Archive of feed items published on the 30th of September 2011
Messenger findings may 'revolutionize' views of Mercury from LA Times - Science
Industrial solvent TCE even more dangerous to people from LA Times - Science
EPA sues MotorScience Inc. over emissions documents from LA Times - Science
Red tide spawns blue light show at night on San Diego coastline from LA Times - Science
'Bubble-blowing' galaxy photographed from UPI
Supercomputer models universe from UPI
'Alarm clock' gene discovered from UPI
Frogs cool off, then warm up to survive from UPI
China launches first space lab module from UPI
'Superbugs' take to the highway from UPI
NASA: Fewer asteroids are near Earth from UPI
Study: Farmland species depend on weeds from UPI
Wearable fabric antenna is rescue aid from UPI
Huge lava flows on Mercury investigated. from UPI
Minnesota wolf-trapping program to end from UPI
Wetland restoration on California island from UPI
Competing quake predictions analyzed from UPI
The Texas Tribune: Few Bright Spots in Rick Perry’s Health Care Record in Texas from NY Times Health
Doomsday Math and Beetle Sex: Highlights from Ig Nobel Science Awards from Live Science
Listeria warning for type of Strubs smoked salmon from CBC: Health
Beer And Sex - An Ig Nobel Prize We Can All Get Behind
Expect Tachyonic Neutrinos To Have Their Higgs AND Smoke It
Plastic 'flying carpet' takes off from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Ancient 'cave art' found in France from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Fiery spectacle from Mount Etna from BBC News: Science & Nature
Has the green movement failed? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Survey: European Ph.D. Students Underfunded, Unaware of Rights from Science NOW
Key US particle machine to shut from BBC News: Science & Nature
US, EU alcohol marketers adopt new code of conduct from Physorg
Profound change for Facebook set to 'lock in' users from Physorg
Pressure forces teens to 'sext': Australian study from Physorg
‘Artificial leaf’ makes fuel from sunlight from MIT Research
VIDEO: Autumn heatwave for England from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cyber attacks mounting fast in U.S. from CBSNews - Science
Alstom says China needs to 'master' rail technology from Physorg
Rice Fields Provide Habitat For Breeding Bitterns
Secrets of artificial leaf revealed from News @ Nature
Drug injection clinic's fate rides on top court ruling from CBC: Health
'Back-up system' reduces heart disease deaths from Physorg
Vicious queen ants use mob tactics to reach the top from Physorg
Alcohol impairs the body's ability to fight off viral infection from Physorg
University of Toronto Mississauga professor wins Ig Nobel Prize for beer, sex research from Physorg
Fact Checking Or Copy Checking? Journalism In Science
'Driving under influence' test inside car will check driver's finger from Physorg
Physicists consider their own carbon footprint from Physorg
Early to bed and early to rise -- study suggests it's keeping kids leaner from Physorg
Early to bed and early to rise: Study suggests it's keeping kids leaner from Science Daily
Professor wins Ig Nobel Prize for beer, sex research from Science Daily
'Back-up system' reduces heart disease deaths from Science Daily
Alcohol impairs the body's ability to fight off viral infection, study finds from Science Daily
Vicious queen ants use mob tactics to reach the top from Science Daily
Physicists consider their own carbon footprint from Science Daily
Rebuilding the head of an armoured dinosaur from Science Daily
'Master key' to unlock new treatments for autoimmune disorders discovered from Science Daily
Neuronal stem cells tracked using MRI: Technology could inform treatment for brain injury and neurological disease from Science Daily
Test identifies Red Angus carriers of bone disease from Science Daily
Proteins that control development of varicose veins discovered from Science Daily
Productivity of land plants may be greater than previously thought from Science Daily
'Darker-than-black' metamaterial could lead to more efficient solar cells from Physorg
'Artificial leaf' makes fuel from sunlight (w/ video) from Physorg
How your brain reacts to mistakes depends on your mindset from Physorg
Engineers 'cook' promising new heat-harvesting nanomaterials in microwave oven from Science Daily
Fatty acid test: Why some harm health, but others help from Science Daily
New technique gives precise picture of how regulatory RNA controls gene activity from Science Daily
Weeds are vital to the existence of farmland species, study finds from Science Daily
Experts propose new unified genetic model for human disease from Science Daily
Autistic mice act a lot like human patients: Geneticists develop promising mouse model for testing new autism therapies from Science Daily
