Archive of feed items published on the 5th of October 2009
Radioactive homes need rules from Science Alert
Wanted: Pot Critic With Shrewd Taste and Medical Need from NY Times Health
Early Births Take a Toll, Group Says from NY Times Health
Global death toll: 1 million premature babies every year from Biology News Net
New type of genetic change identified in inherited cancer from Biology News Net
Elderly help shape cities from Science Alert
Child burn injuries down significantly from Science Blog
National report shines light on lupus 50-year treatment drought from Science Blog
Study: The new buzz on detecting tinnitus
Photodynamic therapy effective for certain head and neck cancers
Radiofrequency energy technique as effective as tonsillectomy surgery
New type of genetic change identified in inherited cancer
Understanding a cell's split personality aids synthetic circuits
Mekong countries need to ready themselves for climate impacts
UNC study pinpoints gene controlling number of brain cells
Treating traumatic brain injuries from LA Times - Health
Treating traumatic brain injuries from LA Times - Science
Anatomy of a concussion from LA Times - Science
Stress, fatigue plague patients with allergic rhinitis and obstructive sleep apnea
Designing drugs and their antidotes together improves patient care
Study finds 231 new genes associated with head and neck cancer
Team finds a better way to watch bacteria swim
Minimally invasive procedure effective for treating snoring
Tai Chi may be an effective treatment for dizziness, balance issues
Many patients with sleep apnea also suffer from GI tract conditions
Cosmetic eyelid surgery can boost quality of life for patients
Hoarseness predominates in vocal health issues for inner city children
Prompt diagnosis of ear infections can improve outcome for organ transplant recipients
Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis have increased incidence of other chronic illnesses
The Red Sox' swing doctor from MIT Research
Extreme squirreling teams sought from BBC News: Science & Nature
Robot that think like fish could prevent car crashes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Alternative medicine use increasing for patients suffering with chronic rhinosinusitis
Brazilians judge facial beauty differently than North Americans
Curcumin may inhibit nicotine-induced activation of head and neck cancers
Battery ingestion not uncommon in children; caregivers and physicians need education
Americans concerned about heart health, but not proactive enough to prevent it from Science Blog
US trio win Nobel Medicine Prize from Physorg
IT to generate 5.8 million new jobs by 2013: IDC from Physorg
Grieving monkeys drink own milk from BBC News: Science & Nature
The Nobel in medicine is going to Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak
3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize from AP Health
Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded for enzyme research from CBC: Health
3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize from AP Science
Child burn injuries down significantly (w/ Video) from Physorg
Captive turtle found to have infectious disease from Physorg
Malaysian officials save endangered Malayan tiger from Physorg
Nobel prize for chromosome find from BBC News: Science & Nature
Three Americans win 2009 Nobel for medicine from Reuters:Science
Americans concerned about heart health, but not proactive enough to prevent it from Physorg
Devices locate kids, parents find peace of mind from Physorg
3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize from MSNBC: Science
More sex and grapefruit to keep you young? from Chemistry World
National report shines light on lupus 50-year treatment drought from Physorg
Government finds higher autism figure: 1 in 100 from Physorg
Energy-from-waste powers US army from BBC News: Science & Nature
Root mapping to help crops from Science Alert
High CO2 could starve corals from Science Alert
The New York City Fire Department to Fight Fire with a Firewall from Scientific American
3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize from LA Times - Science
Nobel in Medicine goes to 3 Americans from CBSNews - Science
The 2009 Ig Nobel prizewinners from Physorg
NZ adult literacy in decline from Science Alert
Scan may find melanoma earlier from Science Alert
U.S. scientists win Nobel Prize-medicine from UPI
Vonage releases calling app for iPhone, BlackBerry from Physorg
Americans concerned about heart health, but not proactive enough to prevent it from Science Blog
Child burn injuries down significantly from Science Blog
