Archive of feed items published on the 9th of March 2011
Hens Feel for Their Chicks' Discomfort from Live Science
Passive news reports may lead readers to feel they can’t find the truth from Science Blog
Epilepsy-linked memory losss worries more patients than doctors from Science Blog
ASGE initiative examines real-time endoscopic assessment of the histology of diminutive colorectal polyps from Science Blog
Brain implant surgeries at UCSF dramatically improve symptoms of debilitating condition from Science Blog
Imaging system controls baking process on production line to improve sandwich bun quality from Science Blog
UC Davis pain research may pave the way to understanding and controlling chronic pain from Science Blog
Internet catches updated butterfly and moth website from Science Blog
Now, the story can be told – how scientists helped ID ‘Amerithrax’ from Science Blog
A more definitive test for a common sexually transmitted infection from Science Blog
Researchers find drug that stops progression of Parkinson’s disease in mice from Science Blog
Well: When Exercise Is Too Much of a Good Thing from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Fava Bean Stew With Bulgur from NY Times Health
I Wouldn't Worry About The Latest Mass Extinction Scare
Negative Classroom Environment Adversely Affects Children's Mental Health from Newswise - Scinews
FDA panel advises caution on personal genetic testing from LA Times - Science
In Redondo Beach, dead fish, perhaps millions of them, collect in King Harbor from LA Times - Science
Study: Negative classroom environment adversely affects children’s mental health from Science Blog
Americans have higher rates of most chronic diseases than same-age counterparts in England from Science Blog
15 US States Make Up Newly Identified 'Diabetes Belt' from Live Science
Researchers Grow Urethra from Patient's Own Tissue from Live Science
Mysterious Symmetry Between Destruction And Growth
'Nano-Velcro' Nabs Cancer Cells Circulating in the Blood from Live Science
Academic performance of UK doctors and medical students varies by ethnicity from Physorg
Want less Charlie Sheen? There's an app for that from Physorg
Kilauea's new vent spewing loads of lava, fumes from Physorg
Pace of polar ice melt 'accelerating rapidly': study from Physorg
Cuba says US waging 'cyberwar' against Havana from Physorg
Tiger poo repels Australia's pests: scientist from Physorg
First census finds surprisingly few white sharks off California from Physorg
Philippines to fight invading species from Physorg
Study: Negative classroom environment adversely affects children's mental health from Physorg
The foundations of empathy are found in the chicken from Physorg
Migrating moths and songbirds travel at similar rates from Physorg
Health Bill unlikely to improve children's health services, warn child health experts from Physorg
Chronic disease care poorer in nursing and residential homes under GP target scheme from Physorg
Fresh talks on mackerel wrangle from BBC News: Science & Nature
Millions of dead fish clog California marina from BBC News: Science & Nature
In pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gas muzzlers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Americans have higher rates of most chronic diseases than same-age counterparts in England from Physorg
US shuttle Discovery on track for final landing from Physorg
Study of 90 animals' thigh bones reveals how they can efficiently carry loads from Physorg
Maryland lawmakers could ban smoking in cars with children from Physorg
Adders are 'disappearing from UK' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Discovery set to land at 11:57 ET from CBC: Technology & Science
The most distant mature galaxy cluster from Science Blog
Online travel sites seek to ground Google-ITA deal from Physorg
Psychiatrist discusses dangers of 'E-personality' in latest podcast from Physorg
Strength in numbers from Physorg
Science exam from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists dig for Ice Age fossils in Los Angeles from AP Science
Keeping an eye on H1N1 from MIT Research
The birth of electrical engineering from MIT Research
Physicists grow micro-machines from carbon from Physorg
UF researcher creates plan to protect U.S. banana supply from Physorg
Under US, Asia-Pacific to focus on green trade from Physorg
Sunlight can influence the breakdown of medicines in the body from Physorg
Last Landing Day for Space Shuttle Discovery from
New research reveals important role for parathyroid glands and their control of calcium from Physorg
New clue to controlling skin regeneration--as well as skin cancer from Physorg
New heart drugs don't mean old ones should be discarded, researchers say from Physorg
Voyager still dancing for science from BBC News: Science & Nature
AUDIO: 'We're not doing very well' on biodiversity from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: 'Millions' of dead fish clog marina from BBC News: Science & Nature
Space Shuttle Endeavour to Make Last Launch Pad Move as Discovery Returns Home from
Voyager seeks the answer blowin' in the wind from Physorg
The impact of plate tectonics from Harvard Science
The most distant mature galaxy cluster from Physorg
