Archive of feed items published on the 4th of November 2010
Study shows a single shot of morphine has long lasting effects on testosterone levels from Science Blog
Americans less healthy than English, but live as long or longer, study finds from Science Blog
Teens of epileptic moms display poor school performance from Science Blog
Experts issue recommendations for treatment of post-bariatric surgery patients from Science Blog
Voluntary initiatives, regulation, and nanotechnology oversight from Science Blog
Money for Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a Republican-Led House from NY Times Science
Focus Changes for Louisiana in Oil Cleanup from NY Times Science
John Gavin, Who Helped Put First Man on Moon, Dies at 90 from NY Times Science
Facebook: Going Mobile (Pictures) from CBSNews - Science
Scientists Close to Displaying Live Video in 3D from CBSNews - Science
"Virgin Birth" Reported for Boa Constrictor from CBSNews - Science
Surprise: Older Americans Sicker than Brits, but Live Longer from Live Science
Creating the salt marshes of the future from BBC News: Science & Nature
Prop. 23 battle marks new era in environmental politics from LA Times - Science
Obama drops plan to limit global warming gases from AP Science
More than just a pretty flower from MIT Research
Panasonic invests $30M in electric car maker Tesla from Physorg
AT&T sets up division to target health care from Physorg
Health Care Vote Only a Part of Democrats’ Vulnerability from NY Times Health
You Want a Toy With That? from NY Times Health
For N.F.L. Players, Another Risk: Heart Disease from NY Times Health
Skin Deep: A Safety Kink in Hair Relaxing? from NY Times Health
Well: Born to Run the Marathon? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: South Indian Cabbage With Yogurt from NY Times Health
Obama drops plan to limit global warming gases from Physorg
NASA spacecraft set to rendezvous with comet from Physorg
Nature's way from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cyber sleuths fight online crime in Singapore from Physorg
Samsung aims to sell 1 mln Galaxy Tabs by year's end from Physorg
PayPal patches hacker hole in iPhone application: report from Physorg
Americans less healthy than English, but live as long or longer, study finds from Physorg
Facebook shrinks Web page fonts from Physorg
Experts issue recommendations for treatment of post-bariatric surgery patients from Physorg
Teens of epileptic moms display poor school performance from Physorg
Study shows a single shot of morphine has long lasting effects on testosterone levels from Physorg
Young sea eagle numbers soaring from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tree diseases 'on the rise' in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stormy Weather Delays Space Shuttle Discovery's Launch At Least 24 Hours from
Beneficial effects of testosterone for frailty in older men are short-lived from Science Blog
New biomarker may help diagnose ectopic pregnancies from Science Blog
Storms delay Discovery launch from CBC: Technology & Science
Fluorographene: The world's thinnest insulator from Physorg
Scientists to test if life on Mars could be related to life on Earth from Physorg
Genomics: DNA's master craftsmen from News @ Nature
-style holograms: a new hope? from News @ Nature
Debris 'killing Adriatic turtles' from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Recycled probe' to flyby comet from BBC News: Science & Nature
RIM warehouse fire extinguished from CBC: Technology & Science
Ancient shrimp monster not so fierce after all from Physorg
An over-reliance on forensics from Science Alert
Hopeful drug for stroke victims from Science Alert
Opinion: The coming liquid fuel crisis from Science Alert
Feature: Oceans – time to take out the garbage from Science Alert
Tumour tiger needed armed escort from BBC News: Science & Nature
Europe holds its first cyber defence test from Physorg
Storms in Fla. delay space shuttle launch again from Physorg
New biomarker may help diagnose ectopic pregnancies from Physorg
London calls for green revolution from UPI
IEA sees growing energy appetite in Asia from UPI
BP nabs fields in the North Sea from UPI
Nabucco 'not impossible,' Baku says from UPI
Macedonia readies for South Stream from UPI
Food for thought from Harvard Science
NASA Postpones Discovery Launch Due to Storms from CBSNews - Science
NASA Spacecraft Set for Comet Rendezvous from CBSNews - Science
How the GOP Got its Social Media Groove On from CBSNews - Science
Beneficial effects of testosterone for frailty in older men are short-lived from Physorg
Chatbot auto-tweets replies to climate change arguments from Physorg
Uncovering the real Flintstones from BBC News: Science & Nature
