Archive of feed items published on the 27th of April 2009
U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency Over Swine Flu from NY Times Science
U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency Over Swine Flu from NY Times Health
Biological Basis For The Eight-hour Workday? from Science Daily
Kidney Removed Through The Belly Button from Science Daily
Computational Biology Illuminates How Cells Change Gears from Science Daily
Lice Can Be Nice To Us: Louse Infestation Calibrates Immune System Regulation from Science Daily
Quantum Computers: Powerful Method Of Suppressing Errors Developed from Science Daily
Evolution Of Human Sex Roles More Complex Than Described By Universal Theory from Science Daily
Scientists Give A Hand(edness) To The Search For Alien Life from Science Daily
Type Of Vitamin B1 Could Treat Common Cause Of Blindness from Science Daily
New Wireless Sensor First For Instant Monitoring Of Brain Oxygen from Science Daily
Neuronal Growth Factor Receptor -- Long Implicated In Alzheimer's Disease -- May Actually Protect The Neuron from Science Daily
Climate Change Increases Cholera Cases In Africa, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Increased Mortality Associated With Frequent Night-time Urination -- Nocturia from Science Daily
New Highly Sensitive Method May Offer Early Detection Of Dengue Virus from Science Daily
Chromosome Breakpoints Contribute To Genetic Variation from Science Daily
Autopilot Guides Proteins In Brain from Science Daily
Solar Wind Tans Young Asteroids from Science Daily
Huntington's Disease: Gene Therapy Offers New Hope For Treatment Of Neurodegenerative Disorder from Science Daily
Climate Change Means Shortfalls In Colorado River Water Deliveries from Science Daily
Factors Associated With Early Detection Of Melanoma In Older Men Identified from Science Daily
At The Limits Of The Photoelectric Effect from Science Daily
Good Relationship With Parents May Prevent Teen Drinking Problems from Science Daily
Now Where Did I Leave My Car? How The Brain Translates Memory Into Action from Science Daily
Lithium And The Brain: New Light On Bipolar Treatment Drugs from Science Daily
Outcomes Of Gastric Bypass Surgery In Morbidly Obese And Superobese Patients from Science Daily
Polymer Solar Cell Plant Hooked Up To Grid In Denmark from Science Daily
Meditation Provides Hope For People With Depression from Science Daily
Two Causes For Bowel Disease In Infants Suggested By New Research from Science Daily
Prostate Cancer Therapy Increases Risk Of Fractures And Cardiovascular-related Death from Science Daily
Whiter Laundry And A Surprising New Treatment For Kids' Eczema from Science Daily
New Blow For Dinosaur-killing Asteroid Theory from Science Daily
Details of bacterial 'injection' system revealed from Biology News Net
Building the lymphatic drainage system from Biology News Net
Brain works best when cells keep right rhythms, new Stanford studies suggest from Biology News Net
Questions abound about Mexico's response to the crisis from LA Times - Health
Money game from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swine flu: The basics from LA Times - Science
Obama has no flu symptoms after Mexico visit from LA Times - Science
States with swine flu cases go into containment mode from LA Times - Science
Computer Program to Take On ‘Jeopardy!’ from NY Times Science
90 Years Old, and Breaking Science News With Verve from NY Times Science
Shortage of Doctors Proves Obstacle to Obama Goals from NY Times Health
Suspected swine flu deaths in Mexico top 100 from AP Health
Countries race to contain swine flu outbreak from AP Health
World moves to contain flu spread from BBC News: Science & Nature
World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak from AP Health
Glowing protein in ‘animal photosynthesis’ from Chemistry World
UK carbon capture and storage gets government boost from Chemistry World
Whiter laundry and a surprising new treatment for kids' eczema from Physorg
New blow for dinosaur-killing asteroid theory from Physorg
Building the lymphatic drainage system from Physorg
Japan's Sharp reports 1.3 bln dollar annual loss from Physorg
Japan chipmakers NEC Electronics, Renesas to merge from Physorg
Study links ADHD medicine with better test scores from Physorg
Prostate cancer therapy increases risk of fractures and cardiovascular-related death from Physorg