Mexico approves GM maize pilot project from Physorg
Internet banking surges in southeast Asia from Physorg
Scientists dig for Ice Age fossils in Los Angeles from Physorg
Ice loss quickens, raising seas from BBC News: Science & Nature
China unveils green targets from News @ Nature
The aliens haven't landed from News @ Nature
Activists condemn B.C. animal research project from CBC: Health
Premier rejects calls for health care inquiry from CBC: Health
Discovery set for final landing from BBC News: Science & Nature
AUDIO: Former pilot on Discovery's final return from BBC News: Science & Nature
Senate Bill Would Provide $3 Billion for Big NASA Rocket, Spaceships from
Environment: Earth's acid test from News @ Nature
China unveils green targets from News @ Nature
Green: Filling Stations Fret Over Price Creep from NY Times Science
N.S. protection services failed elderly couple: neighbour from CBC: Health
NBA mulling formal concussion policy from CBC: Health
Fish rescue endangered reefs from Science Alert
Feature: Algae to the rescue, again? from Science Alert
Fish rescue endangered reefs from Science Alert
Pictures: Odd Stingless Stingrays Discovered in Amazon from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Expert in Fungal Pathogenesis Joins the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine from Newswise - Scinews
Can Wii Fit Make You Fit? from Newswise - Scinews
Control Great Lakes phosphorus, report urges from CBC: Technology & Science
'Oldest bird in US' raises chick from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chemical mystery of antifungal compound solved from Chemistry World
Court halts EU patent progress from Chemistry World
Scientists alarmed by decline in bees from UPI
OPEC contemplates next move on Libya from UPI
Pictures: Discovery Launch Seen via Miles-High Balloon from National Geographic
Stem cell study aims to reduce amputations from Physorg
Toronto board to vote on school videos with ads from CBC: Technology & Science
BP 'changing,' top executive says from UPI
Lugar points to good and bad on food price from UPI
Most Americans worried by gasoline prices from UPI
Singapore opens renewable diesel plant from UPI
Denmark gets OK for electric car program from UPI
WFP trying to feed 1 million in Somalia from UPI
V-WISE Entrepreneurship Program for Women Veterans Announces Lead Star Co-Founders as National Spokeswomen from Newswise - Scinews
Traditional Timing of Prescribed Burns Creates Missed Opportunities from Newswise - Scinews
Obamas take anti-bullying message to Facebook from Physorg
New role for phosphorylation in heterochromatin from Physorg
NXP builds a smarter way to energy efficiency with world's lowest standby power from Physorg
Can ordinary people make money on Twitter? from Physorg
Depression after miscarriage can continue even after healthy birth from Physorg
Fluorescent tail tags TB from Physorg
Read all about it! from Physorg
Learning to see consciously from Physorg
Mutation identified that might allow H1N1 to spread more easily from Physorg
Medical microcamera the size of a grain of salt gives razor-sharp images, very inexpensively from Science Daily
Sunlight can influence the breakdown of medicines in the body from Science Daily
Trans-Adriatic pipeline leader upbeat from UPI
Embrace low-carbon economy now, EU says from UPI
Shuttle Endeavour prepares for final launch from CBSNews - Science
Video: Facebook gets movie rentals from CBSNews - Science
The birth of electrical engineering from Physorg
James Webb Space Telescope's 'chassis' gets taken out for a spin at NASA from Physorg
Black men at both ends of economic spectrum at risk for depression from Physorg
Power to the plane from Physorg
Students dogged by stress get help from therapy pups from Physorg
Foals' umbilical cords can be banked for future stem-cell treatments from Physorg
California leads nation in organic agriculture production from Physorg
Discovering mammoth undersea mountains from Physorg
OpenStudio visualizes energy use in buildings from Physorg
Conserved kinase protects cells from endosomal traffic jam from Physorg
Modeling retinitis pigmentosa with iPS cells from Physorg
Turing award goes to 'machine learning' expert from Physorg
Wales badger cull plan revived from BBC News: Science & Nature
The New Old Age: Forgetting the Gift from NY Times Health
URES taps three SEAS grad students from Harvard Science
Scholarship sends student to India from Harvard Science
MPSA awards Daniel Carpenter from Harvard Science
Leslie Valiant wins Turing Award from Harvard Science
Electronic Tethers to Work Stress Women More than Men from Live Science
'Humanized mouse' among student science prizes from MSNBC: Science
Harvard "machine learning" expert wins Turing award from CBSNews - Science
Radiation Safety During Patient Safety Awareness Week from Newswise - Scinews
How Do People Respond to Being Touched by a Robot? from Newswise - Scinews
Author Martha Ackmann to Give Hall of Fame Keynote from Newswise - Scinews
Vascular Brain Disorder Misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis from Newswise - Scinews
Expert Available: Taking Another Look at 'Huck Finn' from Newswise - Scinews
The Love Song of the Fly from Newswise - Scinews