BP has problems in Alaska, report finds from UPI
Statoil wants more acreage in NCS from UPI
Mexico opens bank to maintain its genetic heritage from SciDev
Green: Soft Jeans ->Water Waste? from NY Times Science
Multifocal contact lenses may reduce vision for night driving
Review: Microsoft Kinect and Playstation Move from CBC: Technology & Science
Craiglist concerns voiced by Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Alien plants invade River Lagan from BBC News: Science & Nature
EPA Captures Environmental Fugitive from Live Science
'Snowball Earth' Scenario Plunged Our Planet Into Million-Year Winters from
EU proposes nuclear waste guidelines from UPI
Mixed reports on Britain's wind sector from UPI
Higher medication spending doesn't indicate better prescribing quality
UBC researchers shine light on congenital heart disease 'hot spots' using Canadian Light Source
New research shows disparities in hospice enrolment are not likely related to access
New biomarker may help diagnose ectopic pregnancies
Beneficial effects of testosterone for frailty in older men are short-lived
Americans less healthy than English, but live as long or longer, study finds
NASA's TRMM satellite sees Tomas' power fluctuate
MIT chemists engineer plants to produce new drugs
Half of those travelling internationally not aware of potential health risks
Meta-flex: Your new brand for invisibility clothing
Stone Age humans needed more brain power to make big leap in tool design
Scientists produce transparent, light-harvesting material
Recombination hotspot stacks the DNA deck in finding a new diabetes susceptibility gene
Bird, meet cousin alligator from Harvard Science
YouTube Removes Video Sermons by al-Awlaki from CBSNews - Science
Early Reviews on Microsoft Kinect Goes Live from CBSNews - Science
Biosecurity Project Will Help Veterinary Diagnostic Labs from Newswise - Scinews
EU proposes ban on detergent phosphates from UPI
Did Earth encounter pieces of an alien visitor last night? from Science Blog
Safe schools policy for LGBTQ students from Science Blog
Insufficient vitamin D levels in CLL patients linked to cancer progression and death from Science Blog
World's smallest chromatography column from Chemistry World
Universities to get £9000 fees option from Chemistry World
Cell membranes behave like cornstarch and water
Study shows drop in unnecessary care after Medicare reimbursement cut
Physics experiment finds violation of matter/antimatter symmetry
Medication adherence improves blood pressure control in chronic kidney disease
UCLA autism study reveals how genetic changes rewire the brain
Combining radiation therapy, chemotherapy safely treats head and neck cancer patients
Positive psychological changes from meditation training linked to cellular health
Cosmic curiosity reveals ghostly glow of dead quasar
WWF, beef industry leaders advance sustainable beef production
Simple blood test may diagnose deadly Niemann-Pick type C disease
Teens of epileptic moms display poor school performance
The measure of the man from Harvard Science
Principles of Brownfield Regeneration: Cleanup, Design, and Reuse of Derelict Land from Harvard Science
The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History from Harvard Science
Trading places from Harvard Science
David Turnbull from Harvard Science
Little Did I Know: Excerpts from Memory from Harvard Science
A look inside Adams House from Harvard Science
Fakhri A. Bazzaz from Harvard Science
When one sentence just won’t do from Harvard Science
The search for China’s roots from Harvard Science
Wild Harvard from Harvard Science
Architects Vie to Design the City of the Future--On the Moon [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Spontaneous GMOs in nature: Researchers show how a genetically modified plant can come about from Science Daily
New 3-D model of RNA 'core domain' of enzyme telomerase may offer clues to cancer, aging from Physorg
YouTube removes video sermons by radical cleric from Physorg
Large Hadron Collider pauses protons; enters new phase from Physorg
Google joins British drive to boost technology sector from Physorg
Web’s Undersea Cables Need Revamp to Prevent Catastrophe from Live Science
Comet Hartley 2 Gets Visit from Deep Impact Spacecraft from
Plot Of The Week: Improved Projections On ATLAS Higgs Reach
YouTube Removes Video Sermons by al-Awlaki from CBSNews - Science
NASA Postpones Discovery Launch Due to Storms from CBSNews - Science
NASA Spacecraft Set for Comet Rendezvous from CBSNews - Science
How the GOP Got its Social Media Groove On from CBSNews - Science
Early Reviews on Microsoft Kinect Goes Live from CBSNews - Science
Scientists find nerve cell activity drains stem cell pool in developing brain from Physorg
