Archive of feed items published on the 2nd of December 2009
How far from original position is the Earth after a year? from Science Blog
Senators Pitch to Women and Elderly on Health Bill from NY Times Health
South Africa Issues Broad AIDS Policy from NY Times Health
Fitness: Becoming Your Own Massage Therapist from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Washington: Federal Health Officials to Review Disaster Plan from NY Times Health
Pfizer Deal Signals a Move Into Treating Rare Diseases from NY Times Health
Zenit Rocket Delivers New Communications Satellite to Orbit from
Is it right for drug companies to carry out their own clinical trials?
A reductionist approach to HIV research
Is cannabis the answer to Booze Britain's problems?
The therapeutic benefits of the human-animal bond
How did flowering plants evolve to dominate Earth?
Doulas may indicate failings in patient care, warns doctor
Preterm births higher among deprived mothers, despite equal care
Chicken capsules good for aching joints
How can scientists measure evolutionary responses to climate change?
Hospital noise initiative reduces average peak decibel levels by 20 percent
Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for women under 40 from Science Blog
Outpatient disc treatment gives long-term back pain relief from Science Blog
Annual screening with breast ultrasound or MRI could benefit some women from Science Blog
Study shows pine bark improves circulation, swelling and visual acuity in early diabetic retinopathy from Science Blog
New algorithms for computerized, large-scale surveillance from Science Blog
test2 from Science Blog
test from Science Blog
Marine ecosystems get a climate form guide
To keep muscles strong, the 'garbage' has to go
Long-term physical activity has an anti-ageing effect at the cellular level
Sleep changes predict the onset of physical changes associated with puberty
Study shows that adults have dreamlike thoughts during sleepwalking and sleep terrors episodes
Ambulatory surgical centres may exceed performance of hospitals for certain procedures
Dessert on your mind? Your muscles may be getting the message
Psychologists suggest parents should wait to teach toddlers self-control
Marine aquaculture could feed growing world population
Study shows dream-enacting behaviour is common in healthy young adults
Americans born in the South may have a higher risk of dying from stroke as adults
Black hole caught zapping galaxy into existence?
New safety concern related to antipsychotic treatment
Investigators identify successful weight control strategies for adolescents
Why females live longer than males: is it due to the father's sperm?
Brain scan study shows cocaine abusers can control cravings
First live targeting of tumours with RNA-based technology
Will copper keep us safe from the superbugs?
Big freeze plunged Europe into ice age in months
Yerkes researchers create first transgenic prairie voles
ERK's got rhythm: Protein that controls cell growth found to cycle in and out of cell nucleus
First comprehensive review of the state of Antarctica's climate
Senate rejects Rudd climate plan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bhopal site 'not leaking toxins' from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK's smart meter scheme looks to save cash and current from BBC News: Science & Nature
Literary treasures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Annual screening with breast ultrasound or MRI could benefit some women from Physorg
Illinois to poison canal in hopes of killing invasive carp from Physorg
San Francisco vs Amsterdam in green city rivalry from Physorg
Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for women under 40 from Physorg
Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill from Physorg
New algorithms for computerized, large-scale surveillance from Physorg
Outpatient disc treatment gives long-term back pain relief from Physorg
Pass4sure 920-345 certificate from Science Blog
New computer model could lead to safer stents from MIT Research
'The pill' for him: Scientists find a hormonal on-and-off switch for male fertility
Traditional craft industry with a bright future
Doulas may indicate failings in patient care, warns doctor from Physorg
High urea levels in chronic kidney failure might be toxic after all from Physorg
Australia rejects carbon trading from News @ Nature
