Archive of feed items published on the 20th of January 2010
New Rules Set for H.M.O.’s in California from NY Times Health
Economic Scene: Centrist, and Yet Not Unified from NY Times Health
Carp DNA Is Found in Lake Michigan from NY Times Science
How clean is your knife? from Physorg
Friendly bacteria love the humble apple from Science Daily
1918 and 2009 H1N1 flu probably not spread by birds from Science Daily
Painless plasma jets could replace dentist's drill from Science Daily
When the smoke clears: Molecular link between tobacco carcinogen and cancer from Science Daily
How clean is your knife? from Science Daily
Nanoparticles emit EM radiation to enhance thermal conductivity and boiling heat transfer from Science Blog
Post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed with magnetism from Science Blog
Researchers discover method to objectively identify PTSD from Science Blog
Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too from Science Blog
Science 2020: Prospecting For Nanopores
New treatment hope by 'painting the colors of the heart' from Physorg
Med students say conventional medicine would benefit by integrating alternative therapies from Science Blog
Bee decline link to nature fall from BBC News: Science & Nature
Circular chips study nerve cells from Chemistry World
Simple biosensors for immune disease monitoring from Chemistry World
ASML announces 151 mln euro net loss for 2009 from Physorg
Researchers find that common stomach pathogen may protect against tuberculosis from Physorg
GS Engineering to build major tidal power plant from Physorg
Skeleton of 'early member of Royal Family' found in cathedral from BBC News: Science & Nature
The challenge of improving nutrition: facts and figures from SciDev
Urgent action needed to tackle malnutrition from SciDev
Nutritional security is in the balance from SciDev
The 'hidden hunger' caused by climate change from SciDev
Can GM crops feed the hungry? from SciDev
Nutrition key to cutting infection rates from SciDev
Using genetics to tackle malnutrition from SciDev
Heart group lists 7 essentials for heart health from AP Health
New study reveals red grouper to be 'Frank Lloyd Wrights of the sea' from Physorg
Friendly bacteria love the humble apple from Physorg
Microsoft icon Bill Gates starts tweeting from Physorg
Researchers discover method to objectively identify PTSD from Physorg
3 Questions: Lawrence Vale on rebuilding Haiti from MIT Research
Picture-driven computing from MIT Research
UK returns nuclear waste to Japan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Orangutan acts as 'peacemaker' from BBC News: Science & Nature
New use for statins in children with sickle cell disease? from Physorg
Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too from Physorg
Oxfordshire dinosaur tracks to get special protection from BBC News: Science & Nature
Home is best for cardiac rehabilitation from Physorg
Cervical cancer: Combined drug and radiotherapy improves survival from Physorg
Med students say conventional medicine would benefit by integrating alternative therapies from Physorg
Seachange makes town change from Science Alert
Earth Watch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Jurassic 'burn-down' events and organic matter richness in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation
Low socioeconomic status affects cortisol levels in children over time
Rice responsible for Asians' alcohol flush reaction
New insights into deadly brain cancer are important step towards personalised therapy
Copper-free click chemistry used in mice
Combination therapy may be effective against some non-small cell lung cancers
New biological models of homeopathy published in special issues
Should obese, smoking and alcohol-consuming women receive assisted reproduction treatment?