Diabetes and cancer: A shared biological basis from Science Daily
Autistic mouse shows striking parallels to human disease from Science Daily
Copyright changes: how they'll affect users of digital content from CBC: Technology & Science
Tracking breast cancer over decades to save lives from Physorg
Heavy metal stars produce Earth-Like planets from Physorg
New drug could combat killer diseases from Physorg
Researchers unveil innovative solar cooling project from Physorg
Researcher calls for mammograms to be tailored to patient from Physorg
Unravelling the uncertainties of predicting future heatwaves from Physorg
Costly treatment 'ineffective for babies' from Physorg
Beta Blockers could stop breast cancer spreading from Physorg
Single dose of contraceptive vaccine controls fertility in cats for years from Physorg
Satellite data plus conservation equals better crop yields from SciDev
Solving a tangled polymer problem from Chemistry World
Green Blog: Global Warming Could Cost Canada Billions, Study Warns from NY Times Science
Error and Trial: Italian Scientists Face Prison as Earthquake Manslaughter Hearing Resumes This Weekend from Scientific American
UNB retesting taps with high lead levels from CBC: Health
Students battle in game design marathon from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists construct, to maintain complementary DNA libraries of first lizard genome sequence from Physorg
Cosmic weight watching reveals black hole-galaxy history from Physorg
Humans, sharks share immune-system feature from Physorg
Research reveals hormone action that could lead to treatments for type 2 diabetes from Physorg
New inherited neurometabolic disorder discovered from Physorg
The washable wearable antenna from Physorg
Researchers report possible new approach to keeping arteries open after balloon angioplasties from Physorg
The 100-Year Starship: US Agencies Ponder Interstellar Travel from
Private Space Race On to Launch US Astronauts for NASA from
Astronomers reveal supernova factory from Science Daily
Bounty of Rare Earths Discovered in Afghanistan from Live Science
ESA centrifuge opens door to high-gravity worlds from European Space Agency
Medical packaging can make the difference from Physorg
The internet of tomorrow: Faster, better and cheaper from Physorg
Swallowing 'button batteries' can lead to serious injuries or death from Physorg
German museum returning Namibian skulls from AP Science
UN debating prize in tainted African ruler's name from AP Science
Imaging inflammation in the living brain from Physorg
What makes a thinker? from Physorg
Cosmic weight watching reveals black hole-galaxy history from Science Daily
New software brings science to life for young people from Science Daily
Taking the heat: Asian elephants simply 'ride out' high daytime heat load from Science Daily
Astronaut promotes gains in aerospace sector from CBC: Technology & Science
Liquor store scanner spots fake IDs from CBC: Technology & Science
Bell Aliant investigates phone failure from CBC: Technology & Science
High-performance simulation, neutrons uncover three classes of protein motion from Physorg
Review of stroke treatment could save lives from Physorg
Taking the heat: Asian elephants simply 'ride out' high daytime heat load from Physorg
Mothers are the most responsible in transferring of sexist attitudes from Physorg
Woman with a higher social standing and educational attainment breastfeed for longer from Physorg
Research model shows monsoon change in India may be result of manmade aerosols from Physorg
High-Performance Simulation, Neutrons Uncover Three Classes of Protein Motion from Newswise - Scinews
Hutchinson Center Researcher Receives First National Institutes of Health Director's Early Independence Award from Newswise - Scinews
Might "blue America" have a red gene? from CBSNews - Science
Sexting driven by peer pressure from Science Blog
NHL will look into fighting: Shanahan from CBC: Health
Teens at Smaller Schools May Delay Drinking from Live Science
A Mother's Love May Keep the Doctor Away from Live Science
MESSENGER data paints new picture of Mercury's magnetic field from Physorg
'My bladder is full and I can't think!' - Lifespan researcher wins Ig Nobel Prize from Physorg
Snafu as China space launch set to US patriotic song from Physorg
Myanmar suspends dam project after rare outcry from Physorg
China 'cracks down' on fake iPhones from Physorg
German museum returning Namibian skulls from Physorg
'Hollows' mark Mercury's surface from BBC News: Science & Nature
Lown, ProCor grant Heart Hero Award from Harvard Science
REAI offering grants to faculty, students from Harvard Science
Teen daters pal up to the bottle from
Closing of a collider . . . and opening of a new frontier: Fermilab moves toward new discoveries from Science Daily
Mercury not like other planets from Science Blog