Did Earth encounter pieces of an alien visitor last night? from Physorg
Safe schools policy for LGBTQ students from Physorg
5-year results show keyhole bowel cancer surgery is safe and effective from Physorg
Potential for stroke victims to dramatically regain mobility from Physorg
Eye on the future from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pacific Northwest quake overdue, sediments show from MSNBC: Science
Colourful 'green' polymers from Chemistry World
Green: Offshore Drilling Ban Lawsuit Dismissed from NY Times Science
NASA satellite data confirm a stronger Tropical Storm Tomas, hurricane warnings up from Science Blog
New sex offences against children listed from CBC: Technology & Science
Fermilab Experiment Hints At Existence of Brand-New Elementary Particle from PopSci
AIDS scientist in B.C. wins prestigious award from CBC: Health
Corn starch solution can help shape solid materials from Science Daily
Plantar fasciitis? Stretching seems to do the trick from Science Daily
Treatment trends for biceps injuries from Science Daily
Five-year results show keyhole bowel cancer surgery as safe and effective from Science Daily
New DNA Sequencing reveals hidden communities from Science Daily
Insects learn to choose the right mate from Science Daily
Experts issue recommendations for treatment of post-bariatric surgery patients from Science Daily
New biomarker may help diagnose ectopic pregnancies from Science Daily
Beneficial effects of testosterone for frailty in older men are short-lived from Science Daily
Teens of epileptic moms display poor school performance from Science Daily
Americans less healthy than English, but live as long or longer, study finds from Science Daily
Authorities covering brushfires too reliant on DNA from Physorg
Plantar fasciitis? Stretching seems to do the trick from Physorg
FASTSAT microsatellite readied to share a ride from Physorg
Modern society made up of all types from Physorg
Bring back Robin Hood brand, says study from Physorg
More talk, less agreement: Risk discussion can hurt consensus-building on science/technology from Physorg
Big steps in creating small chips from Physorg
Flood waning, Iceland volcano eruption less likely from Physorg
Time Warner Cable 3Q net income rises from Physorg
Insufficient vitamin D levels in CLL patients linked to cancer progression and death from Physorg
NASA satellite data confirm a stronger Tropical Storm Tomas, hurricane warnings up from Physorg
Researchers find corn starch solution can help shape solid materials from Physorg
Why Do Animals Migrate? from Live Science
Trade and the Republican takeover from UPI
5-year results show keyhole bowel cancer surgery is safe and effective from Science Blog
Treatment trends for biceps injuries from Science Blog
Brain trumps hand in Stone Age tool study from Science Blog
Bring back Robin Hood brand, says study from Science Blog
Plantar fasciitis? Stretching seems to do the trick from Science Blog
Postoperative vomiting from Science Blog
NYU researchers find corn starch solution can help shape solid materials from Science Blog
LSU researcher participates in NIH-funded study ushering in the age of personal genomics from Science Blog
Comet, spacecraft have close encounter from CBC: Technology & Science
Asian foot, mouth outbreaks worry scientists from CBC: Health
Pennycress Could Go from Nuisance Weed to New Source of Biofuel from Newswise - Scinews
California state water control board aims to improve water quality by partnering with IBM from Physorg
Technological advancements reduce stress on driver, research shows from Physorg
New hope for hard-to-treat heart patients with balloon angioplasty from Physorg
New propulsion system for micro-objects from Physorg
NASA Mission Successfully Flies by Comet Hartley 2 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
First Close-up Photos of Comet Hartley 2 From Flyby Released from
POLL: How Will NASA's New Direction Fare Under the New Congress? from
Forget Consensus - More Telling, Less Discussing, Recommends NC State Paper
More talk, less agreement: Risk discussion can hurt consensus-building on science/technology from Science Blog
Dot Earth: Krakatau Joins Indonesia's Volcanic Awakening from NY Times Science
How science is tackling Pakistan's water shortages from SciDev
Prescriptions: Life Spans of the Elderly from NY Times Health
CT Scans Can Reduce Lung Cancer Deaths, Study Finds from NY Times Health
Where International Standard Units Come From, Part Four: The Mole from PopSci
U.S. Jaguar Habitat Designation Delayed from Scientific American
Ont. rejects cellphone warning labels from CBC: Health
More talk, less agreement: Risk discussion can hurt consensus-building on science/technology from Science Daily