University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center Studies New Treatment for High-Risk Aortic Patients from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Discover Key to Effective Meningitis Vaccine from Newswise - Scinews
A Pacemaker for Your Gut Feigns Fullness, Tricking You Into Eating Less from PopSci
Abnormal neural activity recorded from the deep brain of Parkinson’s disease and dystonia patients from Science Blog
High-volume portable music players may impair ability to clearly discriminate sounds from Science Blog
Sunlight can influence the breakdown of medicines in the body from Science Blog
Reading in 2 colours at the same time from Science Blog
U of M researchers using salmonella to fight cancer from Science Blog
Baby stars born to ‘napping’ parents from Science Blog
Aspirin’s ability to protect against colorectal cancer may depend on inflammatory pathways from Science Blog
Which side of the brain rotates a mental picture? from Science Blog
How do we combine faces and voices? from Science Blog
Alcohol abuse history influences quality of life following liver transplant from Science Blog
Baby Joseph family headed back to court from CBC: Health
Major who lost legs in IED bashes veteran benefits from CBC: Health
Space Shuttle Discovery: Final Flight in Pictures from National Geographic
Canadians lead world in time spent online: report from CBC: Technology & Science
Which side of the brain rotates a mental picture? from Physorg
Alcohol abuse history influences quality of life following liver transplant from Physorg
PBS-Bio uncovers how Unibioscreen drug kills cancer from Physorg
Super sense of smell not innate from Physorg
Cigarettes to vanish from shelves in England from Physorg
Shuttle Discovery approaches Earth for last landing from Physorg
Reading in two colours at the same time from Physorg
After 13 Years, International Space Station Has All Its NASA Rooms from
Backyard Astronomer Nabs Stupendous Sun Photo from PopSci
How Do People Respond to Being Touched by a Robot? from Newswise - Scinews
Traditional Timing of Prescribed Burns Creates Missed Opportunities from Newswise - Scinews
The Love Song of the Fly from Newswise - Scinews
Expert in Fungal Pathogenesis Joins the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Discover Key to Effective Meningitis Vaccine from Newswise - Scinews
Now, It Can Be Told - How Scientists Helped ID 'Amerithrax' from Newswise - Scinews
New Instrument for Analyzing Viruses from Newswise - Scinews
Making Viruses Pass for 'Safe' from Newswise - Scinews
Genebanks Could Be Storing the Wrong Seeds from Newswise - Scinews
Wellness 11: Powered by Food Technology Magazine, March 23-24 from Newswise - Scinews
Imaging System Controls Baking Process to Improve Sandwich Bun Quality from Newswise - Scinews
Team Uncovers Dengue Fever Virus' Molecular Secrets from Newswise - Scinews
UC San Diego Chapter of Engineers for a Sustainable World Wins Solar Grant from Newswise - Scinews
Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, and Natural Resources Reception Celebrating Exemplary R&D Collaborations from Newswise - Scinews
Secrets of Plague Revealed from Newswise - Scinews
3D Tracking of Single Molecules Inside Cells from Newswise - Scinews
How Can Robots Get Our Attention? from Newswise - Scinews
Text Messaging Helps Smokers Break the Habit from Newswise - Scinews
Iowa State, Ames Lab Researcher Hunts for Green Catalysts from Newswise - Scinews
More Story Tips From the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory March 2011 from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Publish Scientific Paper on 2001 Anthrax Attacks from Newswise - Scinews
How Sweet It Is: Why Your Taste Cells Love Sugar So Much from Newswise - Scinews
First Lab Researchers Move to U-M's North Campus Research Complex from Newswise - Scinews
Matt Tirrell to Lead New Molecular Engineering Program from Newswise - Scinews
Student Innovation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Transmits Data and Power Wirelessly Through Submarine Hulls from Newswise - Scinews
Viruses teach researchers how to protect corn from fungal infection from Physorg
NASA infrared satellite data sees system 96P developing tropically near Vanuatu from Physorg
Redefining normal blood pressure from Physorg
Aspirin's ability to protect against colorectal cancer may depend on inflammatory pathways from Physorg
Baby stars born to 'napping' parents from Physorg
Protein study helps shape understanding of body forms from Physorg
High-volume portable music players may impair ability to clearly discriminate sounds from Science Daily
Reading in two colors at the same time: Patterns of synesthesia brain activity revealed from Science Daily
The most distant mature galaxy cluster: Young, but surprisingly grown-up from Science Daily
Risky energy research faces uncertain future from News @ Nature
Structural biology: Breaking the protein rules from News @ Nature
Space Shuttle Discovery's Next Destination: A Noble Retirement in a Museum from
Scandal-Dogged Synchrotron Back on Track from Science NOW
Molecule that spurs cell’s recycling center may help Alzheimer’s patients from The Rockefeller University
Should The EPA Be The Most Powerful Federal Agency In Science?
