Rex In Arm Wrestling? from PopSci
Rare bird sighting draws hundreds from BBC News: Science & Nature
Biosensor to help enlist cancer resistance fighters? from Physorg
Trembling hands and molecular handshakes from Physorg
A Study of Vision in Relation to the Mind and how it Relates to the 'I' or the 'Self' from Science Blog
What Is Life? from Science Blog
'Who' Produces Dreams In The Mind? from Science Blog
Iberian wolves prefer wild roe deer to domestic animals from Science Blog
Seeing previously invisible molecules for the first time from Science Blog
Penn study: Transforming nanowires into nano-tools using cation exchange reactions from Science Blog
Making the best of attending a mega conference: hitting the sweet spot of the people and knowledge intersection from Science Blog
NASA needs funding boost to fulfill goals from UPI
Highlight: Capturing quasiparticles from Physorg
Seeing Previously Invisible Molecules For The First Time from Science Daily
Transforming Nanowires Into Nano-tools Using Cation Exchange Reactions from Science Daily
Iberian Wolves Prefer Wild Roe Deer To Domestic Animals from Science Daily
Trembling Hands And Molecular Handshakes from Science Daily
Poisonous spider demands courting from UPI
Wind turbine research set for Lake Ontario from CBC: Technology & Science
H1N1 vaccine a tough sell to pregnant women from LA Times - Health
Swine flu surges in California, but vaccine remains scarce from LA Times - Health
Anti-cancer agent could be used to prevent premature birth from Physorg
Is duodenal biopsy necessary in celiac disease diagnosis for children and adults? from Physorg
Learning the risks for stroke -- and taking action from Physorg
Africa world's fastest growing mobile phone market from Physorg
Sunken WWI British sub found in Baltic Sea from UPI
Algae foam killing thousands of sea birds from UPI
Parkinson's patients test gum to help swallowing from CBC: Health
U.K.'s lone polar bear moves to new home from CBC: Technology & Science
Red wine with meat not fish? It's science! from MSNBC: Science
Penn Museum casts new light on ancient Iraq from MSNBC: Science
Patient Money: Leave No Leaf Unchecked This Evergreen Period from NY Times Health
Technical fixes needed to stem crop losses from SciDev
Electricity sparks better HIV vaccine response from SciDev
Thinking big — and expensive — in the Saudi desert from SciDev
Why antidepressants don't work for so many from Physorg
New insight in the fight against the Leishmania parasite from Physorg
Iberian wolves prefer wild roe deer to domestic animals from Physorg
Tuesday wettest day of week in Manchester, suggests new analysis from Physorg
Why Do We Need The Unconscious? from Science Blog
Plastic Surgery 2009 news briefs from Science Blog
New insight in the fight against the Leishmania parasite from Science Blog
Newly Discovered Network of Moon Tunnels Could House Lunar Colonists from PopSci
Making a cellular menagerie from News @ Nature
Fatal frog fungal disease figured out from News @ Nature
Bigger Creatures Have Bigger Blood Cells from Live Science
EphA4 -- the molecular transformer from Physorg
Altruism: Genetic or Cultural Evolution? from Physorg
Researcher: Seniors need high-tech help from UPI
Who Don't Antidepressants Work?