National report shines light on lupus 50-year treatment drought from Science Blog
Prompt diagnosis of ear infections can improve outcome for organ transplant recipients from Science Blog
Battery ingestion not uncommon in children; caregivers and physicians need education from Science Blog
Many patients with sleep apnea also suffer from GI tract conditions from Science Blog
Alternative medicine use increasing for patients suffering with chronic rhinosinusitis from Science Blog
Curcumin may inhibit nicotine-induced activation of head and neck cancers from Science Blog
First Aus woman wins Nobel from Science Alert
Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to U.S. trio from CBC: Technology & Science
Nobel Prize in Medicine shared by three U.S. genetic researchers from Scientific American
Jack Szostak 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine from Harvard Science
For Women, Sex and Happiness Go Hand-in-Hand from Live Science
England first as game live on Internet, in cinemas from Physorg
FDA OKs IUD for heavy menstrual bleeding from UPI
Green Roofs Curb Global Warming, Study Finds from Live Science
Ahead of the Bell: Brocade shares jump from Physorg
NASA sponsors water recycling competition from UPI
Quebec plans to sue Big Tobacco for health costs from CBC: Health
Aging Breakthrough Gets Nobel Prize in Medicine from Live Science
3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize from MSNBC: Science
Toxic metals removed, faster from Science Alert
Our Changing View of the Moon from
Cities Chop Down Stinky Ginko Trees from Live Science
Minimally invasive procedure effective for treating snoring from Physorg
Prostate cancer gives a new outlook on life from Physorg
Fruit juices contain more vitamin C than their labels indicate from Physorg
Death by light: Nanoparticles as agents for the photodynamic killing of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from Physorg
Where religious belief and disbelief meet from Science Blog
Nobel Prize in medicine awards discovery of telomeres and telomerase from
Color Sensors For Better Vision from Science Daily
Ultra-fine Particles, Particularly Harmful To Health, Can Now Be Traced from Science Daily
Alternative medicine use increasing for patients suffering with chronic rhinosinusitis from Physorg
The Athenians: Another warning from history? from Physorg
Scientists Use Inkjet Printer to Manipulate Genes in New Ways from Physorg
Smoking during pregnancy a cause of social inequality in stillbirths from Physorg
Intensive care units poorly equipped to care for the dying from Physorg
Homebush clean-up successful from Science Alert
Some Krumbleeze cookies recalled in Canada from UPI
Nobel in medicine honors discoveries of telomeres and telomerase from
Wi-Fi signals can see through walls from Physorg
Global broadband quality improves but UK is lagging from Physorg
Motorola Provides World's First Live 2.6GHz TD-LTE Drive Demonstration from Physorg
Filming photons, one million times a second from Physorg
Scientists Study Holstein Milk Production, Fertility from Physorg
Nobel Prize In Medicine from C&EN
Tolerating Hydrocarbon Fuels from C&EN
One-Two Punch On Climate Change from C&EN
Cleantech Investments Surge from C&EN
3 U.S. scientists share Nobel Prize in medicine from LA Times - Science
N.W.T. team to offer FASD diagnoses, support from CBC: Health
Court halts Ohio execution, cites injection flaws from AP Science
Physicists seek to keep next-gen colliders in one piece from Physorg
Post-Racial? NC State Expert Weighs In On the Current State of Race Relations from Physorg
Light Shed On The Secret Behind Probiotic Bacteria Promoting Health from Science Daily
Water weed given new life as fabric from SciDev
Transparent fish helping to shine new light on how we move from Physorg
Solving the Period Problem: Researchers Develop Sanitary Pads from Local, Organic Materials from Physorg
Corals 'could starve in high CO2' from Physorg
Rising premature births require more support from CBC: Health
Battery ingestion not uncommon in children; caregivers and physicians need education from Physorg
FDA panel backs Schering-Plough cancer drug from AP Health
Bristol-Myers gets EU approval for diabetes drug from AP Health
Exoplanet's atmosphere 'rains' pebbles from UPI
Three Americans Share Nobel Prize for Medicine from NY Times Science
Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin from Reuters:Science
The No. 1 Question About Swine Flu Vaccine: When? from NY Times Health
Swine flu science update: 5 October 2009 from SciDev
Adobe to release Flash player for mobile - except iPhone from CBC: Technology & Science
Rabies antibody is tested in India from UPI