Novel zoom objective with deformable mirrors
Volcanic hazard map produced for island of Gran Canaria
Vitamin D supplementation can reduce falls in nursing care facilities from Physorg
Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy reduces risk in high-risk groups from Physorg
Fly focus could help research from Science Alert
Pictures: Dinosaur "Death Pits" May Be Fossil Footprints from National Geographic
Dinosaur "Death Pits" Created by Giant's Footprints? from National Geographic
Viking Shipwrecks Face Ruin as Odd "Worms" Invade from National Geographic
Surprise! Radioactive Water Jugs Not as Healthy as Advertised from National Geographic
BPA Linked to Heart Disease, Study Confirms from National Geographic
Glowing Nebula Reveals Cosmic Cat's Paw from
Eating and drinking during labor: Let women decide from Physorg
Nutrients help mental illness from Science Alert
Himalayan glaciers warning not backed up: UN from CBC: Technology & Science
Computer models suggest vaccination or culling best to prevent foot-and-mouth disease
Army recruiters visit London's poorest schools most often
Face recognition ability inherited separately from IQ
Special exercise helps more from Science Alert
Private Space Stations Edge Closer to Reality from
Explore the 6-day-old Moon from
More states took in expired meds in 2009 from AP Health
Europe's conquering heroes? Likely farmers: study from Reuters:Science
Painless plasma jets could replace dentist's drill
Transplanted stem cells form proper brain connections
Cell of origin identified for common type of breast cancer
UB specialised exercise regimen shown to relieve prolonged concussion symptoms
The science behind the perfectly delivered curling rock
Med students say conventional medicine would benefit by integrating alternative therapies
Scientists show how brain tumours outsmart drugs
Data at the end of the tunnel
Iowa State University researcher discovers Ebola's deadly secret
Reasoning through the rationing of end-of-life care
New use for statins in children with sickle cell disease?
UN Panel Admits Glacier Warning a Mistake from CBSNews - Science
Aerobic exercise grows brain cells from Physorg
Hypertension: Beta-blockers effective in combination therapies
NSAIDs may be more effective than paracetamol for period pain
Vitamin D supplementation can reduce falls in nursing care facilities
UCI cardiologists discover 'pouch' in heart that may raise stroke risk
Poor oral hygiene among 19-year-olds
New visible light photocatalyst kills bacteria, even after light turned off
Most modern European males descend from farmers who migrated from the Near East
Researchers discover method to objectively identify PTSD
In journey from maggot to fruit fly, a clue about cancer metastasis
Circumcising newborn males is a cost effective strategy for HIV prevention in Rwanda
1918 and 2009 H1N1 flu probably not spread by birds
Malaria bug enters skin using sticky patches from CBC: Technology & Science
Chemical analyses uncover secrets of an ancient amphora from Physorg
Spacecraft dockings improve car assembly from European Space Agency
7,000 cribs recalled in Canada from CBC: Health
Malaria bug enters skin using sticky patches from CBC: Health
Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too from Science Daily
Study: Companies better off hiring CEO from within in the long term from Physorg
Strong quake hits Haiti: US geologists from Physorg
UN: Himalayan glaciers warning not backed up from Physorg
Sony delays release of motion controller from Physorg
'Survival of the cutest' proves Darwin right from Physorg
Gardeners must unite to save Britain's wildlife from Physorg
Experts may have found bones of English princess from AP Science
Winehouse gets conditional discharge for assault from AP Science
Cholesterol-lowering drug shows promise against serious infections in sickle cell disease from Science Blog
Med students say conventional medicine would benefit by integrating alternative therapies from Science Blog
Post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed with magnetism from Science Blog
Researchers discover method to objectively identify PTSD from Science Blog
Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too from Science Blog
Nanoparticles emit EM radiation to enhance thermal conductivity and boiling heat transfer from Science Blog
Friendly bacteria love the humble apple
New findings may shed light on brain and spinal cord birth defects
Prenatal exposure to flame-retardant compounds affects neurodevelopment of young children
Weak lensing gains strength
Compounds that help protect nerve cells discovered by Duke team
Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too
Heat-resistant adhesive for building work
Ozone detection
Memory molecule, deja vu
Minimal changes alter an enzyme dramatically
Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy reduces risk in high-risk groups
USGS: Today's Haiti Earthquake Was an Aftershock from Live Science
Size of Brain Region Affects Video Game Performance from Live Science
