Archive of feed items published on the 23rd of April 2009
U.S. announces offshore wind farm plan from UPI
Administration Stops Short of Endorsing Climate Bill from NY Times Science
Drug Deals Tie Prices to How Well Patients Do from NY Times Health
F.A.A. to Propose New Medical Helicopter Safety Rules from NY Times Health
Ministers to announce C02 plans from BBC News: Science & Nature
First evidence for DNA-based vaccination against chronic hepatitis C from Science Blog
Liver disease responsible for most alcohol-related illness and deaths from Science Blog
New oncogene gives valuable insight into hepatocellular tumors in humans from Science Blog
Apple pulls plug on 'Baby Shaker' iPhone program from Physorg
Hydrogen protects nuclear fuel in final storage from Physorg
Vitamin D levels linked to asthma severity from Physorg
Study finds photographs of UV exposure can impact sunburns in preteens from Physorg
P.E.I. ranks at bottom of green list from CBC: Technology & Science
Treating addiction by eliminating drug-associated memories from Physorg
Pillars of Creation formed in the shadows from Physorg
UvA chemists make new chiral palladium metal from Physorg
Throwing the micro switch: microRNA may link smoking risk gene to neurobiology of addiction
Double-action power stations: Energy and hydrogen
World first for strange molecule from BBC News: Science & Nature
Head of listeriosis probe hasn't interviewed Ritz from CBC: Health
Obama calls for new era of energy exploration from AP Science
Caribbean at risk of tsunami from Physorg
Did 'dark gulping' generate black holes in early Universe?
Treating addiction by eliminating drug-associated memories
SPEEDY babies - a new behavioural syndrome
Americans ambivalent toward single-parent families
Shadow of a forming star
Brown fields, green spaces, and regeneration
Pillars of Creation formed in the shadows
The herbal remedy: Teens use cannabis for relief, not recreation
Discovery of Earth-mass Planet Looms from
Detecting Earthquakes Before They Strike from
Planck fuels up from European Space Agency
Morning Rounds: Layoff Stress, Miss Universe and Nursing Shortages from NY Times Health
Mara wildlife in serious decline from BBC News: Science & Nature
A glimpse of future GMES Sentinel-1 radar images from European Space Agency
EBay wins approval for South Korean acquisition from Physorg
Obama calls for new era of energy exploration from Physorg
Rise in drug addicted babies from Science Alert
The future of copyright from CBC: Technology & Science
CRTC chairman summoned to explain inconsistent testimony from CBC: Technology & Science
Bell Mobility loses 2nd bid to shut down N.W.T. lawsuit over 911 fees from CBC: Technology & Science
Oxidation sets off fatal structural change of human prion proteins
Continent-sized radio telescope takes close-ups of Fermi active galaxies
Vitamin K with sorafenib showed anti-tumour effects in pancreas cancer
UBC research finds molecular 'key' to successful blood stem cell transplants
Benefit of grapes may be more than skin deep
PDAs, more education help doctors follow cholesterol treatment guidelines
Plants absorb more carbon under hazy skies
New understanding of dengue virus points way to possible therapies for dengue fever
Researchers identify missing target for calcium signalling
Adolescent risk-taking has major consequences when it comes to marriage
Developmental drug helps protect against radiation damage
Instead of fighting breast cancer, immune cell promotes its spread
Researchers discover that gene switches on during development of epilepsy
Did 'Dark Gulping' Generate Black Holes in Early Universe? from Physorg
Majority of doctors skeptical of organ transplantation practices in China from Physorg
Liver disease responsible for most alcohol-related illness and deaths from Physorg
Researchers discover that gene switches on during development of epilepsy from Physorg
Cyber crooks hot on heels of computer users: Cisco from Physorg
Some French women, too thin, don't see it that way: study from Physorg
Nuts at dawn: Britain's squirrels fight for survival from Physorg
Nintendo's Game Boy turns 20 from Physorg
US adviser says cybersecurity must be joint effort from Physorg
BUSM study finds photographs of UV exposure can impact sunburns in preteens
Caltech scientists show why anti-HIV antibodies are ineffective at blocking infection
Humanin peptide linked to neuronal cell survival and regulation of glucose metabolism
IUPUI study reports inherited impulsivity predicts alcoholism