New study suggests two causes for bowel disease in infants from Physorg
Hospitals cutting services, staff amid recession from Physorg
Pediatricians adopt new term for shaken baby abuse from Physorg
Doctors urge baseline test for prostate cancer from Physorg
Is swine flu 'the big one' or a flu that fizzles? from Physorg
Swine flu fears close schools in NY, Texas, Calif. from Physorg
Doctors warn about camphor poisoning in children from Physorg
Swine flu case confirmed in Spain from CBC: Health
Shaping Policy On Climate Change from C&EN
New Molecules In Space from C&EN
Chemical Earnings Continue To Slide from C&EN
Ultra-Long Range Molecules from C&EN
Airlines waive fees for flights to Mexico from UPI
Morning Rounds: Changes in Prostate Screening Advice, Warnings About Sprouts and Cuts in Care from NY Times Health
Countries adopt plans to counter swine flu from UPI
1st European swine flu case confirmed in Spain from CBC: Technology & Science
Scramble to stop swine flu spread among travelers from Physorg
Suspected swine flu deaths in Mexico top 100 from Physorg
Study: SE Asia will be hit hard by climate change from Physorg
Warnings as swine virus spreads from BBC News: Science & Nature
Plan to recreate 16th Century Chinese voyage sinks on last leg from BBC News: Science & Nature
Highlands 'wilderness' mulls electric car plan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Experts lay to rest long-held misconceptions about high fructose corn syrup at ILSI-USDA workshop from Science Blog
In-Flight Internet From Space Takes Off from
Masks could fight pandemic from Science Alert
Europe Urges Citizens to Avoid U.S. and Mexico Travel from NY Times Health
Single-molecule Nano-vehicles Synthesized: 'Fantastic Voyage' Not So Far Fetched from Science Daily
New 'Green' Power Cables On The Horizon from Science Daily
How Morphine Can Be Given More Effectively Without Having To Increase Dosages from Science Daily
New Mouse Model For Understanding Cause Of Progressive Hearing Loss from Science Daily
Stopping Expensive 'ice' Plugs In Oil Pipelines from Science Daily
Norwegian Red Foxes Have More Trichina, But Less Scabies Than Previously from Science Daily
Collective Political Willingness And Commitment Key Actors In Future Of Mediterranean Forests from Science Daily
American Urological Association Counters Mainstream Recommendations With New Best Practice Statement On PSA Testing from Science Daily
Building The Lymphatic Drainage System from Science Daily
B.C. RCMP's separate computer system costs $9M extra per year from CBC: Technology & Science
Obama vows 3 percent of GDP for science research from Reuters:Science
Experts identify genes linked to chronic diseases from Reuters:Science
Prostate cancer therapy increases risk of fractures and cardiovascular-related death
Whiter laundry and a surprising new treatment for kids' eczema
Diminuendo - new mouse model for understanding cause of progressive hearing loss
Autism linked to being firstborn, breech or moms 35 and older giving birth
Presto! Fast colour-changing material may lead to improved sunglasses
New biosensor for most serious form of Listeria food poisoning bacteria
Joining forces to improve lung cancer treatment
Study suggests two causes for bowel disease in infants
Leading neuroscientist to speak at University of Leicester
New 'green' power cables on the horizon
Norwegian red foxes have more trichina, but less scabies than previously
FDA OKs new arthritis drug from UPI
What Is Dark Energy? from
Towns develop local languages from Science Alert
Researchers Use Lasers to Induce Gamma Brain Waves in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
SUMO Protein Guides Chromatin Remodeler to Suppress Genes from Newswise - Scinews
Pizza tossing art unlocks secrets of tiny motors from Science Blog
Reading reports involving risk-taking affects financial decision making from Science Blog
'Autoantibodies' may be created in response to bacterial DNA from Science Blog
BSSA special issue on rotational seismology from Science Blog
Autism may be linked to being firstborn, breech births or moms 35 or older from Science Blog
Uncooperative voltage sensors from Science Blog
Q&A: Swine Flu Myths and Mysteries from Live Science
What Is Dark Energy? from Live Science
Satellites to continue watching Manitoba's chronic car thieves from CBC: Technology & Science
SUMO protein guides chromatin remodeller to suppress genes
Is the UK prepared for Sudden Oak Death?