Video gamers: Size of brain structures predicts success from Physorg
Feet may be the key to hand evolution from Physorg
India's Wipro says third-quarter profits up 21 percent from Physorg
Studies advise on fluoridated toothpaste use in children from Physorg
Researchers to Study Role of Immunologic Factors in Breast Cancer among Women of African Ancestry from Newswise - Scinews
Cholesterol-lowering drug shows promise against serious infections in sickle cell disease from Science Blog
Democratic Defeat Imperils Health Care Overhaul from NY Times Health
Gorillas carry malignant malaria parasite, study reports
Researchers find that common stomach pathogen may protect against tuberculosis
New study reveals red grouper to be 'Frank Lloyd Wrights of the sea'
Post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed with magnetism
Link examined between omega-3 fatty acid levels and biological ageing marker in patients with CHD
Guided Care participants rate quality of health care high
When the smoke clears: Molecular link between tobacco carcinogen and cancer
Researchers find a treatment for deadly brain tumour
Study finds decrease in postoperative delirium in elderly patients
The Cancer Genome Atlas identifies distinct subtypes of deadly brain cancer
Measuring carbon dioxide over the ocean
Stunning new image of Cat's Paw Nebula from Science Daily
'Survival of the cutest' proves Darwin right from Science Daily
By measuring magnetic fields in brain, researchers identify post-traumatic stress disorder biomarker from Science Daily
Gardeners must unite to save Britain's wildlife from Science Daily
Energy of attacking virus revealed from Science Daily
How to Quit Nervous Habits from Live Science
Counterfeit Internet drugs pose significant risks and discourage vital health checks from Physorg
Mind reading, brain fingerprinting and the law from Physorg
Investigators identify cleat/natural grass combination may be less likely to result in ACL injury from Physorg
Heart group lists 7 essentials for heart health from Physorg
Fertility drugs contribute heavily to multiple births from Physorg
Haiti's aftershock: End or start of something new? from AP Science
Bruises, Betting and Beer from Newswise - Scinews
Fish Are Remarkable Architects from Live Science
New York Times to charge for articles online from Physorg
Picture-driven computing from Physorg
On the Trail of a Cosmic Cat (w/ Video) from Physorg
ASUS Announces First USB 3.0 Certified Motherboard from Physorg
Energy of attacking virus revealed from Physorg
'Survival of the cutest' proves Darwin right from Science Blog
Studies advise on fluoridated toothpaste use in children from Science Blog
Chemical analyses uncover secrets of an ancient amphora from Science Blog
Mind reading, brain fingerprinting and the law from Science Blog
Counterfeit Internet drugs pose significant risks and discourage vital health checks from Science Blog
A Finnish-Swiss team cracks the atomic structure of a major cancer drug target
Those less motivated to achieve will excel on tasks seen as fun
Disclosing sexual abuse is critical
Program uses art to engage at-risk kids
Scientists identify Ecuador's Yasuni National Park as one of the most biodiverse places on earth
The relationship between anti-merozoite antibodies and incidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
How clean is your knife?
Promising probiotic treatment for inflammatory bowel disease
Home is best for cardiac rehabilitation
Dynamic maps aid epidemiological investigations
Traumatic brain injuries: Motor deficits can persist even after what appears to be a full recovery
Company turning cow fat into motor oil from UPI
Herschel readies itself for the Orion Nebula (w/ Video) from Physorg
How do free electrons originate? from Physorg
Saxon queen discovered in Germany from Physorg
Experts: Sitting too much could be deadly from AP Health
Design for an autonomous unicycle from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Survival of the cutest' proves Darwin right
Punishment important in plant-pollinator relationship
Cognitively impaired elderly women get unneeded screening mammography
Studies advise on fluoridated toothpaste use in children
Wilder weather exerts a stronger influence on biodiversity
Seeing a diagnosis: How an eye test could aid Alzheimer's detection
Why mice develop 'knots' while exploring a new environment
Gardeners must unite to save Britain's wildlife
Game-changing nanodiamond discovery for MRI
Parks and recreation programs declining as obesity, health concerns rise
On the trail of a cosmic cat
Making it easier to save energy
Sniffing out terrorists
Potent screening tool finds new roles for some drugs in rest, waking
US adult obesity still high, but recent data suggest rates may have stabilised
3 oesophageal cancer cell lines commonly used in research prove to be from other cancers
Discovery points toward anti-inflammation treatment for blinding disease
Harnessing the divas of the nanoworld
Who's afraid of the HPV vaccine?