Hormone therapy offers potential protective effect against colon cancer in older women
Plants could override climate change effects on wildfires
Researchers 'clear away the dust,' get better look at youngest supernova remnant
NIST develops powerful method of suppressing errors in many types of quantum computers
Sea Grant report synthesises recent research on New York's clams
A warm TV can drive away feelings of loneliness and rejection
Self-healing concrete for safer, more durable infrastructure
Majority of doctors sceptical of organ transplantation practices in China
Worrying Over Fading Memory Makes it Worse from Live Science
10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp from Live Science
Vitamin D actually a hormone from Science Alert
Alarming increase in drug-affected newborns from Science Blog
Reef boom beats doom from Science Blog
Brown anthropologist examines stigma of infertility in Nigeria from Science Blog
Muscle Deterioration In Patients With Lung Disease Seen Connected To Heightened Carbon Dioxide Levels In The Blood from Science Daily
More Than One Nanostring To Their Bow: Scientists Moving Closer To “artificial Noses” from Science Daily
Women try 'risky' menopause drugs from Science Alert
Silkworm sex life unravelled from Science Alert
Research team wins funds to unravel a DNA mystery
The price of pain and the value of suffering
Using combinatorial libraries to engineer genetic circuits advances synthetic biology
Breaking the ties that bind: New hope for biomass fuels
Test for hormones in blood not reflective of hormones in breast tissue
Double-lung transplants work better than single for long-term survival
Organic biosensor detects onset of acute myocardial ischaemia
Vitamin D levels linked to asthma severity
Mysterious space blob discovered at cosmic dawn
Antibody gives cancer the recognition it deserves
German researchers make significant strides in identifying cause of bacterial infections
Media ignores health consequences of drinking and driving among young celebrities
Baroque classical music in the reading room may improve mood and productivity
Pain relievers ibuprofen and naproxen may delay - not prevent - Alzheimer's disease
Canadians returning from Mexico urged to be on alert for flu-like symptoms from CBC: Health
Muscle deterioration in patients with lung disease seen connected to CO2 from Physorg
Anthropologist examines stigma of infertility in Nigeria from Physorg
Throwing the micro switch: MicroRNA may link smoking risk gene to neurobiology of addiction from Physorg
More than one nanostring to their bow: Scientists moving closer to 'artificial noses' from Physorg
Closing in on old ironstone pollution problem from Physorg
Study sheds new light on why breast-fed babies grow more slowly from Physorg
Internet Has Lots of Room to Grow from Live Science
New hope for genetic disorder from Science Alert
Solar wind tans young asteroids
Larvicides 'cut urban malaria' from SciDev
Phase 1 malaria vaccine trial to begin from UPI
Cousin of the 'ice that burns' emerges as greener new way to fight fires from Physorg
Poor treatment for common vertebral compression fractures from Physorg
Alarming increase in drug-affected newborns in Australia from Physorg
Largest collection of anomalous white dwarfs observed by Hubble from Physorg
Brain Interface Creates Twitter Messages from Live Science
Are Older Patients Denied Access To Psychological Services Due To Ageism In The UK? from Science Daily
Closing In On Old Ironstone Pollution Problem from Science Daily
Throwing The Micro Switch: MicroRNA May Link Smoking Risk Gene To Neurobiology Of Addiction from Science Daily
Treating Addiction By Eliminating Drug-associated Memories from Science Daily
SPEEDY Babies; A New Behavioral Syndrome from Science Daily
Gene That Switches On During Development Of Epilepsy Discovered from Science Daily
First Evidence For DNA-based Vaccination Against Chronic Hepatitis C from Science Daily
Liver Disease Responsible For Most Alcohol-related Illness And Deaths from Science Daily
Vitamin D Levels Linked To Asthma Severity from Science Daily
New Oncogene Gives Valuable Insight Into Hepatocellular Tumors In Humans from Science Daily
Photographs Of UV Exposure Can Impact Sunburns In Preteens from Science Daily
Regulation Of Cell Proliferation By The OGF-OGFr Axis Is Dependent On Nuclear Localization Signals from Science Daily
ID Crooks Steal Tax Info Using File-Shares from CBSNews - Science
Departure of chip-design legend Bob Pease prompts outpouring in Silicon Valley from Physorg
Google's e-mail add-ons are fun from Physorg