Pizza tossing art unlocks secrets of tiny motors
Potholes on the road to ethanol from crop waste rather than food crops
'Self-healing' polymer may facilitate recycling of hard-to-dispose plastic
Cousin of the 'ice that burns' emerges as greener new way to fight fires
New blow for dinosaur-killing asteroid theory
Political willingness and commitment key actors in the future of Mediterranean forests
FDA warns against eating alfalfa sprouts from UPI
How Human Ear Translates Vibrations Into Sounds: Discovery Of Ion Channel Turns Ear On Its Head from Science Daily
Hormone Therapy Offers Potential Protective Effect Against Colon Cancer In Older Women from Science Daily
Shadow Of A Forming Star from Science Daily
New MR Technique May Help Save Women From Unnecessary Breast Biopsies from Science Daily
Genetics Can Mediate Vulnerability To Alcohol's Effects During Pregnancy from Science Daily
'Super Reefs' Fend Off Climate Change, Study Says from Science Daily
How An Antibody Helps The Immune System Reject Cancer from Science Daily
Cosmic 'Fountain Of Youth' Spied By Hubble Space Telescope from Science Daily
Clogged Pipes Make A Special Sound, Mathematicians Report from Science Daily
New Hope For Advances In Treating Malaria from Science Daily
Mass-loss Leaves Close-in Exoplanets Exposed To The Core from Science Daily
Lupus Kidney Damage Linked To Malfunction Of Immune Cells from Science Daily
'Moderately Large' Potential For Red Tide Outbreak In Gulf Of Maine Region from Science Daily
Universal Health Insurance Might Not Save Lives from Science Daily
Spirit problems still baffle scientists from UPI
Our Sun: A Little Slow On the Uptake for Cycle 24 from Physorg
'Autoantibodies' may be created in response to bacterial DNA (w/Video) from Physorg
Uncooperative voltage sensors: Study advances conclusions about the Shaker Kv channel from Physorg
Swine flu raises travel concerns in Europe from Physorg
AMD Planning 16-Core Server Chip For 2011 Release from Physorg
More 'Roadmaps for Materials': 30,000 Phase Diagrams Available Online from Newswise - Scinews
Obama vows investment in science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swine Flu Considered "Emergency" from PopSci
Quantum ghosts are helpful from Science Blog
Diminuendo -- New mouse model for understanding cause of progressive hearing loss from Science Blog
New physician assistants could cut N.B. wait times: committee report from CBC: Health
Mother of arrested autistic teen welcomes officers' apologies from CBC: Health
Europe Urges Citizens to Avoid U.S. and Mexico Travel from NY Times Health
New human movement model can aid in studying epidemic outbreaks, public planning
Cystic fibrosis testing - next steps
Swine flu is latest biosecurity challenge
Quantum ghosts are helpful
Researchers show how morphine can be given more effectively from Physorg
Quantum ghosts are helpful from Physorg
Egypt unveils 4,000-year-old necropolis from MSNBC: Science
Obama promises major investment in science from MSNBC: Science
Agricultural contaminants threaten Donana
Scientists boost cancer immune response from UPI
SUMO protein guides chromatin remodeler to suppress genes from Physorg
New study overturns orthodoxy on how macrophages kill bacteria from Physorg
Early brain activity sheds new light on the neural basis of reading from Physorg
Landfill cover soil methane oxidation underestimated from Physorg
New human movement model can aid in studying epidemic outbreaks, public planning from Physorg
Autism may be linked to being firstborn, breech births or moms 35 or older from Physorg
Houston: The face of America in the next 20 years from Physorg
Motor design uses pizza toss from Science Alert
Glowing Green from C&EN
Chemical & Engineering News: Table of Contents from C&EN
Limit volume on MP3 players, researchers suggest to device makers from CBC: Health
Electronics maker Sharp posts annual loss of over $1.5B from CBC: Technology & Science
How to Live with Ecological Intelligence from Scientific American
September launch for ESA's water mission from European Space Agency
Markets deplete fish stocks from Science Alert
The Reality of Reincarnation from Live Science
Epigenetics: A Revolutionary Look at How Humans Work from Live Science
