Archive of feed items published on the 16th of September 2013
Key HIV Entry Point Analyzed from C&EN
Chemistry On Cloth from C&EN
Huge tidal energy project approved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Effort to make Costa Concordia upright begins from CBSNews - Science
Effort to right Costa Concordia starts from CBSNews - Science
Lufthansa boss quits for Roche pharmaceuticals from Physorg
Doomed deer freed to feed China's elusive tigers from Physorg
Japan nuclear-free as last reactor switched off from Physorg
Report: Climate change to shift Kenya's breadbaskets from Physorg
Taiwan sets up first turtle sanctuary after second major haul from Physorg
Superconductivity to meet humanity's greatest challenges from Physorg
Study shows projected climate change in West Africa not likely to worsen malaria situation from Physorg
Ruben Juanes unravels the mysteries of underground flows from MIT Research
Study shows projected climate change in West Africa not likely to worsen malaria situation from MIT Research
Well: Teenagers Are Getting More Exercise and Vegetables from NY Times Health
Well: When Teams Lose, Fans Tackle Fatty Foods from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Miso-Glazed Eggplant from NY Times Health
Africa's 'right-on' whale capital from Physorg
13-yr-old Indian girl begins microbiology master's from Physorg
Arachnophobic entomologists: When two more legs make a big difference from Physorg
Research team develops tattoo-like skin thermometer patch from Physorg
Recycled Fashion? Menswear Made of Recycled Water Bottles from Live Science
Exomoons Around Alien Planets May Be Too Small for Life from
Glasses-free 3-D film on mobile devices wins prestigious engineering prize from Physorg
Diamonds grow like trees, but over millions of years from Physorg
Harvest Full Moon Rises This Week: How to See It from
Tiny 3D-Printed Organs Aim for 'Body on a Chip' from Live Science
In Photos: Printing Tiny Organs for 'Body on a Chip' from Live Science
Fire-breather from European Space Agency
Superbugs offer solvent solution from Physorg
Polluting Siberian paper mill shuts down from Physorg
Graphene could yield cheaper optical chips from Physorg
Gentle chemistry for better and safer protein-drugs from Physorg
Graphene photodetector integrated into computer chip from Physorg
Dutch chemists develop switchable antibiotic from Physorg
Photonics: Graphene boosts on-chip light detectors from Physorg
Bugs and slime to clean poisoned water from Physorg
The grid of the future from Physorg
Apple's Touch ID: Time to come to grips with a touchy subject from Physorg
Get touchy feely with plants from Physorg
Magnetic field may shape 'blooming' star from Physorg
'Save our kids from computer toxics' scientists warn from Physorg
Wow! Stargazer Captures Jaw-Dropping Sunrise Over Mount Bromo Volcano (Photo) from
Royal Pains: Why Queen Honeybees Are Living Shorter, Less Productive Lives from Scientific American
Scotland green-lights tidal energy array from UPI
Tropical air meets mountains, and Colorado suffers from AP Science
Rangers swept in homestand after 5-1 loss to A's from AP Science
How your smartphone got so smart from Physorg
Immune system study could help conserve endangered species from Physorg
Literacy level divide from Physorg
Remote traffic pollution detection system created from Physorg
Researchers pinpoint when the First Dynasty of kings ruled Early Egypt from Physorg
Design concepts for Houston flood barrier from Physorg
Automated comfort for free-range hens from Physorg
Concrete which can heal its own cracks from Physorg
Snake robot on Mars? from Physorg
The koala: Living life on the edge from Physorg
Researchers Discover Evidence to Support Controversial Theory of 'Buckyball' Formation from Newswise - Scinews
Mars rover makes science 'pit stop' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Costa Concordia freed from rocks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rallies call for more scientific freedom from CBC: Technology & Science
Cause of bee deaths has farmers, beekeepers at odds from CBC: Technology & Science
Diavik wind power making diamonds greener from CBC: Technology & Science
Comet collisions seed life, study finds from UPI
Report: Climate change to shift Kenya’s breadbaskets from Science Blog
Biblical-Era Town Discovered Along Sea of Galilee from Live Science