Genetic analysis disputes increase in Antarctic minke whales
Early immune response needed for hit-and-hide cancer viruses
Disadvantaged neighbourhoods set children's reading skills on negative course
The first map of colon cancer in Spain is published
Researchers find new method of fixing broken proteins to treat genetic diseases
Prevalence of high body mass index among children and teens remains steady
Informative method to identify biomarkers for guiding therapy decisions
How sunlight causes skin cells to turn cancerous
Words used to describe substance-use patients can alter attitudes, contribute to stigma
56 percent of young adults in a new sexual relationship infected with HPV
Sweating out the cravings
Cervical cancer: Combined drug and radiotherapy improves survival
Eating and drinking during labour: Let women decide
HIV: Positive lessons from home-based care
Parkinson's: Treadmill training improves movement
Tobacco smoke causes lung inflammation, promotes lung cancer growth
Urban 'green' spaces may contribute to global warming
Triffid seed threatens flax industry from CBC: Technology & Science
Pay-by-phone glitch causing parking tickets from CBC: Technology & Science
Baku tests gas pipeline to Iran from UPI
London, U.A.E. team up for green energy from UPI
Video gamers: Size of brain structures predicts success from Science Daily
Communication problems in the brain from Science Daily
Fertility drugs contribute heavily to multiple births from Science Daily
Rising Seas May Wipe Out Bangladesh Tigers from CBSNews - Science
Project Aims for Quick Quake Warnings from CBSNews - Science
Ancient bones may belong to English princess from MSNBC: Science
Spacecraft dockings improve car assembly from Physorg
Cybersecurity Expert Stays Creative Baking Bread from Newswise - Scinews
Farmers spawned most European men from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brain abnormalities in Parkinson's patients develop before symptoms occur from Science Blog
Clinical Trial to explore link between vitamin D and cholesterol from The Rockefeller University
Bill Gates joins Twitter from CBC: Technology & Science
Saudi Aramco wins Jazan refinery bid from UPI
Ukraine's Yanukovych eyes Nord Stream from UPI
Conoco cuts spending, but not in Canada from UPI
Bechtel 'exploring' return to Iraq from UPI
Why Antidepressants Don't Work for Half of Patients from Live Science
Intel Squeezes 1 Million IOPS Over A Single Gigabit Ethernet Link from Physorg
Communication problems in the brainMaturation disorders of nerve terminals may trigger autism from Physorg
Survival Of The...Cutest? Why Domestic Dogs Prove Evolution
Malaria researchers given crucial data from CBC: Health
Malaria researchers given crucial data from CBC: Technology & Science
Snail shell provides clues for armor from UPI
Size of brain region linked to performance from UPI
Iran considers Iraq as gas customer from UPI
Exxon Mobil lauds algae-based biofuels from UPI
Statoil wins offshore licenses from UPI
Plug your iPod into your t-shirt for power? from Science Daily
Estrogen in the fight against schizophrenia from Science Daily
My Wish List for the Apple Tablet from CBSNews - Science
Consumers over age 50 should consider steps to cut copper and iron intake from Physorg
Pregnant women who are overweight put their infants at risk from Physorg
Defying Climate Change, Ensuring Maize Stability from Newswise - Scinews
Wildlife photo stripped of award from BBC News: Science & Nature
Iran denies German gas deal from UPI
FORUM: Space Plasma Engine Protoype's Big Test? from
Cosmic Log: Big brains for video games from MSNBC: Science
Video Games Help Explain How We Learn
Estrogen in the fight against schizophrenia from Science Blog
Blood test for schizophrenia could be ready this year from Science Blog
Pregnant women who are overweight put their infants at risk from Science Blog
No let-up for Indonesian earthquake risk from SciDev
Springtime ozone increases over Western North America linked to emissions abroad from Physorg
Study: Animals populated Madagascar by rafting there from Physorg
New research suggests that near-Earth encounters can 'shake' asteroids from Physorg
First evidence that blueberry juice improves memory in older adults from Physorg
Biologists explain how organisms can tolerate mutations, yet adapt to environmental change from Physorg
Blood test for schizophrenia could be ready this year from Physorg
Hungry immune guardians are snappier from Physorg
Some mouse sperm can identify, and even cooperate with, its brethren from Physorg