Battle lines drawn over e-mail leak from News @ Nature
Standards agency boss talks priorities from News @ Nature
Flowers evolved best plumbing from Science Alert
Data from outer space open new frontiers for researchers
Tuberculosis: On the path to prevention
More than 1,000 patients in US admitted annually for aviation-related injuries
Human Mdm2: A new molecular link to late-stage metastatic breast cancer
Criteria based on CT imaging after chemotherapy may help predict survival
Stroke and heart disease trigger revealed in new research
Scientists demonstrate multibeam, multi-functional lasers
European space missions on cost alert from BBC News: Science & Nature
Educational home visits can improve asthma in children, study suggests
Death-inducing proteins key to complications of bone marrow transplantation
High urea levels in chronic kidney failure might be toxic after all
Study finds that infections are common in ICUs worldwide
It takes two to infect
Bacterial gut symbionts are tightly linked with the evolution of herbivory in ants
Seeing family for the holidays? Scientists discover how the stress might kill you
Google to limit free access to some news content from CBC: Technology & Science
New dye boosts solar cells from Science Alert
Child care size affects quality from Science Alert
Men's genes 'may limit lifespan' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Future flashback from BBC News: Science & Nature
Down Syndrome becoming more prevalent in the U.S. from Physorg
Immune system rejects babies from Science Alert
In CO2-rich environment, some ocean dwellers increase shell production
Scientists reveal malaria parasites' tactics for outwitting our immune systems
Pancreatic tumours are marked for immunotherapy
Research highlights need for national HIV strategy
Rhino poaching surges in Asia, Africa
Arts and sciences join to develop greener, more efficient conferences and exhibits
Innovation puts next-generation solar cells on the horizon
Development key to climate policy from SciDev
How Raptors Use Their Deadly Talons from Live Science
China had bronze early on from Science Alert
Taiwan to invest 65 million dollars in e-book industry from Physorg
Pandas 'chirp' to get pregnant from BBC News: Science & Nature
Aspirin, tylenol may decrease effectiveness of vaccines
Heart failure linked to gene variant affecting vitamin D activation
Oklahoma cancer study takes major step toward improved treatment
Can cleft palate be healed before birth?
Mad as hell? New discoveries about the experience of anger
CT imaging taken post avastin may predict survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Creatures Build Thicker Shells as Ocean Chemistry Changes from Live Science
Researchers Identify Key Molecules in Photosynthesis from Physorg
EPA postpones decision on 15 percent blend for ethanol from Physorg
Human Mdm2: A new molecular link to late-stage metastatic breast cancer from Physorg
The Greatest Handheld Device of 2009? from Live Science
Overweight children may develop back pain and spinal abnormalities
Severe asymptomatic heart disease may accompany narrowing in leg arteries
Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for women under 40
Brown fat cells make 'spare tires' shrink
Loneliness can be contagious
Naked mole rats may hold clues to surviving stroke
World forest observatory needed to monitor vital role of forests in climate deal
Experts: Man controlled robotic hand with thoughts from AP Health
Swine Flu Cases Down from Live Science
Opinion: Coal at what price? from Science Alert
Experts: Man controlled robotic hand with thoughts from AP Science
NRL's Ion Tiger sets 26-hour flight endurance record
CPR is successful without mouth-to-mouth, but not without oxygen
Cardiovascular risk in youth with type 1 diabetes linked primarily to insulin resistance
Jefferson researchers identify new mechanism of blocking HIV-1 from entering cells
Annual screening with breast ultrasound or MRI could benefit some women
MRI helps detect life-threatening pregnancy complication
Alberta puts $285M toward coal gasification project from CBC: Technology & Science
Feature: On the PATH to good health from Science Alert
Drug-resistant form of Salmonella reported from UPI
Rhino poaching surges in Asia and Africa from UPI
Female Canaries Sing Sexily With Testosterone from Science Daily
Special ultrasound accurately identifies skin cancer from Science Daily