New tech embeds mass customised hidden data in credit cards and plastics during manufacture from Physorg
Electric transport with wind in its sails from Physorg
Scientists create new hydrogen fuel safety app from Physorg
Researchers find evidence of hot spot that burned eastern underside of US tectonic plate from Physorg
Learning cursive in the first grade helps students from Physorg
'Stealthy' pest damages inside of stems, not outside from Physorg
How politically effective is terrorism? from Physorg
Battle over carbon tax looms from Chemistry World
No flood insurance without new maps, say CEOs from CBC: Technology & Science
Watch This Weird, Gelatinous Material Heal Itself from PopSci
iPad app teaches students key skill for success in math, science, engineering from Science Blog
Diminishing fear vicariously by watching others from Science Blog
Approved cancer drug may help treat diabetes from Science Blog
Quantum entanglement only dependent upon area from Science Blog
Tropical forests ‘fix’ themselves from Science Blog
Evidence that larger structures collapse to form ‘buckyballs’ from Science Blog
Fire salamanders under threat from deadly skin-eating fungus from Science Blog
Polypill helps people stick to heart disease prevention regimens from Science Blog
New method for diagnosing anaemia using microwaves could lead to new blood tests from Science Blog
Scientists discover cosmic factory for making building blocks of life from Science Blog
Confidential medical records faxed to Sask. school from CBC: Health
Strike a Pose | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
New Thermometers Stick Like Temporary Tattoo from Live Science
Delicate oxidation can transform greenhouse gas into useful chemicals from Physorg
iPad app teaches students key skill for success in math, science, engineering from Physorg
Birds Appear to Lack Important Anti-Inflammatory Protein from Newswise - Scinews
Research Adds to Evidence of Global Phytonutrient Gaps from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Identify How Yersinia Spreads Within Infected Organs from Newswise - Scinews
UK objects to pesticide ban in gardens from Chemistry World
Reprogrammable microfluidic chips from Chemistry World
Two Highlights From The CMS Experiment
Butterflies drink turtle tears in the Amazon from UPI
Superconductivity to meet humanity's greatest challenges from Science Daily
Snake robot on Mars? from Science Daily
New tech embeds mass customized hidden data in credit cards and plastics during manufacture from Science Daily
Graphene photodetector integrated into computer chip from Science Daily
Magnetic jet shows how stars begin their final transformation from Science Daily
Melting corks allow for temperature-controlled release of drugs from microscale vessels from Physorg
Loner birds eavesdrop on others for survival from Physorg
Going through the political motions: The role of body language in opinion formation from Physorg
Birds appear to lack important anti-inflammatory protein from Physorg
Marine species distribution shifts reflect local climate conditions from Physorg
Bell cuts U.S. roaming fees for Canadian users by 50% from CBC: Technology & Science
Bombardier CSeries jet takes off on maiden flight from CBC: Technology & Science
Tropical forests 'fix' themselves after logging from UPI
Marine species distribution changes reflect local climate conditions from Science Daily
Climate change to shift Kenya's breadbaskets from Science Daily
Diminishing fear vicariously by watching others from Science Daily
Stoats make a splash from Physorg
Study recommends strategies for improved management of fresh market spinach from Physorg
Weather, yield compared for horticultural crops in Wisconsin, southern Ontario from Physorg
Histone exchanger comes into focus from Physorg
Research brings unbreakable phones one step closer from Physorg
Soyuz Descent | Space Wallpaper from
News in Brief: Cometlike crashes produce building blocks of life from
Better Fingerprinting For Oil Spills from C&EN
Time is in the eye of the beholder: Time perception in animals depends on their pace of life from Science Daily
Sharp rise in opioid drugs prescribed for non-cancer pain from Science Daily
Projected climate change in West Africa not likely to worsen malaria situation from Science Daily
Meteorite Minerals Hint at Earth Extinctions, Climate Change from Live Science
