Archive of feed items published on the 18th of April 2013
Fascinating rhythm: The brain’s ‘slow waves’ from Science Blog
Many Boston victims require limb amputations from LA Times - Science
Renewables target for National Trust from BBC News: Science & Nature
Freeway air pollution travels farther in early morning from LA Times - Science
Key state Senate committee backs mattress recycling bill from LA Times - Science
Once-doubted tourniquet seen as Boston lifesaver from AP Health
'Crackpot' science and hidden genius at physics meeting from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bighorn herd reintroduced to Sierra Nevada area from LA Times - Science
Using innovation to assist Tanzania's craft firms from SciDev
Aerosols confirmed rising over India from SciDev
Star factory in the early Universe challenges galaxy evolution theory from European Space Agency
90 million laser shots bring wind satellite back on track from European Space Agency
Go Luca from European Space Agency
V for Vegetation from European Space Agency
Nanocoating from European Space Agency
Full tank, please from European Space Agency
Power to the people from MIT Research
LinkedIn spruces up mobile app to widen appeal from Physorg
GM says diesel Chevrolet Cruze gets 46 mpg from Physorg
Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids from CBC: Technology & Science
Chipmaker TSMC gets tablet, smartphone boost in 1Q from Physorg
How not to Excel: Austerity economics paper is coding-flawed from Physorg
Stage set for battle over Canada-US pipeline from Physorg
Body blows for global green energy? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Burundi's agriculture sector taps into Belgian funds from SciDev
New Private Rocket May Launch Friday After Delay from
Sex in Space Could Be Out of this World ... Or Not from
And now to the weather: Climate science on the front foot from Physorg
Chemists discover simpler method of making 'wonder material' from Physorg
New research reveals dangers to humanitarian workers in conflict zones from Physorg
Four Oddball Alien Planets Get Fingerprinted from
Tanzania's Maasai battle game hunters for grazing land from BBC News: Science & Nature
China plans research centres to aid developing world from SciDev
Focus on growing threat of space debris from European Space Agency
Rhododendron model illuminates tree disease threat from Physorg
Measuring materialism in children's books from Physorg
Solar satellite arrives at Vandenberg AFB for launch from Physorg
Murderous Mail: How Dangerous Are the D.C. Ricin Attacks? from Scientific American
Is High-Tech Security at Pubic Events Counterproductive? from Scientific American
Nokia cuts losses but sales continue to plummet from Physorg
An award for bike-friendly Harvard from Harvard Science
Deadly blast destroys US fertiliser plant from Chemistry World
Age and the decline in crime from Physorg
90 million laser shots bring wind satellite back on track from Physorg
Power to the people: Student devotes energy to his fellow Nigerians from Physorg
New research finds there may be a 'million dollar voice' for CEOs from Physorg
Sexiness doesn't always have a downside from Physorg
Researchers digest how gut 'bugs' affect health from Physorg
Ultra-thin transistors spread like butter on toast from Physorg
Sequoia supercomputer transitions to classified work from Physorg
Women in STEM: four steps to a stronger Athena Swan application from The Guardian - Science
Satellite Eye on Earth: March 2013 – in pictures from The Guardian - Science
In perspective: critical thinking key to science-based development from SciDev
Engaging in a new community from Harvard Science
Did diamonds begin on the ancient ocean floor? from Physorg
Basic science in evaporating droplets from Physorg
This weekend's Lyrid meteor shower: How to see it from Physorg
Three years after Gulf spill, BP fights huge fines from Physorg
Previously unpublished paper by Francis Crick and Jeffries Wyman, "A footnote on allostery" from Physorg
New system to combat online banking fraud from Physorg