Telomere Copy Protection: Nobel Goes To Scientists Who Solved How Chromosome Ends Work from Science Daily
Multivisceral Transplant Survival Rates Improve With New Treatment, Study Finds from Science Daily
Physicists Seek To Keep Next-gen Colliders In One Piece from Science Daily
Asthmatic Children: Did Mom Use Her Pump During Pregnancy? from Science Daily
Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms Discovered from Live Science
US online ads fell 5 pct to $5.43 billion in 2Q from Physorg
Building a better qubit: Combining 6 photons together results in highly robust qubits from Physorg
Depression predicts increases in inflammatory protein linked to heart disease from Physorg
Study: Body posture affects confidence in your own thoughts from Physorg
Research gives new meaning to 'green' cross code from Physorg
Animals survived apocalypse by burrowing from MSNBC: Science
Key cancer spread gene found from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bird guardians turn an eye to computer monitoring from BBC News: Science & Nature
Oasis at risk from BBC News: Science & Nature
Urban renewal from BBC News: Science & Nature
CDC: Fewer schools selling candy, soda from AP Health
Some Krumbleez cookies recalled in Canada from UPI
Flu virus behind infant pneumonia in poor countries from News @ Nature
Artificial ionosphere creates bullseye in the sky from News @ Nature
Transgenic songbirds provide new tool to understand the brain from The Rockefeller University
War injury leads to advances at home from LA Times - Health
Anatomy of a concussion from LA Times - Health
Tracing ultra-fine dust from Physorg
Nose job recipients may want to consider chin augmentation as well from Physorg
Surrounded by doctors, Obama pitches overhaul from Physorg
FDA panel backs Schering-Plough cancer drug from Physorg
FTC: Bloggers must disclose payments for reviews from Physorg
Ind., Tenn. to begin swine flu vaccinations from Physorg
Asthmatic children: Did mom use her pump during pregnancy? from Physorg
Scientists say nanoparticles may help kill tumors from Reuters:Science
Some Affy Tapple caramel apples recalled from UPI
NASA starts 'Buzz Lightyear' challenges from UPI
BUY AMBIEN ONLINE PHARMACY | Buy Ambien Without a Prescription Buy Ambien No Rx Buy Ambien 10Mg from Science Blog
U.S. food retailers to fight child obesity from CBC: Health
Video: On The Street: Living Forever from CBSNews - Science
CDC: Fewer schools selling candy, soda from Physorg
Light shed on the secret behind probiotic bacteria promoting health from Physorg
Air pollution may trigger appendicitis from Physorg
Hypertension and diabetes are concern in long-term care of liver transplant patients from Physorg
Seven new luminescent mushroom species discovered from Physorg
DNA test could be key to targeting treatments for head and neck cancer from Physorg
And the beat goes on: Scientists jump-start the heart by gene transfer from Physorg
Rapid DNA Detection Quickly Diagnoses Infections from Physorg
Bristol-Myers gets EU approval for diabetes drug from Physorg
Multivisceral transplant survival rates improve with new treatment from Physorg
The high cost of treating alcohol-impaired drivers from Physorg
Glow-in-the-dark mushrooms discovered from MSNBC: Science
Animal research deserves defending, say our members from Science Blog
Acidic clouds nourish world's oceans from Science Blog
DNA test could be key to targeting treatments for head and neck cancer from Science Blog
And the beat goes on: Scientists jump-start the heart by gene transfer from Science Blog
Study: Body posture affects confidence in your own thoughts from Science Blog
Hypertension and diabetes are concern in long-term care of liver transplant patients from Science Blog
Physicists seek to keep next-gen colliders in 1 piece from Science Blog
The high cost of treating alcohol-impaired drivers from Science Blog
College Students Get Some Voting Respect
Amazing Maze Of Maize Evolution: Study On Maize Domestication May Help Improve Crop Yields from Science Daily
African Cattle To Be Protected From Killer Disease from Science Daily
Researchers Discover Novel Circulation In Human Eye, New Glaucoma Treatment Target from Science Daily
Laser Scans To Confirm Nero's Return: 21st Century Scan Could Reveal Rare Sculpture Of 1st Century Roman Emperor from Science Daily
Boll Weevils: No Mistaking This Bug With New Insect ID Technique from Science Daily
Body Posture Affects Confidence In Your Own Thoughts, Study Finds from Science Daily
Seven New Luminescent Mushroom Species Discovered from Science Daily
Depression Predicts Increases In Inflammatory Protein Linked To Heart Disease from Science Daily