News Analysis: Shortages, Confusion and Rumors in a Fight Against Flu from NY Times Health
Malawi could be the cradle of humankind from Reuters:Science
Sudden moves spark brain battle from News @ Nature
Making a cellular menagerie from News @ Nature
Expedition observes hundreds of marine creatures in oil slick from Physorg
Study finds best use of insulin as diabetes progresses from Physorg
Long-term treatment with proton pump inhibitor can increase weight from Physorg
Women, teenagers seek arsenic-free water from UPI
Jock the Vote: Election Outcomes Affect Testosterone Levels in Men from Scientific American
NASA: Rocket Test Won't Endanger Space Shuttle from
POLL: Who Should Build Big Space Rockets Like Ares I? from
FORUM: How Do We Track Galaxy Motions? from
How Bacteria Get Past Our Defenses from Live Science
NASA Mission to Study the Moon's Fragile Atmosphere from Science @ NASA
News Analysis: Shortages, Confusion and Rumors in Flu Fight from NY Times Science
Gender Differences, Even In The Prenatal Brain
Probing Question: What is citizen journalism? from Physorg
Openings begin in Broadcom backdating trial from Physorg
New from NASA, an iPhone application from Physorg
Swine flu pediatric deaths in US rise to 95 from Physorg
Prevent tomato late blight next growing season from Physorg
Why antidepressants don't work for so many from Science Blog
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology from Science Blog
Nuclear imaging used to study coral killer from UPI
NASA Researchers Explore Lightning's NOx-ious Impact on Pollution, Climate from Physorg
Denmark urges agreement on climate change funds from Physorg
A serving of soy a day can help keep breast cancer away from Physorg
Biofuel for commercial flights by 2010: IATA from Physorg
The truth about swine flu: Separating fact and rumor from Physorg
Weight Loss 'Maintainers' Have Fewer TVs at Home from Physorg
"Haunted People" Potentially Explained: A Mind-Body Basis for Anomalous Perceptions from Science Blog
Bottlenecks made humans less diverse from MSNBC: Science
Saving sand: South Carolina beaches become a model for preservation from Physorg
Sex-based prenatal brain differences found from Physorg
Childhood cancer survivors experience suicidal thoughts decades after diagnosis from Physorg
WHO: nearly 5,000 swine flu deaths worldwide from Physorg
Pepsi Nixes "Score with Women" iPhone App from CBSNews - Science
Lotus plant study aids engineers from UPI
Fish mercury warning issued in Alberta from CBC: Health
Lewisporte won't lose X-ray lab: health minister from CBC: Health
What Really Scares People: Top 10 Phobias from Live Science
Evidence Alexander the Great Wasn't First at Alexandria from Live Science
Navy Researchers Apply Science to Fire Fighting from Physorg
Canada enters 2nd wave of H1N1 from CBC: Health
Small business needs 'free' thinking, Wired editor says from CBC: Technology & Science
Hurricane Forcing: Can Tropical Cyclones Be Stopped? from Scientific American
Screening Endocrine Disrupters from C&EN
Pollutants Boost Lead Paint Hazard from C&EN
US swine flu deaths surpass 1,000 from Physorg
Galaxy group most distant ever seen from CBC: Technology & Science
Whiskered Robots from Live Science
Adolescents' gambling a part of a cluster of problem behaviors from Physorg
More women choosing preventive double mastectomies from Physorg
Scientists link fat hormone to death from potentially deadly blood infection from Physorg
Protein helps plants survive drought from UPI
Group pushes for energy council from UPI
Childhood cancer survivors experience suicidal thoughts decades after diagnosis from Science Blog
Adolescents' gambling a part of a cluster of problem behaviors from Science Blog
Canadian scientists link fat hormone to death from potentially deadly blood infection from Science Blog
Saving sand: South Carolina beaches become a model for preservation from Science Blog
Despite risk, older African-Americans more likely than others to avoid flu vaccine from Science Blog
Arctic sediments show that 20th century warming is unlike natural variation from Science Blog
Facebook tweaks home page based on feedback from Physorg
Time-keeping Brain Neurons Discovered from Science Daily
Long-term Treatment With Proton Pump Inhibitor Can Increase Weight from Science Daily
Spider Web Glue Spins Society Toward New Biobased Adhesives from Science Daily
Stem Cells Offer New Hope For Kidney Disease Patients from Science Daily
World's longest cave formation still growing from
Drug-makers aim to boost Tamiflu supply for kids from CBC: Health
Winnipeg city politicians mixed on H1N1 shot from CBC: Health
Belkin recalls TuneBase for fire risk from CBC: Technology & Science
Can A Number Solve the Climate Change Conundrum? from Scientific American
Mastodon Tusk May Be Largest Ever Uncovered In NYS from Physorg
Alexander the Great: not first at Alexandria? from MSNBC: Science
Long Night Falls Over Saturn's Rings from Science Daily
Analysis of Congressional health reform bills highlights similarities, differences, costs from Science Blog
Concurrent imaging of metabolic and electric signals in the heart from Science Blog
A long night falls over Saturn's rings from Science Blog