Early galaxy formed stars at blistering pace from LA Times - Science
Historic human remains yield epigenetic tags from New Scientist
Synthetic malaria drug could stem resistance from New Scientist
No Duh! The 10 Most Obvious Science Findings from Live Science
In Perspective: What really holds back Islamic science from SciDev
Molecule's dance captured by 'ultimate slo-mo' technique from CBC: Technology & Science
Explainer: What is hydroelectricity? from Physorg
Scientists throw new light on DNA copying process from Physorg
Puma tracking reveals impact of habitat fragmentation from Physorg
Toward the origin of America's first settlers from Physorg
Protecting tidal wetlands: Scientists study tidal flow, sediment movement in salt marsh from Physorg
Novel analysis method levels the quasar playing field from Physorg
Improving communication to aid the efficiency of public transport from Physorg
Verizon rakes in wireless fees in 1Q from Physorg
New high-performance cave automatic virtual environment that functions with gesture recognition from Physorg
Battery low? Give your mobile some water from Physorg
Inpatients who have STEMI heart attacks more likely to die than outpatients from Science Daily
Mapping of zebra fish DNA expected to benefit humans from LA Times - Science
Humans Share Microbiomes With Their Dogs, Study Finds from PopSci
Darwin, BAH! Evolutionary Theory Gets Monkeyed With from Live Science
Epidemiological Endgame: Is Polio on the Brink of Eradication? from Scientific American
Google creating virtual tours of Louisbourg, Banff, Gros Morne from CBC: Technology & Science
Nearly 30 percent of women fail to pick up new prescriptions for osteoporosis, study finds from Eurekalert
From mice to humans, comfort is being carried by mom from Eurekalert
A*STAR scientists decipher genome code of a living fossil from Eurekalert
ASU student tracks Asian bird's migration patterns; recommends conservation strategies from Eurekalert
Taking the pulse of the crowd from Physorg
Image: IceBridge flight over Baffin Island from Physorg
Video Captures Moment of Texas Plant Explosion from Live Science
Deadly Texas Plant Explosion Registered as Seismic Event from Live Science
Age matters in adapting to climate change from Science Blog
Beyond sexting: Snapchat users now send 150 million photos per day from CBC: Technology & Science
Georgia Tech Uses 'Big Data' Algorithm to Customize Video Game Difficulty from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers use Moore's Law to calculate that life began before Earth existed from Physorg
From mice to humans, comfort is being carried by mom from Physorg
NIST tests in New York City suggest how to improve emergency radio communications from Physorg
Opening up and sharing from Chemistry World
Miracle mix looks like liquid but shatters like glass from New Scientist
International Space Station to get 787-style batteries from New Scientist
Workplace Socializing Doesn’t Always Bridge Racial Divides from Live Science
Bird-Flu Update: Possible Cases of Human-to-Human Transmission Investigated from Live Science
10 Strangest Sights on Google Earth from Live Science
Hottest, Driest and Lowest | Wallpaper from Live Science
Drone bill sent to Florida governor's desk from UPI
New Algorithm Helps Evaluate, Rank Scientific Literature from Science Blog
Researchers abuzz over caffeine as cancer-cell killer from Science Blog
Social gaming promotes healthy behavior from Science Blog
Nearly 30 percent of women fail to pick up new prescriptions for osteoporosis from Science Blog
From mice to humans, comfort is being carried by mom from Science Blog
Egg study supports link between birds and dinosaurs from Science Blog
Age matters when it comes to adapting to the effects of climate change from Physorg
Dinosaur egg study supports evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs from Physorg
Sat-nav warns London lorry drivers of cyclists from Physorg
Twitter launches music-finding service from Physorg
Yahoo adds two more applications to mobile arsenal from Physorg