‘Micro’-chemo and Cancer Pill Combo Tested in Liver Cancer Patients from Science Blog
Video: Plucky Fish Swims Far Away to Find Proper Tool For Eating Dinner from PopSci
Energy drink sales ban has campus buzzing from CBC: Health
In Photos: A Journey Through Early Christian Rome from Live Science
Prediction or cause? Information theory may hold the key from Physorg
Hitachi Maxell announces 'Air Voltage' wireless charger for iPad2 from Physorg
Current flowing along the edges of a promising quantum device is insensitive to its magnetic impurities from Physorg
Combating mood disorders: New approach simplifies the search for more specific drugs from Physorg
Responsibilities of scientists underlined by scientific community from Physorg
Reefs recovered faster after mass extinction than first thought from Physorg
New software brings science to life for young people from Physorg
Sexism - Another Thing To Blame Your Mother For
Longer cosmic ruler based on black holes from
Green Blog: U.S. Weighs the Plight of the Eel from NY Times Science
Night-owl teens not as lean from CBC: Health
NASA Science Chief Steps Down from
World's Earliest Christian Engraving Shows Surprising Pagan Elements from Live Science
Ohio researchers moving ahead with work to grow new ears from Physorg
Industrial solvent TCE even more dangerous to people from Physorg
Messenger sheds light on Mercury’s formation from Chemistry World
Colourful research from Chemistry World
Ten Rules To Get Help From Online Scientific Communities
High-performance simulation, neutrons uncover three classes of protein motion from Science Daily
The Most Amazing Science and Tech Pictures of the Week, Sept. 26-30 from PopSci
$1M fund aims to cut bear death toll from CBC: Technology & Science
SPACE X: Fully Reusable Rockets in the Works from
Russian Rocket Launches QuetzSat-1 Satellite for Mexico, US from
Saturn's Sweeping Rings from Live Science
New software tools for railway signaling and energy distribution from Physorg
Study shows young adults want to recover from addiction but need help to make it happen from Physorg
Social hierarchy prewired in the brain from Physorg
Experts Available: Nobel Prize in Physics - Discovery, Impacts, and History from Newswise - Scinews
Protein Scientist Receives National Institutes of Health Early Investigator Award from Newswise - Scinews
Dot Earth Blog: When Cod Piled High from NY Times Science
ScienceShot: Finger Drawings From a Prehistoric Preschool from Science NOW
Japan to Boost Science Spending, Reduce Support for Nuclear Power from Science NOW
Grand U.S. Atom Smasher Winds Down Today from Science NOW
Dangerous Food: The Stats on Foodborne Illness (Infographic) from Live Science
Mercury space probe finding surprises from UPI
Some exercises yield more damage than progress from Physorg
'Sexting' driven by peer pressure from Science Daily
Intrinsic aerobic exercise capacity linked to longevity from Science Daily
Reefs recovered faster after mass extinction than first thought from Science Daily
Humans and sharks share immune system feature from Science Daily
The 2011 Ig Nobel Award Winners: Wasabi Alarm Clocks, Beetle/Beer Bottle Fornication, and More Weird Science from PopSci
Breast cancer researcher looks to Polish diet from CBC: Health
Future of Chernobyl health studies in doubt from News @ Nature
Killer cantaloupe, scary sprouts _ what to do? from AP Health
Earth Surrounded by Fewer Potentially Dangerous Asteroids Than Thought, NASA Finds from Live Science
Earthquakes Can Ravage Coral Reefs, Study Reveals from Live Science
Researchers realize high-power, narrowband terahertz source at room temperature from Physorg
Community storage of anthrax-preventing antibiotics should be determined by state from Physorg
Major US atom-smasher to close after 25 years from Physorg
NY to require benching students with concussions from Physorg
Providing Competitive Advantage to Industry Through High-Performance Computing from Newswise - Scinews
France Hangs On To Generous Research Tax Credit from Science NOW
Podcast: Teleporting Rats, Space Storms, and Top Secret Bacteria from Science NOW
Green Blog: E.P.A. Charts Risks of a Ubiquitous Chemical from NY Times Science
Twitter typhoon alerts inspire new call centres from SciDev
Scientists accept need to act responsibly from SciDev
Cold War fever from Harvard Science
Storage, Biofuel Lead $156 Million in Energy Research Grants from National Geographic
The seven suns of Rome from News @ Nature
AP EXCLUSIVE: US scientist trapped in China from AP Science
Canadian Arctic nearly loses entire ice shelf from AP Science
SpaceX Unveils Plan for World's First Fully Reusable Rocket from
Wetter Mars Atmosphere Shakes Up Old Climate Models from Live Science
Two-faced cat sets record as oldest living 'Janus' cat from MSNBC: Science