Biology of emergent Salmonella exposed: Deadly bug targets vulnerable children and adults in Africa from Science Daily
Chicken capsules good for aching joints, arthritis study finds from Science Daily
Preterm births higher among deprived mothers, despite equal care from Science Daily
Second Pathway To Feeling Your Heartbeat, Study Reveals from Science Daily
Scientists get up close to bacteria's toxic pumps from Science Daily
Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for women under 40 from Science Daily
Fear of anxiety linked to depression in above-average worriers from Science Daily
Rhino poaching surges in Asia, Africa from Science Daily
Cancer cells tricked into responding to new treatments and undergoing cell suicide from Science Daily
Good stress response enhances recovery from surgery, study shows from Science Daily
CT imaging taken post avastin may predict survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer from Science Daily
100-watt-level mid-infrared lasers created from Science Daily
Overweight children may develop back pain and spinal abnormalities from Science Daily
Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level from Science Daily
Can cleft palate be healed before birth? from Science Daily
New algorithms for computerized, large-scale surveillance from Science Daily
Childhood lead exposure causes permanent brain damage from Science Daily
'Super-river' formed the English Channel from Physorg
Harness the Sun: Space Solar Power Concepts Taking Shape from
Monkey still traumatized after sister's abduction from CBC: Technology & Science
Heavy metal paradox could point toward new therapy for Lou Gehrig's disease
Tumour-attacking virus strikes with 'one-two punch'
Fear of anxiety linked to depression in above-average worriers
Binge drinking youths find getting old a drag
Clearing the way for detecting pulmonary embolism
Climate change in Kuwait Bay
Researchers demonstrate 100-watt-level mid-infrared lasers
NASA fails again in attempt to free Spirit from UPI
Research Suggests New Approach to Using Assessment Results to Improve Classroom Instruction from Physorg
Physics Model Determines Dynamics of Friends and Enemies from Physorg
Maryland Farmer grows plants for green roofs around nation from Physorg
Toy recall of 2007 hurt innocent companies, shows research from Physorg
Santa's Sleigh: Researcher Explains Science of Christmas Magic from Newswise - Scinews
Climate Change, Copenhagen: Nobel Economic Laureate Offers Preview from Newswise - Scinews
Four "Butterflynauts" Emerge on Space Station from Newswise - Scinews
More family doctors needed: report from CBC: Health
The Black Hole That Made You Possible from Live Science
Big Freeze: Earth Could Plunge into Sudden Ice Age from Live Science
Mammography may increase breast cancer risk in some high-risk women from Science Daily
RNA on the move from Science Daily
Galician waves are best for producing energy from Science Daily
Weight control strategies for adolescents identified from Science Daily
New computer model could lead to safer stents from Physorg
Ethnic pride key to black teen mental health
Research sheds new light on epilepsy
TacSat-4 spacecraft complete and awaiting launch
How Serious Is Angina? from Live Science
Chevy Targets California For Volt Rollout from CBSNews - Science
Economist ups cost of climate change fight from UPI
Mid-infrared 100-watt-level laser created from UPI
A light touch: Iron complexes as efficient catalysts for the light-driven extraction of hydrogen from water from Physorg
A Cell's 'Cap' of Bundled Fibers Could Yield Clues to Disease from Newswise - Scinews
See Venus Before It Bids Farewell from
Finnish Company Claims Its Copper Canisters Can Store Nuclear Waste for 100,000 Years from PopSci
Speed recognition of foreign doctors: minister from CBC: Health
Attack of the Sun from Live Science
New Disagreement Over Climate Proposal from CBSNews - Science
Gene stops tumors only by being gone from
Wistar-led research team discovers genetic pattern that indicates early-stage lung cancer
Glucose intolerance in pregnancy associated with postpartum cardiovascular risk
Improving female reproductive health and empowerment through control of NTDs
Hospital price transparancy laws in California fall short, study finds
Glial cells can cross from the central to the peripheral nervous system
Good stress response enhances recovery from surgery