New Mouse Models Generated for MYH9 Genetic Disorders from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers in France and Austria Find Novel Role for Calcium Channels in Pacemaker Cell Function from Newswise - Scinews
New Genetic Deafness Syndrome Identified from Newswise - Scinews
High-volume portable music players may impair ability to clearly discriminate sounds from Physorg
Trees pay us back: Urban trees make a good investment from Physorg
Researchers using salmonella to fight cancer from Physorg
Abnormal neural activity recorded from the deep brain of Parkinson's disease and dystonia patients from Physorg
Why Your Penis Has No Spine
You're In A Maze Of Twisty Little Passages, All Alike
Scientist at Work: Perils of the Rain Forest from NY Times Science
Image Gallery: Invasive Species from Live Science
Nutrition North food subsidies extended from CBC: Health
Hip hop star K'naan boosts NDP drug bill from CBC: Health
Toward real time observation of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules from Science Blog
Banana peels get a second life as water purifier from Science Blog
An advance toward blood transfusions that require no typing from Science Blog
New study shows government spending preferences of Americans from Science Blog
New molecular robot can be programmed to follow instructions from Science Blog
Discovery of a biochemical basis for broccoli’s cancer-fighting ability from Science Blog
Battling the bedbug epidemic from Science Blog
Pinpointing air pollution’s effects on the heart from Science Blog
Study shows how plants sort and eliminate genes over millennia from Science Blog
Combating cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus from Physorg
How do we combine faces and voices? from Physorg
Color View from Orbit Shows Mars Rover Beside Crater from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New molecular robot can be programmed to follow instructions from Science Daily
How do people respond to being touched by a robotic nurse? from Science Daily
Baby stars born to 'napping' parents from Science Daily
Abnormal neural activity recorded from the deep brain of Parkinson's disease and dystonia patients from Science Daily
How Do We Combine Faces And Voices? from Science Daily
Blood pressure: 100 million Americans may be unnecessarily labeled abnormal from Science Daily
Salmon breeding comes ashore from Science Daily
Which side of the brain rotates a mental picture? from Science Daily
Seven days: 4–10 March 2011 from News @ Nature
Science agencies must bite innovation bullet from News @ Nature
Environment: Earth's acid test from News @ Nature
Discovery's Final Touchdown from
1970 Solar Eclipse: Way Back When from
Space Shuttle Discovery Lands on Earth After Final Voyage from
Imperative or Impractical? Screening All Athletes for Heart Conditions from Live Science
CIA Seeks Anyone, Anyone Who Can Speak 2 Languages from Live Science
Pictures -- Oil States: Are They Stable? Why It Matters from National Geographic
A Bittersweet Finale for Discovery’s Last Mission from NY Times Science
Prescriptions: Ethics Survey for Doctors from NY Times Health
In Adolescence, the Power to Resist Blooms in the Brain from Newswise - Scinews
Dead seals mystery not solved by scientists' tests from CBC: Technology & Science
Wildlife habitat cuts cause concern from CBC: Technology & Science
Space shuttle Discovery makes graceful landing for 39th and final time from LA Times - Science
DFID rates UNESCO 'unsatisfactory', threatens to pull out from SciDev
Chile hopes tax breaks will help double R&D spend from SciDev
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 24 February–9 March 2011 from SciDev
How Men Lost Their Penis Spines from Live Science
Gmail Users More Tech-Savvy, Thinner than Yahoo!, AOL E-Mailers from Live Science
Short Shark Supply: Great White Population Low, Census Finds from Live Science
Habs' Pacioretty in hospital with broken vertebra from CBC: Health
EU sets CO2 limit for airlines from UPI
Video: Space shuttle Discovery completes final mission from CBSNews - Science
Shuttle Discovery zooms back from final flight from CBSNews - Science
New microscope decodes complex eye circuitry (w/ Video) from Physorg
Missing DNA helps make us human from Physorg
New electromechanical circuit sets record beating microscopic 'drum' from Physorg
Physicists measure current-induced torque in nonvolatile magnetic memory devices from Physorg
Newly identified spider toxin may help uncover novel ways of treating pain and human diseases from Physorg
In adolescence, the power to resist blooms in the brain from Physorg
'GPS system' for protein synthesis in nerve cells gives clues for understanding brain disorders from Physorg
Battling the bedbug epidemic from Physorg
New molecular robot can be programmed to follow instructions from Physorg
Gene variant influences chronic kidney disease risk from Physorg
More reasons to be nice: It's less work for everyone from Physorg
Scientists to study effects of shipping containers lost at sea from Physorg
Study shows how plants sort and eliminate genes over millennia from Physorg
What's in a name? Broadening the biological lexicon to bolster translational research from Physorg
Novel method could improve the performance of proteins used therapeutically from Physorg
Cerebral spinal fluid guides stem cell development in the brain from Physorg
First international index developed to predict suicidal behavior from Physorg
New study shows government spending preferences of Americans from Physorg
How man 'lost his penile spines' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Seven days: 4–10 March 2011 from News @ Nature
Russian Heatwave Of 2010 Attributed To Natural Variability
How humans got big brains, barbless penises from Reuters:Science
How Humans Got Spineless Penises and Big Brains from Science NOW
First census finds surprisingly few white sharks off California
Brain implant surgeries at UCSF dramatically improve symptoms of debilitating condition
As we sleep, speedy brain waves boost our ability to learn
The foundations of empathy are found in the chicken
Synthetic biology: TUM researchers develop novel kind of fluorescent protein
How long does a tuning fork ring?