Intellectual property vital for agricultural innovation from SciDev
Pacific warning systems are failing from SciDev
30,000 tests by N.B. radiologist probed from CBC: Health
Shroud of Turin Called a Fake from Live Science
Keeping children safe: Rethinking design from Physorg
Color sensors for better vision from Physorg
Acidic clouds nourish world's oceans from Physorg
The GalileoMobile starts its South American voyage from Physorg
Researchers discover novel circulation in human eye, new glaucoma treatment target from Physorg
'Treason' by immune system cells aids growth of multiple myeloma from Physorg
Why motorway bridges could replace bat caves from BBC News: Science & Nature
Quakes can weaken fault zones worldwide from UPI
ESA issues a call for scientific proposals from UPI
Rare condors endangered by lead in carrion from UPI
Space Traffic, Meteor Showers Threaten Next Shuttle Launch Date from
IBM was only bidder for Ontario eHealth contract: Caplan from CBC: Health
Regional variations in rhinosinusitis shows southerners, women most frequent outpatients from Physorg
Researchers find demand for cosmetic and surgical procedures in dermatologic surgery rising rapidly from Physorg
Men nearly 3 times as likely to develop noise-induced hearing loss from Physorg
Protein helps cells duplicate correctly, avoid becoming cancer from Physorg
Solar Cell Researcher Explores Nanotech Ideas from Physorg
Researchers identify gene that regulates breast cancer metastasis from Physorg
Panama butterfly migrations linked to El Nino, climate change from Physorg
US Chamber of Commerce releases questionable survey results from Physorg
LCROSS Viewer's Guide from Science @ NASA
Hormone discards plant pesticide residue from UPI
Study may lead to new ulcer treatments from UPI
World-first Sustainable Racing Car Runs On Chocolate, To Take On Formula 3 from Science Daily
IBM was only bidder for Ontario eHealth contract: Caplan from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists find way to predict stomach cancer relapses from Physorg
Elevated lymphotoxin expression in liver leads to chronic hepatitis and causes HCC from Physorg
UQ researcher on the hunt for viruses from Physorg
Joint attention provides clues to autism and cooperation from
Autism disorders found in 1% of U.S. children from CBC: Health
Harnessing the sun from Physorg
Air Pollution Linked To Appendicitis?
Good Posture Good For Positive Self Image Too
Religious And Skeptics Not All That Different, Reasoning Wise, Says Neuroimaging Study
Innovation summit panelists debate Canada's future from CBC: Technology & Science
Ciena eyes Nortel ethernet unit from CBC: Technology & Science
First direct information about the prion's molecular structure reported from Physorg
EnergyStar ratings systems may be in need of major updates from Physorg
Corporations rethinking IT's role in cutting corporate costs, boosting productivity from Physorg
New drug aims to 'seek and destroy' many types of cancer from Physorg
Police sketch artist evolves: Computer program uses interactive genetic algorithm to help witnesses remember criminals from Physorg
Gorilla goes under the knife for cataract repair from Physorg
Inventive combination of research approaches identifies new target for treating leukemia from Physorg
US has no good system to track medical implants from AP Health
Astronaut on Twitter gets 1M followers from UPI
Method distinguishes wild, farmed salmon from UPI
What toys can tell us from News @ Nature
Chromosome protection scoops Nobel from News @ Nature
Flu virus behind infant pneumonia in poor countries from News @ Nature
Recovery Seen For Europe's Industry from C&EN
Qubits - 0, 1 Or Both
Newfound Tiny Tyrannosaur Had Horns from Live Science
Buried Coins Key to Roman Population Mystery? from Physorg
US has no good system to track medical implants from Physorg
High mortality rates may explain small body size from Physorg
Reservoir of deforming tropical disease sought from Physorg
New aging studies improving vaccine efficacy for the elderly from Physorg
How will future sea-level rise linked to climate change affect coastal areas? from Physorg
Violent upbringing may lead to domestic violence from Physorg
Bizarre new horned tyrannosaur from Asia described from Physorg
Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin from MSNBC: Science
Flashy Fungi: Researchers Still in the Dark over Glowing Jungle Mushrooms from Scientific American
Scientists discover what makes muscles age from UPI
Nose job recipients may want to consider chin augmentation as well from Science Blog