Nervy research: Researchers take initial look at ion channels in a model system from Science Blog
NIST researchers put a new spin on atomic musical chairs from Science Blog
Combining nanotubes and antibodies for breast cancer 'search and destroy' missions from Science Blog
NIST develops experimental validation tool for cell phone forensics from Science Blog
Treatments for asthma and pre-term labor may increase risk of autism in developing fetus from Science Blog
Lizards change their diet to avoid predators from Science Blog
A cell's 'cap' of bundled fibers could yield clues to disease from Science Blog
Study explains how exercise helps patients with peripheral artery disease from Science Blog
TacSat-4 spacecraft ready for launch from UPI
Scientists review Antarctica's climate from UPI
Scientific Group Evaluates Risks to Environment, Health, Food Safety, Climate and National Security from Newswise - Scinews
Betting on Copenhagen from NY Times Science
Study: Believers' inferences about God's beliefs are uniquely egocentric
Low-income women 4 times more likely to report fair or poor health
UAB physician urges changes in diagnosis for sore throat in young adults
Special ultrasound accurately identifies skin cancer
Outpatient disc treatment gives long-term back pain relief
Mammography may increase breast cancer risk in some high-risk women
Childhood lead exposure causes permanent brain damage
Kingdoms of the Giants: Realms of Jupiter & Saturn from Live Science
Enceladus: Saturn's Refreshing Secret from Live Science
Titan: Gigantic Moon or Dwarf Planet? from Live Science
The Sun's Cycle and Climate Change from Live Science
The Hellfire Projector: How the Sun Works from Live Science
How Venus Died - Why Earth Survives from Live Science
When the Good Sun Goes Bad: The Halloween Flare-Up from Live Science
Scientists: Man controlled robotic hand with thoughts from Physorg
Some birds listen, instead of look, for mates from Physorg
Yahoo plugs into Facebook to become more popular from Physorg
Why a short run is better than a long walk from Physorg
NOV-002 Breast Cancer Cure story for the holidays from Science Blog
Chemical barcodes made from MOFs from Chemistry World
The many faces of a single molecule from Chemistry World
Fatherless Mice Live Longer from Science NOW
Facebook profiles capture true personality, according to new psychology research
Availability of vaccine no guarantee public will want it
First metallic nanoparticles resistant to extreme heat
Women researchers less likely to receive major career funding grants
MU researchers develop digital solutions to support divorced families
Are the effects of pornography negligible?
Study shows antibiotic unsuccessful in preventing preterm labour
Ineffective cancer drugs made effective from UPI
Young adults who exercise get higher IQ from Physorg
B.C. backtracks on eye treatment fees from CBC: Health
7th N.S. death linked to H1N1 from CBC: Health
Lizards change their diet to avoid predators from Physorg
King crab family bigger than ever from Physorg
Discovery of the Jekyll-and-Hyde factors in 'coral bleaching' from Physorg
Researchers put a new spin on atomic musical chairs from Physorg
World's Largest Milky Way Image Unveiled from
Bomb CSI from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stick and slide: Computer simulation advances understanding of molecular motors from Science Blog
Latest epidemic? High cholesterol, obesity in fruit flies from Science Blog
Recalls, food worries spark booming business in food safety from Science Blog
Brandeis studies evaluate visionary approach to improving eyesight from Science Blog
PSA value at 2 years post-treatment can predict long-term survival in prostate cancer patients from Science Blog
UGA researchers lead team in discovery involving devastating freshwater fish parasite, 'Ich' from Science Blog
Rural America more prosperous than expected from Science Blog
N.I.H. Makes 13 Stem Cell Lines Available for Research from NY Times Health
N.I.H. Makes 13 Stem Cell Lines Available for Research from NY Times Science
International effort to drain dangerous Bhutan lake underlines costs and risks of climate change
Shape shifters: Researchers create new breed of antennas
Unified approach to premature infant care improves patient outcomes
Biology of emergent Salmonella exposed
Scientists get up close to bacteria's toxic pumps
UT Southwestern scientists identify possible therapy target for aggressive cancer