The human brain uses a grid to represent space from Physorg
Researchers synchronize blinking 'genetic clocks' from Physorg
Chaperonins prompt proper protein folding -- but how? from Physorg
An electrifying advance toward tomorrow's power suits from Physorg
FCC closes loophole in cable program access rules from Physorg
3 key factors to help children avoid social rejection identified from Physorg
Going to the gym shouldn't be a workout for your eardrums from Physorg
Why We Must Abandon The 'Concept' That There Exists A 'One Real Image' Of Any Observed Object. from Science Blog
On The Trail Of Herschel's Cosmic Cat: NGC 6334
Vidéotron adding 600 jobs in 2010 from CBC: Technology & Science
Amazon boosts e-book royalties from CBC: Technology & Science
N.Y. Times to charge for web access from CBC: Technology & Science
Eating during labour OK for some: review from CBC: Health
VLTs blamed for problem gambling in women from CBC: Health
Video: Bacteria Transformed Into Living, Blinking Clocks Could Provide Precisely Timed Drug Delivery from PopSci
Producer changes sweetener in milk from UPI
Earth Causes Asteroid-Quakes from
New Chupacabra Revealed as a Montauk Monster from Live Science
Brain abnormalities in Parkinson's patients develop before symptoms occur from Physorg
Amazon offers new royalty program for Kindle books from Physorg
Proposed tan tax has salon owners, clients fuming from LA Times - Health
Global business teams need time to talk, not just e-mail from Science Blog
Morocco hopes to shine in mega solar project from SciDev
New-star shine wearing off in nearby galaxy from
Climate: U.N. optimistic that Mexico summit gets it done from UPI
Red groupers architects of the sea from UPI
Three key factors to help children avoid social rejection identified from Science Daily
Pregnant women who are overweight put their infants at risk from Science Daily
YouTube to stream IPL cricket live: Google from Physorg
White House launches iPhone application from Physorg
Estrogen in the fight against schizophrenia from Physorg
Global business teams need time to talk, not just e-mail from Physorg
Mammals 'floated to Madagascar' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Neuroscience In The Courtroom
Children grasp time with distance in mind from
UN panel "regrets" exaggeration of Himalayan thaw from Reuters:Science
Ozone pollution in N. America linked to Asia from CBC: Technology & Science
Conservationists oppose proposed polar bear trade ban from CBC: Technology & Science
Asteroids Get a Surface Makeover When They Pass Near Earth from Scientific American
Alberta health act proposed by government committee from CBC: Health
NASA designs one-person hovercraft from UPI
Promising probiotic treatment for inflammatory bowel disease from Physorg
Scientists identify potential new class of drugs to combat hepatitis C from Physorg
3 key factors to help children avoid social rejection identified from Science Blog
Springtime ozone increases above western North America linked to emissions from abroad from Science Daily
Animals populated Madagascar by rafting there from Science Daily
7-Step Plan to Improve Heart Health from Live Science
US Army Launches New Social Media Site from Live Science
Do Asteroids Have Quakes? from Live Science
Hollywood Shows a Little Faith from Live Science
NSAIDs may be more effective than paracetamol for period pain from Physorg
Sexist Olympic coverage from Physorg
Chaperonins Prompt Proper Protein Folding, And Scientists May Know How
Democrats Regroup on Health After Losing Seat from NY Times Health
High-Speed Brain Scan Used to Diagnose War Vets' PTSD With 90% Accuracy from PopSci
Gorillas carry malarial parasite from UPI
Ecuador's Yasuni park rich in wildlife from UPI
Military Betting on Sea Snail's Shell from CBSNews - Science
Authors, Publishers Get New Kindle Deal from CBSNews - Science
Gay Man: "Reversal Therapy" Ineffective from CBSNews - Science
Public Invited To Pick Pixels on Mars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Oops! Himalayan Glaciers Won't Vanish by 2035 from Live Science
Penn biologists explain how organisms can tolerate mutations, yet adapt to environmental change from Science Blog
Study links springtime ozone increases above western North America to emissions from abroad from Science Blog
Useless online student quizzes from Science Blog
Sperm competition, cooperation from Harvard Science
Animals rafted to Madagascar: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Another Made in China Import: Smog from CBSNews - Science
Experts: Haiti at risk for another big aftershock from MSNBC: Science