Research team looks to Kickstarter to fund swarming 'coralbots' to repair damaged coral from Physorg
See Lions in the Sky During April from
Sustainable intensification 'can work for African farmers' from SciDev
Sun Show: See Dramatic Solar Views in Live Webcast Today from Live Science
Planned Hospital Would Exclusively Treat Snakebite Victims from Live Science
Discovery paves the way for ultra fast high-res imaging in real time from Science Blog
NASA video captures unusual Beaufort Sea ice breakup from CBC: Technology & Science
Gorbachev sees global failure to address eco-risks from AP Science
Silly phone game puts illiterate Pakistanis in touch with potential employers from Eurekalert
The exciting life cycle of a new Brazilian leaf miner from Eurekalert
Study says more efforts needed to regulate dietary supplements from Eurekalert
Previously unpublished paper by Francis Crick and Jeffries Wyman, 'A Footnote on Allostery' from Eurekalert
Discovery paves the way for ultra fast high resolution imaging in real time from Eurekalert
Scientists throw new light on DNA copying process from Eurekalert
Astronomers amazed at timing of Markarian 421 'blazer' from Physorg
Discovery paves the way for ultra fast high resolution imaging in real time from Physorg
EU OKs $2.7bn Siemens takeover of UK rail firm from Physorg
Age matters to Antarctic clams: Age matters when it comes to adapting to the effects of climate change from Science Daily
Dinosaur egg study supports evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs: Fossil eggs reveal how Troodon dinosaur likely hatched its young from Science Daily
Robot hands gain a gentler touch from Science Daily
Increased brain activity predicts future onset of substance use from Science Daily
Researchers abuzz over caffeine as 'cancer-cell killer' from Science Daily
Teens' brains are more sensitive to rewarding feedback from peers from Science Daily
Scientists reveal natural process that blocks viruses from Science Daily
Infants, whether mice or human, love to be carried from
Reducing the cost of perovskite solar cells from Chemistry World
Texas disaster: What links fertilisers and explosions? from New Scientist
How flower power paved the way for our evolution from New Scientist
Alan Turing musical is a surprise success from New Scientist
Viral phone game puts illiterate Pakistanis in touch with potential employers from Science Blog
Bursts of electrical pulses may protect against Alzheimer’s from Science Blog
High levels of glutamate in brain may kick-start schizophrenia from Eurekalert
Cross-cultural similarities in early adolescence from Eurekalert
Natura 2000 networks: Improving current methods in biodiversity conservation from Eurekalert
'Big data’ algorithm used to customize video game difficulty from Science Daily
A fixation with nitrogen from Chemistry World
Caffeine As Cancer-Cell Killer Generates Some Buzz
Hospitals Earn More For Mistakes Than For Flawless Surgeries from PopSci
Volcano’s ‘Infrasound’ Sped Up For Human Ears | Video from Live Science
Why fertilizer can be an explosive mixture from CBC: Technology & Science
Robot hands gain a gentler touch from Science Blog
Abundant Wildlife are Conservation Stepchildren from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers Discover Five-Planet System with Most Earthlike Exoplanet Yet from Newswise - Scinews
Duke Breast Cancer Expert Named One of TIME's 100 Most Influential People from Newswise - Scinews
Space Leaders Featured in Time Magazine 100 Most Influential List from
Robot hands gain a gentler touch from Physorg
Twitter can give power to the people from Physorg
Image: Fires in Australia from Physorg
The exciting life cycle of a new Brazilian leaf miner from Physorg
Silly phone game puts illiterate Pakistanis in touch with potential employers from Physorg
Natura 2000 networks: Improving current methods in biodiversity conservation from Physorg
IU surgeon's nanoparticle research takes inspiration from Greek mythology from Physorg
Global Warming Slowed Down While CO2 Emissions Rose - What's The Rumpus?