Safely transporting a preterm or low birth weight infant from Science Blog
Landfill cover soil methane oxidation underestimated from Science Blog
AUA counters mainstream recommendations with new best practice statement on PSA testing from Science Blog
Early brain activity sheds new light on the neural basis of reading from Science Blog
A bright future with solar lanterns for India's poor from Science Blog
SUMO protein guides chromatin remodeler to suppress genes from Science Blog
New human movement model can aid in studying epidemic outbreaks, public planning from Science Blog
Cystic fibrosis testing -- next steps from Science Blog
No consensus on climate change document at indigenous summit from CBC: Technology & Science
Laser light used to make brain gamma waves from UPI
Obama vows 3% of GDP for science research from CBC: Technology & Science
Last pandas from quake-hit habitat relocated from MSNBC: Science
Early brain activity sheds new light on the neural basis of reading
Medical group urges earlier prostate exams from UPI
Bouncing atoms may be the key to the future of gravimetry from Physorg
Math, Art, and Origami at MIT from PopSci
New study overturns orthodoxy on how macrophages kill bacteria from Biology News Net
Early brain activity sheds new light on the neural basis of reading from Biology News Net
'Autoantibodies' may be created in response to bacterial DNA from Biology News Net
Genome projects launched for three extreme-environment animals from Biology News Net
Country Acre-brand poultry feed recalled from UPI
Virus has bird, pig, human components: Farm trade watchdog from Physorg
Verizon, Apple discussing iPhone from Physorg
Obama vows return to US science prominance from Physorg
40 swine flu cases in US; agents checking borders from Physorg
Qualcomm posts 2nd-qtr loss on legal settlement from Physorg
Verizon 1st-qtr profit, revenue beat expectations from Physorg
British government backs down over database plan from Physorg
Countries Unite to Reduce Animal Use in Product Toxicity Testing Worldwide from Newswise - Scinews
Landfill Cover Soil Methane Oxidation Underestimated from Newswise - Scinews
Different treatment options in chronic coronary artery disease from Science Blog
Recipes for Health: Fiber With Finesse from NY Times Health
Different treatment options in chronic coronary artery disease
September launch for ESA's water mission
Safely transporting a preterm or low birth weight infant
New study overturns orthodoxy on how macrophages kill bacteria
Costa Rica: pesticide exposure affects indigenous women from SciDev
Early diagnosis 'essential' in Buruli ulcer treatment from SciDev
Novartis accused of exploiting loophole in drug scheme from SciDev
Obama Pledges More Support For Science from C&EN
Robotic renal cancer surgery found helpful from UPI
Different treatment options in chronic coronary artery disease from Physorg
Safely transporting a preterm or low birth weight infant from Physorg
National study to identify genetic variants in schizophrenia from Physorg
New doctors, teaching physicians disagree about essential medical procedures to learn from Physorg
Study suggests Buddhist deity meditation temporarily augments visuospatial abilities from Physorg
Inadequate sleep leads to behavioral problems from Physorg
Plastic Bag Industry Invests $50m in Recycled Content Bags from Live Science
Making Killer Flu from Live Science
Happy Hairball Awareness Day! from PopSci
Lake Michigan recovering from 2008 decline from UPI
Cystic fibrosis testing -- next steps from Physorg
US newspaper circulation figures herald more bad news from Physorg
A bright future with solar lanterns for India's poor from Physorg
Taking Plant Biology from the Classroom to the Internet from Newswise - Scinews
Swine flu cases rise to 40 in the U.S. from LA Times - Health
Artificial Blood Vessels Work from Live Science
Northern spring thaw leads to mould allergies from CBC: Health
New doctors, teaching physicians disagree about essential medical procedures to learn from Science Blog
Study suggests Buddhist deity meditation temporarily augments visuospatial abilities from Science Blog
Inadequate sleep leads to behavioral problems from Science Blog