Asia Could Sink U.S. Hopes Of Meeting Clean Air Act Standards
University Lab Accident Under Investigation from C&EN
Highlight: When the smoke clears: Molecular link between tobacco carcinogen and cancer from Physorg
Endangered Species: Humans Might Have Faced Extinction 1 Million Years Ago from Scientific American
Researchers synchronize blinking 'genetic clocks' - genetically engineered bacteria that keep track of time from Science Daily
Nutrition has a direct influence on the immune system from Science Daily
Some mouse sperm can identify, and even cooperate with, its brethren from Science Daily
Near-Earth encounters can 'shake' asteroids from Science Daily
Astronauts in Space Concerned for Haiti Earthquake Victims from
New Way to Generate Abundant Functional Blood Vessel Cells From Human Stem Cells Discovered from Newswise - Scinews
Antarctica wind farm operational from UPI
Retail meat linked to urinary tract infections: Strong new evidence from Physorg
Bill Gates brings far-ranging musings to the Web from Physorg
Older brains make good use of 'useless' information from Physorg
Siblings back home after Indian liver transplant from CBC: Health
Video: Exploring Mexico's Otherworldly Cave of Crystals from PopSci
Why Automakers are High on Lithium from CBSNews - Science
Viewer's Choice on Mars: NASA Takes Suggestions for Martian Photos from
Identified: Switch that turns on allergic disease in people from Physorg
Useless online student quizzes from Physorg
Cave reveals Southwest's abrupt climate swings during Ice Age from Physorg
Research team 'virtualizes' supercomputer from Physorg
New way to generate abundant functional blood vessel cells from human stem cells discovered from Physorg
Graco launches massive stroller recall from CBC: Health
The Battle for the Great Lakes: Army Corps of Engineers Versus Alien Fish from PopSci
JPL Scientist Receives American Meteorological Society Honor from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scientists develop new CT scanner to image nuclear weapon components from Physorg
British engineers slam home wind turbines as 'eco-bling' from Physorg
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Researcher Awarded Grant to Study Radiation Antidotes from Newswise - Scinews
Emissions targets set for delay from BBC News: Science & Nature
Older brains make good use of 'useless' information from Science Blog
Aid workers aim to head off hunger in Haiti from CBC: Health
Prenatal exposure to flame-retardant compounds affects neurodevelopment of young children from Science Daily
Biophysicists manipulate 'zipper,' reveal protein folding dynamics from Science Daily
Kidney abnormalities require more research from Science Daily
How do free electrons originate? from Science Daily
Use of mail-order pharmacies use could improve patients' medication adherence from Science Daily
Kuwait, Emirates sign up for reactors from UPI
NASA Orbiter Listening for Phoenix Lander Hears Nothing from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Barrow researcher reports that slow breathing reduces pain from Physorg
EBay 4Q profit jumps with Skype sale from Physorg
Attention drug drives memory research from Physorg
Microsoft backs AT&T, sues TiVo over TV technology from Physorg
Tropical depression 01W fading over Vietnam and Cambodia from Physorg
Tetris passes 100 million paid mobile downloads from Physorg
YouTube to Enter Movie Rental Business from CBSNews - Science
MS pills show promise and risk, studies say from AP Health
SD panel OKs tax break for small energy projects from AP Health
USF Study Shows First Direct Evidence of Ocean Acidification from Physorg
A novel computational model -- how Parkinson's medications affect learning and attention from Physorg
Little pill means big news in the treatment of MS from Physorg
YouTube getting into movie rental business from Physorg
Canadian mobile uptake to speed up: Orascom from CBC: Technology & Science
GlaxoSmithKline Opens Chemical Database to Researchers Hunting Malaria Drugs from PopSci
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Herpes medication does not reduce risk of HIV transmission from Physorg
Public Invited To Pick Pixels on Mars from Physorg
Researchers show link between lung disease and heart function from Physorg
New treatment shown to reduce recurrence of debilitating diarrhea from Physorg
Space concepts vie for position from BBC News: Science & Nature
New way to generate abundant functional blood vessel cells from human stem cells discovered from Science Blog