Wyoming leads nation in smokeless tobacco use from AP Health
Study: CT scans modestly cut lung cancer deaths from AP Health
Village ravaged by cancer in Turkey's Cappadocia from AP Health
80.5% of hospital patients are at high risk for sleep apnea, study finds from Physorg
NASA Deep Impact spacecraft visits another comet from Physorg
'Spiral' CT scans reduce smoker deaths, study finds from LA Times - Health
Fly Stem Cells on Diet: Scientists Discovered How Stem Cells Respond to Nutrient Availability from Newswise - Scinews
Norway best for the good life in an ever richer world from Physorg
Village ravaged by cancer in Turkey's Cappadocia from Physorg
Panasonic introduces smallest, lightest interchangeable digital lens camera from Physorg
Study: CT scans modestly cut lung cancer deaths from Physorg
Zap, You're Smart! Mild Brain Shock Stimulates Math Skills from Live Science
Central dogma of genetics maybe not so central from
Electric brain stimulation can improve maths: study from Reuters:Science
The New Old Age: Elder Health: the United States and Britain from NY Times Health
What’s a Pooled Trust? A Way to Avoid the Nursing Home from NY Times Health
Missouri Botanical Garden researchers discover 8 new species in Boliva national parks from Science Blog
Polar bears can’t eat geese into extinction from Science Blog
Women Prefer Men With Yellow, Red Faces from National Geographic
CT scans of smokers can reduce lung cancer deaths by 20%, study reports from LA Times - Health
ScienceShot: Comet Revealed as a Giant Dog Bone from Science NOW
Electrical Stimulation Can Boost Math Ability For 6 Months, Says Study
EPOXI spacecraft encounters comet from
Jambox a boombox for the smart gadget era from Physorg
To punish or not to punish: Lessons from reef fish and saber-tooth blennies from Physorg
CT scans of smokers can reduce lung cancer deaths by 20%, study reports from LA Times - Science
Love Doll Owner Enjoys Upgraded Model from Live Science
Tropical Storm Tomas Strengthening, Satellite Images Show from Live Science
Village ravaged by cancer in Turkey's Cappadocia from AP Science
Green: A High-Speed Derailment from NY Times Science
Invisible clothing closer to reality: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Ont. rejects cellphone warning labels from CBC: Technology & Science
Dr. Phil Takes a Stand Against Bullying from CBSNews - Science
Iowa State, Ames Laboratory scientists advance the understanding of the big getting bigger from Science Blog
Global food safety: Keeping food safe from farm to table from Science Blog
The looming water shortage from Harvard Science
Lung cancer deaths fall with spiral CTs: study from CBC: Health
Brain Zaps Improve Math from Science NOW
Weapons research crosses the Channel from News @ Nature
Genomics: DNA's master craftsmen from News @ Nature
Pigs Reveal Secrets: New Research Shines Light On Quebec Industry from Newswise - Scinews
Hard Work Improves the Taste of Food from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Advance the Understanding of the Big Getting Bigger from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists advance the understanding of the big getting bigger from Physorg
X-rays offer first detailed look at hotspots for calcium-related disease from Physorg
Hard work improves the taste of food, study shows from Physorg
Electric current 'boosts maths' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Republican Fiscal Plan Could Slash Science Budgets from Live Science
Hard work improves the taste of food, Johns Hopkins study shows from Science Blog
Burning pain and itching governed by same nerve cells from Science Blog
UMD-led deep impact spacecraft successfully flies by comet Hartley 2 from Science Blog
A ‘brand’ new world: Attachment runs thicker than money from Science Blog
X-rays offer first detailed look at hotspots for calcium-related disease from Science Blog
Colonic navigation from Science Blog
Blocking cancer drug’s toxic side effects from Chemistry World
Lack of engineers stifling development, says report from SciDev
Prescriptions: Industry Targets Medicare Board from NY Times Health
HIV immunity is all in the amino acids from News @ Nature
Weapons research crosses the Channel from News @ Nature
Want to be a math whiz? Try a touch of electric shock from MSNBC: Science
Integrated Weed Management Can Increase Profits for Pacific Northwest Wheat Growers from Newswise - Scinews
Discovery Blocks Cancer Drug's Toxic Side Effect from Newswise - Scinews
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Launches Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Imaging in Medicine from Newswise - Scinews
Polar bears can't eat geese into extinction from Physorg