New recommendations on hoarseness for primary care physicians from Science Blog
Nonallergic rhinitis symptoms more severe than allergic rhinitis from Science Blog
Inventive combination of research approaches identifies new target for treating leukemia from Science Blog
Elevated lymphotoxin expression in liver leads to chronic hepatitis and causes HCC from Science Blog
Higher folates, not antioxidants, can reduce hearing loss risk in men from Science Blog
Regional variations in rhinosinusitis shows southerners, women most frequent outpatients from Science Blog
Men nearly 3 times as likely to develop noise-induced hearing loss from Science Blog
Testing The Fairness Of My Rejection Of Homeopathy
Three Americans Win Physiology or Medicine Nobel from Science NOW
Gov't to Bloggers: Fess Up or Pay Up from CBSNews - Science
Video: The New Google Wave from CBSNews - Science
Italian group claims to debunk Shroud of Turin from AP Science
NYU anthropologist to examine how human rights rankings are created from Physorg
Net neutrality rules face mounting GOP opposition from Physorg
Body's circadian rhythm tightly entwined with blood sugar control from Physorg
For Future Superconductors, a Little Bit of Lithium May Do Hydrogen a Lot of Good from Physorg
Obama Supports Technology Mandate from C&EN
Mini-Stonehenge Found: Crematorium on Stonehenge Road? from National Geographic
Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded for Cracking DNA Puzzle from National Geographic
Small, horned T. rex relative found in Asia from CBC: Technology & Science
Ancient Rome's Real Population Revealed from Live Science
Homebound Termites Answer 150-Year-Old Evolution Question from Physorg
Toshiba Unveils the CELL REGZA 55X1, First LCD TV Integrating the Cell Broadband Engine from Physorg
Aqua Satellite sees Tropical Storm Parma lingering in the Luzon Strait from Physorg
Italian group claims to debunk Shroud of Turin from Physorg
A sudden Tropical Storm Grace explodes in far Eastern Atlantic from Physorg
In Rural Africa, a Fertile Market for Mobile Phones from NY Times Science
Vaccine-like shots help fight cocaine addiction from AP Health
Cocaine Vaccine Nullifies the Effect, Helps Abusers Quit from PopSci
A King Of Righeousness For The 21st Century?
Bizarre New Horned Tyrannosaur From Asia: Carnivorous But Smaller T. Rex Relative 'Like Ballerina' from Science Daily
Sea worm thought to be extinct spotted off Spain from Physorg
Helping Loved Ones Bereaved By Suicide Or Self-Inflicted Death from Physorg
Transgenic songbirds provide new tool to understand the brain from Physorg
Vaccine-like shots help fight cocaine addiction from Physorg
FDA orders pedicle screw system studies from UPI
Study finds how bacteria combat mercury from UPI
A King Of Righteousness For The 21st Century?
Education Expert Says Longer School Hours Alone Will Not Solve Educational Crisis from Physorg
NASA satellite sees Olaf stretch out and fizzle over northwestern mainland Mexico from Physorg
Breakthrough: Bone Graft Grown in Exact Shape of Complex Skull-Jaw Joint from Scientific American
The Faces of Singularity: Are You Ready For The Human-Robot Merge? from PopSci
Toddlers develop individualized rules for grammar from Physorg
Two NASA satellites capture monster Super Typhoon Melor from Physorg
NIU will use robotic submarine to explore melting occurring below Antarctic ice from Physorg
Models begin to unravel how single DNA strands combine from Physorg
Breast reconstruction varies by race, study finds from Physorg
U.S. ITER awards contracts worth $33 million for materials for ITER's largest magnets from Physorg
I.B.M. Joins Pursuit of $1,000 Personal Genome from NY Times Science
Not having health insurance is expensive from Harvard Science
Nobel Prize Awarded for Contributions to the Quest for Immortality from PopSci
Machine Learning by Watching and Listening from Physorg
Mercury in fish seems to raise blood pressure in spite of nutrients from Physorg
Silver Nanoparticles Give Polymer Solar Cells A Boost from Physorg
A misplaced dinosaur tooth may have been cannibalism from Physorg
Twitter tool shows hot tweets when people meet from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Helping Crops Shed Pesticides from Science NOW
Buried Treasure Fills in Ancient Roman Puzzle from Science NOW
Mind: How Nonsense Sharpens the Intellect from NY Times Health
For N.I.H. Chief, Issues of Identity and Culture from NY Times Health
Cases: A Final Round of Therapy, Fulfilling the Needs of 2 from NY Times Health
Exploring the Health Benefits of Pets from NY Times Health