Big boost in drug discovery from Harvard Science
NSF Peer Review Under Scrutiny by House Science Panel from Science NOW
In 1884, A Popular Science Writer Got Way Too Stoned from PopSci
Texas Explosion Echoes Worst Industrial Accident Ever from Live Science
Holy Batman! Wingsuit Guy Flies Through Narrow Cave from Live Science
Seal pups released back into wild from BBC News: Science & Nature
High levels of glutamate in brain may kick-start schizophrenia from Science Blog
Researchers Use Web 2.0 Apps to Share Vaccine Study from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Discover that Stem Cell Senescence Drives Aging from Newswise - Scinews
Thomson Reuters Identifies 100 Key Scientific Research Fronts from Newswise - Scinews
Experts examine Mediterranean diet's health effects for older adults from Eurekalert
Distant blazar is a high-energy astrophysics puzzle from Eurekalert
Science surprise: Toxic protein made in unusual way may explain brain disorder from Eurekalert
Evolving genes lead to evolving genes from Eurekalert
Researchers use Web 2.0 apps to share vaccine study from Eurekalert
Reinventing drug discovery from Eurekalert
Mayo Clinic researchers discover that stem cell senescence drives aging from Eurekalert
Learned helplessness in flies and the roots of depression from Eurekalert
Production of toxic protein causes common neurodegenerative disorder from Eurekalert
New stem cell-based screen reveals promising drug for Lou Gehrig's disease from Eurekalert
Learned helplessness in flies and the roots of depression from Physorg
Most distant blazar is a high-energy astrophysics puzzle from Physorg
100+ million mapped (and growing) records of nearly every living US species from Physorg
Discovery paves the way for ultra fast high resolution imaging in real time from Science Daily
Scientists throw new light on DNA copying process from Science Daily
FOR KIDS: Infectious animals from
Rockefeller announces 31 percent reduction in carbon emissions from The Rockefeller University
Text-Mining Algorithm Improves Evaluation Of Scientific Literature
Dietary Supplements Need Some Pharmaceutical Regulation
How Rocking a Baby Is Like Grabbing a Rat by the Neck from Science NOW
FYI: What Is Anhydrous Ammonia, The Chemical At The Site Of The West, Texas Explosion? from PopSci
Ants use 'math' to find fastest routes from MSNBC: Science
Sea lion strandings climb; scientists have a theory from MSNBC: Science
Colorado tops list of 10 most endangered US rivers from MSNBC: Science
Connections Trump Grades for New Grads from Live Science
10 Warning Signs Your New Boss Is a Jerk from Live Science
Volcano's 'Infrasound' Roar Is a Weather Vane from Live Science
Though Cool in US, March Ranked 10th Warmest for Planet from Live Science
VIDEO: On the trail of rare Kenyan antelope from BBC News: Science & Nature
Electronic zippers control DNA strands from Eurekalert
Identified as responsible for breast and ovarian hereditary cancer 3 mutations at BRCA1 gene from Eurekalert
Outpatients, hospital patients face growing, but different problems with antibiotic resistance from Eurekalert
First steps of synapse building is captured in live zebra fish embryos from Eurekalert
Anesthesia increases success rates of turning breech babies, reduces delivery costs from Eurekalert
New app helps Icelanders avoid accidental incest from Physorg
Interview: Israel's Olmert begins tech venture from Physorg
Intelsat to raise $472 million in public offering from Physorg
Ammonia: Fertiliser to be handled with care from Physorg
IBM to shed up to 1,400 jobs in France by end 2014 from Physorg
Physics Psychics? How Alice And Bob Talk, Without Saying A Word
Goat Sacrificed for Chicago Cubs Curse from Live Science
What Severe Weather Looks Like from Space from Live Science
What Causes Fertilizer Explosions? from Live Science
Environment Canada name stripped from weather website from CBC: Technology & Science
New Twitter music app shares songs from iTunes, Spotify and Rdio from CBC: Technology & Science
How China's bird flu infects humans remains unclear from CBC: Health
Suicides prompt First Nation to declare state of emergency from CBC: Health
Horizon Health Network cuts 131 jobs from CBC: Health
P.E.I. down to one oncologist from CBC: Health
U.S. Drought Falls Below 50 Percent for First Time in 10 Months from Newswise - Scinews
Vanderbilt study finds lack of exercise not a factor in health disparities from Eurekalert