8 new species discovered in Boliva national parks from Physorg
To prevent inbreeding, flowering plants have evolved multiple genes, research reveals from Physorg
Breakthrough in cancer vaccine research from Physorg
Electrical brain stimulation improves math skills from Physorg
Global food safety: Keeping food safe from farm to table from Physorg
No easy solution to genetic 'battle of the sexes' from Physorg
Helical CT scans reduce lung cancer mortality by 20% compared to chest X-rays from Physorg
Fly stem cells on diet: Scientists discovered how stem cells respond to nutrient availability from Physorg
Researchers implicate wayward DNA-repair enzyme in Friedreich's ataxia from Physorg
Genetic deletion discovered as risk factor for autism and schizophrenia from Physorg
Burning pain and itching governed by same nerve cells from Physorg
Pennycress could go from nuisance weed to new source of biofuel from Physorg
A 'brand' new world: Attachment runs thicker than money from Physorg
Researchers unlock the secret of bacteria's immune system from Physorg
Using Space-Time Distortions, Scientists Discover Hidden Galaxies from
Herschel's Hidden Talent: Digging Up Magnified Galaxies from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Status Quo Remains for Women in High Office from Live Science
Epilepsy Meds Use in Moms Linked to Teens' School Troubles from Live Science
Wasps Sting Woman 1,000 Times from Live Science
Body's Hidden Defense Against Common Cold Virus Uncovered from Live Science
U.S. offers help for Papua New Guinea LNG from UPI
IEA says Iraq's oil boost plan a fizzle from UPI
NASA’s Deep Impact Spacecraft Visits Another Comet from NY Times Science
UK wants Olympic site to rival Silicon Valley from Physorg
Pigs reveal secrets: New research shines light on Quebec industry from Physorg
Small protein changes may make big difference in natural HIV control from Physorg
Gene identified for spread of deadly melanoma from Physorg
Tim McGraw joins campaign to help fight hunger from AP Science
Meta-Flex: Your Future Invisibility Cloak?
Immune gene variants help stop HIV from
Anthony Mbewu steps down as Global Forum director from SciDev
Pakistan to prepare climate change strategy post floods from SciDev
The rights of women from Harvard Science
Deep Impact Probe Snaps Close-Up Images of Comet Hartley 2 from PopSci
Close Encounter With Comet Hartley 2 Sets NASA Astir from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work: Dolphins and Xenops on the Last Field Day from NY Times Science
Genome may be mostly junk after all from
New photosensitive film converts light into kinetic energy, bends when irradiated from Physorg
Discovery blocks cancer drug's toxic side effect from Physorg
Study identifies motor neurone disease biomarker from Physorg
New ribbon worm named after UCSB scientist from Physorg
Seismic Waves CAT Scan Maps Inner Earth from Live Science
More Disaster for Haiti: With Tomas, Landslide Danger Looms from Live Science
Hodgkin's Disease Drug Passes Early Clinical Trial from Live Science
Helical CT scans reduce lung cancer mortality by 20 percent compared to chest X-rays from Science Blog
Motor Neurone Disease Association study identifies MND biomarker from Science Blog
Health supplements seized over safety from CBC: Health
TB rates in U.K. highest in 30 years from CBC: Health
Ottawa students asked about sexual orientation from CBC: Health
Doctor and Patient: Listening to Patients Living With Illness from NY Times Health
Consults: The States' Role in Gambling Addiction from NY Times Health
Well: Life After a Lifesaving Treatment from NY Times Health
Video: Endangered beauty: Saving a species of butterfly from MSNBC: Science
Wyoming, W. Va. lead in chewing tobacco use from Physorg
Electric cars get charged wirelessly in London (w/ Video) from Physorg
Review: Kinect motion-sensing system impresses from Physorg
Colonic navigation: Nanotechnology helps deliver drugs to intestinal target from Physorg
The mind uses syntax to interpret actions from Physorg
EVALSO: A new high-speed data link to Chilean observatories from Physorg
Global Warming Likely to Get Cool Reception in Congress from Live Science
Brand Love: So Strong Consumers Suffer Separation Anxiety from Live Science
What Net Neutrality Means for Small Business from Live Science
Space Photos This Week: Sun Cowlick, Night Lights, More from National Geographic
LHC To Shift Gears This Month And Create Mini Big Bangs from PopSci
Business events scheduled for the coming week from AP Health
Timing is everything in combination therapy for osteoporosis from Physorg
Physicists produce black hole plasma in the lab from Physorg
Few Americans using location-based services: Pew study from Physorg