Scientists use global computer network to find leishmaniasis drugs from SciDev
Glucosamine-like supplement suppresses multiple sclerosis attacks, study suggests from Science Daily
New approach to keeping coronary arteries open after angioplasties from Science Daily
Researchers realize high-power, narrowband terahertz source at room temperature from Science Daily
Community storage of anthrax-preventing antibiotics should be determined by state, US researchers urge from Science Daily
Young adults want to recover from addiction but need help to make it happen, study suggests from Science Daily
Combating mood disorders: New approach simplifies the search for more specific drugs from Science Daily
New inherited neurometabolic disorder discovered from Science Daily
World's earliest surviving Christian inscription identified from CBSNews - Science
Bats Have Unique Superfast Squeak Muscles to Make Superfast Echolocation Calls from PopSci
Scientists push for agricultural monitoring from News @ Nature
Anthrax Terrorism Report Urges Local Antibiotic Stockpiles from Live Science
Desert Frogs 'Fog Up' to Collect Water from Live Science
Planet Mercury Full of Strange Surprises, NASA Spacecraft Reveals from Live Science
Mercury space probe finding surprises from UPI
Canadian Arctic nearly loses entire ice shelf from Physorg
Glucosamine-like supplement suppresses multiple sclerosis attacks from Physorg
Antisocial personality traits predict utilitarian responses to moral dilemmas from Physorg
Well Blog: Yogurt Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: More on the Class Act from NY Times Health
Ig Nobels Honor Bladder Control, Beer Bottle Mating from Science NOW
Ig Nobel Prizes Honor Wasabi Alarm, Odd Beetle Sex, More from National Geographic
‘Artificial leaf’ makes fuel from sunlight from Science Blog
‘Alarm clock’ gene explains wake-up function of biological clock from Science Blog
Fear in Colo. town at heart of Listeria outbreak from AP Health
Extramarital Affairs May Increase Risk of 'Broken Penis' from Live Science
Toxic red tides: Scientists track neurotoxin-producing algae from Physorg
SpaceX Unveils Plan for World's First Fully Reusable Rocket from Scientific American
Wow! Skywatcher Photographs Huge Solar Flare from Giant Sunspot from
Air ambulance protesters dog Dunderdale from CBC: Health
Chris Hadfield readies to command space station from CBC: Technology & Science
Huge ice loss redraws geography of Canadian Arctic from CBSNews - Science
Renewable rubber hits the road from News @ Nature
The Left Is More Anti-Science Than The Right Unless The Right Is More Anti-Science Than The Left
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Dam Halted in Myanmar from NY Times Science
Skeletons Come To Light from C&EN
Smoking rates vary among workers from CBC: Health
Russian and U.S. Veterinarians Collaborate to Solve Mysterious Wild Tiger Deaths from Newswise - Scinews
Well Blog: Running in Vibram FiveFingers from NY Times Health
U.S. closes atom smasher, passes baton to Europe from Reuters:Science
Deadline Approaches for Hundreds of Endangered Species Decisions from Science NOW
Dot Earth Blog: Short-Termism and Energy Revolutions from NY Times Science
Cannibalism Confirmed Among Ancient Mexican Group from National Geographic
Space Oddity? China Plays 'America the Beautiful' During Space Lab Launch from
Cocaine Users May Have Much Higher Risk of Glaucoma from Live Science
Air Shield Keeps Bacteria Out Of Open Wounds from Live Science
Climate fix tech test put on hold from BBC News: Science & Nature
US fines Hitachi-LG disk drive firm for price fixing from Physorg
ABBA dance videogame to hit in November from Physorg
Fear in Colo. town at heart of Listeria outbreak from Physorg
Cell-specific mechanism-based gene therapy approach to treat retinitis pigmentosa from Physorg
Russian and US veterinarians collaborate to solve mysterious wild tiger deaths from Physorg
Expandable prosthesis resolves advanced aortic valve disease from Physorg
Flight patterns reveal how mosquitoes find hosts to transmit deadly diseases from Physorg
Why Beetles Have Sex with Beer Bottles: Q&A with Scientists from Live Science
Farewell, Tevatron: Giant Atom Smasher Goes Silent After 28 Years from Live Science
AT&T wants Sprint suit over T-Mobile deal quashed from Physorg
Rare flu-like virus on the rise: US from Physorg
End of Fermilab's Tevatron Evokes Memories, Pride from Newswise - Scinews
Revolutionary Nanomaterial Offers Promise for Major Technological Breakthroughs and a More Sustainable Future from Newswise - Scinews
Observatory: Jellyfish Hunt as Effectively as Finned Fish, Study Finds from NY Times Science
The Strange Attraction of Gale Crater from Science @ NASA
Organic grape tomatoes recalled for salmonella from CBC: Health
Most Complete Universe Simulation Visualized in 3D from
Air Shield Keeps Bacteria Out Of Open Wounds from Live Science