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 19 November–2 December 2009 from SciDev
Four New Species of King Crabs Discovered from Live Science
Man Said to Control Robotic Hand with Mind from CBSNews - Science
Deadliest animal disease on the brink of eradication from News @ Nature
Australia rejects carbon trading from News @ Nature
Dirty pigs beat disease from News @ Nature
British medical research chief quits midterm from News @ Nature
Snap-happy orangutan opens Facebook gallery from MSNBC: Science
Alcohol companies target youths with magazine ads, new study shows from Physorg
Latest epidemic? High cholesterol, obesity in fruit flies from Physorg
Treatments for asthma and pre-term labor may increase risk of autism in developing fetus from Physorg
Nervy research: Researchers take initial look at ion channels in a model system from Physorg
Harrabin's Notes from BBC News: Science & Nature
U.S. approves first 'ethical' human stem cell lines from Reuters:Science
Bamboo huts on stilts win climate award from SciDev
Snails provide a tasty source of iron, study finds from SciDev
First butterflies in space emerge from CBC: Technology & Science
Astronomers witness biggest star explosion from News @ Nature
News briefing: 3 December 2009 from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Underwater acoustics: The neutrino and the whale from News @ Nature
World view: A tale of two sciences from News @ Nature
Behaviour: Flies on film from News @ Nature
Deadliest animal disease on the brink of eradication from News @ Nature
Lasers simulate magnetic field in a BEC from Physics World
Some birds use voices to make decisions from UPI
Learning About High Cholesterol, Obesity From Fruit Flies from Newswise - Scinews
Huge Explosion Reveals the Most Massive Star Known from
What Went Wrong on Mars? from Live Science
NIH approves use of embryonic stem cells from UPI
Search for aliens costs school employee his job from MSNBC: Science
Scent test reveals books’ condition by their odor from MSNBC: Science
Discovery makes brain tumor cells more responsive to radiation from Physorg
Discovery opens new avenues for treating devastating freshwater fish parasite, 'Ich' from Physorg
Researchers create 'synthetic magnetic fields' for neutral atoms from Physorg
Study finds logging effects vary based on a forest's history, climate from Physorg
Robotic hand controlled by thought from CBC: Technology & Science
Facebook fine-tunes privacy controls from CBC: Technology & Science
Hair reveals ancient Peruvians were stressed from MSNBC: Science
Rural America more prosperous than expected from Physorg
Scientists show how ubiquitin chains are added to cell-cycle proteins from Physorg
Newly explored bacteria reveal some huge RNA surprises from Science Blog
The hidden lives of proteins from Science Blog
Caltech scientists show how ubiquitin chains are added to cell-cycle proteins from Science Blog
JQI researchers create 'synthetic magnetic fields' for neutral atoms from Science Blog
Discovery makes brain tumor cells more responsive to radiation from Science Blog
Report shows CIMT may improve arm use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy from Science Blog
Rural America Surprisingly Prosperous, Study Finds from Live Science
Atomic scanning of bone problems possible from UPI
PSA value at 2 years post-treatment can predict long-term survival in prostate cancer patients from Physorg
Stick and slide: Computer simulation advances understanding of molecular motors from Physorg
Even the most common medications pose threats from LA Times - Health
Prescription for success: Ask your pharmacist from LA Times - Health
Clinical pharmacists can fill in healthcare gaps from LA Times - Health
The benefits of medication therapy management from LA Times - Health
H1N1 vaccine: It's hard to prioritize in person from LA Times - Health
Gauging a gas tackler from LA Times - Health
L-carnitine might not be the boost for you from LA Times - Health
Lifts for a core balance from LA Times - Health
Danes Told To Go Green Ahead Of Summit from CBSNews - Science
First Taxpayer-Funded Stem Cell Study OK'd from CBSNews - Science
Video: Loaded: E-commerce on your phone from CBSNews - Science
Videos, claws reveal how raptors use talons from MSNBC: Science
Mercury source ID'd in Virginia rivers from UPI
Suzaku X-ray observatory finds rare metals from UPI
Gazprom inks deal with Vologda Oblast from UPI