Netherlands stops Shell's CO2 storage project from Physorg
Researchers to build extreme scale supercomputer from Physorg
Montreal sandwich tips calorie scale from CBC: Health
Discovery blocks cancer drug's toxic side effect from Science Daily
Nanotechnology helps deliver drugs to intestinal target from Science Daily
Chemical coarsening: How the big get bigger from Science Daily
Bisphenol A goes through the skin from News @ Nature
HIV immunity is all in the amino acids from News @ Nature
Europe simulates total cyber war from BBC News: Science & Nature
One-third of world's sharks, skates and rays face extinction from Physorg
Shopping Shift: Consumers May Forever Spend Less from Live Science
The mind uses syntax to interpret actions from Science Blog
AGU Journal highlights — Nov. 4, 2010 from Science Blog
Discovery shows promise against severe side effects from Science Blog
Volcanic eruptions affect rainfall over Asian monsoon region from Science Blog
UC doctoral student presents research at international conference from Science Blog
National Science Foundation launches "Innovation Nation" from Science Blog
Food-allergy fears drive overly restrictive diets from Science Blog
Food-allergy fears drive overly restrictive diets from Physorg
Study shows extreme form of pregnancy-related morning sickness could be genetic from Physorg
Gravity eases its pull from Physorg
Google's outlandish ventures go beyond Web from Physorg
In Warming Climate, Geese & Polar Bears Strike a Balance from Live Science
Nuke Testing Center Becomes Cross-Channel Affair from Live Science
Obesity in US to Reach 42%, Thanks to 'Friend Effect' from Live Science
First Close-up Photos of Comet Hartley 2 Reveal Space Peanut from Live Science
NASA EPOXI Flyby Reveals New Insights Into Comet Features from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Clean energy strategy draws support from CBC: Technology & Science
Zombie satellite to do another flyby from CBC: Technology & Science
The Heat Was On: Atmospheric CO 2 Triggered a Global Warming Event 40 Million Years Ago from Scientific American
Electrical brain stimulation improves math skills, researchers show from Science Daily
Gene identified for spread of deadly melanoma from Science Daily
Polar bears can't eat geese into extinction from Science Daily
Researchers unlock the secret of bacteria's immune system from Science Daily
Human mind uses syntax to interpret actions from Science Daily
Deep impact spacecraft successfully flies by comet Hartley 2 from Science Daily
Eight new species discovered in Boliva national parks from Science Daily
Tomas increases landslide risk in Haiti from MSNBC: Science
Want to be a math whiz? Try a touch of electric shock from MSNBC: Science
Obesity rate will reach at least 42% from Harvard Science
Lung Cancer Screening Promises Big Benefits, Big Costs from Science NOW
Scientist at Work: The Way Home Is Through Huapapa from NY Times Science
Well: A Vegan Chef Dishes Up Thanksgiving from NY Times Health
High-Risk Insurance Pools Attract Fewer Than Projected from NY Times Health
Lasofoxifene reduces breast cancer risk in postmenopausal osteoporotic women from Physorg
1.5-million-dollar verdict in US music piracy case from Physorg
Rain delays space shuttle launch; now set for Fri. from Physorg
Obesity rate will reach at least 42 percent, say models of social contagion from Physorg
Human-specific evolution in battling bugs and building babies from Physorg
Would convenient access to affordable fresh produce improve eating habits? from Physorg
Scientists show universality in the brain evolution from Physorg
Calgary researcher wins neurobiology award from CBC: Technology & Science
Improve Your Math Skills With An Electric Jolt To Your Brain* from PopSci
MU grad student simulates 100 years of farming to measure agriculture’s impact on land and water quality from Science Blog
Alumni go to Washington from Harvard Science
New study shows science should trump politics in salt debate, editorial says from Physorg
We've come a long way, researchers: How a decade of research is helping lupus patients from Physorg
Long-term lake study suggests ecological mechanism may control destructive crayfish from Physorg
Activision 3Q earnings more than triple from Physorg
Music insider shatters model of digital distribution from Physorg
Ants compete, recruit to identify best colony (w/ Video) from Physorg
Grad student simulates 100 years of farming to measure agriculture's impact on land and water quality from Physorg
Health registry could transform chronic kidney disease care from Physorg
Herschel's hidden talent: digging up magnified galaxies from Physorg
NASA spacecraft in comet rendezvous from UPI
Obesity rate will reach at least 42 percent, say models of social contagion from Science Daily