UK privacy watchdog clears Google Street View from Physorg
New biosensor for most serious form of Listeria food poisoning bacteria from Physorg
Mind-Reading Device Sends Twitter Messages from Live Science
Hackers: the China Syndrome from PopSci
Vehicle for collection of dead will free ambulance service from CBC: Health
Stop & Shop recalls pina colada cookies from UPI
Even in the Digital Age, building a great gadget doesn't guarantee success from Physorg
Plants Absorb More Carbon Dioxide Under Polluted Hazy Skies from Science Daily
Humanin Peptide May Be New Drug Target For Diabetes, Alzheimer's Disease from Science Daily
Afghanistan Declares Its First National Park from Science Daily
New Insight Into Rett Syndrome Severity from Science Daily
Method For Verifying Safety Of Computer-controlled Devices Developed from Science Daily
Why You May Lose That Loving Feeling After Tying The Knot from Science Daily
Did 'Dark Gulping' Generate Black Holes In Early Universe? from Science Daily
Inherited Impulsivity Predicts Alcoholism, Study Reports from Science Daily
Origins Of Maya Blue In Mexico from Science Daily
Genetic Variants Predict Recurrence Of Bladder Cancer, Patient Survival from Science Daily
Double-action Power Stations: Energy And Hydrogen from Science Daily
A Warm TV Can Drive Away Feelings Of Loneliness And Rejection from Science Daily
'Pillars Of Creation' -- Giant Star-forming Structure -- Formed In The Shadows from Science Daily
Pain Relievers Appear Ineffective In Preventing Alzheimer's In The Very Elderly from Science Daily
Agent Orange Exposure Increases Veterans' Risk Of Aggressive Recurrence Of Prostate Cancer from Science Daily
First Noninvasive Technique To Accurately Predict Mutations In Human Brain Tumors from Science Daily
Animals That Seem Identical May Be Completely Different Species from Science Daily
Students Least Informed About Environmental Science Are Most Optimistic from Science Daily
Doctor and Patient: When the Patient Gets Lost in Translation from NY Times Health
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 9–22 April 2009 from SciDev
"Super Reefs" Fend off Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
Living outside the box: New evidence shows going abroad linked to creativity from Physorg
Baroque classical music in the reading room may improve mood and productivity from Physorg
Blast mitigation expert helps create materials resistant to explosions from Physorg
'Super reefs' fend off climate change, study says from Physorg
Researchers give high marks to new technology for fingerprint identification from Physorg
Ultrasound can help low-risk patients avoid invasive thyroid biopsy from Physorg
Reversals of Earth's Magnetic Field Explained by Small Core Fluctuations from Physorg
'Clean' coal plants get go-ahead from BBC News: Science & Nature
Include indigenous rights in global climate change policies, summit told from CBC: Technology & Science
Pirate Bay lawyer calls for retrial after judge confirms ties to copyright groups from CBC: Technology & Science
Popular gaming system may offer radiologists an alternative way to view patient images from Science Blog
Preoperative MR may assist surgeons in nerve sparing during robotic prostatectomy from Science Blog
Ultrasound can help low-risk patients avoid invasive thyroid biopsy from Science Blog
Cardiac CT offers a better, cost-effective approach to diagnose low-risk chest pain patients from Science Blog
Baroque classical music in the reading room may improve mood and productivity from Science Blog
'Super reefs' fend off climate change, study says from Science Blog
New, automated system for diagnosis of major coronary artery stenosis from Science Blog
New NIST guidelines for organization-wide password management from Science Blog
Living outside the box: New evidence shows going abroad linked to creativity from Science Blog
Scientists give a hand(edness) to the search for alien life from Science Blog
Africa Analysis: Where next for Malagasy science? from SciDev
Study links arm/hand swelling to number of lymph nodes removed during breast cancer surgery from Physorg
A ripple in the Twitterverse: When Oprah tweets, people follow from Physorg
Alien lionfish swarm N.C. coast from Physorg
Kids get health benefit from yoga from Physorg
Microsoft workers get their very own mall from Physorg
NASCAR goes green with hybrid pace car from Physorg
Facebook users' vote ending way short of threshold from Physorg
Regulation of cell proliferation by the OGF-OGFr axis is dependent on nuclear localization signals from Physorg