Herpes medication does not reduce risk of HIV transmission, UW-led international study finds from Science Blog
Tropical depression 01W fading over Vietnam and Cambodia from Science Blog
Barrow researcher reports that slow breathing reduces pain from Science Blog
Minor air traffic delays add up to big costs from
Earth Can Shake Up Asteroids, Too from Science NOW
Sperm Hook Up to Outswim Rivals from Science NOW
Is Rice Domestication to Blame for Red-Faced Asians? from Science NOW
Your Brain's Got Game from Science NOW
Busy Bees Need a Balanced Diet from Science NOW
Let NASA Know What Part of Mars You Want to See Up Close from PopSci
Can The NY Times Pay Wall Work? from CBSNews - Science
Backing AT&T, Microsoft Sues Tivo from CBSNews - Science
FCC closes Loophole in Cable Access Rules from CBSNews - Science
UN climate report riddled with errors on glaciers from AP Science
New gene discovered for recessive form of brittle bone disease from Physorg
SD panel OKs tax break for small energy projects from Physorg
Bright colour-changing skins from Physics World
Study Links Spring Ozone Over North America With Emissions Abroad from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too from Biology News Net
Blood test for schizophrenia could be ready this year from Biology News Net
New way to generate abundant functional blood vessel cells from human stem cells discovered from Biology News Net
Clinical trial to explore link between vitamin D and cholesterol from Physorg
VCURES develops new technique in detecting low blood volume from Physorg
Kepler Mission Update: First exoplanet discovery, focal plane anomaly from Physorg
Athletes' Deaths Raise Awareness of Undiagnosed Heart Conditions from Physorg
Apple may replace Google with Bing on iPhone: report from Physorg
Break up doesn’t keep hydrogel down from
What Happened in Haiti? from Physorg
NASA Orbiter Listening for Phoenix Lander Hears Nothing from Physorg
Dunlin get fit to avoid falcons from UPI
Wired Teens Hooked on Electronics from CBSNews - Science
U.N. panel: We erred on glacier warning from MSNBC: Science
Emotions should be taken seriously from Physorg
'Coffee Talk' Disappearing In Native New Yorkers from Physorg
The Apple Guessing Game Gets Going from CBSNews - Science
Shorebirds shape up and ship out from Physorg
NASA Reveals New Batch Of Space Program Artifacts from Physorg
MS pill studies show better results, more risks from CBC: Health
Joan of Arc 'relics' confirmed to be fake from MSNBC: Science
Nobel Prize-Winning Panel Apologizes from CBSNews - Science
Video: Teens Tied to the Screen from CBSNews - Science
Researchers Develop New Bushfire Warning Device from Newswise - Scinews
Opinion: Modern biotech can help with weeding from Science Alert
Red grouper to be 'Frank Lloyd Wrights of the sea' from Science Daily
Specialized exercise regimen shown to relieve prolonged concussion symptoms, study suggests from Science Daily
Low socioeconomic status affects cortisol levels in children over time from Science Daily
Cholesterol-lowering drug shows promise against serious infections in sickle cell disease from Science Daily
Calpain is important to memory processes after all from Science Daily
Llama proteins could play a vital role in the war on terror from Science Daily
Compounds that help protect nerve cells discovered from Science Daily
In vitro pregnancy rates improve with new device that mimics motions in the body from Science Daily
Computer model estimates risks and benefits of bariatric surgery for severely obese from Science Daily
Mixed water portfolio helps thirsty cities from Science Daily
Going to the gym shouldn't be a workout for your eardrums from Science Daily
Cellular communication in the cancer microenvironment from Science Daily
Jurassic 'burn-down' events and organic matter richness in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation from Science Daily
New gene discovered for recessive form of brittle bone disease from Science Daily
Prototype for a new living concept: Living module makes its debut from Science Daily
Reasoning through the rationing of end-of-life care from Science Daily
UN climate deadline is 'flexible' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Promising probiotic treatment for inflammatory bowel disease from Science Daily
Cosmology: Weak gravitational lensing improves measurements of distant galaxies from Science Daily
Counterfeit Internet drugs pose significant risks and discourage vital health checks from Science Daily
Significant decrease in postoperative delirium in elderly patients, study finds from Science Daily