Human-specific evolution in battling bugs and building babies from Science Daily
Helical CT scans reduce lung cancer mortality by 20 percent compared to chest X-rays, study finds from Science Daily
Food-allergy fears drive overly restrictive diets, study suggests from Science Daily
A 'brand' new world: Attachment runs thicker than money from Science Daily
Burning pain and itching governed by same nerve cells from Science Daily
Flexible metamaterial springs to life from Physics World
Obama's dream of Mars at risk from radiation from Physics World
LHC gears up to create mini big bangs from Physics World
Too Much Potential Life On Other Planets - And Why That's Good For Astrobiology
Mars Rovers to Take Advantage of Cloud Computing from
Researchers unlock the secret of bacteria's immune system from Biology News Net
New 3-D model of RNA 'core domain' of enzyme telomerase may offer clues to cancer, aging from Biology News Net
Small protein changes may make big difference in natural HIV control from Biology News Net
Cable subscribers flee, but is Internet to blame? from Physorg
Evolving brains seen as driving toolmaking from UPI
Coating could make power-generating window from UPI
Health Research Funding Could Face Cuts in New Congress from Live Science
Engineers Assessing Cassini Spacecraft from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Canadian Polar Commission board named from CBC: Technology & Science
Syringe reuse revealed in Alberta health centre from CBC: Health
Comet Encounters: 5 Space Missions - and Counting from CBSNews - Science
Web coupons likely to alter holiday shopping landscape from Physorg
Climate change could reverse Atlantic flow from UPI
Scientist: Much of human genome 'junk' from UPI
Man Buys Extinct Tasmanian Tiger Pelt for $5 from Live Science
A friendly chat can boost brain: study from CBC: Health
Space probe captures 'amazing' images of comet Hartley 2 from LA Times - Science
Brace yourself for little big bangs from MSNBC: Science
Rare Close Encounter With Comet Hartley 2 Surprises and Thrills Scientists from
Green: Louisiana Rethinks Its Sand Berms from NY Times Science
Female snake has babies without a dad from UPI
GOP to gain control of NASA oversight from UPI
'Stretch' suit meant for weightlessness from UPI
Method keeps surgically-removed prostate tissue alive and 'working' for week from Science Daily
Built-in timer for improving accuracy of cost saving paper-strip medical tests from Science Daily
Cosmic Log: Physicists get set for little big bangs from MSNBC: Science
EPA denies petition on lead fishing gear from UPI
'Invisible' galaxies reveal themselves from UPI
NASA working to re-set Cassini spacecraft from UPI
Chemists: Plant drugs can be 'engineered' from UPI
Garage sale pelt may be extinct 'tiger's' from UPI
Giza's Sphinx Gives Up a (Small) Secret from CBSNews - Science
Nielsen Says its Web Traffic Data is Flawed from CBSNews - Science
Neanderthals were more promiscuous than modern humans, fossil finger bones suggest from Science Daily
New genetic risk factor for both autism and schizophrenia from Science Daily
Armed antibody triggers remissions for Hodgkin's lymphoma from Science Daily
The Large Hadron Collider enters a new phase from Science Daily
Single shot of morphine has long lasting effects on testosterone levels, study finds from Science Daily
Nerve cell activity drains stem cell pool in developing brain from Science Daily
Insufficient vitamin D levels in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients linked to cancer progression and death from Science Daily
Developmental dynamics of the maize leaf transcriptome from Science Daily
Dot Earth: Are Polar Bears More than 'Threatened'? from NY Times Science
Nuclear materials detector shows exact location of radiation sources from Science Daily
New Way to Peer at Distant Galaxies from Science Daily
Global food safety: Keeping food safe from farm to table from Science Daily
To punish or not to punish: Lessons from reef fish and saber-tooth blennies from Science Daily
Recombination hotspot stacks the DNA deck in finding a new diabetes susceptibility gene from Science Daily
Predictive power of dairy cattle methane models insufficient to provide sound environmental advice, study finds from Science Daily
Combining radiation therapy, chemotherapy safely treats head and neck cancer patients, study finds from Science Daily
Grad student simulates 100 years of farming to measure agriculture's impact on land and water quality from Science Daily
Life's Little Mysteries: Why Do Space Shuttles Need Clear Weather to Launch from
Higher Levels of Lead Seen in City Tap Water from NY Times Science
Dot Earth: A Comet Closeup from NY Times Science