Double-action power stations: Energy and hydrogen from Physorg
A glimpse of future GMES Sentinel-1 radar images from Physorg
Math used to study a supernova remnant from UPI
Scientist offers insight into moon dust from UPI
Abandoned baby kangaroo gets life-saving milk from MSNBC: Science
McGovern awards Scolnick Prize to HHMI investigator Nathans from MIT Research
Living in history: How some historical events shape our memory from Science Blog
How late is too late to break bad habits? from Science Blog
Study links arm/hand swelling to number of lymph nodes removed during breast cancer surgery from Science Blog
Image-guided treatment helping women with tubo-ovarian abscesses avoid unnecessary surgery from Science Blog
Pediatric patient body shape may play a key role in decreasing radiation dose during CT scans from Science Blog
MRI: Effective tool for determining pathologic stage of prostate cancer from Science Blog
Excluding the lateral view in chest radiograph screenings decreases radiation exposure by 67 percent from Science Blog
Non-invasive test accurately identifies gynecologic malignancies from Science Blog
Teleradiology offers CT colonography to rural areas from Science Blog
New study argues for CT colonography as primary colon cancer screening test from Science Blog
Islamic countries establish tech-sharing forum from SciDev
2nd-hand smoke causes breast cancer in younger women, review suggests from CBC: Health
Ancient cattle species re-introduced to Britain from MSNBC: Science
Chewing gum makes kids smarter? from LA Times - Health
Researchers give high marks to new technology for fingerprint identification from Science Blog
NASA may move up Hubble mission to May 11 from AP Science
Study: Multifaceted healthcare works well from UPI
NASA aims for earlier launch of space shuttle from Reuters:Science
New stem cell method requires a little soak from Reuters:Science
Reef boom beats doom
Excluding the lateral view in screenings decreases radiation exposure by 67 percent
New study argues for CT colonography as primary colon cancer screening test
Paediatric patient body shape may play a key role in decreasing radiation dose during CT scans
Europe's new buildings get welcome push to produce as much energy as they use
Alarming increase in drug-affected newborns
Living outside the box: New evidence shows going abroad linked to creativity
Image-guided treatment helping women with tubo-ovarian abscesses avoid surgery
Non-invasive test accurately identifies gynaecologic malignancies
Teleradiology offers CT colonography to rural areas
Discovery of an unexpected boost for solar water-splitting cells
A glimpse of future GMES Sentinel-1 radar images
Indian small-scale forestry project wins CDM certificate from SciDev
Memory Quiz from Live Science
TV broadcasters, distributors spar over carriage fee at heritage hearing from CBC: Technology & Science
Opposition fears for privacy in the wake of auditor general's report from CBC: Technology & Science
Cap-and-Trade Program Creates Green Jobs from Scientific American
More African-Americans die from causes that can be prevented or treated from Physorg
A major breakthrough in generating safer, therapeutic stem cells from adult cells from Physorg
Astrology Quiz from Live Science
'Super reefs' fend off climate change, study says from Biology News Net
Reef boom beats doom from Biology News Net
First evidence for DNA-based vaccination against chronic hepatitis C from Biology News Net
Researchers discover that gene switches on during development of epilepsy from Biology News Net
Educating physicians about ventilation-perfusion scanning leads to reduced radiation exposure from Science Blog
Stanford researcher's discovery of ion channel turns ear on its head from Science Blog
Ultrasound changes care of some patients with rheumatic conditions from Science Blog
New MR sequence helps radiologists more accurately evaluate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries from Science Blog
Second look ultrasound: Effective MRI correlate for identifying incidental breast lesions from Science Blog
New computer algorithm helps physicians determine and monitor breast density from Science Blog
More African-Americans die from causes that can be prevented or treated from Science Blog
New women's imaging technique allows for a more accurate diagnosis of breast cancer from Science Blog
New MR technique may help save women from unnecessary breast biopsies from Science Blog
'Non-surgical' method for chronic tendinosis of the Achilles tendon from Science Blog