Researchers Discover Bug That Uses Gears for Better Jumps from Live Science
Intelligent Machines to Space Colonies: 5 Sci-Fi Visions of the Future from
Germany has most of its winter emergency power reserves: regulator from Reuters:Science
New model should expedite development of temperature-stable nano-alloys from Science Daily
White blood cell levels tied to meal time from Science Daily
High rate of spinal injuries among troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan from Science Daily
Weather affects crop yield, especially hot days from Science Daily
Strategies for improved management of fresh market spinach from Science Daily
Studying dating abuse in the Internet age from Science Daily
Specific sugar molecule causes growth of cancer cells from Science Daily
iPad app teaches students key skill for success in math, science, engineering from Science Daily
Obese stomachs tell us diets are doomed to fail from Science Daily
Birds appear to lack important anti-inflammatory protein from Science Daily
Arachnophobic entomologists: When two more legs make a big difference from Science Daily
Whale of a Surprise: Humpbacks Winter in Antarctica from Live Science
How Dreams Form: Roots of Bizarre Imagery Revealed from Live Science
Americans' phones grow as Internet connection, survey says from Physorg
Model of dangerous bee disease in Jersey provides tool in fight against honeybee infections from Physorg
GOES Satellite catches three tropical cyclones in one shot, sees Gabrielle absorbed from Physorg
Environmentally friendly cement is stronger than ordinary cement from Physorg
New model should expedite development of temperature-stable nano-alloys from Physorg
Lake Erie: Warmest in Summer, Coldest in Winter from Newswise - Scinews
Space History Photo: Shepard Next to Modular Equipment Transporter from
Personal Health: When Parents Need Nurturing from NY Times Health
Well: Behavior Therapy Aids Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder from NY Times Health
Australia’s New Science-Lite Government from Science NOW
Hospital study finds connection between dementia, delirium and declining health from Science Daily
Environmentally friendly cement is stronger than ordinary cement from Science Daily
New potential for touch screens at your fingertips from Science Daily
Doing research in the pub from Science Daily
Lake Erie: Warmest in summer, coldest in winter from Science Daily
Tracking drug's ability to prevent type 1 diabetes from Science Daily
Chemistry magic promises better medicine with fewer side-effects from Science Daily
Chocolate coming on next space station delivery from Physorg
Flame cultivation promising as weed control method for cranberry from Physorg
Sensors allow for efficient irrigation, give growers more control over plant growth from Physorg
Doing research in the pub: Researchers study how orders are placed at the bar from Physorg
NASA satellites track Typhoon Man-yi across Japan from Physorg
Meteorite minerals offer clues to Earth extinctions, climate change from MSNBC: Science
Are E-Cigarettes a Boon or a Menace? from National Geographic
Oops! "Grand Theft Auto 5" reportedly ships to Amazon customers early from CBSNews - Science
China says aims to train astronauts from other countries from Reuters:Science
Alzheimer's drugs may harm people with mild memory issues from CBC: Health
Manitoba health minister reacts to ER criticisms from CBC: Health
Child Car Seats Not Designed To Fit Every Vehicles | Video from Live Science
Potential treatment for a specific kind of pancreatic cancer from Science Daily
Diet is associated with risk of depression from Science Daily
Automated telephone calls improve blood pressure control from Science Daily
Non-traditional mathematics curriculum results in higher standardized test scores, study finds from Physorg
What Twitter learned from Facebook IPO flop from Physorg
New research provides clues on how continents formed early in Earth history (w/ Video) from Physorg
Study finds high-energy electrons in space may be to blame for some satellite failures from Physorg
Sandia Labs harnessing the sun's energy with tiny particles from Physorg
VIDEO: Amsterdam canal hosts solar regatta from BBC News: Science & Nature
Newly Found Asteroid To Fly Between Earth and Moon | Orbit Animation from
In Japan, Eight People With Two Laptops Launch A Telescope Into Orbit from PopSci