Philippines breathing easier as Typhoon Lupit turns north from Science Blog
NASA satellite still sees heavy rainfall in Tropical Storm Neki from Science Blog
This Week in the Future, October 19-23, 2009 from PopSci
Largest solar panel plant in US rises in Fla. from AP Science
Prescriptions: Managing Disease Without Insurance from NY Times Health
Identical triplets born in N.B. from CBC: Health
First Nations set up H1N1 action plans from CBC: Health
Government quiet on new net neutrality rules from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA Clears New Rocket For Tuesday Launch Test from
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Nothing to Fear From the Big Bald Wolf from Science NOW
Finding the seat of language? from Harvard Science
Eat, drink and -- just maybe -- prevent diabetes from LA Times - Health
Diabetes drugs may leave heart at greater risk from LA Times - Health
Michelle Obama highlights breast cancer awareness from AP Health
Economics: The Purpose Of Business
IVF Insurance Coverage Yields Fewer Multiple Births, Researchers Find from Science Daily
Copenhagen 'backup' group meets from BBC News: Science & Nature
At Web 2.0 Summit, the Party's Back On from CBSNews - Science
Cleanliness is next to godliness: New research shows clean smells promote moral behavior from Science Blog
President Obama lights up MIT from MIT Research
Diabetes drug may also help in weight loss from LA Times - Science
Flu-like illnesses now higher than at peak of seasonal flu season from LA Times - Health
Flu-like illnesses now higher than at peak of seasonal flu season from LA Times - Science
H1N1 vaccine a tough sell to pregnant women from LA Times - Science
Diabetes drug may also help in weight loss from LA Times - Science
A BATTLE FOR CONTROL from LA Times - Health
Gastric bypass: Is it a diabetes fix? from LA Times - Health
Diabetes: the basics from LA Times - Health
Children adapt to Type 1 diabetes from LA Times - Health
Link between diabetes and heart disease scrutinized from LA Times - Health
Incretin therapy shows promise from LA Times - Health
How to save money on diabetes supplies and care from LA Times - Health
Diabetes may create a chasm between patient, doctor from LA Times - Health
Patients kick the insulin habit through diet, exercise from LA Times - Health
You might be 'fluphobic' if ... from Physorg
Cave system on Mars? from LA Times - Science
Carl Icahn Resigns from Yahoo's Board from CBSNews - Science
Cleanliness is next to godliness: New research shows clean smells promote moral behavior from Science Blog
Analysis of Congressional health reform bills highlights similarities, differences, costs from Science Blog
Concurrent imaging of metabolic and electric signals in the heart from Science Blog
A long night falls over Saturn's rings from Science Blog
Philippines breathing easier as Typhoon Lupit turns north from Science Blog
NASA satellite still sees heavy rainfall in Tropical Storm Neki from Science Blog
Childhood cancer survivors experience suicidal thoughts decades after diagnosis from Science Blog
Adolescents' gambling a part of a cluster of problem behaviors from Science Blog
City Focuses on Recession-Proof Health Care Jobs from NY Times Health
Food Label Program to Suspend Operations from NY Times Health
Ignacio Ponseti, Hero to Many With Clubfoot, Dies at 95 from NY Times Health
Pelosi Intensifies Pressure on House Democrats for Government Insurance Plan from NY Times Health
Business Briefing | Legal and Regulatory Matters: Eli Lilly Settles Zyprexa Suit With South Carolina from NY Times Health
World Briefing | Africa: Nigeria: Help for Fighting Malaria from NY Times Health
Carefully Cleaning Up the Garbage at Los Alamos from NY Times Science
E.P.A. Agrees to Deadline in ’11 for Setting Rules on Mercury Emissions from NY Times Science
Treatment For Epilepsy Is Possible Culprit For Development Of Schizophrenia from Science Daily
Sensing Disasters From Space: 'Earth Binoculars' See Our Planet Through An Astral Lens from Science Daily
No Elder Left Behind: Researchers Say Designers Can Help Close Tech Gap from Science Daily
Female Choice Benefits Mothers More Than Offspring from Science Daily
General Anesthetics Lead To Learning Disabilities In Animal Models from Science Daily
Mechanism For Neuron Self-preservation Discovered from Science Daily
Immune System Quirk Could Lead To Effective Tularemia Vaccine from Science Daily
Salmon Migration Mystery Explored On Idaho's Clearwater River from Science Daily
Cocaine Exposure During Pregnancy Leads To Impulsivity In Male, Not Female, Monkeys from Science Daily
Biologically Active 'Scaffold' May Help Humans Replace Lost Or Missing Bone from Science Daily
Drinking Coffee Slows Progression Of Liver Disease In Chronic Hepatitis C Sufferers, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Ethiopia's Climate 27 Million Years Ago Had Higher Rainfall, Warmer Soil from Science Daily
Inventive Approach May Improve Enzyme Replacement Therapy For Fabry Disease from Science Daily
New Artificial Enzyme Safer For Nature from Science Daily
Well-educated Women Hardest Hit By Breast Cancer from Science Daily