Depression Is a Dilemma for Women in Pregnancy from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Perceptions: Men Sleep on Mars, Women on Venus from NY Times Health
Global Update: China: High Blood Pressure Tops the List of Preventable Deaths in China from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Nursing Homes That Belie the Bad Image from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: With a Runny Nose, Green Calls for an Antibiotic. from NY Times Health
Q & A: Twins and Fingerprints from NY Times Science
Protests postpone Mexico scholarship cuts from SciDev
Labelling deadline may keep natural health products off shelves from CBC: Health
New Chemo Cocktail Blocks Breast Cancer Like a Fence from Physorg
Alioramus Altai - Tiny Tyrannosaur With Horns Revealed
Blogger payola getting a pass in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
First Amendment rights may be put into play in Twitter discussion from Physorg
LCROSS Viewer's Guide from Physorg
'Anti-Atkins' Low Protein Diet Extends Lifespan in Flies from Physorg
Vital Signs: Childhood: Autism Diagnoses Rising, U.S. Reports from NY Times Health
Findings: A High-Tech Hunt for Lost Art from NY Times Science
Self-Destructive Behavior in Cells May Hold Key to a Longer Life from NY Times Science
For N.I.H. Chief, Issues of Identity and Culture from NY Times Science
Mind: How Nonsense Sharpens the Intellect from NY Times Science
Depression Is a Dilemma for Women in Pregnancy from NY Times Science
Exploring the Health Benefits of Pets from NY Times Science
Global Update: China: High Blood Pressure Tops the List of Preventable Deaths in China from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Nursing Homes That Belie the Bad Image from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: With a Runny Nose, Green Calls for an Antibiotic. from NY Times Science
Cases: A Final Round of Therapy, Fulfilling the Needs of 2 from NY Times Science
Novel breast tissue feature may predict woman's cancer risk from Science Blog
Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine from Science Blog
Drivers with Parkinson's disease at higher risk of crashes in low visibility from Science Blog
Costs of expanding health care coverage partly offset by future Medicare savings from Science Blog
Breast reconstruction varies by race, U-M study finds from Science Blog
Mediterranean diet associated with reduced risk of depression from Science Blog
Cocaine vaccine may help some reduce drug use from Science Blog
Telephone depression program offers benefits at a moderate cost from Science Blog
Inspecting an asteroid that hit Earth from
Bell, Telus to sell iPhone next month: report from CBC: Technology & Science
Net addiction linked to ADHD in teens from CBC: Technology & Science
Net addiction linked to ADHD in teens from CBC: Health
Newfound tiny Tyrannosaur had horns, snout from MSNBC: Science
Stanford analyses of flu pandemics project savings from earlier vaccinations from Physorg
Alfalfa sprouts key to discovering how meandering rivers form and maintain from Physorg
What spooks the stock market in October? from Physorg
Vital Signs: Childhood: Autism Diagnoses Rising, U.S. Reports from NY Times Science
Observatory: Revising the Diagnosis Behind an Ancient Death from NY Times Science
Observatory: Discovery Challenges Ideas on Plant Amber from NY Times Science
GLOWING MUSHROOM PICTURES: Psychedelic New Species Seen from National Geographic
"Spider-Man" Robot Shoots "Webs" from National Geographic
Costs of expanding health care coverage partly offset by future Medicare savings from Physorg
Novel breast tissue feature may predict woman's cancer risk from Physorg
Study examines interventions for extremely preterm infants from Physorg
Mediterranean diet associated with reduced risk of depression from Physorg
Searching for Alien Life, on Earth from Physorg
Study links electronic health records to improved quality in primary care treatment from Physorg
Breaking Down the Barrier for Smaller, Faster Electronic Devices from Physorg
Closing race, poverty and gender gaps in advanced high school course-taking from Physorg
Antidepressant use during pregnancy associated with some adverse outcomes in newborns from Physorg
JPL Satellite Data on How Pollution Travels Highlighted in New Study from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Drivers with Parkinson's disease at higher risk of crashes in low visibility from Physorg
Adobe to offer Flash to iPhone developers from Physorg
Enhanced stem cells promote tissue regeneration from Physorg
Psychiatric symptoms may predict Internet addiction in adolescents from Physorg
World-first sustainable racing car to take on Formula 3 at Brands Hatch (w/ Video) from Physorg