'Super reefs' fend off climate change
Cardiac CT offers a better, cost-effective approach to diagnose low-risk chest pain patients
MRI: Effective tool for determining pathologic stage of prostate cancer
Popular gaming system may offer radiologists an alternative way to view patient images
Ultrasound can help low-risk patients avoid invasive thyroid biopsy
Researchers give high marks to new technology for fingerprint identification
Early-stage lung cancer identified using computer-aided system
New, automated system for diagnosis of major coronary artery stenosis
Preoperative MR may assist surgeons in nerve sparing during robotic prostatectomy
Brown anthropologist examines stigma of infertility in Nigeria
Scientists give a hand(edness) to the search for alien life
Mission to Save Hubble Could Launch a Day Early from
Expanding The RNA Roster from C&EN
Franklin letters found from Physorg
New MR technique may help save women from unnecessary breast biopsies from Physorg
Living in history: How some historical events shape our memory from Physorg
Ion channel turns ear on its head from Physorg
'Non-surgical' method for chronic tendinosis of the Achilles tendon from Physorg
How late is too late to break bad habits? from Physorg
New cow genome sequence released from Physorg
Major advance in cell reprogramming technology from Physorg
Researchers find possible genetic link for pelvic floor disorders from Physorg
Living Abroad Boosts Creative Skills from Live Science
Astronomers study galaxy's gamma rays from UPI
Scientists sequence the bovine genome from UPI
Congestion pricing may cut airport delays from UPI
Indus script encodes language, reveals new study of ancient symbols
Fire influences global warming more than previously thought from Physorg
Mystery about domestication of horse has been unravelled -- now location and time are proofed from Physorg
New study reveals the protein that makes phosphate chains in yeast from Physorg
Judge in Pirate Bay trial may have been biased from Physorg
Denver online newspaper misses subscription goal from Physorg
Congress concerned about privacy over cable ads from Physorg
NASA may move up Hubble mission to May 11 from Physorg
Survey shows Americans may be missing direct route to head and neck cancer care from Physorg
Some upset CRTC posts comments with participants' personal data from CBC: Technology & Science
Night Owls Stay Alert Longer than Early Birds from Live Science
Black Hole Quiz from Live Science
New Guidelines For Organization-wide Password Management from Science Daily
Wetlands Likely Source of Methane from Ancient Warming Event from Newswise - Scinews
Indus Script Encodes Language, Reveals New Study of Ancient Symbols from Newswise - Scinews
A Biological Basis for the 8-Hour Workday? from Newswise - Scinews
Live JPL Open House Video/Chat: Next Best Thing to Being There from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Solar wind found to age asteroid surfaces from UPI
US shorts critical farm animal research, scientists say from Physorg
Fingerprinting slow earthquakes from Physorg
Indus script encodes language, reveals new study of ancient symbols from Physorg
Researchers find medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use may benefit from brief intervention from Physorg
Chromosome breakpoints contribute to genetic variation from Physorg
What makes a cow a cow? Genome sequence sheds light on ruminant evolution from Physorg
Wetlands likely source of methane from ancient warming event from Physorg
Trove of Unknown Ben Franklin Letters Found from Live Science
In the Genes of a Hereford, the Essence of Cow from NY Times Science
On the Gowanus Canal, Fear of Superfund Stigma from NY Times Science
Study may lead to new biomass processing from UPI
A new twist in the sex life of silk worms from Physorg
Planck satellite fuels up from Physorg
Hypertension, diabetes and increased carotid artery wall thickness means increased risk of stroke from Physorg
Major Breakthrough In Generating Safer, Therapeutic Stem Cells From Adult Cells from Science Daily
Scientists make super-strong metallic spider silk from Reuters:Science
Microbe-powered 'fart' machine stores energy from MSNBC: Science
Ancient fertilizer technique could help poor farmers, store carbon from CBC: Technology & Science
U.K. privacy watchdog OK's Google Street View from CBC: Technology & Science
Shadow of a forming star from Physorg
Philips presents OLED-based interactive lighting concepts from Physorg
TB vaccine enters new clinical trials from Physorg