Teen's Murder Defense: I am a Vampire. And a Werewolf from Live Science
Green Blog: Guarding Against Grizzlies from NY Times Science
China's premiere at space station launch from UPI
'Flying carpet' developed in U.S. lab from UPI
Wasps unleashed on tree pest in Midwest from UPI
U.S. accelerator's two-decade career ends from UPI
Planned Parenthood 'conned' government, Tory MP says from CBC: Health
Tevatron collider shut down, but not easily from MSNBC: Science
Video: Video: Paleontologist to try hatching a dinosaur from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Kodak shares plunge as bankruptcy fears escalate from Physorg
'Micro'-chemo and cancer pill combo tested in liver cancer patients from Physorg
Study finds that less is more for common cancer drug from Physorg
Study: Impediment to some cancer immunotherapy involves the free radical peroxynitrite from Physorg
New guideline outlines recommendations to reduce blood clots after hip and knee replacement from Physorg
Scientists discover 'fickle' DNA changes in brain from Physorg
NASA's Dawn Spacecraft Begins New Vesta Mapping Orbit from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA-Funded Quake Forecast Gets High Score in Study from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Selects Science Investigations For Concept Studies from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Canada's Top Court Keeps Injecting Drug Use Site Open from Science NOW
Artificial 'leaf' could make electricity from UPI
China's premiere at space station launch from UPI
'Flying carpet' developed in U.S. lab from UPI
Wasps unleashed on tree pest in Midwest from UPI
U.S. accelerator's two-decade career ends from UPI
Tevatron Closes After 28 Years of Particle Smashing from PopSci
2 Small Asteroids Zoom Between Earth and Moon's Orbit from
A Spring Of Love Gushed From My Heart, And I Blessed It Unaware
Last lights for a legendary American atom smasher passes from CBSNews - Science
Connecticut Offers $291 Million to Land Jackson Lab Branch from Science NOW
Prescriptions Blog: F.D.A. Approves Breathing Device for A.L.S. Patients from NY Times Health
Observatory: Bats Find Their Way With Superfast Vocal Muscles from NY Times Science
World's highest webcam reaches Mt. Everest from CBSNews - Science
Brain Cells Prefer Whole Faces from Live Science
Oil threat from WWII ship to be tested from UPI
Artificial 'leaf' could make electricity from UPI
Top 10 Cancer-Fighting Foods from Live Science
Military greeting from Harvard Science
Germany returns skulls used in race studies from MSNBC: Science
Superfast muscles help bats hunt from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tevatron shuts down today from Physics World
Scientists discover 'fickle' DNA changes in brain from Science Daily
Less is more for common cancer drug, study suggests from Science Daily
Flight patterns reveal how mosquitoes find hosts to transmit deadly diseases from Science Daily
Russian and US veterinarians collaborate to solve mysterious wild tiger deaths from Science Daily
Cell-specific mechanism-based gene therapy approach to treat retinitis pigmentosa from Science Daily
World Briefing | THE AMERICAS: Canada: Court Saves Drug Injection Center from Shutdown from NY Times Health
'Micro'-chemo and cancer pill combo tested in liver cancer patients from Science Daily
Impediment to some cancer immunotherapy involves the free radical peroxynitrite from Science Daily
New guideline outlines recommendations to reduce blood clots after hip and knee replacement from Science Daily
How your brain reacts to mistakes depends on your mindset from Science Daily
Expandable prosthesis resolves advanced aortic valve disease from Science Daily
Toxic red tides: Scientist tracks neurotoxin-producing algae from Science Daily
Antisocial personality traits predict utilitarian responses to moral dilemmas from Science Daily
Fruity aromas: An aphrodisiac for flies from Science Daily
Why the speed of light matters from MSNBC: Science
Inexpensive system can disinfect water from UPI
T cells have long evolutionary history from UPI
Spacecraft in closer study of asteroid from UPI
'Recipe book' to aid plastic production from UPI
Researchers hope to predict 'red tides' from UPI
Study: Mosquitoes find human breath, odor from UPI
Siberian tigers face distemper threat from UPI
Inexpensive system can disinfect water from UPI
T cells have long evolutionary history from UPI
Spacecraft in closer study of asteroid from UPI
'Recipe book' to aid plastic production from UPI
Researchers hope to predict 'red tides' from UPI
Study: Mosquitoes find human breath, odor from UPI
Siberian tigers face distemper threat from UPI
Oil threat from WWII ship to be tested from UPI
A Scramble for Solutions as a Hip Device Fails from NY Times Health
The Lure Of The Outlaw Biker