EU lays out agenda for Copenhagen from UPI
RWE opens massive wind farm in Wales from UPI
India moves into South Pars from UPI
Enterprise takes stake in Texas pipeline from UPI
'Everything will be OK,' Naftogaz says from UPI
BP's Alaska leak still under examination from UPI
India agrees to terms on IPI, Iran says from UPI
Expert: Azeri gas cannot replace Russia's from UPI
Tullow needs cash to pre-empt Heritage from UPI
Eon and Gazprom in contract conflict from UPI
Brandeis studies evaluate visionary approach to improving eyesight from Physorg
Report shows CIMT may improve arm use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy from Physorg
Balancing protein intake, not cutting calories, may be key to long life from Physorg
New stem cell lines approved for tax-paid research from Physorg
Newly discovered star one of hottest in Galaxy (w/ Video) from Physorg
Recalls, food worries spark booming business in food safety from Physorg
Astronomers Watch Most Massive Star Ever Go Supernova from PopSci
The Green Dream Gets a Third Floor from PopSci
NIST develops experimental validation tool for cell phone forensics from Physorg
Study simulated car crashes involving pregnant women from Physorg
Apathy common in dementia patients with brain changes from Physorg
NASA Spends Half of Stimulus Money on Moon Program from
Virginia Tech, Wake Forest, Ford study simulated car crashes involving pregnant women from Science Blog
New computer model could lead to safer stents from Science Blog
UF researchers take part in DNA sequencing for entire Pacific island from Science Blog
Widowed facing higher mortality risk, MSU researcher finds from Science Blog
Why we outlive our ape ancestors from Science Blog
Vital Signs: Risks: Leaving ‘Stroke Belt’ but Not the Dangers from NY Times Health
Obama science officials defend warming research from AP Science
Cleft palate onset reversed in fetal mice from UPI
Earth could plunge into sudden ice age from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
No widespread impact of wind power projects on surrounding residential property values in the US from Physorg
The hidden lives of proteins from Physorg
Combining nanotubes and antibodies for breast cancer 'search and destroy' missions from Physorg
FOR KIDS: Moon crash, splash from
FOR KIDS: Flower family knows its roots from
Star outweighed any known in Milky Way from
Abstaining Boobies Get "Sexier" from National Geographic
Cosmic Log: Collider weathers power cut from MSNBC: Science
Strong regional climatic fluctuations in the tropics from Physorg
Defining feeding milestones in neonates helps improve quality of life from Physorg
Soy peptide lunasin has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties from Physorg
Rover Spirit: Another Stall of Right-Rear Wheel Ends Drive from Physorg
Gene stops tumors, but only when it's gone from
H1N1 activity in Canada easing from CBC: Health
The apnea and the ecstasy from
Amino acid recipe could be right for long life from
Gene Testing In the Doctors Office from Physorg
Dating the Bronze Age from Physorg
Newly explored bacteria reveal some huge RNA surprises from Physorg
Engineering professor creates mobile lab for testing bridges from Physorg
Widowed facing higher mortality risk, researcher finds from Physorg
Why we outlive our ape ancestors from Physorg
Astronomers ID violent supernova from CBC: Technology & Science
Stem Cells Repair Heart Attack Damage from CBSNews - Science
Guttmacher named acting NICHD director from UPI
Study: More CO2 in seas helps some shells from MSNBC: Science
NASA Uses Twin Processes to Develop New Tank Dome Technology from Physorg
NRL Sensor Observes First Light from Physorg
Researchers Create 'Synthetic Magnetic Fields' for Neutral Atoms from Newswise - Scinews
A Little Magic Provides an Atomic-level Look at Bone from Newswise - Scinews
Patients can safely skip pre-surgery stress tests and beta blockers from Science Blog
A superbright supernova that's the first of its kind from Science Blog
Role of evidence based medicine in clinical decision-making addressed by ACP in testimony from Science Blog
Louisiana Tech faculty, students making an 'impact' on atomic supercollider from Science Blog
Soy peptide lunasin has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties from Science Blog
New guidelines for treating complicated skin and soft tissue infections from Science Blog