Food safety and bioterrorism defense may benefit from improved detection test developed at MU from Eurekalert
Distant blazar is a high-energy astrophysics puzzle from Science Daily
Evolving genes lead to evolving genes from Science Daily
New drug combination therapy developed to treat leukemia from Science Daily
Improved molecular tools streamline influenza testing and management from Science Daily
Mindfulness therapy might help veterans with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder from Science Daily
Testing lung cancer drugs and therapies in mice from Science Daily
A U.S. Makeover for STEM Education: What It Means for NSF and the Education Department from Science NOW
Why It's So Hard For Scientists To Study Medical Marijuana from PopSci
First neighbouring planets that are both life-friendly from New Scientist
Emerging consciousness glimpsed in babies from New Scientist
Antarctic freeze paved the way for baleen whales from New Scientist
Babies Have Consciousness, Study Finds from Live Science
Solar Cell Could Dramatically Improve Energy Harvest from Live Science
Two Alien Oceanic Earth-Like Planets Found? | Video from Live Science
Dust Plumes Photographed Over Four Corners from Live Science
Why Baby Calms Down When Carried from Live Science
Winners of Physics Photo Contest Revealed from Live Science
2 super-Earths found in habitable zone of star from CBC: Technology & Science
New Icelandic app warns if your date is a relative from CBC: Technology & Science
Picture Archive: Baby Giant Panda Su-Lin, Circa 1936 from National Geographic
Tracking whole colonies shows ants make career moves from News @ Nature
Discovered! Most Earth-Like Alien Planet & 2 Other Possibly Habitable Worlds from
Two Alien Oceanic Earth-Like Planets Found? | Video from
Electronic zippers control DNA strands from Physorg
Food safety and bioterrorism defense may benefit from improved detection test developed at MU from Physorg
Neural activity in bats measured in-flight from Physorg
No 'silver bullet' for science standards from Physorg
Sea-ice ecosystem possibly triggered evolution of baleen whales and penguins from Physorg
Astrophysicists find five-planet system with most Earth-like exoplanet yet from Physorg
When it comes to survival of the fittest, stress is a good thing from Physorg
New coating could enable major boost in solar-cell efficiency from Physorg
New Earth-like planets found orbiting a Sun-like star from Science Daily
Outpatients, hospital patients face growing, but different problems with antibiotic resistance from Science Daily
First steps of synapse building is captured in live zebra fish embryos from Science Daily
U.S. drought falls below 50 percent for first time in 10 months from Science Daily
Anesthesia increases success rates of turning breech babies, reduces delivery costs from Science Daily
Experts examine Mediterranean diet's health effects for older adults from Science Daily
New computational model can predict breast cancer survival from Science Daily
Disputed signs of consciousness seen in babies’ brains from
Most Earthlike planets yet seen bring Kepler closer to its holy grail from
News in Brief: Bats are 3-D cartographers from
The motivation to move from Harvard Science
Water worlds surface from Harvard Science
When Does Your Baby Become Conscious? from Science NOW
Sure You Want to Eat That? Some Foodborne Illnesses on the Rise from Live Science
Study: Peer Pressure May Spur Population Growth & Ecological Ruin from Live Science
Explosion Highlights Dangers of Anhydrous Ammonia from National Geographic
Hobbit's Brain Size Holds Clues About Its Ancestor from National Geographic
Karen Marcus to Advise Scripps Florida from Newswise - Scinews
Kepler spies water worlds from News @ Nature
Kepler spies water worlds from News @ Nature
Glowing Green Blob | Space Wallpaper from
An SwRI-led remote-sensing study quantifies permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaskan wetlands from Eurekalert
Smoking from hookah not a harmless alternative to cigarettes from Eurekalert
Three super-Earth-size planets foud in 'habitable zone' from Science Daily
New techniques allow discovery of smallest super-Earth exoplanets from Science Daily
Cold winters freezing out breast cancer treatment from Science Daily
New solar-cell coating could enable a major boost in efficiency from Science Daily
Sea-ice ecosystem possibly triggered evolution of baleen whales and penguins from Science Daily