Secrets of plague revealed
Urinary metabolomic profile and gastric cancer
HBV infection decreases risk of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer patients
A novel prognostic marker for biliary atresia
Sildenafil reduces Raynaud's frequency in patients with systemic sclerosis
Rituximab combined with a TNF inhibitor and methotrexate shows no safety signal in RA treatment
Web-crawling the brain from Harvard Science
How humans got big brains, barbless penises from MSNBC: Science
What’s in a name? Broadening the biological lexicon to bolster translational research from Science Blog
Novel method could improve the performance of proteins used therapeutically from Science Blog
First international index developed to predict suicidal behavior from Science Blog
More reasons to be nice: It’s less work for everyone from Science Blog
Rutgers researchers identify materials that may deliver more ‘bounce’ from Science Blog
Newly Identified Spider Toxin May Help Uncover Novel Ways of Treating Pain and Human Diseases from Newswise - Scinews
Broadening the Biological Lexicon to Bolster Translational Research from Newswise - Scinews
Banana peels get a second life as water purifier from Physorg
New mouse models generated for MYH9 genetic disorders from Physorg
Nokia Siemens delays Motorola purchase from Physorg
Space shuttle Discovery lands, ends flying career from Physorg
Web-crawling the brain from Physorg
Remains found in Bronze Age pots from BBC News: Science & Nature
Climate researchers: Russian heat wave was natural from AP Science
How the penis lost its spikes from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Well: Sex Education on ‘Glee’ from NY Times Health
Exclusive: Climatologist Says He Deleted E-mails, But Not at Mann's Behest from Science NOW
Malaria's weakest link
No link between economic growth and child undernutrition rates in India
IRBs could use pre-clinical data better
Americans have higher rates of most chronic diseases than same-age counterparts in England
Epilepsy-linked memory loss worries more patients than doctors
Study analyses role of PARP enzyme in eukaryotes
Team uncovers dengue fever virus' molecular secrets
Text messaging helps smokers break the habit
MU chemist discovers shortcut for processing drugs
ADAM-12 gene could hold key to cancer, arthritis and cardiac treatments
Roundworm could provide new treatment for sepsis
New bowel cancer evidence calls for routine DNA repair test
Protein study helps shape understanding of body forms
A thorny path to reform from Harvard Science
Innovative monkeys stick it to tasty termites from MSNBC: Science
Research in Action: Giant Jellyfish Jam the Sea of Japan from Live Science
Oldest Known Wild Bird Is a Mother Again from Live Science
Gene tests for child athletes add pressure: MDs from CBC: Health
When leukemia returns, gene that mediates response to key drug often mutated from Science Blog
Gene variant influences chronic kidney disease risk from Science Blog
New microscope decodes complex eye circuitry from Science Blog
Physicists measure current-induced torque in nonvolatile magnetic memory devices from Science Blog
Gene tests for child athletes add pressure: MDs from CBC: Technology & Science
Pinpointing air pollution's effects on the heart from Physorg
Scientists discover anti-anxiety circuit in brain region considered the seat of fear from Physorg
When leukemia returns, gene that mediates response to key drug often mutated from Physorg
Messenger to enter mercury orbit from Physorg
International panel revises 'McDonald Criteria' for diagnosing multiple sclerosis from Physorg
Nanodiamonds take big step toward battling cancer from Physorg
Climate researchers: Russian heat wave was natural from Physorg
Toward real time observation of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules from Physorg
Satellite measures gravity's effect on climate change from Physorg
How do people respond to being touched by a robot? (w/ Video) from Physorg
A-ha! The neural mechanisms of insight from Physorg
Researchers find novel role for calcium channels in pacemaker cell function from Physorg
Researchers identify materials that may deliver more 'bounce' from Physorg
Satellites keeping busy with this week's severe weather from Physorg
Synthetic biology: German researchers develop novel kind of fluorescent protein from Physorg
In the North Atlantic, oceanic currents play a greater role in the absorption of carbon than previously thought from Science Daily
Materials identified that may deliver more 'bounce' from Science Daily