Infection study may lead to new drugs from UPI
Computer challenges humans on 'Jeopardy!' from UPI
Diminuendo -- New mouse model for understanding cause of progressive hearing loss from Physorg
Obama says he has his eye on swine flu threat from LA Times - Health
Swine flu cases rise to 40 in the U.S. from LA Times - Science
Who will cash in on Canada's love for online video? from CBC: Technology & Science
Assessing the Danger of New Flu from NY Times Health
Online, Death Is Not The Final Word from CBSNews - Science
Obama Promises Major Investment In Science from CBSNews - Science
Heart attacks: The tipping point from Physorg
Intrigue in the World of Fruits and Vegetables from PopSci
HMNH welcomes opportunities to develop NSF research-related outreach programs with University researchers from Harvard Science
Weather plays a role in swine flu outbreak from UPI
General Electric Develops a 500GB Optical Disc from Physorg
Revolutionary sensor system protects ports, bridges and distribution centres from Physorg
Large sponges may be reattached to coral reefs from Physorg
Spammers use swine flu panic to peddle products from LA Times - Health
Obama Calls for Historical Commitment to Science from Live Science
Governments React To Flu Outbreak from PopSci
Large sponges may be reattached to coral reefs from Science Blog
Facebook opens core to outside developers from Physorg
3 of 4 N.S. students with swine flu recovered: headmaster from CBC: Health
Owl hit by car takes flight in Yukon from CBC: Technology & Science
Nanocantilevers eliminate transducers from UPI
As insects expand, new areas may become prone to Lyme disease from Physorg
Tsunami to Hit Caribbean When Million-Ton Rock Falls? from National Geographic
Celanese PVOH Business Goes To Japan's Sekisui from C&EN
Avoid Mexico, Travelers Are Told, as Flu Toll Mounts from NY Times Science
Fresh Pot of Tea Strikes Anticancer Gold from Physorg
Nanosensor Arrays 'Smell' Cancer from Physorg
IBM Developing Computing System to Challenge Humans on America's Favorite Quiz Show, Jeopardy! (w/Video) from Physorg
After years of research, drug for 'female sexual dysfunction' remains elusive from Physorg
Mental health problems more common in kids who feel racial discrimination from Science Blog
NASA to air astronaut induction ceremony from UPI
New blood pressure control target is found from UPI
Majority of new cases of diabetes in older U.S. adults could be prevented from Harvard Science
Oddball stars discovered in new Hubble images from Physorg
Swedish Internet firm to delete user data from Physorg
The Pros and Cons of Asexual Reproduction from PopSci
Technology fund takes shape in Quebec from CBC: Technology & Science
Swine Flu: Public Health Emergency Declared, Investigation Continues from Science Daily
Molecule hikes cardiac insufficiency risk from UPI
News Corp. hires more MySpace executives from Physorg
After error, Apple giving investors 'say on pay' from Physorg
The Chatter of Neurons (w/Video) from Physorg
Toshiba to launch 32nm process NAND flash memory from Physorg
Beyond "Ooh-ooh, Aah-aah": Expert on Monkey Communication Kicks Off Darwin Series at UD, May 5 from Newswise - Scinews
Open Access Advocate Philip E. Bourne to Receive 2009 Benjamin Franklin Award from Newswise - Scinews
Outbreak Like Mexican Swine Flu Predicted 14 Months Ago from Live Science
Limit volume on MP3 players, researchers suggest to device makers from CBC: Technology & Science
SWINE FLU PICTURES: Bracing Against a Pandemic from National Geographic
Books: Snapshots From the Days of Bare-Hands Anatomy from NY Times Health
Cases: When Bad Advice Is the Best Advice from NY Times Health
With Aid of Drug Library, New Remedies From Old from NY Times Health
Advances Expand Kidney Transplants from NY Times Health
Women Who Keep Ovaries Live Longer from NY Times Health
Global Update: Pneumonia: Rwanda Receives Vaccine to Shield Babies Against Bacterial Infections from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Regimens: Bleach in Bath Can Ease Child’s Eczema from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Prevention: Enforcing Law Cuts Teenage Smoking from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Aging: Reminders of Age Undermine Memory from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Paying a Price for Loving Red Meat from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Eating Parsley Can Eliminate Bad Breath from NY Times Health