Neural activity in bats measured in-flight from Science Daily
Rats' and bats' brains work differently on the move from Science Daily
Bursts of brain activity may protect against Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
USB Dead Drop File Sharing
Super-Fast New Telescope Solves Star Birth Mystery from PopSci
UBC researchers weed out ineffective biocontrol agents from Eurekalert
Risk factor for depression can be 'contagious' from Eurekalert
Fertility needs in high-yielding corn production from Eurekalert
Maine company unveils high-tech SWAT team robot from Physorg
Fertility needs in high-yielding corn production from Physorg
Researchers weed out ineffective biocontrol agents from Physorg
Remote-sensing study quantifies permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaskan wetlands from Physorg
New book explores relentless evolution in a constantly changing world from Physorg
Ethnicity may influence antibody genes: Immunity-related DNA sections could vary depending on ethnicity from Science Daily
Learning disabilities affect up to 10 percent of children from Science Daily
When it comes to survival of the fittest, stress is a good thing, squirrel study shows from Science Daily
No 'silver bullet' for science standards from Science Daily
For United Kingdom, Advice on Science Advice from Science NOW
Earthquakes preceded opening of sinkhole from MSNBC: Science
Yellowstone's volcano plumbing bigger than thought from MSNBC: Science
This is the real Fantasy Island -- it's a fake from MSNBC: Science
Kepler Search Finds Two New Cozy, Possibly Watery Planets Around Faraway Star from PopSci
New sensors can give robot hands a 'gentle touch' from UPI
New technology could improve food safety, defend against bioterrorism from UPI
Possible Treatment for New SARS-like Virus Found from Live Science
Earth-Like, Potentially Habitable Worlds Discovered from Live Science
Exoplanet Atmospheres Reveal 'Peculiar' Fingerprints from Live Science
Most Earthlike Planets Found Yet: A "Breakthrough" from National Geographic
New Graduate Programs in Great Lakes Ecosystem Science from Newswise - Scinews
Cancer researchers revisit 'failed' clinical trials from News @ Nature
Three Possibly Habitable 'Super-Earth' Alien Planets Found (Gallery) from
IBM 1Q net down on software, mainframe deals delay from Physorg
Google 1Q earnings rise 16 pct to top Street views from Physorg
Study provides new understanding of rare white shark movement around Hawai'i from Physorg
Olympic Coast Sanctuary report is 'first step' in addressing effects of climate change from Physorg
Digital public library with vast archive opens from Physorg
UK Supreme Court rules for news-clipping service from Physorg
EPA blamed for delaying asbestos study in Montana from Physorg
European lawmakers tighten rules on ship-breaking industry from Physorg
Google buying $39M fiber service in Utah for $1 from Physorg
Habitable Super Earths? Three Candidates Found
High-salt diet and ulcer bug combine to increase risk of cancer from Science Daily
'First step' in addressing effects of climate change from Science Daily
Weeding out ineffective biocontrol agents from Science Daily
Risk factor for depression can be 'contagious' from Science Daily
Remote-sensing study quantifies permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaskan wetlands from Science Daily
Child's counting comprehension may depend on objects counted, study shows from Science Daily
Smoking from hookah not a harmless alternative to cigarettes from Science Daily
Three mutations at BRCA1 gene responsible for breast and ovarian hereditary cancer identified from Science Daily
More efforts needed to regulate dietary supplements, experts urge from Science Daily
'Stalling' during DNA copying said possible source of diseases from UPI
Phone game teaches Pakistanis to use automated job services from UPI
Stolen 500-Year-Old Tapestry Returned to Spain from Live Science
Type of depression can ‘rub off’ on others from Science Blog
Coelacanth Genes Mapped, "Living Fossil" Evolved Slowly from National Geographic
Neurosurgeons Highlight Patient Safety, Concussion Awareness During National Neurosurgery Awareness Week from Newswise - Scinews
Nanoparticles Found in Everyday Items Can Inhibit Fat Storage from Newswise - Scinews
3 Potentially Habitable 'Super-Earths' Explained (Infographic) from
Life, Interrupted: A Chat With Suleika from NY Times Health