Missing DNA helps make us human from Science Daily
Scientists discover anti-anxiety circuit in brain region considered the seat of fear from Science Daily
Web-crawling the brain from Science Daily
Newly identified spider toxin may help uncover novel ways of treating pain and human diseases from Science Daily
Diamonds deliver on cancer treatment from News @ Nature
How the penis lost its spikes from News @ Nature
The battle to find Maxwell's perfect image from Physics World
Sunlight's Impact On Medicines
There's a reason they call them mother hens ... from MSNBC: Science
The Spending Priorities Of Americans
A Warmer Climate May Not Mean El Niño Comes to Stay from Science NOW
Migrating moths and songbirds travel at similar rates
Aspirin's ability to protect against colorectal cancer may depend on inflammatory pathways
Smoking abstinence found more effective with residential treatment
Learning to see consciously
Vascular brain disorder misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis
A more definitive test for a common sexually transmitted infection
Sunlight can influence the breakdown of medicines in the body
Trauma patients have higher rate of death for several years following injury
Meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials seldom show conflict of interest, funding information
Study of 90 animals' thigh bones reveals how they can efficiently carry loads
Alcohol abuse history influences quality of life following liver transplant
Imaging system controls baking process on production line to improve sandwich bun quality
How do people respond to being touched by a robot?
Harvard Medical School researchers crawl a neural network from Harvard Science
Aiding a pilot school from Harvard Science
Concerns Iran will hit gulf oil output from UPI
Shuttle Discovery: Nearly 27 years as NASA's workhorse from CBSNews - Science
New genetic deafness syndrome identified from Physorg
An advance toward blood transfusions that require no typing from Physorg
Prolific NASA Orbiter Reaches Five-Year Mark from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA and other satellites keeping busy with this week’s severe weather from Science Blog
International panel revises ‘McDonald Criteria’ for diagnosing multiple sclerosis from Science Blog
MIT scientists identify new H1N1 mutation that could allow virus to spread more easily from Science Blog
New study proves the brain has 3 layers of working memory from Science Blog
Giving children the power to be scientists from Science Blog
Chile gas subsidy dispute far from over as talks resume from UPI
New study shows some sharks follow 'mental map' to navigate seas from Physorg
Researchers develop synthetic compound that may lead to drugs to fight pancreatic, lung cancer from Physorg
Report: International collaboration between researchers results in greater recognition from Physorg
New study proves the brain has three layers of working memory from Physorg
NY Times is the new sponsor of a rock-paper-scissors supercomputer from Physorg
Physicists measure current-induced torque in nonvolatile magnetic memory devices from Science Daily
When leukemia returns, gene that mediates response to key drug often mutated from Science Daily
Tiny gems take big step toward battling cancer from Science Daily
New microscope decodes complex eye circuitry from Science Daily
Gene variant influences chronic kidney disease risk from Science Daily
More reasons to be nice: It's less work for everyone from Science Daily
Electromechanical circuit sets record beating microscopic 'drum' from Science Daily
Novel method could improve the performance of proteins used therapeutically from Science Daily
How plants sort and eliminate genes over millennia from Science Daily
Cerebral spinal fluid guides stem cell development in the brain from Science Daily
'GPS system' for protein synthesis in nerve cells gives clues for understanding brain disorders from Science Daily
Curbing cholesterol could help combat infections, study shows from Science Daily
Making viruses pass for 'safe'
3-D tracking of single molecules inside cells
Collaborative care program reduces depression, anxiety in heart disease patients
Cleansing the soul by hurting the flesh: The guilt-reducing effect of pain
Which side of the brain rotates a mental picture?
The most distant mature galaxy cluster
The cerebellum provides clues to the nature of human intelligence
Right-handers, but not left-handers, are biased to select their dominant hand
How do we combine faces and voices?