Never Too Late: 5 Bad Habits You Should Still Quit from Live Science
Oops, missed that tree from
Yeast bred to bear artificial vanilla from
Ants do real estate the simple way from
A little air pollution boosts vegetation’s carbon uptake from
Fossil of a walking seal found from
FOR KIDS: Kids now getting 'adult' disease from
FOR KIDS: Have shell, will travel from
FOR KIDS: Fighting fat with fat from
Fossil evidence for a Goldilocks tyrannosaur from
Even modest exercise can reduce negative effects of belly fat from Science Blog
Majority of ordering physicians lack knowledge of radiation exposure risks from CT from Science Blog
Hypertension, diabetes and increased carotid artery wall thickness means increased risk of stroke from Science Blog
Fire is an important and under-appreciated part of global climate change from Science Blog
Researchers find medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use may benefit from brief intervention from Science Blog
Sequencing the cow's genetic code -- a new agricultural era dawns from Science Blog
Bovine genome provides clues to possible new developments from Science Blog
Survey shows Americans may be missing direct route to head and neck cancer care from Science Blog
Cow genome unraveled to improve meat, milk from MSNBC: Science
Presented By: from MSNBC: Science
THEMIS satellite tracks electrical tornadoes in space from Physorg
Virtual engineer reduces 'transpiration phase' in new designs from Physorg
Active smoking and second-hand smoke linked to breast cancer from Physorg
Sensor Detects Onset of Acute Myocardial Ischemia from Physorg
Cattle genome sequenced from
Morning birds buckle under sleep pressure from
Hundreds Rally For Animal Research from Science NOW
Cow genome unraveled in bid to improve meat, milk from AP Science
Study finds worm is actually two species from UPI
New research could improve Chlamydia home testing from Physorg
MR enterography eliminates unnecessary radiation exposure in patients with small bowel disease from Physorg
Even modest exercise can reduce negative effects of belly fat from Physorg
A genomic CluE for cloud computing from Physorg
Seven-year itch? Boredom can hurt a marriage from Physorg
Report finds troubling health trends in California's Asian, Pacific communities from Physorg
Hip, knee and cataract waits shorter: report from CBC: Health
Bovine basics from News @ Nature
Chylack and Dowling named ARVO Fellows from Harvard Science
Humans don`t get all the benefit from raw tomatoes from Physorg
Cow genome 'to transform farming' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Good relationship with parents may prevent teen drinking problems from Science Blog
Mayo clinic study finds gene bringing together animal and human research in alcoholism from Science Blog
64-slice CT: Most dose efficient for evaluating pregnant patients with possible pulmonary emboli from Science Blog
Educating referring clinicians about advanced imaging leads to drop in imaging exams from Science Blog
MRI: Imaging technique of choice to exam pregnant patients with possible appendicitis from Science Blog
MR enterography eliminates unnecessary radiation exposure in patients with small bowel disease from Science Blog
DTI allows radiologists to see areas of the brain rarely seen using other imaging modalities from Science Blog
UNC Wilmington Receives Technology Enhancement Grant from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center from Newswise - Scinews
A Genomic CluE for Cloud Computing from Newswise - Scinews
Northeastern University Center for Renewable Energy Technology Hosts Symposium on "Energy Challenges for the New Millennium" from Newswise - Scinews
Personality traits contribute to 'placebo effect' from Physorg
Yahoo! abandoning GeoCities from Physorg
Study finds gene bringing together animal and human research in alcoholism from Physorg
Amazon 1Q profit, revenue jump on strong sales from Physorg
ACLU: US Attorney OK'd GPS to track cell phones from Physorg
Good relationship with parents may prevent teen drinking problems from Physorg
Swine flu cases up to 7, probe expanding from Physorg
Netflix 1Q profit, subscriber growth soars from Physorg
Microsoft 3Q profit, revenue fall on weak PC sales from Physorg
The Lost Forests of America from Live Science
Cattle genes may give clues about human health from Reuters:Science
Egyptian woman contracts bird flu as cases mount from Reuters:Science
Landscaper’s darling hybridizes into an environmental nuisance from
Richard Scheller from News @ Nature