Well: Prognosis: Circumcision and AIDS from NY Times Health
2 Good Places to Live, 1,200 Light-Years Away from NY Times Science
Raj Chetty awarded Clark Medal from Harvard Science
Superstorm Sandy Shook the Earth from Science NOW
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital research suggests transmission of respiratory viruses in utero from Eurekalert
Geology covers multiple disciplines and substantial territory in April's new postings from Eurekalert
New carnivorous dinosaur from Madagascar raises more questions than it answers from Eurekalert
Slow walking speed linked with premature death in kidney disease patients from Eurekalert
Phosphate-binding drug does not improve heart health of patients with mild kidney disease from Eurekalert
Superstorm Sandy shook the US from Eurekalert
Microsoft profit rises on higher Windows revenue from Physorg
Superstorm Sandy shook the US: 'Standing waves' in Atlantic caused seismicity as far as Seattle from Physorg
New carnivorous dinosaur from Madagascar raises more questions than it answers from Physorg
New understanding of rare white shark movement around Hawai'i from Science Daily
Topical use of arthritis drug provides relief for dry eye disease, study suggests from Science Daily
New research holds promise for treatments for a range of women's health issues from Science Daily
Fertility needs in high-yielding corn production from Science Daily
Nanoparticles found in everyday items can inhibit fat storage: Gold nanoparticles accelerate aging from Science Daily
Community gardens may produce more than vegetables from Science Daily
Big boost in drug discovery: New use for stem cells identifies a promising way to target ALS from Science Daily
From mice to humans, comfort is being carried by mom from Science Daily
Fossil eggs suggest some dinosaurs incubated their eggs like birds do from UPI
Computer helps researchers keep up with deluge of science papers from UPI
Study: Superstorm Sandy 'lit up' seismographs across the United States from UPI
The Solar Cell That Turns 1 Photon into 2 Electrons from Scientific American
Planet-Seeking Spacecraft Spies Water Worlds from Scientific American
8 Scientists Named to TIME's 100 Influential People List from Live Science
Rock You Like a Hurricane: Watch Sandy Shake the US from Live Science
New Solar Cell Tech Generates 2 Electrons from 1 Photon from Live Science
Our Amazing Planet from Live Science
Scientists: Superstorm Sandy jolted United States from AP Science
Superstorm Sandy Shook the U.S. from Newswise - Scinews
Grid Cells Operate Differently in Different Species in Plotting Spatial Orientation from Newswise - Scinews
Engineer Working to Put More Science Behind Bloodstain Pattern Analysis from Newswise - Scinews
Team Measures Neural Activity in Flying Bats from Newswise - Scinews
Where does charcoal, or black carbon, in soils go? from Physorg
Study shows depleted fish stocks can come back from the brink from Physorg
Analysing ash flows from volcanic explosions from Physics World
Ashland’s Strategy Is Likely Target Of Aggressive Investor from C&EN
Learned helplessness in flies and the roots of depression from Science Daily
Production of toxic protein causes common neurodegenerative disorder from Science Daily
'Health MOT' programme could uncover 440,000 new diabetes, heart or kidney patients per year from Science Daily
Study to treat deadly form of thyroid cancer shows promise from Science Daily
Stem cell senescence drives aging, study suggests from Science Daily
Solar cell could dramatically boost energy harvest from MSNBC: Science
Cool in US, but March ranked 10th warmest for planet from MSNBC: Science
Hurricane Sandy lit up seismometers across US from MSNBC: Science
Scientists puzzle over how bat brains and rat brains build mental maps from MSNBC: Science
Space telescope spots distant planets well placed for life from Reuters:Science
Jazz as conversation from Harvard Science
Harvard community can help from Harvard Science
U.S. drought extent below 50 percent for first time in months from UPI
Space telescope discovers the most Earthlike exoplanet yet found from UPI
Earth Is 'Lazy' Along Some Earthquake Faults from Live Science
Special deal on photon-to-electron conversion: Two for one! from MIT Research
Iapetus: Saturn's Yin-Yang Moon from
- Named Official Webby Awards Honoree from
The Human Body in Space: 6 Weird Facts from