Clinton Says U.S. Is Ready to Lead on Climate from NY Times Science
Books: Snapshots From the Days of Bare-Hands Anatomy from NY Times Science
Basics: Bone, a Masterpiece of Elastic Strength from NY Times Science
On a Hunt for Fishless Lakes, Teeming With Life from NY Times Science
Cases: When Bad Advice Is the Best Advice from NY Times Science
With Aid of Drug Library, New Remedies From Old from NY Times Science
Global Update: Pneumonia: Rwanda Receives Vaccine to Shield Babies Against Bacterial Infections from NY Times Science
Advances Expand Kidney Transplants from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Prevention: Enforcing Law Cuts Teenage Smoking from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Regimens: Bleach in Bath Can Ease Child’s Eczema from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Aging: Reminders of Age Undermine Memory from NY Times Science
Women Who Keep Ovaries Live Longer from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Paying a Price for Loving Red Meat from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Eating Parsley Can Eliminate Bad Breath from NY Times Science
Mucci's recalls frozen meat, poultry items from UPI
Voice response system useful for monitoring anticoagulant patients from Physorg
Novel role of protein in generating amyloid-beta peptide from Physorg
Patients at community health clinics less likely to be referred to cardiologist from Physorg
Mental health problems more common in kids who feel racial discrimination from Physorg
What you need to know about swine flu from AP Health
Kenya poachers admit ivory haul from BBC News: Science & Nature
Investigating swine flu from CBC: Health
Genetics may save crops in global warming from UPI
Study: Parasites might provide benefits from UPI
Climatic effects of tree-killing hurricanes from
Salt of the Earth from NY Times Science
Missing planets attest to destructive power of stars' tides from Physorg
EarthTalk: Why doesn't U.S. have high-mileage diesel cars, like Europe? from Physorg
It's safer to recycle, not dump, toxic electronics from Physorg
Swine flu hits Europe from Physorg
Mexico says suspected swine flu deaths now at 149 from Physorg
Joost seeks cable TV operator as buyer from Physorg
NASA's New Moonship Takes Ocean Plunge from
Swine Flu Vaccine Could Take 6 Months from Live Science
As Swine Flu Scare Unfolds, Virologist Underscores Need For Research On Animal Pathogens from Science Daily
Missing Planets Attest to Destructive Power of Stars' Tides from Newswise - Scinews
Feminist social theories put to the test from Physorg
Income slashed, web traffic falls when paper goes online-only from Physorg
WHO ups pandemic alert as Mexico flu deaths climb from Physorg
Flu vaccine given in microneedle skin patches proves effective in mice from Physorg
Dietary fats trigger long-term memory formation from Physorg
Scientist warns over pandemic flu vaccine 6-month time lag from Physorg
Universal flu vaccine holds promise from Physorg
DOE to establish two Energy Frontier Research Centers at MIT from MIT Research
Breaking News on Swine Flu from Science NOW
China Falls Short on Olympic Cleanup from Science NOW
Invoking the Sputnik Era, Obama Vows Record Outlays for Research from NY Times Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Engineered corn's vitamin boost from BBC News: Science & Nature
Task ahead from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brain imaging skewed from News @ Nature
Caterpillars’ chirp could be scary from
A Tiny Hominid With No Place on the Family Tree from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work: Anna Dornhaus: To Fathom a Colony’s Talk and Toil, Studying Insects One by One from NY Times Science
Optical disc offers 500GB storage from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pairing pharmacists, computers reduces medication errors: studies from CBC: Health
Automated calls help patients taking blood thinners from CBC: Health
Swine flu jumps continents from News @ Nature