Virtual nurse helps counsel patients before their hospital release from Physorg
Electricity Measured Inside Space Tornadoes from
The Million Dollar Programming Prize from Newswise - Scinews
Molecule predicted by theory discovered from UPI
Plants absorb more carbon under hazy skies from UPI
Anti-malaria parasite chemical developed from UPI
Panel Sees Role for Smoking in Breast Cancer After All from NY Times Health
A Hummer That Gets 100 MPG? from Physorg
Novel cancer drug reduces neuroblastoma growth by 75 percent from Science Blog
Type of vitamin B1 could treat common cause of blindness from Science Blog
Night Owls Stay Alert Longer Than Early Birds from National Geographic
Cow Genome Decoded -- Cheaper Beef for Everybody? from National Geographic
Wis. could be first to require cochlear implants from AP Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Afghanistan opens its first national park from UPI
Scientists identify 39 bacterial pathogens from UPI
Scientists sequence cow genome from CBC: Technology & Science
Sum chance from BBC News: Science & Nature
Novel cancer drug reduces neuroblastoma growth by 75 percent from Physorg
Texas has more farms, fewer acres, new study shows from Physorg
Knowledge unlocks key to healthier options for dialysis patients from Physorg
Fake Facebook pages spin web of deceit from News @ Nature
Could Cleaning Up Air Pollution Actually Speed Up Global Warming? from Scientific American
Canadian senator proposes declaration on ethical sealing from CBC: Technology & Science
Type of vitamin B1 could treat common cause of blindness from Physorg
Radiation device in the breast reduces complications for early stage breast cancer patients from Physorg
Beyond associations: Colorectal cancer culprit found from Physorg
Wis. could be first to require cochlear implants from Physorg
Texas has more farms, fewer acres, new study shows from Science Blog
Swine flu cases in U.S. grow to 7 from CBC: Health
Chromosome Breakpoints Contribute to Genetic Variation from Newswise - Scinews
What Makes a Cow a Cow? Genome Sequence Sheds Light on Ruminant Evolution from Newswise - Scinews
Mooove Over Humans, the Cow Genome is Here from Science NOW
Safer Stem Cells? from Science NOW
A New Type of Chemical Bond Takes Hold from Science NOW
Good News for Night Owls from Science NOW
Typical lost laptop costs companies nearly $50,000, study finds from Physorg
Nicotine Takes Edge Off Anger from Live Science
'Self-healing' polymer may facilitate recycling of hard-to-dispose plastic from Physorg
Blood vessels made from kidney patients' own cells shows promise: study from CBC: Health
N.W.T. Housing Corp. to test eco-friendly home in Inuvik from CBC: Technology & Science
Presto! Fast color-changing material may lead to more powerful computers (w/Video) from Physorg
Cosmic Log: Real robots rock! from MSNBC: Science
Polar bears find love at first sight from MSNBC: Science
Cow Genome Decoded from Live Science
Immune cell offers new clue to worst malaria cases from AP Health
Fires Fuel for Climate Change from Scientific American
Experts identify cells causing severe malaria from Reuters:Science
Remembering the lost forests of America from MSNBC: Science
Metals toughen spider’s silk from Physics World
Swine flu detected in 7 people in California, Texas from LA Times - Science
University of Saskatchewan Researchers Awarded $1.66M for Northern, Community and Cultural Projects from Newswise - Scinews
University of Saskatchewan Research Group a Finalist in Canada Excellence Research Chairs Competition from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Working to preserve a world under water from MSNBC: Science
Orchard losses 'threaten species' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Alberta teen dies of premature aging disease from CBC: Health
Vanishing habitat from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microsoft Revenue Suffers Historic Drop from CBSNews - Science
A Beginner's Guide To Twitter from CBSNews - Science
In Long Drive to Cure Cancer, Advances Have Been Elusive from NY Times Health
In the Genes of a Hereford, the Essence of Cow from NY Times Health
Advertising: Pill Sales Rise as Financial Anxiety Chases the Sandman Away from NY Times Health
Industry Ignored Its Scientists on Climate from NY Times Science
Tunbridge Wells Journal: Holdouts for Humble Bulb Defy a Government Phase-Out from NY Times Science
Tips from the American Journal of Pathology from Science Blog
New mediator of smoking recruits from Science Blog
Fossil may offer 'missing link' proof from UPI