Stop stifling science, protesters tell Ottawa from CBC: Technology & Science
Bombardier CSeries jet completes maiden flight from CBC: Technology & Science
Effort to Raise Italian Wreck Begins from Live Science
Gut microbes closely linked to proper immune function, other health issues from Science Daily
Non-traditional mathematics curriculum results in higher standardized test scores from Science Daily
Birth of Earth's continents: New research points to crust stacking, rather than upwelling of hot material from Science Daily
Space weather may be to blame for some satellite failures from Science Daily
When technology merges with healthcare: Mobile diagnostics and image analysis for antibiotic resistance from Science Daily
Score system to predict likelihood of diabetes remission after weight-loss surgery from Science Daily
Virginia Mayors Plead for Help with Climate Change from Scientific American
New world map for overcoming climate change from Physorg
Ig Nobel Prizes: Why onions make you cry and Enya is bad in the operating room from Physorg
UN confirms gas 'war crime' in Syria from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pale blue dot: Voyager 1 signal from interstellar space photographed from MSNBC: Science
Apple stays mum on iPhone 5C preorder numbers from CBSNews - Science
Japan launches new, cheaper rocket from CBSNews - Science
Beautiful And Bizarre Translucent Snail Discovered In Croatia from PopSci
Bartending robot interprets body language of thirsty customers from UPI
Report: Drug-resistant bacteria are common killers from AP Health
High debt load anticipated by medical students; African-Americans most affected from Science Daily
Mass fish kill in Hawaii linked to molasses from Physorg
New World Map for Overcoming Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
Global Temperature Report: August 2013 from Newswise - Scinews
Invention Jet Prints Nanostructures with Self-Assembling Material from Newswise - Scinews
How the Strange Star Delta Cephei Is a Universe Mile-Marker from
What Is A Harvest Moon? NASA Explains The Science | Video from
Rain Forest Plants Race to Outrun Global Warming from National Geographic
Now You Can Explore The Galápagos Islands With Google Street View from PopSci
Hot spot deep beneath North America could have triggered quakes from
New facility will mass-produce anthrax vaccine from UPI
Sleeping Beauty: Science Proves Beauty Rest Is Real from Live Science
World's most vulnerable areas to climate change mapped from Science Daily
Video: Japan launches new, cheaper rocket from CBSNews - Science
Machine Learning Boils Down Stories that Wearable Cameras Tell from Science Blog
Dot Earth Blog: An Ecologist Explains His Contested View of Planetary Limits from NY Times Science
Superbugs deemed urgent threat by CDC from CBC: Health
KSM's Gitmo hearing goes off the rails from UPI
Solar Plane Pioneers Team Up with Google from Live Science
MN head shop owner set for synthetic drugs trial from AP Science
Extremely potent, improved derivatives of successful anticancer drug created from Science Daily
It's a shock: Life on Earth may have come from out of this world from Science Daily
Invention jet prints nanostructures with self-assembling material from Science Daily
Flame cultivation promising as weed control method for cranberry from Science Daily
Novel biomarker identified for diabetes risk from Science Daily
Florida won't promote its new texting-while-driving law from Physorg
Scientists Create Extremely Potent and Improved New Derivatives of Successful Anticancer Drug from Newswise - Scinews
This is the week to get out and take a look at the Harvest Moon from MSNBC: Science
How Arjun Raj Reveals The Inner Workings Of Cells from PopSci
How Scott Collis Is Harnessing New Data To Improve Climate Models from PopSci
How Andrea Armani Invented A New Set Of Scientific Tools from PopSci
Meet Pedro Reis, The Engineer Who Finds Strength In Flaws from PopSci
How Heather Knutson Reads The Weather On Exoplanets from PopSci
How David Schmale Tracks Airborne Microbes With Drones from PopSci
How Nicolas Fontaine Is Saving The Internet From Itself from PopSci
How Justin Cappos Created A New Way To Cloud Compute from PopSci
How Mya Breitbart Is Mapping The Genomes Of Entire Ecosystems from PopSci
How Feng Zhang Modified A Cell's Genome On The Fly from PopSci
$2 million XPRIZE Targets Ocean Acidification from Live Science