TGen team honored for best paper at scientific conference from Science Blog
A little magic provides an atomic-level look at bone from Science Blog
Google Street View adds 9 Canadian cities from CBC: Technology & Science
Fears mount over giant carp reaching Great Lakes from AP Science
Prescription drug kiosks get OK in Ontario from CBC: Health
Robotic hand controlled by thought from CBC: Health
Suicidal teen's medical care to be reviewed from CBC: Health
Scientists ID sharks from their bite marks from UPI
Waterpipe tobacco smokers inhale same toxicants as cigarette smokers from Physorg
Ecstasy may be linked to sleep apnea from Physorg
Google Phone Could Mean Free Mobile Phone Service from Live Science
More pre-term births among poor, U.K. study finds from CBC: Health
Study finds hospitals speeding heart attack care from AP Health
Nida getting knocked by winds, and 97W piquing interest from Physorg
A little magic provides an atomic-level look at bone from Physorg
Santa's Sleigh: Researcher Explains Science Behind St. Nick's Christmas Magic from Physorg
Chances of surviving cardiac arrest at home or work unchanged in 30 years from Physorg
Suzaku spies treasure trove of intergalactic metal from Physorg
Wheel Stalls Hinder Stuck Mars Rover Again from
Obesity trends will snuff out health gains from decline in smoking from Harvard Science
Top Ten Discoveries of 2009: Nat Geo News's Most Viewed from National Geographic
Biggest Star Explosion Seen; Was Rare, "Clean" Death from National Geographic
U.S. Researchers Cleared To Work With 13 More Embryonic Stem Cell Lines from PopSci
Sask. will ban smoking in cars with kids from CBC: Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Aggressive cancer therapy target ID'd from UPI
Researchers plan DNA sequencing for entire Pacific island from Physorg
Obesity will snuff out health benefits gained by smoking declines from Physorg
May All Your Christmas Trees be 'Green' from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Demonstrate a Better Way for Computers to 'See' from Newswise - Scinews
Podcast Teaser: Why Rationality?
Conquering the Digital Data Overload from Live Science
Not Smoking But Still Dying from Science NOW
How to Woo a Panda from Science NOW
Choose the year’s top gift for science geeks from MSNBC: Science
Researchers demonstrate a better way for computers to 'see' (w/ Video) from Physorg
Male and female shopping strategies show evolution at work in the mall from Physorg
Research shows some plants can remove indoor pollutants from Physorg
Videos can help cancer patients choose level of care they prefer from Physorg
LST builds first global nanotech regulation database from Physorg
Europe and Japan Ponder Space Station's Long-term Needs from
Team approach results in dramatic improvement in timely heart attack care from Science Blog
Defining feeding milestones in neonates helps improve quality of life from Science Blog
Strong regional climatic fluctuations in the tropics from Science Blog
Queen's study reveals the paths of Ontario secondary students to their post-secondary destinations from Science Blog
Nida getting knocked by winds, and 97W piquing interest from Science Blog
Researchers demonstrate a better way for computers to 'see' from Science Blog
Male and female shopping strategies show evolution at work in the mall from Science Blog
Videos can help cancer patients choose level of care they prefer from Science Blog
Rockefeller human embryonic stem cell lines now available through NIH registry from The Rockefeller University
Quebec health officials denounce asbestos from CBC: Health
German utility opens wind farm in Wales from UPI
Australia's carbon trading bill fails from UPI
Conscious awareness timing determined from UPI
Researchers create cell phones for sign language from Physorg
Team approach results in dramatic improvement in timely heart attack care from Physorg
Alaska businesses fret beluga protections from UPI
Angola's new conflict: Who gets the oil? from UPI
AT&T, Verizon end lawsuits over cell ads from Physorg
Review: Two new 3-D laptops still feel shallow from Physorg
Antarctica served as climatic refuge in Earth's greatest extinction event from Physorg
MSU researcher studies effects of experimental depression medication from Physorg
Toxins used to halt Asian carp advance from UPI
Study suggests adult stem cells may help repair hearts damaged by heart attack from Physorg
Patients can safely skip pre-surgery stress tests and beta blockers from Physorg