World's Largest Model Rocket Launch Is Blazing Success from National Geographic
Painted Egypt Coffins Unearthed from National Geographic
Cosmic Log: The future of vaccination from MSNBC: Science
Eating Fatty Fish And Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk Of Heart Failure from Science Daily
Double-lung Transplants Work Better Than Single For Long-term Survival from Science Daily
New Human Movement Model Can Aid In Studying Epidemic Outbreaks, Public Planning from Science Daily
Buddhist Deity Meditation Temporarily Augments Visuospatial Abilities, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Presto! Fast Color-changing Material May Lead To Improved Sunglasses from Science Daily
Autism May Be Linked To Being Firstborn, Breech Births Or Moms 35 Or Older from Science Daily
Live-in Domestics: Mites As Maids In Tropical Rainforest Sweat Bee Nests from Science Daily
Researchers Identify Gene Associated With Muscular Dystrophy-related Vision Problems from Science Daily
Inadequate Sleep Leads To Behavioral Problems, Study Finds from Science Daily
Hubble Survey Reveals Formation Of Universe's First Massive Galaxies from Science Daily
Orthodoxy On How Macrophages Kill Bacteria Overturned With New Study from Science Daily
Antibody Targeting The Protein FGFR3 Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth from Science Daily
DNA Of Uncultured Organisms Sequenced Using Novel Single-cell Approach from Science Daily
Salmon Virus With Potential For Change from Science Daily
New Gene Regions Linked With Susceptibility To HIV-1–associated Kidney Disease from Science Daily
Swine flu outbreak likely to continue, officials say from
The Doctor's World: Sound the Alarm? A Swine Flu Bind from NY Times Health
Basics: Bone, a Masterpiece of Elastic Strength from NY Times Health
Q & A: Salt of the Earth from NY Times Health
The Doctor's World: Sound the Alarm? A Swine Flu Bind from NY Times Science
Observatory: For Tough Recyclables, a Self-Mending Plastic from NY Times Science
People with higher IQs make wiser economic choices, study finds from Physorg
US Army enlists Facebook, Twitter from Physorg
How WHO measures a pandemic from AP Health
Reading Reports Involving Risk-taking Affects Financial Decision Making from Science Daily
Does A Person's Insurance Coverage Affect Their Access To Quality Cancer Care? from Science Daily
Corn fortified with multiple vitamins engineered by scientists from LA Times - Science
Swine flu outbreak sweeps the globe from News @ Nature
Search for meteor in Arizona from UPI
WHO Raises Pandemic Flu Threat Level from PopSci
Testing times from BBC News: Science & Nature
Flu vaccine given in microneedle skin patches proves effective in mice from Biology News Net
Scientist warns over pandemic flu vaccine 6-month time lag from Biology News Net
Novel role of protein in generating amyloid-beta peptide from Biology News Net
Universal flu vaccine holds promise from Biology News Net
WHO raises swine flu alert level from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science cash 'to beat food riots' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Central Asia to hold water summit from BBC News: Science & Nature
Letters: Affluence and Consumption (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: As Time Goes By (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: The Value of Friendship (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Success and Stigmas (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Use antiviral drugs carefully, health officials warn from LA Times - Science
Obama Picks Leader for Global AIDS Effort from NY Times Health
Institute of Food Technologists Names New Vice President to Lead Science and Policy Initiatives from Newswise - Scinews
Do face masks help prevent swine flu infection? from LA Times - Science
Obama promises spending boost for science from News @ Nature
Obama outlines science vision from Physics World
Obama Seeks to Ease Fears on Flu; Says U.S. Is Prepared from NY Times Health
Investors Buy Up Shares of Flu Drug Makers from NY Times Health
Avodart, Prostate Drug, Found to Reduce Cancer Risk from NY Times Health
Group Sounds Alarm on European Bee Industry from NY Times Science