Socio-economic status influences risk of violence against aboriginal women from Science Daily
TV drug ads: The whole truth? from Science Daily
Wide-faced men make others act selfishly from Science Daily
U. S. Workers still feeling negative effects of recession from Science Daily
Risk of birth defects among women who take antihistamines in pregnancy from Science Daily
Women can lower their risk for gynecologic cancers from Science Daily
Sensors allow for efficient irrigation, more control over plant growth from Science Daily
Cold sore linked to mutation in gene from Science Daily
Massive Cables Are Slowly Raising the Costa Concordia Shipwreck from Scientific American
Vaccinating cattle against E. coli O157 could cut human cases of infection by 85 percent, study shows from Physorg
Microbial battery: Team uses 'wired microbes' to generate electricity from sewage from Physorg
Researchers steer light in new directions from Physorg
Early-warning system to prevent fishery collapse discovered from Physorg
New insights solve 300-year-old problem: The dynamics of the Earth's core from Physorg
Biologists develop new method for discovering antibiotics from Physorg
Cave explorers find new see-through snail -- and is it ever slow from MSNBC: Science
Corked Wine Plugs Up Your Nose from Science NOW
Watch Out for the Harvest Moon from Science @ NASA
News in Brief: Chemical behind corked wine quashes other aromas from
Highlights From The CMS Experiment
How Imagination Works from PopSci
Study revises estimate of methane leaks from US gas fields from News @ Nature
Whale earwax a time capsule for stress and toxins from News @ Nature
Study: Methane leaks from gas drilling not huge from AP Science
Secret to Bad-Smelling Wine Revealed from Live Science
The Roots of Creativity Found in the Brain from Live Science
New target for melanoma treatment from Science Daily
Use of cognitive enhancers discouraged in some patients from Science Daily
Prescription drug expenses in Canada are a health-care barrier from Science Daily
NIH Awards $2 Million for Engineering Approach to Understanding Lymphedema from Newswise - Scinews
'Living battery' generates electricity from sewage and wastewater from MSNBC: Science
A whale's life story is recorded in its ear wax from MSNBC: Science
Google buys wireless sharing app Bump from CBSNews - Science
Ice shelves are melting from the bottom up, studies show from CBSNews - Science
Israeli sea turtles get helping hand from CBSNews - Science
Quitting Facebook — what’s behind the new trend to leave social networks? from Science Blog
Surveillance a condition of Canadian wireless licence from CBC: Technology & Science
Iran plans to launch Persian cat into space, report says from CBC: Technology & Science
Nigerian researcher claims magnets prove homosexuality is wrong from UPI
Intense Space Weather Storms Spark Satellite Failures from
Surprisingly, some humpback whales stay in Antarctic for winter from MSNBC: Science
Big Pic: The Sun Like You've Never Seen It Before from PopSci
Australia's New Science-Lite Government from Science NOW
Antibiotic-Resistant Staph Infections Down Significantly from Live Science
Alarming Rate of 'Extreme Binge Drinking' Seen in High Schoolers from Live Science
Food Allergies Cost US Families Billions Per Year from Live Science
GM working on 200-mile electric car, exec says from Physorg
Study: Methane leaks from gas drilling not huge from Physorg
Invention jet prints nanostructures with self-assembling material from Physorg
Research project to capture infrared view of distant universe from Physorg
'Vicious cycle' shields, spreads cancer cells from Physorg
NASA clears Orbital Sciences for test flight to space station from Reuters:Science
Antibiotic resistant bugs kill thousands yearly in U.S. from CBC: Health
Incredible Technology: How to Track Hurricanes from Live Science
Experiment confirms life may have come to Earth from outer space from UPI
iPad app helps students gain key skill for math and science from UPI
Depletion of 'Traitor' Immune Cells Slows Cancer Growth in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
Sandia Labs Harnessing the Sun's Energy with Tiny Particles from Newswise - Scinews
Q&A: John Richardson and John Belcher on Voyager 1’s crossing and interstellar exploration from MIT Research
Pig-manure fertilizer linked to human MRSA infections from News @ Nature