Sleep-deprived people make risky decisions based on too much optimism
Baby stars born to 'napping' parents
Health Bill unlikely to improve children's health services, warn child health experts
Chronic disease care poorer in nursing and residential homes under GP target scheme
Academic performance of UK doctors and medical students varies by ethnicity
Can traffic lights help us save energy? from MSNBC: Science
Fluent in another language? The CIA wants you from MSNBC: Science
Anxiety switch makes mice shy no more from
Using stem cells to regrow muscle, bone from Physorg
Vast areas of low latitude subsurface ice found on Mars from Physorg
Kansas' population growth not all positive, sociologist says from Physorg
Mars' missing carbon dioxide may be buried from Physorg
The impact of plate tectonics from Physorg
Kinect for Xbox - the story behind the science from Physorg
Bridgelux demonstrates silicon substrate LED that produces 135 lumens per watt from Physorg
Dying Star Caught Belching Toxic Gas Brew from
Laser scan for Stonehenge secrets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers find novel role for calcium channels in pacemaker cell function
New mouse models generated for MYH9 genetic disorders
New instrument for analysing viruses
New genetic deafness syndrome identified
DOE Exploring Superconducting Magnet Scheme for Grid Energy Storage from PopSci
Researchers selectively control anxiety pathways in the brain from Science Blog
Researchers develop synthetic compound that may lead to drugs to fight pancreatic, lung cancer from Science Blog
Report: International collaboration between researchers results in greater recognition from Science Blog
New UF study shows some sharks follow ‘mental map’ to navigate seas from Science Blog
5,300-Year-Old Iceman Mummy Gets a Makeover from Live Science
Rare earths to be refined in Malaysia from UPI
What factors motivate smokers to quit? from Physorg
More support needed for women to beat menopause 'taboo' in the workplace from Physorg
New Method Spots Gender-Bending Minnows from C&EN
Nanodiamonds Could Be a Cancer Patient's Best Friend from Science NOW
Preemie birth preventive spikes from $10 to $1,500 from AP Health
Cigarette displays to be banned in English stores from AP Health
Album: A New Face for Ötzi the Iceman Mummy from Live Science
Chen wins Lemelson-MIT Prize from Harvard Science
New data shows Earth-like planet is uninhabitable from CBC: Technology & Science
String Query: Physicists Prove to Be of Many Minds about a Unified Theory of the Universe from Scientific American
American Chemical Society to Designate the Development of the MRI at Stony Brook's Chemistry Department a National Historic Landmark from Newswise - Scinews
Facebook develops new privacy policy from Physorg
Kayak simplifies airfare shopping from Physorg
Sales of Microsoft's Kinect top 10 million from Physorg
Genetic analysis finds that modern humans evolved from southern Africa's Bushmen from Physorg
Preemie birth preventive spikes from $10 to $1,500 from Physorg
Green: Natural Causes Drove Russian Heat Wave, Study Finds from NY Times Science
Brain's short-term memory 'layers' studied from UPI
Commercial fish species discovered in Arctic from Physorg
Sensitive to oxygen: Phosphorescent iridium(III) porphyrin complexes, new tunable oxygen indicators from Physorg
Some sharks follow 'mental map' to navigate seas from Science Daily
Brain has three layers of working memory, study shows from Science Daily
New H1N1 mutation could allow virus to spread more easily from Science Daily
Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters? from
Earth-Size "Lone Wolf" Planets May Host Life from National Geographic
Earth-Size "Lone Wolf" Planets May Host Life from National Geographic
Climate debate heats up online from Science Alert
Nottingham scientists identify trigger in cat allergy from Science Blog
Passive smoking increases risk to unborn babies, study says from Science Blog
Student Innovator Uses Sound Waves, T-Rays for Safer Detection of Bombs and Other Dangerous Materials from Newswise - Scinews
Study: In global weather, words matter from UPI
Banana peels can clean water of toxins from UPI
Gene fusion mechanisms offer new clues to origin of pediatric brain tumors from Physorg
Passive smoking increases risk to unborn babies, study says from Physorg
'Singing' mice -- the ongoing debate of nature vs. nurture from Physorg
Researchers identify new form of muscular dystrophy from Physorg
Student innovator uses sound waves, T-rays for safer detection of bombs from Physorg
Researchers find smoking may increase risk for lung disease from Physorg
Researchers identify new biomarker for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of mad cow disease from Physorg
Barrow researcher launches depression study from Physorg
Motorola Xoom an impressive tablet, but no iPad from Physorg
New Mars Photo Shows NASA Rover Parked Near Crater's Rim from
Why Human Penises Lost Their Spines from National Geographic
Missing bits of DNA may define humans from
The debate over mammograms from Harvard Science
Heat Slashes Colombian Crop, and Coffee Drinkers Pay the Price from NY Times Science
Well: Rethinking 'Normal' Blood Pressure from NY Times Health
Researchers identify new biomarker for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of mad cow disease from Science Blog
Gadgets Phone Home for Daylight Saving Time Update from Live Science
Video: 1970 Special Report: Eclipses from CBSNews - Science
In adolescence, the power to resist blooms in the brain from Science Daily