Hackers expose slew of Hotmail acount passwords from Physorg
Letters: The Quest for Longevity (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Mutated FGFR4 protein helps a childhood cancer spread from Physorg
Many childhood cancer survivors have uncomplicated pregnancies, healthy babies from Physorg
Logbooks may yield climate bounty from BBC News: Science & Nature
Opinion: Achieving the best options for electricity distribution from Science Alert
I.B.M. Joins Pursuit of $1,000 Personal Genome from NY Times Health
Secrets of the Cell: Self-Destructive Behavior in Cells May Hold Key to a Longer Life from NY Times Health
Letters: Talking to Children (2 Letters) from NY Times Health
Letters: The Quest for Longevity (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Worry Grows Among Doctors Over Clamor for Flu Vaccine from NY Times Science
Letters: Purring Predators (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Talking to Children (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Is your cellphone a source of pain? from Physorg
New technology detects chemical weapons in seconds from Physorg
Research points to potential chink in cancer's armor from Science Blog
High-fat diet impairs muscle health before impacting function from Science Blog
UBC researchers identify key behavior of immune response to Listeria from Science Blog
Organized phone therapy for depression found cost-effective from Physorg
Commuters' hands reveal poor hygiene from CBC: Health
Iron regulates the TLR4 inflammatory signaling pathway from Physorg
Squyres Wins Carl Sagan Medal for Public Outreach from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
With Natural Gas Drilling Boom, Pennsylvania Faces Flood of Wastewater from Scientific American
U.S. trio wins medicine Nobel for telomerase from Reuters:Science
Nobel prize-winning medical research long and costly from Reuters:Science
8-Horned T. Rex Cousin Found--Dinosaur Was "Ballerina" from National Geographic
Rich Ross named head of Disney studio from AP Science
Earth's 'hum' reveals hidden depths from Physics World
Discovery sheds new light on Stonehenge from LA Times - Science
Cosmic Ray Decreases Affect Atmospheric Aerosols And Clouds from Science Daily
Air Pollution May Trigger Appendicitis from Science Daily
How Will Future Sea-level Rise Linked To Climate Change Affect Coastal Areas? from Science Daily
High Mortality Rates May Explain Small Body Size from Science Daily
Ultra-cold Systems Of Atoms: Pushing The Cold Frontier In An Orderly Fashion from Science Daily
Psychiatric Symptoms May Predict Internet Addiction In Adolescents from Science Daily
Acidic Clouds Nourish World's Oceans from Science Daily
Antibiotic May Be New Stroke Treatment from Science Daily
Alfalfa Sprouts Key To Discovering How Meandering Rivers Form And Maintain from Science Daily
Higher Folates, Not Antioxidants, Can Reduce Hearing Loss Risk In Men from Science Daily
Drug Eliminates Parasite That Causes Babesiosis In Horses from Science Daily
Study Links Electronic Health Records To Improved Quality In Primary Care Treatment from Science Daily
Buried Coins May Hold Key To Solving Mystery Of Ancient Roman Population from Science Daily
Key Behavior Of Immune Response To Listeria Identified from Science Daily
Black Rat Does Not Bother Mediterranean Seabirds from Science Daily
Mediterranean Diet Associated With Reduced Risk Of Depression from Science Daily
First Direct Information About Prion's Molecular Structure Reported from Science Daily
High-fat Diet Impairs Muscle Health Before Impacting Function from Science Daily
Women's Soccer: Get Fit While Having Fun from Science Daily
Many Childhood Cancer Survivors Have Uncomplicated Pregnancies, Healthy Babies from Science Daily
Men Nearly Three Times As Likely To Develop Noise-induced Hearing Loss from Science Daily
And the beat goes on: Scientists jump-start the heart by gene transfer from Biology News Net
'Treason' by immune system cells aids growth of multiple myeloma from Biology News Net
7 new luminescent mushroom species discovered from Biology News Net
New drug aims to 'seek and destroy' many types of cancer from Biology News Net
Reservoir of deforming tropical disease sought from Biology News Net
Bizarre new horned tyrannosaur from Asia described from Biology News Net
Higher folates, not antioxidants, can reduce hearing loss risk in men from Physorg
New recommendations on hoarseness for primary care physicians from Physorg
@billmaher If Ur Bill Maher Ur An Idiot.
Prenatal exposure to BPA might explain aggressive behavior in some 2-year-old girls from Newswise - Scinews