Intense Space Weather Storms Spark Satellite Failures from Live Science
New map identifies Earth regions most vulnerable to climate change from UPI
Establishing world-class coral reef ecosystem monitoring in Okinawa from Physorg
NASA to investigate Tropical Storm Humberto: Atlantic's second 'zombie tropical storm' from Physorg
NASA saw Tropical Storm Manuel soak western Mexico from Physorg
Private Spacecraft 'Go' for 1st Space Station Launch Wednesday from
China says it will train astronauts from other nations, share expertise from MSNBC: Science
Iran mulls Persian cat as next animal astronaut from CBSNews - Science
Denture glue to repair a turtle shell? Yes, it works from CBSNews - Science
Bacterial batteries get a solid boost from
Experiment probes strength of the weak interaction from Physics World
2 Million Americans Annually Get Infections That Antibiotics Can't Cure from PopSci
The triumph of Twitter from Harvard Science
Some Women Undergo Unnecessary Double Mastectomies from Live Science
Study Revises Estimate of Methane Leaks from U.S. Fracking Fields from Scientific American
New insights solve 300-year-old problem: The dynamics of Earth's core from Science Daily
How and where imagination occurs in human brains from Science Daily
Swiss engineers create hybrid car engine said capable of 117 mpg from UPI
NASA posts photo 'road map' of giant asteroid Vesta from UPI
Pandora Media to issue new stock; shares fall from Physorg
'Grand Theft Auto V' hits streets in brash debut from Physorg
Google buys Bump app for sharing smartphone files from Physorg
Mythical sea creature joins bid to ban bottom trawling from Physorg
Iran looks to put Persian cat into space from Physorg
Researchers create accurate computer model of RNA tetraloop from Physorg
On the road to fault-tolerant quantum computing: High temperature superconductivity in a toplogical insulator from Physorg
Quitting Facebook—what's behind the new trend to leave social networks? from Physorg
Rensselaer Researchers Create Accurate Computer Model of RNA Tetraloop from Newswise - Scinews
Wayne State Joins Ranks to Change How STEM Fields Are Taught at the Undergraduate Level from Newswise - Scinews
NASA Invites Social Media Fans to Earth Science Event from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Take a Virtual Tour of Vesta With New High-Resolution Images from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Incredible Tech: How Interstellar Light-Propelled Sailing Works (Infographic) from
Comet Crashes Can Spawn the Ingredients of Life from
Ice-blasting test proves that comet impacts can spark life's ingredients from MSNBC: Science
Pictures: Typhoon Lashes Japan from National Geographic
Dancing With Black Widows from NY Times Science
Q&A: Why Are Lobsters Blue, and Why Does Cooking Turn Them Red? from NY Times Science
Observatory: Male Orangutans Found to Share Travel Plans from NY Times Science
U.N. Experts Find Convincing Evidence of Large-Scale Sarin Attack in Syria from Science NOW
Here You Will Find A Livestream With Nigerian Dwarf Goats from PopSci
Light steered in new directions: Two-dimensional material could lead to shaped, wavy, curved, and sharply bending ways to steer light from Science Daily
Cyberdefense moves open Latin American opportunities from UPI
Mexico sees its first village cellphone network from Physorg
Earwax used to develop new method of determining lifetime contaminant exposure in whales from Physorg
Belgian phone firm hacked; suspected spy attack (Update) from Physorg
Anti-snooping message software gets Android release from Physorg
Emerging powers chide rich nations' climate stance from Physorg
Solar Sails Could Propel the First Starships from
Asteroid Will Buzz Earth This Week Inside the Moon's Orbit from
A boost for new ways to learn from Harvard Science
$12.5M to support innovation in education at HSPH from Harvard Science
DNA Double Take from NY Times Science
Findings: The Rational Choices of Crack Addicts from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Encouraging Results Seen in First Nationwide Look at Gas Leaks from Drilling Boom from NY Times Science
Graphene Makes Light Work of Optical Signals from Scientific American
Facts About Thorium from Live Science
Facts About Actinium from Live Science
Why Your Child's Car Seat Might Not Be Safe (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Cloud Seeding Not to Blame for Colorado Flooding from Live Science