Lasers used to make first boron-nitride nanotube yarn (w/ Video) from Physorg
Microsoft launches redesigned map search with apps from Physorg
Sweden allows first wolf hunt in 45 years from Physorg
Microsoft says some Windows PCs get 'Black Screen' from Physorg
BetOnSports fined $28 million, gets probation from Physorg
'Smell of old books' offers clues to help preserve them from Physorg
Giant Fish Invasion Spurs Drastic Measure from CBSNews - Science
CIW Hydrogen Compound With Xenon Remarkable For New Methods And Materials In A Hyrogen Economy
Gift Guide: Tech books that enlighten, entertain from Physorg
A Superbright Supernova That`s the First of Its Kind from Physorg
Comcast, NBC deal will face tough antitrust review from Physorg
New guidelines for treating complicated skin and soft tissue infections from Physorg
STPSat-1 successfully completes extended mission from Physorg
Fears mount over giant carp reaching Great Lakes from Physorg
A cell's 'cap' of bundled fibers could yield clues to disease (w/ Video) from Physorg
Rhino poaching surges in Asia, Africa from Biology News Net
Lizards change their diet to avoid predators from Biology News Net
Why females live longer than males: is it due to the father's sperm? from Biology News Net
Newly explored bacteria reveal some huge RNA surprises from Biology News Net
Pulitzers change rules to allow more online work from Physorg
New study looks at unauthorized use of US newspaper stories from Physorg
Feature: Cars that 'think' may help drivers who don't from Science Alert
Fund family planning 'to cut CO2' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scent signals stop incest in lemurs from Physorg
Facebook tops 350 million users, tightens privacy from Physorg
Toxic chemicals found in a third of children's toys: study from Physorg
Opinion: Innovation and social democracy underpin successful societies from Science Alert
Rising obesity rates imperil health gains from LA Times - Science
Global-warming e-mails prompt Republican letter to EPA from LA Times - Science
Briny With A Rich Seafood Essence
Suzaku X-ray observatory spies treasure trove of intergalactic metal from Science Daily
Adult stem cells may help repair hearts damaged by heart attack, study suggests from Science Daily
Waterpipe tobacco smokers inhale same toxicants as cigarette smokers from Science Daily
Brain tumor cells made more responsive to radiation from Science Daily
Hidden protein structures are essential for catalysis from Science Daily
Young adults who exercise get higher IQ Scores from Science Daily
Synthetic magnetic fields 'trick' neutral atoms into acting as if electrically charged from Science Daily
Ecstasy use may lead to sleep apnea: Illegal 'club drug' poisons neurons involved in control of breathing during sleep from Science Daily
Variable temperatures leave insects with a frosty reception from Science Daily
Latest epidemic? High cholesterol, obesity in fruit flies from Science Daily
Simulated car crashes involving pregnant women from Science Daily
Obesity will snuff out health benefits gained by smoking declines from Science Daily
Why humans outlive apes: Human genes have adapted to inflammation, but we are more susceptible to diseases of aging from Science Daily
First genetic resistance factor against tuberculosis infection identified from Science Daily
Nanowires key to future transistors, electronics from Science Daily
Team approach results in dramatic improvement in timely heart attack care from Science Daily
Stick and slide: Computer simulation advances understanding of molecular motors from Science Daily
Male and female shopping strategies show evolution at work in the mall from Science Daily
Music and speech based on human biology, new evidence shows from Science Daily
Annual screening with breast ultrasound or MRI could benefit some women from Science Daily
Smokeless tobacco called 'moist snuff' is contaminated with harmful substances, study finds from Science Daily
Drought-related shrinking processes detected in living roots in the soil for the first time from Science Daily
Alcohol companies target youths with magazine ads, new study shows from Science Daily
U.S. toy study finds toxic substances from CBC: Health
How To Not Get Blinded With Science
Mammogram panel says guidelines 'poorly worded' from LA Times - Science
Music and speech based on human biology from Science Blog