Pure gold nanoparticles can inhibit fat storage from Physorg
Nano compartments may aid drug delivery, fuel cell design from Physorg
Thermo Fisher To Buy Rival Life Technologies from C&EN
Kepler finds three new Earth-like planets from Science Blog
Europe’s Carbon Market Crisis: Why Does it Matter? from National Geographic
After the Bombing, Comfort Dogs Come to Boston from National Geographic
Facts About Magnesium from Live Science
Illegal Settlers Remain on Tribal Land Despite Deadline from Live Science
Our Amazing Planet from Live Science
What Might Alien Life Look Like on New 'Water World' Planets? from
Law Nixes Financial Disclosures For Senior Federal Scientists from C&EN
Space debris said a rising threat to economically important satellites from UPI
Launch pad problem scrubs launch of Antares rocket for NASA from UPI
Wildlife scientists urge less focus on endangered species from UPI
Wireless prices could rise with sale of Wind, Public Mobile from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Amesbury clues to Stonehenge's past from BBC News: Science & Nature
Solar Cell Turns 1 Photon Into 2 Electrons from Science Blog
Anger, fear, tears normal response to disasters from AP Health
Healthcare professionals need more guidance on surrogate pregnancy, says new review from Eurekalert
Adolescents with disabilities are more likely to have menstrual problems and need tailored care from Eurekalert
Listen up, says Marsalis from Harvard Science
GPS system can warn of danger to cyclists from UPI
Facts About Aluminum from Live Science
Deadly Fertilizer Explosion from C&EN
Well: HPV Vaccination a Success in Australia from NY Times Health
Is the Colorado River Damned? Op-Ed from Live Science
Kepler Discovers Smallest 'Habitable … Zone' Planets from Science @ NASA
'Most Earth-like' worlds detected from BBC News: Science & Nature
New understanding of hearing loss from Science Alert
Threat to Brazil tribe not lifted from BBC News: Science & Nature
Portion size affects consumption from Science Alert
The perks of being a ‘sexy’ fish from Science Alert
New carnivorous dinosaur from Madagascar raises more questions than it answers from Science Daily
Hologram-like 3-D brain helps researchers decode migraine pain from Science Daily
Making molecular movies from Science Alert
New understanding of asthma development: Transmission of respiratory viruses in utero from Science Daily
Knee bracing can 'significantly' reduce pain of kneecap osteoarthritis, study suggests from Science Daily
Engineer working to put more science behind bloodstain pattern analysis from Science Daily
Superstorm Sandy shook the U. S., literally from Science Daily
OPINION: The killer within, or how our quest for convenience is turning lethal from Science Alert
FEATURE: Babies develop conscious perception from five months of age from Science Alert
FEATURE: Explainer: what is geoblocking? from Science Alert
Slow walking speed linked with premature death in kidney disease patients from Science Daily
High levels of glutamate in brain may kick-start schizophrenia: Implications for early diagnosis and new treatment strategies from Science Daily
Toxic protein made in unusual way may explain brain disorder from Science Daily
New algorithm helps evaluate, rank scientific literature from Science Daily
Senate Committee Approves Ernest J. Moniz, Energy Secretary Nominee from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: On Pipelines, Pulitzers and Independent Online Journalism from NY Times Science
Pollution plumes in Paris air are richer in gaseous aromatic compounds than in Los Angeles from Science Daily
Role-playing game brings new life to a 'dead' language from Science Daily
Student tracks Asian bird's migration patterns; recommends conservation strategies from Science Daily
Chemical in Texas blast has a well-known deadly potential from LA Times - Science
Firms 'own unburnable fossil fuels' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ocean acidification as a hearing aid for fish? from Eurekalert
Mammogram rate did not decline after controversial USPSTF recommendations from Eurekalert
2 venous punctures not always needed for intravascular ultrasound-guided from Eurekalert
2 views are better than 1 in 3-D breast screening from Eurekalert
Tomosynthesis increases breast cancer detection rate from Eurekalert
Chemical shift MRI helps differentiate renal cell tumors more likely to metastasize from Eurekalert