NYSE Euronext says software upgrade caused 30 minute shutdown from UPI
Study: Time slows down for animals that live life at a fast pace from UPI
Effects of space weather studied in communication satellite outages from UPI
Healthy diet may actually reverse aging, study finds from MSNBC: Science
A History of Elves from Live Science
Exaptation: How Evolution Uses What’s Available from Live Science
Female Squid Put on Fake Testes to Avoid Male Advances from Live Science
Explosive flooding said responsible for distinctive Mars terrain from UPI
Lynx Space Plane Taking Off: Q&A with XCOR Aerospace CEO Jeff Greason from
New cargo ship to bring space station neccesity of life: Chocolate from MSNBC: Science
Unlocking the Potential of ‘Flammable Ice’ from NY Times Science
New Hope for H.I.V. Vaccine from NY Times Science
CreatureCast: Creatures, Strange and Complex, in Colorful Detail from NY Times Science
The Week: A Solar System First and Sizing Down a Mountain from NY Times Science
Letters: Science Education for All from NY Times Science
2012 Weather Extremes Could Become the Norm (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Study of distant dying star may give clues to sun's eventual end from UPI
Time-lapse movie of moon images shows rotation not seen from Earth from UPI
C.D.C. Report Finds 23,000 Deaths a Year From Antibiotic-Resistant Infections from NY Times Health
Well: ‘Everyday Sadists’ Among Us from NY Times Health
18 & Under: To Help a Shy Child, Listen from NY Times Health
Global Health: United States Ranks 11th in Plague Cases Worldwide from NY Times Health
Letters: Testing Penicillin Allergies from NY Times Health
Oldest fish in captivity turning 80 at Chicago aquarium from UPI
Gigantic Galaxy Cluster Blazes in Amazing New Hubble Photo from
E. Coli O157 Vaccine In Cattle Could Cut Human Cases Of Infection By 85 Percent
Chemical weapons dumped in Baltic Sea after WWII called hazardous from UPI
Solar plane pioneers to partner with Google from MSNBC: Science
On the road to fault-tolerant quantum computing: High temperature superconductivity induced in toplogical insulator from Science Daily
Study: Improving sex life through yoga from Science Daily
Scientists use 'wired microbes' to generate electricity from sewage from Science Daily
Harnessing the sun's energy with tiny particles from Science Daily
NASA clears Orbital Sciences for test flight to space station from Reuters:Science
Lifestyle changes may lengthen telomeres, a measure of cell aging from Science Daily
Fewer cases of antibiotic-resistant MRSA infection in the US in 2011 from Science Daily
Early-warning system to prevent fishery collapse from Science Daily
Sex differences in presentation of acute coronary syndrome from Science Daily
Economic impact of childhood food allergies estimated from Science Daily
Binge drinking: Five or more drinks common for high school seniors, some drink more from Science Daily
Exposure to pig farms and manure fertilizers associated with MRSA infections from Science Daily
Back-from-the-dead bee nests again from BBC News: Science & Nature
Heart attacks in young women -- not all have chest pain from Science Daily
MicroRNA molecule found to be potent tumor-suppressor in lung cancer from Science Daily
Arginine therapy shows promise for sickle cell pain from Science Daily
Copper bracelets, magnetic wrist straps fail to help rheumatoid arthritis from Science Daily
Rare gene variant linked to macular degeneration from Science Daily
Young women with breast cancer overestimate the benefit of having second breast removed from Science Daily
Varenicline helps smokers with depression quit smoking from Science Daily
Immune system marker tied to improved bone marrow transplant outcomes from Science Daily
'Vicious cycle' shields, spreads cancer cells from Science Daily
Experiment raises possibility life came to Earth from outer space from UPI
Complex Science at Issue in Politics of Fetal Pain from NY Times Health
Initial Focus of Research in Brain Project Is Chosen from NY Times Health
U.S. Bans Import of Generic Drugs From Indian Plant from NY Times Health
Hoping to Raise Awareness, 2 Leading Groups for the Blind Plan a Merger from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Roasted Winter Squash With Miso Glaze from NY Times Health
Russia's arctic military moves seen as NATO missile shield response from UPI