Great white sharks swimming to extinction? from MSNBC: Science
Digging into the roots of lupus from
Freight train derails near Montana's Glacier park from AP Health
Prescriptions: F.D.A. Approves New Lupus Drug from NY Times Health
Robots that talk like cave-dwelling crickets from CBSNews - Science
YouTube shifts from Google's errant offshoot to strategic model from Physorg
Pictures: Prehistoric American Skull Found in Sea Cave? from National Geographic
News in Brief: Life from
Tongue Cancer Increasing in Young, White Females from Live Science
Hormone injection diet raises cautions from CBC: Health
Ont. cancer drug ruling being reviewed from CBC: Health
Anti-aging products debunked from CBC: Health
New biomarker for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease -- human form of 'mad cow' disease from Science Daily
'Singing' mice: The ongoing debate of nature vs. Nurture from Science Daily
Smoking may increase risk for lung disease from Science Daily
How tuberculosis bacteria manage to survive inside body’s macrophage cells from Science Daily
Surprise! Ancient Galaxy Cluster Still Looks Young from
Museum to return islanders' bones from BBC News: Science & Nature
Confinement In Nanotubes Boosts Catalyst Performance from C&EN
Government Should Tackle Child Obesity, Most Americans Say from Live Science
Kangaroo bounce mechanics snapped from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shuttle Discovery lands after final voyage from Reuters:Science
Computers teach kids science methodology from UPI
Gene fusion mechanisms offer new clues to origin of pediatric brain tumors from Science Daily
NASA Study Goes to Earth's Core for Climate Insights from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric: When Pro-safe Is Pro-Misinformation
Infinite Growth And The Crisis Cocktail - A Guest Article
Moon of Saturn a 'hot' research subject from UPI
Mars orbiter celebrates 5th anniversary from UPI
White shark census yields low numbers from UPI
Survey ranks public's spending preferences from UPI
2011 Lemelson--M.I.T. Student Inventor Prizes Offer a Glimpse of the Future in Medical and Security Screening Tech [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Giant jellyfish plague Sea of Japan from UPI
New humpback whale wintering grounds found from UPI
Passive smoking increases risk of stillbirth and birth defects, study suggests from Science Daily
Cell component involved in triggering cat allergy identified from Science Daily
Giving children the power to be scientists from Science Daily
International collaboration between researchers results in greater recognition, study shows from Science Daily
Synthetic compound may lead to drugs to fight pancreatic, lung cancer from Science Daily
International panel revises 'McDonald Criteria' for diagnosing multiple sclerosis from Science Daily
First international index developed to predict suicidal behavior from Science Daily
Model organisms? Broadening the biological lexicon to bolster translational research from Science Daily
Plans to reward renewable heating from BBC News: Science & Nature
Great Lakes phosphorus levels worrisome from UPI
Nurse disgraced in U.S. working in Canada from CBC: Health
FDA approves first new treatment for lupus in five decades from LA Times - Science
A-ha! The neural mechanisms of insight from Science Daily
Learning to see consciously: Scientists show how flexibly the brain processes images from Science Daily
The love song of the fly shows how the nervous system initiates, controls and utilized behavior from Science Daily
Pinpointing air pollution's effects on the heart from Science Daily
An advance toward blood transfusions that require no typing from Science Daily
Banana peels get a second life as water purifier from Science Daily
Aspirin's ability to protect against colorectal cancer may depend on inflammatory pathways from Science Daily
Toward real time observation of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules from Science Daily
Melon growers: Combating cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus from Science Daily
Alcohol abuse history influences quality of life following liver transplant from Science Daily
Synthetic biology: Novel kind of fluorescent protein developed from Science Daily
New mouse models generated for MYH9 genetic disorders from Science Daily
Novel role found for calcium channels in pacemaker cell function from Science Daily
New genetic deafness syndrome identified from Science Daily
Salmonella bacteria used to fight cancer from Science Daily
Defective plastics repair themselves from Science Daily
New genetic deafness syndrome identified from Biology News Net
Study shows how plants sort and eliminate genes over millennia from Biology News Net
New study proves the brain has 3 layers of working memory from Biology News Net
First international index developed to predict suicidal behavior from Biology News Net
MIT scientists identify new H1N1 mutation that could allow virus to spread more easily from Biology News Net
Nottingham scientists identify trigger in cat allergy from Biology News Net
New form of muscular dystrophy identified: Mutation in important muscle protein causes muscle disease and cognitive impairment from Science Daily
Viruses teach researchers how to protect corn from fungal infection from Science Daily
Vascular brain disorder often misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis, study finds from Science Daily
FDA approves first new drug for lupus in 56 years from AP Health
See San Francisco after the 1906 quake ... in color from MSNBC: Science